Wat betekent moreel bewustzijn?
Het innerlijke gevoel van wat goed of verkeerd is in iemands gedrag of motieven, dat iemand aanzet tot juist handelen: het dictaat van het geweten volgen. Het complex van ethische en morele principes dat de handelingen of gedachten van een individu beheerst of afremt.
What does morally conscious mean?
The inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action: to follow the dictates of conscience. the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual.
Page Description
Explore the life of Bill Cosby,
from his iconic career in entertainment
to the serious allegations and legal battles
that have defined his recent years.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:
The Fall of Dr. Huxtable: The True Story Behind Bill Cosby’s Legacy
Bill Cosby, once celebrated as America’s beloved “Dr. Huxtable” from The Cosby Show, symbolized wholesome family values and a shining example of success in the entertainment world. However, behind the fame and the laughter, a dark and troubling story emerged that would forever alter his legacy.
On this page, we explore the disturbing truth behind Bill Cosby’s downfall. Through insightful videos, including memorable clips of The Cosby Show and its iconic moments with Theo, we examine how Cosby’s public persona unraveled in the face of numerous allegations of sexual assault. The story is not just about the allegations themselves, but about the emotional impact on his victims, the broader conversation about abuse, and the complicated intersection of fame, power, and accountability.
Take a closer look at the contradictions within Cosby’s career and personal life and join us in uncovering the story that shocked the world.
De Val van Dr. Huxtable: Het Ware Verhaal Achter Bill Cosby’s Erfenis
Bill Cosby, ooit gevierd als Amerika’s geliefde “Dr. Huxtable” uit The Cosby Show, stond symbool voor gezonde gezinswaarden en een schitterend voorbeeld van succes in de entertainmentwereld. Achter de roem en het lachen echter, kwam een donker en verontrustend verhaal naar voren dat zijn erfenis voor altijd zou veranderen.
Op deze pagina onderzoeken we de verontrustende waarheid achter Bill Cosby’s ondergang. Door middel van verhelderende video’s, waaronder memorabele fragmenten van The Cosby Show en iconische momenten met Theo, bekijken we hoe Cosby’s publieke imago uiteen viel door talrijke beschuldigingen van seksuele aanranding. Het verhaal gaat niet alleen over de beschuldigingen zelf, maar ook over de emotionele impact op zijn slachtoffers, het bredere gesprek over misbruik en de ingewikkelde interactie tussen roem, macht en verantwoordelijkheid.
Bekijk de tegenstrijdigheden binnen Cosby’s carrière en privéleven en ontdek het verhaal dat de wereld schokte.
Perhaps a bit comparable to Diederik Stapel, in a different context and a different era: 1969?
The perception: the halo of perfection and the consequence: he is on thin ice.
This BBC video is on the website because it is about power relations with particularly curious facts.
Half the television sets in America were tuned in to the episodes, as the special status is explained in the video, and then you get sex that derails and clashes with morality, with particularly dire consequences.
The video also shows the difficulty of breaking through the unapproachability
The way Bill Cosby acted is similar to the object of the paper study mentioned in the introduction.
Does one want such things to happen in a society?
Should one not clearly distance oneself and acknowledge that bad mistakes have been made?
De onaantastbaarheid van een icoon
Misschien een beetje te vergelijken met Diederik Stapel, in een andere context en een ander tijdvak: 1969?
De perceptie: het aureool van volmaaktheid en het gevolg: hij begeeft zich op glad ijs.
Deze BBC video staat op de website omdat het gaat over machtsverhoudingen met bijzonder merkwaardige feitelijkheden.
De helft van de televisietoestellen in Amerika werden afgestemd op de afleveringen, zoals de bijzondere status wordt toegelicht in de video en dan krijg je seks die ontspoort en botst met de moraal, met bijzonder grote consequenties.
De video toont ook de moeilijkheid om de ongenaakbaarheid te doorbreken
De manier waarop Bill Cosby te werk ging vertoont gelijkenissen met het voorwerp van de studie op papier vernoemd in de inleiding.
Wil men dat zo’n soort dingen kunnen gebeuren in een samenleving?
Dient men niet duidelijk afstand te nemen en te erkennen dat er erge fouten zijn gemaakt?
1 Bill Cosby Is 86 Years Old How He Lives Now Is Very Sad
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13 dec 2023
In this revealing video, we take a closer look at the life of Bill Cosby, a name that once resonated with groundbreaking comedy and television success, but now echoes with controversy and downfall. At 86 years old, Cosby’s life has taken a dramatic turn, and we delve into the details of his current lifestyle, which stands in stark contrast to his former glory.
Key points related to Bill Cosby, a well-known American comedian, actor, and convicted sex offender. Here are some key points:
Cosby’s Career: Bill Cosby had a successful career as a comedian, actor, and television producer. He was known for his family-friendly comedy and starred in several popular television shows, including “The Cosby Show” which aired from 1984 to 1992 and was one of the most popular TV shows in American history.
Sexual Assault Allegations: In 2014, multiple women came forward accusing Cosby of sexual assault, with allegations spanning several decades. Over 60 women accused Cosby of sexual misconduct, including drugging and sexually assaulting them. These allegations resulted in significant public attention and controversy.
Legal Proceedings: Cosby faced a number of legal battles related to the sexual assault allegations. He was initially charged with sexual assault in 2015, and in 2018, he was found guilty on three counts of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee, in 2004. Cosby was sentenced to 3 to 10 years in state prison and has been designated as a sexually violent predator.
Impact on Cosby’s Legacy: The sexual assault allegations and subsequent legal proceedings had a significant impact on Cosby’s legacy. He faced widespread public condemnation and was largely ostracized from the entertainment industry. His honorary degrees from various universities were revoked, and he was removed from numerous projects and institutions that had previously honored him.
Controversy and Debate: Cosby’s case sparked debates and discussions about sexual assault, consent, power dynamics, and the statute of limitations for sexual crimes. It also highlighted issues of celebrity worship, public perception, and the challenges of separating an individual’s personal actions from their professional accomplishments.
Imprisonment and Release: Cosby served nearly three years of his sentence in prison before his release in 2021. In June 2021, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned Cosby’s conviction, citing a prior non-prosecution agreement that was made with a previous prosecutor. Cosby was released from prison, but the decision was met with mixed reactions and further fueled the ongoing discussions and debates surrounding his case.
It’s important to note that the details and implications of Cosby’s case may continue to evolve over time, and it’s always advisable to refer to reliable sources for the most up-to-date and accurate information.
2 CNN Documentary on Bill Cosby Accusers, May 2018
16 mei 2018
3 Bill Cosby: The Life and Downfall of an Icon
25 jan. 2019
19 mrt. 2018
5 Bill Cosby’s Legacy Forever Tarnished By Sexual Assault Conviction | TODAY
Though Bill Cosby is awaiting sentencing after being convicted in his sexual assault retrial, one consequence is already happening: His status as one of the most admired men in the world will never be the same.
6 Bill Cosby Talks About Extramarital Affairs, Drugs in Deposition
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20 jul. 2015
Documents obtained by ABC News show Cosby describing how he viewed his seduction techniques.
7 Bill Cosby guilty: What’s next for the disgraced comedian
Gepubliceerd op 26 apr. 2018
Bill Cosby has been found guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault, which means the next step for the disgraced comedian is to wait for his sentencing hearing. Cosby was forced to surrender his passport, ordered not to leave Pennsylvania and will be fitted with a GPS tracker. Cosby is facing a maximum 30 years in prison — 10 years for each charge of which he was found guilty.
8 No Laughing Matter: Inside the Bill Cosby Allegations (2015)
9 Obama comments on Bill Cosby
President Obama says there is no mechanism to revoke Bill Cosby’s Medal of Freedom
10 Nancy Giles on justice for Bill Cosby
11 How Cosby scandal came to light
12 Bill Cosby’s Life in Prison: ‘He’s Not Remorseful’ | NBC10 Philadelphia
13 feb. 2019
Bill Cosby hasn’t seen his wife or children since entering a maximum security Pennsylvania prison four months ago. His only contact with the outside world is Andrew Wyatt, his spokesman and self-proclaimed right-hand man who recently spoke with NBC10.
Wyatt provided a glimpse of Cosby’s new life behind bars. The 81-year-old’s routine is a far cry from his previous days when many considered the comedian “America’s dad.”
Now, the former Hollywood star rinses off his food during every meal to reduce his sodium intake. He wakes up at 3:30 a.m. to do pushups and situps in his cell before breakfast.
COSBY SPEAKS OUT: After our story was published, Cosby responded from prison. In a message dictated to his wife Camille, Cosby said he will “never have remorse” for his crimes because he maintains that he was a victim of entrapment. Read more of his comments here: http://on.nbc10.com/UpuAv6B
13 Bill Cosby Speaks: Cosby Gives First Phone Interview With Black Press USA From Prison
26 nov. 2019
15 Bill Cosby Guilty?- Defending The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Part 198
27 apr. 2018
16 The Rise And Fall Of Bill Cosby: From Comedian To Predator
17 Bill Cosby On Oprah 2007
In 2007, Bill Cosby appearing on The Oprah Winfrey show. Shared for historical purposes.
Not surprisingly, the show is of the highest quality.
We witness unsurpassed talent.
It is simply uninterrupted genius.
Enkele toevallig gekozen clips van de Cosby show
- Niet te verwonderen dat de show van top ranking is.
- Wat we zien is onovertroffen talent.
- Het is gewoon onafgebroken geniaal.
The end of the video is at 4’15” To Be Continued, there are some repeats of passages. Please skip this and go to the next video.
18 The Cosby Show: Denise brings by her new boyfriend (Part1)
Het einde van de video is op 4’15” To Be Continued, er volgen enkele herhalingen van passages. Gelieve dit over te slaan en naar de volgende video over te gaan.
19 The Cosby Show: Denise brings by her new boyfriend (Part 2)
Het einde van de video is op 4’50” To Be Continued, er volgen enkele herhalingen van passages. Gelieve dit over te slaan en naar de volgende video over te gaan.
20 The Cosby Show: Sondra goes out with a guy that Cliff really likes (Part1)
Het einde van de video is op 4’40” To Be Continued, er volgen enkele herhalingen van passages. Gelieve dit over te slaan en naar de volgende video over te gaan.
21 The Cosby Show: Sondra goes out with a guy that Cliff really likes (Part2)
Het einde van de video is op 4’40” Er volgen enkele herhalingen van passages. Gelieve dit over te slaan en naar de volgende video over te gaan.
21 The Cosby Show: Cliff, Elvin and Martin see who could be the most romantic Husband.
Het einde van de video is op 4’55”. Er volgen enkele herhalingen van passages. Gelieve dit over te slaan.
22 The Cosby Show: Theo on Trial.
Einde video op minuut 5, dan begin een herhaling van fragmenten
23 Donahue- May 26, 1986 (Guest: Bill Cosby)
24 The Cosby Show: The Very Best of Theo Huxtable
25 Pregnant Mistress and Baby Mama Meet
13 feb. 2019