18 mei 2012

Australia wants to stop people smugglers. But who are the men who risk the lives of thousands of refugees on treacherous boat journeys from Indonesia?
Last year, more than 4,500 people arrived in Australia illegally by boat. In the first four months of 2012, another 2,500 arrived.
Few issues are as contentious in Australia.
Almost universal blame falls on the men who bring the boats – the so-called people smugglers.
More than 200 Indonesians accused of people smuggling are currently behind bars in Australia, and the numbers are growing. The Australian government has recently been forced to review at least 24 cases of juveniles believed to be held in adult prisons.
But are these men the real culprits or are they themselves victims in a much more complex criminal web?
101 East travels to Indonesia to meet the people smugglers and the families they leave behind.
the indonesian boat crew is victim of the real smugglers who organised everything, the people they bring asking for assylum and the boat crew going to jail, so sad story…they didn’t know what will they get bringing those people, this smart (in negative way) the real smugglers are using young and brave indonesian youth who didn’t know what they are doing and didn’t get the information before…(indonesian living in java)
I agree, Man needs to see himself as servant rather than master
I just came to realized that our neighbor Indonesians looked very much like we Filipinos.
There’s good and bad in all of us. Just which one do we let win more often. We should strive to behave better.
“merantut”in normal term is tran immigrant for the Indonesian citizen
The detention in australia was pure luxury, with medical threatment and good welfare! hahahaha
the most guilty is the captain of the ship. because he knows the ship’s destination and he is the one who leads the ship.
a united common purpose, not extreme individualism, but not without acknowledging the individual, not aggression but protection, not nations competing or the “survival of the fittest” but a world we share. We need to change our thinking, not divert our purpose or respect towards the accumulation of wealth, but towards duty, community and responsibility. I am positive because people have begun to realize capitalism is unsustainable and that we need to work together to form an alternative.
wow such a beuatiful island in Kupang, its very good income for local people earn money if indonesian govermen can promote for tourist destination.
thank you stuart jay raj and david svoboda ^^
ive said to many things i regret in this argument,lets end it with out antisemitism being added
Maybe this has something to do with the Australian guys that got executed
And, too good to be true.
yes, very barbaric of you. One word “uprising”.
surely by now if the smuggler are offered such large amount of money that they are doing something illegal !
Its called conquered land. The British conquered Australia and made it a colony, which later became an independent nation consisting mainly of the British colonizers who now identify themselves as Australian nationals. The aboriginals no longer rule the land. Since you’re an Islamic reformer I’ll give you a more familiar example, Turkey. All Greeks in Turkey should kick out the illegal settling Arabs out that conquered the Latin-Christian Empire of Byzantine hundreds of years ago.
trying to make a living this way. what a complex world we live in. why are these people forced to make these kind of choices? it’s easy to say are they should be getting other jobs..but what if your choices are limited?
So somehow that Indonesian official found a way to justify his countries indifference toward people smuggling and blame it on Australia. Like we are all living in the 19th century and moving from one country to another without any documentation or permission is still the norm and nobody in Indonesian who is doing the smuggling knows that there are laws in Australia. The adults don’t seem to understand that if you don’t have money, job prospects or food, you shouldn’t be indiscriminately multiplying , having so many children that you can’t feed. And then, regardless of years of men around you being shanghaied , you claim that you don’t know what’s going on. One of the greatest accomplishments of men in jail is learning how to play dumb. Sure, some of them didn’t know they were going to work on a people smuggling boat. But all of them ? Wait till they go back and tell everyone how nice they were treated in jail. Everybody will learn to play dumb. One million dollars to process each illegal for working in people smuggling and of course it’s all Australia’s responsibility. Nobody in Indonesia knows anything.
has contributed a lot more in regards to compassion and faith than the materialistic, spiritually void Western Civilization. The world is full of corruption and is dangerous, if you are a traveller and you get hurt, you are stuffed. How could you pay for astronomical hospital bills and if you want knowledge, extreme fees. You so arrogantly call yourself civilized. But your societies are divided, nationalistic and racist. Muslims provided all those benefits to anybody of any creed or colour.
18,000 and you’re not guaranteed to make it to Australia save and sound, why not use that 18,000 u.s dollar and make a good life out of yourself in your country, poor country or not. That can go a long way. Or pay 18,000 to be in jail for years and get send back. Crazy!!!
When the white people do something its OK, but when dark people do the same thing, its illegal and smuggling.
Well then why kick out boat people? I mean logically speaking. Why the borders? Am I naive in envisioning a world as one?
I haven’t actually heard of the massacre you talked about, sorry, I tried to wicky it but sorry couldn’t find anything, just a big section on Greek Muslims, wow thanks. Perhaps you could give me your source?
In that sense the Islams slaughtered hundreds of Christian-Greeks and conquered the Byzantine Empire now called Turkey. No culture, religion, or race is innocent of slaughtering and conquering each other.
Omg..people travel from rote island to aus..bajo people use to do this job.
Malaysia is a gateway for them, because Malaysia giving free entry visa for “problem” country finally given problem to Indonesia also, I’m sure they entering to firstly before coming to Indonesia because Indonesia not giving visa for country such Afghanistan or Iran
who gets on a boat and does not know where they are going? He’s a liar
LOL. Very sad story, but I had to laugh at one of the bylines, at 10:56. It simply said, “Java, Indonesia.” Java is about the size of England with 135 million people. Just saying “Java, Indonesia” is like reporting from England and saying, “England, UK.” That doesn’t give me much to go on. For a place that big, I would like to know at least which city they’re in. This is why Westerners are sometimes considered very ignorant (I’m a Westerner myself). SMH… Zero tolorence… Go australia!
Misconception why poor Indonesians do not want to migrate to Australia …
I only know of assimilation. However in my studies of history one thing stands out very clearly. The way Salahidin treated the Christians conquerors to leave Jerusalem and how the Christian revelled in blood up to there knees when they conquered Jerusalem. As far as body counts go, I would of thought in your barbaric culture you would be proud of Western societies astronomical body count of humanity. Enough to paint the earth red I believe. So your one to talk about massacres
Abbott taking care of business. Gillard and Rudd were the usual left wingers on this issue: useless
Some of the most evil people in the world live in Australia.
Have a established livelihood than have a family not the other way around.
ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.
Where do they get the thousands of dollars to pay for their boat trips to Oz ?? as they are so poor ??
whrn did a white army loose to a brown one?
It should’nt matter. Thugs in Thugs cuntry.
They interviewed a 22yr old Afghan who paid $22K U.S to escape…who claims he worked for the US Army as an interpreter???? This shows up a Red Flag for me !!!! Terrorists sleepers amongst the refugees. Give him a few years in OZ where he will then set up the Terrorist Network connection.
Malaysia always famous for all the corrupt things.
Diversity enrichment coming to Australia . Like it or not. RIP Australia.
Talk about derail this topic with trolling Islamophobia, this is Australia the land of criminals we are talking about, where they still put Abo’s in concentration camps, not some other century depicted inaccurately by your inaccurate interpretations of History, move to the future mate
The lord gave everyone their own land to call home why don’t thay stay their
InshaAllah another even greater Islamic civilization is coming and inshaAllah it will have its ear to the earth rather than head in the clouds.
people should not run from their problems but rather fix them.
Australia is full of the worst kind of snobs. Just because people are migrants it doesn’t make them scum. Really Australia you are far from over populated. There’s tons of unused land in the interior. If you don’t want these people as neighbors set them up in their own communities where they can build a town. There is so much room there. Also stop looking for excuses to export good people on technicalities.
Don’t waste your money to get to Australia because you wont get in here,i promise you……
imron fauzi
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