Whose bread one eats, whose word one speaks

One tends to side with the party one depends upon.

“Wiens brood men eet; diens woord men spreekt.”


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“Whose bread one eats, whose word one speaks” is a proverb that conveys several key points:

  1. Dependence on others: The proverb highlights the concept of dependence on others for sustenance. When you eat someone’s bread, it implies that you are reliant on them for nourishment and sustenance. This could refer to literal food or resources, or it could be symbolic, indicating reliance on someone for support or assistance.

  2. Loyalty and allegiance: The proverb also emphasizes the idea of loyalty and allegiance. When you speak someone’s word, it means you are advocating for their beliefs or opinions. It suggests that you are aligning yourself with that person’s perspective and expressing loyalty to their ideas or values.

  3. Accountability and responsibility: The proverb also suggests that by accepting someone’s bread or speaking their word, you are assuming responsibility or accountability. It implies that you are endorsing their actions or viewpoints and may be held responsible for the consequences or outcomes associated with them.

  4. Consequences of actions: The proverb underscores the notion that our actions have consequences. By accepting someone’s bread or speaking their word, you are associating yourself with them and their actions. It highlights that we should be mindful of the choices we make and the impact they may have on our reputation, relationships, and well-being.

  5. Integrity and authenticity: The proverb also implies the importance of integrity and authenticity. It suggests that one should be genuine and true to oneself, aligning their actions and words with their own values and beliefs, rather than blindly following others. It encourages personal accountability and staying true to one’s own convictions.

Overall, “Whose bread one eats, whose word one speaks” underscores the notions of dependence, loyalty, accountability, consequences of actions, and integrity. It reminds us to be mindful of the choices we make and the company we keep, and to be authentic in our words and actions.

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Whose bread one