To Clarify the Idea Behind the Website

What if truth is inconceivable, paradoxical, irrational?

Page Description

Discover ‘To Clarify the Idea Behind the Website,’
where we explain the concept of justice,
its principles,
and how it shapes our content and mission.

What if truth is inconceivable,

paradoxical, irrational,

nonsensical, unbelievable?


Silly or stupid:

It’s nonsensical to blame all the world’s troubles on one man.
Their methods of assessment produce nonsensical results.

Cambridge Dictionary


Impossible to imagine or think of:

The idea that they might not win was inconceivable to them.
It would be inconceivable for her to change her mind.

Extremely unlikely:

Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually/almost inconceivable.
It is not inconceivable (= it is possible) that she could be lying.

Cambridge Dictionary

In a nutshell

Truth be told

Connecting the dots


Master of the Universe

Current page

Unraveling the Paradox of Justice and Truth

Lax Conscience: Conscience that tends to follow the easy way and to find excuses for mistakes.



Een laks geweten
Een geweten dat de neiging heeft de gemakkelijke weg te kiezen en excuses te zoeken voor fouten.

1 Anita Meyer in Bananasplit 1984

16 apr. 2014

Anita Meijer in Bananasplit 1984, presentatie Patty Brard. Helaas niet zulke goede kwaliteit maar het is ook al 30 jaar oud en komt van een oude videoband.

1 Youp van ‘t Hek over T-Mobile

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27 okt. 2010

Youp van ‘t hek te gast bij Pauw en Witteman (25 okt. 2010).

2 Buckler Fiasco Uitgelegd

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8 sep 2015

Buckler Fiasco
Verzonken kosten

2 Instant Accomplice – Wife Gives Wedding Ring to Hobo

27 jul. 2013

In our Instant Accomplice gags, we recruit strangers to help them play a prank on their loved ones! A homeless guy comes to your table asking for change, what do you do? Instead of spare change, our accomplices decide to give him their wedding rings. Their partners’ reaction is priceless!

In a nutshell

Truth be told

Connecting the dots


Master of the Universe

Current page