To be persuaded to do something, especially something bad, because of the money or other reward you will receive for doing it
Cambridge Dictionary
To agree to do something bad in exchange for money, power etc
Longman Dictionary
Sell Your Soul to the Devil
Throughout history, the phrase “selling your soul to the devil” has come to symbolize the ultimate moral compromise—trading integrity, values, or beliefs for power, fame, or material gain. It’s an age-old metaphor that resonates across cultures and generations, reflecting the human struggle between ambition and ethics. In this space, we delve into the darker corners of ambition, the consequences of sacrificing one’s principles for personal gain, and the inevitable costs that come with dealing in one’s soul. But is it worth it? Let’s explore the real price of such a deal.
Verkoop je Ziel aan de Duivel
Door de geschiedenis heen is de uitdrukking “je ziel aan de duivel verkopen” een symbool geworden van de ultieme morele concessie—het ruilen van integriteit, waarden of overtuigingen voor macht, roem of materiële rijkdom. Het is een eeuwenoude metafoor die resoneert in verschillende culturen en generaties, en de menselijke strijd weerspiegelt tussen ambitie en ethiek. Op deze pagina duiken we in de duistere hoeken van ambitie, de gevolgen van het opgeven van je principes voor persoonlijk gewin, en de onvermijdelijke kosten van het aangaan van zo’n deal. Maar is het de moeite waard? Laten we de werkelijke prijs van zo’n overeenkomst onderzoeken.
The idiom “sell your soul to the devil” is a metaphorical expression that means making a morally or ethically questionable deal or compromise in exchange for personal gain, success, or some kind of benefit.
When someone is said to have “sold their soul to the devil,” it implies that they have sacrificed their principles, integrity, or values for material or worldly rewards.
It suggests a willingness to do anything, even something morally wrong, in pursuit of one’s desires or goals.
The phrase is often used to criticize actions that compromise ethical standards for short-term gains.
The idiom “sell your soul to the devil” encompasses several key points:
Unethical Bargain:
- The phrase implies making a deal or bargain that involves compromising one’s morals or ethical principles.
Personal Gain:
- The compromise is typically motivated by a desire for personal gain, success, or some form of benefit.
Sacrificing Integrity:
- It suggests a willingness to sacrifice one’s integrity, values, or principles in exchange for material or worldly rewards.
Morally Questionable Actions:
- The expression often conveys engaging in morally questionable or wrongful actions to achieve one’s goals.
Short-Term Focus:
- The deal is usually associated with short-term gains, highlighting a lack of consideration for long-term consequences.
Regrettable Consequences:
- Selling one’s soul to the devil implies that the individual may face regrettable consequences or negative outcomes in the pursuit of their desires.
Metaphorical Nature:
- The idiom is metaphorical, indicating that it may not involve an actual supernatural entity but rather serves as a vivid expression for making morally compromising choices.
In summary, “selling your soul to the devil” captures the idea of compromising ethical standards for personal gain, often resulting in regrettable consequences and a disregard for long-term values.
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