Live Without Dignity

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Explore the challenges and injustices faced by individuals living without dignity.
Learn about the impact on their lives and the broader social implications

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When Survival Comes at the Cost of Dignity

1 Not Everyone Is Happy About Mumbai’s Slum Redevelopment

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30 jun. 2016

Mumbai Makeover (2008): Locals are afraid that the ambitious rehousing programme in Mumbai’s slums will cause them to lose out.

Located in the heart of Mumbai, the Dharavi slum is like a city within the city. Now ambitious plans for redevelopment mean its days are numbered.

Home to one million residents, Dharavi is a hive of activity, providing Mumbai with an essential recycling service. However, the slum will soon give way to brand-new apartments. Developers claim everyone will be re-housed into better accommodation, but unfair rules mean most families won’t be able to benefit from the change. Driven out of their homes, they will lose everything. As one mother puts it: “”We will stay here until they demolish, then we’’re in the hands of God.””

Production Company – Ref. 3857

Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.

2 In India sterven de armsten in het riool – RTL NIEUWS

30 aug. 2019

Het is levensgevaarlijk en ongelofelijk vies. In India speelt het leven van de allerarmsten zich af in het riool, dat ze met hun blote handen moeten ontstoppen. Alleen al dit jaar zijn daarbij zeker 50 mensen omgekomen.

3 The Harrowing Personal Stories of Syrian Refugees, in Their Own Words


3 okt 2017

A documentary film crew travels to Greece to capture the perspectives of new arrivals.

“I don’t think the human mind is able to understand the suffering we’ve experienced,” says a man in Matthew K. Firpo’s short documentary, Refuge. Filmed on location in 2016 in four different refugee camps across Greece—outside Athens and on the islands of Lesvos and Leros—the film allows victims of the Syrian Civil War to share their experiences. One man describes how his sewing factory was completely destroyed, leaving him penniless and starving. Another man says he was jailed and tortured for attempting to distribute food; his brother was killed shortly thereafter. Some lost everyone and everything. “Wherever I went in Syria, I saw the injured and the dead,” yet another refugee recounts. For Firpo and his production team, Refuge was a passion project fueled by “wanting to know more about the people living these headlines. I wanted to know more about their stories, about what they had lost, what they had left behind, and where they hoped their lives were headed. While news coverage focused on the problem, it often forgot about the human being.”

For more information on the film, visit:

The Atlantic Selects is a showcase of short films from independent creators curated by The Atlantic.


Stories from Syria: The Innocent Victims

7 jun. 2015

Help us to help them. Donate now! 
syrian syria kids emotional child crying starving dying star

4 Syrian Refugee Children Speak Out | UNICEF

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4 feb. 2013

Syrian children discuss escaping the violence in the Syrian Arab Republic and their current situation in Lebanon as refugees.
For more information about the Syrian crisis, please go to:…
The official UNICEF YouTube channel is your primary destination for the latest news updates from the frontline, documentaries, celebrity appeals, and more about our work to get the rights of every child realized.

5 Zabbaleen Trash Town A whole community in Egypt that lives on rubbish

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1 dec 2017

15 mei 2016

Tienduizenden mensen wonen in Zabbaleen, aan de rand van Caïro, Egypte, ze verdienen allemaal hun brood door het afval van de hele hoofdstad te recyclen. Hun hele dorp is praktisch een gigantische puinhoop en biedt hen bijna alles wat ze nodig hebben: van kinderspeelgoed tot veevoer. Zelfs hun varkens spelen een belangrijke rol bij het recyclen van voedselverspilling. Maar het belangrijkst is dat de puinhoop levensonderhoud biedt voor de mensen van Zabbaleen. Elk van de vuilnismannen speelt hun eigen rol, verzamelt, transporteert of sorteert de vuilnis. Gezamenlijk voert iedereen in de gemeenschap een zeer efficiënte taak uit door het afval van Caïro te recyclen. Hierdoor kan de vuilnisstad zelfvoorzienend zijn en grotendeels onafhankelijk van de rest van de stad. De plaats heeft zijn eigen regels, iedereen krijgt zijn eigen stukje Cairo toegewezen, niemand zou eraan denken om uit het gebied van iemand anders te komen. Zabbaleen heeft zelfs een onofficiële burgemeester. Trash town heeft zijn eigen winkels, cafés en een lokale school voor de kinderen. Natuurlijk is het de droom van elke Zabbaleen-ouder dat hun kind een goede opleiding krijgt, zodat ze elders een beter leven kunnen opbouwen. Vaker beginnen de kinderen op jonge leeftijd met het werken op de vuilnisbelt en volgen ze de voetsporen van hun ouders om ook afvalinzamelaars te worden. De mensen van Zabbaleen wensen dat hun leven niet zo moeilijk was, maar dat ze zich geen schande voelen over hun beroep. Ze zien hun werk als maatschappelijk belangrijk en zijn er trots op dat ze voor hun gezin zorgen. Het is tenslotte een vuile klus, maar iemand moet het doen.

6 ToxiCity life at Agbobloshie, the world’s largest e waste dump in Ghana

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1 dec 2017
E-waste, the term given to discarded electronic appliances, is often shipped by developed nations to poorer countries such as Ghana. RTD visits the country’s most infamous dumping ground, Agbogbloshie. Locals call it “Sodom and Gomorrah” after the infamous Biblical sin cities. Its air and soil are polluted with toxic chemicals, while extreme poverty, child labour and criminal gangs are also rife. Learn more

7 Les métiers de l’impossible – Dans Les Faubourgs de Calcutta

13 feb. 2019

C’est à Calcutta, la ville la plus peuplée de la partie orientale de l’Inde, que nous suivrons le calvaire quotidien de certains habitants qui n’ont d’autres choix que d’affronter les tâches les plus ingrates et périlleuses. L’Inde c’est aussi le paradis des serpents, plus de 150 espèces y vivent dans l’immensité de ce territoire… Parmi elles, la plus répandue mais aussi la plus dangereuse : le cobra, dans les faubourgs de Calcutta, nous suivrons Alil, charmeur et chasseur de serpents. Jharia, « village fantôme » dans le district de Megahalaya, n’existe pas, officiellement. Il se trouve au pied de la mine de charbon de Kusunda. Tous les jours, une file interminable de camions viennent y charger leur précieuse marchandise. Une horde de petites mains s’abat alors immédiatement sur leur cargaison.

8 The Children Risking Their Lives In Underwater Gold Mines

24 jul. 2015

Children Of The Dirty Gold: An investigation into the use of child labour in dangerous Philippine underwater gold mines.
Many of Philippines’ 5.5 million child workers are risking their lives digging for “Dirty Gold” in unbelievable conditions. Desperate men and children scour underwater mine-shafts in this terrifying report.
Breathing through nothing more than a thin pipe connected to an air compressor, going 30 foot deep underwater for hours in search of gold is all in a day’s work for 16-year-old Gerald. “I’m afraid, if the earth collapses, I will get buried underneath” says the teenager. Surrounded by rock walls in the pitch black darkness of the water, the men chip away at walls for 3 hours. They find no gold. For many like Gerald school is a distant memory, and illegally diving for gold the only alternative to starvation. Hundreds of deaths by electrocution, drowning and even the possibility of Mercury poisoning have had little impact on compressor mining activities, which continue un-policed and unregulated. There appears little hope of change on the horizon. “If I could only give job opportunities – I will take them away from compressor mining. It is just that I have no alternative at this point” says Ricarte Padilla, Mayor of Jose Panganiban – Philippines’ so-called “Gold Coast”. As it is, the children and family men unearthing 60-80kg of gold per month see the lions share of wealth disappear into the Chinese black market.
ABC Australia – Ref 6514 Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about



It is haertbreaking painful what happens!

9 Les Enfants du Port

18 sep. 2019

A Port au Prince, Haïti, les effets du séisme de 2010 se font toujours ressentir… notamment sur les enfants. Daniel Grandclément suit dans ce film 2 enfants et adolescents des rues , marqués par la catastrophe : Idson, le petit unijambiste passionné de football, et Richie, adolescent paraplégique se faisant régulièrement voler son fauteuil roulant.

10 Philippines: Deliverance – The Slum (Episode 1)

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Gepubliceerd op 19 sep. 2014
Philippines-The Slum – Episode 1: Deliverance

As a birth attendant advocating for family planning, Remy is on the frontline of Tondo’s battle with overcrowding.

Tondo in northern Manila is home to the city’s largest collection of slums. It is also one of the most densely populated areas on the planet.

Paradise Heights, home to former squatters, is in the heart of Tondo. There, self-taught midwife Remy Permites is delivering new life in the slums. Remy does her work with only the most basic equipment: a stethoscope, a pair of gloves and little else. Though she has little formal training, she plays a crucial role in an area where few can afford to pay for medical care.

The slums of Manila are undergoing a population explosion. But Remy has managed to escape the shacks and lives in a small government-built apartment, with 14 members of her family. Her home also doubles as a makeshift clinic.

Along with delivering babies, Remy is responsible for delivering paperwork. She continues her training, takes classes on birth control, helps a young girl bury her stillborn baby, and along with family planning advocate Jane, educates women to have smaller families.

Meanwhile, a few kilometers to the south of Remy’s clinic is Beseco slum with a population of about 45,000. There, fisherman and father of nine, Gener Pagtabunan struggles to feed his family by trying – mostly unsuccessfully – to catch fish in the polluted harbour.

His wife Lorna tries to supplement their income by selling fruit and vegetables from the front of their tiny shack. But it is a struggle for the growing family to make ends meet. Lorna, who wants to ensure her 21-year-old daughter and mother of three does not make the same mistakes she did, takes her to get a contraceptive injection.

About the series: This six-part series follows residents of Manila’s Tondo slum as they live, love, survive and aspire in some of the world’s toughest living conditions.

11 Risky Business – The Slum (Episode 2)

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Gepubliceerd op 26 sep. 2014

Faced with daily hardships, making a living is the only way most Tondo residents can ensure they will survive.

12 Storm Rising : The Slum (Episode 3) | Al Jazeera Documentaries

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Al Jazeera English

Al Jazeera English

Gepubliceerd op 3 okt. 2014

Storm Rising: Manila’s slum dwellers under threat

Sandwiched between a polluted harbor and a busy highway is the charcoal- making a community of Ulingan- in Manila, with a population of 40,000.

Husband and wife team Judy and Babes Barines have operated a charcoal pit for the last nine years. They invested all their savings in charcoal-making but have to make some difficult decisions when their investment is wiped out by a tropical storm that hits the south of the country.

A few kilometers east of the Barines’ charcoal pits, corn seller and mother of nine, Bebe, is starting work. But she has not managed to escape the storm either. She has to repair her makeshift home under a bridge and work out how to make a living as her supply of corn dries up.

Meanwhile, Pilipinas Got Talent superstar, Frankendal, is also feeling the effects of the typhoon. He has not heard from his mother and grandmother since the storm, so he heads to the region to look for them. As a former slum dweller, he knows just how precarious life can be.

The six part-series follows residents of Manila’s Tondo slums as they live, love, survive and aspire in some of the world’s toughest living conditions.

13 Vote for me – The Slum (Episode 4)

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Gepubliceerd op 10 okt. 2014

During election season in Manila, politicians are out fishing for votes, but the locals are not all convinced.

14 For Love or Money – The Slum (Episode 5)

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26 okt 2015

Gepubliceerd op 18 okt. 2014

Staying fit and healthy is not easy in a slum, and many residents must perform a delicate balancing act to get by.

15 The Slum: Episode 6 – Breaking Out

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26 okt 2015


24 okt. 2014

For the majority of Manila’s slum dwellers, home is a school of hard knocks and the only way out of their desperate situations is in a box.

Generations have been born and will die in Tondo. But against the odds, a few do succeed in escaping the slums, and some even move on to better lives, achieving wealth and success beyond their wildest dreams.

Jessa Balote, 15, lives in Aroma slum where she shares one room with her family of nine. When they first arrived in Tondo, the family worked as scavengers – the default job for newcomers to the slums.

Elsewhere, mixed martial arts fighter Jessie Rafols faces hard knocks. He has become known as ‘The Finisher’ and excels among fighters in the Philippines.

Growing up in the slum has given him a hunger for success, but disaster strikes, and six months of training may come to nothing after he injures his knee four weeks before a fight.

Fighting is not the only way to break out of the slum. Would-be model Justine, 17, is earning her way out, performing in pageant and fashion shows. But she is also seeing the murkier side of the industry, and finding that the reality of making a living through modelling is far from glamorous.

This six-part series follows the residents of Manila’s Tondo slum as they live, love, survive and aspire in some of the world’s toughest living conditions.

16 Exposing The Inhumane Conditions Of Burkina Faso’s Gold Mines

19 sep. 2016

Gold Dust: Under Blaise Compaore’s leadership, Burkina Faso’s unregulated gold rush has had a devastating effect on mining conditions. This report digs deep into the industry, exposing the corruption beneath Compaore’s ruling.
Millions of people – including children as young as fourteen – mine in an unregulated industry for a few golden grams of hope. Marcel toils underground to support his family – but without the glittering rewards promised. “We all have hope, we hope to earn” he says, but “they rob us here…They treat the miner like an animal.” 17-year old Soumaele has been mining for two years. His thin body can go to even deeper than the older men, to places where the air is impossible to breathe and the tunnels are likely to collapse. Gold promises a great deal, but in an anarchic industry, teacher Soungalo Hema fears for the future of children like Soumaele: “You try and save them”, she says, “but a lot of the time it’s in vain. I ask myself ‘what will happen to all of us?'”
For similar stories, see:
The Children Working On Indian Coal Mines
Dangerous ‘Rat-Hole’ Mining Destroying India’s Environment
In Nicaragua Children Work in Quarries Instead of Going to School
For downloads and more information visit:…
Wild Angle Productions – Ref. 6750 Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.

De slechtste banen ter wereld | Volledige documentaire


28 feb. 2020

One of the most connected places I’ve ever been to, Dharavi slum 🇮🇳

18 Deep Sea Denture Diving

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6 apr 2015
Crime lords aren’t the only ones who sleep with the fishes! Looks like Denis’ dentures pissed off the wrong guy!
Gags are filmed in Québec. Originality, authenticity and joie de vivre…
A presentation of the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!

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