Forgiveness: from Philomena – Blog

Sky Watcher
It is cruel to regard any child as illegitimate. Every child is from God. No one has the right to call them illegitimate just because they were borne from unmarried parents. This mentality has created judgment and hate that forces so many to resort to abortion and abandonment. Every child is a gift. Every life is sacred. Every life is from God. Every life should be valued and given respect. Every life should be loved.
נועה יום טוב
Such a strong, powerful scene
Excellent movie and powerful scene. Next he says ” I can’t forgive you” and Philomena says “it must be exhausting”, which I thought was an unnecessary line
Estefania Gonzalez
Quiero contar mi Historia en España derivada de una Excomunión a mis 2 años, por haber sido violada por orden de mi madre por sus hermanos (tíos Cura con sotana incluida, seminarista y el menor que por edad no pudo ya que tenía 6 años) y el abuelo materno, para que nadie me quisiera como mujer por haberme reventado y troto el Himen de la Virginidad. ESPAÑA NEGRA LO ES EN LA ACTUALIDAD, ya que lo derivado al Asesinato de mi padre 1957 en FAMILIAS ESPAÑOLAS por cuestiones de Propiedades y Herencias, con instigación de la Iglesia en el Régimen de Franco, cuya muerte en matanza que duró 4 días en eterno dolor y sufrimiento fue cruel, sin sentido, sin compasión y sin piedad, pesa hoy en día con una Sentencia de Condena en vida a no tener ninguna clase de Derechos para no cumplir con el mandato de mi padre en su venganza, cuyas últimas voluntades me las dio a mi. La canción del Olvido fue: “Te vamos a matar como a tu padre”, debido a injusticias sin merecer por asuntos de los Separatistas catalanes, he tenido que recurrir a mi memoria para llegar al fondo del Asunto que es de Estado en el Sistema español.
Noe Berengena
I saw a movie poster that labeled this movie a “comedy from the director Stephen Frears” — can you imagine anyone getting that so wrong?
Ewan O'Doherty
Because Sr Hildegard McNulty had died in 1995 and Martin Sixmith didn’t first meet Philomena Lee and begin to help her with her quest until c2004, it is highly unlikely that the confrontation depicted here ever even took place. It is at least worth something In that it represents resentment and anger on the parts of mothers and their children who were kept apart by religious institutions and prevented from reuniting. It has, furthermore, been claimed that the real Sr Hildegard did, in fact, help to reunite many unmarried mothers with their children in later years
This is what Jesus preached against, self righteousness. The nun’s so called “righteousness” is comparable to the Pharisees
It’s funny, we fought so hard in Ireland to free ourselves from the British. Then we replaced them with the Catholic church.
My sister lives near Templemore about 20 mins from Roscrea. She was at Sean Ross abbey to pay respects today.
forgiveness is the action which is not a reaction
Vic t Campbell
I love that line about Jesus I think it’s Jesus was here now he would tip you out of that fucking wheelchair and you’ll never get up and walk
The Question
You left out when Martin says he doesn’t forgive the nun
You edited out he most powerful part
self denial. and mortification of the flesh leads to hate and bitterness and so many evil acts.
If Jesus were here he would tip you of that fucking chair… sweet
Marion Loesch
1 things that you also wonder about is how many of those girls were raped or were pregnant because of incest they still got punished for it
Joseph Mullin
Sister Hildegard looks lost for words at 5:02
Juan Luna
Gildegard is evil 🤬🤬🤬🤬