A system of accepted beliefs that control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals:
The (Protestant) work ethic
The ethics of journalism are much debated.
He said he was bound by a scientist’s code of ethics.
Publication of the article was a breach of ethics
the study of what is morally right and what is not
More examples
The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.
a code of behaviour/ethics
The company was known for its poor business ethics and many people refused to buy its products.
Members of the society are highly qualified and governed by a strict code of ethics.
He wrote an article criticizing the business community for its the lack of ethics.
Cambridge Dictionary
Page Description
Explore the principles of ethics,
including moral values,
decision-making frameworks,
and how ethical considerations impact personal
and professional life.
The study of what is morally right and what is not.
He took a broad range of courses in sociology, religion, ethics, political thought and more.
We studied that case in our ethics class.
Cambridge Dictionary
In 1969 The New Yorker published a detailed exposé by Daniel Lang concerning four soldiers deployed in the Phu My district of Vietnam who abducted a young woman and raped her repeatedly over the course of the next 24 hours. The following day, fearing discovery by incoming American helicopters, the sergeant in command of the squad ordered her killed.
There was a fifth soldier traveling with that crew, Max Erickson, the only man in Lang’s reporting with anything resembling a moral compass, who observed the actions of his sidekicks with a mix of helplessness and horror. His accusations lead to courts martial and prison for his compatriots though none of those men would ever complete their sentences.
Er was een vijfde soldaat die met die groep meereisde, Max Erickson, de enige man in Langs verslaggeving met ook maar iets dat op een moreel kompas lijkt, die de daden van zijn handlangers gadesloeg met een mengeling van hulpeloosheid en afschuw. Zijn beschuldigingen leidden tot de krijgsraad en gevangenisstraf voor zijn landgenoten, hoewel geen van hen zijn straf ooit zou uitzitten.
Distress of Conscience in “Casualties of War”
The film Casualties of War serves as a stark exploration of ethical dilemmas and the human capacity for moral courage under extreme circumstances. Based on true events during the Vietnam War, it depicts the torment of a soldier grappling with his conscience after witnessing atrocities committed by his peers.
This powerful narrative highlights the universal struggle between obedience to authority and adherence to personal moral principles. It challenges us to reflect on the cost of remaining silent in the face of injustice and the courage it takes to stand up for what is right.
As we delve into the themes of distress of conscience and moral conflict, the film becomes a profound case study for understanding ethics in the most harrowing of contexts.
De innerlijke strijd van het geweten in “Casualties of War”
De film Casualties of War is een indringende verkenning van ethische dilemma’s en de menselijke moed om moreel stand te houden onder extreme omstandigheden. Gebaseerd op waargebeurde gebeurtenissen tijdens de Vietnamoorlog, toont het de innerlijke strijd van een soldaat die worstelt met zijn geweten na het getuige zijn van gruweldaden gepleegd door zijn medesoldaten.
Dit krachtige verhaal benadrukt de universele worsteling tussen gehoorzaamheid aan autoriteit en trouw blijven aan persoonlijke morele principes. Het daagt ons uit om na te denken over de prijs van zwijgen in het aangezicht van onrecht en de moed die nodig is om op te staan voor wat juist is.
Bij het onderzoeken van de thema’s gewetensnood en morele conflicten biedt de film een diepgaande casestudy om ethiek in de meest schrijnende contexten te begrijpen.
After being denied the chance to go to a nearby village to visit a prostitute before starting a reconnaissance mission, a tough, embittered American sergeant involves the four men of his patrol in the kidnapping of a young Vietnamese woman. The impending gang rape and murder of the woman splits the patrol into two factions, those for it, and those against it with young Eriksson leading the dissension. But before long, the sergeant has convinced everyone but Eriksson to go along with the plan, making an already difficult mission unbearable for the morally conscious young soldier. Casualties of War is inspired by a true story.
1 Casualties of war – talk with chaplain
23 jul. 2018
Distress of conscience is recognisable in Casualties of War
The unimaginably unacceptable events in the cases in this website evoke a crisis of conscience.
The derailing and crashing is staggering.
Something that should be structurally impossible happened as if it were a small thing.
The moral conflict is highlighted in ‘Casualties of War’.
This is the point of the issue on paper (435 pages).
The website serves as a metaphor for the crisis of conscience, as expressed in its subtitle.
Gewetensnood is herkenbaar in ‘Casualties of War’
Het onmogelijk ontoelaatbaar gebeuren in de cases in onderhavige website roept gewetensnood op.
Het ontsporen en verongelukken is verbijsterend.
Iets die structureel onmogelijk hoort te zijn, gebeurde alsof het een kleinigheid was.
Het moreel conflict wordt in Casualties of War benadrukt.
Dit is het punt in de kwestie op papier (435 pagina’s).
De website is een metafoor voor de gewetensnood, zoals verwoord in de ondertitel van de website.
2 “Casualties of War” (1989) The Key Scene
3 Casualties of War – “Weapon : Fun” – Sean Penn x Thuy Thu Le x Don Harvey x Michael J. Fox
30 jan. 2021
While I agree with Erickson and disagree with the Capt., this scene demonstrates the complexity of the world we live in, as well as the complexity of the emotions Erickson struggled with. What his squad did WAS wrong, but what are the consequences of him coming forward? Is he making himself a target by doing so? Is turning in Sgt. Messerve betraying the man that saved his life? If this results in major international backlash, is that helping the war effort? What if he doesn’t say anything? Could he live with himself if these men do something like this again? Ultimately he does the right thing, but being in this position is not easy.
Quote from blog “Casualties of War” (1989) The Key Scene
4 Casualties Of War Theatrical Movie Trailer (1989)
“Casualties of War” is a 1989 American war drama film directed by Brian De Palma and starring Michael J. Fox and Sean Penn. The film is based on a real-life incident that occurred during the Vietnam War, in which a group of American soldiers abducted and raped a young Vietnamese woman.
Some of the key points in the film include:
The portrayal of the Vietnam War: The film depicts the brutal and violent nature of the Vietnam War, as well as the psychological toll it takes on soldiers.
The abduction and rape of a Vietnamese woman: The film centers around the kidnapping and rape of a young Vietnamese woman by a group of American soldiers, and the subsequent cover-up of the crime by their commanding officer.
The moral dilemma faced by soldiers: The film raises questions about the ethical boundaries of war and the pressures soldiers face to conform to the group mentality of their fellow soldiers.
The struggle for justice: The film follows the efforts of a soldier, played by Michael J. Fox, to bring his fellow soldiers to justice and hold them accountable for their actions.
The aftermath of war: The film shows the lasting effects of the war on both the soldiers and the Vietnamese civilians, and the difficulty of coming to terms with the trauma and violence they have experienced.
Overall, “Casualties of War” is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the brutal realities of war and the devastating impact it has on individuals and societies.
5 The best scene of Casualties of War by Brian De Palma featuring Elmo De Pelmo
7 Casualties Of War – Trailer [HD] (Updated)
8 Casualties of War (1989) Scene: “You don’t have to try and kill me.”
9 Casualties of War
10 Casualties of War – Trailer
11 Casulties of War – You taking an Attack posture on me!
14 Sean Penn – The Thin Red Line – Sergeant Welsh scene: Everything a lie.
15 Casualties of War – Trial of the bastards
16 Casualties of War (1989) – Flowers for a ghost
18 Casualties of war scene
19 The Making of Casualties of War
20 Why do ethics matter? | Shefali Roy | TEDxOxbridge
23 jun. 2017
Ethiek = de wetenschap die kritische redeneermethodes ontwikkelt om na te gaan wat goed en slecht is, rechtvaardig en onrechtvaardig, verantwoord en onverantwoord, menswaardig en mensonwaardig. Kortom: alles wat behoort tot de menselijke verantwoordelijkheid. Met als doel te zoeken naar de meest menswaardige oplossing.
Ethics is the discipline that develops critical reasoning methods to determine what is good and bad, just and unjust, responsible and irresponsible, humane and inhumane. In short, it encompasses everything that falls under human responsibility, with the aim of seeking the most humane solution.
21 First and Last – CASUALTIES OF WAR (Brian De Palma, 1989)
22 The Vietnam War Explained In 25 Minutes | Vietnam War Documentary
1 nov. 2019
Time Stamps 📽
Introduction 0:00
French Colonial Rule 1:32
Dien Bien Phu 5:30
A New Nation 6:42
JFK 7:55
Operation Rolling Thunder 10:35
Into The Jungle 13:45
The Tet Offensive 16:31
Trust is Broken 18:27
Richard Nixon 19:40
Vietnamization 21:38
Things Fall Apart 23:19
The Fall of Saigon 24:46
The Vietnam War 26:02
Epilogue 27:14
All the information in this video came from the 10-part television series “The Vietnam War” by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick.
The Life Guide is a channel dedicated to providing interesting and educational content about a range of political, philosophical, economic and historical topics. Whether you are interested in a simplified explanation of complicated modern ideas or detailed information on ancient civilizations and philosophical schools of thought, The Life Guide is the channel for you.
23 Ericksson’s War – A Conversation with Michael J. Fox (Casualties Of War Documentary)
I’m a huge fan of this film and noticed this short conversation with M J Fox about the film and his role in it is not available on this platform so thought I’d upload it for other fans of Michael J Fox and the film Casualties Of War itself. Please remember to like and Please also check out the other similar video I have uploaded which is a general ‘Making of Documentary’ about Casualties Of War with Brain De Palma. I do not own any of this footage and no copyright infringement is intended, all rights belong to the original producers.
25 Jesus Saves a man in a Wheelchair!!
3 mei 2021
Parker Girard
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