By the skin of our theeth – Will we survive?
Page Description
It describes a situation where someone
or something narrowly avoids a negative outcome
or just manages to succeed
despite facing significant challenges.
If you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it:
He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.
Cambridge Dictionary
This expression is used to describe a situation where someone barely succeeds or narrowly avoids failure.
Met de hakken over de sloot
The idiom “by the skin of one’s teeth” conveys the idea of barely managing to accomplish something or narrowly avoiding failure. The key points of this idiom are:
Close Call: The expression implies a situation where success or survival was achieved, but just barely or narrowly.
Minimal Margin: It suggests that the achievement was very close to failure, emphasizing the thinness of the margin between success and failure.
Difficulty: The phrase often conveys the idea that the accomplishment was difficult or challenging, making the narrow success all the more remarkable.
Luck or Fortuity: It can also imply an element of luck or chance playing a significant role in the outcome.
In summary, “by the skin of one’s teeth” describes a situation where someone or something narrowly avoids a negative outcome or just manages to succeed despite facing significant challenges.
Clumsy Paramedics Prank
27 mrt 2011
Clumsy paramedics lose their patient as they drive off.
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The skin of our teeth – Will we survive?