Page Description
Discover Bryan Stevenson,
a leading American lawyer,
social justice activist,
and author dedicated
to combating
systemic injustice
and inequality in the US.
Bryan Stevenson: A Voice for Justice
Bryan Stevenson is a lawyer, social justice advocate, and the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to challenging racial injustice, ending mass incarceration, and protecting basic human rights. Stevenson’s groundbreaking work has transformed lives and inspired countless individuals to reimagine justice in America.
Through powerful storytelling and relentless advocacy, Stevenson sheds light on the systemic inequalities embedded in the legal system, emphasizing the importance of empathy, hope, and action. His book Just Mercy and his speeches have moved millions, demonstrating how one person can make a profound difference.
Explore this page to learn more about Bryan Stevenson’s life, mission, and legacy through text and video that capture the essence of his journey and the impact of his work.
Bryan Stevenson: Een Stem voor Gerechtigheid
Bryan Stevenson is een advocaat, pleitbezorger voor sociale rechtvaardigheid en de oprichter van de Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), een non-profitorganisatie die zich inzet voor het bestrijden van raciale ongelijkheid, het beëindigen van massale opsluiting en het beschermen van fundamentele mensenrechten. Het baanbrekende werk van Stevenson heeft levens getransformeerd en talloze mensen geïnspireerd om rechtvaardigheid in Amerika opnieuw te definiëren.
Met krachtige verhalen en onvermoeibare pleidooien werpt Stevenson licht op de systemische ongelijkheden die in het rechtssysteem zijn verankerd. Hij benadrukt het belang van empathie, hoop en actie. Zijn boek Just Mercy en zijn toespraken hebben miljoenen geraakt en laten zien hoe één persoon een diepgaand verschil kan maken.
Verken deze pagina om meer te leren over Bryan Stevensons leven, missie en nalatenschap, via teksten en video’s die de essentie van zijn reis en de impact van zijn werk vastleggen.
Bryan Stevenson: There’s a Direct Line From Lynching to George Floyd | Amanpour and Company
3 jun 2020 #amanpourpbs
Addressing the root causes of racial injustice in America is fundamental to achieving lasting change. Bryan Stevenson has dedicated his life to doing just that. As a leading civil rights lawyer, Stevenson made his name saving dozens of wrongfully convicted inmates from execution through his Equal Justice Initiative. He speaks with Walter Isaacson about solutions, from a change in the culture of policing to an embrace of truth and reconciliation.
Originally aired on June 2, 2020.
Bryan Stevenson is a prominent American lawyer, social justice activist, and author who has dedicated his career to fighting against systemic injustice and inequality in the United States. Here are some key points about him:
Stevenson was born on November 14, 1959, in Milton, Delaware.
He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1985 and went on to work for the Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta.
In 1989, he founded the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), a nonprofit organization that provides legal representation to people who have been wrongfully convicted or unfairly sentenced.
Stevenson has represented clients on death row and has successfully argued several cases before the United States Supreme Court.
He is the author of the bestselling book, “Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption,” which chronicles his work as a lawyer and advocate.
Stevenson has received numerous awards and honors for his work, including the MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Grant, the NAACP Image Award, and the National Medal of Liberty.
In addition to his legal work, Stevenson is a professor at New York University School of Law and has been a leading voice in conversations around race, inequality, and criminal justice reform in the United States.
1 Chocolate Milkshake: The Power of Hope
2 “Just Mercy”: Bryan Stevenson on instilling compassion in young adults
Gepubliceerd op 19 sep. 2018
3 Bryan Stevenson ’85 | “We can’t recover from this history until we deal with it.”
4 “They Couldn’t Take My Soul”: Anthony Ray Hinton on His Exoneration After 30 Years on Death Row
5 Anthony Ray Hinton: How he survived Death Row
6 Just Mercy: Race and the Criminal Justice System with Bryan Stevenson
8 Cocktails & Conversations with Bryan Stevenson and Damien Echols at First-Year Experience® 2015
Gepubliceerd op 5 mrt. 2015
Bryan Stevenson, author of JUST MERCY: A STORY OF JUSTICE AND REDEMPTION (Random House) and Damien Echols, author of LIFE AFTER DEATH (Plume) in conversation on social justice at the First-Year Experience® (FYE) 2015 Conference in Dallas, TX.
BRYAN STEVENSON is the executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama, and a tenured professor of law at New York University Law School. He has won relief for dozens of condemned prisoners, argued five times before the Supreme Court, and won national acclaim for his work challenging bias against the poor and people of color. He has received numerous awards, including the MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Grant.
DAMIEN ECHOLS was born in 1974 and grew up in Mississippi, Tennessee, Maryland, Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. At age eighteen he was wrongfully convicted of murder, along with Jason Baldwin and Jessie Miskelley, Jr. Echols received a death sentence and spent almost eighteen years on Death Row, until he, Baldwin, and Misskelley were released in 2011. The West Memphis Three have been the subject of Paradise Lost, a three-part documentary series produced by HBO, and West of Memphis, a documentary produced by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh. Echols is the author of Almost Home,the New York Times bestseller, Life After Death, and, with his wife Lorri Davis, Yours for Eternity. He lives in New York.
9 Bryan Stevenson at the First-Year Experience® (FYE) 2015 Random House Luncheon
11 The Forum: Professor of Clinical Law Bryan Stevenson on Just Mercy
Gepubliceerd op 3 apr. 2015
Milbank Tweed Forum: A talk by Professor of Clinical Law Bryan Stevenson on his recently published book, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption
Followed by Q&A moderated by Dean Trevor Morrison
This event was co-sponsored by the Brennan Center for Justice
“Just Mercy is every bit as moving as To Kill a Mockingbird, and in some ways more so. . . . [It] demonstrates, as powerfully as any book on criminal justice that I’ve ever read, the extent to which brutality, unfairness, and racial bias continue to infect criminal law in the United States. But at the same time that [Bryan] Stevenson tells an utterly damning story of deep-seated and widespread injustice, he also recounts instances of human compassion, understanding, mercy, and justice that offer hope. . . . Just Mercy is a remarkable amalgam, at once a searing indictment of American criminal justice and a stirring testament to the salvation that fighting for the vulnerable sometimes yields.”
—David Cole, The New York Review of Books
“A searing, moving and infuriating memoir . . . Bryan Stevenson may, indeed, be America’s Mandela. For decades he has fought judges, prosecutors and police on behalf of those who are impoverished, black or both. . . . Injustice is easy not to notice when it affects people different from ourselves; that helps explain the obliviousness of our own generation to inequity today. We need to wake up. And that is why we need a Mandela in this country.”
—Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times
This event was held on April 1, 2015.
12 The Equity Series: Truth and Reconciliation – Bryan Stevenson with Khalil G. Muhammad | MoMA LIVE
Live gestreamd op 30 okt. 2015
Bryan Stevenson joins Khalil G. Muhammad, director of the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, for a conversation on the relationship between U.S. racial history and contemporary social justice issues; the EJI’s Lynching Project; and the roles that cultural institutions can play by acknowledging, discussing, and commemorating historical events.
This conversation is the first in our Equity Series, public conversations that address the meaning of equity in contemporary culture and society, and the steps required for progress. The series is organized by The Museum of Modern Art and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Learn more:
In advance of the conversation, MoMA curator Leah Dickerman shares a few helpful references on Bryan Stevenson’s work and the Equal Justice Initiative:
1. Bryan Stevenson at TED 2012: ‘We need to talk about an injustice’ :
2. “Bryan Stevenson: America’s Mandela,” The Guardian:…
3. New York Times Book Review of ‘Just Mercy,’ by Bryan Stevenson:…
4. EJI’s Lynching Project:
5. “Slavery to Mass Incarceration,” an animated short film by artist Molly Crabapple:
13 Bryan Stevenson: “Confronting Injustice” | SXSW Live 2015 | SXSW ON
Gepubliceerd op 29 apr. 2015
Gepubliceerd op 29 apr. 2015
Bryan Stevenson talks about defending some of America’s most rejected and marginalized people. The stories he tells are heartbreaking, yet inspiring, and motivate audiences to make a change.
America has the largest prison population in the world – and the criminal justice system that puts the men, women, and children in these prisons is broken. Excessive punishment and abuse are widespread, and the collateral consequences are devastating lives and communities.
About SXSW:
Started in 1987, South by Southwest (SXSW) is a set of film, interactive, and music festivals and conferences that take place early each year in mid-March in Austin, Texas. SXSW’s original goal was to create an event that would act as a tool for creative people and the companies they work with to develop their careers, to bring together people from a wide area to meet and share ideas. That continues to be the goal today whether it is music, film or interactive technologies.
14 Bryan Stevenson accepts Public Counsel’s 2016 William O. Douglas Award
16 Grace, Justice, & Mercy: An Evening with Bryan Stevenson & Rev. Tim Keller
3 jun. 2016
In an age of mass incarceration and growing racial tension, how can a church committed to the flourishing of a whole city engage as ambassadors of reconciliation and restoration? Bryan Stevenson & Tim Keller will help us explore ways to sustain hope through a grace filled pursuit of justice and mercy as they draw from their own calling and work.
Bryan Stevenson is one of this nation’s most influential public interest lawyers and the Founder & Director of the Equal Justice Initiative. For over 30 years, Stevenson has dedicated his life to help release those wrongly condemned on death row. He has also successfully advocated to eliminate the prosecution of children as adults. Leading the charge for a renewed conversation about racism in the US by connecting contemporary injustices with slavery, lynching, and segregation, Stevenson is the bestselling author of Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption.
Rev. Tim Keller has committed his life to presenting the gospel – through preaching, teaching, and church planting – in ways that challenge not just our heads but our hearts to bring about lasting transformation. Co-founder and Senior Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church for the last 27 years, Tim is also a prolific author. His many books have been translated into 26 languages.
17 Grace, Justice, & Mercy: An Evening with Bryan Stevenson & Rev. Tim Keller Q &A
3 jun. 2016
In an age of mass incarceration and growing racial tension, how can a church committed to the flourishing of a whole city engage as ambassadors of reconciliation and restoration? Bryan Stevenson & Tim Keller will help us explore ways to sustain hope through a grace filled pursuit of justice and mercy as they draw from their own calling and work.
Bryan Stevenson is one of this nation’s most influential public interest lawyers and the Founder & Director of the Equal Justice Initiative. For over 30 years, Stevenson has dedicated his life to help release those wrongly condemned on death row. He has also successfully advocated to eliminate the prosecution of children as adults. Leading the charge for a renewed conversation about racism in the US by connecting contemporary injustices with slavery, lynching, and segregation, Stevenson is the bestselling author of Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption.
Rev. Tim Keller has committed his life to presenting the gospel – through preaching, teaching, and church planting – in ways that challenge not just our heads but our hearts to bring about lasting transformation. Co-founder and Senior Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church for the last 27 years, Tim is also a prolific author. His many books have been translated into 26 languages.
Moderated by: Pamela Brown-Peterside is a long-time member of Redeemer’s Grace & Race group and has been working at Redeemer for 8 years. She currently oversees a team that cares for 90 community groups that are part of our West Side congregation. Community groups meet throughout the week usually in people’s apartments to worship, pray, study the Bible, and serve together. Before joining the Redeemer staff, Pamela worked in HIV/AIDS prevention with women in the South Bronx for almost a decade and saw firsthand the effects of poverty and mass incarceration in those communities of color. Originally from Nigeria, she has lived in New York City for over 20 years.
18 The urgent need for reconciliation in the United States | Bryan Stevenson
15 aug. 2017
19 Bryan Stevenson: We need to talk about an injustice
15 mei 2012
20 The Power of Proximity | CEO Initiative 2018
21 True Justice (2019) | Official Trailer | HBO
10 jun. 2019
22 Bryan Stevenson on Evening the Odds in American Justice
One is simply the quote the old man says, which is
“You’ve got to beat the drum for justice.”
It is a relatively short quote, and yet it is so powerful and says so much.
It implies that you have to call for justice loudly like a drum, that you have to keep at it like the steady pace of a drum being beaten.
4 okt. 2016
23 ‘Just Mercy’ and the real-life story of the attorney who exonerated death row inmates l Nightline
24 Bryan Stevenson Interview Selects – True Justice
18 sep. 2019
25 Bryan Stevenson on Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption
8 mei 2015
Rich Fahle interviews attorney and author Bryan Stevenson about the his book, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption.
A powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us, and a clarion call to fix our broken system of justice—from one of the most brilliant and influential lawyers of our time
Bryan Stevenson was a young lawyer when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending those most desperate and in need: the poor, the wrongly condemned, and women and children trapped in the farthest reaches of our criminal justice system. One of his first cases was that of Walter McMillian, a young man who was sentenced to die for a notorious murder he insisted he didn’t commit. The case drew Bryan into a tangle of conspiracy, political machination, and legal brinksmanship—and transformed his understanding of mercy and justice forever.
Just Mercy is at once an unforgettable account of an idealistic, gifted young lawyer’s coming of age, a moving window into the lives of those he has defended, and an inspiring argument for compassion in the pursuit of true justice.
26 JUST MERCY Cast and Crew Q&A | TIFF 2019
7 sep. 2019
Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, and Brie Larson star in the powerful true story of Harvard-educated lawyer Bryan Stevenson (Jordan), who goes to Alabama to defend the disenfranchised and wrongly condemned — including Walter McMillian (Foxx), a man sentenced to death despite evidence proving his innocence. Bryan fights tirelessly for Walter with the system stacked against them. From director Destin Daniel Cretton, based on the book by Stevenson.
Some films have the depth, grace, and emotional power to feel like classics from the very first viewing. Just Mercy is that film. Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, and Brie Larson lead an impressive cast in Destin Daniel Cretton’s deeply moving drama of justice in America.
Bryan Stevenson (Jordan), a Harvard law graduate, turns his back on more comfortable and lucrative work, returning south to help prisoners in Monroe County, Alabama. With the help of Eva Ansley (Larson), a local equally committed to prisoner’s rights, he sets up a small office to take on the most challenging of cases — death row inmates. It’s 1989, but walking into the W.C. Holman Correctional Facility is like stepping back into the South before Civil Rights.
Walter McMillian (Foxx) was arrested for killing a white woman, pushed through a shoddy trial, then deposited on death row, where he joined other desperate men who may or may not have committed the crimes that landed them there. The local authorities are actively indifferent to the truth of these men’s cases, but Stevenson and Ansley are determined to hold the justice system accountable.
Jordan adds new layers to the intensity and commanding presence he brought to the Creed movies and Black Panther, while Foxx (Ray, Collateral) gives one of the best performances of his career. Cretton (Short Term 12) crafts each performance, each scene, in Just Mercy to add to the cumulative power of a film that is not just a true story, but a story committed to revealing truths.
At minute 10: Bryan Stevenson is talking
Minute 14:30
Minute 17
Walter McMillian was a Black man who was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of a white woman in Alabama in 1988. His case became a symbol of the systemic racism and injustice in the American criminal justice system. Here are some key points about Walter McMillian:
Walter McMillian was born on October 27, 1941, in Monroeville, Alabama.
McMillian was a successful businessman and family man before he was wrongfully accused of the murder of Ronda Morrison.
Morrison was a young white woman who was murdered in 1986. McMillian was falsely accused of the crime based on the testimony of a convicted criminal who was coerced into lying by the local sheriff’s department.
McMillian was arrested and charged with capital murder, and despite a lack of evidence linking him to the crime, he was found guilty and sentenced to death.
McMillian spent six years on death row before his conviction was overturned in 1993 by the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals. The court found that the prosecution had withheld evidence that could have helped McMillian’s defense.
McMillian’s case was documented in the book “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson, the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit organization that provides legal representation to prisoners who may have been wrongly convicted.
The story of Walter McMillian’s wrongful conviction and eventual exoneration has become a symbol of the injustice and systemic racism in the American criminal justice system, particularly in the Deep South.
19 feb. 2016
28 You Don’t Create Justice by Doing What is Comfortable | Bryan Stevenson | Google Zeitgeist
21 okt. 2015
29 Bryan Stevenson Speaks on “Just Mercy” Themes: St. Edward’s University
7 okt. 2015
St. Edward’s University
Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and author of “Just Mercy,” speaks with St. Edward’s University faculty member Alex Barron about the importance of advocating for social justice and truth and reconciliation in the criminal justice system. Stevenson’s visit to St. Edward’s in Austin, Texas, included classroom discussions with students and a speech to the university community.
About St. Edward’s University:
St. Edward’s University is a private, liberal arts college in the Catholic Holy Cross Tradition with approximately 4,600 students. Located in Austin, Texas, it is one of the top universities in Texas and offers undergraduate and graduate programs, including MBA programs and a master’s degree in counseling. With a network of partner universities around the world, St. Edward’s is a diverse community with programs designed to inspire students with a global perspective. St. Edward’s University has been recognized for 15 consecutive years as one of “America’s Best Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report and ranks in the top 15 Best Regional Universities in the Western Region.
30 Bryan Stevenson’s Four Steps To Change The World – Dua Lipa: At Your Service Podcast S2 EP4
25 jan 2023
“I think hope is our superpower.” In the fourth episode of Season 2 of our Dua Lipa: At Your Service podcast, Dua and human rights activist and founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative Bryan Stevenson engage in an immensely moving conversation surrounding his work with wrongly accused death row prisoners – many of whom are children. In this exclusive snippet, Stevenson shares his four steps to change the world and how we can all participate in the fight against inequality and injustice in America.
21 mrt. 2017
31 Tavis Smiley & Bryan Stevenson: Dr. King’s Beyond Vietnam Speech
5 apr. 2017
32 The Future of Race and Inequality in the United States
4 mrt. 2017
Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law Launch Event
February 27, 2017
Tishman Auditorium
“The Future of Race and Inequality in the United States,” the inaugural conversation of the Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law.
Moderated by:
Tony Thompson, Professor of Clinical Law and Faculty Director of NYU Law’s Center on Race, Inequality and the Law
The Honorable Loretta E. Lynch, 83rd Attorney General of the United States
Sherrilyn Ifill ’87, President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Bryan Stevenson, NYU Law Professor of Clinical Law, Founder and Executive Director of Equal Justice Initiative
Lector starts at minute 6: powerfull start
People of good conscience
33 Race and History
22 jul. 2016
The Aspen Institute
As the US continues to grapple with issues of race, history is proving to be an invaluable tool to underscore and discuss uncomfortable truths still governing the difficult dynamics of race in America.
How can history help us face and overcome such uncomfortable truths? How can history help slay our ignorance?
Drew Gilpin Faust interviews Bryan Stevenson, Founder and Executive Director of Equal Justice Initiative
Aspen Ideas Festival 2016
34 Terror Lynching in America
11 okt. 2016
35 Bryan Stevenson Q&A following a screening of JUST MERCY
26 nov. 2019
American Film Institute
Subscribe to this channel for exclusive videos from AFI:
Following a screening of JUST MERCY, social justice attorney Bryan Stevenson talks to NBC News’ Simone Boyce about the film based on his life. This Q&A took place at AFI FEST 2019 presented by Audi in November 2019.
Based on Stevenson’s book “Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption,” this heartening, powerful drama directed by Destin Daniel Cretton (SHORT TERM 12) stars Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx and Brie Larson and tells the story of one of Stevenson’s most provocative cases.
36 We need to talk about an injustice – Bryan Stevenson
12 apr. 2013
37 American Forum: Equal Justice?
38 Faith Forum: Bryan Stevenson
21 feb. 2016
39 Why Is It So Hard to Talk About America’s Past? – Extended Interview | America Inside Out
12 apr. 2018
40 Bryan Stevenson | Opening Plenary | SkollWF 2018
12 apr. 2018
Bryan Stevenson speaks at the Opening Plenary at the Skoll World Forum.
Bryan Stevenson is the founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama. Mr. Stevenson is a widely acclaimed public interest lawyer who has dedicated his career to helping the poor, the incarcerated and the condemned. Under his leadership, EJI has won major legal challenges eliminating excessive and unfair sentencing, exonerating innocent death row prisoners, confronting abuse of the incarcerated and the mentally ill and aiding children prosecuted as adults. EJI recently won an historic ruling in the U.S. Supreme Court holding that mandatory life-without-parole sentences for all children 17 or younger are unconstitutional.
Mr. Stevenson’s work fighting poverty and challenging racial discrimination in the criminal justice system has won him numerous awards. He is a graduate of the Harvard Law School and the Harvard School of Government, and has been awarded 29 honorary doctorate degrees. He is the author of award winning and New York Times bestseller, Just Mercy.
In 2015, he was named to the Time 100 recognizing the world’s most influential people. He was named in Fortune’s 2016 and 2017 World’s Greatest Leaders list. In 2018, EJI will open a new museum called “The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration” built on the site of a former slave warehouse in downtown Montgomery Alabama. This will be a companion to a national memorial to victims of lynching called “The National Memorial for Peace and Justice” which will also open in 2018.
About the Skoll World Forum:
Each year, nearly 1,000 of the world’s most influential social entrepreneurs, key thought leaders, and strategic partners gather at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School to exchange ideas, solutions, and information. The Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship is the premier international platform for advancing entrepreneurial approaches and solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.
42 Extended Interview: Bryan Stevenson Reflects On America’s Painful Past | NBC Nightly News
43 Bryan Stevenson | The Weekly [EXTENDED INTERVIEW]
44 Jamie Foxx Reveals His Deeply Personal Connection to ‘Just Mercy”
9 jan. 2020
45 Cocktails & Conversations with Bryan Stevenson and Damien Echols at First-Year Experience® 2015
5 mrt. 2015
Bryan Stevenson, author of JUST MERCY: A STORY OF JUSTICE AND REDEMPTION (Random House) and Damien Echols, author of LIFE AFTER DEATH (Plume) in conversation on social justice at the First-Year Experience® (FYE) 2015 Conference in Dallas, TX.
BRYAN STEVENSON is the executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama, and a tenured professor of law at New York University Law School. He has won relief for dozens of condemned prisoners, argued five times before the Supreme Court, and won national acclaim for his work challenging bias against the poor and people of color. He has received numerous awards, including the MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Grant.
DAMIEN ECHOLS was born in 1974 and grew up in Mississippi, Tennessee, Maryland, Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. At age eighteen he was wrongfully convicted of murder, along with Jason Baldwin and Jessie Miskelley, Jr. Echols received a death sentence and spent almost eighteen years on Death Row, until he, Baldwin, and Misskelley were released in 2011. The West Memphis Three have been the subject of Paradise Lost, a three-part documentary series produced by HBO, and West of Memphis, a documentary produced by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh. Echols is the author of Almost Home,the New York Times bestseller, Life After Death, and, with his wife Lorri Davis, Yours for Eternity. He lives in New York.
46 “Just Mercy”: Bryan Stevenson on Ferguson, Prison Reform & Why the Opposite of Poverty is Justice
20 nov. 2014
47 True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight For Equality (HBO / KUNHARDT FILMS, 2019)
Back to menu IMPORTANT CONTENT Listening recommended Must
23 dec. 2019
HBO Documentary Films and Kunhardt Film Foundation present “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight For Equality.”
In the last half-century, America has become the nation with the highest rate of incarceration in the world, authorized the execution of hundreds of condemned prisoners and continued to struggle to recover from a long history of racial injustice. For more than three decades, Alabama public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, has advocated on behalf of the poor, the incarcerated and the condemned, seeking to eradicate racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. An intimate portrait of this remarkable man, True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality follows his struggle to create greater fairness in the system and shows how racial injustice emerged, evolved and continues to threaten the country, challenging viewers to confront it.
To host a screening of True Justice, please email
The Kunhardt Film Foundation provides educational materials and resources to complement the viewing of the film, including an Engagement Guide, Lesson Plans, a Photo Archive, and an additional three hours of interview footage. Please visit:
Kunhardt Films’ HBO credits include the Emmy-winning Jim: The James Foley Story, the Emmy-winning Teddy: In His Own Words, the Emmy-nominated Nixon by Nixon: In His Own Words, the Emmy-nominated Gloria: In Her Own Words, The Newspaperman: The Life and Times of Ben Bradlee, Becoming Warren Buffett, King in the Wilderness and John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls.
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality is a co-production of HBO and Kunhardt Films; produced and directed by Peter Kunhardt, George Kunhardt and Teddy Kunhardt; executive produced by Trey Ellis and Peter Kunhardt; edited and produced by Maya Mumma, ACE. For HBO: executive produced by Jacqueline Glover, Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller
48 Bryan Stevenson on Social Justice and the Value of International Education – Up Close at NAFSA 2016
49 Bryan Stevenson on Social Justice and the Value of International Education – Up Close at NAFSA 2016
50 Beyond Colonial Histories: Transatlantic Slave Trade – Professor Bryan Stevenson | United Nations
Bryan Stevenson, founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, which operates the Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice delivered the keynote lecture at an event entitled “Beyond Colonial Histories” which was part of commemorative activities for the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
Organized the Outreach Programme on the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in collaboration with the Rijksmuseum, the National Museum of the Netherlands, and supported by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in New York, the event marked the conclusion of the Rijksmuseum’s groundbreaking exhibition “Slavery.Ten True Stories of Dutch Colonial Slavery” which was on display at the United Nations Headquarters in New York between February – March 2023.
Mr. Stevenson is a lawyer, social justice activist, New York University law professor and author of “Just Mercy”. Mr. Stevenson has worked to exonerate over 135 innocent death row prisoners and hundreds of others wrongly convicted emphasizing that “the true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavored, the accused, the incarcerated, and the condemned”.
United Nations Outreach Programme on the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery website:…
51 Donkey Delivery Prank
28 apr. 2011
Janus Kannuberg
8 jaar geleden