It is strange that a flight could land at the wrong destination.
Yet it happens, as explained in Video 1 below.
Liam Allan serves as the template for this website.
The unreliability of the justice system is demonstrated in the videos and the podcast Clearly Not Disclosable under the menu item ‘Liam Allan.’
The idea that the justice system can be unreliable, incongruous, and pointless is as unexpected as a London-Düsseldorf flight mistakenly heading to Edinburgh. To the passengers’ surprise, they are informed upon landing that they have arrived in Edinburgh instead.
Dat een vlucht op een foute bestemming kan landen, is raar.
Het gebeurt, zoals toegelicht in onderstaande video 1.
Liam Allan is de template van de website.
Justitie was onbetrouwbaar, zoals wordt vastgesteld in de video’s en de eronder staande podcast ‘Clearly not disclosable’ onder het menu-item Liam Allan.
Dat justitie onbetrouwbaar, ongerijmd en zinloos kan zijn is net zomin iets die men verwacht, als de vlucht London Düsseldorf, waarbij de vlucht de verkeerde bestemming London Edinburgh vliegt en de passagiers tot hun verbazing te horen krijgen, dat ze verwelkomt worden in Edinburgh bij de landing.
Page Description
Understand the phrase ‘wrong destination,’
its implications, and how to handle situations
when plans go awry
or lead to unexpected outcomes.
1 Misguided Journeys: When Expectations Crash into Reality
The notion that a justice system – designed to uphold fairness and truth – could instead be unreliable, misaligned, or even futile, is as startling as a London-to-Düsseldorf flight mistakenly landing in Edinburgh. Imagine the bewilderment of passengers upon hearing the announcement: ‘Welcome to Edinburgh!’ Such misdirection, both in travel and in justice, leaves people disoriented, questioning how such a glaring error could occur.
Misleide Reizen: Wanneer Verwachtingen Botsen met de Werkelijkheid
Het idee dat een rechtssysteem – dat bedoeld is om eerlijkheid en waarheid te waarborgen – onbetrouwbaar, misplaatst of zelfs zinloos kan zijn, is net zo verbijsterend als een vlucht van Londen naar Düsseldorf die per ongeluk in Edinburgh landt. Stel je de verwarring van de passagiers voor bij de aankondiging: ‘Welkom in Edinburgh!’ Zulke verkeerde koers, zowel in reizen als in recht, laat mensen desoriëntatie ervaren en roept de vraag op hoe zo’n opvallende fout kan gebeuren.
Pilots Landed at the Wrong Airport!
Mentour Pilot Explains
How did that happen
Flight to Nowhere
Fool Passagiers to arrive Nowhere
Please Enjoy this Candid Camera
1 Pilots landed at the Wrong Airport!! Mentour Pilot explains
Short summary of the video Wrong Airport
What pilots can do that it doesn’t happen, that a plane land on a wrong airport?
All of the passengers on board were intented to fly London Düsseldorf
Very embrassing for the compagnies involved, quite funny.
Quite likely an individual misstake
Conformation bias
As a scientist always asks questions
There should be much more that shows it is incorrect
Visible approch landing, very dangerous, due to runway length which is much shorter.
Your brain is not confirming the appoches
Still, use whatever what clues you have, all the navigation aids: the instrumentation of the plane.
Pilots landed at the Wrong Airport!! Mentour Pilot explains
Hi everybody whenever come to mentor internet video podcast as always I hope you’re doing absolutely fantastic today on the video guys aircraft landing at the wrong Airport. How does it happen is it dangerous and what pilots do to make sure what doesn’t happen stay tuned
Before I start this video I want to say a huge thank you and a big shout out to all of my patreon crew you guys know who you are you’re extremely important to channel my patron are helping me to preview my videos look for mistakes that I might have made me choosing thumbnails and also you know sometimes welcome to put on videos basically they’re involved in making sure thaét I deliver quality content on the channel if you guys are interested in joining my patreon crew well go down there’s a link here in the description of the video and once again a huge thank you to you guys share ways flight headed for Düsseldorf in Germany has landed in Edinburgh by mistake after the flight paperwork was submitted incorrectly the passengers only realized the arrow and the plane landed and the welcome to Edinburgh was made
So the reason that I’m making this video is because yesterday a wdl flight operated on behalf of British Airways took off from London City Airport and landed in Edinburgh instead of Dusseldorf right there was a huge shout on social obviously I’ve gotten a lot of questions about how this can happen whether or is dangerous did they have enough fuel things like that so what I will do in this video is I’m going to try to explain why this happened if that was dangerous of not and at the end I’m also going to talk about when this actually is very dangerous why pilots might choose to rely on the wrong Airport and what we can do to make sure that it doesn’t happen so make sure you stay tuned
So anyway yesterday this this wdl is a German airline with you on behalf of British Airways had a morning flight and they set everything up they asked for clearance so they got clearance to Edinburgh which they were expecting they might or might not have been roasted to fly actually down to Dusseldorf instead I don’t know exactly how their rosters look but in any case the flight guns they had the air traffic control clearance they had probably the briefing they all did in the crew room said Edinburgh okay so they
(Later reports indicated that Cabin-crew were also unaware) might or might not have done an initial PA that depends a little bit on whether or not they were on the time pressure maybe they had a slot to depart from London City maybe they did a very early PA or maybe since this being a German airline there was a little bit a accent that people were tired in the morning and didn’t really pay much attention right we don’t know exactly what happened here but in any case the crew flew the flight plan route it went into approach in an edible the land in Edinburgh and they made the welcome and PA to Edinburgh and that’ when all of the passengers started looking at each other’ like are you going to Edinburgh I’m going to Dusseldorf and they soon realized that all of the passengers on board were intended to fly from London City to Dusseldorf and not to Edinburgh which is a completely different direction completely different country everything now the question here obviously is how can this happen and the answer is that this is organizational error all right there’s probably been an mistake made either between British Airways and wdl or
2 Candid Camera Classic: Flight to Nowhere!
30 jan. 2016
2 F-16 pilot died due to faulty ejection seat

F-16 pilot died due to faulty ejection seat © Copyright Faqt
Following a fatal accident involving a US F-16, it appears that the ejection seat had defective components. The incident happened in June 2020. After a failed landing, Lieutenant David Schmitz tried to exit his F-16. He died because his ejection seat failed. The pilot shot 40 metres into the air with his ejection seat, but the parachute did not work. He was instantly dead when he hit the ground. It turned out that some electronics in the ejection seat were damaged and faulty.
When the US Air Force got wind of this, they wanted to keep this information under wraps. It ended up in the non-public part of the investigation report. The public report stated that the pilot had landed incorrectly and used his ejection seat too late.
Since 2012, 86 pilots have been killed in similar incidents.
Six times an F-16 was involved. It turns out that pilot Schmitz’s ejection seat had not been checked for three (!) years. Due to lack of spare parts. Even worse: the Air Force was aware of this. After Schmitz’s death, the US Congress passed a law. The Air Force and Navy must check all ejection seats twice a year and repair them if necessary.
F-16 piloot stierf door defecte schietstoel
Menno Swart
Na een dodelijk ongeluk met een Amerikaanse F-16 blijkt dat de schietstoel defecte onderdelen bevatte. Het incident gebeurde in juni 2020. Na een mislukte landing, probeerde luitenant David Schmitz zijn F-16 te verlaten. Hij overleed, omdat zijn schietstoel weigerde. De piloot schoot 40 meter de lucht in met zijn schietstoel, maar de parachute werkte niet. Hij was op slag dood toen hij de grond raakte. Het bleek dat sommige elektronica in de schietstoel beschadigd en defect was.
Toen de US Air Force hier lucht van kreeg, wilde men deze informatie onder de pet houden. Het kwam terecht in het niet-openbare deel van het onderzoeksrapport. In het openbare rapport stond dat de piloot op een verkeerde manier was geland en te laat zijn schietstoel gebruikte.
Sinds 2012 zijn 86 piloten om het leven gekomen bij vergelijkbare incidenten. Zes keer ging het om een F-16. Het blijkt dat de schietstoel van piloot Schmitz al drie (!) jaar niet gecheckt was. Wegens gebrek aan reserveonderdelen. Nog erger: de luchtmacht was hiervan op de hoogte. Na de dood van Schmitz heeft het Amerikaanse congres een wet aangenomen. De luchtmacht en de marine moeten alle schietstoelen twee keer per jaar checken en indien nodig repareren.
3 Slovenian family discovers after cremation that their father is alive after all

Slovenian family discovers after cremation that their father is alive after all © 123RF
De redactie
“Someone cremated their father yesterday, only to find out the next day that he was still alive. Another family meanwhile discovered that their parent had died,” Slovenia’s visibly shocked health minister Danijel Besic Loredan told a press conference. “In the age of digitalisation in the 21st century, this is totally unacceptable.” HLN writes.
The patients were both men in wheelchairs. They were the same age, lived in the same retirement home and had been taken to Celje hospital in the same ambulance for health reasons. Two days later, one of them died and the wrong family was informed. After the mandatory autopsy, the family in question prepared everything for the cremation and burial.
The mistake came to light when the other patient returned to the retirement home after his recovery. Staff then realised that the man had the wrong identification tag on his wrist.
“The mistake should never have happened, even though one of the patients suffered from advanced dementia,” the minister said at the press conference.
Sloveense familie ontdekt na crematie dat hun vader toch nog in leven is
De redactie
“Iemand heeft gisteren zijn vader gecremeerd, om de volgende dag te weten te komen dat hij nog leeft. Een andere familie ontdekte intussen dat hun ouder overleden was”, verklaarde de zichtbaar geschokte Sloveense minister van Volksgezondheid Danijel Besic Loredan op een persconferentie. “In het tijdperk van de digitalisering in de 21e eeuw is dit totaal onacceptabel.” Dat schrijft HLN.
De patiënten waren allebei mannen in een rolstoel. Ze hadden dezelfde leeftijd, woonden in hetzelfde bejaardenhuis en waren om gezondheidsredenen in dezelfde ambulance naar het ziekenhuis van Celje gebracht. Twee dagen later overleed een van hen en werd de verkeerde familie ingelicht. Na de verplichte lijkschouwing bracht de familie in kwestie alles in gereedheid voor de crematie en de begrafenis.
De fout kwam aan het licht toen de andere patiënt na zijn herstel terugkeerde naar het bejaardenhuis. Het personeel besefte toen dat de man het verkeerde identificatieplaatje aan zijn pols had.
“De fout had nooit mogen gebeuren, ook al leed een van de patiënten aan vergevorderde dementie”, zei de minister op de persconferentie.
Bron(nen): HLN
4 Simon Brodkin (Lee Nelson) Pulls Off an Epic Prank on Britain’s Got Talent
3 Simon Cowell & BGT Epically Pranked By Rapping Rabbi
9 feb. 2017
5 Simon Brodkin Blends In at a Sepp Blatter Press Conference, Throws Money
4 Sepp Blatter Has Money Thrown At Him By Lee Nelson
5 Prankster showers FIFA’s Blatter in fake money
FIFA president Sepp Blatter announced on Monday that he is to continue in his position for another seven months, after football’s world body agreed on a February 25 election to replace him. But a prankster who managed to get past FIFA security at the organisation’s Zurich headquarters overshadowed Blatter’s press conference by showering the embattled governing body’s chief with fake money. Al Jazeera’s Lee Wellings reports
6 Simon Brodkin Crashes President Trump’s Golf Course Press Conference with a Prank
6 Simon Brodkin Pranks President Trump With Swastika Golf Balls! | Balls Of Steel | All 4
Mystery with transmitter mast cleared up
A transmission mast in Maaseik has caused problems for local residents. For instance, garage doors refused service and residents found their cars with all the windows open. Meanwhile, the mystery has been lifted: a frequency for BAB+ radio has been installed on the mast. Receivers on garage doors would not adequately filter those frequencies.
Mysterie met zendmast opgehelderd
Een zendmast in Maaseik heeft problemen veroorzaakt bij buurtbewoners. Zo weigerden garagepoorten dienst en troffen bewoners hun wagen aan met alle ruiten geopend. Intussen is het mysterie opgehelderd: er is op de mast een frequentie voor BAB+ radio geïnstalleerd. Ontvangers aan garagepoorten zouden die frequenties onvoldoende filteren.
Ethisch hacker Inti De Ceukelaire over Google Zwakke schakel in het systeem zijn de mensen
Net zo min als de foute bestemming van de vlucht, verwacht men zich er niet aan dat er gebeurt zoals beschreven in bovenstaande twee pdf-bestanden, een artikel uit het metrokrantje van 16 juli 2019 pagina 2 en 3 bovenaan en van de VRT-website
Beluister op de website van de redactie de radio-uitzending van 12 minuten en 2 minuten nopens mensen bij Google als de zwakke schakel.
De Ethische hacker noemt het menselijk aspect de Achilleshiel.
Ethical Hacker Inti De Ceukelaire on Google: People as the Weak Link in the System
Just as one wouldn’t expect a flight to go to the wrong destination, it’s also unexpected when things happen as described in the two PDF files above – an article from the Metro newspaper dated July 16, 2019, on pages 2 and 3 at the top, and from the VRT website
Listen to the 12-minute and 2-minute radio broadcasts on the VRT news website, which discuss people at Google as the weak link.
The ethical hacker refers to the human aspect as the Achilles’ heel.
30 Tricked Faucets Prank
3 mei 2011