As an American I so enjoy seeing the traditions of the Monarchy of the UK. Your Queen is such a joy to me. I’m glad that the doors of Windsor have been opened and that programs are available for the world to see. Thanks so much for sharing. God bless your Queen.
I love watching these special documentaries about the monarchy. It not just about people. Its the symbol of continuity from the past , with the present and the future. Its a symbol of all that is good about our heritage and gives us a reason to hope in the dark times and the hard times and gives joy and well being in the good times,even when lesser people fail.
We visited England and saw all the sights but when you see the Castle it really stops you in your tracks. The history is amazing. Great video.
That was very informative! It’s wonderful to see the life that goes on at Windsor Castle even when the Queen is not in residence. Wonderful!!!

Gotta love it. She doesn’t just take the flowers. She takes time to chat with them
What a lovely community within the walls of Windsor and the horses are almost as good there as we have here in Kentucky :P. All kidding aside Its a national treasure and a gift to the world that such a landmark is so lovingly cared for so that future generations can experience it as well. /hatsoff for all the hard work 🙂
Wonderful, very interesting documentary! Proud of my English/Scottish/Irish American heritage on my maternal side which goes back to William the Conqueror, first King of England who built Windsor Castle! The Drew family is one of the oldest English families and is mentioned in the Doomsday Book circa 1066. God Save the Queen and long live the Monarchy which has a very long rich history. Thank you for sharing this very informative video~
I’ve always been fascinated with the pomp and circumstance of royal’s as well as the timeless traditions and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE A GOOD HAT…they’re GORGEOUS!! All of those precious little girls with their hats were adorable

The queen is a lovely personable woman…

I’m American and love our best friends across the pond. No body does pomp and ceremony like the Brits.So majestic and beautiful! I am sure I will cry all day long when your queen passes away. Hopefully she will have another decade like her mother.
The time keeper. WOW, what a job and an expert. Great job Sir.
What a great video!!! Very interesting & really cool how everything runs like clockwork, within Windsor Castle… What a beautiful life!!!
The Queen is simply one of a kind ⚘ There will never be another like her. God bless her 

Absolutely Love this. Always wanted to know about Windsor Castle and the life of Our Beloved Queen Elizabth. My Gram, gone 60 yrs loved her and was from England.
Magnifique ! Vraiment une très belle vidéo sur la vie quotidienne de la Monarchie !!! J’aimerai beaucoup participer à cela ! Merci !
wow.!!!This is very fantastic years her majesty the queen and the people of England doing this very exciting occasion. Really great. Long live the queen.

love it.

This is a great video thank you for sharing it is so full of history I just love this
I love the way the Queen speaks. Her corgis are lovely too.
I have a great regard for such love from The Queen and the royal family. God bless you and keep you.
This is beautiful! I really hope I get to meet the Queen someday!
She really seems genuine and lovely to her people. I hope Charles follows suit.
I remember going to the movies & on the newsreel they had a special about the coronation. She was a beauty all right. And I can’t believe how beautiful she has remained. OH, the movie was Bambi (dear ol’ Walt)

I adore the queen all the way from the states! She handles everything with such grace and class. I always think about how she has dedicated her whole life to the crown and all things that go with it. I can’t imagine having to do all her duties. She is always working. She can’t just have a day where she stays in her pajamas in bed binge watching her favorite shows eating snacks. Even now in her late 90s she is still on all the time. She has led a life with alot of privilege but alot of work as well. I think she is absolutely adorable and I can’t imagine a world without her. Long live the queen 

Would love to visit all of the Queens’castles one day.
Just awesome. Well done Britannia. Well done.
I’m an american and the more I learn about british royal history the more I realize what a beautiful tradition it is
Fabulous kitchen. Fabulous clocks Fabulous gardens Oh to be a Prince or a King and to live the life. Designing the Garden, approving the weeks menus, waving from the coach, grooming the horses. Maybe in the next life.
God Bless The Royal Guards And Their Families Excellent Job
I love this genre of documentary
Would love to set with her and just talk. There is just something about the British lifestyle that has always drawn my attention. The history, chivalry, elegance, I could go on. I don’t know if I was just born at the wrong time or in the wrong country. Besides the queen herself I have always loved learning about the tudors. From Henry VIII to Elizabeth I. Love learning about the foods at the time to the royals clothes and what fortunate items that have surpassed and been lucky enough to make it through the course of time. Would love to see the items of queen Elizabeth I to her father king Henry. That have never been shown to the public. Would love to spend a year just metal detecting around Britain.
Lend us a tenner please. No. I’m joking. Great video. She works very hard I must say. She makes our country great.
I bought this entire DVD set and its wonderful. I got it from Barnes & Noble Sometimes I just like to be quiet…sip wine and enjoy these…and remember my 3 yrs in England. I wish I hadn’t left because I didn’t have to leave…..see that lady on her knees wiping that floor wax..wish It was me…………….
Nice seeing the Barracks, as i worked on the construction of them.. a long long time ago
My Mother was born on April 14, 1926 . She was Irish, and English, and very proud of Her Heritage , as I am , I enjoy watching anything to do with the Queen, and the History of England .. Long Live The Queen !!!
Sigh. I must’ve been switched at birth because I really like this lifestyle. Somehow I ended up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, instead.
Shes been and still is a fantastic Queen
Binge watching the royals now lol
How lovely. God bless the very hardworking. Queen.
I think she should be declared Elizabeth the Great now while she is still alive to know how much she is appreciated.
I enjoyed this ! 🙂
Why aren’t we taught this kind of stuff at school? Much more interesting and relevant than past events that in no way changed our country.
14:35 Look’s like Henry is smiling at the audience!
I spent 4 years in the Army. I loved it but the thought of constantly being told what to do……………I could have never made it.

Haha. Love the children with the hats.
I see a lot of Americans saying they wish they were british and could be involved in these sorts of things in some way and wish they had such a queen and ceremonies. While that is a perfectly valid stance and opinion to take, i’d like to offer an alternative view. These sorts of events were extremely posh, elitist, and closed off to the public. No one except the cream of society could attend such events or really saw/knew what went on there in much detail. It was in large part due to the changing nature of the world and the super power that is America and the way it handled its own affairs that gradually shifted the more archaic and closed off monarchy into the more public and accessible one of the modern era. So while Americans may indeed wish to see these events up close and wish they had a fascinating and strong queen for themselves, take heart and pride in the knowledge that your own people’s history helped bring about the changes that allow everyone now, both british and american, to see these ceremonies when before neither could.
long live the queen.
The clocks are wonderful!
The four seasons? This isn’t the landscaping company I expected!
I moored my boat a short distance down stream from Windsor, after work and at week end. For short jaunts I would either motor down stream to Runnymede. Other times up stream passed Windsor Great Park, a couple of times tailed by a black Rover Discovery.
God bless and keep our queen.
Rosie of Oz🇦🇺 &
Omega the Cavalier 

Patrolling the Quadrangle at night…. That bloody suit of armour! I swear it was watching me!!
I just love her Corgi’s…they are so fat , friendly and cute…God Save The Queen’s Corgi’s!
In these tough economic times, the monarchy really must pare down.
Love those Windsor greys.
Rip prince Philip 

I love watching this and all the seeming magic and history, but I could NEVER do it. You are harnessed to that job for life. The Queen is in her 90’s and still has to work every single day! Always be nice and happy and never allowed to give her real opinion. Then to have those U.K. tabloid jackals dogging your every move and making up lies if you dare displease them. Your job is to work hard for the country and Commonwealth, and the U.K. tabloids greatest pleasure is to find fault with you. No thanks. I’ll enjoy watching these videos.
see Billy Mott, the top notch Brit Army guy..”we haven’t got time” etc he’s my friend..he’s now married, living in the US and I’m so proud of him. He is one of the most well respect man of the service
@29:40 “They become a nuisance.” Well Philip, I will make sure not too. Not that I will ever have the chance.
Awesome Clockmaker!
There are some silly bits amongst the tradition’s that make me shake my head
Haha. Love the children with the hats.
I want a job at Windsor Castle! I’d make a good house servant/cleaner.
Time is certain and concise as the shillings are, and so as 2 mites and 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread. Salts are salts, and if the salt lost its savor, where are ye to season it, sweeter also than honey than a honey comb for it is not good to have too much honey. Standards and HRH etiquette as foundations are amongst worlds. Spring, summer, fall, and winter 4 seasons. SMEs…….respectively.
does anyone know the name of the orchestra tune at the end?
IF YOU WERE QUEEN, what would people be betting on that you would wear or do? Personally, if I were queen people would be betting on whether I showed up wearing Crocs, barefoot, or platform creepers. And how many times I farted. I’d name my throne the “Expellation Station” 

25:30 That 70,510 pounds with inflation, etc is 7,832,000 pounds. Yes sir… that WOULD buy you a house. Quite a nice estate rather. 😉
I can’t help but think of the inequity of life viewing this and all the people living in poverty without a good meal or warm bed. The queen and family are worth trillions, yet so many are suffering and nothing is given, but much is taken from the people in the UK for these people controlling it all. Shameful.
could someone please share which castles/residences are owned by the queen and those that are owned by the state? I know Buckingham is owned by the state and balmoral by the Queen. Not sure about Windsor. thank you.
god save our queen xxx
God bless the flag man , !
Governor of the Military Knights in this film Major General Sir Michael Hobbs, served as Governor from 2000 until 2012. Therefore I just figured out that this Garter Knight ceremony must have been 2005, since Sir Malcolm Ross passed away in 2008 , and received his initial Garter in 1995, when the Governor was different than Sir Michael Hobbs in this documentary film.
cool more! i like it!
Everyone here talks about wanting to live like the queen but I’d like to be staff . I’ll do it in my next life 

We should respect our monarch / queen Elizabeth 2
As your typical english, scottish, German, and a couple of other things american, I lose touch of my ancestry. But I have a King James bible that has 25% of my ancestry fully documented. Above all, I’m just amazed at how ANCIENT this all is!
How can a true compassionate and decent human being live in good conscience while living in such outrageous excess while so many die around the globe because they lack the most basic of needs for life !!!???
I should have been born ROYAL! I would have made an awesome Prince! I would have been the PEOPLES PRINCE! (… and good lord, what great good I could have done with ALL that money …)
Sir Edmund Hillary, the very tall gentleman with a cane who was greeted by the Knight of the Garter Comptroller, Sir Malcolm Ross, as he ascended up the stairs , is a world wide known New Zealand Mountaineer, part of the first confirmed party to reach the summit at Mt. Everest in 1953. He was first awarded the Knight Garter in 1995, he passed away in 2008, not sure when this video was made, could it be filmed in 2005? Also, Sir Malcolm Ross, @ 16:19 passed away unexpectedly, on his birthday, 27th, October 2019 at age 76… Prince Andrew was seen months later, attending the Memorial Services for Sir Malcolm Ross held in March, 2020 In St. George Chapel, even though Prince Andrew , who is accused of pedophilia, was removed [supposedly ] from Royal duties…I guess they are sneaking Prince Andrew back into duties…he will not even cooperate with the FBI here in the U.S. order to address his 3 ILLEGAL sexual encounters with Georgia Roberts when she was 17 years old.
I know there must be someone who took the wine glass home at Christmas!!!!
I am continuously torn on royalty and privilege. 300 servants? I stopped admiring wealth when I actually inherited some. Life is just luck and most people don’t have much of it. No one needs a big house–it’s stupid and wasteful. A LOT of these people are Torries and they are just like Republicans in the U.S.–they like people who like them and disdain blacks, gays, feminists, refugees, immigrants, the poor and unemployed, etc. Horse racing is rife with cruelty—all this stuff looks pretty and historical from a distance, but underneath–it’s all rather dark and cloyingly smug.
That officer who claims to be Irish is most certainly not Irish. Ireland does not have a monarch; therefore Irish army officers do not refer to “my monarch” because such a thing does not exist.
The Duke of Edinburgh is now at Sandringham. He won’t leave it again. The queen and Duke phone each other every day. The queen will go to Sandringham for Christmas until February.
Queen Elizabeth so dutiful and beautiful long live the queen
She has a runner in the “420” 

All very pretty but the whole box of tricks entrenches power & privilege. In fact many of the “ceremonies” like garter day or the king’s artillery troop are modern inventions.
I wonder if she knows who Humpty Dumpty was ? 

Thank you 🙂
I’ve met a lot of old queens in my life, but they weren’t royalty. 

I am wondering why thy couldn’t, in deference to these older men, hold this at a cooler time of the year? I can imagine it is stifling in those heavy uniforms..
Instead of the far right King of Spain, we would very much like Elizabeth II!!
What if the queens horse wins, does she get to keep the winnings. Lol
All of the Queen’s Corgis have died.. the last of them in April 2018… but then I heard she is adopting one from up in Balmoral
I wish this kind of living; oh how cruel Life can be!
1:56 “it’s a pretty nice group innit?”
LOL.. making England less England.. wow shes so cool >_<
Thank you.
did anyone else catch that the temperate was 90 degrees
I love this type of documentary Banquet: 4 Season: Ranger:
i hope the Queen wouldn’t mind me playing with her doggies if i ever got the chance
I was once on sentry duty round the back of Windsor castle and this old lady rode past on a pony, I didn’t recognise her so didn’t present arms, anyway a castle employee said guardsman thats the Queen present arms so I did , she had a headache on and I didn’t know it was her .
plenty room for Andy to high away
240 video though I had the wrong glasses. So fuzzy nothing is sharp
She is the britain cash machine
Barbara Flynn narrates? 

the best is 0:21
Me waiting to see a single person of color 12 minutes in and nothing
I knew I loved the Queen…. She has dogs. -An American
I have given up on Russia. Mr. Putin is on permanently.
gsm billy mott there as usual lol
I love the video….but at the Royal Ascot…is a bit sick seen these rich old man and their trophy wives making fools of themselves . It makes it a bit less respectable…and more spectacle.
I CAN’T STOMACH THIS GIRLS …………”of pomp” oh dear God….
Oh my! All of a sudden the ease of sending videos to my sister has gone! Blow you YOUTUBE, my sister would love this, All the options now available under “share,” are unavailable to me.
sorry but ascot is most definetly not the biggest its only the biggest flat racing meet,it ranks well below other meetings and apart from all the stupidity over dressing up is a fairly mediocre cheltenham is the biggest festival and the grand national is the biggest race
i was wondering how Order of the gada was?
All the pomp and ceremony, I bet the NHS spend a fortune treating cherry blossom ingestion with any Royal Family employee. I bet more is spent feeding the Royal hosses than most of us have for food. I can do something the Royal Family cant… I can work 70+ hours a week and still need to use a food bank! Good huh?
Bloody scary place at night.
I Finished the Cereal Killer. Justice Served.
Windsor Castle templary clean the arabic problem….with God help
Shouldn’t it be called sax-coburg castle. That is their TRUE surname
38:17 Fucking genious
90 degrees in those jackets. Uugghhhhh
Springvale Road Springvale MaAgeE
I Said A Leader Then. Remember?
Aah this is where all the wealth from India ended up!!
So WHO is the dude in the photo announcing this video? I haven’t found him in the video.
I Finished ben laden. I Think I Did. It Was Blurry.
Can’t someone sort the adverts out in here? At least in keeping or tone with a particular video subject, for God’s sake it isn’t rocket science. One minute we’re watching HRH and guests, the next we’re assailed by a bunch of wailing witches; crying their heads off.
Queen looks like a German grandmother
Is not winter castle is Windsor Castle
Not gonna lie. The video icon looks like some low budget 80’s porn VHS cover.
Nice places Cops
i’m fine with me dear

Don’t know if this reporter just got the age wrong or some this else, but the Windsor Castle was first started emphasis on ‘STARTED’ being build in 1070 and took 16 years to complete so the Castle is not over 1 thousand years old in fact it’s 929 years old at the time of this post. If your making a documentary get your history right at the very least. Going off of the info from site.
I Can Speak Now.
Steve Davidson doesn’t have to change the clock on big Ben too does he?
we all come from Europe in our histories at some point. minus our indigenous people of course who already had long long lives here …I adore all things the Queen….She stills rules the rulers…
“But frankly it is easy to manage ” (the rose beds). Prince Philip never put as much as a finger in the rosebuds ! The monarchy , any monarchy is sooooo outdated!
I think there’s a lot of White Lady and monster in some spot of winsor castle
Does she talk to the horses……????
Windsor The Garter St George England
Who runs London?
It’s Because of Al-Fallujah.
You also can talk with the God dear friend or can plan 
️ too 
the God if you’re having a great
day dear

They love children’s this family
I love to watch all of this, but frankly it is totally ridiculous to have Queens and Kings in the 21th Century. So terribly out of place!
Much ado about nothing…
26:36 that’s a smiling Ivana Trump, our President’s first wife, and mother to his three older children.
In that building, why don’t they put in an elevator/lift? that is not a good house for the elderly.
Blurry, can’t watch
What a total load of nonsense.
We love our Royal family. Always except for now one person needs to go. Canada doesn’t want her. South Africa doesn’t want her. USA doesn’t want her back. I am talking about us commoners not the rich and famous.
Horses or Diana I can understand why our sovereign picked the horses as Diana was bucking the establishment and clearly Elizabeth didn’t understand Diner but I wish it could have been different especially for William and Harry and Kate and Meghan Archie George Charlotte and Louis
We freedom Country believe in God dear
i talk what’s i feel dear

This video quality is unusually horrible.
Jibba ellie today Tuesday evening 2 March 2021 the time is right now 8:49 pm
Only 240p eh? 

How about spending a whole day touring some Shack! No one should have that amount of wealth especially not on the backs of the people of England and elsewhere.
Ernie Boch, Jr
3 seconds in and I already vomited.
So basically the public was not allowed to view 90% of Windsor castle but when it burned down how fast the queen extended her hands for working class money. This very nice I’m sure lady can’t even bother to be driven, chaufferred to see her new grandson, No she has to take a helicopter. Reality check anyone?
Horse racing a cruel sport that needs to be banned.
This is Grate Britain stand out for the rest of the world
unfortunately we have to close that chapter of grandeur. it was a great past, now it´s over. better to invest money and energy in progress of society.
The longer I’m away from England the weirder this all is. All the dressing up. All the yelling and screaming to get things perfect for one woman. My gosh, they even open her book for her! What the heck?! Isn’t she able to open her book herself?! “Rationally it’s lunatic, but practically everyone enjoys it.” Huh. Good point. But seriously, quit bowing and scraping. She’s just a normal woman, you know.
After watching this you should be more anti monarchy than ever what a sick system.
Disgusting waste of money taken from the hard working people of the nation.
Silliness. …all of it, waste of money.
hang about isn’t carol singing considered begging? and against the law? oh that’s that the queen is above the law for she is the law!!! out with the monarchy