Bravo, Brian D’Arcy. Beautifully expressed.
“There’s always money for war. There’s never money for the welfare of children” Sad fact!
As a humanist. Stroke atheist I have nothing but great admiration for this man who speaks the truth. The whole truth about the Catholic Church and its evil past he seems to me to be a deep thinker. Especially about the morass the world finds itself in. Personally I find the church vile. Disgusting and like all religions filling peoples minds with indoctrination and nonsense
wow!! just wow!! Hands down to father D’arcy. Very well said!
Fr. Darcy hits the nail on the head – there was only one acceptable type of family. That’s the problem with our society. Nobody should be looked down upon because of their family circumstances.
Amazing candor. Finally someone speaks up.
In 2 Words to Fr. Brian : Well Done .
Power corrupts and the Catholic church at that time had absolute power which made the frustrated priests and nuns into sadistic monsters. There are many undiscoverd mass graves of children to be found at the back of old hospitals, convents.
less than 1,500 people have watched this video so far. w hat does that tell you about THIS generation?
The smell of extinction grows stronger with each passing day 

Awful. d’Arcy admits that there is collusion between the church and the state against the Irish people. Further, he blames the Irish people and not the members of the church for what happened in Tuam. They speak of change, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Brutally honest…and we were rotten to the core … we have to face it …learn kindness…
I love Fr D,Arcy! But I still can’t get over the fact that the children as far as I know we’re left entombed in the Sewer! Memorials were put around but are their little bodies still entombed in the Sewer?
Perhaps religion does not serve anybody!
Re. the famine, so who was it shipped the corn away – the Russians? As a northerner from Fermanagh (like Fr. D’Arcy), I cannot understand the self-flagellation which is now so fashionable among apostate Catholics in the ROI. BTW I hope Catherine is better at making tea than she is at writing ‘history’.
Praise the Lord Father 

He is sure right there about homeless people.
It is the same as in America. He is saying the TRUTH. He is a very wise man, He has a lot of Wisdom.
Not Ireland’s shame, but the Vatican’s shame.
No time for priests or old frustrated nuns.Thank God lreland has Copt on.Priests have no say anymore .They are told to mind their own business and not before time
So it’s all right now . We can go by what the Pope is telling us to do . Same sex attractions can come together and even get married. So say the Pope. And do what the United Nations tell us to do . Oh how we have changed. People power has changed the catholic church. If that’s what the people want that’s what they get.
The lies keep on coming.
Not Ireland’s shame the Catholic Church’s shame
People got radicalised in Northern Ireland.
Fead @tuambabies by Brian Nugent.
Sorry that should read ‘read’!
I will never understand religious logic: Two people commit sin by having unmarried sex and creating a child. The child had no responsibility in this, but we punish it for the sin anyway. The mother of the child is a sinner, and we punish her hard. The father of the child might be a sinner, but we forgive this sin and let him live his life without any consequences for this act. Then we try to forget any of this ever happened. This is how we uphold a high moral standard. And it’s not just the Catholics. It a problem with all the Abrahamic religions. Nor is it just the clergy either.
FATHER DARCY should be our next pope!! seriously, though, he was very good on the late, late show tonight (feb-17-2017) but, tell me, does he have a secret child out there? it does not matter, of course. at least he is sexually normal. but, for me, the worst thing about the human race is that there are, or were, loads of lower class semi-illiterate people who went to mass every week because they thought it made them “better class”. better clarse, more like. education is FREE OF CHARGE, yet the lower classes will not educate their kids to the best of their abilities. education is a dirty word to this particular social class. they would rather retain their most cherished possession – their ignorance. they don’t want to join the middle classes after all. think about that bit.
Brian describes Nazi Germany.. Well I think it was Nazi Germany.. Wasn’t it?
BY THE WAY: britain had NOTHING to do with our irish famine. england had, but britain had NOTHING to do with it. and part of scotland was affected, too, by this same famine. scotland, for those of you who do not know, is the oldest country in britain , whilst england is the YOUNGEST country in britain.
Why does this man call himself a priest, all talk.
Rab c Nesbitt
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