The most spectacular wedding ever…nothing compared !!!
I never could understand why Princess Diana didn’t leave Charles at the very moment when he openly said ”Whatever in love means”… She in fact knew he wasn’t loyal… She didn’t have somebody that loved her enough to coach her to end it before it got started… I wish she had… She might never became royal but at least she’d be alive.. oh Lord I’m crying…
Diana a Beautiful woman! Sadly missed
Harry pulling his tongue out in car made me laugh
Nobody just can’t get enough of the Princess
Charles never wanted to marry Diana but was told he would do so by Prince Phillip…it was always his plan to continue with Camilla but keep Diana as wife and mother as long as she would put up with it. I think it took William so long to make the decision to marry Catherine because he wanted to be sure it was the right thing to do so they wouldn’t be like his parents and his children would not suffer like he and Harry suffered.
I loved her princess Dianna she was very nice pretty and care in mum to god bless her may she rest in peace

William was always in between his parents’ squabbles. He had 1st hand experience of how to handle a woman whom he loves deeply till this day. Kate is very lucky to have him & his baggages. She has a gentle touch as how to unload those baggages successfully & give him the family & love which William craved for. God bless them all. Both will carry the Royal
high. Keep trusting, keep praying.

All their mistakes played out on the public stage…id be absolutely MORTIFIED!!
This is an uncertain phase in the life of the Monarchy, wavering between ‘shall I step down now’ and ‘or shall I just carry it through to the end?’
I bet when Charles said….” it would have been easier to have two wives”…Diana was thinking you DO THINK you have 2 wives…!
How terribly sad, but what was supposed to happen? She died as do many, but her time on earth was amazing and she didn’t live like many who suffer everyday
This documentary brings it all back, from the shy nursery school teacher to to the tragic death of a Princess. One cannot control the tears as one relives her funeral. William and Kate have made her proud!
I’m just in shock of all the things prince Charles said in front of his wife… During engagement intervieuw “how do you feel? Very in love ?” Diana: “offcourse! ” Charles “whatever being in love means!”… What an idiot.. And saying 2 wives would be better during a press conference that’s just disgusting
At age 13 he looks just like George
William is going to be a great King with Catherine as Queen !

You cant marry a man whose heart has already been taken by another woman. The price the bride pays is way to high. And the children pay the price of a divorce. Always. I would have called the wedding of. My heart went out to young William being confronted with all those journalists and their cameras. And not only then. I hope that William is happier now as adult with Kate and their children at his side. He is also much more down to earth than his father and grandmother.
Beautiful woman in the world
I am sure Diana would be proud of her son William as he is today. He will make a great King someday after his father.
Stumbles on her words at beginning, forgot her speach,… you’ll never know how these women really feel, their words are chosen for them..
Something new always faces the most responsibilities. the beginning is always the hardest.
William looks so much like his mom!
Beautiful Gorgeous Princess Diana Queen of the world 

I don’t know who was pushing Charles to marry..they should have left him alone…he would have found someone else…and not bring a young woman into a marriage that he didn’t love…she might be alive today…
she put waayy too much onto William but I suppose she felt he was the only one she could trust. He also knew she wasn’t perfect, that’s why he could get on with his father IMO. At least something good came out of the marriage, William is a wonderful person & such a good father also.
I am glad William became a good adviser to his mum.
She just wanted a Prince that loved her. If only he did.
He thinks more about the Crown than his mother
May her soul rest in peace..i like her very much and the both kids..prince williams and prince Harry..but there are did mistake (the parents) i blame prince Charles here..his not be gatefull at all.. i am very so sorry for both son’s..thank you my late princes God love more ..

There’s a minor royal who’s married to a cousin of the Queen. I cannot remember her name, but I remember her getting the Queen’s permission to convert to Catholicism. I know that she does so much for charities, helping the vulnerable and disadvantaged elderly people. I just wish.HRH Diana, Princess of Wales, had connected with this woman, maybe.she’d find happiness with a Christian faith! God would have taken Diana on, Not even Prince Charles can compete with the God and King of the Universe Lol 

If I’d heard the comment “whatever in love means” I would take off my ring put it on the palm of the speaker’s hand and wave goodbye, but Diana was too weak to do that and she suffered the consequences
Sorry to say, the titles of your posts and content never matches. It has become an old story
Prince William is such a strong loving polite gentleman! He shows he’s ready to be King and we’ll be a great king alone by he’s side he’s beautiful wife queen Catherine!

Diana was 18-19 years old when they married. She was quite naive due to youth, Don’t think she knew how to handle the situation. I do believe she really worked on her marriage but after she found out the full extent of Prince Charles mistress, she felt she could do the same thing as Charles…and why not! What’s good for the goose is good for the gander..
I can’t understand Charles really. She was beautiful and had a beautiful personality, was such an asset to the Royal family. He was such a fool to lose her . K
Prince George resembles his father Prince William . He has his looks and demeanor . Regal !
Silly escuse of Camilla, telling Princess Diana having two children 

As the Mum and breadwinner for my three beautiful children attending college It seems It must be a privileged life Diana had Not working dawn until night. I say this without resentment but observation Lucky lady to have her financial needs met .
Princess Diana and Duchess Kate are beautiful people and never wore/wear revealing clothes, they didn’t/don’t have too….unlike some who show everything and never leave anything to they imagination.
She put a lot onto William.Saying herself that he was her rock..a lot of responsibility for a teenage boy.William is genuine in his love for his mother…and had to take a back seat to the tantrums of Harry…and still is.Thank goodness he’s the man he is, and not like his brother.
William looks so elegant …very royal …
This post was titled about Diana n William but all you did was discuss Charles n Dianas married life which we have heard about a billion times…sorry but I had to say it !
William is a very strong man.
I don’t believe Diana had 2 sides!! I believe prince Charles had always had led double lives!! When he commented on this video that it would be better to have 2 wives on in each side of the street!! Camila was Charles mistress along before Diana came along!! I wouldn’t except either!! Diana put up with his betrayal for very long time!! I would never married a man that has a mistress in his life, that wedding would be stopped for sure !! His grandmother new off Camila!!
Might be another 30 more years before William will be king the way their family lives forever. That’s a good thing though.
William SHOULD be the next king.
But Princess Diana have a big heart and love for her childrenl
Than a big place

William is going to be good king
May You Rest In Peace Queen of the Peoples Heart, Queen of the world You are always in our heart, You will be remembered till the end of the world 

We love you William and your parents.
I believe she is still alive. I pray she is !!!!
Prince Charles made Diana the woman she was. Camilla engaged in a torrid affair with Charley Boy and Diana was kicked to the curb. I can’t imagine being a nineteen year old bride and have a husband behave on the honeymoon as ole Charley boy. He should be happy Diana didn’t kill him in his sleep. I think it would be a shame and disgrace for Camilla to be named Queen. She is a harlot—let’s call a spade a spade. Charles should be grateful that his boys speak to him at all. He broke their mother’s heart for a married woman who is as ugly as homemade sin.
He swapped his princess for a dog what he did to Diana was despicable he killed Diana by having a divorce and she was shut out. Everyone loved her and he chose the DOG rest in peace Diana your son William has done you proud
I do have a great deal of respect for Queen Elizabeth. That woman has been there for decades. The monarchy however, everything will backfire. Watch.
I wish I was living in England, I think the laws and ideas are much more different than the USA.
she just wanted to be loved
William will be the king he wants to be as his own man
Diana would have loved Katherine.
You refer to William mostly but William seems to be the well adjusted one….yet one can’t say the same for his brother……
How sad that Charles made Diana life so miserable. Why did he married her if he didn’t love her what a traitor. Had he supported her with love they would have been a happy family. I am sure her two boys never have forgotten what their father did to their mother. Instead she went looking for love in the wrong ways, maybe from all the hurt Charles caused her. People were obsessed with her beauty and kindness.
William was angry with Princess Diana before she died. He did not want to walk behind her casket. Prince Philip persuaded him. He was embarrassed of the swimsuit pics.
The story about the interview with Diana is perfectly described. I think Diana was grossly out of line.
When he said whatever love means. What a silly guy? If he didn’t whatever love means, he married that other woman. He has no shame.
William learnt from his mother’s mistakes. She told him things she would never tell Harry because she knew Harry had her personality and potential volatility. Diana wanted to be Princess of Wales and her son to be King ABOVE ALL ELSE. She played the game and lost. But William will be King by the grace of god
What I meant was if the second child was a girl, then we would not now have to listen to all Harry’s complaints! The dynamics between a brother and sister are different to two brothers.
Charles wasnt Inlove with her that’s the truth an he was treated the same way king Edward was treated with whom he really loved sad but true
We all are proud, of Prince William and Prince Harry, they both are just like their beautiful Mother, be Proud of your children, our Queen in Heaven 

William no matter what your mum was queen of everyone us people no one will ever change that no matter what
Fortunately, Prince William inherited his mother’s looks and intelligence!
Some aspects of the experiences of Diana with the Royal Family seem to be expressed by Meghan in her own royal experiences in the interview with Oprah.
I wish they would just let the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge take over as soon as possible.
William is such a loyal and better husband and father, Diana would be so proud of him. He will always be a better father and husband then his father Charles will ever be. Camilla is not even half the woman Diana was, and still is. She was beautiful and caring, something Camilla will never be.
Charles is responsible for the miserable life of Dianna !
She should have kept Charles’ comments about Harry being a boy and a redhead to herself forever. Not doing it marked Harry with rejection for the rest of his life, and made him the easy prey to narcissist Megan. Harry always felt the spare. She should have thought of her boys before saying such things.
I read that William is like his father an alleged cheater.
Sorry this is an emotional damaged family, even the way young Charles was raised to know he was a spare, and wasn’t important.
William will drive the monarchy into obscurity. Diana would be very disappointed in him.
I think Princess Diana overshared way too much with her son. She made him her confidant and “ally” in an effort to weaponize him against his father. Alot of responsibility on a young boy. Luckily, unlike his brother, he’s married to a wonderful woman who is a true helpmate and partner. I wish him and his family all the best and am looking forward to him becoming King.
Misleading Title for this documentary.
If Camilla had sent Charles back to Diana in the beginning when Charles approached her after he married…… he would have been in fete accompli and given his marriage another try…….
I wonder if the Daughter Prince Charles wanted was Camilla his, and NOT her husband’s!!! Looks a bit like his sister Anne don’t you think???hmmm!?
None of this is new material , disappointing
This picture erks that prince Charles is so heartless .
I really don’t understand why her brother put her out on that island.
William is an absolute clone of Diana.
Why can’t people just leave Diana & her son’s alone . Every day they have to hear & read something more about their beloved mother . Please let her rest in peace . Why don’t people go on about what Charles done the way he treated her along with his bit on the side who is now his wife . The last Prince of Wales could not marry a divorced woman & still be king so why is Charles getting away with it . He should step down so William & Kate can take over .



Diana was so sad because her marriage is falling apart . Finally she wants to revenge to Charles and camilla’s long time affairs. She told the truth and speaks her mind on panoramaTV interview. Her personal affairs hurt her boys and Charles . Queen hates that. Camilla must be happy to hear how much she was loved by Charles. Camilla should leave behind her love story and focus her marriage. She marriage was just killing time and free rent by husband who she can live near by the royal residence. She is horrible woman.Diana end up as a celebrity Hollywood former princess star. She could not manage her life without the royal protection…. Finally.. she has to move on and gave up her tiara , wealth, the royal status for new role. Unfortunately she did not manage her life well. … I love Diana. Now no interested in Royal family. Meghan left royal family. I believe she made a right decision.
William will be the king his mother wanted
41:45 what? Seriously? Wow
The thing is Diana knew before. That Charles as in love with camilla. Ill never understand why she still married im..maybe like a lot of women she thought she could change him. That’s not to say he didn’t love her he did. Just not in love. A huge difference. He’s said himself he loved her. He knew her from a very young age. But camilla was hes true love. And he was faithful. Until they spilt. Whereas Diana wasn’t. Thats the truth ofbthe matter it was also known that she was always telling the paps. When and where she would be its also true that she could be cruel. In how she would drop friends. She did very good things. But she is not a god. and would not have wanted to be.
I think that they should stop regurgitating the past. Everybody knows what happened. For heavens sake enough is enough.
I think Charles had her killed
Diana is still a major industry…just look here on you-tube and on the MSN Feed page Diana’s photo is there every day. Who is it that is financially benefiting from this use of her image? I feel sorry for both boys…Harry’s life is in uncharted waters and William appears to be doing his “duty” but he doesn’t look very happy.
Absolute Documantries Prince William & his mother Diana 30 years ago with Charles & Diana’s marriage Listening from Mass USA TYVM
Charles & Diana

How different would their lives have been had the second child been a girl?
All betrayed women do!
Prince loiu Diana would have had so much fun with the little guy
Remove Harry and Megans titles and all.things connected to royalty. I don’t trust Megan Harry is like a puppet. William and Kate all the way for the monarchy
The last time Diana and William were physically together, they argued. Because will didn’t like the way she was behaving.
But Charles never deserve THE Beautiful Gorgeous Princess Diana 

Absolutely NOT…
JohnLennonSongContest [New York] Finalist Diana-tribute-song dedicated to William and Harry for continuing their mother’s good causes, faith- fully carrying on her great legacy. Incl. Celtic-Flute-Instrumental [QUEEN OF HEARTS GONE TOO SOON studio instrumental recording] Images of Diana and her sons. Love is the answer. Always. Reply
Who Cares ! We have our Own Problems & amidst Covid 19 

Diana would be so so proud of Prince William she Probobly cries tears of joy from heaven with his choice of wife her grandchildren everything William , married for love and he will rule with love and respect for the people Diana didn’t get a fair chance at love there was always Camilla in the background interfering with the marriage she didn’t care can’t believe the queen allowed Charles to marry her and I’m sure William isn’t thrilled he knew the problems Camilla caused he knew
Its just more rehash with a different title.
Better than seeing MM all the time.
William will be the great king his mother wanted him to be and she would be very angry with harry for what he is doing she would want harry to help his brother her boys together helping each other but harry wants to be a celebrity and he is listening to the wrong people who are using him to destroy his family he will suffer thanks to interfering busybodys who tell what his mother would do they don’t know what she would want but harry has chosen the wrong path his mother would tell him to stop but he is on a very dangerous course his mental health issues will be a very sorry ending as he is very fragilehis so called friends are not his friends this us la la land nothing is real
The best out fit was the black low cut she wore
I feel like vomiting every time I listen to Charles when he was asked if he was in love in front of the world he’s said FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH O MY GOD TWO BOYS HAVING TO READ THAT IT’S HUMILIATING I AM CHOKING UP .
Same old, same old
William is a born King! Thank God! It’s not Harry.
The most “unroyal royal” ever.
Did you hear prince Charles has a pink willie, he stuck it in dia lol 

How come any one can Compair Princess Diana with Camilla????? Wich like day and night ????????
We want William to be our next King not Charles
… Williams looks so much like His mother. She would had love beautiful Kate.
I am neverous about Charles being King it always seemed like life revolved about him and not others whereas Diana and her boys it was always about the people
Harry is destroying his mothers memory by trying to make money off of it
Whatever love is seriously
I feel like if I was there I will put him down and 

my goodness me! Imagine Camilla and Diana seriously crazy. All this grandchildren believe me they will forever accuse him for Diana .

Charle’s never loved diana he used her as a pawn he even said what is love right in front of diana n the reporter’s diana’s child h n camila stuffed the ma
Still don’t have an answer as to why NO inquest was done when she was returned to London. Lots of unanswered questions here.
Hello Charles Bob🇺🇸

So weird.. One would think.. I mean Camella must have thought too.. If he is marrying a beautiful women like Diana he would forget her… But lo behold… I wonder how superior and high and how happy Camella must have felt that even though Charles has a wife like Diana he is still attracted to her.. Although this secret affair was wrong.. But I don’t feel like blaming them fully.. They were in love. A true love… Charles loved her heart. Not her face.. He truly loved her.. That’s why he wasn’t able to and could get over her. I mean his love was so deep and remained fresh that they married in their senior age. They were separated due to Royal politics. Unfair to them.. Diana just caught in this entangle.. Unfair to her too..
Finger bone kidney 2
Harry is a disappointment.
I never did care for her, rather like Megan. It was always about her and she certainly enjoyed all of the attention. The dressing and posing for the media. She cheated on her husband-but Charles is always pointed out as the cheater. Really wonder why all of the attention – Oh, that’s right–she went out of her way to claim it

Diana acted to hurt Charles, but she hurt her boys.
Hope he will never be king and more since he ‘ s with Camilla.
Diana was to good for charles
This man literally threw his mother under the bus for the crown, that should show you what type of man he is and what type of king he will be. His Mother people

William is nothing like his mother! Now a days he wants to cancel his mother take her voice. He is a disappointment, he might have been partially raised by his mother but his father and the institution raised him. William only has his mother’s looks but his father character!
Leonie Weimer
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