Page Description
Explore how human behavior and social norms shape society, and how bad verdicts often fail to align with what is truly right.
The Silent Barrier: Justice, Conscience, and the Power of Social Norms
In the society we live in, our behaviors and the social norms that guide us shape every interaction. These norms are not just abstract concepts – they are deeply embedded in how we perceive one another and navigate the world. Whether we’re aware of them or not, these unwritten rules influence everything from our daily decisions to our broader societal structures. This page examines the dynamics of human behavior, the evolution of social norms, and how they impact the way we coexist, highlighting both the challenges and the potential for positive change.
De Samenleving waarin we Leven – Menselijk Gedrag en Sociale Normen
De Stille Barrière: Justitie, Geweten en de Kracht van Sociale Normen
In de samenleving waarin we leven, vormen ons gedrag en de sociale normen die ons begeleiden elke interactie. Deze normen zijn niet slechts abstracte concepten – ze zijn diep geworteld in hoe we elkaar waarnemen en de wereld navigeren. Of we ons er nu van bewust zijn of niet, deze ongeschreven regels beïnvloeden alles, van onze dagelijkse beslissingen tot onze bredere maatschappelijke structuren. Deze pagina onderzoekt de dynamiek van menselijk gedrag, de evolutie van sociale normen en hoe ze de manier waarop we samenleven beïnvloeden, waarbij zowel de uitdagingen als het potentieel voor positieve verandering worden belicht.
Post Office Inquiry: victims’ lawyer lambastes ‘Dickensian’ conduct of firm during closing statement
16 dec 2024
The “malignant culture” of the Post Office destroyed the lives of the victims of the Horizon IT scandal, not the system itself, an inquiry has heard.
The Horizon IT Inquiry was told the Post Office’s “corrosive prejudice” towards subpostmasters and its “desire for absolute control” over them was the “incubator for these terrible events”.
During his closing statement to the probe on Monday, Edward Henry KC, who represents a number of subpostmasters on behalf of law firm Hodge, Jones and Allen, told chairman Sir Wyn Williams: “Such heartlessness came from the top”.
More than 900 subpostmasters were prosecuted between 1999 and 2015 after faulty Horizon accounting software made it look as though money was missing from their accounts.
Hundreds are still awaiting compensation despite the previous government announcing that those who have had convictions quashed are eligible for £600,000 payouts.
Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

Important papers flying across the landscape: an image of a reality that never existed.
The linked video reveals how this misleading portrayal was crafted.
The Society We Live In – The World we Live In
This header bridges societal issues with broader global contexts, offering a dual perspective that highlights both the immediate social structures and the larger world we inhabit.
Together, the title signals a comprehensive exploration of interconnected issues, including pressing topics such as poverty, street children, and child labor.
- “The Society We Live In“ focuses on specific societal norms, values, and challenges.
- “The World We Live In“ expands the view to encompass global and environmental concerns.
Candid Camera Classic: Photo Switch
21 mrt 2017
Customers at a photo studio discover that strangers have been added to their family portraits.
SPECIAL OFFER: Order Peter’s funny new book, “Self-Amused” through our website and get a 25% discount along with free shipping. Plus, Peter will autograph your copy. And, you get a free video download of 15 “Candid Camera” sequences! For info and to order, go here:…
NOTE: We are the owners of this video and all content on this YouTube channel. We produce the “Candid Camera” TV show. No material on this channel is borrowed or sourced from any other owner or creator. —Candid Camera, Inc.
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