The Guardians of Information

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Delve into how information is controlled and guarded in the context of Brexit,
revealing the impact on public perception and political decisions.

Brexit – A Defining Moment in Modern History

Brexit refers to the United Kingdom’s (UK) decision to leave the European Union (EU) after a referendum held in June 2016. The key points of Brexit include:

  1. The UK’s decision to leave the EU was driven by concerns over immigration, sovereignty, and the perceived loss of control over decision-making to Brussels.

  2. After the referendum, the UK government triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which began the process of negotiating the terms of the UK’s departure from the EU.

  3. The UK officially left the EU on January 31, 2020, but a transition period was agreed upon to allow time for negotiations on the future relationship between the UK and the EU.

  4. One of the most contentious issues during the negotiations was the Irish border. A solution was reached with the Northern Ireland Protocol, which effectively keeps Northern Ireland in the EU’s single market for goods.

  5. The final agreement between the UK and the EU is known as the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which was signed on December 30, 2020.

  6. Brexit has had significant economic, political, and social impacts on both the UK and the EU. The UK has faced trade disruptions, reduced access to EU markets, and increased bureaucracy, while the EU has lost one of its largest members and faces challenges in maintaining unity among its remaining members.

1 Why Brexit happened — and what to do next | Alexander Betts

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Gepubliceerd op 12 aug. 2016

We are embarrassingly unaware of how divided our societies are, and Brexit grew out of a deep, unexamined divide between those that fear globalization and those that embrace it, says social scientist Alexander Betts. How do we now address that fear as well as growing disillusionment with the political establishment, while refusing to give in to xenophobia and nationalism? Join Betts as he discusses four post-Brexit steps toward a more inclusive world.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at






4’30”     division in red and bleu





8’50”     Kofi Anan


10’30”   Reality and perception

11’15”   Statistic

11’40”   Interaction


13’40”   Benefit



2 Brexit Song (John Oliver, Last Week Tonight)

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Gepubliceerd op 20 jun. 2016

Sorry for infringing, but you forgot to post it yourself. And don’t tell me, you didn’t make it to be spread around. :o) For more, see the former-senior correspondent himself –…
Transcript: Why Brexit happened – and what to do next

I am British. Never before has the phrase “I am British” elicited so much pity. I come from an island where many of us like to believe there’s been a lot of continuity over the last thousand years. We tend to have historically imposed change on others but done much less of it ourselves.So it came as an immense shock to me when I woke up on the morning of June 24 to discover that my country had voted to leave the European Union, my Prime Minister had resigned, and Scotland was considering a referendum that could bring to an end the very existence of the United Kingdom. So that was an immense shock for me, and it was an immense shock for many people, but it was also something that, over the following several days, created a complete political meltdown in my country. There were calls for a second referendum, almost as if, following a sports match, we could ask the opposition for a replay.

Everybody was blaming everybody else. People blamed the Prime Minister for calling the referendum in the first place. They blamed the leader of the opposition for not fighting it hard enough. The young accused the old. The educated blamed the less well-educated. That complete meltdown was made even worse by the most tragic element of it: level of xenophobia and racist abuse in the streets of Britain at a level that I have never seen before in my lifetime.

People are now talking about whether my country is becoming a Little England, or as one of my colleagues put it, whether we’re about to become a 1950s nostalgia theme park floating in the Atlantic Ocean. But my question is really, should we have the degree of shock that we’ve experienced since? Was it something that took place overnight? Or are there deeper structural factors that have led us to where we are today?

So I want to take a step back and ask two very basic questions. First, what does Brexit represent, not for my country, but for all of us around the world? And second, what can we do about it? How should we all respond? So first, what does Brexit represent? Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Brexit teaches us many things about our society and about societies around the world.

It highlights in ways that we seem embarrassingly unaware of how divided our societies are. The vote split along lines of age, education, class and geography. Young people didn’t turn out to vote in great numbers, but those that did wanted to remain. Older people really wanted to leave the European Union. Geographically, it was London and Scotland that most strongly committed to being part of the European Union, while in other parts of the country there was very strong ambivalence. Those divisions are things we really need to recognize and take seriously. But more profoundly, the vote teaches us something about the nature of politics today.

Contemporary politics is no longer just about right and left. It is no longer just about tax and spend. It is about globalization. The fault line of contemporary politics is between those that embrace globalization and those that fear globalization. If we look why those who wanted te leave – we call them “Leavers,” as opposed to “Retainers” – we see two factors in the opinion polls that really mattered. The first was immigration, and the second sovereignty, and these represent a desire for people to take back control of their own lives and the feeling that they are unrepresented by politicians. But those ideas are ones that signify fear and alienation. They represent a retreat back towards nationalism and borders in ways that many of us would reject.

What I want to suggest in the picture is more complicated than that, that liberal internationalists, like myself, and I firmly include myself in that picture, need to write ourselves back into the picture in order to understand how we’ve got to where we are today. When we look at the voting patterns across the United Kingdom, we can visibly see the divisions. The blue areas show Remain and the red areas Leave. When I looked at this what personally struck me was the very little time in my life I’ve actually spent in many of the red areas. I suddenly realized that, looking at the top 50 areas in the UK that have the strongest Leave vote, I’ve spent a combined total of four days of my life in those areas.

In some of those places, I didn’t even know the names of the voting districts. It was a real shock to me, and it suggested that people like me who think of ourselves as inclusive, open and tolerant, perhaps don’t know our own countries and societies nearly als well as we like to believe.


And the challenge that comes from that is we need to find a new way to narrate globalization to those people, to recognize that those people who have not necessarily been to university, who haven’t necessarily grown up with the Internet, that don’t get opportunities to travel, they may be unpersuaded by the narrative that we find persuasive in our often liberal bubbles.


It means that we need to reach out more broadly and understand. In the Leave vote, a minority have peddled the politics of fear and hatred, creating lies and mistrust around, for instance the idea the vote on Europe could reduce the number of refugees and asylum-seekers coming to Europe, when the vote on leaving had nothing to do with immigration from outside the European Union.

But for a significant majority of the Leave voters the concern was disillusionment with the political establishment. This was a protest vote for many, a sense that nobody represented them, that they couldn’t find a political party that spoke for them, and so they rejected that political establishment. This replicates around Europe and much of the liberal democratic world. We see it with the rise in popularity of Donald Trump in the United States, with the growing nationalism of Viktor Orban in Hungary, with the increase in popularity of Marine Le Pen in France. The spector of Brexit is in all of our societies.

So the question I think we need to ask is my second question, which is how should we collectively respond? For all of us who care about creating liberal, open, tolerant societies, we urgently need a new vision, a vision of a more tolerant, inclusive globalization, one that brings people with us rather than leaving them behind.

That vision of globalization is one that has to start by a recognition of the positive benefits of globalization. The consensus amongst economists is that free trade, the movement of capital, the movement of people across borders benefit everyone on aggregate. The consensus amongst international relations scholars is that globalization brings interdependence, which brings cooperation and peace. But globalization also has redistributive effects. It creates winners and losers. To take the example of migration, we know that immigration is a net positive for the economy as a whole under almost all circumstances.


 But we also have to be very aware that there are redistributive consequences, that importantly, low-skilled immigration can lead to a reduction in wages for the most impoverished in our societies and also put pressure on house prices. That doesn’t detract from the fact that it’s positive, but it means more people have to share in those benefits and recognize them. In 2002, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, gave a speech at Yale University, and that speech was on the topic of inclusive globalization. That was the speech in which he coined that term. And he said, and I paraphrase, “The glass house of globalization has to be open to all if it is to remain secure. Bigotry and ignorance are the ugly face of exclusionary and antagonistic globalization.” that idea of inclusive globalization was briefly revived in 2008 in a conference on progressive governance involving many of the leaders of European countries. But amid austerity and the financial crisis of 2008, the concept disappeared almost without a trace. Globalization has been taken to support a neoliberal agenda. It’s perceive to be part of an elite agenda rather than something that benefits all. And it needs to be reclaimed on a far more inclusive basis than it is today. So the question is, how can we achieve that goal? How can we balance on the one had addressing fear and alienation while on the other hand refusing vehemently to give in to xenophobia and nationalism? That is the question for all of us. And I think, as a social scientist, that social science offers some places to start. Our transformation has to be about both ideas and about material change, and I want to give you four ideas as a starting point. The first relates to the idea of civic education. What stand out from Brexit is the gap between public perception and empirical reality. It’s been suggested that we’ve moved to a post factual society, where evidence and truth no longer matter, and lies have equal status to the clarity of evidence. So how can we — How can we rebuild respect for truth and evidence into our liberal democracies? It has to begin with education, but it has to start with the recognition that there are huge gaps. In 2014, the pollster Ipsoso MORi published a survey on attitudes to immigration, and it showed that as numbers of immigrants increase, so public concern with immigration also increases, although it obviously didn’t unpack causality, because this could equally be to do not so much with numbers but the political and media narrative around it. But the same survey as revealed huge public misinformation and misunderstanding about the nature of immigration. For example, in these attitudes in the United Kingdom, the public believed that levels of asylum were a greater proportion of immigration that they were, but they also believed the levels of educational migration were far lower as a proportion of overall migration than they actually are. So we have to address this misinformation, the gap between perception and reality on key aspects of globalization. And that can’t just be something that’s left our schools, although that’s important to begin at an early age. I has to be about lifelong civic participation and public engagement that we all encourage as societies.


The second thing that I think is an opportunity is the idea to encourage more interaction across diverse communities.


One of the things that stands out for me very strikingly, looking at immigration attitudes in the United Kingdom, is that ironically, the regions of my country that are the most tolerant of immigrants have the highest number of immigrants. So for instance, London and the Southeast have the highest number om immigrants, and they are also by far the most tolerant areas. It’s those areas of the country that have the lower levels of immigration that actually are the most exclusionary and intolerant towards migrants. So we need to encourage exchange programs. We need to ensure that older generations who maybe can’t travel get access to the Internet. We need to encourage, even on a local and national level, more movement, more participation, more interaction with people who we don’t know and whose vies we might not necessarily agree with. The third thing that I think is crucial, though, and this is really fundamental, is we have to ensure that everybody shares in the benefits of globalization. This illustration from the Financial times post-Brexit is really striking. It shows tragically that those people who voted to leave the European Union were those who actually benefited the most materially from trade with the European Union. But the problem is that those people in those areas didn’t perceive themselves to be beneficiaries. They didn’t believe that they were actually getting access to material benefits of increased trade and increased mobility around the world. I work on questions predominantly do with refuges, and one of the ideas I spent a lof of my time preaching, mainly to developing countries around the world, is that in order to encourage the integration of refugees, we can’t just benefit the refugee populations, we also have to address the concerns of the host communities in local areas. But in looking at that, one of the policy prescriptions is that we have to provide disproportionately better education facilities, health facilities, access to social services in those regions of high immigration to address the concerns of those local populations. But while we encourage that around the developing world, we don’t taken those lessons home and incorporate them in our own societies.

Furthermore, if we’re going to really take seriously the need to ensure people share in the economic benefits, our businesses and corporations need a model of globalization that recognizes that they, too, have to take people with them. The fourth and final idea I want to put forward is an idea that we need more responsible politics. There’s very little social science evidence that compares attitudes on globalization. But from the surveys that do exist, what we can see is there’s huge variation across different countries and time periods in those countries for attitudes and tolerance of questions like migration and mobility on the one hand and free trade on the other. But one hypothesis that I think emerges from a cursory look at that data is the idea that polarized societies are far less tolerant of globalization. It’s the societies like Sweden in the past, like Canada today, where there is a centrist politics, where right and left work together, that we encourage supportive attitudes towards globalization. And what we see around the world today is a tragic polarization, of failure to have dialogue between the extremes in politics, and a gap in terms of that liberal centre ground that can encourage communication and a shared understanding. We might not achieve that today, but at the very least we have to call upon our politicians and our media to drop a language of fear and be far more tolerant of one another.
These ideas are very tentative, and that’s in part because this needs to be an inclusive and shared project.
I am still British. I am still European. I am still a global citizen. For those of us who believe that our identities are not mutually exclusive, we have to all work together to ensure that globalization takes everyone with us and doesn’t leave people behind. Only then will we truly reconcile democracy and globalization. Thanks you.

Everyone Regrets Brexit: So What?

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As the political landscape in the UK unfolds, public sentiment has been tilting against Brexit. Recent surveys from YouGov, Ipsos, and NatCen Social Research indicate that a substantial majority of Britons now regret leaving the EU, with a marked shift of 60-40% in favor of Remain, compared to the 52-48% vote for Leave in 2016. Factors contributing to this change include a generational shift towards the younger, more pro-EU demographic, and dissatisfaction with the economic outcomes post-Brexit, which include higher living costs, declining wages, strained public services, and increased immigration. Despite the disillusionment, there is no substantial call for rejoining the EU, but suggestions for increased cooperation are emerging. The biggest challenge lies in negotiating these ideas with the EU, which remains cautious about non-members enjoying benefits without responsibilities. “Bregret” is apparent, with the electorate seeking assurances that the decisions made align with the nation’s best interests. Please consider subscribing to our channel for more updates and engaging discussions on this matter.


Inside Brexit: The Real Reasons Behind Britain’s Break Up with the European Union | Documentary

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4 nov 2021

Why was Nigel Farage the first foreign politician to visit Trump’s White House? Why was the European Union so essential to the relationship between Ireland and Northern Ireland?

For the first time in European history, a country has withdrawn from the European Union, bringing with it crucial repercussions for the future of the United Kingdom and millions of Europeans. But back in 2019, negotiations of an amicable divorce between the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, and the European Union, were at a total standstill.

‘Brexit: The Backstage of a Divorce’, first released in 2019.

Furthermore, a large proportion of the UK population feels deceived and the country remains deeply divided on the issue. How did it come to this? Thomas Johnson, a French-English filmmaker, and Eric Albert, a journalist from Le Monde London, set about to understand better British public opinion.

They also interviewed politicians who were involved in the Brexit decision, such as Nigel Farage, an extremist in the Leave campaign; Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister; former French President François Hollande; and Michel Barnier, European Chief Negotiator for Brexit.

This documentary reviews the lies, fake news and political blockages that may have contributed to the referendum result. It also delves deeper into the workings of the “Leave” campaign and the complex and rarely cordial relationship between the United Kingdom and Europe over the past 50 years. What does the post-Brexit project look like? Could this political earthquake threaten both the unity of the United Kingdom as well as the stability of Europe itself?

5 JAAR na BREXIT, Lia van Bekhoven blikt terug | Bar Laat

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29 jan 2025 #brexit #uk #BarLaat

Op 1 februari 2020 werd Brexit een feit: Groot-Brittannië verliet officieel de Europese Unie na jaren van onderhandelingen, politieke chaos en verdeeldheid. Destijds werd het vertrek gepresenteerd als een stap naar nationale soevereiniteit, economische vrijheid en een betere toekomst. Maar hoe heeft dat in de praktijk uitgepakt? Vijf jaar later lijkt de realiteit anders: de economie kreeg harde klappen, handel met de EU werd ingewikkelder, bedrijven verhuisden naar het vasteland en de internationale invloed van het VK nam af. Bovendien veranderde ook de sociale sfeer in het land: “Er heerste een vijandigheid naar Europeanen,” vertelt Lieke. “In die periode, net voor en na Brexit, durfde ik niet eens in het Nederlands te bellen in de metro.” Naast de economische gevolgen voelen veel Britten nu de bredere impact van hun vertrek uit de EU.

Hoe kijken de Britten terug op hun keuze? Was Brexit de moeite waard, of overheerst de spijt? Journalist Lia van Bekhoven, die al decennia verslag doet vanuit Londen, blikt terug op de gevolgen en het sentiment in het VK.

Brexit, het Britse vertrek uit de Europese Unie, was het resultaat van een referendum dat op 23 juni 2016 werd gehouden. De meerderheid van de Britten stemde voor vertrek, met beloften van meer nationale controle, lagere belastingen en een hernieuwde soevereiniteit. In de praktijk betekende dit echter een complex proces van onderhandeling over handelsakkoorden, immigratie en wetgeving. Het vertrek werd officieel op 31 januari 2020, waarna het VK een overgangsperiode van elf maanden doormaakte. De gevolgen zijn verstrekkend: de economie kreeg een flinke opdonder door verminderde handel met de EU, het verlies van toegang tot de interne markt en de impact op de arbeidsmarkt. Bedrijven verplaatsten zich naar andere Europese landen vanwege nieuwe handelsbelemmeringen en de vrijheden die het lidmaatschap van de EU bood, verdwenen. Ook de sociale sfeer veranderde, met een toegenomen vijandigheid naar Europeanen en een afname van het internationale vertrouwen in het VK. Het land ervaart nu de lange termijn effecten van zijn beslissing, waaronder onzekerheid over de toekomst en een verslechterde positie op het wereldtoneel.

Lia van Bekhoven
Lia van Bekhoven (geboren in 1952) is een Nederlandse journalist en Groot-Brittannië-correspondent. Al sinds de jaren ’70 woont en werkt ze in Londen, waar ze verslag doet over Britse politiek en samenleving voor onder meer de NOS en VRT. Ze staat bekend om haar scherpe analyses en diepgaande kennis van de Britse cultuur en geschiedenis. Met haar jarenlange ervaring en unieke perspectief is zij een van de meest gezaghebbende stemmen als het gaat om de impact van Brexit.

Bar Laat Kijkers kunnen van maandag tot en met donderdagavond de dag afsluiten met Bar Laat, een talkshow uitgezonden op NPO 1. Dit programma van BNNVARA wordt gepresenteerd door Sophie Hilbrand en Jeroen Pauw, met Tim de Wit als vaste invalpresentator. Het biedt een podium voor actuele gesprekken over onderwerpen zoals politiek, kunst, cultuur en sport. De show wordt live opgenomen in een Hilversumse studio met publiek en heeft ook ruimte voor muziekoptredens.

How did Brexit happen? | VPRO Documentary

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The Brexit Scandal | Corruption In The UK | Documentary | British Political System



7 aug 2023

The Brexit Scandal – What if Brexit was ultimately not about the “will of the people” at all, but about the interests of a small British elite?

The Brexit Scandal (2021)
Director: Tom Costello
Genre: Documentary
Country: Germany
Language: English
Also Known As: Power, Profit and Populism: The Battle for Hard Brexit
Release Date: 2021 Germany (Raindance Film Festival)

Brexit was presented as a populist revolution against the elite. But in the years since the referendum, a group of men deep in the heart of the British establishment have been carrying out a coup of a different kind – using Brexit to try and turn Britain into a low-tax, low regulation, high finance utopia.

This revolution is funded by dark money – cash from unknown sources – which has been flooding into the British political system through mysterious front groups, opaque offshore firms, clandestine digital campaigns and corporate lobbyists in disguise.

Today dark money and shadowy influence operations continue to push an agenda that is anything but popular, and is deeply undemocratic. In this film, we follow the dark money trails to find out: who are the men who bought Brexit, and what is their vision for Britain’s future?

“The ripples of Brexit continue to look more like giant waves. And yet for all the chatter that surrounds our separation from the European Union, do we understand how we ended up with this version of divorce? Power, Profit and Populism: The Battle For Hard Brexit is here with answers – they won’t be the ones you expect, nor will they come from the people you’d expect to give them.

Presenting this most unpalatable of topics in a bite-sized, digestible format proves a winner for Tom Costello’s documentary; as does the calm, cool narration from Semira Zadeh. They balance out the rising rage you may feel as a group of avaricious larcenists manipulate poverty, patriotism and peace for their own ends.

Coming from German documentary production firm A&O Buero, the outsider’s perspective is useful here; as are interviews, remarkably, from both sides of a most divided isle. This is a powerful, precise dissection of the methods used post-referendum to secure a particular type of Brexit; it’s also a stark warning against demagoguery and dislike of others who are simply different from us.

Ultimately, this film offers its viewers the strength to continue the battle for fairness, openness and international co-operation.”
– written by “Pauline Rieux” on

Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) Power, Profit and Populism: The Battle for Hard Brexit
Germany Power, Profit and Populism: The Battle for Hard Brexit
Sweden En hård brexit – elitens projekt

Brexit two years later: Why the UK is struggling | DW News

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Almost two years since Britain completed its withdrawal from the European Union, and the UK is still struggling with the fall-out. Promised economic gains have failed to materialize. Britain has missed out on much of the recovery in global trade since the pandemic. And the loss of EU workers has worsened labor shortages in healthcare, hospitality and agriculture. Businesses are also facing higher costs and more red-tape.


ENGLISH SPEECH | DAVID CAMERON: Brexit Referendum 2013 (English Subtitles)

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30 mrt. 2019

Learn English with David Cameron. David Cameron delivers his vision for a “Britain in a reformed Europe” at Bloomberg’s London headquarters in 2013. The speech was the start of the end of David Cameron and the Brexit. He quotes: “It’s time for Britain to have its say.” – Watch with big English subtitles.


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3 Professor Joseph Stiglitz Talks Brexit

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31 aug. 2016

Nobel Laureate Joseph E Stiglitz talks to Sky’s Ed Conway about the economic vices and virtues of Brexit, and where the labour party must go next

4 John Cleese on Brexit, newspapers and why he’s leaving the UK – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 10 jul. 2018

Watch the full interview between John Cleese and Emily Maitlis where the Monty Python star explains why newspapers have driven him to the Caribbean.

5 Posen Discusses the Damage of Brexit to the British Economy

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PIIE President Adam Posen says that the United Kingdom’s choice to close itself off from the European single market will damage Britain’s economy. © AEI (American Enterprise Institute). Recorded July 18, 2017 (…). Reposted with permission. Visit AEI’s YouTube Channel:

6 Brexit: A Very British Coup?

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Gepubliceerd op 26 sep. 2016

From the BBC Media Centre On 20 February 2016, then-Prime Minister David Cameron officially set the date for the British public’s vote on whether to remain a member of the European Union. What followed was months of campaigning, debate, claims, and a political drama fought out in the press which resulted in the resignation of David Cameron and the subsequent Conservative leadership contest.
But what did the British public not witness? During this historic political event BBC Two had exclusive behind-the-scenes access to document every twist and turn of the Leave campaign and the race for the Conservative leadership that followed. Filmed from the early days until the extraordinary events after the vote the unseen footage lays bare the ambition, passion, strategy and animosity that existed and propelled the Leave campaign.
This is the real story of the campaign for Brexit as told by a host of key people as they lived and breathed it. The programme features a range of senior politicians and campaigners including Boris Johnson, Iain Duncan Smith, Nigel Farage and Matthew Elliott, as well as Remain campaigners Lord Heseltine, Alan Duncan and Will Straw.

7 Can we have our Brexit cake and eat it? – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 18 mei 2017


On the day Article 50 was triggered, Kate Hoey, Billie JD Porter, Max Hastings and Trevor Kavanagh join Emily to discuss what’s next.

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

8 Why many British voters are having Brexit regrets

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Gepubliceerd op 6 jul. 2017

British sentiment toward leaving the European Union appears to be changing. As the United Kingdom marks a year since its Brexit referendum vote, a new opinion poll shows that a majority now wants to stay. Special correspondent Malcolm Brabant gets a range of reactions as the country faces its independent future.

9 Final Say on Brexit Should Be With the British People, Tony Blair Says

Gepubliceerd op 12 mrt. 2019

Mar.12 — Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair discusses Prime Minister Theresa May facing a defeat for her Brexit strategy after the Democratic Unionist Party and a key group of pro-Brexit Conservatives rejected the revised terms she’s secured from the European Union. He speaks with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Markets.”

10 Tony Blair grants rare interview on Brexit debate | 60 Minutes Australia

Gepubliceerd op 16 apr. 2019

In a rare interview with 60 Minutes, Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says that Brexit has been as distractive as it has been destructive. Brexit has consumed British parliament for three years – and so Blair would like to see the vote go back to the public, and another referendum held.

Who’s in charge of Brexit? – BBC Panorama

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6 feb. 2019

In June 2016, the UK voted for Brexit.

Two and a half years on we seem stuck.

Filming with voters in Yorkshire and Kent, Adrian Chiles finds people’s opinions are more entrenched and divided than ever. But most seem to agree on one thing – our politicians are failing to get us out of the mess we are in.

Adrian follows MPs through a historic fortnight in Westminster to find out who is in charge – and whether they are putting party politics before the best interests of the country

Brexit vs the world: Is Britain too self-obsessed?

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8 mrt. 2019

As the Brexit process treads water, we’ve decided to stand back and ask: does Brexit matter in the big scheme of things? Is it virtually irrelevant beside the forces that are shaping our changing world? Gary Gibbon chats to Peter Frankopan, Oxford professor of global history and author of the best-selling The Silk Roads and The New Silk Roads.

Forget politicians – here’s the experts’ view of a No-Deal Brexit

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26 jan. 2019

With Theresa May’s Brexit deal struggling to get support in the House of Commons, a number of MPs believe the country is getting closer to a No-Deal Brexit.

Some politicians say it could be a great opportunity; others warn of Britain “crashing out”.

But what do people away from Westminster think might happen in the case of a No-Deal Brexit?

We’ve compiled the predictions of a range of different experts: from Wetherspoon founder Tim Martin, economist Roger Bootle – to the CEOs of Airbus and Jaguar Land Rover.

And not just them – people who work at airports and ports as well those in the food and farming industry.

Here’s what they all say about a No-Deal Brexit on 29 March.

11 A short history of Brexit for the confused and bewildered

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Gepubliceerd op 19 apr. 2019

With Brexit now on hold for up to six months, it is a good time to take stock and look back at the major moments of the last three years. It’s been a turbulent, confusing series of events which have not led the UK any closer to a solution

12 Brexit: Why the Irish backstop matters – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 1 aug. 2019
A key part of the Brexit negotiations has been the border that separates Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
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The border is a matter of great political, security and diplomatic sensitivity in Ireland.

Therefore the UK and EU agreed that whatever happens as a result of Brexit there should be no new physical checks or infrastructure at the frontier.

This is where the controversial “backstop” comes in.

Jonathan Powell, former chief British negotiator in Northern Ireland and one of the architects of the Good Friday Agreement, explains the backstop.

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.


13 Brexit is a ‘lose-lose’ situation: Dutch Finance Minister – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 16 nov. 2016


Jeroen Djisselbloem, the Dutch Minister of Finance and President of the Eurogroup, tells James O’Brien that he believes Brexit will be a ‘lose-lose’ situation – and that Boris Johnson has been offering the British public options which are ‘not available’.

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

14 Brexit and the Irish border – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 15 mei 2018

How do we solve the issue of the Irish border and Brexit? Evan Davis takes a look
Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

15 Boris Johnson: ‘The boy who wanted to be world king’ – BBC News

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Gepubliceerd op 24 jul. 2019

Who really knows the man who has won the race to lead the UK? Political documentary maker Michael Cockerell profiles Britain’s new prime minister for BBC Newsnight, using interviews with family, colleagues and the man himself, Boris Johnson.

16 No Brexit deal unless ‘anti-democratic’ backstop dropped, says Boris Johnson

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Gepubliceerd op 20 aug. 2019

It was billed simply as an insurance policy against a hard border returning in Ireland, if talks between the EU and UK stalled. (Subscribe:
But the backstop has in fact become the main stumbling block to Brexit negotiations. Today, the Prime Minister said there is no prospect of a deal with the EU if the backstop remains. Again the EU reacted furiously, saying there were no other alternatives.

17 Brexit: Merkel gives Johnson 30 days to find backstop solution

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Gepubliceerd op 21 aug. 2019

Ahead of Boris Johnson’s arrival in Berlin, the prospect of progress on a renegotiated deal had not looked great.
The EU has always insisted that the backstop is the only solution for avoiding a hard border in Ireland – and they had no intention of scrapping it as the Prime Minister had demanded.
Angela Merkel’s suggestion that the issue can be solved in 30 days does not fly in the face of that – she says perhaps a long term solution to the border problem can be found. But its taken months to get to this point, will one more make a difference?

18 Brexit: Macron warns Johnson that Irish backstop is ‘indispensable’

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Gepubliceerd op 22 aug. 2019

On the face of it – there were all the signs of an Entente Cordiale between Boris Johnson and the French President Emmanuel Macron as the pair met in Paris for talks on Brexit – with smiles, handshakes and jokes about Mr Johnson putting his feet up on the Elysee furniture.
But behind all that bonhomie – a stern line from Mr Macron – who warned the Irish backstop was “indispensable” – telling the PM to set out his alternatives to the mechanism as soon as possible.

19 Brexit: Parliament prepares to shutdown as government suffers new defeat – BBC News

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9 sep. 2019

Parliament is preparing to shut down for 5 weeks but it’s been a busy day of political developments.

Huw Edwards presents live from Westminster as a new law has been passed that’s designed to prevent a no-deal Brexit. Later the Prime Minister is expected to fail in an attempt to call a general election, after opposition MPs refused to support him.

Boris Johnson visited Ireland today and said that leaving the EU without a deal would be a failure of statecraft. He was accused by the Irish Prime Minister of failing to come up with practical solutions to the so-called Irish backstop –the insurance policy to prevent a hard border. The BBC’s Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg rounds up the days events.

BBC News takes a close look at what the backstop is and, and what might come out of future negotiations, with Europe Editor Katya Adler.

And in a further twist this afternoon, the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow, a key figure in the parliamentary Brexit process, announced that he’d be standing down, at the end of next month. The BBC’s Deputy Political Editor John Pienaar looks at his political career.

Part of the BBC News at Ten’s Brexit coverage.


Gepubliceerd op 28 aug. 2019

The Queen has approved UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s request to shut down parliament until mid-October, reducing time for MPs to hold more Brexit debates or ask for another extension. Outraged MPs are calling this coup. RT’s Paula Slier joins In Question live to give us the latest.

20 Proroguing Parliament and Brexit – HUH??! – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 29 aug. 2019
What does proroguing Parliament mean and how does it affect Brexit?
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Former Supreme Court Justice, Jonathan Sumption discusses with Kirsty Wark the prime minister’s plan to suspend parliament, which many believe will make blocking a no-deal Brexit much more difficult.

Critics have called the controversial decision a “constitutional outrage” but how exactly do you prorogue parliament?

Parliament will be suspended just days after MPs return to work in September – and only a few weeks before the Brexit deadline.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said a Queen’s Speech would take place after the suspension, on 14 October, to outline his “very exciting agenda”.

Elizabeth Glinka reports.

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.


21 What the suspension of parliament means for Brexit

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Gepubliceerd op 28 aug. 2019
The Brexit crisis is now entering uncharted waters – even for our flexible, unwritten constitution.

It just took the Queen to give her consent and it was done.

Parliament will be prorogued – or suspended for just over a month – from the second week in September until just a few days before Brexit.


It’s not unusual for Parliament to be suspended for a few days before a Queen’s Speech, when a Government sets out its plans for new laws. What’s different this time is the length, and of course the motivation – in the heart of a political crisis.

Jacob Rees Mogg – questioned by journalists after his meeting with the Queen – described it as “a completely normal procedure”. But is it?

22 Is a no-deal Brexit inevitable? | Inside Story

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Gepubliceerd op 29 aug. 2019
British MPs are crying foul after the Prime Minister suspended parliament just weeks before Brexit.
Some members of Boris Johnson’s own party have resigned, while others are calling the move “undemocratic” and a “political coup”.
The suspension leaves politicians with little time to prevent the UK leaving the European Union in October without a deal.
The government denies it’s trying to limit debate.
But with Brexit only two months away, is a no-deal exit now inevitable?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra

Asa Bennett – Brexit Commissioning Editor at the Telegraph
Pieter Cleppe – Head of the Brussels Office at the Open Europe think tank
Jonathan Lis – Deputy Director of British Influence

23 The suspension card: What response to Boris Johnson’s Brexit gambit?

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Gepubliceerd op 28 aug. 2019

Subscribe to France 24 now:
They said he would not dare prorogue parliament to push through Brexit. Days before lawmakers return from summer recess, new prime minister Boris Johnson’s decided to pounce early: parliament will indeed convene next Tuesday but with a long break soonafter…until October 14th, two weeks before the UK’s due to leave the European Union.

24 Conservative MPs forced out of party over Brexit vote – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 4 sep. 2019
MPs have cleared the first hurdle in an attempt to pass a law to prevent a no-deal Brexit.
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Emily Maitlis is joined by joined by the former Conservative Chief Whip Mark Harper, Ken Clarke, Father of the House and MP Nicholas Soames

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

25 Brexit: Major Kings College report forecasts aftermath of No Deal

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Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019
Boris Johnson has made it a cornerstone of his premiership that he is prepared to leave the EU without a deal. But what impact could that have? (Subscribe:

A major new report released by King’s College London brings together what government modelling and its own analysis predict could happen in the immediate aftermath as well as the weeks ahead.

Author of the report Professor Anand Menon from King’s College London, and businessman and former Chairman of Vote Leave, John Mills debate the report’s analysis.

The report concludes: “the impact of a no deal Brexit will be significant, damaging and long-lasting”

26 Proroguing Parliament and Brexit – HUH??! – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 28 aug. 2019
What does proroguing Parliament mean and how does it affect Brexit?
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Former Supreme Court Justice, Jonathan Sumption discusses with Kirsty Wark the prime minister’s plan to suspend parliament, which many believe will make blocking a no-deal Brexit much more difficult.

Critics have called the controversial decision a “constitutional outrage” but how exactly do you prorogue parliament?

Parliament will be suspended just days after MPs return to work in September – and only a few weeks before the Brexit deadline.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said a Queen’s Speech would take place after the suspension, on 14 October, to outline his “very exciting agenda”.

Elizabeth Glinka reports.

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

27 The West Country Debate: Brexit, Boris and Backstops | ITV News

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Gepubliceerd op 6 sep. 2019

West Country MPs made their return to parliament this week, as debates continue to flare during one of the most unpredictable times in British politics.

With no one seemingly able to agree on a deal, the induction of a divisive new Prime Minister, and members leaving or being expelled from parties in a steady stream, political correspondent David Wood works through the current agenda with our panel.

28 No-deal Brexit would ‘completely screw’ Ireland’s jobs and growth

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Gepubliceerd op 9 sep. 2019

Ireland will be “completely screwed” in the event of a no-deal Brexit which Professor Simon Heffer warns would bring with it financial instability.

29 Commons Speaker Bercow ‘to stand down’ – BBC News


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Gepubliceerd op 9 sep. 2019

John Bercow says he will stand down as Commons Speaker at next election or on 31 October, whichever comes first

30 Brexit: Parliament prepares to shutdown as government suffers new defeat – BBC News

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Gepubliceerd op 9 sep. 2019
Parliament is preparing to shut down for 5 weeks but it’s been a busy day of political developments.

Huw Edwards presents live from Westminster as a new law has been passed that’s designed to prevent a no-deal Brexit. Later the Prime Minister is expected to fail in an attempt to call a general election, after opposition MPs refused to support him.

Boris Johnson visited Ireland today and said that leaving the EU without a deal would be a failure of statecraft. He was accused by the Irish Prime Minister of failing to come up with practical solutions to the so-called Irish backstop –the insurance policy to prevent a hard border. The BBC’s Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg rounds up the days events.

BBC News takes a close look at what the backstop is and, and what might come out of future negotiations, with Europe Editor Katya Adler.

And in a further twist this afternoon, the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow, a key figure in the parliamentary Brexit process, announced that he’d be standing down, at the end of next month. The BBC’s Deputy Political Editor John Pienaar looks at his political career.

Part of the BBC News at Ten’s Brexit coverage.

31 The man that shouts ‘Order!’ when UK Parliament gets chaotic


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Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019

UK’s House of Commons Speaker John Bercow announced he is stepping down on Oct. 31. Here’s a look at his notable moments in Parliament. #CNN #News

32 Revealed: Johnson exploring bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland

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Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019
As mayor of London, Boris Johnson backed a project to build a leafy bridge over the River Thames. It was scrapped, but still cost the taxpayer tens of millions of pounds.

Undeterred, and now in No 10, the Prime Minister is, we can reveal, keenly pursuing a far more ambitious project to link Scotland and Northern Ireland.

His allies suggest it could break the impasse which has bedevilled Brexit. His detractors are far ruder about it.

33 Johnson denies lying to the Queen over Parliament suspension – BBC News

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Gepubliceerd op 12 sep. 2019
Boris Johnson has denied lying to the Queen over the advice he gave her over the five-week suspension of Parliament.

The prime minister was speaking after Scotland’s highest civil court ruled on Wednesday the shutdown was unlawful.

Asked whether he had lied to the monarch about his reasons for the suspension, he replied: “Absolutely not.”

He said: “The High Court in England plainly agrees with us but the Supreme Court will have to decide.”

34 Brexit: Scottish judges rule parliament suspension unlawful DISCUSSION – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 12 sep. 2019
Scotland’s highest civil court has ruled that Boris Johnson’s suspension of the UK Parliament is unlawful.
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The judges said the prime minister was attempting to prevent Parliament holding the government to account ahead of Brexit.

A UK government appeal against the ruling is set to be heard by the Supreme Court in London.

Downing Street said it has been “consistent throughout” on the suspension, a decision formally taken by the Queen earlier on the advice of the prime minister. Former Conservative MP Dominic Grieve has said that if the government has misled the Queen, Mr Johnson should resign.

Emily Maitlis is joined by Labour’s Hilary Benn, the SNP’s Ian Blackford and Tory MP Tobias Ellwood who also discuss the release of the government’s no-deal plans, known as Operation Yellowhammer.

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

Judges rule suspension of Parliament is unlawful – BBC News

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11 sep. 2019

MPs have demanded the immediate recall of Parliament following a landmark ruling by Scotland’s highest civil court. The Court of Session in Edinburgh ruled that the UK Prime Minister’s decision to suspend the Westminster Parliament for 5 weeks was unlawful.

They said they were unanimous in their belief that Boris Johnson had been motivated by the ‘improper purpose of stymying Parliament’.

The case now goes to the UK Supreme Court next week. Downing Street said it was disappointed by the ruling and that the prorogation of Parliament had been ‘legal and necessary’.

We also report on the government’s publication of no-deal Brexit planning documents, the Labour Party’s Brexit divisions and the latest Brexit Party rally.

Presented by Huw Edwards at Westminster with reports by Laura Kuenssberg, Clive Coleman, Sarah Smith, John Pienaar, Alex Forsyth and Faisal Islam.

Produced for the BBC News at Ten

35 Boris Johnson Accused of Misleading the Queen | Good Morning Britain

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Gepubliceerd op 12 sep. 2019

Subscribe now for more!
A Scottish court has ruled that Boris Johnson’s motivations to request a suspension of parliament were to prevent ministers from sitting and that proroguing is therefore unlawful. But with this new accusation that he deliberately misled the queen, does this mean the end of his political career? Defence Secretary Ben Wallace MP joins GMB to discuss if the PM will stand down.
Broadcast on 12/09/19

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The Good Morning Britain YouTube channel delivers you the news that you’re waking up to in the morning. From exclusive interviews with some of the biggest names in politics and showbiz to heartwarming human interest stories and unmissable watch again moments.

Join Susanna Reid, Piers Morgan, Ben Shephard, Kate Garraway, Charlotte Hawkins and Sean Fletcher every weekday on ITV from 6am.

36 David Cameron: Boris Johnson behaved “appallingly” during Brexit campaign

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Gepubliceerd op 14 sep. 2019
The former Prime Minister David Cameron has admitted he feels desperately worried about Britain’s future – saying he thinks about the consequences of losing the referendum ‘every single day’. In a series of interviews to promote his forthcoming book – Mr Cameron accuses his successor Boris Johnson of acting ‘appallingly’.

37 How will we remember David Cameron? – BBC Newsnight

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Gepubliceerd op 13 jul. 2016
David Grossman on David Cameron’s legacy. Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

38 Is Boris Johnson defending or destroying democracy? | The Pledge

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Gepubliceerd op 13 sep. 2019

Our new panellist Andrew Pierce argues that Boris Johnson is defending democracy by proroguing Parliament. Do you agree?

39 – 6 times John Bercow left the House in stitches

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Gepubliceerd op 23 mrt. 2019
AS Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow is supposed to be politically neutral.
But the MP for Buckingham has been accused of taking sides over Brexit and is believed by some to be opposed to the UK leaving the European Union…
From Brexit breaking news to HD movie trailers, The Sun newspaper brings you the latest news videos and explainers from the UK and around the world. Become a Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know

40 John Bercow | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

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Gepubliceerd op 8 jan. 2017

First elected as a Conservative MP in 1997, John Bercow held the positions of Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary and Shadow Secretary of State for International Development before taking up his current position in 2009. During his election, he received an unprecedented amount of support from a cross section of parties, and his political leaning is often considered centre or centre-right. The Bercow Review of families affected by speech, language, and communication needs, prompted the Labour government at the time to pledge £52 million into addressing such issues. He is famed for keeping order in the Commons with his signature cry of “order!”. In 2010 he won the Stonewall award for Politician of the Year.

ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Oxford Union is the world’s most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. Since 1823, the Union has been promoting debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.

41 BREXIT – Furious Brexiteers raise questions about Speaker Bercow in angry parliamentary exchanges

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“Mister Speaker” John Bercow was at the centre of furious Commons scenes as MPs squabbled over the potential process of bringing forward a Brexit plan B.

The Commons Speaker faced a backlash from Conservative MPs after selecting an amendment from Tory former minister Dominic Grieve, which aims to ensure Prime Minister Theresa May returns with a revised EU exit plan within three sitting days if her original Brexit deal is defeated.

Mr Grieve’s amendment wants to speed up the process for a plan B and seeks to change a Government motion detailing the timetable for the Brexit deal debate, which Tory MPs argued was “unamendable”.

Mr Bercow stood by his decision, telling the Commons: “My understanding is the motion is amendable, I’m clear in my mind about that.”

After heckles from the Tory benches, he added: “I’m trying to do the right thing and make the right judgments. That is what I have tried to do and what I will go on doing.”

Tory former minister Mark Francois, deputy chairman of the Eurosceptic European Research Group (ERG), claimed Mr Bercow was not following his own rules.

42 BREXIT: Speaker Bercow loses it when Ian Blackford brands PM May “a LIAR” (12th February 2019)

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Gepubliceerd op 12 feb. 2019

The SNP’s Westminster leader Ian Blackford was forced to withdraw an accusation that UK Prime Minister Theresa May was a “liar” as she appeared before MPs to ask for more time to renegotiate her Brexit deal.

Mrs May confirmed that there would be another round of votes on Brexit at the end of February, but offered no guarantee that a substantive ‘meaningful vote’ on a deal would take place by then

After being accused by the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of trying to “run down the clock”, the Prime Minister provoked anger by saying: “I wanted to have this sorted before Christmas. It’s not me who wants to run down the clock.”

As Mrs May began to reply that Mr Blackford had “inadvertently misled the house” by saying the government had not carried out economic analysis of its Brexit deal, the SNP MP shouted “that’s not true”. There was uproar on the Tory benches when he was then heard to shout “liar”.

Speaker John Bercow insisted Mr Blackford withdraw the remark. The SNP leader stood up and told Mr Bercow: “Out of courtesy to yourself, I withdraw.”

43 BERCOW BREXIT – Speaker defends MP: “I’ve never seen you fallen asleep in Commons, you’re a ZEBEDEE”

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Gepubliceerd op 2 apr. 2019

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has defended an MP who faced claims of falling asleep in the Commons, insisting: “She is a veritable parliamentary Zebedee.”

The Speaker drew comparisons with the springy Magic Roundabout character after concerns were raised by Patricia Gibson.

The MP for North Ayrshire and Arran, raising a point of order, said she had had a “smear” perpetrated against her when a “snapshot of frozen film footage” was printed in a newspaper and it was suggested she was “asleep during proceedings” in the chamber.

She said video of the proceedings “demonstrated categorically I was not asleep”, adding that she had for a second or two “thrown my head back appealing to the heavens in despair at chuntering in the chamber” while one of her colleagues spoke.

The Speaker, in his reply, said it was an “extremely serious matter” for all MPs, before adding: “To be fair, she has just robustly refuted the allegation.

Bercow also advised Gibson to seek a debate on the matter before saying: “I have got a good vantage point in the chair … I have never in my time in the chair observing [Gibson] seen her fall asleep.

“She is a veritable parliamentary Zebedee, she is constantly jumping up and down – and that, as she knows, is a compliment not an insult.

“She is one of the most alert members of Parliament, one of the most assiduous chamber attendees and participants. She is without blemish so far as her parliamentary commitment is concerned.”

Bercow then recalled how he once “momentarily” closed his eyes during a tennis match in “sheer suspense” but it was later suggested he might have fallen asleep – something he said was “inherently absurd”.

44 Election of Speaker Bercow

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Gepubliceerd op 8 feb. 2011

22 June 2009, John Bercow is elected Speaker of the House of Commons.

46 Interview with Sally and John Bercow about being parents of a boy with autism (October 2012)

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Gepubliceerd op 5 okt. 2012

Interview with Sally and Speaker John Bercow MP about being parents of a boy with autism, Oliver, and why they’re Parent Patrons of Ambitious about Autism.

47 Was John Bercow’s speech out of ‘order’?

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Gepubliceerd op 20 mrt. 2012

Much to David Cameron’s apparent chagrin, the Speaker of the Commons calls Her Majesty “a kaleidoscope Queen of a kaleidoscope country”.

48 The House of Commons Chamber

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Gepubliceerd op 21 sep. 2012
Watch our film about the House of Commons Chamber, what it does and how it works for people across the UK

49 John Bercow Speech 2009 Speaker Election

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19 okt. 2019
At the 2009 Election for a speaker of the House of Commons Each candidate gave a speech to the House saying why they should be speaker- This is John Bercow’s speech. The video all shows the announcement of his victory and him being dragged to the chair.

50 A Public Address by The Right Honourable John Bercow

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19 sep. 2019

A public address by The Right Honourable John Bercow, MP Speaker of the House of Commons.

51 Brexit- Global Market Crash Pending

13 aug. 2019

What is Brexit, how does Brexit affect you and will Brexit cause a market crash? Patrick Bet-David tells you everything you need to know about Brexit in this episode.

52 Brexit: What happened on Tuesday? – BBC News

Gepubliceerd op 18 sep. 2019

53 David Cameron on His Regrets Over the Referendum | This Morning

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Gepubliceerd op 19 sep. 2019

Subscribe now for more! In an exclusive interview, David Cameron and wife Samantha sit down to discuss the referendum, life after leaving number 10 and whether David believes Boris Johnson can deliver Brexit. Broadcast on 19/09/2019

54 Exclusive: Jean-Claude Juncker says Brexit ‘will happen’

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Gepubliceerd op 19 sep. 2019

55 David Cameron: Palace ‘displeasure’ at former PM – BBC News


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Buckingham Palace has expressed displeasure after the former Prime Minister David Cameron revealed that he sought the Queen’s help during the Scottish independence referendum campaign. In a BBC documentary, Mr Cameron said that in 2014 he had asked if the Queen could intervene because he was concerned Scotland was going to vote for independence. The Queen later urged people to ‘think very carefully’ about the future.
Another former Conservative Prime Minister is also in the spotlight, as Sir John Major’s lawyers tell the Supreme Court that the current PM, Boris Johnson, was ‘dishonest’ about his reasons for suspending Parliament. Mr Johnson says progress is being made in Brexit talks with the EU.
BBC News at Ten’s coverage with Royal Correspondent Nicholas Witchell, Home Editor Mark Easton, and Europe Editor Katya Adler.

56 Supreme Court: Suspending Parliament was unlawful, judges rule – BBC News

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Gepubliceerd op 24 sep. 2019

Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament was unlawful, the Supreme Court has ruled.
Mr Johnson suspended – or prorogued – Parliament for five weeks earlier this month, saying it was to allow a Queen’s Speech to outline his new policies.
But the UK’s highest court said it was wrong to stop Parliament carrying out its duties.
The court’s president, Lady Hale, said: “The effect on the fundamentals of our democracy was extreme.”

57 Supreme Court: Speaker says Parliament must convene after ruling – BBC News

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Gepubliceerd op 24 sep. 2019

Commons Speaker John Bercow welcomed the ruling and said Parliament “must convene without delay”, adding that he would now consult party leaders “as a matter of urgency”.

Mr Bercow said MPs needed to return “in light of the explicit judgement”, and he had “instructed the House of Commons authorities to prepare… for the resumption of business” from 11:30 BST on Wednesday.

He said prime minister’s questions – which normally takes place on a Wednesday – would not go ahead, though, because Mr Johnson was in New York for a UN summit.

However, Mr Bercow said there would be “full scope” for urgent questions and ministerial statements.

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Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament was unlawful, the Supreme Court has ruled.

Mr Johnson suspended – or prorogued – Parliament for five weeks earlier this month, but the court said it was wrong to stop MPs carrying out duties in the run-up to Brexit on 31 October.

Supreme Court president Lady Hale said “the effect on the fundamentals of democracy was extreme.”

Downing Street said it was “currently processing the verdict”.

58 Boris Johnson: ‘we will not be deterred!’

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Gepubliceerd op 24 sep. 2019

BORIS Johnson has LOST his historic Supreme Court battle on the Parliament shutdown as judges ruled it unlawful.

Speaker John Bercow said MPs must “return to the house” as a “matter of urgency” after 11 judges unanimously ruled today…

Continue reading:…

Boris Johnson refuses to resign if the Supreme Court rules he lied to the Queen:…

Supreme Court Brexit ruling – what time is the ruling due and who are the judges?…

Senior Tories fear Supreme Court will ‘go nuclear’ and rewrite constitution in devastating blow for Boris Johnson:…

From Brexit breaking news to HD movie trailers, The Sun newspaper brings you the latest news videos and explainers from the UK and around the world.

59 Deplorables: Trump, Brexit and the Demonised Masses

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20 sep. 2019

A film about the people who had long been forgotten, but now cannot be ignored — from the Rust Belt to the Essex coast. Featuring: Salena Zito, Matthew Goodwin, Glenn Loury, Munira Mirza, Paul Embery, Brian Denny and more.

60 Rod Liddle: Brexit, BBC bias & the liberal elite I So What You’re Saying Is

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17 mrt. 2019

Today’s Episode: Rod Liddle, Associate Editor of The Spectator and perhaps the only journalist to sell out The London Palladium, joins Peter Whittle to discuss Brexit, BBC bias, his loathing for London and the Liberal Elite and why he has decided to join a political party that few know still exists.
He also speaks about how, prior to the Left’s “Long March” through British institutions, many institutions and fields we regard as predominatly Left (such as teaching) were previously Right.

61 Leak documents show Attorney General advised PM that suspension was ‘lawful’

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24 sep. 2019

62 John Bercow says Brexit is the UK’s ‘biggest blunder’ in 70 years


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7 nov. 2019

Days after bowing out as Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow has described Brexit as Britain’s biggest mistake since the second world war. He said: ‘I think we will suffer in trade terms and suffer in terms of global standing and influence, and that seems to me to be so obvious’

63 What led to Brexit? | Start Here


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10 nov. 2019

It’s been three years of political drama ever since Britain voted to leave the EU in 2016. But Britain’s proposed exit from Europe has been held up by endless political dealing, negotiating, and technicalities. It’s cost the jobs of two Conservative Party Prime Ministers and a third – Boris Johnson – is facing a snap election in December. After agreeing on a withdrawal agreement with the EU, the UK’s government is now on course to deliver Brexit in the new year. But will the voters who chose to leave, finally get what they wanted? What sent Britain down this path in the first place? Here’s what you need to know, to understand the origins of Brexit.

 As mentioned Brexit is an accident, a gambling of David Cameron


The language is very mucht to-the-point

64 John Bercow: ‘I do not believe Jeremy Corbyn is anti-Semitic’ | British GQ

Back to men

7 nov. 2019

Alastair Campbell takes on John Bercow as the former speaker steps down after ten controversial years presiding over the House Of Commons, during which his private life became public and he was burnt in effigy as the Brexit debate turned toxic


65 President Obama Speaks to the People of Northern Ireland

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Following an introduction by First Lady Michelle Obama, President Obama delivers remarks to the people of Northern Ireland, highlighting the hard work, dialogue, and institutional development they have undertaken together to advance peace and prosperity. June 17, 2013.

66 What’s the point of ‘getting Brexit done’?’ | Question Time – BBC

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6 dec. 2019

Fiona Bruce presents topical debate from Hull. On the panel are: James Cleverly, chairman of the Conservative Party; Anneliese Dodds, shadow treasury minister, Labour; Ed Davey, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, and former energy secretary in the coalition government; Ian Blackford, leader of the SNP at Westminster; and Richard Tice MEP, chairman of the Brexit Party.
Question Time | 5.12.19 | BBC

67 Could Brexit lead to Scottish independence and a united Ireland?

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27 nov. 2019

At a converted warehouse on the banks of the Clyde, Nicola Sturgeon launched the Scottish National Party’s election manifesto today with a pledge to stop Brexit. (Subscribe:
Her party was the third largest at the last general election – and could be in a pivotal position if next month’s poll returns a hung parliament. Now she’s put Labour on notice she wants an early independence referendum as the price of supporting them – and locking the conservatives out of power.

68 Professor Anand Menon – Brexit: What Comes Next?

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27 nov. 2019

Professor Anand Menon considers briefly why Brexit has happened, examine political developments since the referendum and gives his perspective on the upcoming General Election in December and its implications for Brexit and the future of the UK.
About the Speaker:
Anand Menon is Director of ‘The UK in a Changing Europe’, a leading think-tank analysing the process and impact of Brexit. He is also Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs and Kings College London. He has held positions at a number of universities, including Sciences Po, Columbia University and NYU. He is co-author of Brexit and British Politics (Polity, 2017) and author of Europe: The State of the Union (Atlantic Books 2008). He is a frequent commentator on the media and has appeared on BBC’s ‘Question Time’ and most major news programmes. He has written for the Financial Times, Prospect, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Times and Le Monde. He is a member of the Council of the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate fellow of Chatham House. Filmed on the 26th of November 2019
VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO: Expert information

Video: 24 minutes

69 Anand Menon explains the likely paths to Brexit and beyond | ITV News

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24 nov. 2019

In episode 13, the Calling Peston podcast speaks to Brexit guru Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King’s College London, who talks through the likely paths the UK may take to leave the EU.
We’ll bring you a new episode every weekday around 5pm throughout the election campaign. Don’t forget to subscribe – and if you like what you hear, do rate us and leave a review.
Get in touch with the Calling Peston team – contact @DanielHewittITV, @ShehabKhan and @Peston. For the latest election news, go to and follow @ITVNewsPolitics on Twitter.
Listen to episode 13 here:…

70 Border line: a journey through the Irish heart of the Brexit crisis

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9 dec. 2019

In the weeks leading up to the general election triggered by the Brexit crisis, Phoebe Greenwood and Ekaterina Ochagavia have driven the length of the border that has proved one of the most contentious issues in the Brexit debate. We hear from the people living along it, and what they think is at stake in the election

71 Scotland: fear and Lothian on the campaign trail | Anywhere but Westminster

10 dec. 2019

As election day nears, John Harris and John Domokos head for a SNP/Labour marginal and talk to people whose lives have been turned upside down by universal credit, a policy imposed by the Tories in Westminster.  But they also get immersed in grassroots social activism that gives cause for hope, and a working-class self-help organisation blazing a trail into the future

72 ‘Brexit is a mistake but it is not a catastrophe’ – Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman

12 feb. 2020

Paul Krugman is a Nobel prize-winning liberal economist, author and New York Times columnist.
Ahead of the 2020 Presidential debate, his new book ‘Arguing with Zombies’ tackles common misunderstandings in the world of economics.
Krugman talks to Krishnan about what are these Zombie ideas, comparing American and British politics and why Brexit isn’t a catastrophe.

73 Failure to Prepare Brexit Position Criticised

11 aug. 2020

A new report by the Institute for Government has been highly critical of the government’s decision to enter into trade talks without actually working out our brexit regulatory position first. It put us at a significant weakness against the most advanced economies in the world.

74 U.K. Judge: Who Can Protect Parliament Better Than Supreme Court?

18 sep. 2019

Sep.18 — Justice Nicholas Wilson asked government lawyer James Eadie who was “better placed to protect the principal of parliamentary sovereignty” than the Supreme Court during an exchange which goes to the heart of a case to determine whether the government’s five-week suspension of Parliament was unlawful.

75 Inside the Supreme Court – BBC News


Gepubliceerd op 17 sep. 2019
Eleven justices, in Britain’s highest court, will rule on whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament was legal. BBC Legal Correspondent Clive Coleman takes a look inside the courtroom where the case will be heard.

76 UK claims Brexit trade talks “are over” unless EU shifts its position – BBC News

16 okt. 2020

Downing Street has said that Brexit trade talks are over and “there is no point” to negotiations continuing unless there’s a fundamental shift in the EU’s position. 
Boris Johnson says Britain should get ready for leaving without a deal on January 1st, after an EU summit in Brussels concluded it is the British who should be making concessions. 
Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Europe editor Katya Adler and political correspondent Iain Watson.

77 Brexit is the most colossal mistake of the post-war period | John Bercow | SVT/TV 2/Skavlan

28 sep. 2020

Former Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, speaks to Skavlan about order, his cat Order and British language and Brexit (04:40) in this interview with Scandinavian talk show Skavlan. Also present in the clip is Swedish author and editor Åsa Linderborg, in Stockholm. Host Fredrik Skavlan is in Oslo with artist Alexander Rybak, while John Bercow is in London. More Skavlan

78 Prof Dorling (Uni of Oxford) – Brexit and the End of the British Empire


20 mei 2019

A Grand Challenges lecture by Professor Danny Dorling, the University of Oxford.
From Brexit the British may learn a great deal about themselves as a result of having voted to ‘Leave’. Not least that Britain, and even Brexit, has its roots in the British Empire. Traditionally British Geography, a subject that was partly born in its current form in Britain due to Empire, has not been very good at explaining what the Empire was and why it mattered so much to Britain. Brexit may well be the point at which the English, in particular, finally learn about the importance of geography. Geography is central to Brexit – from the Irish border through to the modern day priorities of India. In hindsight, living with the highest rate of income inequality in Europe was arguably the real problem for the British, rather than being in the EU per se. The source of British woes was not immigrants or some perceived lack of sovereignty, but of their own making, and possibly (at least in part) an outcome of having so recently been at the heart of the largest empire the world has ever known.

79 After months of negotiations, UK, EU secure Brexit trade deal

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24 dec. 2020

The United Kingdom and the European Union have agreed on a post-Brexit trade deal after months of torturous negotiations, averting the prospect of a chaotic and acrimonious divorce at the end of this year.
The announcement came on Thursday, just one week before the UK exits the EU’s single market and customs union on December 31.
“The deal is done,” UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted, as he posted a photo of himself with both thumbs raised in celebration.
A Downing Street source said: “We have taken back control of our money, borders, laws, trade and our fishing waters.”

80 Brexit going forward: Who are the winners and losers? | DW News

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25 dec. 2020

No one really thought the UK would vote to leave the EU. But they did and it up-ended politics in Britain and the EU. When it takes effect it will change many aspects of life for people on both sides of the English Channel. Leaving the European Union. Leaving all the restrictions, duties, and the benefits of being part of a greater whole. Leaving behind freedom of movement, simple trade, and hundreds of common rules covering everything from human rights to light-bulb specifications. DW Correspondents Birgit Maass in London and Georg Matthes in Brussels have had front-row seats at the Brexit process from the very beginning. They have not only reported from the endless summits and negotiations, but also traveled through the UK and Europe, and even beyond. They met people whose lives will be affected – in some ways that could have been predicted – and in some ways that couldn’t. As Birgit and Georg look towards the future, they pick out those people whose fates show us what’s going to happen in a Brexit world. The fishing communities who set sail from different coasts looking to make a living from the same waters, and how bitter the fight has become for them. The British farmers who will see their income slashed, and what that’ll mean, depending on how big their farms are. The people who made their lives in Britain but are no longer welcome. And of course those on both sides of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

81 After Brexit: Can the UK really go it alone? | To the Point

7 jan. 2021

For the first time in its history, a member nation has left the European Union. But can the UK really go it alone? And how will it change the EU? Guests: Tom Nuttall (The Economist), Jon Worth (blogger), Tanja Börzel (political scientist)

82 The Brexit Process – Explained By Prime Time

1 jul. 2019

Struggling to keep up with the ever-changing Brexit process? You’re not alone. Conor Wilson and Mary Regan explain what you need to know about Brexit – where the red lines have been drawn, how the single market differs from the customs union, and who wants what from the biggest political and economic issue of our time.

83 How did Brexit happen? | VPRO Documentary

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23 dec 2020

Britain will permanently leave the EU on January 1 2021, four years after the disputed referendum. It is only now that many Brexit voters are discovering that they have been abused for the political elite’s power games. The campaign team of the advocates of brexit won the referendum with loud and clear lies and a cunning use of algorithms. Brexit is not going to bring the supporters what they hoped for, quite the contrary. But, as always, repentance comes too late.

This video is part of an episode of ‘In Europe, history caught in the act’ with Geert Mak by Stefanie de Brouwer and Roel van Broekhoven. The following people were interviewed: film and script writer James Graham (‘Brexit: The Uncivil War’), writer Guy Matthews and Emma Knuckey.

On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.

This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.

84 Brexit: What Have We Learned So Far?

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3 feb 2022 Gresham Lectures 2021/22

What has Brexit come to mean?

This lecture will explain how the Brexit deal the UK and the EU ended up with came to be. It will then investigate the new relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union, put in place by the Trade and Cooperation Agreement of December 2020.

Finally, the lecture will look to the future, to elucidate what Brexit will go on to mean for politics and public policy within the United Kingdom.

A lecture by Anand Menon

85 The Truth About Brexit: Britain BETRAYED | ULTIMATE DOCUMENTARY 2023

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15 nov 2023

Independent media can’t exist without your support. Help us keep telling the stories that matter and holding power to account by becoming a member and pledging from as little as £1 per month at

Betrayed: The Truth About Brexit is a deep dive into the long term factors that led to Brexit, looking further back than just the 2016 referendum and exposing the chaos and challenges it has unleashed in the seven years since then. Travelling around the country, hearing from experts as well as farmers, fishermen and voters, this documentary looks at how our politicians and institutions have betrayed the British public and asks the ultimate question – will the UK ever rejoin the EU?

86 We need to talk about Brexit | FT Film

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  IMPORTANT CONTENT  Listening recommended  Must ***

87 Runaway thief

28 mrt. 2011

Shirt thief in mall gets a volunteer accomplice and runs off leaving the victims with all the evidence. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!