Thank you for posting this. I just read an interesting account of an early rebellion here by John Manners, 1881. Manners wrote: To the sisters of Charity, of Cork, is committed the charge of the Magdalen Asylum, –an onerous duty, not at all to their liking, said the holy mother, and apparently not much to that of the penitents themselves; for recently something like a rebellion, ending in a secession, broke out amongst them. (Manners, 98)
Thank you for documenting this and sharing it with us. Such important footage.
brilliant work…i can say no more..excellence that no one can top..loved the upload..
Manners continued: “The penitents attend Mass in a chapel separated from the main chapel by a wall of Venetian blinds; so that no one can see them while at their devotions. The superior of the order in Ireland resides at Dublin, and her command over all the establishment in the country is absolute (Manners, 98)
Seems like everyone wants to burn these hell holes down…. Don’t just think that this was Ireland’s shame, the same thing happened to me and many others just like me in Australia. We had our childhood innocence ripped from us and were put to work in these hell holes as young as 11. Thats when I started to work in one and I wasn’t insane.
The catholic Church’s version of ‘Arbeit macht frei’ – work sets you free. A criminal enterprise where women where interred forcibly and forced to work for nothing. All the four major orders of Nuns should be tried for crimes against humanity and breaches of human and civil rights. Each of the four main orders of Nuns should be made to pay compensation (Known as ‘redress’ in Ireland), public apologies should be issued to survivors and all orders of Nuns should should have their considerable criminally obtained assets seized, be closed down, and banned as criminal organizations.
This has left me in a state of utter dejection. But I’m glad I watched it.
I am not religious …but can people be clear about the magdalen laundries? ( some were catholic run). But the 1st Magdalen laundries were protestant. in James Joyce’s writing he refers to an Anglican (protestant) laundries on Lesson st and they indeed were the first laundries or asylums in Ireland. These 1st protestant Church of Ireland-run institutions was named Magdalen Asylum for Penitent Females, opened in Ireland on Leeson Street in Dublin in 1767. Founded by Lady Arabella Denny, and admitted only Protestant women.
@souly351 the laundry part was knocked to the ground but the living quarters for the nuns and the 5 story buildings where the “inmates” ate,slept etc still remain,, the buildings which were turned into a appartments are part of saint annes mental hospital which is situted on the same site as the good shepherd convent, one can still walk the grounds but all the windows are sealed up so the buildings cannot be accessed, the church is another building which remains on the ground
isnt it true that there is a magdalen grave that still has “sinner ” written on the headstone? and the nuns today still refuse to let it be changed?
This makes me ashamed to be of Irish descent. Not only because it happened, but because the nuns guilty of the abuse are still free and unpunished. May God damn them to hell for all eternity.
anyone know the exact location of this place? could you send me a link with google map or something? thanks
Haunting music and and a wonderful video
Is it still there?And if so how can you get in there?
This story is enough to make anyone turn their back on “God” for about a hundred different reasons, if those nuns were God’s voice and teachings on earth where does God work into that? God bless these souls, victims of the Catholic Church
Stunning vid!!
what caused this fire?
How were the women supposed to work in the laundries if they didn’t get enough to eat the nuns got eat good food the women didn’t get good food. The laundries were a lot like a mental hospital with no hope of getting out alive
@fairhillnorrie Just well said!
For some reason this song sounds like Amazing Grace.
Abuse of the worst kind.
@johnymst sundays well cork city, its no longer there, its now a block of apartments, I have no doubt that many bodies lie beneath
I remember this burning down, was it 04?
@ickiepoo dont be ashamed of being irish it was untrained people who were taught that cruelty or humiliation were the way to go…….and the complete control of corrupt catholics
If anyone goes up to the grave yard and looks at the statue of St Patrick all they will see is a pentagram on his head….You can thank me and my friend;)
Why would 1 of the 155 bodies not have been cremated?
“The church ” so distorted Gods word, Jesus died for our sins if you accept that it’s done. Read the bible for yourself ,
I’m beyond angry 

If wall’s could talk 

@MrsEringobragh Hi mrseringobragh my mother spent half her life in the magdalene laundries in cork
@ivors1973 Be gentle with her then, she would need it.
@navrats babe you were signed in as me whle makin dis never showed me dis place anytime i was in cork.
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