This also happened to our native brethren here in New Mexico and America as well. Breaks my heart. I love the native people
Can’t even imagine the generational trauma this has caused and is causing to people’s lives. Yet ignorant folly people are quick to say “it’s in the past move on”
The women at the very end broke my heart watching her cry. But then to see the hope in her eyes at the very last second after singing. I hope she does well healing and breaking the cycle of pain.

I generally had no idea this happened – it’s beyond horrific
Yes yes yes, never forget and never stop talking about this. Anyone subject to any institution like this must have suffered endlessly. Glad my grandmother was not sent to one. She was found on a boxcar and raised by a women who took her in.
As a Native American(Kiowa) my heart goes out to all my native people in Canada and the U.S 

There were over 350 of those “schools” in the US, think of the unmarked graves there. Going to school in the 50s and 60s in the segregated south I read about Jim Thorpe in the school library. Taught my kids, grand, and great grandkids about our ancestors atrocities. Didn’t harm them at all, made them better human beings.
I’m glad you’ve taken the time to talk about this but you need to do the same for the US. Also you need to investigate poorhouses or work homes also in the US.
I can empathize, I was sent to a boarding school, and although you would hope it would be like Hogwarts, it was a military school where much of the same abuse happened. The problem is most were not there by choice, there was racism, and if you were gay, and it was suspected, well it would not be good. After I graduated, I only visited the place once, and I felt that’s all I needed to; my heart goes out to all these people who suffered abuse, and humiliation. The wounds never really heal.
As a Canadian, I’m glad this is finally becoming more well-known and widespread. Remember learning the history of residential schools and the continuing impact on communities in British Columbia when I was in high school back in 2010 and was surprised how uncommon that is and how most of the country never did. Canada has a much darker past and history than people care to realize.
Such an important story to tell. This is horrific.
When she was singing Hail Mary HER way I got goosebumps & tears. I’ll pray for every one of those poor souls who didn’t deserve the atrocities done to them


This is still happening in many devolving nations, but the media doesn’t cover it. Christain missionaries are trying to do the same thing India, but the Indian Civil society is more aware and lobbying the government to take action against this trillion-dollar industry called the church. If proper research is done the number of cases in India will probably be in millions.
What an unthinkable tragedy. I cry. I’m ashamed of mankind. It needs to be said, this is how we learn and evolve into better people.
This is heartbreaking. My grandmother went to an Indian school in Oklahoma but our traditions were kept intact. May the Great Spirit bless these souls with peace and comfort in time.
Thank you 60 minutes for coming to my homelands (Touchwood Hills) talking to my community and its members to share our trauma to the world!
The children did not “die”, they were killed. I have much respect for 60 Minutes, but they need to get the title right.
60 minutes an American program should do this about the residential schools in the United States. Where thousands of indigenous children were taken to break their spirits to make them more American. They were American, they were abused their sacred haircut. Why doesn’t 60 minutes do a program about what took place here in America. All the people interviewed on this program are extremely courageous and showing that they still keep to their heritage.
Unbelievable! So sad. How could the Government and most of all, churches do this to little children, or anyone? Sick!
Infuriating ignorance to harm such beautiful beings. May all receive the love and healing they deserve
“that all of humanity would be guarded by an international legal shield” – Nuremburg trials. The Catholic church, nuns and priests, Canada should be held criminally responsible and punished for crimes against humanity.
The exact same thing happened in the USA.
Outta sight, outta mind for far to many people. They say Native American tribes in the US are carrying so much generational pain, they don’t know when it will fade away The men and woman doing these interviews today are the strongest survivors
Heartbreaking. In Canada and the US.. We aren’t off the hook, either. Just horrible.
Oh wee Canada you got some skeletons in the closet as well. I’m pretty certain at most schools especially boarding schools it’s not normal to have 35 of your class mates die for various reasons. I lost maybe 4 or 5 classmates during my entire school career and not one happened at school. I know times were much different back then but making things like this aware to the public will hopefully teach people what not to do in the future.
It is a stain on Canada that needs to be fully studied, explored, and reconciled. As a Canadian I am ashamed.
To the indigenous peoples of turtle island, my heart bleeds for you. I pray the love and peace I send out to you finds you and starts to heal. To those in governments and in the church, although you may not be the ones to blame, you bear their shame. You have some big apologies to make. Do it. It’s far past time. 

I can’t even imagine the pain

How shocking and so very, very sad. God rest their souls.
So so sad !! I’m so sorry to all involved with this torture
This (for want of a better term) genocide also occurred in Australia when successive governments removed Aboriginal children from their families. Canada apparently set a horrible precedent that other nations unfortunately followed.
Still waiting since 1964 to have my adoption nullified, and take back my legal birth certificate. And not have that authority or custody be given back to my biological relatives or their relatives. As a child I was legally removed from an abusive and dysfunctional group of people, and placed into another dysfunction and abusive group of people. I am in need of a lawyer to represent me. I am okay with going to the United States Supreme Court. This is as important as: Brown vs The Board of Education. Several law enforcements, the AG of CA., and the ACLU are a few organizations that have been informed. There should have been federal legislation and laws written centuries ago; making it easier for adopted people to have their adoption nullified. Regardless of their age. How come my birth certificate doesn’t have the word: Adopted? This should be mandatory for all adopted people. The United States government and judiciary system failed to inform adopted people; upon being adopted their legal problems would begin.
Holy crap I didn’t realize this kinda thing was happening in the 1900s!
Horrific crimes are the consistent signatures of religions.
Religious institutions must be monitored closely. In my country these institutions are getting richer day by day, by drawing out high checks as donations from their students for continuing education or bring promoted despite the hefty monthly fees. The education is quite fine, but still it’s not worth the following of forced Christian faith in these institutions run by nuns and priests, the most unqualified people in the world. The parents and children of the affected Canada community needs to be consolidated, supported, and be promised that no other beliefs will ever come to influence othe cultures
Unbelievable how evil men can be if you don’t look and talk like them. My heart breaks watching this story. CRT should be taught in our high schools. History is just as important as mathematics and technology.
When are humans gonna wake up from this self imposed delusion that is religion?
Let’s not be quick to blame (only) Canada. Maybe you should report on the US residential schools too than just mention it in passing. For “THE” book on the Canadian Residential schools read John S. Milloy’s “A National Crime”.
Never trust people who hide their own sexual feeling and teach others that it’s wrong to have them.
When are we going to be honest and have a true conversation about what group is responsible for these SYSTEMIC atrocities and hardly ever acknowledge it?
It’s such a very sad story. Mankind has been using religion or insignificant differences as excuses to conduct evil acts of violence for a long long time.
This happened here in the USA as well!
Actions speak louder than words. If you can’t say “I love you,” but you act like it, she knows you love her. <3
They were thought of as something less than human, unfortunately, certainly not equal to their oppressors.
Just an awful experience for these poor children. All in the name of God. Very sad.
It’s another time of the year. One need to set goals and take bold steps in achieving them. Remember success is not obtained overnight. You just have to stop procrastinating and try what you have always wanted, to improve your life and wellbeing Investments will take you closer to that your dreams.
The powers then and now are sick people

It breaks my heart 

Long after slavery was abolished in the USA, long after laws were enacted that made women no longer regarded as property of men, long after segregation was made illegal, Native American people in the USA as well as indigenous people of Canada were still horribly mistreated in the USA & Canada. Native American people are still feeling the repercussions of attempts to exterminate them in the most un-atoned for genocide.
For awful I’m so sorry this happened to these beautiful people
…this is so horrible my heart hurts and my gut is in knots. I want to say so much more, but it’s difficult to find the words.
This is tragic. It’s these people that can truly say “this is our land!!” on this continent. They can truly say, “this is my country!” Everyone else IS AN IMMIGRANT!! Including white people.
This was also the case in Australia… I believe the movie was called rabbit proof fence.. In which children were kidnapped By the Catholic Church. Then again what else is new?
I appreciate Joe Biden for recognizing the truth.
All in the name of religion. I don’t have kids but you can be certain if I ever did, they would never come close to being indoctrinated into any religion, especially catholicism. As a recovering catholic who was abused physically by both nuns and priests, I’m also certain that I’m glad I never ran into any of them after I got out of school because I’d probably be in prison if I had.
These are the true Americans and Canadians. I think hey should get independence , won’t that be some day ?
The difference between this culture and others, they don’t use the atrocities as a weapon against society for generations. I’ve never even been to Canada but I apologise to the Native Indians for what happened to them.
God rest their souls
Where are the rank and file Catholics of Canada? Why are these supposedly “good Christian people” not up in arms demanding the Church release information to families relating to their dead children? If you are a Catholic in Canada and you don’t step up and raise your own individual voice in condemnation of the Church for these crimes against humanity…….then you are just as guilty as the animals who dressed up like nuns and priests and perpetrated these crimes against God’s children! Shame on the lot of you!
There will be a recognition of those life’s lost.
My ancestors(The French Acadien) Acadians came from Nova Scotia to America went through kinda the same situation after being relocated in America during the great deportation because they were forbidden to speak their language of French heritage when they were kicked out of Canada in 1755-1763 when they refused to sign an unconditional oath of allegiance to Britain so the British governor Charles Lawrence and the Nova Scotia Council ordered the Acadians to be expelled from Canada and once arriving in America they were treated as though they weren’t even humans and were forbidden to speak their language and some had their children taken from them also. Today I’m Proud to be a Descendent of My French speaking Great Grandparents and My Grandparents that had never learned to speak English but my mother and father refused to teach us french because of the punishments and the belittling they endured on the school grounds in America
(remember their parents couldn’t communicate in English)

Do we never learn. …….
I realize this is about Canadian Residential Schools but this bleed over from the United States. The governments of both the United States and Canada have BRASS BALLS for criticizing any other government for their violations of human rights.
Yes, the cycle does continue. In the U.S. the lack of educating our poor guarantees that they remain poor.
Let’s remember that these wicked people took over and are still here. This wasn’t long ago. Disgusting murders, theives and destroyers of the earth.
This is a horror! Why would anyone have to give up their ethnicity just to be saved by god?? 

This does sound like a school of horrors. If there is such a thing. This is sad what happened in this school. But also scary.

Can’t wait until the American episode.
All these ideas the Canadian government got as how to start these schools and run them n treat them they got fro the US government!! When will our government have these reconciliations and formally apologize and compensate the families who still suffer and have generational trauma from it. I grew up in the City of Portland but am from the Fort peck tribes and didnt realize how bad my people suffered until i moved to the reservation. For 32 years i barely went to any funerals. Maybe 4 or 5 in my whole life at that point. When i moved to the rez 16 yrs ago up to now ive been to more funerals than i can count. Yet our people are still ignored and made to feel invisible. CNN said it during elections. We’re something else. Not even human enough to be called native american or indigenous American. Smh. Investigate that!!!
Religion in the hands of humanity perpetuates nothing but these kinds of tragedies
Fu.king SICK . I almost couldn’t watch this segment. I cried and felt sick to my stomach
This video infuriated me…..Why hasn’t the Canadian government gone after the Catholic church and it’s billions of banked dollars? You can’t change the past but you sure can change the present and future. Invest in the current generation of youth and what they can become.
Instead of this, how about you report on the historic, giant, peaceful anti-tyranny protests all over Canada, in particular in Ottawa?!?
This is a horrifically disgusting story. So heartbreakingly sad.
Please God … please help the survivors.
Leona Wolf not only made me cry but made me feel….. Like it is coming the change the awakening it’s coming the healing…. One people
Religion is one of humanity’s worst evils.
This also happened in the US.
Wow that was a tough watch…
Bill Burr needs to see this.
it requires money to make money this is the best secret I have ever heard we don’t make money we make multiple money
I wonder if Joe Rogan was involved in this monstrosity 

I love Chief Littlechild!
United States government had the same type of schools for the indigenous people of America
The British Empire and the Catholic Church did it to their own kids, let alone the kids of the conquered lands. And they still keep claiming the highest ground from St Peter’s Square in Rome.
60 minutes about 2 years late with this story.
Ya can thank the Catholic church for this travesty

Link to 60 min show on what Canadian Govt participated and allowed to happen to their Indigous Indian Tribes same as what American Govt did to our tribes
they refused to give them anti-biotics??????? WTF
And what did the Catholic Church do? What type of reconciliation have they done? Someone should go to the Vatican 🇻🇦 these crimes were committed in your uniform and under your name!
That’s an absolute descrace shame on all that were responsible
This happened in ameriKKKa too
Those were concentration camps 

wow, America take a page out of this book!
This is sad.
The savages were the captors.
How do people believe in a god that let’s this happen?
Don’t tell me US Government is Angel.
Check out the documentary Unseen Tears for more background
Why is there always evil surrounding religion?
The usa did the same thing.
Oh kind of like what do United States government did during Indians crisis so they can say
Jesus … no where is safe
Let’s also not forget the current Prime Minister Trudeau wearing blackface on multiple documented occasions.
A religion that took a whole group of people and told them they wasn’t Native terrible.
This type of behavior is why I’m an atheist.
and all this done by people of the majority. Tells a lot about how whites and others are treated too…
Again, the church.
Priests strike again. unreal
Some tragedy A
The World is watching and all will know.
Concentration camps , we like humans have so much to learn about the past mistakes, and think that was not so long ago.
But they say there’s no such thing as white supremacy.
And you wonder why people don’t trust people
The idea came from the United States?
I m starting to believe that We will reach a point where somebody will discover the bible is a book lies …then our whole existence will crumble …
I’m no longer waiting for the GRANT LOAN because I earn $70,000 every 7 days recently
Catholics and Orthodox will give Christianity a bad rep in this kind of modern lifestyle atheist will point fingers
Something similar to this is happening right now in China.
Who’s civilized?
Nun massacre
ritualistic child sacrifice to demons such as mollock is no fairy tale
Christian Slater. Christian’s? Later dude! Huhhuh huhhuh — Butthead
Catholic Church.
Not one body found horseshit
To me, it sounds like white!
They are doing the same to immigrant children in Sweden right now.
Sounds about white to me!
If you didn’t search for more than this information everybody is going to believe this side of the history,hope that everybody search for the other side of the history.
Let me ask a question were the white who were doing things like this liberals or right wing conservatives?
Why title it “died” when different descriptions were appropriate? The title is false and misleading? Fake news.
Tony R
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