To harm someone who trusts you:
A lot of people in this business think they have to stab each other in the back to succeed.
Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary
Behaviour that is bad and not loyal, especially from someone you trusted
Being replaced by her was a real stab in the back.
Macmillan Dictionary
Stab Someone in the Back
Betrayal is one of the most painful human experiences, and “stabbing someone in the back” has become the ultimate metaphor for treachery. It represents an act of disloyalty, where trust is broken in the most covert and painful way. Whether it’s in friendships, professional relationships, or even family ties, the sting of betrayal cuts deep, leaving emotional scars that can last a lifetime. On this page, we delve into the complexities of betrayal – why people betray, how it manifests, and the aftermath that follows. What drives individuals to turn on those they once cared for? And how can we protect ourselves from such a betrayal, while understanding the deeper motives behind this destructive act?
Iemand in de Rug Steken
Verraad is een van de pijnlijkste menselijke ervaringen, en “iemand in de rug steken” is de ultieme metafoor voor verraad. Het vertegenwoordigt een daad van ontrouw, waarbij vertrouwen op de meest verborgen en pijnlijke manier wordt gebroken. Of het nu gaat om vriendschappen, professionele relaties of zelfs familierelaties, de steek van verraad snijdt diep en laat emotionele littekens achter die een leven lang kunnen blijven. Op deze pagina duiken we in de complexiteit van verraad – waarom mensen verraden, hoe het zich manifesteert en de nasleep die volgt. Wat drijft mensen om degenen die ze ooit dierbaar waren, in de steek te laten? En hoe kunnen we ons beschermen tegen zo’n verraad, terwijl we de diepere motieven achter deze destructieve daad begrijpen?
- The idiom “stab someone in the back” is a metaphorical expression that means to betray or deceive someone, especially someone who trusted you.
- When someone stabs another person in the back, it implies that they have betrayed that person’s trust or loyalty by acting against them in a deceitful or treacherous manner.
- This betrayal often occurs when the person being betrayed is unaware of the deceit, making the act particularly hurtful and unexpected.
- The idiom is commonly used to describe actions that involve breaking a commitment, spreading rumors, or undermining someone’s interests behind their back.
When I was a child
I did not live in the wild
My mother took care
But there was something strange in the air
I was made to feel different
The gossip was persistent
I did not know the reason
Had there been a treason?
I grew up with a secret nag
And now I have a tag
People judge me and it makes me sad
One should not, It is bad
I hate racism/snobbism
It is a masked pessimism
We are all the same
There should be no shame
Delphine Boël
Taking it literally, it means taking a knife or another sharp object and putting into a person’s back.
However, it means to hurt someone who was close to us and trusted us by BETRAYING them secretly and breaking their trust. We call the person who does this a back stabber.
“Did you hear that Sarah stabbed Kate in the back last week?”
“No! I thought they were best friends, what did she do?”
“She told their boss that Kate wasn’t interested in a promotion at work and Sarah got it instead.”
“Wow, that’s the ultimate betrayal! No wonder they’re not friends anymore.”
The key points of the idiom “stab someone in the back” include:
- The phrase implies a deliberate act of betrayal or deception against someone who trusted the betrayer.
Deceit and Treachery:
- It suggests dishonesty and treachery in the actions taken against the person, often involving a breach of trust.
Unaware Victim:
- The betrayal typically occurs when the victim is unaware of the actions being taken against them, adding an element of surprise.
Violating Trust:
- The idiom emphasizes the violation of trust, highlighting the emotional impact of betrayal.
Unexpected and Hurtful:
- Stabbing someone in the back conveys a sense of unexpected harm and emotional pain, as the victim did not anticipate the betrayal.
Undermining or Sabotaging:
- The actions involved in stabbing someone in the back can range from undermining their efforts to actively sabotaging their interests.
Dishonorable Conduct:
- The idiom carries a negative connotation, suggesting that the betrayer’s actions are dishonorable and morally questionable.
Hidden Motives:
- It often implies that the betrayal is motivated by hidden agendas or personal gain at the expense of the betrayed individual.
- It often implies that the betrayal is motivated by hidden agendas or personal gain at the expense of the betrayed individual.
In summary, “stab someone in the back” captures the essence of a deliberate, deceitful betrayal that violates trust and is often characterized by unexpected and hurtful actions.
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2 mei 2011