Page Description
“Smell a rat”: idiomatic phrase that means
to suspect that something is wrong
or suspicious, usually with regards
to a particular situation or person.
Uncovering Injustice: The Michael Morton Story
The phrase “smell a rat” captures the uneasy suspicion that something is not as it seems. For Michael Morton, this suspicion wasn’t just a fleeting feeling—it was the grim reality of his life for 25 years. Convicted in 1987 for the brutal murder of his wife, Christine, Morton endured decades behind bars for a crime he did not commit, all while key evidence proving his innocence was hidden from the court.
Through this page, we delve into Michael Morton’s harrowing journey from wrongful conviction to exoneration. His story is one of profound injustice, systemic failures, and an unwavering fight for the truth.
Here, you’ll find powerful insights from his memoir, Getting Life: An Innocent Man’s 25-Year Journey from Prison to Peace, as well as timelines, videos, and reflections on how crucial evidence—like a bandana with the killer’s DNA—was ignored. You’ll also learn about the pivotal role DNA fingerprinting played in overturning his conviction, leading to both his freedom and significant reforms in the justice system.
Explore the details of this extraordinary case, from the untold pain of a father separated from his young son, Eric, to the groundbreaking film An Unreal Dream, which sheds light on the courage and resilience it takes to overcome unimaginable loss and betrayal by the justice system.
Let Michael Morton’s story remind us all to question, to challenge, and to seek the truth—even when it’s hidden in plain sight.
Onthulling van Onrecht: Het Verhaal van Michael Morton
De uitdrukking “onraad ruiken” vat perfect het gevoel samen dat er iets niet klopt. Voor Michael Morton was dit geen vluchtig vermoeden, maar de bittere realiteit van zijn leven gedurende 25 jaar. In 1987 werd hij veroordeeld voor de brute moord op zijn vrouw Christine, terwijl hij volledig onschuldig was. Ondertussen werd cruciaal bewijs dat zijn onschuld had kunnen bewijzen, verborgen gehouden voor de rechtbank.
Op deze pagina verdiepen we ons in Michael Mortons aangrijpende reis van een onterechte veroordeling tot zijn uiteindelijke vrijspraak. Zijn verhaal is er een van diepgaand onrecht, systematische fouten en een onverzettelijke strijd voor de waarheid.
Hier vind je inzichten uit zijn memoires, Getting Life: An Innocent Man’s 25-Year Journey from Prison to Peace, samen met tijdlijnen, video’s en reflecties over hoe belangrijk bewijs—zoals een bandana met het DNA van de echte dader—werd genegeerd. Je ontdekt ook hoe DNA-analysetechnologie een cruciale rol speelde bij het bewijzen van zijn onschuld, wat leidde tot zijn vrijheid en baanbrekende hervormingen in het rechtssysteem.
Verken de details van deze buitengewone zaak, van het onnoemelijke leed van een vader die gescheiden werd van zijn jonge zoon Eric, tot de baanbrekende film An Unreal Dream, die licht werpt op de moed en veerkracht die nodig zijn om onvoorstelbaar verlies en verraad door het rechtssysteem te overwinnen.
Laat het verhaal van Michael Morton ons allemaal herinneren aan het belang van vragen stellen, kritisch blijven en de waarheid zoeken—even als die goed verborgen ligt.
The expression “smell a rat” is an idiomatic phrase that typically means to suspect that something is wrong or suspicious, usually with regards to a particular situation or person. The key points of the expression include:
Suspicion: The phrase conveys a sense of suspicion or doubt about a situation or person. It suggests that the speaker has detected something that seems out of place or unusual.
Intuition: The phrase often implies that the suspicion is based on intuition or a gut feeling, rather than concrete evidence. It suggests that the speaker has picked up on subtle cues or signs that something may not be right.
Alertness: The phrase indicates a sense of vigilance or alertness, as if the speaker is actively paying attention to their surroundings and is quick to notice any potential signs of deceit or deception.
Skepticism: The phrase suggests a healthy skepticism and a willingness to question things that may not seem genuine or truthful.
Caution: The phrase can also imply a sense of caution or wariness, as the speaker may be hesitant to fully trust or believe in the situation or person in question until their suspicions are addressed or clarified.
Overall, “smell a rat” indicates a sense of suspicion, intuition, alertness, skepticism, and caution when something seems suspicious or not quite right. It is often used informally in everyday conversations to express doubt or suspicion about a particular situation or person.
To recognize that something is not as it appears to be or that something dishonest is happening:
He’s been working late with her every night this week – I smell a rat!
Cambridge Dictionary
In British English
to detect something suspicious
In American English
to suspect a trick, plot, etc.
To believe something is wrong:
When I got an e-mail asking for my password, I should have smelled a rat.
Getting Life:
An Innocent Man’s 25-Year Journey from Prison to Peace | Biography and Memoir
On August 13, 1986, just one day after his thirty-second birthday, Michael Morton went to work at his usual time.
By the end of the day, his wife Christine had been savagely bludgeoned to death in the couple’s bed-and the Williamson County Sherriff’s office in Texas wasted no time in pinning her murder on Michael, despite an absolute lack of physical evidence.
Michael was swiftly sentenced to life in prison for a crime he had not committed. Drawing on twenty-five years of recollections, court transcripts, and more than one thousand pages of personal journals he wrote in prison, Michael recounts
the hidden police reports about an unidentified van parked near his house that were never pursued;
the treasure trove of evidence, including a bandana with the killer’s DNA on it, that was never introduced in court;
the call from a neighboring county reporting the attempted use of his wife’s credit card that was given to local police; and, ultimately, how Michael battled his way through the darkness to become a free man once again.
1 I Was Wrongfully Imprisoned for Killing My Wife | Michael Morton | Google Zeitgeist
16 sep. 2014
in British English
to detect something suspicious
in American English
to suspect a trick, plot, etc.
2 John Bradley’s handling of Morton case questioned
6 okt. 2011
3 Michael Morton reacts to exoneration
4 Michael Morton: If you want to be forgiven you must forgive
5 An Unreal Dream: The Michael Morton Story
6 SXSW (2013) – An Unreal Dream Trailer #1 – Documentary HD
27 feb. 2013
Movieclips Indie
SXSW (2013) – An Unreal Dream Trailer #1 – Documentary HD
Check out the SXSW Playlist:
No case in modern America illuminates this condition more completely than the story of Michael Morton. in 1986 his young wife was brutally murdered in front of their only child, and he was accused and convicted of the crime, spending a quarter century in Texas prisons. His unreal dream was and is a powerful journey through despair and abandonment to a greater freedom than most of us know, but all can appreciate.
8 Michael Morton: The TT interview
7 feb. 2013
9 DNA links jailed suspect to Morton – 6 pm News
Al Reinert:
Kent Schaffer
Marcy Garriott
Al Reinert:
Chris Mattsson
Jesse Lyda
Jason Wehling
John Aldrich
John Dean
Jim Embree
Nellie Gonzalez
J. Stephen Martin
Beverly Reeves
Clark Lyda
John Dean
Nellie Gonzalez
John Aldrich
Nellie Gonzalez
Al Reinert:
John Dean
Nellie Gonzalez
John Dean
Nellie Gonzalez
Nellie Gonzalez
Jason Wehling
John Aldrich
John Aldrich
Levie Isaacks:
Chuck Pinnell
Rich Brotherton.
10 Michael Morton and the justice system – 6 pm News
11 Innocent man: There were years I plotted revenge
12 Morton to be released from prison
13 Judge named to oversee Anderson inquiry
14 Anderson admits Morton was innocent
15 John Bradley testifies in Anderson case
16 Ken Anderson on Michael Morton Conviction
16 nov. 2011
17 State Bar of Texas Files Civil Suit Against Judge Ken Anderson
18 Judge Anderson resigns amid controversy
20 Ex Prosecutor Ken Anderson jailed 3 days for misconduct in sending innocent man to 25 yrs in prison
16 nov. 2013
21 Evidence of Innocence: The case of Michael Morton
22 Michael Morton: Life after prison
25 Michael Morton Interview – Part I
22 apr. 2014
26 Michael Morton Interview Part II
18 aug. 2018
27 Evening With Michael Morton and Barry Scheck
1 okt. 2014
28 Juror who convicted Morton feels guilty
29 Michael Morton Freed in Texas
6 okt. 2011
30 Truck Tears Off Car Door
7 mrt. 2019