I believe both brothers want to protect their family. Their different Personalities and their wife’s personality makes a difference in, what each one makes so lay off.
Harry has been like this since he was young and now all the blame is going to Meghan
William is a controlling figure? After what happened to Diana, Princess of Wales what do people expect? He may be a royal and a future king, but he and Catherine and their children should have some privacy.
Princess Diana, we will never forget

i hope William and Kate take the throne, and Charles and Camilla live a beautiful life together sounded by their grandchildren.
That sort of constant attention would drive me to be ducking into bathrooms to hide (and probably cry). I feel bad for them. I have always valued my alone time (outdoor alone time). I for one have never been obsessed with these folks. Just occasional videos every few years…when I’m bored and they pop up, so I can say I’m happy to have a life. It’s too bad some are totally obsessed with the lives of others. Celebrities as well. I mean they are not more interesting than what’s in front of us (our families, pets, work….). I wish these young men and their families more peace than what they clearly grew up with.
It’s sad when you have to wait for your family to die so you can move up…
He looks just like his beautiful elegant mother– may she rest in peace
So why didn’t they do the same for Harry he at least could have come to terms about his mom
For once, Charles got it right on his view of handing Hong Kong to the Chinese.
It’s unfortunate for Charles, but a positive out that negative is a prime example of what happens when your not faithful or not careful in your job. Like the world wants a man. A huge world away of aristocratic ways of 100 years ago. Charles great grandfather fathered many, the Hannovers weren’t liked either, but with today’s world you cannot get away with it.
Personally i think we should have access to our future kings meddling within Parliament. The royals are meant to be neutral the future king clearly isn’t. They should never have a say in government nor an opinion. Pass over to William is the only option to kingship. Charles meddles to much, + not married in the church of England the second time and needs to be kings father (abit like the queen mum role) Kate and William were married in the church of England and we never hear their views or thoughts
It is interesting. I feel sorry for William and Henry, being raised without their Mother. I think little Charlotte looks just like her Grandmother the Queen. We do not have queens and kings, princes and princesses, so this is so foreign to us in the US.
I just wish it was captioned!
Those boys are beautiful…Diana was stunning….I have this fairytale conspiracy theory that she opted to go into hiding instead of having died……because it’s just so sick to think someone like her could be gone….
It’s unmistakable that Prince William favors his Honorable Grandmother a lot… ahhhh it’s Extraordinary as one grandma with one beautiful grand child. He seems to have a great heart
️ like his Awesome Mother Dianna. 


Prince William is a warm and lovely person with the public, he just cant stand the press – get over it members of the press
Hilarious beyond words re the American photographer’s assertion to the queen that she’d look better and less dressy without the crown.
Diana accident is weird only her bodyguard survive.. but she was still Alive I think. French Doctors because it was Diana got totally shock ,maybe just taking time no blaming then but she was talking how long the ambulance took . No flight med ? her bodyguard look worst he survive… if she when in to shock the Ambulance would make it worst..ny flight med doctors will be in the helicopter …i don’t think when she crash they had any idea who she was …
Thank you!!for uploading this

People are demanding more public “view” of the wife of Prince Harry as if she is the future Queen of the realm. That focus should be on Camilla and Catherine-future Queens. Prince Harry in the future may not rank in the top 10 in line to the throne as Prince George and his siblings, families will be the key nucleus to sustain the Royal Family in the 21st century.
Shame that the press were not more on the ball re Savile and Randy Andy.
William is perfect for a modern king, after his fathers short reign. Wonderful wife and family, well behaved ,educated ,well mannered ,handsome and well prepared. Let’s just be proud of them, and let them live their lives
The time as come to see the Royals for what they have always been. An Elite family claiming large benefits from the state while working and earning on the side too. If they were on a council estate they would have their benefits stopped and in court for benefit fraud. Time for them to go.
I can’t imagine why England keeps this tradition up. It is very costly both to the country and “the family”.

Wonder why a law is not implemented on the limitations of the paparazzi……..must be awful to be hounded so badly……..at least a decent distance must be maintained by them…….
So William not wanting to leak ti the media, not wanting drama, avoiding them when it’s not necessary and more important doing the decent job and actually have a professional relationship with them is a bad thing? What is supposed to do, whisper into reporters ears about family matter like other royals do? No William is above drama.
How sad that people need other people as a means of measure of themselves and how disgraceful that those who are idolized make material wealth off this idolatry. Is human life just a cult for all those humans who abdicate all responsibility for their own thinking???!!!!???!!
The Royal Family only survive due to public opinion ,so their behaviour matters if you’re a royalist,the privilege they live with is paid for by the British people ,so they have to earn it .Harry chose to leave for whatever reason ……so I don’t think they should still be living like Royals ! They quit, it seems ridiculous that they have the titles and use them in a Country that got rid of Royalty !,,,
Diana would cry if she could see how her youngest whom she called the most vulnerable the most in need of help probably for the rest of his life. Those are her words and now the people she held dear in her heart are being torn to shreds emotionally by the English people she counted on.
Prince William is obviously a very controlling character…. Um you lot killed his mother I would be controlling AF if I was William
Children always love Prince Harry because their heart is pure like Prince Harry.
Charles reminds me so much of elizabeths creepy uncle – wallace simpsons stalker. Man she tried to get away too. If he werent king she d have made it . that one fact ruined her life. Something so similar between those two. Something crazy . maybe the inbreeding. Idk.
I think, she is right.with his behaviour …………but on the other hand he grew up in a busy family, and did not receive much of warm love and attention nor guidance of a strong father that can face the world and protect his children. The third side of the story is, it is healthy to behave like that, when you are at his age. The fotographer insulted the queen, she really did not understand how rude she was. He looks very outgoing, he reacts like a monarch, but he is very controling.
anachronism…..would go along way toward getting the homeless into shelter if it were discontinued as unnecessary
The Queen 

No problem with Constitutional Monarchy as an institution but, about time they started paying for their homes themselves. Yes, the public purse should help maintain them but alterations and redecoration should be their expense. For example, why did Harry and his wife have the taxpayer pay £5000 for a new copper bath? They are no better or worse than many who have gone before them!
Wow This Royal Complicated Life And Creepy Paparazzi it Confused Me How They Live A Normal Life They Want..Im Glad I Live In Philippines Even I’m Poor But Happy And Free

I would not talk to the press either. They can take pics and get a press release. That’s it.
With all the media who would want to be king
42.12 didums vultures Guardian oh yes the lefty MSM.
Time for a Republic, retire all the royals so they can live off their own money and give the taxpayer a break.
Royal criminals who belong in prison.
Sorry…somewhat bigotted and whenever you hear the views of “former” Royal correspondence or Royal protection officers and other former Royal employees .. You have to ask, why are these people now talking…? The answer is…For money and 10 min of fame same old faces saying whatever is expected of them… Being “Nice” to the Royal family… means either they won’t be asked twice for their input or what they contribute ends up on the floor of the Editors office.
Prince Harry was born Prince so call that. Whether you like it or not.
Go create your own world to rule it
their time is up it ended with Diana
Cowmillas son was the one who was supplying Harry with marijuana.
You Charles made a mistake
Charles never gives up his desire to be famous as Princess Diana jealousy
I hate that they are not talking. They are stronger together. I lost 2 brothers please find peace and give each other a hug. Diana was the best hugger. 

Charles should never be king.
Avenge Diana drain the British swamp

Was it just me who thought that this was cute 36:28
So sad, but the relationship between W & H is over!
William was far more attractive with hair. Not aging well.
can I be a cleaner in buckinham palace?????lol…. will die for that place. jokinnn.
Gossip gossip leave them alone
Don’t need them!
Why have Royals at all? I don’t understand
Charles should never be king.
News Flash – It’s going very wrong now !!!
Just to let everyone know I hate Camilla. I hold her for the death of princess Diana.
so they used harry so disgusting of this family
Why you don’t go rule what you build
Get them out
Harry love you

Stew them.
Two used attacked fooled shamed insulted tortured me together since day one
Get rid of them, they can get a job and work like everyone else.
Reinventing? Why not stop taking money from the people.
Big kisssssss

O captain I love you very much darling I miss you very much darling
Harry begins his love affair with Africans..
Please watch 8 videos of Jim Nduruchi
William cut off Tom Bradby after that South Africa self-indulgence in the midst of dire poverty.
And all best friend with bloody Jimmy Saville
Global elitist
Why did this doc skip over Harry’s Nazi costume scandal in 2005?
out in viabl face , out hex church nr lights lad thin tall 5,8, purple trouses blish shirt o old push bike end wgite mud guird on it past on path
A. Epst
I don’t like Meghan’s changes!! She SHOULD show her face outside the hospital, she should invite the press and media rather than one ig photo! She is a duchess, not a rock star or socialite or a party girl. She needs to remember that and start living like a royal rather than a tabloid Hollywood actress with sudden fame and wealth.
I wish they could have put Meghan in the video. This was disappointing. It did not seem very updated.
Who on earth would marry anyone with no family support,one mother at a wedding,the disgusting family is shameful, not a Mary Donaldson.
Supporters of Princess Meghan (aka Me-again?) tell me She will soon be made Queen of England, because she is the most beautiful and most intelligent woman in the world. Wow!
DNA not required; you can see Charles is not Harry’s dad = no royal title = no royal title = no megan malarky Diana expressed surprise and puzzlement when she discovered she was pregnant for the second time. Charles was also. And Harry’s birth was the end of their intimate life, as Diana told a number of people. Hmmm…………Grudge pregnancy….Hewitt had it in for Charles!! Harry doesn’t half look like his dad. (Some people say it was a shame Megan’s father was not at the wedding, well neither was Harry’s!!)
Harry Hewitt can move to California with Me Again and the baby doll if the have it soo bad.
Whatever Harry is trying to reinvent himself into, it’s not successful. MM has ruined him.
Angela Daye
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