The problem is that crimes were committed because underage girls were deceived and recruited for sex. A few of them have bravely told their stories. Prince Andrew, who most people recognize, was named by a victim which does heighten the public’s interest. If the allegations are untrue, the expectation is that he should do whatever he can to cooperate with investigators. Most people feel that vigorous efforts must be made to bring charges against the perpetrators, regardless of who they are. The focus must be in helping the victims find justice & closure.
I wonder if Elizabeth feels like a bad mother. They ruined Charles by trying to micromanage his every move, and they ruined Andrew by the worst case of spoiling I’ve ever seen. Anne is the only one with any sense.
If he is innocent then why doesn’t he help with the American authorities?
Do you really think the Queen didn’t know what he was up to
he’s been shelved because he got caught and he’s bad for business.

If you protect a criminal from justice,you are called an accessory and can be prosecuted,unless you’re a member of the royal family. One rule for them and another for us.
Andrew is a disgrace & legal action should be taken against him.
Every biography on the BRF I’ve ever read indicates that Andrew is ER II’s favorite child. She has over-indulged him at every turn. Small wonder Andrew is so conceited, arrogant, and self-important, not to mention over-sexed (“Randy Andy”) and libido-driven.
The queen age has NOTHING TO DO with the scandals of the royal children or whatsoever. Dont we all have rules to follow be we royal or not? If we are found guilty we have to face the musics.
How can the Royal Family reverse what Andrew has done, its impossible to undo taking advantage of a young woman ordered by a pervert to please someone of such importance as Air Miles Andy.
C’mon, man! Not even the royal family must talk to the FBI about sex scandals. Andrew should be forced to talk to the FBI or be arrested about the Epstein trials.
There’s lots of mums who’s son went to war no different if you have done wrong you’ve done wrong, regardless of going to war for any country If that was a normal person he’d be in prison by now People are people regardless of titles
Andrew is an overindulged and spoilt man. He lacks insight into his appalling willingness to befriend a sex offender, and the perverse power imbalance between himself and young vulnerable women.
Other British citizens went to war for their country not the Queen.
The governments inability to react just shows how badly a revolution is needed lmao
I’m sure the Palace will keep him isolated so he doesn’t speak to the FBI
It’s about time he was sent to answer to his crimes.. Boss indeed
He will never pay in any way for his behavior. Powers that be will make Ghislane Maxwell and several other more minor players the sacrificial goats in the public charade. We must never underestimate the roll power and money play in all things that come before the public eyes. The only reason these characters behavior became public was the absolute tenacity of a few of the determined victims to see justice carried out.
And the world thought Megan and Harry brought shame and heartache to the royal family?
Because they’re human just like the rest of us, they’re just playing a role. Royalty is just a name and unfair privilege given to one family. While they’re enjoying all the benefits it must also be equally difficult to keep up with the facade
Sometimes it is the Parents fault, but not always sometimes some are just born Evil.
Someone may want to clue this author into the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell is sitting in a jail cell in NYC.
AND… the Oscar for WORST ACTOR to EVER utter a line in the history of television interviews goes to…. “RANDY ANDY MOUNTBATTEN WINDSOR” in his role of HIMSELF!! 

If he’s innocent, why is he hiding
Prince Andrew he will never appear in any court no matter what he’s done, this world has different rules for certain people!!!
Real criminals never get caught, they have protection!
Why has he not been brought to justice
In the 1980s He was known as “Randy Andy.” By his peers in the military.
Why does the Queen always have to have favourites?? It’s unfair to the other family members.
LOL Andrew taking advice from Fergie to do that interview was brilliant, it showed the world Andrew was lying and he got caught out doing it, pitty he will never be held accountable because of who he is. It’s time to get rid of the whole bunch , Charles, Camilla, Harry, Me-gain, Andrew, Fergie, Eugenie and her husband Jack and let the real Royal family members who do the right thing stop the Monarchy from being the colossal joke they have turned it into. Crown William King and get on with it
Hasn’t Maxwell been arrested? And being held without bail? This author doesn’t seem very well informed.
“When the FBI get their hands on him.” That’s not going to happen, is it?
He couldn’t run a jumble sale without being supervised.
My God, these half wits are absolutely hilarious.
How much different was one marrying a young Diana and using her for an heir and a spare ,all the while keeping hiss mistress “the love of his life” treating Diana as a heir producing machine . It’s all bad , no respect for those people at all.
I don’t usually like court tv but I will surely make sure I watch it. Maxwell’s trial is soon and I bet she makes a deal for less time.
What is this man talking about? Maxwell is in prison awaiting trial. When was this interview made because the date in the description details says 6th April 2021.
PA wouldnt have been involved-he has denied all allegations-simply not true. Good man, helped lots of ppl
Piers Morgan all over Meghan and Harry but silent about Andrew.
Don’t think Andrew will ever be brought to justice.RF will always protect him..
Andrew through his dad over the edge
Why is Australia so obsessed with the royal family when they got rid of them
The Queen has never put a foot wrong in 70 years = Andrew WILL pay the price of his indiscretions
They talk about Meghan and Harry but this guy should be the headline
It’s unfortunate that Eugenia and Beatrice have Prince Andrew for a father and Fergie for a mother.. but you can’t chose your parents or relatives…they both seem to be level headed beautiful girls in spite of it…
Meanwhile the rest of the guests on JE’s flight logs are thrilled the spotlight is on Andy and not on them as they slither back under their rocks. All Andy all the time.
What is he talking about when the FBI get their hands on her….. She’s in prison isn’t she 

The queens favorite son. A real winner,but much loved by her. Like wise little harry. Red red ginger bread.
He needs to be treated like anyone accused of crimes against minors!
Shes put herself in the awkward position as she’s helped to cause what he is by spoiling him, and he’s Fergus’ meal ticket so she’ll always stand by him. It’s said Philip called him the boss but the Queen let Philip be in charge of family so why didn’t Philip stop her spoiling him.
What will happen to Andrew when the Queen passes away ? Fergie is on his side because they are both wacky
Andrew is lying. And he knows it so does QE2. He better just lay low for the rest of his days.
This is a beautiful example of how KARMA works.
Shocking morality of Palace giving green light to have a mistress or love young underage girls. It’s all forgivable and even honorable for royal man. But look on position of women- oppressed, abused, silenced, chased out, insulted! This amoral power must come to the end under God’s power, not power of bigots and hypocrites.
Scotland Yard is already said they’re not going to investigate what he was up to in the United Kingdom kingdom
If he was my boss and bawled me out like that I’d tell him where to shove it prince is not Diana had an instinct about him and I must admit I think he comes across as being smarmy so although I’m not a fan of hazbeen I can quite believe how it must have made him whince
All the Kings Horses and all the Kings men can never put them all together again. How many scandals can one family create. Disgraceful.
Don’t think so, people. The Queen is THE BOSS, as Andrew & all other royal family members will soon find out.
Andrew can’t do anything else at this point but retire.
Maxwell has been charged.. You know shell squeal but even if she doesn’t.. they have the documents. From what I understand, Andrew can bit be arrested on the monarchs properties. We’ll never lay eyes on him again but he’ll still live happily ever after.
You used the phrase “Blood is thicker than water…” The correct full quote is “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. The meaning of this saying is actually the opposite of the way you used it. The saying actually means that bonds that you’ve made by choice are more important than the people (family) that you are bound to by the water of the womb.
The Queen NEEDS to REMOVE Harry from THE LINE OF SUCCESION. As Markle once said Prince William is only 1 plane crash away from being the next King.
They are making him an example. This is only the beginning.
Andrew will never be more than he is right now, which is nothing but a lazy playboy and embarrassment to the Royal Family. I do not care if he was spoiled – he can and should take responsibility for his actions. The only thing Andrew has done correctly is being the fathering of Beatrice and Eugenie. Even that I do not think is anything remarkable. Yet, the two Princesses do have full time jobs and also do charity work. This is more than I can say about Andrew.
A royal prince can not do any wrong, and royal privalage dictates they can not be persued through the courts.
I blame the parents! 

Not to mention Meg’s ‘relationship’ with Andrew when on Jeffrey Olstein’s yacht.
There’s only one boss in Buckingham palace and she’s still in office.
What about the damage mm and the spare are doing to the family?
Both he and Fergie can drop of the face of the earth. My opinion of Fergie was at rock bottom after this interview it has moved even lower.
that title says it all kids are not safe around him
Long RUN But SHORT catch. Time is the master.
Charles and Andrew are the disappoitments of the Windsors.
Justice for Virginia Giuffre! This woman is so brave for speaking up, she needs all of our support. Amen.
His mother can blame herself for the fall of “the royal family”. She let her family down, her country, and every woman on this planet. It started w her marriage and continued with her children. So many people think she is all that. They are sadly mistaken.
As Prince Andrew actually been accused of a crime or is this conjecture he said she said……..I noticed the Book over the shoulder on the worktop…
But then , UK still rather keeps Andrew on the payroll and supports the family wich is hiding and covering for him , but is trashing Harry who left .
Mick Morrison
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