The accuser ended up murdering her boyfriend a few years later. He’d still be alive if she’d gone to prison for this.
And, unlike Nifong, the Duke faculty members have suffered no consequences whatsoever.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t get convicted or proven innocent. You’re going to be forever have your name slandered and can never get it back just because of a woman saying rape.
I remember this case so distinctly and ACTUALLY arguing with a girl when this first happened. She was on my case for not condemning the lacrosse players of rape….I kept telling her…”DUE PROCESS….INNOCENT until proven guilty.” I told her I could neither say they were innocent or guilty until all the evidence was made clear. She even chose not to talk to me for like a week and gave me dirty looks LOL. After everything came out a year later, she just avoided the issue and said it was in the past LOL. Not even an apology for giving me a hard time lol
Literally the exact same thing happened to my hockey team in Canada, a chick snorted all sorts of drugs up her nose, tried banging half the team, everyone refused, including me (thank god), then she passed out. She later accused us all of sexual assault weeks later. RCMP questioned us all and later quickly dismissed it when her friend admitted the truth of nothing happening. To think that could have changed our lives if the friend hadn’t told the truth, terrifying. Gotta love being a young man nowadays, to this day I have extreme anxiety and haven’t had a relationship since, much less being able to talk to women in public.
Nifong got an entire day in jail. Wow that is so long, wonder how he dealt with that. I think he needed 10 years in jail. Put corrupt prosecutors in jail.
I heard that two of the students that were accused of this rape would eventually earn law degrees and join a legal organization that works to free wrongfully accused prison inmates. So, in all of this crap heap, something good did happen.
Whenever there is any kind of allegation like this, we always assume the accuser is right. We obviously haven’t learned
Just watched the 30 for 30 on this. Classic example of passionate people allowing themselves to forego reason when doing so suits their private agenda. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. When we allow our preconceived notions to override the presumption of innocence, the justice system has already failed.
This should be viewed by every student before going to Diversity training.
I have seen two women falsely accuse guys of sexual assault simply to get revenge, both times the guys didn’t go to jail but incurred heavy legal expense, and yet both times the girl was not prosecuted for false accusations.
At the college I went to a top level football player got accused of sexual assault. Got kicked off the team, kicked out of school, and lost his chance to make it to the NFL. Well, It goes to court and he is found not guilty. The girl lied. He didn’t get back in school, didn’t get back on the football team, goodbye NFL, didn’t get all that money back from lawyer fees…….and the girl……graduated school and didn’t get a day in jail or pay a single dollar in fines.
Those boys lost some of the best years of their lives so Nifong and Duke faculty to make a (false) point. How they aren’t all in prison to this day is the true injustice.
This ends up far more tragically. She ended up murdering her boyfriend a few years later. There was something seriously the matter with her psychologically. Society decided to turn her into a sexual political hero rather than diagnose and treat her mental illness. Now someone is dead as a direct result of that decision.
This whole thing still makes me sick to my stomach, all these years later. Nancy DisGrace, The New York Times, so many villains in this story. Ugh.
How anyone could send their son into that den of pit vipers at Duke after this event is beyond me.
PS: Crystal Mangum later stabbed her boyfriend to death.
anything ever happen to the 88 faculty who led the lynch mob?
Have no idea why YouTube recommended this story to me so many years later. I remember when this story came out and when the case was taking a rather lengthy time to prosecute, I had a feeling something was either wrong or there was a plea bargain being worked out. Now so many years later it’s just the Salem witch trials all over again.
Damn. To this day I never knew it was a hoax. I remember when this was all over tv and everyone made them seem guilty. I don’t remember anything else ever coming from it
A decade ago, this was a shocking one-off case of the failure of due process. Nowadays, in the age of trial by social media and “believe all women,” it’s tragically the norm.
I remember when The Crucible was required reading in high school. Along with the Salem Witch Trials. I guess this doesn’t extend to the other gender, huh?
DUE PROCESS. Remember it. Otherwise this will happen again
My favorite is when the Black Panthers showed up on campus. Then when the evidence didn’t support them they ran and hid like cowards
This what “collective (group identity) justice” looks like.
This happens all the time. The only difference is that THIS lie was exposed. Who were the 88 that signed that statement and why hasn’t the internet ruined their lives yet?
The accusers wanted to be seen by their fellow activists as “dedicated” “committed” and more “zealous” than others. They were showing off how articulate and eloquent and their denunciation can be. The sooner the better. They envisioned themselves as heroes.
Stand up for law and order in this country. Deny the media any claim to the truth without evidence, let the judicial system do its job…and let the evidence do the talking. Gossip and public opinion without the facts destroys people’s lives.
If you have ever been through the System, you are always presumed guilty! There is no “innocent until proven guilty”, and justice is not blind, and definitely not fair!
Found out about this story – not through the media, but through Jesse Watters’ book. Amazing how the media covered this story, and never cleared it up.
Not only was this case fucked up but the female never served time. She later killed murdered her husband and was found guilty.
There should have been 88 terminations. College professors have lost their minds, reason, logical thought, or responsibility for their position or the university and students they serve.
My daughter was getting a grad degree at Duke at the time. She was appalled. I said, without knowing anything other than the photo “lineup” had NO incorrect answers, that she should wait until the facts are in.
It’s breath taking that the prosecutor NEVER was justly punished…….
Ten years later, and nothing changed.
“the [activists] …would continue their activism regardless of what the Court decided or what the police said.” Yep, that rings very familiar in 2021.
It’s so hard when things like this happen. While I was at university, two men I knew were falsely accused of sexual assault, one of them a very close personal friend. It absolutely tore him apart because this girl was screaming about it to everyone who would listen in Halls and on FB. The guy wasn’t even in the same city at the time of the party she said it happened after. The other was a case of mistaken identity. I don’t know this guy as well but apparently the lady in question was assaulted but thought it was this other man as there was a passing resemblance. That one fell apart very quickly as she gave the police and account of her begging the attacker to stop and him saying no. The guy she accused is actually about 99% deaf and his hearing aid thing was in for repairs at the time so again that case fell apart very quickly. Fortunately I recall hearing the police were able to get a DNA sample and it was a match for a known offender and the fucker was rightly locked up. Again though, the whole situation was very hard for the deaf man and it took him weeks to get over. Rape is an extremely serious offence and quite rightly an extremely serious accusation. However, I cannot agree with the people who campaign, with honourable intentions I’m sure, to have rape exempt from the usual innocent rule.
you guys should edit this video and put in something at the end about how the accuser, crystal mangum, stabbed her boyfriend to death..
Love how the protesters where quick to say guilty without facts. And that signed “real men tell the truth” which funny they were telling the truth. Also what kind of a stripper drinks while doing her job? Anyone thats stupid enough drink while working should be arrested for stupidity. What’s sad is black leaders activists in this case got a setback. You painted innocent people guilty and defending a criminal. The media may have called it peaceful but to me painting them guilty before any facts and results is barbaric. So good job activists I will never trust you before you are quick to judge.
Very good video but sadly the rhetoric of “guilty until proven innocent” has gotten worse.
It is hard to imagine a more dangerous or stupid way of making decisions, than by allowing those who make them to pay no price for being wrong.
This should be nullified. Due process matters, and I had no idea they basically made it as easy as choosing a snack from a vending machine to ruin a life. IMO; the campus is responsible for a lifetime of wages for each of the accused.
Every member of Faculty should be named and shamed. Even after ALL these years, name them ALL.
As those students, I would’ve sued for the entire lacrosse teams tuition and either the income of the school for 2 years or every one of those 88 teachers dismissed with no chance of teaching ever again. They straight up lied and published articles and whatnot claiming all this as fact with out one SHRED of evidence.
It’s so disgusting the way the media will run with a story regardless of how true it is!
Guilty until proven innocent. And to this day people get accused and go to prison for crimes they never committed.
Professor Johnson is incredibly well spoken when articulating the motives for the break down of due process 9:00
And to this date… nothing has been learned from these cases, time and time again!
News media is also guilty !!
Both Nifong and Magnum should have faced some serious consequences
When I was in college my roommate was drunk and had sex with a girl we knew who was also drunk. She was all over him, grabbing him, brought him back to her room, etc. The next day she went around saying he took advantage of her and forced himself on her. Luckily her friends we actually good people and shot her story down. Still though it’s just so ridiculous, just because a woman regrets her decisions doesn’t mean she can accuse a man of a terrible crime.
“Guilty until proven innocent.” It seems to be like some sort of social boomerang effect for all the years of not believing legitimate victims of the past.
This rush to judgement by Prosecutor Mike Nifong was driven by Envy and Ambition. Nifong was envious of the Duke Lacrosse players because 1) They got into Duke, and Nifong did not, so he attended UNC with many other Duke rejects 2) The players on the Duke Lacrosse team were generally from more prosperous circumstances than Nifong 3) The Duke Lacrosse players were on a nationally ranked team of an elite sport and Nifong was not. Nifong saw this case as a path to stardom.
If there’s any doubt about the power of accusation and media, here’s this: I’m just now learning that these boys were innocent 14 years later
Nifong ONLY got a day in jail for contempt of court and for basically framing someone, wow……Go THE US legal system.
We’ve learned nothing from this…. If it happened today, the lacrosse players would probably be murdered and no charges filed
So all someone in COLLEGE has to do is just ACCUSE someone. And that person’s life is destroyed forever. Yeah that sounds fair.

What really surprises me is that any men go to colleges at all anymore.
Someone explained to me that it’s the DA’s job to determine if a crime was committed, the courts just to prove the defendant did it. Under that pretense your already screwed once your charged.
Played the race and gender card and almost ruined 3 peoples lives
I still don’t see how these 3 guys didn’t start suing left and right for slander you have to hit them where it hurts with these people.
This was the first time I learned to distrust the media. They’ve only gotten worse.
And this is why due process is so important in a any society. This was in 2014 and I believe nothing’s really changed; in fact, it may have gotten worse. Any calls for due process is met with either irrational opposition or crickets.
This is what happens when a prosecutor uses a pending case to further their political ambitions. The St. Louis DA. Did the same thing with the McClosky case.
Stop letting emotionally unstable people make rules/laws and/or even vote. Has been a downside since emotional voting
Those 88 faculty should have been fired.
How sick is our culture where we declare guilt or innocence based on the type of person and not the actual facts of what happened
its one thing to have a psychopath or a sociopath who is also a pathological liar here, but what really scares me are these people who support her all the way through all her proven lies & violent insane behavior that hurt, ruined & ended innocent peoples lives. those are the people who are really dangerous, because they are obviously prejudiced & have their own agenda & its not about justice.
Women who falsely accuse men of rape, should be sent to prison for the same length of time as the accused would have gotten had he been proven guilty. The damage they create is absolutely untold.
Being on the left means never having to say you are sorry and change course.
Innocent until proven guilty! One of our most sacred rights in the criminal justice system! Where were those signs?
“Mob mentality of the activist wing of the Duke faculty” – Patient Zero
The standard of evidence should be the same as for a court of law. Beyond a resonable doubt and to a moral certinty.
For those who may not know, Duke University is among the “woke-est” colleges in America. It may be located in North Carolina, but the locals sometimes refer to it as “The University of New Jersey at Durham,” since most of their students come from blue states in the northeast.
And look at where we are today. Accusations equals guilt I guess.
The whole case narrated from the perspective of one single guy. Great piece
This incident was my redpill moment, there is no justice in this country. They are not on your side, they actively hate you!
The ESPN ‘30 for 30’ program about this is heartbreaking. If the Wild West was back, there wouldn’t be anything like this. Lawyers = corruption.
Looking forward he last 6 years, the mob mentality has grown by millions – no lessons learnt here.
2021 I would love to know this guys opinion on what’s going on across America college campuses and the level of corruption in our justice system and main stream media that has completely divided this country.
A system that assumes innocence until proved otherwise, will deliver justice sometimes. A system that assumes guilt before innocence, is incapable of delivering justice. The reason we structure our courts this way is because the freedom of the innocent is essential to our faith in the courts, and society itself. It is more important to protect the innocent than to punish the guilty.
Does the Supreme Court still pretend like there is no definition of due process?
Beyond belief that those lads lost some of their best years all because of an unhinged stripper and a ridiculous virtue signal from the faculty.
One of the problems here it seems to me is the fact that before any trial takes place in a court of law prosecutors and defense lawyers and anyone else who wants to comment on a case can go and speak publicly about it and make any allegations they like about it. An example of this is Sheriff Judd in Florida who regularly holds press conferences just after a crime has been committed and tells everyone exactly what happened, and holds up photos of the people involved and declares them guilty of the crime. Someone should shut him up. It’s not his job to be prosecutor, judge and jury. He’s a sheriff. I’m waiting for some journalist at one of his press conferences to tell him that it’s not his job to declare people guilty or not guilty or to prejudice potential jurors, just because he wants to grandstanding publicity seeking act.
People are Sheeps. They want to jump on a band wagon.
This is why accusations must be fully investigated before going public.
There needs to be some kind of law passed for anyone who lies about this kind of stuff, nothing ends up happening to said accusers, meanwhile the accused even when they are found innocent their names are dragged through the mud, their lives are effectively over, and theres never an apology, even when news publications do retractions its on like page 45 next to the perfume samples where no one will read it.
Every one of those “88” should have been terminated.
Holy shit I remember when this happened and to this very moment i never knew these kids were innocent
Lying undermines EVERYONE. Everyone single one of us ALL and our off spring. Our systems need us to work. They don’t work on their own and especially not when we act against them.
They should make a movie about what happened to these guys. I just watched the 30 for 30
This case should never be forgotten.
Imagine giving a description that doesn’t look like 46 people.thank goodness she’s in jail nw
I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this before, although I can understand why.
Prosecutor should be sitting in prison still tbh they are the ones breaking our criminal justice system
Media and FBI did the same thing to Richard Jewell In 96 Atlanta Olympics
I live in Sweden and wouldn’t send my sons to school in a country with a corrupted judicial system like China or Iran. However, increasingly I don’t think I would want them to study at a US college either.
had to come here after the kavanaugh case. due process prevails once again
Mike Nifong should never have left jail. He knew from day 1 they were innocent
Meanwhile, Kaplan, a female lawyer for the #MeToo movement, tries to discredit the first woman to come forward in accusing Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. Guess it also matters what side of the political aisle one hails from.
I’d ask why this hasn’t been turned into a movie like North Country, but I think we all know why.
Until accusers are held to the same standards of punishment that the accused are held, it will continue!
I remember this pile of BS. Initial reports in the news, first problem, sounded very bad. Jesse and Al quickly showed up, second problem. Then more and more of the story started coming out that didn’t fit the original story. If Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton show up then you better believe it’s all a lie.
Over a decade later nothing changed.
Makes you wonder what would have happened if the parents couldn’t afford lawyers and private eyes
Where are the unjustly convicted players now? Yes they were unjustly convicted not by the legal system but by the media and the public.
I think those people who let that happen think of the “witch hunts” that these “hunters” are crazy and then they ask themselves how that could happen but they don’t see the similarities
This is across the board. Regular people get falsely accused all the time and they get a ransom over there heads. Some even go to jail for something they didn’t even do.
Hysteria Is A Scary Thing! Look At The Police ‘Race Situation’ Going On Now…
“aggressive out of control white athletes,” where are we hearing that these days?
The sad thing is, there are still people out l there who still believe those students are guilty even if they didn’t commit the crime.
Note to all Parents out their : Raise your children to respect all people treat people the way you wanted to be treated and they won’t dragged Mentally ill Strippers to a party. Instead they would be looking for help for these people and live good lives.
This reminds me of the Brett Kavanaugh thing. apparently, no one in 2018 remembered the Duke Lacrosse case.
The thought that this woman who was drugged up and completely passed out could positively identify 3 different students is such a joke to begin with
And Nifong went to jail … “FOR ONE DAY’ !!!!???? ONE DAY !!!!! Should have been for as long as he was trying to get them sentenced for.
We are reliving this with Supreme Court nominee..

OMG when they showed the list of players there was matt danowski Zach Greer and Ned crotty. Danowski and crotty are some of the best attack to ever play the game
Nancy Grace shouldve been taken off the air after this
This is why I do not join a stampede. The last stampede that was incited, Kamala Harris ended up as vice president.
Women don’t lie. If she said he raped her, he needs to go to prison. No, it doesn’t matter that he can prove he was across town when she said the rape occurred. For those who are sticklers for consistence, just let her change her story. Believe all accusers! [satire]
Young Men should never attend Duke University.
Lesson when getting a stripper: set up hidden cameras all over the crib and make sure it’s recording everything
Please tell me those 88 faculty were reprimanded or fired. Im a Radiographer that nurse surely should be shitcanned.
It should just be innocent until proven guilty and all this shit wouldn’t happen.
I recall questioning early on just why the NC Attorney General wasn’t stepping in, as is his legal right on any case within the jurisdiction of the state. We must never forget that all counties and municipalities are legal creatures of the state. Thus no DA should be able to get away with what DA Nifong did for too long. This case smelled to high heaven from the beginning, and Nifong was the ultimate “loose cannon” and stereotypical Southern politician grasping for office (in his case, re-election). AG Roy Cooper finally stepped in and removed this case from Durham County’s jurisdiction, the first slap in the face to the scum-bag Nifong. Then Cooper summoned the legal weight of the state to fall on Nifong’s head. Nifong deserved worse then he ultimately got (disbarment, one day in jail, civil suits, bankruptcy). Oh, and BTW, the stripper is now serving time for murder…. shows what a “high type” SHE was! Let this case be a warning to all “PC” district attorneys, and a clarion call to state AGs to always keep an eye on county DAs for possible abuse of their offices.
ESPN did a 30 for 30 on this incident. VERY GOOD!
I’ve been a victim of one of these lol My ex-girlfriend accused me of stalking and threatening her. It was all made up. But she’s a super hot sweedish blonde, with baby looks – So naturally, cops and courts were all over that – defending little blonde girls is like their most sacred duty lol Anyway, I beat it all in court – in front of a judge, just with reality and facts. BUT sooo many guys fail this – defending yourself in court. And chicks play that – that courts favor them. And they lie and lie through their teeth. Why not? Not like they ever get punished for it. SO this goes on, and on. With many many innocent guys ending up in jails, and ruining their lives. I mean – who’s gonna hire you with “sex crime” on record? lolol SO BEWARE GUYS – record f-king everything!!!!! Texts texts texts – back that $hit up, on 10 hard drives lol I was thinkin go suing her, and I would’ve won, likely, her case was just such blatant lie – but I didn’t sue her. Pity? Too nice of a guy? Yep. Again, that’s how chicks like that get away with this – guys are too nice lol and don’t sue back.
we were so naive and innocent back then. We had no idea that we just scratched the surface.
Hypnossis over reason. That s what this is. Guilty untill proven inocent, wtf ?
Salem witch trials. It’s the current year.
this combined with the 1619 project really was the death blow for the nyt credibility
How has no one yet made a “Social Network” type film based on these events? It’s not like the film makers would be short on material and themes to explore.
The univresity “disciplinary” tribunals should NOT be used for criminal investigations. Ridiculous.
I have seen girls claim they were sexually assaulted against their will 3 or 4 times in my life. Every case I was there, saw them all over the guy obviously trying to hook up, they hook up, they get sober and embarrassed the next day. Rather than risk being viewed as a “h0e.” They would rather accuse the man of assault.
if this happened today the whole team would have been sent to prison
it appears that almost everything about this case can no longer be found on YT…..
I still can’t believe there were no charges against this woman. I was infuriated by the damage she caused, without consequence. Not even a charge for filing a false police report…Unbelievable
Believe all women who make accusations remember.
Your tears are far more compelling than any real evidence could ever be
these guys better be rich as hell. The moment Al Sharpton walked on the scene everyone should have known it was bogus.
Just like Tawana Brawley. Love how they said the accuser was a stripper with mental issues all strippers have mental issues you are not a stripper because things are going great in your life
Even this guy who is on the right side of the issue assigns greatest fault to the prosecutor. False accusers need to be held accountable, they are as bad as rapists.
This should have been the first sign of our current media problem
Wow…. and now Judge Brett Kavanaugh
So sad

All these people were so quick to judge and protest, harshly negatively affecting these boys’ lives, but I guarantee few if any of the judgemental protesters apologized to any of them.
falsely accusing someone of a crime should be punished by the crime they are accusing
What happened to mangum? How was she allowed to do this? Did any of the kids sue the new youth times or school offcicials or the DA for damages? They should have, their reputations were ruined by lies. How do you get raped by multiple men and then the cops pick you up on the property like that? Wtf
You ever notice how logic and reason just sound different?
Nothing was learned from this tragic case. Not one thing…
And radfems are still trying to undermine due process.
Not sure why this is in my feed years later, but probably means people are still watching. The was I see it, if another woman (I say woman because unfortunately male victims are less believed, though this may apply to victims of male-on-male r*pe) says she was r*ped, if she doesn’t want it to be public and are insistent on burying it, that’s likely a real case. If she insists on going public though, there’s still a chance that she went through a traumatic experience, so it’s best to comfort her and be understanding, though it’s also good to keep an amount of healthy skepticism and to tell her to go to the cops first immediately and gather all the evidence she can. If you live in most first world countries, the more she insists on going public and not investigating (unless there’s a lot of evidence, as would be the case if this is a grooming case) the more likely it is fake.
I’m a third of the way through the book Until Proven Innocent. If you liked this book you’ll LOVE Indoctrination U. and The Professors by Horowitz and Ivory Towers on Sand by Martin Kramer.
Imagine giving a description that doesn’t look like 46 people.thank goodness she’s in jail nw
I remember there was a black player on that lacrosse team who defended his teammates, but everyone acted like he didn’t exist. I don’t think he was on that black and white printout of everyone’s face.
She lied, she should of gone to jail.
“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” — Josef Stalin
FIRE is one of the last true defenders of rights
I think that Mike Nifong should’ve gotten a harsher punishment.
Lying about being raped makes it harder for those who have actually been raped to be taken seriously. It makes it harder for them to prosecute the offenders. Why? Because of some people lying to suit their own needs, they’ve lowered the credibility of actual victims.
The proscuter and cops should be held criminal accountable .not only in this case but many. They need to prosecute false police reports
How do we have the presumption of guilt in universities? Are they medieval institutions?
Man these comments are are point. Funny how society has changed and in present times we still haven’t learned it’s just gotten worse.
Great Display of Black Privilege
How quickly we have forgotten.
Kinda makes me wish for a certain weeb journal to actually exist
People didn’t learn a damn thing from this case smh
i blame the stripper more than Nifong for the false accusation from the beginning
Boys, let this be a lesson to you: stay morally clean. Avoid premarital sex or anything like it. You have no idea who these girls are or what they are capable of doing.
I think we can all agree that The New York Times is no longer reputable
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16 from the Bible 

I forget who it was, but on the ESPN 30 for 30 of this case, one of the players that Mangum accused said at the end of the documentary and i’m paraphrasing what he said here, essentially he said that the whole thing opened his eyes to how much injustice there is in the legal system and he can’t imagine what it must be like for those who are not white privileged males (his words). He’s not wrong. here you had young men from well to do east coast families who had connections and resources and even they almost got railroaded to prison. Imagine what would’ve happened to the rest of us had it been us and not them. Its’ scary.
Thanks to the Internet. Mob justice is back in fashion.
As deeply tragic as this is… one of the lessons for young men is to avoid- poor judgement- in the company they keep. We are guilty by association of engaging in debased behaviors. To find amusement in or be apathetic to social disparity is dancing with the devil. Being associated with or complicit with racial and sexual verbal abuse of any human being is unacceptable. Regardless, institutions and faculty members must see the importance of not abandoning due process as a constitutional right. This is a lesson for us to take in, and remember.
How many of these accusers are teachers or in leadership positions? they should be terminated if in any high position . They lost there right to a influential voice the day they accused someone of doing something they never did.
the Salem witch trials lives on
This guys framing the incident as “ not such a good idea “ tells you all you need to know.
holy shit…how do these people actually live themselves. i mean honestly i hate people but fucking false accusation leading to basically a witch hunt.
This is one of many circumstances that are concerning for all kinds of reasons.
I’m just reading through these comments and people automatically want to attack the accuser. By no means am I justifying Crystal Magnum’s action (I honestly think she should have gotten more jail time), she was very mentally ill and was a pawn for Nifong to get reelected. Nifong is the one you should direct your anger towards, he fed her, the entire media, and the judge lies and he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. I honestly think if from the start Nifong had asked Magnum to dropped the case, she would have. Nifong manipulated this entire scenario for his own personal gain, and even the players knew who creating this mess. Crystal Magnum was just the start and that was that. Also, Duke didn’t protect their student athletes or stand behind them. They mishandled the entire situation.
This sounds like the Rittenhouse trial.
Yeah lots of times it goes the other way though and it’s the victim put on trial and presumed a liar even if they are not a stripper and have a credible past and good reputation so due process fails on both sides.
If you don’t think this happens today look up the name James Saltmarshall Inkster Mi.,at least the DA in his case dropped the charges. Poor guy I hope he wins his lawsuit.
And we wonder why the Taliban don’t want to adopt western standards.
This is what happened to Derek Chauvin, but he was found guilty. I predict it is what will happen to Kyle Rittenhouse too.
Judging by recent events they haven’t learned a damn thing.
Poster kids for the dangers of the “Me Too” Witch Hunt.
This was just sad. I hope their doing ok.
Were it not for a completely unrelated random occurrence–a student didn’t have money for a taxi ride so had to stop at an ATM–four innocent men would still be in prison.
nifong = democratics. gang of 88 = democratics,
Nothing was learned. This will easily happen again.
The early days of ME TOO colliding with BLM. due process is the practice of fairly settling he said she said. (For haters ..he she it they them doesn’t matter..) It will ALWAYS be seen as unfair by the loser.
Laura Ingraham brought me here.
Should be 88 job openings at Duke! Blasey Ford must have been a student of Crystal Mangum.
I remember that. Just sickening. People are just sick
Brett Kavanaugh
Literally $300+/hr waste of legal resources along with weeks of court time. The DA should have to answer for the waste of resources for deciding to pursue charges.
As a woman and victim I believed her. Because lying about that is horrible! She lied on these three young men and ruined their lives. I remember feeling guilty and disgusted. I still think of them often.
Seriously, Duke University could have been reported to the Department of Education AND the Department of Justice!
Bottom line, while accusations can be false they dont happen for no reason
I came here because of Bearings video. Who else?
This dirty prosecutor should’ve been sentenced to life in prison
Mandatory sentence for false accusation of rape
Higher education has become incredibly toxic
This could not happen now. They would all be lynched before any trial.
Lessons, unless he’s nominated for the Supreme Court
Lied in court and spent the day in prison.. oooohh a single day
8:40. This aged well…
Nifong and Mangum should have been given 10 year prison sentences. If Mangum was put in jail, she wouldn’t have been able to kill her boyfriend. And she didn’t even get a life sentence. Disgusting. I hope Nifong and Mangum rot in hell.
Women need to be help accountable for these scum actions. Lying about rape should be met with double the amount of time the man would have gone to prison.
Still happening in 2021.
I wonder if our descendants will look back at this time and think of this time period as the hysterical time period. And think us foolish. Probably.
Accuse a TEACHER or STAFF MEMBER of the university..they will get suspended with pay, at worst..
Whose DNA WAS in her ? Several, by the way.
Have these protesters been identified and published? Who in the faculty have been fired? Academia is fully rotten.
I use this as an example of why college is a bad idea. I hire in kids at 100k a year. Anything after 6th grade is useless. But yet, the fiction that college is necessary still exists. I dont get it?
Just imagine what might have happened if she said they wore a condom and could remember a face
Those people advocating for castration are absolutely disgusting and barbaric.
So do we know how many students lost it all due to kangaroo canpus courts?
“you have all been told fantastic lies.”
This was the start of cancel culture IMO. Also I have no idea why a video from 2014 about this is in my recommendations.
The group of 88 should not still be employed. They should have been fired. It’s disgusting.
I remember nifong, a coward from the get go! A disgrace to all thats decent!
These kids went from favored to be national champions to being scarred for life. The 88 should never be able to work in academia again. Witch hunts have become witches doing the hunting.
They were some of the original victims of cancel culture
All 88 of the faculty members should have been fired.
Come on! Everybody know why there was a rush to judgment in this. The “victim” was black. Duh!
Those public protesters should be ashamed of themselves
But the LaCrosse team was ruined for life .all 3 plus others on the LaCrosse had jobs withdrawn. Their names were published time and time against all evidence.
It has only gotten worse since then.
Moral of the story: don’t even speak in the vicinity of a female regardless of race age or creed unless you expect you will marry them
Heavy Pre-disposed bias. They live in a delusion, they say they’d never join a cult, yet here they are.
It wasn`t about justice and due process. It was about giving bread and circus to the plebs.
#believeallwomen gets you here. Don’t assume anything until you see the facts
Crystal Magnum. I rest my case your honour
The one thing people should gain from this is lust is a sin.
If he would have been there he’d be in prison right now
glinane maxwell, is currently in prison, without even having a trial. perhaps she’s guilty, but she should have a trial first
Rush to accuse. Seems like a lot of people nowadays follow that mindset. Sadly it’s gotten worse since this event
Did the stripper face legal actions? The players should be paid millions of dollars for ruining their lives.
The prosecutor should have received as much time in jail as the falsely accused boys would have. I hope he lost his job. The laws used to protect men from the fact people automatically believe the accuser and want to do horrible things to the accused. Feminists got that changed. Bye bye equality. Hypocrites
The group of 88 felt so self-righteous jus to turn around and be the scum bags themselves
The victim believes they have a short term gain. People give them attention.
False accusers should get the sentence the accused would have gotten.
All conspiracy and cover ups
️ Good job?

That woman stabbed her bf in 2013 and only got 14 years for killing him. Nice girl.
This is the only thing Cooper has done right.
And yet NOTHING happened to the accuser. Nothing. Yet she destroyed multiple lives.
Vigilantism; Alive and well 2021!!!
Too bad Roy Cooper hasn’t been held accountable.
2021: Hold my beer!
Gotta’ get ‘dem Duke Boys!
We never learn
Guilty till proven guilty xD
the power of the media shameful
Witch hunts still happen.
Moral of the story: don’t trust strippers
people lose their sense of reason when rape is brought up. Especially women. imo it leads to more rape
John 11:38
She’s not mentally feeble- she’s about typical for the type.
The Group of 88? Seriously? Based? Lmaooo
Mangum was NOT the victim… get it ?
#metoo in a nutshell.
She should’ve been arrested a locked up for filing a false police report … she didn’t get held truly accountable and she later went on to kill her boyfriend
Well. Looking back. Somewhat understandable. It is duke after all. Everybody knows they suck!!!
So how long did she get for lying??
Like Hillary Clinton said about alleged rape cases, “Always believe the victim”
If they were black athletes it would’ve even been news
Great vid.
All the boys in the comments acting like this is a systemic issue
if this is even true, this is a statistical anomaly and happens far less than the other way around

Gilbert Gottfried was funnier as Iago in Aladdin
I was thinking maybe i will give this video a thumbs down dislike. However, i quickly realized i am not a sick stupid looser
The lawyer should be in jail..
I hope they sue shit out of that University and what’s funny if they did they went to that University to get a fine education for a career that they would like to pursue but now they’re set for life well I hope so
Get out of here. There’s dudes been in prison for 30 years and are innocent. Boo hoo
No riots or anything for those boys rights.
Nothing will change until blood is paid.
Nifong and social justice warriors were drinking their own Kool Aid
So, the three players were facing essentially death in prison…and the corrupt, now disbarred prosecutor gets 1 day in jail. F that, he should’ve done a year minimum, and little miss single mom, shakes her tail, F her too, your circumstances suck and you’ve got hard times, well suck it up crazy lady, you don’t get to accuse a few young men of rape when it didn’t happen. WTF, the only justice here is that DPD detective Mark Gottlieb offed himself a few years after the case got thrown out. This is what happens when Wokeness runs the country. It’s like that judge in Idiocracy waving his gavel around yelling “GUILLLLLLTYYYYY!”
Can we all agree that The Media is the worst thing in society?
You know what this reminds me of? McCarthyism!
These guys were robbed of so much. Duke should have paid them all 20 million and I’m not joking.
I wonder if the table was turned around with these comments if it was a white gurl and all black kids who did this to this poor child.. Would all these comments will be the same?
I can tell y’all one thing. History doesn’t lie
But people do

Nothing much has changed.
I hope the students got a nice giant lawsuit.
Worse times are ahead. Prepare yourselves.
Nifong should have been disbarred!!
And it’s only gotten worse…
It’s gonna get way worse
Why did Mike Nifong go that far????
Defund all faculty
Welcome to being a man
A Movie Needs to be Made about this Event. I know LIfetime Channel dies Women’s Movies. Maybe Spike which is supposed to be a “Man’s Channel” could do a Movie about this event if No One has the Guts to do a Theaterical Movie on the Event. I read the Narrator’s Book that he Co-Wrote about the Duke LaCrosse FAlse Rape Story. It was a good Book.
And tomorrow brings a new salacious topic filled with the promise of bad news and lies. Why read fiction when you have network TVs. Thanks for watching…back to you in the real world.
Judge Kavanaugh.
This is what happens when women get empowerment!
Hope they screwed Duke for a big payday
I call BS.
5:08 I never knew this… jesus
Its 2021 and it’s getting worse.
Yep…believe all women.
Wonder what happen to the 88?
Sounds a lot like today
im sure she got paid so it isnt rape. its prostitution and shes guilty
Diversity is our strength.
Why was nothing learned? Look at university’s today.
And nothing has changed.
Modern day witch hunts.
An early example of Jucy Smollett.
So who wants to go to Duke as a male?
Duke University should have been sued by the players. So should Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for sticking their racist bias into this
5 jaar geleden