Explore the signs of having no self-awareness, its impact on relationships and personal growth, and tips for developing greater self-awareness.
In 1990 the BBC unleashed on a defenseless public a monster …
At minute 0:20 (video 1)
In 1990, the BBC unleashed on a defenseless public a monster…
Patricia Routledge is a name synonymous with versatility and enduring talent in the world of theatre, film, and television. Best known to many as the neurotic Hyacinth Bucket from the iconic sitcom Keeping Up Appearances, Routledge’s career spans decades of unforgettable performances and diverse roles. As she celebrates her 90th birthday, shortly after the passing of her beloved husband Clive Swift, we take a moment to honor her remarkable journey and the indelible mark she has left on the entertainment industry.
This page delves into the life and legacy of Dame Patricia Routledge, exploring her early beginnings in Cheshire, her rise to prominence on the stage and screen, and the creation of Hyacinth Boucquet—a character that, despite its comedic veneer, offers a poignant commentary on societal pressures and personal aspirations. Through insightful analysis and a curated selection of 70 videos featuring Hyacinth, we examine the impact of “keeping up appearances” on both Routledge’s career and the audience’s perception.
Join us as we celebrate Patricia Routledge’s extraordinary achievements, reflect on the complexities of her most famous role, and explore the fine line between character and performer. Discover how a single character can embody broader themes of pretension, resilience, and the human desire for recognition, all while showcasing the unparalleled talent of a true acting legend.
Geen Enkel Zelfbesef
In 1990 introduceerde de BBC een monster aan een weerloos publiek …
Patricia Routledge is een naam die synoniem staat voor veelzijdigheid en blijvend talent in de wereld van theater, film en televisie. Bij velen vooral bekend als de neurotische Hyacinth Bucket uit de iconische sitcom Schone Schijn, omvat Routledge’s carrière decennia van onvergetelijke optredens en diverse rollen. Terwijl ze haar 90e verjaardag viert, kort na het overlijden van haar geliefde echtgenoot Clive Swift, nemen we een moment om haar opmerkelijke reis en de onuitwisbare indruk die ze op de entertainmentindustrie heeft achtergelaten te eren.
Deze pagina verkent het leven en de nalatenschap van Dame Patricia Routledge, van haar vroege jaren in Cheshire en haar opkomst op het toneel en scherm tot de creatie van Hyacinth Bucket – een personage dat, ondanks zijn komische façade, een treffend commentaar biedt op maatschappelijke druk en persoonlijke ambities. Door middel van diepgaande analyses en een zorgvuldig samengestelde selectie van 70 video’s met Hyacinth onderzoeken we de impact van “de schone schijn ophouden” op zowel Routledge’s carrière als de perceptie van het publiek.
Sluit je aan bij ons terwijl we Patricia Routledge’s buitengewone prestaties vieren, reflecteren op de complexiteit van haar meest bekende rol, en de fijne lijn tussen personage en performer onderzoeken. Ontdek hoe één personage bredere thema’s zoals pretentie, veerkracht en het menselijke verlangen naar erkenning kan belichamen, terwijl het tegelijkertijd het ongeëvenaarde talent van een ware acteergrootheid laat zien.
Self-aware: knowing and understanding yourself very well:
He is self-aware enough to realize that he needs help.
Cambridge Dictionary
What Happened To Dame Patricia Routledge After Keeping Up Appearances Is Sad..
No Self-Awareness Whatsoever
1 Comedy Connections: Keeping Up Appearances (2004)
2 Comedy Connections: Keeping Up Appearances (2004) Part 2
Advocates need to be self-aware enough to know when they are not helping a situation.
He’s also extremely self-aware and wants to live on his terms.
his touching, self-aware memoir of youthful cinephilia
She was so in touch with her feelings, so self-aware about the pain she was in.
Cambridge English Dictionary
Half the world knows Patricia Routledge as the neurotic Hyacinth Bucket or better Boucquet, but she played countless other roles in the theatre, the musical and in the film. A few years ago, she was raised to the peerage and since then has gone through life as Dame Patricia Routledge. Today, the variety actress celebrates her 90th birthday, two weeks after the death of Clive Swift, her long-suffering husband Richard in “Appearances”.
Kristien Bonneure
Sun 17 Feb 2019 17:51
Patricia Routledge was born on 17 February 1929 in the English county of Cheshire, the daughter of a sewing shop owner. As a language student, she plays so well that directors and theatre managers ask her to act full-time. For a year, she hesitated between teaching, which she desperately wanted to do, and being on stage.
From 1952, she played major classical plays and comedies and sang in musicals. In her long career as a theatre, film, musical and television actress, she tackled everything from Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde to Brecht-Weil-Eisner to comedy on the big and small screen. Her great love lies in real theatre, for an audience that responds.
Her television debut is in 1961 in “Coronation Street”, the primetime soap, in which she plays Sylvia Snape. It is the beginning of an endless series of contributions to serials, films and other programmes. She appeared in the educational drama “To Sir, with Love”, with Sidney Poitier, in “Steptoe and Son” and in “Alas Smith and Jones”. In 1968, she won a Tony, the most important theatre award, for her role in the musical “Darling of the day”.
Patricia Routledge is also a gifted singer. She interpreted Cole Porter, Noel Coward and Richard Rogers on the successful CD “Presenting Patricia Routledge singing the Classics” and she worked with Leonard Bernstein.
After “Keeping up Appearances”, she shines as a housewife in the countryside in “Hetty Wainthropp investigates”. In 2012, as an 83-year-old, she stood before a full house in Aalst and Antwerp with her show “Admission: One Shilling”.
Pretension that never achieves what it sets out to do, that’s the basis of comedy
But it is of course thanks to Hyacinth Bucket, “It’s Bouquet!” and her irresistible “candlelight suppers” that Patricia Routledge has eternal life. No matter how many reruns came out on the BBC, NOS or VRT, the appreciation remains high.
In the sitcom “Keeping up Appearances” (1990-1995), she plays a pompous, snobbish woman who tries in vain to boost her prestige and image, but in doing so inevitably brings all sorts of disasters upon herself. The man who played her pitiful husband Richard, Clive Swift, died a fortnight ago.
Is there perhaps a Hyacinth in her? Insulting question, Patricia Routledge thinks. Nevertheless, she likes Hyacinth, a character with an edge, “because she understands her motives”. She said this when she was 80 in an interview with Willem Wallyn for “Spraakmakers” on Canvas. Wallyn brings an orchid for Lady Patricia, as she has enough hyacinths…
De halve wereld kent Patricia Routledge als de neurotische Hyacinth Bucket of beter Boucquet, maar ze speelde ontelbaar veel andere rollen in het theater, de musical en de film. Enkele jaren geleden werd ze in de adelstand verheven en sindsdien gaat ze door het leven als Dame Patricia Routledge. Vandaag viert de rasactrice haar 90e verjaardag, twee weken na de dood van Clive Swift, haar geplaagde echtgenoot Richard in “Schone schijn”.
Kristien Bonneure
zo 17 feb 2019 17:51
Patricia Routledge wordt op 17 februari 1929 in het Engelse graafschap Cheshire geboren als dochter van een winkelier in naaigerief. Als talenstudent speelt ze zo goed toneel dat regisseurs en theaterdirecteurs haar vragen om fulltime te acteren. Een jaar lang twijfelt ze tussen les geven, wat ze dolgraag wou doen, en op de planken staan.
Vanaf 1952 speelt ze grote klassieke stukken en komedies en zingt ze in musicals. In haar lange carrière als theater-, film-, musical- en televisieactrice pakt ze alles aan, van Shakespeare en Oscar Wilde over Brecht-Weil-Eisner tot komedie op het grote en kleine scherm. Haar grote liefde ligt in het echte theater, voor een publiek dat reageert.
Haar televisiedebuut is in 1961 in “Coronation Street”, de oersoap, waarin ze Sylvia Snape speelt. Het is het begin van een eindeloze reeks medewerkingen aan feuilletons, films en andere programma’s. Ze verschijnt in het onderwijsdrama “To sir, with love”, met Sidney Poitier, in “Steptoe and Son” en in “Alas Smith en Jones”. In 1968 wint ze een Tony, de belangrijkste theater-award, voor haar rol in de musical “Darling of the day”.
Patricia Routledge is bovendien een begaafde zangeres. Ze interpreteerde Cole Porter, Noel Coward en Richard Rogers op de succesvolle cd “Presenting Patricia Routledge singing the Classics” en ze werkte samen met Leonard Bernstein.
Na “Keeping up Appearances” schittert ze als huisvrouw-speurder op het platteland in “Hetty Wainthropp investigates”. In 2012 staat ze in Aalst en Antwerpen als 83-jarige voor een volle zaal met haar show “Admission: One Shilling”.
Pretentie die nooit bereikt wat ze wil bereiken, dat is de basis van komedie
Maar het is natuurlijk dankzij Hyacinth Bucket, “It’s Boucquet!” en haar onweerstaanbare “candlelight suppers” dat Patricia Routledge het eeuwige leven heeft. Hoeveel heruitzendingen er ook kwamen op de BBC, NOS of VRT, de waardering blijft groot.
In de sitcom “Keeping up Appearances”, bij ons “Schone Schijn” (1990-1995), vertolkt ze een omhooggevallen, snobistische vrouw die tevergeefs haar prestige en imago wil opvijzelen, maar daarmee onvermijdelijk allerlei rampen over zichzelf afroept. De man die haar beklagenswaardige echtgenoot Richard speelde, Clive Swift, overleed twee weken geleden.
Zit er misschien een Hyacinth in haar zelf? Beledigende vraag, vindt Patricia Routledge. Niettemin houdt ze van Hyacinth, een personage met een hoek af, “omdat ze haar motieven begrijpt”. Dat zei ze toen ze 80 was in een interview met Willem Wallyn voor “Spraakmakers” op Canvas. Wallyn brengt een orchidee mee voor Dame Patricia, hyacinten heeft ze namelijk genoeg…
3 Hyacinth Bucket Tribute
4 Dame Patricia Routledge, Doctor of Letters, University of Chester
5 Richard Forgets Their Wedding Anniversary | Keeping Up Appearances
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6 Hyacinth’s Unsatisfied With Richard’s Reaction To Her Table | Keeping Up Appearances
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7 Funny Women: Patricia Routledge (1998)
8 Funny Women: Patricia Routledge (1998) Part 2
9 Dame Patricia Routledge | Studio 10
10 Hyacinth Can’t Resist A Rolls Royce | Keeping Up Appearances
11 Hyacinth and Richard Get Soaked | Keeping Up Appearances
12 Interview With Judy Cornwell And Patricia Routledge (Part 2)
13 Interview With Judy Cornwell And Patricia Routledge (Part 3)
14 Patricia Routledge Interview on Parkinson – 30 January 1998
25 feb. 2021
15 39 Cast Members from ‘Keeping Up Appearances’ Have Passed Away
15 mrt 2025
39 Cast Members from ‘Keeping Up Appearances’ Have Passed Away
Keeping Up Appearances is a British sitcom created and written by Roy Clarke. It originally aired on BBC1 from 1990 to 1995 with two specials airing in 1997 and 2008 on PBS. The central character is an eccentric and snobbish middle class social climber, Hyacinth Bucket (Patricia Routledge), who insists that her surname is pronounced “Bouquet”.[1] The show comprised five series and 44 episodes, four of which are Christmas specials. Production ended in 1995 after Routledge decided to move on to other projects. All 44 episodes have since been released on DVD.
A Lady of Letters
Patricia Routledge reading chapter 20 of St. John’s Gosphel
16 Richard and Hyacinth’s Nautical Buffet Suffers a Setback | Keeping Up Appearances
17 Patricia Routledge | interview | Keeping up appearances | Hyacinth Bucket | Gloria Hunniford | 2002
28 okt 2023
Gloria Hunniford speaks to actor of stage and TV Dame Patricia Routledge. In this interview she speaks about her theatre work and of course one of her most famous characters – Hyacinth Bucket
First shown: 05/02/2002
If you would like to license a clip from this video please e mail: archive@fremantle.com
Quote: VT131130
Do photo
18 Hyacinth Meets Emmet for the First Time | Keeping Up Appearances
19 Best of Hyacinth Bucket’s Name Mispronunciation | Keeping Up Appearances
21 “I Will Not Have You Being Unfaithful To My Hats!” | Keeping Up Appearances | BritBox
22 Hyacinth’s Disappointed by Richard’s Lack of Enthusiasm for her Outfit | Keeping Up Appearances
23 Keeping Up Appearances advert (“She’s a Lady”)…looking for a clearer version
24 Hyacinth’s Unsatisfied With Richard’s Reaction To Her Table | Keeping Up Appearances
25 Hyacinth’s Best “Chinese Takeaway” Moments | Keeping Up Appearances
27 Hyacinth’s Guests Sing for their Supper | Keeping Up Appearances
28 (Clive Swift) Richard’s Best Moments | Keeping Up Appearances
29 Hyacinth’s Hilarious “Richard” Moments | Keeping Up Appearances
30 Hyacinth Bucket Bids for Del and Rodney’s Expensive Antique Watch
31 Hyacinth Lies to the Councillor About Onslow and Rose | Keeping Up Appearances
33 Hyacinth Bucket’s Best Musical Moments | Keeping Up Appearances
34 Keeping Up Appearances, tea time with Hyacinth and Elizabeth
Featuring Patricia Routledge as Hyacinth Bucket(bouquet) and Josephine Tewson as the neighbor Elizabeth Warden
More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keeping_…
35 Hyacinth’s Desperate to Get Rid of Onslow and Her Sisters | Keeping Up Appearances
37 “Nobody’s got that much time!”
38 To Frank keeping up appearances
39 BBC1 autumn 1991 Keeping Up Appearances trailer
40 Christmas on BBC1 1994 Keeping Up Appearances trailer
41 Hyacinth’s Hilarious “Richard” Moments | Keeping Up Appearances
42 Hyacinth Bucket A film star!!! 🙂
43 Hyacinth’s Super Snobbish Moments | Keeping Up Appearances
45 Schone Schijn Promo
46 Best of Elizabeth’s Disastrous Tea Spills | Keeping Up Appearances
47 Hyacinth’s Strategically Placed Holiday Brochures Fail to Attract Attention | Keeping Up Appearances
48 Patricia Routledge’s First Ever Scene as Hyacinth Bucket | Keeping Up Appearances
49 Hyacinth’s Super Snobbish Moments | Keeping Up Appearances
50 Emmet’s Hilarious Attempts at Avoiding Hyacinth | Keeping Up Appearances
51 Hyacinth Bucket’s Best One-Liners | Keeping Up Appearances
52 Hyacinth Tries to Show Off Her Holiday Brochures | Keeping Up Appearances
53 Daisy’s Best Attempts at Romancing Onslow | Keeping Up Appearances
54 The Best of Hyacinth and Her Sisters | Keeping Up Appearances
55 Emmet Gets His Head Stuck in Hyacinth’s Roof | Keeping Up Appearances
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57 Hyacinth Bucket Can’t Travel Lightly | Keeping Up Appearances
58 Hyacinth’s Royal Debut Was a Real Knockout | Keeping Up Appearances
59 Hyacinth’s Best Innuendos | Keeping Up Appearances
60 Hyacinth Sends Richard Up a Tree | Keeping Up Appearances
61 The Best of Sheridan and Hyacinth | Keeping Up Appearances
62 It’s my sister Violet, with the luxury bungalow
63 Hyacinth Takes Charge at the Church Function | Keeping Up Appearances
65 Hyacinth Spots ‘Stowaways’ Onslow and Daisy on the QE2 | Keeping Up Appearances
66 Richard Takes Care of the ‘Ruffian’ on the Golf Course | Keeping Up Appearances
67 Life Lessons with Onslow | Keeping Up Appearances
68 Hyacinth Invites The Vicar of Dibley to Her Riverside Supper | BritBox
69 Hyacinth Makes A Great Escape | Keeping Up Appearances
70 Your Week in Lockdown with Hyacinth | Keeping Up Appearances
71 Ridiculous Flying Carpets Prank
27 jul. 2017
Flying carpet salesman is trying to convince people his carpets do indeed fly… and then proves his point when his buddy shows up flying around with his newly purchased carpet. Probably none of the victims actually believed he was flying, except maybe the guy in red, but it’s nice to see their “just WTF is going on here” face.
A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!