Princess Delphine of Belgium Says She Cried After Meeting King Albert II
Pushed to my last resort
I took my father to court
It was all over the news
The family was not amused
Some people were horrible
It was terrible
I kept level headed
In the old days I would be beheaded
The judges listened with deaf ears
Knowing the outcome was clear
Power took over
The whole charade was a cover
Lady justice is not blind
She has left me in a bind
Blacklisted, outcast
My future will not be my past
Justice is a nonsense word
That does not exist in this world
Delphine Boël
Page Description
Discover the details of King Albert II’s acknowledgment
of Princess Delphine Boël as his daughter
after a lengthy legal dispute.
King Albert II
Since 1 October 2020
Delphine van Saksen-Coburg
Daughter of king Albert II
Princess of Belgium
Royal Highness
Delphine van Saksen-Coburg
Dochter van Albert II
Prinses van België
Koninklijke hoogheid
Resilience and Triumph: The Inspiring Journey of Princess Delphine
The remarkable story of Princess Delphine is one of resilience, courage, and the pursuit of truth against overwhelming odds. Born into a world of royalty but denied her rightful place, Princess Delphine Boël’s legal battle to be acknowledged as the daughter of King Albert II captured global attention. Her journey highlights not only the deeply personal struggle for recognition but also the broader implications of justice, fairness, and the human cost of prolonged legal disputes.
Through her art, words, and unyielding determination, Princess Delphine challenges societal norms and forces us to question the very foundations of justice. Throughout this page, her evocative poems, each beautiful and profoundly insightful, offer a window into the pain, frustration, and ultimate triumph of her journey.
Veerkracht en Triomf: De Inspirerende Reis van Prinses Delphine
Het opmerkelijke verhaal van Prinses Delphine is er een van veerkracht, moed en het nastreven van waarheid tegen overweldigende tegenstand. Geboren in een wereld van koninklijke pracht, maar ontzegd van haar rechtmatige plaats, trok Prinses Delphine Boëls juridische strijd om erkend te worden als de dochter van Koning Albert II wereldwijde aandacht. Haar reis benadrukt niet alleen de diep persoonlijke strijd om erkenning, maar ook de bredere implicaties van rechtvaardigheid, eerlijkheid en de menselijke tol van langdurige juridische geschillen.
Met haar kunst, woorden en onwrikbare vastberadenheid daagt Prinses Delphine maatschappelijke normen uit en laat ze ons de fundamenten van rechtvaardigheid zelf in vraag stellen. Op deze pagina bieden haar ontroerende gedichten, elk prachtig en diepzinnig, een venster op de pijn, frustratie en uiteindelijke triomf van haar reis.
Former king admits artist is his lovechild – settling decades-long scandal – Today News
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Belgium’s former king Albert II has finally conceded he is the father of a lovechild – two decades on from her original paternity claim. A lawyer for Albert revealed that DNA test result showed Delphine Boel is the retired monarch’s daughter yesterday. Boel, 51, has now become a princess and is entitled to a share of her father’s estate when he dies, according to reports. Albert, who abdicated six years ago in favour of his son Philippe, had long contested Boel’s claim. The 85-year-old gave a DNA sample in May after a Belgian court order. The tests showed that he is Boel’s biological father, a statement from Albert’s lawyer said. Boel, who is now 15th in line to the throne, has said that she just wants recognition that the former king is her father rather than any money. She is younger than Albert’s three children with Queen Paola, his Italian wife. Next in line to the throne is 17-year-old Princess Elisabeth, daughter of Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Boel’s identity became a topic of public debate after publication in 1999 of a biography of Paola which alleged that Albert had a long extramarital relationship from which a daughter was born in the 1960s. Mail Online reports that Boel is believed to be the result of an 18-year affair between Albert and the Belgian aristocrat Sybille de Selys Longchamps. Mr Yves-Henri Leleu, representing Boel, told the site: “She feels good. She is very, very happy. A 20-year problem is at the point of being solved. “Maybe she will have a party… Belgians are very big fans of champagne.” The relationship between her mum and dad is thought to have started in 1966, when Albert was married – to Donna Paola Ruffo di Calabria – but not yet king. Boel was born in 1968 and her parents’ affair is thought to have ended in 1984. The 51-year-old first said the monarch was her father in 1999. In 2005, she claimed Albert told her ‘you are not my daughter’. Her claim meant she and her mother were put on a ‘high risk’ list by banks. This reportedly resulted in the Royal Bank of Scotland closing both of their accounts in 2012. Her 11-year-old son was also put on the register, restricting his access to finances. In 2013, she took her fight to the courts, resulting in Albert being told to hand over a DNA sample last year. He faced being fined £4,238.31 for every day he failed to produce a sample. The retired monarch handed one over shortly afterwards.
The Illegitimate Daughter Of Belgium’s King Cried With Joy When She Became A Princess After 52 Years
180.176 weergaven 28 mrt 2024
Almost 57 years ago, King Albert II of Belgium had an affair with a woman for 18 years, and they had a daughter. Now, everyone calls her Princess Delphine. But just a few years ago, she was merely an illegitimate child no one knew about. How did she become a princess after 52 years of being neglected? And what has her life been like since then? Watch the full video to find out.
What are the key points of king Albert II ‘s love child Princess Delpine
King Albert II of Belgium was involved in a paternity lawsuit brought by Belgian artist Delphine Boël, who claimed that she was his illegitimate daughter. The case lasted for several years, but in October 2020, King Albert finally acknowledged that he was indeed the biological father of Princess Delphine.
Here are some key points about the case:
The affair allegedly took place in the 1960s, when King Albert was still a prince and married to his wife, Queen Paola.
Delphine Boël was born in 1968 to Baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps, who was reportedly King Albert’s mistress for over a decade.
Despite years of speculation about King Albert’s paternity, the royal family had always denied any connection to Delphine.
In 2013, Delphine Boël filed a lawsuit against King Albert, seeking to have him officially recognized as her father.
The case went to court, and King Albert initially refused to undergo DNA testing. However, in 2018, a Belgian court ordered him to do so.
The results of the DNA test were announced in October 2020, and confirmed that King Albert was indeed Delphine Boël’s biological father.
Shortly thereafter, King Albert released a statement in which he acknowledged Delphine as his daughter and expressed his regret for the pain and suffering she had endured as a result of the paternity lawsuit.
King Albert also agreed to pay Delphine an undisclosed sum of money, and she was granted the title of Princess of Belgium.
Overall, the case was significant because it was the first time in Belgian history that a reigning monarch had acknowledged an illegitimate child. It also sparked debate about the role of the royal family in modern society and raised questions about the limits of privacy and discretion for public figures.
A Story of Struggle for Recognition: Princess Delphine of Belgium | Resilience and Triumph’s Journey
17 mei 2024
Join us on an inspiring journey as we explore the remarkable story of Princess Delphine of Belgium. Born Delphine Michèle Anne Marie Ghislaine de Saxe-Cobourg, her path from being the unrecognized daughter of King Albert II to becoming Princess Delphine in 2020 is a tale of resilience, legal battles, and personal triumph.
In this detailed account, we delve into Delphine’s early life, her artistic career, and her relentless pursuit for recognition. Discover how her journey unfolded, from her upbringing and education to the pivotal moments that led to her legal recognition as a princess. Witness her eventual acceptance into the royal family and her ongoing contributions to art and society.
Thank you for watching “Princess Delphine of Belgium: A Struggle for Recognition.” We hope you found her journey as inspiring and compelling as we did. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more captivating stories. Hit the notification bell so you never miss an update.
Prinses Delphine maakt haar dansdebuut met een elegante Weense wals | Dancing With The Stars

Prinses Delphine gaat dansen op tv!

Onderstaand persmoment begint op minuut 7 (video 2)
1 The Secret Princess: King’s love child in court battle for recognition | 60 Minutes Australia
11 okt. 2020
In maart 2017 oordeelde de rechtbank nog dat de aanvraag van Delphine ongegrond was:

Professor Grondwettelijk Recht Marc Uyttendaele maakt in de inleiding van de persconferentie o.a. duidelijk welke beproefing de gerechtelijke procedure van 7 jaar was.

Advocaat Alain De Jonge met (toen nog) Delphine Boël in 2018. FOTO: ISOPIX. De professor bewiekrookt meester De Jonge in de inleiding van bovenstaande persconfrentie
A summary of the press conference in about 3 minutes
Delphine Boel becomes Belgian Princess Delphine
10 okt. 2020
(5 Oct 2020) Delphine Boel has been acknowledged as Belgian Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg, after a two-decade royal paternity scandal.
Still, she said on Monday she’d still rather be considered an artist than a royal.
Last week, a Belgian court ruled in her favor and officially recognized here as the daughter of former King Albert II, something the aging monarch had fought tooth and nail to avoid ever since the paternity allegations became public.
For Delphine, she said going to court was all about getting family recognition and the love of a father who had always coldshouldered her.
The former king, whose son Philippe is the reigning monarch, could still make an ultimate legal appeal at the Court of Cassation, but Delphine said it would not go that far. “I think it is finished now.”
King Albert decided in January to no longer fight a claim that he is the father of Boel, after he finally agreed to have a DNA test and received the results.
Rumors about Albert and Boel’s mother, the aristocratic wife of a well-heeled industrialist, had been around for years.
But the news that the king might have had a child with her broke into the open when a biography of Albert’s wife, Queen Paola, was published in 1999.
Boel bears a striking resemblance to certain members of the royal family, including Albert II.
During her adult life she became a sculptor and her works are known for their colorful, quirky, and sometimes provocative style.
She said it will continue to define her.
“I am still going to be Delphine. I am not going to be hanging out in the streets saying, please call me princess,” she said, adding charity work could be an exception.
She said she didn’t know if the recognition would translate into warmer family bonds anytime soon.
“If you ask me whether I am expecting anything from the royal family, as I said, I am not expecting anything. I am just going to carry on with my work,” she said. “And however, if suddenly they show a sign of life, I would never put my back to them. That’s for sure.”
Her two children Josephine and Oscar will also be allowed to carry royal titles.
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3 Albert II: Belgium’s ex-king admits he fathered a love child
28 jan. 2020
4 Albert II took his role seriously
19 jul. 2013
Nine years later, Albert married Princess Paola of Italy, and they made three children. He held several official posts, and travelled widely.
Baudoin reigned for 42 years, dying in 1993. He and Queen Fabiola, originally from Spain, had no offspring. Although Albert’s eldest son, Philippe, had been prepared for the role, Albert, now aged 59, was first in line. Only a year later, the country became a federal state and a new constitution was signed.
This was a big influence on his reign, and he made it his cause to promote inter-regional and inter-communal relations. A strong supporter of multi-cultural society, Albert spoke out openly and forcefully for pluralism and against xenophobia and discrimination. He earned his reputation as an unpretentiously warm and accessible king.
He rallied the people in 1996, when Belgium was dragged to the worst depravity by the pedophile serial murderer rapist Marc Dutroux. The anguished Belgians were deserted by their dysfunctional police and legal institutions, and failing politicians. Albert held meetings of condolence with the families of the children, and laid down a line the mourning nation craved.
He said. “The Queen and I are convinced that this tragedy must now be the occasion for a moral leap and a profound change in our country. Let each authority behave with humility, and self-examination.”
Belgians appreciated their sovereign for this. The next day’s White March filled central Brussels. Gatherings had been held outside courtrooms the week before. People had declared a national shame. Now they carried white.
Albert was never far from the front lines in politics, either, when opposing language communities threatened to dismantle the country – increasingly after 2007 – notably a few years later when divisions left it without a government for 541 days, and he did his part in the striving for answers.
“I wouldn’t be faithful to my role if I failed to reiterate solemnly the risks a long crisis runs for all Belgians, and if I didn’t exhort anew every man and woman politician to show themselves as constructive, and to swiftly find a balanced solution to our problems.”
Belgium’s King and His Illegitimate Daughter: Where Is She Now After Recognition?
28 jan. 2020
23 sep 2024
The story of Princess Delphine of Belgium is truly heartbreaking! She was the illegitimate daughter of King Albert II of Belgium. But her own father refused to recognize her and rejected her for 52 years, cruelly subjecting her to endless humiliation.
Delphine had to fight in court to earn the right to be called a princess. But what happened when she finally won? How did her relationship with her father turn out? And how is she living now? Watch this video to find out how Delphine fought for justice and the right to be recognized by her father and what came of it.
All materials in this video are used for educational purposes and fall within the fair use guidelines.
For any matters relating to my channel, please get in touch with me directly at royalstorieselena@gmail.com
Reality is scary when you don’t believe in fairies
I want to see magic but I’m always in a panic
I resent
Make it stop
Blame, blame, blame
Shame, shame, shame
Always the same
No more guilt
How can I build?
Family ties stop me to fly
No more shame
It is too much pain
Make it stop
Otherwise I will drop
If this persists
I shall no more exit
Delphine Boël
It is so strange
How I derange
When I was born
My parents were torn
Did they want me?
Am I not to be?
But the problem was I came out
And it moved everything about
So now I exit
That nasty feeling persists
Should I go away?
Or should I stay?
No fun that confused feeling
To always want to be feeling
Delphine Boël
6 ‘Dochter’ koning Albert rukt op
21 feb. 2017
I feel I am such a pain
Am I in the way?
I feel like running away
Especially from this place
They think how dare I show my face
What I have done to trigger this?
Without all this would my live be a bliss?
I will not accept their judgments and nasty comments
Nor be pushed down and surrounded by frowns
Or fake smiles that I can see from miles
I am in such pain
I do not deserve this fame of shame
Delphine Boël
7 Delphine Boël stelt tentoon in Antwerpen
9 nov. 2012
8 Belgique : l’ex-roi Albert II reconnaît enfin sa fille illégitime
28 jan. 2020
You are the beginning
That sets my heart spinning
Your words are appealing
But your actions can be disturbing
You can be so thoughtful
But you can be so awful
You have such influence
While the truth can be hard
You are always in my heart
Delphine Boël
9 Delphine Boël une nouvelle fois devant le tribunalDel
10 – Delphine & Sander verrassen met een techno-tango in de stijl van The Matrix
17 dec. 2021

Life can be hell
If you can’t even yell
Why is communicating difficult?
Silence is your biggest fault
Stuck in a rut
Trust your gut
Speak your mind
And in Time you will find
That doors will open
By the words you have spoken
Delphine Boël
11 L’ex-Roi des Belges Albert II admet avoir un quatrième enfant
28 jan. 2020
12 L’officialisation du parc Delphine Boël à Gand est à l’étude
2 feb. 2020
Delphine Boël est bien la fille du Roi Albert II. Mais ce qui n’est pas encore officiel, c’est l’appellation du parc situé le long de la Burggravenlaan et du chemin de fer à Gand. Depuis 2010, un petit espace vert porte le nom de la désormais quatrième enfant d’Albert. Une initiative d’un comité de riverains de l’avenue Princesse Clémentine, “Viva Clementina”. Le jour de l’inauguration, le 28 août 2010, Delphine Boël était même présente sur place pour dévoiler la plaque “Park Delphine Boël”, belgische kunstenares, 1968″.
Mais l’appellation, on l’a dit, n’a aucune valeur officielle. C’est désormais un lieu-dit qui a toutefois une reconnaissance numérique. Google a planté une indication “Parc Delphine Boël” sur ses cartes. La reconnaissance de Delphine actée par le Roi Albert II lui-même, les autorités gantoises et les riverains souhaiteraient aller plus loin dans la démarche.
Guy Reynebeau, ancien échevin gantois SP.A, qui avait organisé la cérémonie d’inauguration en 2010, a été un des premiers cette semaine à réclamer une formalisation de l’appellation dans un post facebook. “Lorsque le projet a été porté au conseil communal, il a fait couler beaucoup d’encre”, se souvient l’ancien mandataire dans une interview au Nieuwsblad. “Notamment parce qu’un parc prend son nom dans un quartier qui n’a que des noms de rues royales : Prinses Clementinalaan, Koningin Elisabethlaan, Koningin Astridlaan. Il s’agit donc d’une reconnaissance officieuse. Une fausse plaque signalétique de rue a été réalisée et placée à la lisière du parc. Le signe ne devait pas non plus sembler trop réel pour empêcher quiconque d’avoir à appeler les services d’urgence et qu’il y ait confusion.”
Aujourd’hui, celui-ci plaide pour la reconnaissance officielle. Pourquoi ? Afin de favoriser la féminisation de l’espace public, toujours dominé par des références masculines. “Une rue qui porterait le nom de Delphine Boël ? Cela n’aurait pas de sens et cela ne se fait qu’après le décès d’une personnalité. Mais officialiser l’appellation du parc, c’est tout à fait possible.”
Patrick Ysebie, du comité de quartier, a été l’origine de la création du parc, dans un esprit frondeur. “A Gand, nous sommes un peu des rebelles. Il faut savoir que ce parc est un endroit peu connu mais très agréable. On y trouve des arbres centenaires. Et c’est là que se trouvait jadis la gare Saint-Pierre”, déclare celui-ci à la VRT. “Tout le monde pensait que jamais elle ne viendrait à l’inauguration. On nous prenait pour des fous.”
A l’époque, Delphine Boël est une personnalité mais son lien avec la famille royale reste encore sujet à supputations. Depuis, les choses ont changé.
Pour les autorités gantoises, il faut toutefois se conformer à certains critères. “Seuls les membres de la famille royale vivants peuvent donner leur nom à une artère, à un lieu”, exemple avec le boulevard du Roi Albert II à Bruxelles inauguré en 1999. Dans le cas de Delphine Boël, “il y a une reconnaissance mais le statut juridique n’est pas encore très clair. En tout cas, ce qui sûr, c’est que Gand veut pousser la féminisation de l’espace public”, disent les autorités citées par la VRT.
Si le dossier venait à trouver une issue favorable, le comité de quartier se dit prêt à inviter une nouvelle fois Delphine dans le cadre d’une cérémonie formelle.
Recevez chaque matin l’essentiel de l’actualité.
Lire la suite sur rtbf.be/info/belgique/detail_l-officialisation-du-parc-delphine-boel-a-gand-est-a-l-etude?id=10422473
Please enjoy
Never give up
When the going gets tough
Never give up
When you fuck-up
Never give up
When you are in a rut
Never give up
When life sucks
Never give up
When the system is corrupt
Never give up
When the future looks fucked
Never give up
Don’t self-destruct
Never give up
Try to reconstruct
Never give up
Delphine Boël
Belgian king’s daughter fights for right to call herself a princess
11 sep. 2020
13 Belgique : la fille naturelle d’Albert II
25 jun. 2013
14 Albert II convoqué au tribunal en reconnaissance de paternité
Guilty guilty guilty
Why should I be burdened with this penalty?
There are many problems all over the place
Why should people pick on my face?
I am innocent
Was this an accident?
Sadly it is a lack of responsibility
This is a bad reality
It is evil and heartless
All this leaves me breathless
Delphine Boël
15 Belgique: une femme déclare être la fille non reconnue du roi
19 jun. 2013
Elle serait la fille non reconnue du Monarque Belge. Delphine Boel âgée de 45 ans a fait comparaitre le roi Albert II et deux des ses enfants devant la cour de Bruxelles pour que le roi reconnaissent qu’il est bien son père. L’affaire éclate dans le royaume en 1999. Au cours d’un message adressé à Noel, le roi revient sur ses problèmes passagers de couple remontant aux années 60. Problèmes qui auraient donné lieu à une relation extra conjugale dont serait issue Delphine Boel. Mais dans la juridiction belge le roi ne peut comparaitre devant une cour, ce qui limitent les chances de Delphine Boel d’être reconnue.
16 Illegitimate daughter of Belgian King Albert II releases autobiography
21 jul. 2015
AP Archive
1. Various of Delphine Boel, out-of-wedlock daughter of Belgian King Albert II, posing in street for media holding her autobiography
2. Interior of news conference, pan from media to Boel
3. Reverse shot of Boel seated at table
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Delphine Boel, Belgian artist and out-of-wedlock daughter of Belgian King Albert II:
“My message is more really, if I have to give one, is more really to the media who is interested in the story, is to say, look, I’ve told you and I’ve already said it through my work that came out of my guts, that just came out, it wasn’t trying to show anybody, it was just coming out like that and I explained it and I think now it is pretty much the end of the story. I have said what I had to say and if there is any more questions, please go to the other party which is the palace, not me.”
5. Cutaway of Boel’s books
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Delphine Boel, Belgian artist and out-of-wedlock daughter of Belgian King Albert II:
“I’ve tried because I want her to know, since at school there were already little children already saying: ‘You know your father is king’. She’s come back home and said ‘Papa is king’ and I said ‘No, not really, no’. But she’s getting a little confused and she is very young, so I will tell her gradually, but she is very little, she doesn’t understand it really.”
7. Close of Boel’s book
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Delphine Boel, Belgian artist and out-of-wedlock daughter of Belgian King Albert II:
“Yeah, a little bit like meat left to the dogs.”
9. Wide exterior royal palace
10. Close-up of Belgian flag
The out-of-wedlock daughter of King Albert II has published a book, venting her anger at her father’s refusal to have anything to do with her and making her feel “like meat left to the dogs”.
In “Cutting The Umbilical Cord,” 40-year-old Delphine Boel writes of her pain caused by Albert’s neglect of her and her desire to end nine years
of fruitless bids to seek royal recognition.
No matter your background, she writes in her book, “you are responsible for the child you produce. You do not abandon it. That is what my father has done.”
Boel, an artist living in London, presented her book to the media in Brussels on Wednesday.
“I have said what I had to say,” Boel said in a news conference on Wednesday, referring to her published work. “If there’s any more questions, please go to the other party which is the palace, not me.”
Boel’s existence was revealed in an unauthorised 1999 biography of Queen Paola, Albert’s Italian-born wife, as the daughter of the Belgian monarch and Sybille Baroness de Selys Longchamps, the wife of a former Belgian industrialist.
In his Christmas message that year, King Albert admitted to an extramarital affair in the late 1960s saying it nearly wrecked his marriage to Queen Paola.
But he added, “We won’t dwell on this subject which is part of our private lives”.
Since 1999, Boel has made several public appearances in Belgium hoping to normalise relations with King Albert who has four grown children with Queen Paola.
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When I was a child
I did not live in the wild
My mother took care
But there was something strange in the air
I was made to feel different
The gossip was persistent
I did not know the reason
Had there been a treason?
I grew up with a secret nag
And now I have a tag
People judge me and it makes me sad
One should not, It is bad
I hate racism/snobbism
It is a masked pessimism
We are all the same
There should be no shame
Delphine Boël
17 ‘Koning Albert ging 16 jaar vreemd’
25 okt. 2016
Gravitas: Belgian King’s Secret Daughter now a princess
2 okt. 2020
Delphine Boël Attitude @ Guy Pieters Gallery Knokke 1
RTBF la3 Plan Cult 060519 Delphine Boël
21 mei 2019
18 Albert & Paola : het interview – deel 1
27 dec. 2017
19 Albert & Paola : het interview – deel 2
27 dec. 2017
20 La Reine Paola se confie dans un documentaire exclusif – RTBF Info
18 feb 2022 #Famille #Albert #Royal
Dans un documentaire exceptionnel, Paola, 6ème Reine des Belges, se confie comme jamais. Son enfance, sa rencontre avec Albert, son arrivée en Belgique, son mariage qui bat de l’aile, l’éducation des enfants.
Pendant plus de deux ans, la mère du Roi Philippe s’est livrée au réalisateur Nicolas Delvaulx, lui ouvrant les portes de sa maison, de ses souvenirs, de son histoire.
Née le 11 septembre 1937 en Toscane, Paola Ruffo di Calabria est la cadette d’une famille de 7 enfants, l’une des plus anciennes de l’aristocratie italienne. Son enfance est heureuse jusqu’à la guerre lorsqu’elle est confrontée au deuil, confie-t-elle. En quelques années, elle perd un frère, une sœur puis son père alors qu’elle n’a que 9 ans. A-t-elle jamais rêvé d’être princesse ? D’emblée, elle répond qu’elle a surtout rêvé d’un compagnon pour la vie.
Sa vie avec Albert sera loin d’être un conte de fée. Au départ, cela y ressemble pourtant. Albert, alors prince, la repère lors d’un dîner organisé par l’ambassadeur de Belgique au Palais du Quirinal à Rome. Ils se fréquentent et très vite, il la demande en mariage. ” Je lui ai demandé sa main, elle m’a dit qu’elle voulait d’abord réfléchir. Puis elle m’a dit je veux bien t’épouser mais pas devenir reine. Car il y a eu des têtes coupées dans ma famille à la Révolution française… ” A l’époque, il n’y avait pas beaucoup de chance qu’elle devienne Reine des Belges. Paola de son côté était moins pressée. ” Il fallait d’abord qu’on se connaisse, on n’a pas eu le temps d’être seuls ensemble “, déclare-t-elle.
Lorsque Paola arrive en Belgique pour ses fiançailles puis son mariage, les journaux s’extasient devant une ” si jolie princesse “. La lune de miel sera de courte durée. Très vite, on lui reproche sa timidité, de préférer les boîtes de nuit au palais, de ne pas assez pratiquer le néerlandais. ” Il y avait le flamand à apprendre et ça a été une souffrance, avoue-t-elle, et pourtant j’ai fait des efforts incroyables que personne ne sait “.
Bientôt le couple aura 3 enfants en 3 ans… Pourtant déjà, il bat de l’aile. Et le mariage entre Fabiola et Baudouin n’arrange rien. On leur demande de faire un pas de côté, de moins prendre la lumière. Paola est reléguée au second plan. ” J’ai dû repenser ma vie ” confie-t-elle. ” Je voulais être infirmière mais mes enfants étaient petits “. Elle se sent perdue. En même temps, tous deux apprennent à être parents. Et ça aussi, c’est très compliqué. Ils reconnaissent qu’ils auraient pu mieux faire.
“On répète ce qu’on a connu”, regrette Albert. “Mon père était assez autoritaire et j’ai répété même inconsciemment. Puis un médecin un jour m’a dit : Votre fils va devenir malade si vous continuez. J’ai alors eu une mauvaise réaction, je me suis désintéressé de lui”. Paola renchérit : “Il faut une éducation à devenir parent. C’est dommage qu’on ne puisse pas recommencer. Là, je comprends combien c’est important de donner de l’affection à ses enfants”.
A ce moment-là, le couple est au bord de la rupture. Les enfants sont ballottés d’un endroit à l’autre. Albert entretient une relation avec Sybille de Sélys Longchamps. Le documentaire ne parle pas de Delphine. ” Paola estime que ce n’est pas son histoire “, commente le réalisateur Nicolas Delvaulx. En revanche, elle reconnaît avoir eu des amants. Car à cette époque-là, elle était très malheureuse. ” Moi, je n’étais pas heureuse pendant 10 ans. Je ne savais pas où aller. Il y avait ce danger du divorce. De 70 à 80, j’étais seule et triste. J’avais pris une distance avec tout. Puis, un jour, il m’a dit : je t’ai toujours aimée et ça m’a fait plaisir “. Albert raconte comment il a pris conscience du danger. Lorsqu’on lui a annoncé que s’ils se séparaient, les enfants c’est lui qui en aurait la garde et non leur mère. ” Et ça “, dit-il, “je ne pouvais l’accepter. Les enfants ont besoin de leur mère. ” Le couple s’est réconcilié. L’ambiance familiale est apaisée. ” Si on fait un petit effort dans le mariage, ça vaut la peine. Il n’y a plus la hâte, le sexe, il y a la tendresse. Vieillir comme ça, c’est bien “, confie encore Paola.
Franche, elle dit les choses comme elle les a vécues. Sans éluder les moments difficiles. Aujourd’hui, elle est fière de sa famille, de ce que ses enfants sont devenus.
Un sujet diffusé le 17/02/2022.
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