I could literally just sit here and listen to this lady all day. The amount of curiosity in her own teaching and pure teaching skills have me watching an hour lecture in what feels like 20 mins.
I wish she was my professor. So much admiration and respect for you Prof. Coughlin. Thanks for posting this wonderful lecture and make it available.
As a 15 year old kid who loves the study of law and have been into law this is by far the best teacher ive ever seen teach me how to read a case the way she teaches is just 100% on point
1:15 ‘close reading’ and The doctrinal content of the case 1:58 ‘it’? 2:26 questions to ask when reading a case 2:47 ‘the doctrine that the case spells out’ 3:03 the course curriculum 3:48 Cases teach a certain ‘legal principle’ or a certain ‘doctrinal rule’ 4:43 5:13 How does the law define the actus reus of attempt?
As a law student in Germany, I fell in love with the way she speaks. Her teaching makes it easy to follow and understand! Her patience as well as her own passion about law is catching. Thank you SO much for providing us this fantastic lecture! Lots of love and respect to this brilliant professor!
She is brilliant and a joy to listen to! I love her pronunciation/enunciation.
Great speaker, she’s compelling and cut to the quick immediately. Strikes me as a person who has very little time in her day for bullshit, and I appreciate her passing on the savings
I’m attending law school this fall. This approach to how to read a case is wonderful. My understanding that one should read actively is my takeaway. I enjoyed her teaching, and I hope that my future professors are like this. Hopefully, Virginia accepts my application, and I can just go there!
This professor is brilliant and a gifted educator; many thanks for this presentation.
thanks youtube for suggesting this, i just really finished it OMG!! I enjoy her lecture so much! As an incoming college student I just really love how she doesn’t let the class feels like she is superior and she’s very open for questions, and she even looks like she spoon feed the things you should know or ask about. Also, the words she use I thought she will use a lot of legal jargon and high falutin words— but she explain things very precisely. I LOVE HER 

Really enjoyed this lecture! Thank you for your insight. This helps me tremendously in my review of cases as a labor relations specialist
Ms. Coughlin ..keeps it pretty simple and straight to the point .. which is very good .. for these students , beginning the study of law.
Thank you very much Professor Coughlin for your helpful and informative talk about how to read a case. I live in South Wales in the UK. In 1990 our youngest son Robbie, age 10, died as a consequence of medical negligence. I used the UK Courts and the European Court of Human Rights to seek truth, justice and accountability. The case was struck out because the doctors did not have a Legal Duty to tell us the truth about Robbie’s negligent death or refrain from falsifying the child’s medical records. William and Diane Powell against the United Kingdom Application no. 45305/99 Third Section – sitting on 4th May 2000 Below is the last paragraph of page 15 of 26 of the European Court of Human Rights’ decision that the Powells’ Application was inadmissible. “Whilst it is arguable that doctors had a duty not to falsify medical records under the common law (Sir Donaldson MR’s “duty of candour”), before Powell v Boladz there was no binding decision of the courts as to the existence of such a duty. As the law stands now, however, doctors have no duty to give parents of a child who died as a result of their negligence a truthful account of the circumstances of the death, nor even to refrain from deliberately falsifying records.” Below is a link to a summary that I prepared regarding my experience with the UK and European Court. I would be very grateful if you, or anyone else who reads this, could comment on the summary, as I believe the ECtHR got the facts of Robbie’s case and their own case-law wrong. Thank you. Kind regards. Will Powell https://8a0a4134-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/robbieslawtrust00/home/The%20Robbie%20Powell%20Civil%20Case%20and%20ECtHR%20Inadmissible%20Ruling%20May%202000.pdf?attachauth=ANoY7crfObXtTPP7TSW-EI2_CiiicZufgggviPoqRQvWpvNr5ycyoQvJL8kb1x7C_EjYf2kSYXj0fkJDnFnMkTLNkfSV9vxZlrwA-VTe-UlV8tLuBGC-sAON5NVVHNbtpjyJuM_MpMIhBaavejFXWiAvX5BAtNd07rfbh7LoM4Y8PIjUHQQXz1Cf2Mii2pgZNM25oMrhsoHwbtZ-Y2JEUXTCOjwYcXc_j3ZbMqj0WIz7OHA37NTgCvN_4k3sWo18yjlWJZkBGlicfXjpWzeeXCa83pU3rWyS63O9zLZmsX581EdtWfaB7Z8%3D&attredirects=0
Still in 6th grade, but I really love this lecture! (Yes, I watched the entire 1 hour, 9 minutes, and 6 seconds of it) It teaches the basics of examining criminal cases. Thanks!!
Thank you for last very enlightening lecture, professor.
Hey, y’all need to read the cases before class! She’s too nice! When I see that a case was recently done, I’m like, “Aw, shit. No one’s gonna know this yet”. When it’s a case from the turn of the 20th century, I’m saying, “Yeah, this has been solidified, not changed, fantastic precedent”. I won a settlement, without a lawyer, citing a couple of way old cases. Fantastic lecture.
Super Brilliant she took it to the basics of why it’s important to read cases I want go to law school now
As a law student this is great help to me
Great breakdown not in law school yet but these videos have helped me learn some things pre going there
Amazing class and amazing teacher 

Entering the house after normal business hours (especially with other persons that are not known to the homeowner) most certainly IS intent to me! GREAT Class! Loved it.
I just found this series of lectures and I am learning a lot. I am not a law student s but sometimes I have wondered if I should go back to school. I have a minor in political philosophy and I have always love constitutional law.
Wish I had a professor like her in my classes 

Excellent teacher! God bless you. Best wishes, MA
Thank you Uni of Virginia especially to Prof Anne…Well articulated presentation.
I am getting ready to take the LSAT so i can see which Law school i can get into. I hope i can get into a good Law School where they have Law Professors like her.
Very clear lecture!!!
Professor Coughlin, would you mind to do or show (if you have done) a video lecture on statutory interpretation and construction, please? Thank you in advance!
such a positive teacher. i’m not cut out for law school, but if I had her as a professor, I would work tirelessly to make it through school from her belief in me and inspiration. the skills she covered today I can apply in everything I read.
This helped me start up the process of thinking that I will require for my 1st year in law school. Thank you for making this available (and shame on those just focusing upon this cool woman’s clothing, etc. … you guys will never pass the Bar!)
Amazing lecture!
Thank you very much for this wonderful lecture
This lady is just so intelligent and eloquent.
I am not a law student but yesterday I watched ‘On The Basis of Sex’ and I became intrigue about how to read a case. I love to get deeply immerse in this new way to think, read and see the world. So great and thankful to live in this era when if you’re curious about something, you can just know a bit of this huge law’s world in just a second!
Amazing lecture
I don’t even study law, but I still enjoy watching this video 

I have to say I find this deeply interesting, yet strange, as I am a law student in a Civil Law system.
Thank you for this lesson
As a law student I basically do the following: – read the facts and determine what the issue is. – read the end of the judgement to see what the court holds. – then skim the judgement itself. By doing this I can understand the context of the case and the reasoning process for the final decision.
A great law teacher
thank you !!! a really helpful video.
Love the way she explains :

it is a great thing this class I learn so much more than I am at my university
I like your ideas to read a case thank you Anne
Prof. Coughlin – I want to engage more in this lecture but I’m having difficulty finding a reference to the case in question. Do you or anyone on this comment forum have access to that so I can read more on the facts of the case?
This remember me of one country vs Europe law. I ready many Case code of law. It’s always seems complicated in some situations.
I found this so interesting!

very nice lecture Really Excellent.
Really i get a great and useful information abotu how to read a case ,Thank you this video is clear
Prosecuting for attempted crime means we’re “ciminalization happy?” How is the person who fails in committing a crime less guilty than the person who succeeded?
I am a 12 year old child who has become more in love with law after watching this video.
She is explaining with love
Ann Coughlin has the intelligence of a US Supreme Court Justice.
She makes me want to go to this school
But I thought that forcing entry to someone else’s home was a criminal act in and of itself. I also knew it to be true that occupying a space that is not belonging to you and zoned residence uninvited was trespassing at least. That’s definitely actus reus.
Worthy listening
Thanks, this is great.
I just started studying this. I know extremely little about law and I’m 44. Do I have any chance of succeeding or should I give up? Be honest. I have an 86 IQ and a 1.6 GPA. I was originally doing child development. I switched to criminal law about a week ago and I’m already confused by it.
Thank you so much for talk to me why we read this case
Perhaps suggesting that the students ask why their reading the case one time would have been sufficient, rather than continually repeating the point several times. Got it. Good lecture though.
I have no desire to go to law school, I just like hearing her talk 🙂
My daughter was taken away against her will on the 5th of March 2021 although nothing untoward happened. There was no violence or any justifications other than an excuse they give that she has suicidal thoughts – which is absurd. There is no trial and we are unable to get legal representation. She is only 9 years old. I have not seen or heard from her since 6th August 2021. Please help. My daughter has been constantly and consistently saying that she wants to come home AND denied all of their allegations. There is definitely something sinister and serious violation of rights of a child and family. Please help us. This is not a scam and am not asking for money. I have tried to get help locally and overseas but it seems I am being blocked. My daughter is suffering emotionally psychologically and physically and we are facing overwhelming prejudices and my family is on the verge of breaking apart. I hope there are kind hearts out there willing to help in any way and would be truly appreciated
Amazing….just disappointed the students didn’t read the case. I feel like that’s the least they could do. They could have had a much more fruitful/educational discussion. Shame on them.
someone would be really cool if they added the transcript.
the question of degree of proximity may vary with the circumstances, and there he uses the word proximity, and youll realize that res ispa tests are differenet.
She’s very eloquent
To become a lawyer all you need is to learn a different language… And have reasonable use of 10% of your brain.
the question of degree of proximity may vary with the circumstances, and there he uses the word proximity, and youll realize that res ispa tests are differenet.
She flipped so fast when she found out nobody read the case.
What annoys me is that they are so underprepared. Nobody read the material?? A lecture like this needs to be absorbed, not face in front of a laptop like a robot. Splendid teacher.
Every professor showcased here is both articulate and engaging. That’s tough to come by. I could only dream of being accepted into a program like this!
Thanks for sharing!
If I had a teacher who can teach me law-subjects in this manner (how she acts, what she emphecises; i know it’s spelled wrong, …) then I would smash every subject lol but that’s not the case.
Sometimes the highest court will be called the New York Court of Appeals… . Really? Even in other states? The NYS Court of Appeals is not the Supreme Court in NYS. It is the highest court in NYS.
I’d be a better lawyer has I attended this class
I think we should discuss Flintstone v. Slate Gravel Company. A rock fell on petitioner Fred Flintstone’s foot due to negligence.
I like how she calls them ingredients.
Professors are loquacious and enjoy hearing themselves so usually engage in abundant unnecessary verbiage. Just read the brief don’t summarize.
What a wonderfull voice
Super speech
HE Cardinal Pell OA was convicted by two out of three Victorian Court of Appeal judges, thus was handcuffed and spent over 400 days in jail for historic child sex crimes. The Australian High Court recently quashed the conviction unanimously by all seven judges.
OMG I could never get through law school.
She spoke with a shade of condescension as eddies of smoke oppressed the atmosphere of my computer room.
She starts with “I dont know if you all had a chance to read this case…” The GREAT professor Charles W. Kingsfield (Paper Chase) would never have asked that question because he expects you to read and prepare the case beforw class….Aaaah the socratic method. When professors told you exactly what you were; an idiot, or brilliant. Looool
thank you!
I’m watching this as a senior in highschool.
Thank you.
NSW Evidence Act 1995 says ‘Guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.’
Excellent.. about the silent movie …example
Maybe ‘acts ALLEGED to have been performed by the defendant would be better’?
Why would you not want to know that in your 1st year?
What is the name of the book?
Can somebody enlighten me with the case..where can I find it atleast
In future i want to be a Criminal lawyer.
One hour and nine minutes to read one case. I’ve been doing it wrong…
What’s the name of the case? I can’t hear clearly
Insufficiency of the evidence….not if they don’t have all the documents or evidence and their fact finding is based on false statements.??? What if you can prove you can with both arguments??
it was really difficult for her she could not spell C without stuttering i understand tho 10:24
No one wants to admit reading the case

Steve Vondran
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