“The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.”- Robert Kiyosaki
Both my parents are alive. I live in a modest home. I have a 2016 honda civic. I live in a peaceful time with a community and close friends to spend time with. I may not be rich but eating my breakfast this morning, I am thankful to God.
Re: The beginning of the video. The wealthiest family whom I know (congenital billions amassed over centuries) though they have homes around the world, their lifestyles are relatively modest. They drive ordinary cars and none would ever be seen in a RR…esp. a newer one. In social gatherings, they never mention money or anything relating to finance. It’s just not done. One of them whom I knew well enough to ask told me that he really didn’t know what his net worth was, esp. at any point in time. An unfortunate part of his life that he really didn’t like was the presence of security people. But they were as unobtrusive as possible and, interestingly, never addressed him by name. Restaurant reservations and the like were made in the names of the security people. Funny that you might recognize actors or football players, but the truly wealthy fly happily under the public radar.
‘Is this real gold? Yes, its gold plated stainless steel’ – so its not real gold then..
Money doesn’t buy you happiness, it buys you security
I have quite a few super rich clients…. every single one of them said that they never saved so much money after closing down the business offices and making the same amount than before! The sad part is that the ones who lost the jobs were the poorest employees of this business offices.
It’s amazing that just months after this documentary the pandemic hit. A lot of these people would have either lost or doubled their money.
Was feeling wealthy today. Went to Starbucks instead of taking coffee from home.
Managers who get big bonuses in companies which have performed well in a particular business year should get their bonus. Those companies which have performed badly, for whatever reasons, and employees/workers have to be laid off and the Manager still gets his/her bonus, is absolutely perverse.
something I just noticed: rich Germans (and Austrians) interviewed by their fellow natives tend to conceal their fortune and prefer to stay as humble and anonymous as possible but in front of a British interviewer, they are not shy to show what they have, earn and pay in taxes. This shows to me very clearly, how envious we Europeans are.
Has the question ever been asked: “How would it impact your lifestyle if taxes were higher?”
I think it’s fantastic these people found financial success and I have met many many people that have millions. It’s awesome to be able to do or buy what ever you want but frankly I think it would be no time at all and I would feel unsatisfied just buying stuff and treating myself like a Queen everyday. . maybe I missed out on the bougie gene!
Love this! This channel is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
I just wanna be rich enough to buy gas on a Wednesday. And maybe pick up a few hobbies.
If you want to see the depths of alcoholism, you don’t have to look to a homeless shelter or under a bridge; go to a country club. The rich have addiction issues you wouldn’t believe if you didn’t see it for yourself. I say this as a 30+ year employee in the country club business. It’s truly disgusting.
Most of the ‘super rich’ mentioned here are not actualy such, at least not by today’s multi-billionaire standards.
15:06 As an artist myself, I SWEAR that so-called million dollar painting is objectively terrible! The brush technique and blank white space is horrific, akin to an 8yr old still learning. How it’s considered expensive fine art, is beyond me..
I love how Americans give back to charity and reinvest in their own country.
A brilliant video. Thanks. Both sad and scary. I loved it!
Successful people don’t become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life
The narrator said that in Switzerland, that economic disparity is huge, then they must be rich, since most of their jobs pay a much higher minimum wage, and offer very affordable single payer healthcare, four or five wees paid vacation, and many other benefits, some they don’t offer anywhere else in the world. While their benefits are much better than most countries, especially America, and also poor countries, it may be about time, that Switzerland starts paying the highest or near highest minimum wage too, all its workers and also about time they improve upon their benefits too. Switzerland should probably greatly increase what they are paying their people on retirement and disability, and unemployment.
I dont get jealous of wealthy people I just dont like how there exempt frm certain laws like tax dodging
sometimes, i just wonder why i wasn’t born in a ultra wealthy family.
“Is this solid gold?!” “Yes! It’s gold plated stainless steel” 

I loved that last house. The perfect blend of class, elegance, comfort and sophistication. Who said the rich have no taste?
When you’re bilingual in German and English and listen to both langauges at once and your brain just wants to settle on one language therefore making you not understand the other anymore so you fail at actually getting what’s going on as soon as you listen to the German under the English dub….
From my view point, these people are showing off what they have in order to offset what they don’t and will never have. And this is paradox of life. And it cuts across all levels of people regardless of being rich or poor. That void that we try to fill will always elude us. But it is this same void that calls us to strive for greatness. At the end of the day we live behind a story.
Those who say that money cant buy happiness just dont know the right places to shop.
Since success is the major factor used to determine wealth, based on this, I would under the right economic conditions, have a net worth of at least one-hundred trillion dollars.
I don’t know how Sweden, Singapore, Qatar and many countries like that (small) are so rich. How?!?! You don’t have vast resources (maybe Qatar does) and you don’t have many billionaire companies sooo… how?
I love these type of programs, they are so inspiring.
Rich people should share to those who need it.A 100€ can do a lot to those who have nothing.
I love seeing very rich people’s lifestyles and admire their beautiful homes etc…But the Rolls Royce just seems like the most over the top, impractical and tasteless look at me car…As if I expect the Queen to be sitting in it with a crown on her head.
At the end of the day, being wealthy helps you attain more things, it cannot buy you happiness or love or real friendships, the rich often realise this on their deathbeds. What has money really brought them? Wisdom? Kindness? Love? Health? Enlightenment? No, just a ton of things that have to be looked after, maintained, insured. More responsibility, more employees, more worries, more costs, more pressures, It’s never ending.
Hard work could give you good standard life. But, in most cases (not all but most), to accumulate that much wealth is to indirectly exploit others. Like monopoly of something, happening across the world, like in agriculture, phone service or even alcohol. Or companies find tactics not tot contribute to their workers’ pension or security. In the poorer countries especially are where you find ludicrously super loaded people.
One time I realized that the Spirit of Ecstasy bonnet mascot was the only part of a Rolls Royce I actually wanted. So I bought one from the 1930s. Love it.
My lifetime goal is to be healthy, happy, and wise. Wealth comes from effort — and being humble. Without ostentatious behavior.
this video singlehandedly raised my class consciousness
I can respect a poor man that makes himself rich, but people born into richness will never understand what its like to worry where you’ll be next year or even next week.
I skied against Klaus Heideggar back in the 1980’s. He was one of Austrias best alpine skiers.
I appreciate their hardwork
That’s crazy how the rich don’t want to pay tax but the poor has to pay for everything
Great Video, Personally as a millionaire I would say a very good lifestyle the super rich like me has is the lifestyle of investing.
My mother was a single waitress her whole life and accumulated 300k at retirement not counting her home. Stock market.
Up next: How the super homeless live in downtown L.A.
That guy Manual Koch is speaking openly about the greedy investors. Kudos to him man. We’re in a pandemic, and people are making even more money

Decided I’m going to become rich UPDATE: it’s December 2020 and I’m still not rich… Total fail UPDATE: 24/02/21 My father has suddenly passed.. I never realised how rich I was until now. Focus on those around you.
Push comes to shove, eventually everything will fall over. Personally, I have been on both ends of the financial spectrum so to speak, it doesn’t matter in the end. I can assure you.
me watching this with $11 in my bank account cause i can’t work due to covid

They’re not satisfied with billions because at that level, it means more than just money. Its how their success is measured.
When I was young, I use to look up to rich folks bc I use to think “wow, he must be a smart and hard working man to get to where he is”. Years later, I think “ wow, he must be a real good crook to get to where he is”. Pretty sad…
I’m 42 and my ultimate financial goal would be $4million in savings and a monthly passive income of $15,000, I’ve got about $230k to put in the market and I’d love to know how I could make this goal happen by the time I turn 50.
i could build a business and feed alot of homeless people with one of those cars.. probably why im poor lol
I have a wonderful and supporting parents. A loving and tight knit families. Friends whom i can share laughter and stories with. I also have a job which pays sufficiently. I dont go to the bed hungry. So all in all, i feel pretty rich myself 

Fundamental truth about wealth; it can’t exist without its counter partner, poverty.
When the poor become poorer or have even less money where do you think all that money goes and what’s done with it? Rhetorical questions.
The beautiful thing is that when you die you leave it for others to enjoy. No one take with them their wealth to heaven
Hand on my heart, I don’t want to be this rich. But I don’t want to be as broke as I am and if I had to choose… 

I feel like I have to disagree with they guy who said “american has foundation and charities”. Little did he know, or he actually wants to deny that, foundations and charities are one of the most effective way for MONEY LAUNDERING and TAX EVASION. Just ask yourself, how much actually these “foundations” and “charities” actually contributed to the growth and well-being of the citizens compared to taxes? Through taxes, that’s how you contribute and build the country. But foundation and charities, the rich are the ones controlled it.
Income tax (middle class pays) vs capital gain tax (rich people pays) – whichever lower means that the government supports the associated class.
To those who want to know why, look to government power and integration with elites for your answer. The great evil is not money, it is government.
the difference between the people who become wealthy from those who remain poor is that the wealthy become successful through work, while most of the lazy people stay poor
The Rich get richer and the Poor get more Children!! Jimmy.
When you invest you’re buying a day you don’t have to work.
2020 will go down as one of the worst years ever because of Covid 19, the financial repercussions will take many years to shake off and in spite of that some of the most wealthy individuals in the world made more money in 2020 than they ever had before, it’s absolutely disgusting.
Honestly, I would rather have herbs, freedom and my family, than a 6 bedroom “apartment” in London, which cost 33 Million Pounds. It must be super annoying for all the super-rich people on this planet, and ALL of the problems and situations and assets and possessions and staff and systems and accounts and banks and rotas etc. That they have to think about every day; I’ve got OCD, and that would PROPERLY stress me out. Peace and love. TJ
Real wealth is contentment.
When I was 28 I worked for a multimillionaire . He was so busy thinking about money 24/7 he didn’t have time for his young wife!(He was 56 and she was 31). In 1995 he took a month long trip to Europe on business and I took care of his wife, or should I say his ex-wife. Boy!That was the best job I ever had!
Profitable traders can’t start all by themselves they start with experts first then while making profits learn how to be profitable
The fact that BMW owns Rolls Royce is hilarious. RR, the most British of British products. Powered the Sptfires and Lancasters during WW2 that hammered the Germans. Wth?!
I find that money in the bank feels better than anything it can buy.
I especially liked the comparison between US, Germany, Switzerland. Gives an interesting perspective.
When central banks print off Trillions of currency units and give it to their friends of course there is no depression in the luxury brands sector.
Everything isn’t for everyone, I say good for them!
Life can go 3 ways rich, middle class, poor that’s it
lmao 17:05 “this is the sign of globalization” … yea that he helped manage to create. The insane part is, that globalization hasn’t distributed the wealth accumulated to where it belongs. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small village market system or a massive trade multi-national agreement, it’s all relative. It has just become so massive and disconnected (Or as Marx put it, in his theory of alienation) that the upper class don’t realize their immense wealth and the lower classes don’t bother to fathom how much wealth they are kept from. Does a kid in Indonesia making Nike shoes know someone in New York making 230k a year is buying their labor for 4000% mark up in comparison to their wage? I should also mention that the man at the end of his statement clearly shows that money doesn’t mean anything to him. Which clearly indicates he see’s himself in a different class as those who don’t posses the same skills as him. This is how the rich view themselves.
Waw…prestigious car

only very few wealthy ppl could afford it. I believe its like a symbol for the Rich
…I hope one day I could afford it.

1:04 “it seems the luxury industry knows no crisis” when the rich keep getting richer, they buy more luxury items. meanwhile, the rest of us deal with the consequences.
Everybody hates the rich until they become rich themselves. The moral indignation is just a facade for envy.
God Bless Them 


Damn, I’ve been working for 3 minutes and I’m still not rich!!
Well, I know who has contributed over 60 billion euros ‘in a time of crisis’ into the pockets of wealthy (primarily German and French) financial speculators: the Irish taxpayer, as will their children and grand-children no doubt. As stated by a London banker (in another documentary) when asked , “why the huge rise in house prices [in bankers row]?” he responds incredulously “where do you think the bank bail out money went?”
The tax part is radicoulous.
When albert einstein becomes a stock trader.
God Bless Them 


for every millionaire you must have thousands of broken entrepreneurs. those who win are the ones who are willing to take the risk.
I thought this is about how the rich live……instead it became how the rich are taxed, rich vs the poor, how much the rich make!
Oh God!!! 2% of the Super Rich Swiss people wealth is equal to the remaining 98% wealth of the ordinary people. This much disparity of income will surely impact poor and lower middle class people.
I hate my life……… I should have been a Billionaire, I’m a amazingly bright, funny, handsome person but I’ve just not had the right people around me. I wish i could do it all again or have the chance to make it big now.
I have been searching for a good broker to trade with! Please sir how can I find one??
“Largent ne donne pas de bonheur mais le bonheur ne remplie pas l’assiete”. Money doesn’t buy happiness. But happiness can’t full your stomach as they said.
This just fills me up with DETERMINATION. If they can do it, so can I
wow, this is really rich living!
All rich people and celebrities have foundations and their own charities. Not because they are caring, loving and big hearted. It is advice from their financial advisor. It is a well known tax dodge. I don’t respect any famous people with their own charities.
Wave ur hands if ur broke like myself

Its ok Life goes on

“For what profits a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul”
14:42 the guy has half-a-dozen almost identical jacket breast pocket fillings, bar the specific pass/documents for each separate office building. Just swap out the entire contents of the pocket depending on the building, instead of faffing around deciding what stays and what goes, yet still have your favourite pens and pencils. Marginal gains, people. Marginal gains.
Bankers engineer a financial crisis every 10 years or so. Wayne Jett, a lawyer exposed their illegal naked short selling. He wrote a book Fruits of Graft. They have been doing this since Great Depression.
America has made me believe anything was possible but it’s hard to find the love and ambition surrounded by gang members and criminals. They love to hold me down
Es ist absolut perfekt, einer der Mega-Reichen der Welt zu sein! Das Leben kann nicht besser werden-Privatjet nach Florida, erfolgreich Ferraris kaufen, Lamborghinis, etc!
The lesson is “you don’t have any money you have less money, if you have money you have more money”
I don’t like how they frame all hedge fund managers as villains. They are doing their job. It’s not like they are going to poor people and demanding their money. There are some people who are willing to take risks and those who aren’t, and those who are educated and those who aren’t. You have to be willing to take calculated risks in life to get ahead, playing it safe will get you no where.
Assembling a luxury car without gloves? That’s a sin
be happy with what you have and you are rich
Pretty funny how the trading floor is merely symbolic as all the trades are done electronically now
Amazing lifestyle 

I read negative comments here… All I can say, Be Happy For Others
It is ugly to envy 

@realStories It would be a good idea to post the original year the documentary was made
I love you guys for being merciful though
I can even smell the wealth through this video .
Success = Hard work + Smart work + Luck
If I were very wealthy, I would do the same. Pay very little in taxes and give to charity directly to people that need it.
These are the people who look down there nose at ordinary working people and tell us what is good for us all while living this life style.
the question is rich people do they have to pay taxes even they don’t use public services?
On top of tax being largely spent foolishly, the working classes’ payroll/income tax being double what the capital gains tax rate is a double screw you. If it weren’t for bribes, that garbage would never stand. This will always happen so long as public opinion has little to no effect on policy.
Very cool video. You motivate me to create similar videos. Good luck to you.
40 mil for that house ??????? Is not even worth the price for how small it is
My view of success is to finally be able to buy a 4 bedroom home, pay my bills, have 3 kids, and have enough left to be able to see the world a bit. That is all I need to feel that I have accomplished what I wanted in life. I see no need to have 100 cars, as long as the one I am driving is reliable and comfortable. I also understand where Mr. Berger comes from when asked about how the others envy the rich. Likewise, I come from South Africa, where the majority envy someone who just has a similar life to a regular American household. You were always made to feel guilty about what you had. It is one of the reasons why I left for Europe.
Rich people show us all the things they can’t live without! But keep quiet about all the things they have to live with.

I’m absolutely fascinated by super rich…and that’s how I know I’m going to be one.
If too much conflict with taxes, then the fair tax of the higher sales tax is the best to avoid any conflict as well as will save tremendous IRS costs for America’s infrastructure as better images and Americans’ better life. So Americans will focus our energies to build America altogether. Envying atmosphere will split nation, encourage own hard working and living by laws will unite our country America together for continued prosperity. If don’t like our great country America, just think about if give us the choice to move to any other countries, do we like to stay or move? If choice is stay, that means America is still a greatest country in the world. Time is the issue, if we all willing to build America’s greatness together, America will only be greater for our future generations to live better forever. Let’s forgive each other this time and unite together and govern by our country America’s own established laws afterward quickly together.
True. A rolls royce is the official badge of the rich.
14:42 Even when you mega rich you can never have too many pens.
The richest man that ever lived was too cheap to buy a pair of socks, he died a miserable death with holes in his socks, just because someone is rich doesn’t mean they don’t have problems
Making money is easier through investment, don’t save your money buy assets and invest
This makes me sad. People who aren’t grateful and who constantly need more stuff to fulfill their inner emptiness…
Me and Ryan hentz (or something like that) figured it out! Gas stations have coffee creamers and you dont have to buy a coffee just go on mondays grab 7 and you’re good for the week they even have seasonal flavors! And you could grab yourself some sugar and coffee stirry sticks so you dont have to wash your spoons lol
What many gloss over is that the rich often work there butts of to have this kind of money
1959 – Boy: “Look at that nice car!” Dad: “He must work hard.” 2019 – Boy: “Look at that nice car!” Dad: “He should be ashamed of himself.”
So many believe wealth is security,but there is no person who cannot be broght low.
bruh if i worked hard in life and became as successful as the billionaires, i would do the same as these people. Im not sayin ill not donate to charity, but its your right to spend your money however you want to as long as its earned by YOU.

“Those who can afford to leave their money to do the work pay only 14% profit tax” – what does this mean exactly? Does he mean leaving the money in bank accounts or putting the money into property? 11:41. Doesn’t make sense…
Corporate greed unchecked by society!
I thought I was going to watch an inspirational documentary on living abundantly, which everyone has the opportunity to do. Instead, I am bombarded with in-equality from people who produce nothing, contribute noting, and will do nothing. Let me ask you “lowely” man. When you earn your first million, how much should you give in taxes? Right now you ask for 90%. Will you give away $900,00 and keep $100,000?
This is like flashing money in a bad neighborhood. People are going to come for what you have one day.
People who give up in life are people who lose in life, my first experience happens to be a failure but I never gave up cause I knew it was going to work out for me trying continuoo, fortunately I’m smiling today by getting involved investment in BITCOIN
Money is important, but so are many other things( health, how many people genuinely love you and care about, how successful were you in raising a family, how will you feel in the last few moments of you life when you’ll look back at your life and so on), so to say rich are successful would be a huge exaggeration.
How they got this income would be good enlightenment
A LOT of these people are highly connected from the start. Not much hard work, or brains, or startup capital needed when youre given every tool at your disposal.
Luxury has no recession… that’s deep.
Money gets rid of a lot of the people that cause you problems and makes you very happy.
If I was wealthy I would help a lot of people who are struggling through no fault of their own, of course this is one reason I will never be wealthy…
I learnt work and thrift. Save for a rainy day. Invest like a capitalist into sustainability, community, and environment. Corporations. Corporate foundations. A generous spirit.
“Is This Real? Yes It’s Gold Plated Stainless Steel”– Thus It’s Not Real lol
Hurts as Englishman to see the Germans at the helm, at least we kept the airplane engine side of things
I love it!
Wealth is a mindset. Not mine, but it is a mindset.
When I see mansions in California beaches. I just become so jealous because those houses are gorgeous. I hope I one day have so much money or at least my future children get to be at least millionaires.
If you have to ask how the rich get richer, you don’t even understand the basics of wealth in the first place. Might wanna read up on compound investment.
I can just about handle my council tax and tea bags then ime broke.
Anyone that wants to be more then just air, more then just lazy and more then just a freeloader will always have my respect!
Dios Los Bendiga 


Look at my car poor people make it for peanuts ha hahahahah and I waste my money on it Wot a joke
12:54 The problem arises and worsens when relying on altruism alone, despite how it would be another form of self preservation in the long run, yet still history and present show how sociopathic and disconnected the most egregious avarice can be – Jeff for instance, amongst others.
“It seems the luxury car industry knows no crisis”, common now, let’s be honest… We all know that an “economic crisis”, is really just extreme economic inequality. So yeah, of course RR was doing well. Don’t be stupid.
Next Episode on Real stories : My Life.. HOW THE SUPER POOR LIVE….
Honestly I would like a heart to heart talk to a super rich person. No cameras or interviews.
Who doesn’t wish they was wealthy! Whoever says “not me” must be okay with working a 9-5 barley making ends meet. Anybody can use $1M dollars 

Honestly that,,,”modern art”,,,piece looked like an aerial drawing of an island with black beaches,,,even after he said that it’s a falling eagle,it took me a while to realize it,,,dude sure has a lot of money,but his knowledge of art is “deducted”,,,

I’m not envious of the super rich I am disgusted.
Greed…That’s life and just sad…if there’s any super-rich that truly does “give back” to those that are less fortunate and or suffering, bless them. Because In their next life…the last shall go first .and the first will go last! A wealthy individual has a better chance of flying a camel through the eye of a needle, than being able to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
I will be rich very soon. Everybody know that I will be rich. I want the world know that I will soon be rich.
It’s disgusting that they earn more while others loose there family homes. System change and revolution is needed
I don’t know why but… I’m not into that kind of art. I prefer beautiful paintings of mountains or the ocean. Well, it doesn’t matter since I can’t afford either. 

Many of the young people who paid a hundred thousand for their education, didn’t choose their course of study wisely. A gender studies or philosophy degree doesn’t have a big selection of jobs.
Where can I see the original documentary?
Buyer’s Agent: “So this is a fully equipped Gym.” Room: Has an exercise ball for a dwarf, an exercise bike, and a elliptical machine. Me: If it’s fully equipped, then where are the weights???
I need to get one to drive by the homeless and peasants
It’s weird when u understand both languages
I’ve invested in land during the past five years. I feel like in the next 4-8 years I will earn £ 1.5 to 2 million. Easy. Not bad for a factory worker is it ?
the guy at 5.25 never seen Oliver twist “PLEASE SIR CAN I HAVE SOME MORE”
Maybe they just relied upon their own willingness to work and produce, and forgot about “benefits” provided by the government. Novel idea…standing on your own two feet.
I love this
It’s hard to watch this. People die in the streets while the rich moralize.
How we play it! All cash, all the time! Nothing wrong with that!
5:18 As a “everyday people”, I’m shocked…. completely shocked… that someone can not be satisfied with billions of dollars profit. Is it a game where the richest person at death wins? I would be satisfied with a single million dollars. That would make the rest of my life very comfortable. I would have my rent, utilities, food, transport, hobbies/interests, healthcare, and travel all nicely covered. I wouldn’t know what to do with more money than that! Give it away to others who are struggling? Like why wouldn’t a billionaire give money to people who are one paycheque away from eviction or hasn’t eaten for days…? Oh, wait… I know : the rich stay rich by not parting with their money unless it’s an investment that will make them even more money!
half a million for a car and the badge is gold PLATED, how exclusive! haha
How can the hand made Rolls-Royce be far less reliable than a Toyota camry?
It’s just so weird to watch this while people are starving. This world is unfair.
my father designed the machine that made the lady for free
People are educated & hired to be employees.That’s the difference.
I understand why wealthy would not like to publicly talk about money and wealth. But, I also know a few wealthy who honest get pissed and paranoid when others get wealth information period. It is as if there not enough wealth to be shared and more other get less I have or lose.
One day the working man will take back his wealth. It time the rich felt poor for once
Some people have more money than brains, Real estate in London – a house with multiple 800 sqft (approx. 80 sqm ) per floor , which will resemble a highly pimped-up version of an ordinary Townhouse, costs as much as 10 of those Townhouse and being marketed to fools with more money than common sense for scary prices
btw you don’t have to start a business to be a part of these people. Just climb the ranks in a big company with a big future
I am sorry for the jealousy I once had and apologize for the resentment and anger I felt. I now understand it was the me in the mirror I hated and I still sometimes do hate
Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works
Can I become a millionaire while only having benefits of $700 a month to work with and keep myself fees etc?
I’m rich in the mind… only got about $1k savings tho but prob going to spend it on Christmas gifts 🙁
THE WEALTH OF THE SINNER IS LAID UP FOR THE RIGHTEOUS., as it is written…..All of this wealth must make its way into my hands…In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Hard work always pays off. Well done for those rich. I will be in their club soon.
i am rich because even so i was born with polio i fill rich being healthy
That short cup of Starbucks was a prop, nobody who really drinks coffee orders a “short”! In my town you have to ask for a short as they are not on the menu!
Rolls Royce has not recently been hurt by economic crisis because, while poor people are hurt by recessions and pandemics, the rich benefit from them.
So what …. I got paid Friday and still have $28 in my account today ..killing it over here
Being rich is relative anyway. Is a person rich if they are in bad health? Richness depends on quality of life that involves deep personal fulfillment like helping others or giving of your time without expecting anything in return.
I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico
I’m thinking anyone that does not live under a rock has seen the television ads for Fisher Investments, fronted by its founder, sixty-eight-year-old, Ken Fisher, I can think of only one reason for doing business with this investment organization, it has been cleverly pointed out in its commercials as a profit advantage, and that is, “look ma, no gray hairs”…
Being rich and famous is not sinful. However, making that a primary pursuit in life is sinful. “People who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9, NLT). “Do not toil to acquire wealth” (Proverbs 23:4, ESV). The world would have us believe that the only way to become rich and famous is to set goals and pursue them doggedly. The Bible paints a different picture. Consider three biblical figures whose examples speak to this issue: 1. First and foremost is Jesus. When tempted by Satan, He intentionally rejected the opportunities to become rich and famous (Matthew 4:1–11). Jesus devoted Himself to the tasks God gave Him (John 5:19). We are compelled to take the attitude of Jesus, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing. . . . He humbled himself” (Philippians 2:5–8). What was the result of Jesus’ humbling Himself? “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name” (verse 9). 2. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. As a slave, he had no ambitions to be rich and famous. He only did the work that was put before him. In Potiphar’s house, Joseph’s faithfulness resulted in his being put in charge of everything. Later, in jail, he helped his fellow prisoners, earning a trust that ultimately led to his being put in charge of all of Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. In short, Joseph focused on what God wanted him doing, and as a result he became one of the most powerful and famous men in the world (see Genesis 37—41). 3. He was not wealthy, but the apostle Paul was perhaps the most famous Christian ever to live. How did his fame become worldwide and timeless? He simply did what God put him on earth to do: make disciples. He certainly had a claim to worldly fame, describing some of his accomplishments in Philippians 3:4–6. Yet what did he think about these pursuits that would have warranted fame? “Whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ” (verse 7). Paul’s ambition was never to become famous or gather the accolades of men. His burning ambition was to do God’s work and glorify Christ. That was his higher calling. In Matthew 6:10–20, Jesus teaches us not store up treasures on earth, but in heaven. Then He says, “You cannot serve both God and money” (verse 24). And “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things [the basic necessities of life] will be given to you as well” (verse 33). That is, stop trying to be rich and famous, and instead simply seek after God, living out His purposes for your life. If God wants earthly riches to come your way, they will. For those whose ambition is to be rich, the Bible has many cautions. Jesus said that it is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24). Material wealth has a way of taking our eyes off of what’s important and eternal. Jesus’ parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:16–21 teaches that it is foolish to store up earthly things and take no thought of heavenly things. As for pursuing fame, the Bible is equally cautioning: “Those who exalt themselves will be humbled” (Matthew 23:12). Paul says that “a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people” (Romans 2:29, NLT). James asks, “Don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God” (James 4:4). Those who are rich and famous often struggle to obey basic biblical commands such as “Be content with what you have” (Hebrews 13:5) and “Do not be proud, but enjoy the company of the lowly. Do not be conceited” (Romans 12:16, BSB) and “Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you” (James 5:1). To be clear, it’s not wrong to have wealth. It’s the love of money that is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). But those with wealth should understand where the wealth comes from (God), the purpose for having it (to further God’s work), and it’s transitory nature (see Proverbs 23:5). Ecclesiastes 2:24 notes, “A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil.” But the same passage clarifies the Source of our blessings: “This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?” (verses 24–25). We should not make fame and fortune a primary pursuit in life. Rather, we should make glorifying God our primary goal. We love Jesus and obey Him (John 14:15). We follow Jesus, which means we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow wherever He leads (Mark 8:34). Jesus blesses the meek (Matthew 5:5); being rich and famous is not usually His plan for His children in this world. Gian Giorgio Trissino Both I and J were used interchangeably by scribes to express the sound of both the vowel and the consonant. It wasn’t until 1524 when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction between the two sounds.
Crazy world we living in
Nice video. London real estate market is still attractive despite Brexit concerns.
when you need high profit you have triple the debt.
If I see the gold Rolls Royce statue, I’m stealing it.
I can’t wait untill I can cry in my rolls Royce one day 

I love how the rich don’t complain unlike the lower piss bowl known as societies, rich be like that’s life. Societies be like thug life.
I just want to find a rich European man and marry him..lol
I am going to tell you a secret it’s up to you to believe it or not. Why do very rich people love to be praised? When someone is being praised it’s a positive gesture only through positive things are done. When a person declares I am a poor person that is a clear understanding that is positive when a person declares I am handsome or beautiful that is also a positive declaration and that’s how things become if you want to become something that you have never been you must stop receiving negative at once and start receiving positive 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the rest of your life and in the course of your life you will see yourself and you will see the history your history and you will see what you have become and you will be something that you have never been do not tolerate negative.
What more u want after u get rich? The answer is nothing. Only help those poor people who needs some helping hands
this video called me broke for 28 minutes
Latins had a Much better name for “envy”: it was “mores”, and it has infinite more value than whatever a man can own.
If you make 50 million a year, you should pay the same amount of taxes as the person making 50 thousands a year.
Not really about how they live but a pat on the back for being rich. Tell the story about all the dirty underhanded deals they have done
it makes me sad to see the world being crushed by the rich and greedy
could’ve made 70 million dollars watching this!
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
If you want to be really happy, do a streamline refi at at least 2 % points below your current fixed rate on a traditional loan and cut a bunch of years off it, like half. Done.
I don’t hate the concept of being rich. I just hate HOW some get rich!
Entirely and only a class warfare hit piece.
Rich even gives to charities for tax benefits, funny he didn’t say that neither will bill gates or warren buffet 

I made 10 million last year and I wasn’t satisfied
The haves & have not’s have been going on since the beginning of time. You are here for 80 years roughly, hopefully you embrace the concept of giving…it’s powerful. At the end its all God’s anyways.
I don’t know why i expected Peter Tuchman to sound german 

What can a Rolls Royce do, that a Toyota can’t?
I do not understand why people would buy extremely overpriced 6 story houses instead of a mansion with plenty of space, beaches , hot weather. Instead looks like they live in a luxurious claustrophobic apartment/building w.e you wanna call it with grey sky all year around, depressing.
So what if you’re wealthy or not? These are vain pursuits. So long as you’re not uncomfortable with your basic necessities and adequately get what you want to not be bored nothing else but filling your life with substance should concern you. I mean I just don’t get why we compare ourselves to each other so much… It doesn’t matter.
Invest to make more money and increase your wealth,, Imagine the world without investment today.. How’s it gonna be??
Honestly, one of the best cars you can buy in terms of financial gain is Honda. A Royce is going to take more money out of your pocket than what you bought it for. Other than that, this is entertaining to watch. lmao
we need a more equality society to grow as one if everyone else is taxed less who has paid more tax already, the rich are given a tax incentive, and those now earning more capital higher income earners the same more will want to earn more and be able to spend more when that is needed. More Tax exporting too but I think if the UK wants to be good against tax havens it will have to become a good tax haven. and join the club.
Replace the whip with money and people have an illusion of freedom.
The Rich Man and Lazarus 19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.(A) 20 At his gate was laid a beggar(B) named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table.(C) Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham,(D) have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’(E) 25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things,(F) but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.(G) 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’ 27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them,(H) so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ 29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses(I) and the Prophets;(J) let them listen to them.’ 30 “‘No, father Abraham,’(K) he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
So what’s the authority that this professor has over anyone else to demand they give you even a cent of money that’s not his
How does average European earn less than half a million over 25 years! That is only 20k a year!
the rich get richer and the poor have gotten richer. as with all communist, they only seem to be concerned with the distribution of wealth, not what creates or stifles it.
Give us your money we deserve it because your successful and you owe us.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Mark 8:36
God has given all men the power/thoughts to ”create” wealth [in the mind]. Wealth is created not acquired or accumulated . Wealth and poverty are possible to all who ”BELIEVE”. Man possesses the name/nature ”I AM” of GOD for a reason .Money is a believe an idea a feeling ,whatever you feel is missing in you’re life ask your self how do you feel about it ,what does it mean to me ,what’s your idea of it ? That’s why you don’t have it in your hands/life /bank account. Law of attraction ”experts” will tell you your thoughts ”create your reality” because GOD” dwells in man” as thought” as ”I AM”. Mind power isn’t just for the achievement of goals and I AM isn’t just lawful confession….the father /your consciousness is asking you all day long whom do YOU say/feel /believe that” I AM ” do you mentally/energetically relate to what you want or don’t want to experience in your life .Man doesn’t make the world go around energy does…..A key to success is the word care ,what do you care enough about to change?
,,We dont have any of that old money, but we gotta lot of that new money tho”
I’m just here to say that ever since listening to Kanye’s workout tape, I was able to pull a NBA player and now I shop like every day on Rodeo drive!! Thank you Kanye!! Woooo!!!!
More Dave Ramsey and aspiring to more than minimum wage. Less Starbucks and $1200 smartphones.
I am Wealthy beyond my wildest imagination…
If that is Kamprad’s house then it shows the most important difference in Switzerland to most other countries. He has no fence, no entrance gate no nothing (just compare this to the mansion of the founder of Kiehls) (and we don’t have gated communities). I am still confused when walking in an ordinary street of Zurich seeing Tina Turner or waiting for a train in the station standing next to a person who is part of our government (no bodyguards).
a luxary car that use to swip the road in India 

Filling the void that will never be filled
1 John 3:17 – “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” The reality is, Millions struggle to be able to provide their families with basics needs like food, warm clothing and shelter. What message does it send if Christians—people called to serve the poor—spend obsessive amounts of money on designer items, expensive non-essential goods and lived out lives of luxury and self-indulgence, In a time of great need, when there are so many needs in the world? it’s pretty clear that we have a moral obligation to overcome destitution all over the world. Unless we have provided the basics to everyone, our work hasn’t been completed yet and we can’t really enjoy our luxuries. In many ways, spending as little money as possible on yourself seems like an noble mindset. I think we should be careful about how much we spend on ourselves, and think about what we can do with our money that will make a difference. Do you think you will always live in luxury, No you will not! so long as we do not forget that we are simply passing through, and don’t ultimately belong here. We must realize that the money we have is not ours but belongs to God, we are just stewards of it. God gives blessings to us materially so that we can be a blessing to others, not to maintain a luxurious lifestyle to benefit our greed. Where is your heart in this? Would you give up everything you own today if God asked you to? Remember what Jesus told the rich young ruler. Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” I am sure you can understand from this verse alone the extreme suffering that people from poverty are going through, If my money can save poor people’s lives, it’s quite unethical – even sinful – to spend them on luxurious lifestyle. Life is not about the here and now, but about eternity. We can’t take our things with us into Heaven, but we can definitely use them to benefit others while we are still living here. May God be glorified in what He has given you! May God continue to bless you as you live a life worthy of the calling! Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Royce Rolls, can’t live without you, one of my favourite car.
If I could take all the money in the world right now and give it back equally to everybody. In a couple of years, the money will go back to it’s place. The poor will be poor again and the rich will be rich again. Being wealthy is a mindset. One of my friend’s friend got 50 k from his grandmother who passed away. He blew that money in 1 year. The sooner you understand that and the sooner you will become rich.
Last London home with the fully (not) equipped gym. I disagree. Beautiful home. I could make that Gym in that home explode in workout
️ equipment.

This seems so dated, it’s interesting to see!
in every part of the world,the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer….
Mr Kamprad is now dead. All that money can’t buy immortality. In the meantime, how did he enjoy his life? Was all that money necessary? I really question our assumptions about what constitutes “success”. As for the increasing divide between haves and have nots, history that’s taught us that this usually culminates in conflict and revolution.
I don’t understand why so many people say investment is stocks, etc. is good, it makes them money, but they’re just betting and don’t produce anything good for society.
As someone wealthy like myself I realize why am I watching this video than living the life all I,m going to say before I leave is Don’t say how much money you have, be careful who you around, DONT PUT YOUR MONEY IN BANKS, and you will get bored with that money and the next 2 months … well good luck but if you don’t have the money then I wish you it if we were in-person I would change your life right now but sadly I can not.
Jesus said with food and clothing be CONTENT!!! I wouldn’t want their lifestyle for a second!!!
To think if all the super rich just gave 2% of their money, every single person on earth could eat for 6 months. The rich disgust me with their greed and gluttony.
New Age Religiousness for me, is to put the question of capitalism in a biblical proportion since life, whether on earth or some distant stars, will always have to confront consumption, will always wonder which cycle of brain function makes the best for them. Ego?
Henry F
2 jaar geleden