I know of a young child’s experience in a children’s home in England. He often wet the bed. The Nuns would slap and humiliate the poor little soul each time it happened. Early seventies, I often wonder where he is today, or even if he reached adulthood.
The Catholic Church seem to be forever apologising.
I will never understand the Irish government’s stance beside this church. How many times must they harm your people before you demand wholesale reform?
An apology isn’t enough
If it wasn’t for my mom I would have not been here we need to remember who got us here. We need to love our mother’s sisters wives grandma Aunty’s and any woman. And has for children it’s really sad to see this stats I’m overwhelmed with tears and emotion. But we can help in the smallest ways of just telling our loved ones I love you. I’ll keep praying for the woman and children who are treated badly because nobody deserves to be in those circumstances.
I praise to them and family of all those who passed away
So disgusting and horrific to treat a child that way! 

I remember reading a book on this absolutely horrific the things that went on 

The worst part is that men were not held accountable at all , they walked away.. free.
To know that so many PJ Harverty”s did not get a chance at life is heartbreaking… Shame
It’s the same thing they have been doing for years, my great uncle George and his younger brother were taken in by the Catholic Church in the 1920’s after the family could not afford to feed and cloth him, his father lost his job and could not afford to bring up 4 boys, they offered to ‘give him a better life’… Sounds great… But wasn’t, He ended up being sent to Australia at the age of 14 without the families knowledge or consent, he was sold on a dock side to the highest bidder, a farmer, who took him home and the next day told him to saddle up and ride round the farm following the fence, fixing the broken wire as he went, he was told to ride till sunset then he should see a shack, rest there for the night and carry on the next day till sunset again, it wasn’t a small farm, probably thousands of acres, That was his first day on the job, the first of many, he was at least treated well by the farmer and his wife, but it wasn’t something he signed up for, he was sold as a slave into that life, He told us the story on his return to the UK when he was around 60 years old, he wasn’t bitter about it as he knew it could have been much worse if he lived under the ‘protection’ of the church for much longer, some of his friends in the children’s home didn’t fare as well, The Catholic Church has so much to answer for… And he was one of the lucky ones, we later found out his younger brother ended up in Canada, never to be seen again My heart goes out to the mothers and children who ended up like this… They did nothing to deserve such a tragic end
Cruel and heart breaking
Justice will never be felt by those victims!..will their souls ever rest in peace?
The BBC had to report this They could not repress it any longer I suspect the numbers are much, much larger Remember what the BBC do to children Hypocrisy of the first order
2021 and the Catholic Church has yet to clean and keep its house in order!! BEYOND SHAME!!
I ran away to Ireland in ’65 (don’t ask). When the Guards picked me up, I was held in a. nunnery until they could work out flying me home. I witnessed, first hand, the brutality of the nuns towards the girls in their power. I pity, from the depths of my heart, the young women and their children made to suffer at the hands of the supposedly religious.
They can never apologize for what they did
It’s so sad. Please Pray for all children in the world that have to suffered from society.
A horrific cover up brought to you by the people who covered for Saville and his ilk for decades.
It being hidden for so long shows how powerful the Catholic Church was and their grip over people
Many Blessings Appreciate Sharing 

How very sad.
The Catholic Church has a lot to answer for!!!
Unforgivable what the church done in those days. I can just imagine those old scraggy nuns just ruining their lives.
25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: “I’m afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: “Go and show off your nudity on the beach!” and the wicked one will tell him: “I won’t!”. You see? [Kc.141v49] 26 Well, what does the Bible say? What does Matthew 24:22 say? The Bible says that if time was not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but when we see the work and the multiplication of churches, it seems that if the Lord tarries, every flesh will be saved. Do not be seduced to that point! And don’t look at me as a threat to your churches because of your interests but rather like a grace. [Kc.21v13] #PKPCHANNELTV
Do the Irish ever remember the horrors and cruelty acts they did to the Jamaicans in the 18th century? Many of the remnants of elders left have vivid memories of information passed down of inhuman acts of injustice brought upon the enslaved Africans. Could it be the reason why so many Jamaicans were given Irish names ?
An apology isn’t enough..not by a long shot
The dead have been raised. may they finally find restful peace alongside the souls of the faithful departed. I repent alongside those responsible. Thank you Heavenly father for this act of spiritual cleansing. Not noise of the 

May Allah give them peace.
Evil always hides in places where they believe they wont be caught out
Wouldn’t it have been the correct Christian path to plough in unreservedly apologising decades ago. Hundreds if not thousands of wicked people were complicit in perpetuating and covering up such brutality. However , Jesus Christ alone judges each and every one of us at the point of our own death. Perhaps this might give a jolt to those who live life only for self ?
Some people were saved a life in conservative Ireland. The horror! The horror!
What most people do not realise is that once the “CATHOLIC CHURCH” has you name on its books, by their law.. You can not leave. I DENOUNCE THE “CATHOLIC CHURCH” ITS TEACHINGS AND ITS POPE. An Irish man who has suffered at the hands of the catholics.
Brave Of You All to begin to face history instead of denying it.
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.’ Leviticus 17:11
It’s so easy to blame the church. But everybody was to blame to varying degrees. I don’t agree with a lot of the comments here not ascribing any blame to the families and the fathers.
I hope the families have a good life and I’m sad and ashamed they woul bury them under their insted a proper death
The Catholic Church is 2000 years old and it’s most shameful period of time was between the 1920s and 1990s in Ireland. It coincides with the formation of the Irish free state. There was no healthcare, education etc. so the church stepped in and ‘helped’ but really they just used their new power to impose an evil like no other. This is basically a history lesson but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Nowadays the Catholic Church have no power here in Ireland whatsoever and have become a dwindling minority.
This is about 40 years late. Thank the Gods this can never happen again.
25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: “I’m afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: “Go and show off your nudity on the beach!” and the wicked one will tell him: “I won’t!”. You see? [Kc.141v49] www.philippekacou.org
What was so wrong with kids born out of wed lock how about our ancestors was there a Catholic Church in the early years this makes me mad treating children like it was their fault coming into the world Jesus hated religion and the pharisees for they loved rules more than God’s love this is what happens when rules are more important than the people so saddening 

Archbishop Eamon Martin allowed Fr Gary Donegan to hold a Mass explicitly dedicated to IRA men, an organisation the Church had always previously condemned.
The conditions in the homes were atrocious. It is shameful episode for Irish society as the families of the women and children in these homes did not or would not have supported them which is why they were in these homes. For most of the period they would have received no support from the state. Shame on all of us.
It’s to late for an apology. Save your apologies. The Catholic church reputation is so badly damaged it’s nearly finished. My Father is from the Republic of Ireland and a shamed.
This is what happens if you give religious authorities power!!! How much damage has the Catholic church done in this country alone? Their leaders apologise again while they still harbour and protect child rapists! Imagine what their missionaries are doing in parts of poorer countries now?
Catholicism is sorry for its history The word of God is Holy But the history is horrific
Hopefully now thousands of Irish people will have the courage to leave the Catholic church
There are two statements spoken by Christ that, in this context, should worry certain individuals, living and dead: “Suffer little children . . . to let them come onto me.” Matthew 19:14 ‘Better for him that a mill stone were hanged around his neck . . .’ Luke 17:2 Knowing the Catholic Church, it is likely that few (if any) such millstones have been so tied, now or in the past.
The people who committed these crimes are dead. The church people who are apologizing would have done the the same thing. They would cover the crimes to protect the Roman Catholic Church from embarrassment.
I think the 2020 pandemic has taught a lot of people the importance of multiple streams of income,unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security…no rich man or woman made it through salary,investing now will be wise
as regards the infants buried at tuam mother and babie home heres what should be done a crimescene tape placed all around the grounds and an external international policeforce called in someone like the FBI to process the crimescene
I wondered why Ireland has a relatively small population considering they’re Catholic. Now I know it’s because they’re Catholic.
What do we expect? Most Priests Bishops Cardinals and the Pope live in absolute luxury when faithful followers are surviving. Why would they care about unwed mothers and their children.
So much abuse of the most horrific kind done by those who were supposed to be “better” than others! I don’t believe in an invisible god. Those people that abused are employed by churches of all faiths, what is their actual value system. What you sew you reap. No ifs or buts and no one’s blood will free you of your transgressions and slander. I’ve seen the movie Philomena which is exposes this heinous abuse.
64 Great civilizations and great men had their signs in the stars. And in our time, Alpha Ursa Minoris, which is Polaris, the North Star was a cepheid, meaning, a moving star, variable until 1993, but since 1994, the North Star has come to a standstill, stabilized in a strange way. Do you know why? It is because a prophet is manifested on the earth since 1993. Polaris is the star of prophets and I showed it in Kacou 138. 65 In ancient times, when there was no prophet, if you say that you have a divine mission as emperor, president, king, or other, then depending on your date of birth, magi or astrologers would look for the sign of it in the stars. And they could say, “Yes, we see your sign in the eagle, the crab or the snake constellation or other.” And depending on the star, its position and its constellation, one could know your mission on the earth. #ProphetKacouPhilippe #PKPCHANNELTV
24 Before you, billions of men died in these religions. And after listening to me, if you die as a coward in Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism, your fate will be a thousand times more terrible at the last judgment. Your misfortune on the earth will have been to have heard me. And after hearing me, if you go to a temple, church or mosque again or if you continue to bang your forehead on the ground, you will go to hell. Everything I have been telling you since 2002 is from a divine mandate and even if you don’t understand what I am saying, stop banging your forehead on the ground and going to the mosque because you cannot ask God to guide you or enlighten you when you have already chosen your path. #prophetekacouphilippe
13 Although I was the only prophet who announced the coronavirus since 2002 with the details, some have said, “You did not mention the name ‘coronavirus’”. Others said that the fulfilment of a prophecy does not make someone a true prophet. And you say, “A prophet does not call himself a prophet and does not force people to believe in him”. Be assured, I will not take a whip against you, but I promise you that one day, from your grave, you will see that I am a true prophet. 14 For money, you leave your homes before sunrise and you return after sunset. There is no place and time for God in your lives. What will you say to God at the last judgment? And how many Muslims have read at least Sahih al-Bukhari and al-Muslim? Out of a hundred, you won’t get two. To love God with all your heart, soul, and mind is a commandment of God. And if you love God, you will not be locked up in your belief, but you will seek God everywhere and He will allow you to find Him. But you are in the alienation of money and the religions. 15 And the disaster is that you are not seeking to get out of this alienation. When I quote the Bible, Christians do not ask me for the verses, but when I quote the Quran and the hadiths, Muslims ask me for the verses. Muslims do not know their own holy books. They know banknotes better than the pages of the Qur’an. Download the book of Prophet Kacou Philippe on Playstore or Appstore or www.philippekacou.org/en
4 The purification takes place only once and you receive a portion of the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of the Message and the guarantee of your redemption. You can receive it in the first stage, or in the second stage, or in the third stage. That is why at baptism the confession must be complete and the preacher must ask the necessary questions. Nobody must be forced to receive the baptism. And the baptism must be correct and sacred and administered by a God-fearing man who has kept himself from his wife for at least one day before the baptism. The Angel of April 24, 1993 is here, do not baptize and do not come to the pulpit if you are unworthy. #ProphetKacouPhilippe
25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: “I’m afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: “Go and show off your nudity on the beach!” and the wicked one will tell him: “I won’t!”. You see? [Kc.141v49] www.philippekacou.org
At least it wasn’t pedos this time, right BBC 

8 When a prophet-messenger speaks, nobody is entitled to judge him. William Branham says that Baptists are lodges of Satan but this Baptist woman can stand there and prophesy and the prophet says that this time, it is God that spoke through her and God recognizes that, and the people that believes the prophet rejoices. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!]. 9 Now, concerning that woman, she had some powerful spiritual gifts, but some gifts according to 1 Corinthians 12, and the gifts of prophecy, there are three dispensations of them: the gift of prophecy according to 1 Corinthians 12, the prophetic ministry according to Ephesians 4:11 and finally the prophet-messenger always with the same Holy Spirit ministering through his three dispensations. But notice that a gift of prophecy, no matter how great it is, cannot foretell the coming of a prophet-messenger on earth and why this prophet messenger will come on earth. A gift of prophecy cannot do that. You see? And that, the Branhamists do not know it. The Bible says that the Catholic church is the mother of the Protestant and evangelical churches, including missions, ministries and the so-called revealed churches. But with the emergence of Christianity, we have seen the appearance of a new race of churches, which does not simply twist or modify what a prophet messenger said, but which creates its own mysteries and interprets them. They are lesbian churches. And a Word seed could never do that, even on the way of error.
Absolutely disgusting
Without the Catholic Church the world would be just perfect. No wars, no thousand children starving, no homeless people, NHS would be perfect and cures accessible to anyone, no Death penalty in some States ( USA among them), no global warming , no pollution…. Everything is perfect without the Catholic Church. A perfect world!!!!
We need a real Christian church.

An a apologies from those who knows that it was totally rong for what happened is not enuff so why is it that those who were involved not brought up for justice let me say that those who acted in those horrible crimes against those human beings Justice For them how
These are the men who they say “we are the servants of God” but their heart is far away from God. !!
Can’t wait to see imams and rabbis apologising.
33 From generation to generation, the Truth has always been with only one living prophet messenger on the earth. He is the one who has the keys of the Kingdom; he is the one who is the way, the truth and the life in his time. And when you open the Bible, you see Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel, and so on. They are names of prophets. The truth, it is with a living prophet messenger, and not in a church. But what are you doing therefore with the Bible which is in your hands? If not, is it really for Salvation that you go to church? And yet, if God saves a Baptist, a Pentecostal, a revival church member or assembly of gods, how can He condemn the Pharisees, Judas and Cain? www.philippekacou.org
I can’t believe religion still exists today!!
Kc137:26 We cannot know God through fasts and prayers and through our piety in a religion. You cannot know God through a holy book or a rabbi, a pastor or an imam but through the living prophet messenger of your time. Judges 2 verse 8 to 10 says, “Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Jehovah, died, a hundred and ten years old. And all that generation passed; and there arose another generation after them, which knew not Jehovah.”That generation did not know Jehovah while they had the scrolls of Moses and powerful priests filled with the holy spirit taught them. And this, Christians should know it and seek God according to Hosea 12:14, which says: “By a prophet, Jehovah brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was Israel preserved”. #Prophetkacouphilippe
58 There is only one God in heaven and there must be only one prophet on the earth. For Salvation, the Christians say, “The blood of Jesus purifies us from all sins; we no longer need a prophet.” The Muslims say, “The blood of the sheep purifies us from all sins, we don’t need a prophet.” The Hinduists say, “The god Shiva takes upon himself all the sins of the world and purifies mankind from all sins, we don’t need a prophet.” But what does the living prophet of your time say? #ProphetKacouPhilippe
The Queen Mother’s cousin was locked up in a lunatic asylum and forgotten about!!! There’s a film called ‘The Magdalene Laundries’ that illustrates this.
These catholics have been doing so uninterrupted from the beginning.
48 You have your religions, holy books and doctrines and that doesn’t bother you but raise your eyes, is there a constellation of stars for Asia, another for Europe, another for America and another for Africa? Is there a constellation of stars for blacks and another constellation for whites? Is there a constellation of stars for Buddhism, another for Hinduism and another for Judaism revolving around its leader or its holy book? If the churches or religions of the earth were constellations from God, they would all revolve around the only North Star of their time. And the North Star is not a holy book but a living prophet messenger. 49 And any holy book that does not tell you to revolve around the North Star, is a satanic book which must be burnt. There are many holy books. There is the Torah, the Bible, the Quran, the Veda, the Bhagavad-Gita but if a holy book or the doctrine of a religion does not correspond to the constellations of stars written by God’s own hands, telling you to revolve around the North Star, reject it today. Everything that you see in the sky at night, they are immutable scriptures from God’s own hands, scriptures that have never been revised. 50 Any religion or holy book that tells you that the star Thuban is still the North Star is a satanic religion or book. Any religion or doctrine or holy book that tells you that Charles Russell, Joseph Smith, Mahomet, Branham or Jesus of Nazareth is the last North Star is satanic. And you, the Muslim, when you say: “Mahomet is the last North Star”, the moon and the star above your mosque say that you are lying. You who turn to Mecca to pray or who go to Mecca to turn around the Kaaba, the moon and the star above your mosque say that you are lying. If Prophet Mahomet was on earth, would your North Star be the Mecca, the Kaaba or Mahomet? Did Allah reveal the Quran through Prophet Mahomet or through the Kaaba? Has the North Star ever been a stone? www.philippekacou.org/en
After almost 50 years? Save your money. Damn
That’s just horrible. I’m glad Ireland is a more socially advanced society now.
No wonder people bin west getting more spiritual and religious but churches staying empty.
8 And because of money, no one gives himself time for God. The golden calf has defeated the tables of the law. The nations and religions have become disciples and apostles of money. The most powerful god on earth is money. It is for money that mankind studies, thinks, travels, works, marries, fights, obeys and suffers. For money people despise, fight and kill one another. For money, man sacrifices his dignity and honour. It is in the name of money that one decides.
25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: “I’m afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: “Go and show off your nudity on the beach!” and the wicked one will tell him: “I won’t!”. You see? [Kc.141v49] Www.philippekacou.org
May the good lord bless all the 9000 kids and the families of them
Trusting people who believe in a magical cloud man to look after children…what could possibly go wrong.
3 For our time, all those who are ordained to eternal life will come to me for purification and deliverance according to Daniel 12. And in this Message of purification, I have taught that there are three stages for deliverance and purification. The first stage is at the time of the acceptance of the Message. The second stage is during the baptism of restitution. And the third stage is during the walk in the Message. #prophetkacouphilippe
What about an apology to all the children abused by catholic clergy?
Murderers plain and simple
Isaiah 45.7 (KJV) 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Read full chapter Isaiah 45:7 in all English translations
wow that’s more cruel than terrorists, babies and children i can’t imagine it
How could these nuns have done this …..they were women …..where was their compassion….SHAME
Imagine still believing in religion in 2021
All this in the name of religion 

What was the religious or general reasoning of separating the child from the mother? I think it’s all horrid bit why did they think separating mother and child was necessary?
Sick, disgusting total murder.
APOLOGIZED? Anti-abortion, yet condones secular shaming and hatred along with systemic murder of innocent children. I am ashamed to be Irish and Catholic for the first time ever and all you have to say is “Sorry”?
KACOU 3: 34 How can God condemn the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees and approve the teaching of a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist leader? How can He condemn people who base their faith on a book there and approve people who base their faith on a book on this side, an old book called the Bible? According to Matthew 16:5-12, the Lord Jesus Christ says that the teaching of the Pharisees and Saduccees is leaven. And how can He say that the teaching of the Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists and missions and ministries is the Word of God? How can He do that while He is the same yesterday, today and to the ages? www.philippekacou.org
11 Thank you! You do not understand how seven heavenly Angels can correspond to more than ten terrestrial messengers. But how can you thus explain that in Revelation 4 verse 7, there are four creatures that shall minister during the seven ages of the Church of the nations. If four creatures correspond to seven heavenly Angels then seven heavenly Angels will also correspond to as many terrestrial Angels as God will find it good to send. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen”]. Until He comes, there will be prophet messengers on the earth. And after me, there will be another prophet messenger on earth. But as for Salvation, keep in mind that God has at all times dealt by generation and not by age.
And to top it off the churches were for constructing tall ships
News from the Ministry of Truth itself!
The Irish state apologized.
10 The Bhagavad Gita is a spiritual book. Everything Krishna taught Arjuna at the battle of Kurukshetra are words revealed by a spirit. But the yogi he is talking about is the disciple of a living rasul. When a prophet or a rasul comes down on the earth, he comes down with an anointing which is different from the anointing that was on the prophets who preceded him. And this anointing will rest upon all the yogis or disciples who will walk with him to the eternal paradise that you call Nirvana. And when this Maharishi, this supreme yogi of Brahman, this avatar of Vishnu leaves the earth, his mission is over but his anointing remains to teach and lead all those that he knew on the earth. And one after the other, his disciples or yogis join him after their death. #Prophetkacouphilippe
An empire of evil?
Well if this doesn’t spell the end of the abomination of a following I dont know what does????????
Anything else the Catholic priests should be apologising for I wonder?
So many here trying to change the subject…that is that the Catholic church and most of Mainstream Religion is deplorable….God’s Kingdom will remove these false Religions and bring about a better world by means of God’s Son!
13 I, Kacou Philippe, slave of Jesus Christ,I will never let myself be distracted by the demonstration of a theologian, no matter how true that is. And when despite that they brandish a call and a commission and people follow that, I do not understand. How can an apostle have a call and a commission? How can an evangelist have a call and a commission? How can a church prophet or a teacher have a call and a commission? It is only the prophet messenger of the generation that God calls and then the prophet messenger chooses the apostles, the evangelists, the church prophets and the teachers with whom he will work. 14 Even in a nation, the ministers, it is a president who chooses them by his own authority. In the time of Moses, it was Moses who chose his priesthood according to Leviticus 8 and who consecrated them. And the priesthood of the Old Testament are the ministries of Ephesians 4:11 which are: apostle, evangelist, teacher and church prophet. Each prophet chose the ministries of his time. Jesus Christ chose the apostles of his time. John the Baptist chose the apostles of his time. Paul chose the apostles of his time. And today, you cannot be an apostle while the living prophet of your time has not chosen and established you. [Kc.3v39-40] [Kc.6v34-35] [Kc.15v4] [Kc.115v21] [Kc.118v33-36] www.philippekacou.org
Religion has done so much damage.
and I thought The Troubles killed a lot of people…
Religions are back on the menu at the Beeb! Not all religions though I bet.
This happens when people play GOD. They think GOD would sanction this and they start thinking for GOD. If these clergy wants to see what GOD thinks,they just have to look in to the life of Jesus. Oh this clergy!!,, still the descendents of high priest of Jeruselam lives on.
3 Revelation 16:13 says, “And I saw out of the mouth of the dragon, three impure spirits, as frogs.” Who are these three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13? Who are these three demons that roam over the earth? No man has ever revealed the true identity of these three demons as it is done for Revelation 17 which is the Roman Catholic church. 4 Thus, it was revealed to me by the Angel of 24 April 1993 that this satanic trinity as frogs is Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Revelation 16:13 says that they are spirits of dragons and of false prophets that are out to conquer the earth. Hinduism and Buddhism and all religions of the earth are also of the devil but the three spirits of frogs in Revelation 16:13 are: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. These three religions claim to be of Abraham. These three religions believe in Moses. These three religions do not believe in living prophets but each of them claims to be of a prophet whom it has not known. Each of them has its own holy book. And the three do not need a living prophet but they are waiting for the Messiah who is yet a prophet. They are the three spirits of frogs of Revelation 16:13. [Kc.1v10] [Kc.59v33] [Kc.113v10] [Kc.118v11] www.philippekacou.org
Promiscuity, extramarital affairs and bad conduct by women (and some men) should certainly be punished and deterred. That’s good. But it shouldn’t affect innocent children.
Wait. Rich and powerful people killing and abusing children and babies?? Couldn’t be! Where have I heard this before??
I don’t understand how the Catholic Church can survive this scandal ?
PROPHET KACOU PHILIPPE : Know that when you are born, all family and relatives’ blessings and curses from Adam down hang above you. But when you reach the age of consciousness, not the sorcerers but your first actions determine your choice. And the solution is to return first to God through his prophet according to 2 Chronicles 20:20. Seek Salvation first. And Salvation is only through the living prophet of your time. Not an angel, not a book called Bible or Quran. Not a prophet called Moses, Jesus of Nazareth or Mahomet. But the words of a living man amongst you. And you, whatever difficulties and sufferings that you are going through, first, know that the person to blame for all this is yourself. And in search for a solution, you shall not go to just any prophet and not just anyone should lay his hands on you. You shall never trade your Salvation for an ephemeral relief from Satan in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. In Genesis 50, Joseph asked that his bones should go up from Egypt with Prophet Moses. And you, if you are a chosen one, you must not die before you accept Kacou Philippe, the living prophet of your time.
How could this be a true religion?
Sick Sick Sick!!!
11 I have never seen a religious leader who is honest. They are not prophets but they have answers to all the questions. For example, if you ask a religious leader if it is normal for a woman to sell or give her uterus to a barren woman. Instead of telling you that only a prophet messenger can answer this question, he will say that he does not know. He can even try to answer if he is very wicked.
but it wont bring those baby’s back to there mothers will it by Apologizing ,the Catholic church as a lot of bad ideas and try to play mined games with people fear mongering them into doing wont the Catholic church wont’s of you , Christ he will be ASHAMED if he lived today
We did this to ourselves
Im suprised people still believe in religion in 2021
How does the Catholic church survive?
Ah religion. Come my children… Thank god I’m atheist…
Its ok everyone they seid sorry. Protest Now !
Postpartum abortions? BASED
10 For school competitions and studies, you are looking for annals, test booklets and documents outside of the teachings of your school. But for Heaven, you do not do that. And all the effort that you make day and night to have money and a better future on the earth, why don’t you also do the same for the paradise after your death? #PKPCHANNELTV #ProphetKacouPhilippe
Is the Church sorry or sorry they were found out
Were sorry….
No religion should force on people.
After 1600 years of tremendous abuses and atrocities it’s time for Catholicism to go the way if the dinosaurs.
No,YOUR CHURCH did that,,get it right…
People need to be jailed keep this going bbc rte wont cover it like yous they won’t even leave there comments turned on
Oh Catholics… The Mother Mary would be ashamed! But what’s new, right?
What a waste of time just pay up
15 A prophet is like a telephone. The words that you hear are not from himself. The telephone may be worthless and yet it can make the voice of the president of the republic heard. That is why you inhabitants of the earth, know that it is not me that you reject, but it is God that you reject. And you religious leaders, can a rabbi remain indifferent if he hears that there is a prophet in Israel? And in John 4, after the word of the Samaritan woman, did not all the rabbis run to the Lord Jesus? And I Kacou Philippe who speak to you, I am worthless before you and yet I am the door of the Heavens and the master of the harvest today. #ProphetKacouPhilippe
Sorry is not enough these people treated us like we were to blame for the doings of the father and the heat from these people to us well the Germans can hold there heads high people of God they say. My this god hated children and girls for we will always carry the scars so no sorry you can stick it where the sun don’t shine
I wonder what good has the catholic church done.
9 The Hebrew word for prophet is nabi and this word means: “spokesman” not miracles-bearer or anointing-bearer but spokesman. You see? The prophet messenger is the attribute and the manifestation of the Word of God for his generation. [Kc.60v24]
#prophetkacouphilippe10 For school competitions and studies, you are looking for annals, test booklets and documents outside of the teachings of your school. But for Heaven, you do not do that. And all the effort that you make day and night to have money and a better future on the earth, why don’t you also do the same for the paradise after your death?
37 Whoever rejects the preaching of Matthew 25:6 can only receive the spirit of divination as holy spirit! And I have presented to you again, Jesus Christ, whom you are crucifying. And what you are doing means: “Let his blood be on us and on our… www.philippekacou.org
14 What do men say that I am, I, Prophet Kacou Philippe? And you, who do you say that I am? I am the prophet sent to the Muslims; they rejected me but I did not take the sword against them. I am the prophet of the Catholics and the pope is my unfaithful servant. I am the prophet sent to the churches and to all the inhabitants of the earth but the inhabitants of the earth do not need a prophet. I am the powerful eagle, the great chief of the creation but only feathers despite all the good flesh of animals, because no animal of the earth raises a good prayer for me. Who I am, I, Prophet Kacou Philippe? Have all the great messengers who have come before me built the pyramid, age after age, for me to come and stand upon it?[Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Who is then the one who has received a so great grace? Truly, this one is the celestial door of the pyramid of ages whose base are the waters. But it is humbly by the underground door that mankind will meet me. You, proud Branhamists and you, men of the white race, and you, the great men of the earth, here is the ministry under the tent and you need to stoop down to enter the tent. Be humble, stoop down to enter the tent. Here is the ministry under the tent and you need to stoop down before this African. Stoop down before this little African. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. #prophetkacouphilippe #PKPCHANNELTV Www.philippekacou.org
So why were they killed, some sort of pedophile ring or?
Jesus was a lion… And I’m not disagreeing with you.. I believe… In fact… I know… Its that obvious…
Man impregnates the woman and then runs away
bbc the home of js time to reveal the whole cesspool
17 God says: my son, if you are a Christian, then who is your Prophet? But Satan says: my son, if you are a Christian, what church do you belong to? God says: “You, Baruch the son of Nerijah, who was your Prophet on earth?” Satan says: “You, Baruch the son of Nerijah, what church did you belong to on earth?” You see? Apollos was a Christian and he was the disciple of a living prophet called John the Baptist on earth! But you, if you are a Christian, who was your Prophet on earth then? Mary of Magdala was a Christian woman and she was the disciple of a living prophet called Jesus of Nazareth! She spoke with him, she ate with him, she walked with him, she cooked food for him! But you, who was your Prophet on earth? Timothy was a Christian on earth and he was the disciple of a living prophet called Paul of Tarsus! But you who say you are a Christian, who was your Prophet on earth? And at the judgment, you will answer this question. God will tell you: “Of all those that I sent on earth, which one was your Prophet?” 18 Notice that, whatever the country or the place of the world where the elect are, whatever their race or their language, they would give the name of the same prophet messenger if they lived in the same epoch! And in the eternity, in Heaven ask somebody who was his prophet on earth and according to his answer, you will know over which period of humanity he lived on earth. But look at hell and the sons of the devil and their churches! It is confusion! Ask a son of devil, which Prophet he followed on earth from Adam down to the end of the world, he will answer you: “No, I actually belonged to such a church… I was a Catholic and our parish church had the best choir “. You see? That’s a madman! Throw him in hell! See somebody with a Bible in his hand and ask him: Are you a Christian? If he answers: Yes, tell him, right but in this case, who is your Prophet? He will tell you: “No, I am not with a prophet but I am a Christian!” www.philippekacou.org
Should the prosecuted these nuns in the World Court Ireland Catholic church was a cold element
Wow … Unbelievable . They point to other country and religions for women and kids right . But their color is not clean either
21 If the book of a dead prophet could lead the people of God, After Moses God would not send prophets any more until the end of the world. If the serpent had not slept with Eve, there would be no Lutherans on earth. There would be no Methodists on earth. There would be no Branhamists on earth. It was an enemy who did that. And Matthew 13:24-30 says that they will be destroyed. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. After the ministry of Noah, drunkards, prostitutes, nightclubs managers and Tommy Osborn, Morris Cerrulo, Benny Hinn and all those struggled in the same rotten waters of gutters. [Ed:The congregation says: Amen!]. Others were praising and worshipping to Jesus of Nazareth when the flood invaded them. Others were in full anointing or in evangelisation! Others were in their fortieth day fasting and praying! And this is how things should occur when a prophet-messenger completes his mission! Do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah? When Lot and his group were getting out, fire was falling on great politicians and religious people of Sodom and Gomorrah. [Ed:The congregation says: Amen!]. #PKPCHANNELTV www.philippekacou.org #ProphetKacouPhilippe
#ProphetKacouPhilippe And see those prophets today, how rich they are! They are disguised fetish priests, without exception. The altars and high places of 2 Kings 17:29-31, the same altars of 1 Kings 11:5-7 have become churches, missions and ministries today. [Kc.15v11] [Kc.32v27-28] [Kc.40v9] [Kc.108v16] [Kc.116v9] [Kc.118v13]
God watching..
Yet the pope is taken seriously?….
8 And because of money, no one gives himself time for God. The golden calf has defeated the tables of the law. The nations and religions have become disciples and apostles of money. The most powerful god on earth is money. It is for money that mankind studies, thinks, travels, works, marries, fights, obeys and suffers. For money people despise, fight and kill one another. For money, man sacrifices his dignity and honour. It is in the name of money that one decides. 9 When one works, one preaches, one builds houses or establishes businesses, and if the goal is not to make the word of God reach every inhabitant of the earth, then that person is a disciple of money. And even in this Message, if a pastor or apostle uses God’s money inappropriately, it is his portion of Heaven that he receives. #ProphetKacouPhilippe
But they are proudly #prolife, right? Would rather have kids suffer and die and perpetuate cycles of abuse and mysery, than allow consentual, informed and safe abortions
28 There is no Christianity except in Hosea 12:14. Only a living prophet messenger leads to Salvation! You see? #pkpchaneltv #ProphetKacouPhilippe
Middle Eastern religions shrugs
Pearly gates 

This is terrible but not surprising, aside from this think of the woman who died in back street abortions or the new borne babies left to die in fields and alleyways by traumatised mothers with no one to turn to.
What religion is this
9000 what the fu**
10 This Message says that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. These three religions claim to be of Abraham. These three religions believe in Moses. These three religions do not believe in living prophets but each claims to be of a prophet that it did not know. Each of them has its own holy book. And all three are waiting for the Messiah. They are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. This Message says that they are the same demons that raised up Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Papa Wemba that have raised up, today, those Christian groups and singers like Tabitha Lemaire, Don Moen, Exo Eclats, Yolanda Adams and Celine Dion… [Kc.59v33] [Kc.113v10] [Kc.118v11] [Kc.131v4] #PKPCHANNELTV #ProphetKacouPhilippe
Where Doing God Jesus
then bbc was busy with?
4 Have you seen the imprint of all the Spirits of God in the book of Revelation? That’s it! But today I want to indicate the rapture in a general sense. According to the Bible, is it in the evening, at midnight, at the cock-crow or in the morning? And yet, the evening time has passed and the morning which Mark 13:35 talks about is the time of the visitation of Asia and the Arab nations. 7 Well. Revelation 12:14 says that the midnight Cry is given to the elect of such country … such country … such country to carry them into the dimension and the spirit of the Cry. And when the Message of midnight Cry reaches the last country and the last elect of the midnight Cry get in, then the messenger of the midnight Cry leaves the scene. And then the time of the midnight Cry passes and God sends another prophet on the earth with a new Message. 17 With the Hebrews, the day begins at six o’clock and ends at the cock-crow. The 24th hour corresponds to our five o’clock in the morning. And yet, which colour is the weather at the cock-crow? [Ed: some brothers say, “grey, ash, whitish black, …”] Amen! What is the skin colour between black Africa and the Jews? [Ed:some brothers say: “Mixed race! whitish black!”] Yes! In reality, it is a variation from the black to the white. I see that you understand. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Well, let’s move to something else. www.philippekacou.org
The Catholic church – Hell’s antechamber
No to forced or coerced vaccines.
I’m catholic. 

59 The Christian believes that God is a Christian and that everyone else will go to hell. The Hinduist believes that God is a Hinduist. The Buddhist believes that God is a Buddhist. The Arab believes that God is a Muslim and that everyone else will go to hell. And in 1998, the Arabs told black Muslim migrants in Libya: “You see, Moses and Judaism, it is for the Jews. Muhammad and Islam, it is for us the Arabs. The Quran is in Arabic. The prayers of Islam are in Arabic, and you, look at your skin, you are already burned. To which paradise will you go to with that?” #ProphetKacouPhilippe
They will rise when jesus returns

All christians should apologise
#PKPCHANELTV8 And because of money, no one gives himself time for God. The golden calf has defeated the tables of the law. The nations and religions have become disciples and apostles of money. The most powerful god on earth is money. It is for money that mankind studies, thinks, travels, works, marries, fights, obeys and suffers. For money people despise, fight and kill one another. For money, man sacrifices his dignity and honour. It is in the name of money that one decides.
God will ask on judgement day to all these innocent children who (are in heaven right now )who did this to them. And the evil devils priests and nun s will suffer even worse beyond the punishment they are receiving in the graves!! God is all ruler all fair in trail and judgement
I denounce my Catholicism! Bye Bye Pope F!
Its is very sad that thousand of innocent and angel babies sufferings in hands of human demons.as being catholic im so mad to the nun and priest who disguise as apostol of “God”but truly demons in heart,soul.they already listed in the book of hell.
It’ so horrible and sad. Poor women. Poor kids.
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