FULL EPISODE: ‘VeraCity: Unrepentant’ investigating abuse in the Canadian Catholic Church – Blog

Richard Cabesa
Incarcerate the enablers. The Catholic Church is iredeemable.
Here looking for stories on residential schools after the discovery of 215 dead children buried in Kamloops. So sad
Black Ice
The definition of evil: the catholic church
Shakil Mirza
I hope the victims featured in this documentary receive the support they need.
All darkness will be brought to the light…
Black Ice
Expose the guilty, and those responsible for covering up their crimes…and punish all of them.
Truth is rising.
quitina dewey
Even in early 2000’s father Dan would try to get my brothers to go fishing with him but our family already knew how they were.
Angelina Degelder
Why speak to the Pope? Is he any different?
TokesNation Propaganda Ministry
It might be impossible to be heard and helped by these holy men hiding behind the stone walls of the Vatican. But Jesus himself yearns to connect with these suffering victims. Jesus will always be accessible to them. Let’s all pray that these horrid priests don’t put people off Jesus.
Jason Mobley
Watchman Yahu brought me here…. Truly sad and unjust. Hoping the victims receive retribution.
Mary Cahill
I’ve been listening to these stories for 30 years. When will it end? When will superiors and bishops report rapes to police?
John West
most victims stay silent unfortunately
Generic Jesus
39:14 this guy is like a comical delusional trump follower…he’s too far gone. Did the captain of the Titanic ever abandon ship? The roman catholic church hit the iceberg DECADES AGO !! This guy should have fun IN JAIL with the ‘general population’
Carol Nicolet
God bless and help her I believe her May justice be served
Ne. Vs
Humans are in desperate NEED to acknowledge and separate their faith in GOD from their faith on these institutions, the so called organised religions … Faith in God should be absolutely separate from all these institutions and the capable who have created them, for only their own gain !!! God’s faith has no place, with all Atrocities within religions…sadly they WILL KEEP happening as long as we, the faithful, be allowing them to believe they have “ godly powers” over all of us ….It’s our choice !!!
Sonia Jones
Shame on them. They are evil
Stanley Kubrick
In the modern secular world, the ‘churches’ are our police forces – RCMP and municipal police forces and our justice system, these two institutions prop up each other in a symbiotic dance – this is called Nationalism and every country has it. Cops and judges continuously shuffle from location to location, district to district, not just as routine job descriptions but especially when controversial actions surface. What other professions other than policing exist where perpetrators of crimes get suspended with pay while under flimsy investigations?
Sophia Freebird
I keep watching shows on this topic and cannot fathom how anyone could look at those dear children and then violate their very souls. To survivors who are speaking out–bless you, dear ones, I’m so sorry for what you have suffered. Please continue the work you are doing to keep others safe from these horrible predator-priests.
Zenik Torres
Thanks for posting this. Absolutely heartbreaking. The whole of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Institution is criminal and corrupt from the very pinnacle to the very bottom and every remnant must be dismantled. This debauched catholic institution have powerful contacts in organised crime, in government, in corporations and in financial institutions. Everyone needs to stop giving money to this evil institution, and watch it start collapsing.
Carol Nicolet
Wake up Canada Do something now These children do not deserve your neglect
Walden Smith
Thanks for allowing me to share as a minister . Rev Walden Smith.
Walden Smith
Conviction will lead to Repentance . Repentance then to God will Lead to Forgiveness from God. Forgiveness from God will lead to Spiritual transformation of the CHurches Denominations Leaders Congregants and Nations.
Carol Nicolet
Wake up Stop misunderstanding You have responsibilities
starfire ooo
I will never trust the catholic church again…the church run by the good ole boys all dressed up in their wizard capes and goofy medieval hats kissing each other’s gold rings utterly disgust me..
Walden Smith
The Churches Denominations Leaders etc wil fail but God never fails. In the failure of Churches Defend nominations Leaders God is a Forgiving God when repentance occurs.
Gabriella Masini
As a child, brought up Roman Catholic, I always questioned the church and God. This documentary is one of the reasons why, and why I believe in science.
garry w
my channel you rather just cover ir up qwipe your hand clean like nothing happened
My Channel
City tv hates catholics….Catholics must be good