Downing Street Chief of Staff ‘shocked’ about ‘disrespect’ to cleaning staff – Blog

Pesky Mogwai
The most shocking part of all of this is the cleaning staff tried to tell them that the rest of us were making real sacrifices to follow the rules they implemented, and they were “disrespected”. And also how can the energy companies justify making billions in PROFITS whilst the rest of us are paying hundreds of pounds in increased energy bills?
It’s only a matter of time before one of them try this on somebody who’ll slap their face. Too many people view politicians as the dirt on the sole of their shoe. I’m one of them people and I would have no problem slapping the face of an MP in instant response to a direct insult.
Amos D
This can not be real. How can he make so much excuses? How can we trust them? Everyone works long hours. Whenever one is shock, they give incorrect interviews. Shock, shock and make changes.
Claudia Favero
I was so shocked that my friends came to dinner the other day when I invited them and we had a lovely dinner and a chat. Completely shocked. I have no idea how that happened. I must order an inquiry into it as soon as possible.
They are so pushing the line going from narcissistic lying behaviour to insanity.
Rowan Morsman
😂 If someone bullied the cleaner at my office I would sack them of the spot, and I work at a recruitment agency, possibly the lowest expectation for honor. This is the actual government
9:17 He hasn’t been getting the ;big calls’ – he didn’t see the cost of living while all these finance youtubers were warning about it 3 years ago. The ‘fastest growing economy in the G7’ was probably just as a result of all the inflation inflating companies profits
Beate Clausen
What a horrible person. Lying and making a fool of himself. Drag these people out of no 10.
d mccarthy
What a truly arrogant and contemptuous interview Barclays is completely contemptuous of the the public and contempt for the office .The tone of which is set by the egregious behaviour listed by Sue Gray. – Johnson made the rules and then he broke the rules it had made. It is strange the Abba Party was not even investigated, while a student was fined £10,000 and a Manchester nurse was fined £1000 for holding an open air, socially distanced protest against the 1% pay rise for NHS staff – “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. Animal Farm.
Erik Ten Hag
Absolutely Detestable!! These Arrogant MPs looking down on and thinking they are better than the people they SERVE! The character of these people is nothing more than COWARDLY!
John Russell
It’s hard to clean a room when it’s still full of partygoers.
They are always “shocked”. Reminds me of bank CEOs getting questioned in the US and pretending to be mentally challenged, while they actually think there’s no one smarter walking the Earth.
Ken Udale
hi how could he have changed his staff awhile ago and yet he says that he was shocked when he read sue Grey’s report yesterday at 10 am so he must have seen it before it was given to him other wise how did he know which staff to replace ?
There is more to come on this obscene issue. A responsible boss knows what is going on around him/her
Ian McAvoy
Commits all this crap and refusing yo resign shows the arrogance they have towards
They keep saying how intensively the staff were working… Doing what exactly? Ordering dodgy PPE?
Batsirai Chido Guti
Guess this is the new politics, may we survive this assault on honesty integrity decency that is also portrayed around the world. Truly sad.
Dominic Caccamo
Responsibility, but no accountability.
Izi coomber
What about the intentional destruction and damage done to the integrity and reputation of those titles? What about treating the janitor with the same amount of respect as the CEO? What about the damage to national reputation and risk to national security, especially during a time like now where corruptive individuals have free rein to corrupt, cause disfunction and prove to others the accessibility to un-scrupulous characters to cause damage to relevant vital functions, integrity and reputations? (Which can only be caused by those holding those positions abusing them)!
Neil Robson
Look at him, trailing round the TV studios mouthing this rubbish – in the hope that he might one day get his day at The Palace…..
Stephen Davies
Why is Kay Burley asking all the wrong questions? When he says people in Downing Street we’re working under immense pressure why doesn’t she ask about doctors and nurses that we’re working amongst diying people every day? I’m sure they were under more pressure. Were they drinking wine and having parties at the end of the day to say goodbye to a colleague? I doubt it.
Patricia O'reilly
Burley is a Hypocrite. She broke the rules out partying at a restaurant. Blackford describes the party 🥳 in Parliament yesterday was absolutely hilarious (Debauchery) broken swings. 🤣 over the top it sounded like a good night.
Christina Vuyk
Shocked my arse, they’ll all have been at it (been a cleaner in various locations so I know what I’m talking about) 🤨
Kai Uus
He has honour and doesn’t tell lies 😂 The English really have a fabulous sense of humour.
steven webb
So, I should just forget my mother died alone? Forget the sacrifice we all made during lockdown to ease the pressure on, Boris Johnson. I was a former operations manager in the care sector,, no previous HR investigations, no disciplinary action. These parties too place over months, months and we are expected to believe that? We are told Downing Street staff worked extremely hard. NEWSFLASH:! A huge majority of people work hard, two, three jobs to make ends met, no parties in the NHS, no parties were reported in the offices of key workers, seems to be just Downing Steet. His whiter than white Conservative colleagues cover for him and insult the countries intelligence, as they dodge questions and go on seemingly endless monologues to justify the events that took place. One rule for London, one rule for the rich, one rule for 5he conservatives.. The Hypocrisy, the lies, just another day in paradise…
Dougal Tolan
How (TF) didn’t the Chief of Staff already know about abuse of his charges? How come it’s only a public report into a completely separate matter that highlights what can only be a systemic abuse culture? Shoddy from top to bottom, especially the top.
Arty Innes
The elephant in the room is why weren’t all these MPs and civil servants frightened of catching COVID 19? Could it be they knew it was all a lie to get compliance?
Humanity First
That environment is his life and he is claiming he is shocked. Really? We are not shocked or surprised.
That’s why I don’t like parties. Cleaning afterwards is just nightmare.
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to discover an elitist attitude of staff in No 10, says elitist member of No 10.
adrian lloyd
Sounds like the civil service stables need to be mucked out alongside the political stables after this sort of behaviour in a government building.
Do these liars think we believe any of the lies this MP is spouting. Conservative party has just committed suicide. However, we don’t want labour or any of the other parties in parliament. We need to sweep the place clean and start again.
Further proves how far removed they are from real world and real people
Richard Morrow
Jail the lot of the lying thieves.
Danny C
Yeah that’s fair enough but what about the the disrespect to the thousands of people who weren’t allow to see loved ones dying in hospitals and care homes. How stupid is our PM to say he needed to say goodbye to a staff member leaving! He shouldn’t be collecting the trolleys in Asda!
Anish Chohan
He just seems happy that he ‘was sitting with the prime minister yesterday’, sycophant.
barry nathan
Uk democracy gone to the dogs! One rule for them and one for the rest of us……..
Michael Mouse
Berkley has a weird voice – he pronounces huge as ‘shuge’ (eh?), he flattens words (defnitly) & most importantly talks utter meaningless nonsense.
Larry de Larrabeiti
he apologised once he got caught!
Richard F
Wow He really does think we believe he’s BS
The Joker
Every person that sticks up for this should be gone morals dear chaps not lies privileged fools
Christopher Fynn
This sort of thing never happened in No.10 under any other PM. He must go.
Surprise surprise… Rotten to the core
Still lying and making excuses.
This will be the legacy of the PM.
Caroline Carberry
Boris and the Tories are all liar’s and they thought they would get away with it but it’s time for Boris to resign and all his greedy front bencher’s get rid of all Tories he partied with them all so stop sticking up for Boris they should all resign
Colin Green
We should have a new party aimed at some people , l suggest it be called ” THE GULLIBLES ” !
claudia figueiredo
I wounder when more pics come out how they will twist it again
Mike don
What comes to mind.. Arrogance
Boris Johnson should resign. The buck stops with him.
James Hart
I think I’m in the wrong profession. I need to get into politics… that’s where the party is🤣😂😅
Fee Amerie
Also did someone attack this guy with spray tan before the interview? Lytham st Anne’s are welcome to the knob.
Madme Smith
Lets vote these empty suits out (pay for play politicians) and start repairing the last 12 years of tory dictatorship.
Paul Fulton
Getting the big calls right what utter bollocks
Trevor Perry
Cynical so Cynical to bring out the cost cutting measures after to coin a phrase from them (Sue’s) damming report. Labour was asking for this months ago.
Kate Jackson
again w the he didnt know defense. that’s not a defense , if it were true it wud make him incompetent insulting t say it was such a tough workplace u cudnt tell. all night party’s arnt icu are they
Call the Queens Guard and have this guy dragged from No 10 please
Sukhbir Sekhon
I’m shocked that he’s shocked.
Joe Moore
Find it rather cynical and self righteous of Ms Frumpty Numpty waxing indignation when she herself broke the lockdown rules!
Julian Bones
And he slips out of it again
John Maguire
Waiting for the next photo dump😂
Edward Willis
I think bbc panorama needs investigating after the bile and lies on the party gate program were the people on there working for bbc or labour party
Heimi Henderson
@MichaelTakeMP · 18h #PMQS #SueGrayReport Mrs Ball our cleaner can be somewhat careless & haphazard in her cleaning practices. Sometimes giving her a reprimand and yes being rude to her spurs her on to clean more efficiently. Is Sue Gray & The Labour Party going to haul me over the coals for this?🤔
Who commissioned the report again?
Sukhbir Sekhon
Still on defensive mode.
Anish Chohan
170000+ deaths and rising fast, all the calls right, what?!?!(
Grandson little Billy
Grandson little billy is sickened by these revelations
Duck, dodge, weave and dodge.
Bojo ….needs to resign. ENOUGH NOW.
Yeah well shocked I’m sure
Mohammed Rizwan
Let’s Move On…..Brexit Got Done! LOL
Paul Fraser
Wow . . he looks really desperate .
Khal R
Times to go pm…..
Mikey Mouse
Yawn…..get a life……good old Teflon Boris
Nathan Mul
What job can ya drink in and get payed by peoples tax money. Criminal
YouTube viewer
Anyone behaving like that should be sacked
Jay Walker
They all have their fingers in the till too !🤬🤬🤬🇵🇸🇺🇦
maura nolan
He couldn’t care less all are liars
Let’s Enter-Qtain Channel
What happened to them weren’t they invited in the party lol?
Khal R
Pm….is brother of pm nawaz shrif…
Bernard Gooch
Two bye elections coming up. Should be fun !!!!!!!!
David Deacon
Today’s episode of real wives of Downing Street.
Zulu warrior
It looks look kay burley can no longer wear her very sexy pointy stiletto pumps Lol
john smith
Just another lickspittle
Bryan Clarke
No one’s buying this bs pal
Fiona Burnett
Basically 1 rule for them 1 rule for us they are to entitled tories it’s time to go
Khal R
People have no food in locdonw… is having fun….shame Shame on pm
Michel S
BoJo, please pack your bag and leave now.
Edward Willis
Is this the sky office Web page
baby cannis
Vote them all out at the next general elections including the Prime Minister. He’s no good if his house in not in order
Dean Howells
Kay Burley IS the ultimate HYPOCRITE ! 👎🇬🇧
Johnny reggae
Kay burley cannot talk about integrity
John Moore
Kay burley broke all the rules aswell getting tanked up with her friends then taking off when the media got there hands on it wtf have people got short memory loss Jesus man
Bob Davis
Hmm just what the world needs another fake news channel