Common Sense

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Unlock the power of common sense in everyday life.
Explore practical advice, insights, and tips for making smarter decisions.

1 Common Sense: A Compass for Justice

At its core, this website, Justice versus Conscience, is a call to reflect deeply on the essence of justice and its interplay with truth, fairness, and human dignity. Justice is often portrayed as an unerring principle, yet history and human error reveal its vulnerability to manipulation and failure.

The purpose of this website is to shed light on the fractures within justice systems, where truth is obscured, and fairness is compromised. From wrongful convictions to systemic failures, the site explores how justice can lose its way and the profound human cost of such missteps.

The pages here weave together philosophy, real-world cases, and metaphors that challenge us to reconsider what justice truly means. As Harvard Professor Michael Sandel reminds us, justice is not a static ideal but a living, human concept that must align with truth and conscience.

In the words of the quote at the heart of this page:

“Conscience must respect truth. The conscience will make false judgments when it fails to acknowledge the truth about things.”

This site invites you to join a dialogue – a search for accountability, fairness, and a deeper understanding of justice in all its complexity.

2 The Purpose and Meaning of the Website

The purpose of this website is to inspire deep thought, reflection, and inquiry into issues that cannot be ignored. It aims to explore the nature of justice, its limits, its flaws, and the human dimension of entities within the justice system. As human beings, we can become entangled in the wrongful application of justice, much like the blind men in the parable of “The Blind Leading the Blind.”

Such missteps disrupt and derail the very essence of justice. This is the Achilles’ heel that the website seeks to uncover.

The axiom that justice is inherently fair is often overshadowed by external influences, causing The Pendulum to Swing Too Far, with dire consequences.

Harvard Professor Michael Sandel, who has devoted his life to examining justice, outlines its boundaries as intrinsically linked to human existence. He approaches his subject not as a preacher but as a guide.

Rationally analyzing an issue from a detached perspective and with incomplete information often leads to confusion and harmful consequences. In contrast, when life’s realities become tangible, when dialogue and authenticity are prioritized, a healthier approach to justice emerges – one that aligns with the nature of life, unlike the reckless, callous methods we too often see.

The website draws analogies between justice, policing, and scientific fraud. It highlights the infamous case of Diederik Stapel, who fabricated data to advance his career.

Just as Stapel’s falsehoods shattered trust in science, judges can similarly undermine trust in justice by producing absurd, incongruous, and visibly unreliable judgments.

  • Examples abound on this site of situations where misplaced trust leads to outcomes that defy comprehension.
  • Consider the case of Liam Allan, who symbolizes what should never happen. A person of good character should not fall victim to a justice system’s egregious errors.
  • In Allan’s case, the system failed spectacularly.
  • Or take the example from Saint-Omer, Northern France, where 13 individuals spent four years in prison based on a fabricated story.
  • Such miscarriages of justice are intolerable.
  • Justice should never be reduced to a plaything, yet these failures happen far too often.

This compels us to question a justice system that goes catastrophically wrong for individuals who clearly do not belong in the categories to which they’ve been assigned.

In essence, when you are unjustly targeted by the justice system, nothing is as it should be.

Professor Sandel underscores the impossibility of this scenario in a fair society. We must pay attention to his insights.

  • The website’s page “Wrong Destination” uses an analogy to explain how justice can go astray.
  • Just as a flight from London to Düsseldorf might inexplicably land in Edinburgh, passengers are left baffled by an outcome no one expected.
  • Justice, like that flight, can become incongruous, unreliable, and absurd.

There is a red line that justice must never cross. Lies and truth cannot coexist; one cannot manipulate others with preposterous falsehoods and maintain integrity.

When justice focuses narrowly on a single derailed element without understanding the broader context, it isolates itself from the reality and natural rhythm of life. Such an approach is unreliable, senseless, and absurd.

The website also examines the phenomenon of “Keeping Up Appearances,” as portrayed by Patricia Routledge’s character Hyacinth Bouquet. This serves as a metaphor for the façade of perfection that conceals underlying flaws. The website explores various atypical issues stemming from flawed origins or events, such as:

These examples highlight the need for fairness and accountability. A basic tenet of justice is the existence of a point of contact to address errors, as outlined on this website.

This is the “dialogue of courtesy.”

When everyone recognizes that a grave injustice has occurred – brought about through deceit and contrary to the nature of the individual involved – the judiciary faces a serious problem.

Not every decision is correct, and not all information is accurate. Clear mistakes must be acknowledged and corrected.

This is the “dialogue of engagement.”

It is deeply problematic when justice is treated as untouchable, much like the historical abuses of power within the Catholic Church. Justice must remain accountable to those it serves.

Rik Devillé beschrijft zijn strijd tegen seksueel misbruik in de kerk

3 David Letterman Highlights the Absurdity of the Situation

David Letterman DESTROYS Trump on Live TV—Trump’s Meltdown Is UNREAL!


2 mrt 2025 #trump #donaldtrump #presidenttrump

David Letterman DESTROYS Trump on Live TV—Trump’s Meltdown Is UNREAL!

Breaking news: Trump’s ‘You’re fired!’ catchphrase backfires spectacularly. Turns out, he can’t use it on himself.

Letterman’s latest takedown of Trump is like watching a master chef prepare a gourmet meal of mockery. And trust me, you don’t want to miss a single bite of this delicious disaster.

As the text on this web page expresses, the goal of this website is to reflect on justice, using examples from this site where the justice system fails miserably. This is done in a style reminiscent of the well-known former late-night talk show host David Letterman, as seen in the video left: ‘David Letterman DESTROYS Trump’. At minute 10

Letterman is holding a mirror to the absurdity of it all.

Conscience is rooted in truth – the truth about mankind, law, and what is good and evil. Because truth is prior to conscience, conscience must respect truth. When fundamental truths are ignored, there is error in practical judgments. That is, the conscience will make false judgments when it fails to acknowledge the truth about things. Therefore….

Conscience must respect truth.
The conscience will make false judgments
when it fails to acknowledge the truth about things.

4 Top Lawyer Edward Henry K.C. in His Closing Statement

Post Office Inquiry: victims’ lawyer lambastes ‘Dickensian’ conduct of firm during closing statement

Below is the transcript of part of Mr. Henry’s closing statement.

Post Office scandal: former CEO admits evidence was false

Sir Wyn Williams, Chair of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

5 Post Office’s ‘Malignant Culture’ Destroyed Victims’ Lives, Inquiry Told

People were ruined, people were bankrupted, people were imprisoned – there were atrocious miscarriages of justice. People died.

The greatest horrors of the world – man’s cruelty to man – are not caused by monsters, malfunctions, or misfortune, but by those who claim to act in the name of good, enforcing a perverted vision of order that leaves no room for dissent. Cruelty has a human heart.

The truth is that this tragedy, as Mr. Beer has said, is not about an IT system. Horizon did not destroy the innocent. The malignant culture of the Post Office did.

The Post Office’s inveterate contempt for the Subpostmasters, its prejudice against them, its desire for absolute control over them – these were the incubators of these terrible events. The seeds of this tragedy lie in the misappropriation of Horizon as a weapon of domination.

Voltaire’s words come to mind: “Those who can make you believe absurdities will make you commit atrocities.”

The absurdity was the belief – cascading from the top down, from the Board and the Executive to the auditors and the investigators – that Horizon was incapable of generating shortfall errors. It was infallible. There were no bugs.

And when they were caught in that lie, they replaced it with a new mantra: “It was robust, with only a few minuscule exceptions or anomalies.”

The Subpostmasters’ plaintive cries for help were dismissed. They were stigmatized as troublemakers, incompetent, or dishonest. And then, they were isolated and silenced – with a lie.

“It’s you. It’s only you. You’re the only one complaining about a problem. There’s nothing wrong with the system.”

Such heartlessness came from the top. They did not listen because Horizon was not rolled out to make balancing easier for Subpostmasters, but as a means to annex their accounts, deprive them of all autonomy, and exert a degree of totalitarian control.

It was as if Horizon was its faithful spy for the Post Office – at every branch, at every counter – reporting everything back to HQ with unwavering accuracy. The annexation of their accounts, their denial of access to the underlying data, and ultimately, the removal of their right to challenge the figures was a modern form of corporate tyranny.

Horizon had become a false god. The atrocities that followed were the inevitable consequence of enforcing that dogma.

People were ruined.
People were bankrupted.
People were imprisoned.
There were atrocious miscarriages of justice.
People died.

Whether the board and the executive knew of these injustices from the start was an irrelevant diversion. They ought to have known or at the very least appreciated that by refusing to consider the possibility that Horizon might generate shortfall errors, they had created a terrible risk. It was a recipe for disaster.

By the time they realized that terrifying injustices had been inflicted in their name, they had a choice. But instead of facing the truth, they closed their minds and closed ranks around the system.

There was a culture of contempt. A culture of ridicule, and even hatred towards the Subpostmasters and their complaints. Former SPADs derided the Subpostmasters’ allegations as, quote, ‘the self-indulgence of a number of malcontents to the detriment of our customers.’ SPADs and others claimed that Subpostmasters had ‘lifestyle difficulties.’ So-called investigators boasted about retaining documents in breach of the Data Protection Act, supposedly to prove that, quote, ‘there’s no effing case for the justice of thieving Subpostmasters – they were all crooks.’

And of course, like all cultures, this prejudice was top-down. Paula Vennells piously professed her disagreement with the instincts of her predecessor, Alan Cook, when he said that ‘Subbies with their hands in the till choose to blame the system when they’re found short of cash.’ But in 2014, despite everything she then knew, Ms. Vennells wrote disdainfully, showing that she was more bored than outraged by the Subpostmasters’ complaints.

Those who lack interest – let alone curiosity – about the world beyond their own notions of order often lack compassion for others and become devoid of empathy. This attitude and prejudice typified the Board, the Executive, and even Whitehall during this dreadful epoch. It similarly applies to the lawyers, both internal and external, who enforced this corporate psychopathy with ingenuity, ruthless disregard for ethical norms, and even deceit.

This terrible story reflects badly on almost every aspect of our society and forces us to question everything we previously believed about Britain. But you appreciate this already, Sir, and I am conscious that addressing you now, at the end of years of evidence, is about as useful as me presuming to teach a dolphin how to swim.

You know your own mind, and it is not for me to tell you what to conclude or how to think. But you have asked this question more than once: Is the Post Office worth saving?

To answer that, I refer to another mammal: has the leopard changed its spots? Whether the Post Office is worth saving must depend on whether it has changed – or is its character, so often malignant and vindictive, immutable? What is the test, Sir? Compensation? Righting past wrongs? However belatedly is surely the yardstick by which you, Sir, shall judge whether the Post Office has truly reformed itself. Unfortunately, as you have seen, its handling of compensation tells you that the leopard has not changed its spots and remains both cunning and dangerous.

The way compensation is being conducted reveals that the Post Office’s reprehensible traits are not merely historic or confined to the past – they are very much alive and continue to poison the process. The Post Office’s dirty tricks persist, despite all its claims to the contrary, because the Post Office is not defined by what it says, but by what it does. And if we look at what it is doing now, the truth becomes clear.

Its technocratic demands for five expert medical reports concerning Janet Skinner’s disability reflect its adversarial, robotic disdain for its victims. Its heartless rejection of G. Ganon’s compensation claim mirrors the cruel humiliation inflicted upon her late husband. Her entire claim was dismissed on a technicality – a decision that echoes the very same approach you witnessed during the GLO Steering Group meeting on the 11th of September 2017.

In that meeting, three strategies were proposed to, I quote, ‘force the claims into a position where they give up or settle.’ One of these strategies was called ‘thinning the herd,’ which has a rather neat dehumanizing touch, does it not?

I quote from the document: ‘Thin the herd. We’ve identified various types of claimants who might face procedural problems that could lead to their claims being struck out – claimants who are dissolved companies, claimants who are bankrupt, or claimants who are deceased.’

The way the Post Office is treating G. Ganon today was foretold in this GLO document, which is now seven years old. They are still ‘thinning the herd.’

The mindset remains the same, and the Post Office continued ‘thinning the herd’ with its ludicrous demands for contemporaneous documents, did it not? This, despite knowing that it had locked Subpostmasters out of their own premises, denied them access to their own documents, and even shredded them.

The requirement for contemporaneous documents during the compensation process reveals that the Post Office will use any obstacle to evade, minimize, or delay proper restitution. It deliberately crafted this process just months after the Common Issues judgment, which had exposed its appallingly one-sided reverse burden of proof and its denial of documents to Subpostmasters.

The fact that it designed this process based on such demands for contemporaneous documents proves that it continues to manipulate with the same cynical intent cynically and offensively as ever. And you will not forget, sir, that it was Mr. Underwood who made that calculated suggestion concerning contemporaneous documents to limit applications. I will return to Mr. Underwood later in another context if I have time, but he typifies the mindset of manipulation – and that mindset remains the same.

The duplicitous arrogance that animated the aggressive litigation before Mr. Justice Fraser, before a jury at Guildford Crown Court in 2010, and before His Honour Judge Hay at a trial in 2006–2007 has now been superseded by a compensation process that is petty, fogging, legalistic, and cruelly slow—bogged down by attritional bureaucracy. Many claimants surrender, for that is what attrition does. You give up, you take the offer you’re given, and you do not settle for what you truly deserve.

People, as we have heard today, have died, and more will die without proper – let alone prompt – redress. They are worn down by schemes that are cynically devised and brutally operated. And so, therefore, some may take the cash – not because it is fair or full, but because they can no longer face the battle.

This is a demeaning process. Legal technicalities, devoid of merit, are taken up on a whim by the Post Office. You will have seen, in the codicil to our written submissions, reference to the grossly unmeritorious clawback ploy the Post Office attempted – one which Lord Dyson roundly rejected. These spurious claims were driven by the Post Office’s dictatorial belief in its own sense of entitlement. 

They believed they were entitled to claw back these modest sums – sums that the Subpostmasters had agreed upon among themselves and which had nothing to do with the Post Office. The mindset remains the same.

Was this not the very behavior described by Lord Justice Coulson when rejecting leave to appeal after the Common Issues judgment? He stated that the Post Office’s application – and I quote – “is founded on the premise that it was not obliged to treat its Subpostmasters with good faith and was instead entitled to treat them in capricious or arbitrary ways, which would not be unfamiliar to a mid-Victorian factory owner.”

That memorable phrase encapsulates not only the grotesque imbalance of power wielded by the Post Office but also its unshakable belief in its own entitlement.

Edward Henry KC represents a number of subpostmasters

How justice turns into a tool of oppression – discover the full story here

Justice: A Jungle Where the Innocent Become Prey

A Mother’s Sacrifice for Her Children’s School Fees

It Was My Mother Who Paid For My School Fees_A Short Inspirational Story

ATM Any Time Motivation Video in the form of short story tells that how parents sacrifice for their children. Story tells how a mother sacrifices for the school fees of her children. Video Also tells about Qualities of a Good Manager.

His tear fell as he did that.
It was the first time he noticed
that his mother’s hands
were so wrinkled,
and there were so many bruises in her hand.

A Short Candid Camera Clip on Every Page

At the bottom of each page, you’ll find a brief, one-and-a-half-minute candid camera clip.

Its purpose is to demonstrate how easily

people can be misled or fooled,

similar to how it’s done in court.

Baby Don’t Join The Army! – Throwback Thursday


French philosopher and author

Voltaire (born November 21, 1694, Paris, France—died May 30, 1778, Paris) was one of the greatest of all French writers.

Although only a few of his works are still read, he continues to be held in worldwide repute as a courageous crusader against tyranny, bigotry, and cruelty.

Through its critical capacity, wit, and satire, Voltaire’s work vigorously propagates an ideal of progress to which people of all nations have remained responsive. His long life spanned the last years of classicism and the eve of the revolutionary era, and during this age of transition his works and activities influenced the direction taken by European civilization.