CEO Paula Vennells in Tears at Post Office Inquiry Grilling

Paula Vennells cries and denies knowing Post Office was carrying out its own prosecutions

Page Description

Sam Stein KC has accused Ms Vennells at the inquiry of talking “absolute rubbish”.
By end of 2013 you could be in no doubt that Horizon needed investigation

Paula Vennels – Background
Worked 12 years in total for Post Office
Begin January 2007
Made CEO October 2010
Left CEO April 2019 more than 8 year CEO

Inquiry date Paul Vennells

Former boss claims IT executives and legal counsels let her down

Paula Vennells, the former chief executive of the Post Office, has identified five executives she blames for the Horizon scandal. This scandal involved the wrongful prosecution of hundreds of Post Office branch operators due to errors in the Horizon IT system, resulting in severe consequences including financial loss and suicide for some operators.

During her testimony, Vennells, who led the Post Office from 2012 to 2019, claimed she was misled by her senior staff and was overly trusting. She named IT executives Mike Young and Lesley Sewell, and legal counsels Susan Crichton, Chris Aujard, and Jane MacLeod as those who failed her. MacLeod has refused to attend the inquiry, now living in Australia, and is beyond the inquiry’s compulsion.

Vennells expressed regret for the actions taken against the operators, particularly the aggressive legal strategy to force settlements, which she questioned but felt constrained by the advice from her legal team.

She faced harsh criticism during the inquiry for her perceived lack of compassion and responsibility, with barristers accusing her of providing self-serving evidence. An email she wrote in 2014 about the scandal on BBC’s The One Show, in which she dismissed the outrage and mocked an accused operator, was read out, leading to a confrontation with the wrongly accused Jo Hamilton.

Vennells apologized, but Hamilton doubted the sincerity. The inquiry, monitored by the Met police and the Solicitors Regulation Authority, continues to investigate potential fraud and misconduct.

1 Fight tooth and nail

Idiom. To try very hard to get something you want. We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed. –

Cambridge Dictionary

Live: Paula Vennells gives final day of evidence at Post Office Horizon IT inquiry

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1 Paula Vennells breaks down during Post Office Inquiry questioning

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  IMPORTANT CONTENT  Listening recommended  Must ***

2 Ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells accused of talking ‘absolute rubbish’ as she breaks down in tears

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Educational: IMPORTANT

Sam Stein KC has accused ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells at the inquiry of talking “absolute rubbish”.

Paula Vennels former Chief Executive Officier of the Post Office.

Looking under the rock

Fight tooth and nail: to try very hard to get something you want.
We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed. Cambridge Dictionary

3 ‘This Is La-La Land Isn’t It?’ | Former Post Office Boss Paula Vennells Grilled At Horizon Inquiry

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24 mei 2024

Ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells has faced intense scrutiny from lawyers at the Post Office inquiry

On her third day of evidence at the inquiry, Ms Vennellls was grilled by Edward Henry KC, who represents several of the Post Office scandal victims.
Henry criticised Vennells’ testimony to the inquiry

‘This is la-la land, isn’t it?’, he says

4 Paula Vennells accused of ‘keeping a lid’ on Post Office scandal during grilling by victims’ lawyer

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5 ‘Post Office Inquiry: Paula Vennells breaks down as she’s accused of talking ‘absolute rubbish’

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6 ‘Absolute rubbish’: lawyer rejects Paula Vennells answer at Horizon IT inquiry

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Educatinal: essential to understand what is happening hier

2 No inkling’ convictions were unsafe despite Alan Bates email

In Dutch translation: Ondanks Alan Bates’ e-mail geen vermoeden dat het onterechte veroordelingen waren

1 Post Office boss Paula Vennells had ‘no inkling’ convictions were unsafe despite Alan Bates email

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2 “Nothing She Can Say To Redeem Herself” | Tearful Paula Vennells Admits Not Telling MPs Truth

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In Dutch translation: Ik heb net de bijlagen gelezen. Behalve dat ik ze erg verontrustend vind (ik daag iedereen uit om dat niet te vinden), ben ik nu nog beter geïnformeerd. Het formulier dat je hebt opgesteld is zeer nuttig, omdat het een deel van de emoties wegneemt en heel duidelijk de gebieden benadrukt die we moeten aanpakken en onderzoeken voor het mediationproces, waarvan ik hoop dat het voor sommige van deze mensen tot verwerking zal leiden. Zoals ik zei toen we spraken, neem ik dit zeer serieus…

3 Ordained Minister Paula Vennells and her hypocrisy.

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21 mei 2024

4 “Contempt They Had For Us!” Vennells Took Advice Not To Make Post Office ‘Front Page News’

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24 mei 2024

Talk’s Kevin O’Sullivan is joined by former subpostmaster Tim Brentnall, as Paula Vennells gave evidence for a second day at the Horizon IT inquiry.

The former Post Office boss grew emotional over questions which saw her become visibly upset on a number of occasions and break down in tears twice.

5 Post Office Inquiry: Chairman intervenes as public gallery scoffs

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6 Former Post Office Boss Paula Vennells Breaks Down in Tears at Inquiry

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7 Post Office Inquiry: Audience moan as Paula Vennells can’t recall key details | ITV News

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8 Former Post Office Boss accused of putting brand above investigation miscarriages of justice

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3 You can not say the dangerous dog has an arms length relationship with you…

9 Paula Vennells blamed ‘temptation’ of money in tills not IT system, Post Office inquiry hears

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10 Post Office scandal: former CEO admits evidence was false

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22 mei 2024

Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells has begun giving evidence at the Horizon inquiry.

The ex-CEO broke down in tears four times during her testimony.

Almost a thousand subpostmasters were wrongly prosecuted and many believe Ms Vennells was at the heart of an orchestrated cover-up.

But much of her defence today focused around shifting blame, and in her words, being too trusting.

Educational: IMPORTANT


Dangerous Dog

11 Post Office Inquiry: moment Paula Vennells cries as documents reveal her comments about postmasters

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12 Ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells cries while giving evidence

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13 Former Post Office boss breaks down at inquiry

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14 ‘I don’t believe a word’: Paula Vennells at the Post Office Inquiry

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4 Everything was taken away from me overnight

15 Post Office Scandal: what did top executive know?

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16 Post Office: Former executive accused of lying to inquiry

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17 Post Office executive warned of wrongful conviction six years before innocent man cleared | ITV News

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Is She Lying? At Post Office Inquiry Angela van den Bogerd is asked a question by Edward Henry KC

28 apr 2024

Is She Lying?

At the Post Office Inquiry Angela van den Bogerd is asked the question by Edward Henry KC on behalf of subpostmasters on whether she is Lying. She is not particularly credible and was lambasted at Court by the presiding Judge whilst attending some postmasters and mistresses criminal proceedings. You have to ask what sort of an establishment the Post Office is if it employs types like Angela van den Bogerd. I think Bogerd is Buggered


18 Smart Dog Drives Smart Car

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