Wow, what a great Minidocumentary! Not only the content is well made, the cinematography (especially the ending) is also excellent!
Fantastic film FT. I’ve always been interested in the vatican’s finances. This was a great watch.
As the Pope said, the fact that these obscure issues are being investigated is a sign that the new mechanisms are working. The Church is seriously reforming it’s image.
I really appreciate FT for this documentary….. I really enjoyed it and it was very informative
For such an institution, sourcing money is not much of an effort. Hence, they cannot feel how difficult it is for many to give their hard earned money to the church. Detached from such realities and without investment expertise, they become easy victims of criminals, both internal and external.
The best thing to do is to setup a private entity independent of vatican and where the investors are the donors and the vatican only requests money to fund current expenses, that way we can minimize the vatican using the money for their personal and go directly to expenditure and put management expertise on the funds dedicated to the vaticans cause. Right now when an entity makes a donation to the vatican, they dont have a say on where it goes the moment the fund is received by the vaticna
When a huge institution’s finances are managed by cleric amateurs, everything can occur. It’s time for specialists to be appointed.
Small wonder that Vatican finances played a huge role in the plot of Godfather Part III.
Would like the hear more details about the London property transaction specifically. How did they purchase a property that subsequently doubled in value and end up losing money on it?
As a retired CPA/Auditor/Finance/Banking professional (35yrs) and former Roman Catholic (first 20 years, nearly 73 now) I found the video interesting but not surprising. Large religious organizations are poorly run and often incorrigible the world over. The lack of adequate financial controls even extend to local churches. The roots of the Vatican’s corruptions are nearly two millennia old.
If the Vatican could reform finances as well as they could reform a trasero then I think no one would be poor. Thanks for the reporting.
Excellent report. Looking forward to the next chapter.
The vatican should just have their money in a global index fund like the ACWI. No need for individual money managers, little opportunity for corruption and mismanagement.
“Can the Vatican reform its finances?” -some guy in 1120
Am I the only one wondering why the Vatican is investing money randomly instead of improving on the general well being of those in need?
the Pope agreed to implement policies without my approval and this is why he needs to review this decision otherwise he knows the outcome, compromising would be beneficial to everyone while if you insist to control the entire project isn’t a wise decision
The church spent $4B closing sexual assault related cases in 2019
First of all, should the Vatican be an institution with focus on profit? The 350 millions they invested should be use to help people that don’t have something to eat.
“It seems in today’s world the power to absolve debt is greater than the power of forgiveness……. 600 million dollars”
Interesting video well done FT
Very good documentary.
If we can pressure countries to be transparent why can’t we pressure them

I guess if you’ve been collecting generous amounts of ‘donations’ for 2 thousand years from Kings and Peasants you would have built up an impressive collection of gold, real estate, and precious art. Losing a few billion is irrelevant.
I’ve no doubt they’ve since made up the loss through their other scams
Whataboutism is a weak argument, but seriously, the Vatican Bank is hardly the only one in need of some serious looking at, right? By definition, any bank based in London ought to have been given a close looking over.
This just proves how accurate The Young Pope was.
I feel like I just watched a documentary about a fortune 500 company and not a church.
As a proud Roman Catholic this makes me very sad and my heart aches for my beloved Catholic Church. 🙁
So they make a loss of £100 million and they decide to take it out of money intended to be given to the needy. Why not sell of some of their ridiculous assets?
Of course they could, and should. The catholic church is a business, as are other relgions. If they accept donations from believers in cash or credit card each and every church should give the donor a receipt for the amount and declare this income to the tax offices. As it stands they operate totally under the radar like mafias!
I imagine that the Vatican can absorbe a £100 million lost without breaking a sweat.
There’s a difference between secret and privacy.
Mormon Church in the US is so rich that they can end both food scarcity and homelessness in the country and still left $47 billion 


Kind of strange for holy men to be living in splendor when they preach modesty.
Things like these, could makes a lame South African like me to stop going to Church. It’s despondent not having to exhilarate in the house of the Lord with confidence that Leaders out there a trust worthy man. Nevertheless I will just keep the light of Christ, kindness, peace and love in our hearts burning and light the others.
So complicated that I’m none the wiser after watching this video lol
For the last several years, probably 7-8 years, my husband and I have stopped all tithing except to our local parish and it’s specific needs like insurance, building maintenance, parish charities, and local charities. We only tithe when we have good faith on where the money will go. Not one penny to anything Francis could possibly end up having his paws on.
Thank you FT

This is why I never donated any money to church anymore, I gave my money to people in needs (nursing home ot orphanage). Also, I usually gave them in form of foods, clothings, or rennovation money. I don’t give money in the form of real money.
Speaking both Italian and English is soooo handy 

Fascinating, but pls make the title cards longer than 8 seconds
Let us know your popeliness!!!! Sending love and hope all goes blessed!
I don’t care where the church is spending money in 2021, I want to know where the church was spending money in 1945
No wrongdoing all round ! Three Our Fathers , three Hail Marys and a Gloria , Amen .
Great demo of “money corrupts” surely if the church has spare money they don’t need they should be helping their parishioners in some way. There is a ww reaction against the mega rich but stand back and look at the papacy, I see no difference.
Great reporting!
Ahhhh London. This is the most London thing ever 

Archbishop Vigano started pealing back this curtain years ago, and is being chased around the world because he knows too much and is honest to a fault.
When i was in the dome of St. Peters, one could walk around from one side to the other. On one side was the public toward the river. I noticed people walking around in rags, pushing home made carts by hand, buildings with tile roofs collapsing and in need of repair, beggars on the streets. On the Vatican City side, there were lush manicured gardens with fountains and water falls, palm trees by the scores, blooming flowers everywhere, paved streets, people walking around in flowing white and red robes, a Cadillac Limousine driving toward the building and I thought to myself, how is this fair that on one side of this magnificent building there is such wealth and beauty and on the other side people are living in squalor and poverty, yet they give what little they have to help support the church!! It just didn’t seem fair to me!!! This was back in the late 60’s, has anything changed? Maybe this is how Donald tRUMP learned how to screw over AMERICAN BANKS and the IRS and the American tax paying public? Sounds very familiar from what is now coming to light in dozens of law suits and investigations against tRUMP.,!!!
I dont think so….Cardinal Pell tried but ended up in jail…later was release…but then theres the code of silence…
Isn’t leichtenstein also an absolute monarchy
Anybody interested in Vatican’s finance shenanigans find the book God’s Bankers by Gerald Posner. This video barely scratched the surface.
The Vatican is such an intriguing place. Full of mystery and Wonder.
Summary: Shock that the Catholic Church has acted the same way it has for the last two thousand years.
And this is why Cardinal Pell was got rid of, because he was getting too close to the truth.
The catholic church is not preparing his clergy for financial expertise but any others appreciate ways to deal with things or people.
I wonder how rich the Vatican is, 5 Trillion? Or more?
He was the best pope so far.
Sell some of the paintings you have and its solved. The Vatican isn’t exactly made of peanuts.
feels like the vatican did sponsor this video… Rome never changes
They should just put it all into $SPY.
“That money was just resting in my account…”
Casino Night at the Vatican is a blast!
If you repent of your sins to God and ask him to heal you , he will heal you.
Luxembourg is still an absolute Monarchy.
Please atleast upload 1080p full HD
In the Bible, Jesus went mad when he saw the house of worship had turned into a strip mall……. if you have been to Vatican, that’s exactly what it is……
It’s time to fall, release all the archives to public.
its been corrupt for a thousand years why would it change
Pope Francis is not just a Peacemaker with nations of the world, he is making things right in the Vatican, he is a gift from God! Pray for the Pope! <3
An organization run by geriatrics got scam? Imagine My shock
how about a church reform to stop enabling predatory behavior on little children first? then I’ll believe it can reform it’s finances too
The Vatican being an independent state has been a financial law unto itself. Pope Francis stated that if the Vatican Bank doesn’t clean up its act then it could face closure. If Pope Francis wishes to clean up the financial system then I believe he could make it subject to the Italian financial laws, oversight and jurisdiction. But that would mean giving up much of its independence which is long overdue. There is now no need for a Vatican sovereign state as no other Christian church to my knowledge has an independent state for their headquarters. The lack of regulatory oversight and jurisdiction makes such financial scandals, money laundering etc much easy to perpetrate than in other counties with comprehensive financial systems in place. Besides this the Vatican has also been allegedly used to hide priests facing criminal charges in other countries. It is high time the Vatican was stripped of its sovereign status and became a full part of Italy.
So, you’re telling me the Catholic church rather invests in the Men in Black Sequel than, let’s say, end world hunger?
Reading the books of the New Testament, we probably asked ourselves more than once: “Why 2000 years we do not see those miracles that accompanied the Сhurch of Christ in the I century, as described in the New Testament?” Why do the so-called preachers of Christ have to prove that Jesus really existed and atheists boldly deny the historicity or divine origin of Christ? Maybe because the Сhurch of Christ has not existed for 2000 years? The Сhurch does not exist in the form in which it is presented in the books of the New Testament, but there are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and other christian sects claiming to be the place of the Church, but they not have the only thing that distinguishes the divine from the human and is characteristic of just the Сhurch of Christ -the reinforcement of the word with signs, that is, miracles (Mark 16:15-20). Therefore, some researchers doubt the historicity of Christ, and some of them are not opposed to declaring him a an ordinary philosopher, teacher. But even if Jesus were an ordinary philosopher, his disciples would be ordinary followers of Jesus. And they would not dare to write about the miracles that not only Jesus, but also his disciples, could perform. If there were the Church in our time as described by the authors of the New Testament books, where miracles are performed, the sick are healed, where prophesied, and the dead are raised, no one would doubt the historicity of Christ. Then there would be the same controversy throughout the world as in the first century – Jesus the Son of God or the false prophet who seduces the world by miracles. As a result, we can say that the emergence and development of christian sects and atheism was the result of the fact that over the 2000 years the Сhurch of Christ did not exist. Find “The Mystery about the Church of Christ” video on YouTube, which shows the real causes of Christian sects and atheism. The video reveals a prophecy about the disappearance and reappearance of the Church of Christ before the end of the world. Watching this video will bring joy to all who sincerely seek God and will interest those who are not too lazy to think freely. Click on my name to watch the video (The video is in Russian, but English subtitles are included).
This will drag on and on and the people suspected of committing the said crime is still in office. No wonder the independent auditor was forced to resign. Just like all the molestation scandals that rock their church, this will also be swept under the rug in a few years. And no accountability will happen in the end.
They are running this business of religion for money for centuries. Religious people disagree with each other on almost every point, but for money, they all behave the same. Of course, there are some honest people, but generally, the game is the same in every leading religion of the world.
It goes way deeper than some coins on a Sunday. During centuries the church has collected tax on all riches in Europe (10%) Imagine the wealth that came from Venice, Portugal and Spain in the XV century. It has gathered huge amounts of properties all over the world too.
What do you expect from a church that sold salvation and hid the word(Bible) from the common people.
Vatican is proving, money is the God.
“Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.”
It’s disgraceful for this man to have so much money when there are so many poor people out there. I understand why many people believe he is a Satanist now
The Bible tells us that the king of the north (Papacy) have all the wealth in this world. This is the truth. In the book of Daniel chapter 11 verse 43 reads “But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.”
Pope John Paul I had this as a priority. See what happened next … The coincidences …
Perhaps if they weren’t so busy protecting child abusers and dealing with lawsuits because of their negligence, than maybe they wouldn’t have debt issues
I wonder can UK fix its Caribbean dirty money laundries? We really need FT to investigate City of London banksters activities.
Francis is not an outsider, he is a Jesuit. Certainly if there is corruption, like in any governing body, the righteous souls will be excluded from the schemes and punished for trying to end them. But to say he is an outsider when the majority of Popes have been Jesuits is a massive exaggeration. His public perception as an outsider is a carefully curated feature of western media that conveniently ignores his scorched earth policy on abortion and loves to water down his messages with terrible misinterpreted soundbites.
the catholic religion is the best, look at any city and just see who are the ones giving out food, clothes, shelter to those that need it, for free, i’m glad i’m catholic, amen
Catholic church has lost all benefit of the doubt.
If there is god, there is money. God and money are the two legs of religion.
The Roman catholic church has property that is priceless, do you understand How much money need to buy such property, there is no amount of money that can buy this property. That’s is being RICH.
Vatikan has to come clean sonehow with whatever financial sin is holding them down for over 50 years now.
All that money to escape purgatory have been stolen!! 

Ancient proverb “a fool and his money are soon parted”
Dame $350 Million and people are starving and selling their daughters or homeless with no water! I’m CONFUSED!!!!!!
half a bill just in one case so figure how much this guys are making in operations like this all the time
I would go with the pessimistic approach haha
“Transparency and higher moral standards”
say that to the Syro Malabar Catholic Church based out of Kerala in India! For that matter any ‘established’ church!

Its not a matter of can, its a matter of want.
Maybe they could sell 1 of the thousands priceless artefact they are sitting on once every 400 years.
appoint me and ill make sure the Vatican will weather this storm. some reforms will be needed, some people will have to be disciplined and let go. some will lose their posts and be reassigned.
Clickbait title. Good content.
Why does everyone think they are entitled to the Vatican money..? People give the money to the church for the glory of God… if you believe in God then you know that being poor is a blessing… I think…

You know when he said! About not whom you know! But what what you know about them, it’s a pit of vipers..
The only way transparency can be achieved in this world is not to have human being managing money!
Money is the best thing church can have, money is good to have and to smell and to sit on and to fold and money is good.
It’s all corruption
1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Go for leading Platforms of Auction anywhere in earth from East to West. Agents of St. Basilica will be there with uncountable amounts in wealth on be half of the name of holly trinity . Whether you accept that or not, yes that is the truth.
Where are the Medici’s when u need them??

too busy playing with kids. cost alot of money to run a human trafficking operation. even if you dont pay any taxes.
Now im lime why isn’t the pope being charged with racketeering with Joseph biden
LoL! Meanwhile, the church in the Philippines are making a killing with real estate.
Perhaps, only if he trains his people, put them to work and pay due taxes.
The answer is: no they can’t. It’s theire neverending sin! They have always been in troubles with money handling. Donating money to the clergy is not the same thing as donating directly to the poors.
it is requested to financial times to provide subtittles to the video
The Italians were running their cool side show until the argentine came and stating poking his nose in things. then it got steamy
Yet Another Reason, I’m happy I am athiest.
Only if they can find a way to stop paying lawyers to deal with their kid related crimes, which isn’t going to happen anytime soon. So… no.
welcome to the block, Pope
let’s cleanup this family together. 500k buy limit.

subtittles are missing
Financial corruption is the last problem they have…
what about rich church in USA ?
Remember the Pope’s banker hung under Blackfriars bridge? How did that happen, and it wasn’t suicide..
It’s not everyday you hear Lacrymosa in a Financial Times video
well it is no wonder after all reiigions are business too.
Wait wait waiiiit !!!!! They finance man in black movie

What’s to change? People are giving them tax free money and they spend it as they please for two millennia.
Can your queen do that?while heading so many tax heavens??
Can I buy stocks in the Catholic church?
The high sparrow 

It wants to sort out its pedro’s first.
idk did they pay off all of the silence yet?
The background music here could have been 100x better.
Itd be funny if those priests accidentaly invest in fifty shades of grey
Mark 8:36 36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
But a black Attorney General can launch an investigation into police misconduct for black people as I sitting here and im like why cant i press charges I wanna press charges on everyone including these doctors and NBC etc i wanna press charges so she completely ignornes me get on the ball for black people ? No the police are actually helping black people because their not filing real charges against them i wanna file charges against her as well
Don Vito just twitched in his grave.
What’s this”Roman Catholic”? It’s Catholic.
Please speak Latin. 

How Christian of you to notice. The money’s gone and you don’t prosecute the fraud/theft?
Then you’r certainly going to get liquidated in 90% of your trades. Yeah that’s the bitter truth. For a start you need a good and experienced hand to guide you or even manage your account while you copy the same trades Trust me, trading isn’t difficult as we see it. With the right information and guider you are sure to always place the right trade and make profit.
Those demons in human form will continue to have money as long as idiots continue to give them money! To all, I say this, DON’T GIVE THEM A PENNY, EVER AGAIN!
Keep cash out of religion.
The most powerful and dangerous cartel in the world!
Shut it down!!!!
We need to buy bitcoin and etherium. Maybe we already have it.
We need to buy bitcoin and etherium. Maybe we already have it.
Too many hands and fingers dipping into a really large pie… 

Pax vobiscum god bless the holy church
I believe that there is God but I don’t believe in church.
It’s important that we have the vatican.
So whats the update?
NO THEY ALL play with kids. The whole world knows.
Somebody has to skim a lil from the top oldest sin
And racketeering with these people
Maybe the Catholics should stop praying to Mary, give up all their worldly possessions (money and property) , and pick up the cross and follow Jesus. Maybe all the money and proceeds from property sale could go to the victims of the Catholic priesthood …….just sayin
Is that Ed guy British? It sounds like he is trying to be. #pillarpodcast
I hope that there is no crazy and stupid conspiracy theories about the Catholic Church in this comment section! Keep it sane everyone and stop bearing false witness against us!
so where is GOD in all this?
Can you make the god damn subtitles any fkn smaller?
Your tax right off
I need your help, and not just to light a little candle…
Ahhhh the crime family
Why does vatican have lots of money? There are lots of people need financial help.. why not the church do what jesus did?
Beciu brother is making money of that prime property
All thieves…
How can this dinosaur still exist?
the music at the end… lmao
That is so disgusting, cannot be more
It’s time to return 12000 tons of golds to the real owner; the pilipino people ; those items were fletched by late Pres.Ferdinand Edralin Marcos; apart what was deposited in U B S Zurich .
Useless video. What was the point? Some random quotes and no clear problem was presented.
Sure they can,lizards always reform!
Wanna reform your finances? Start by cutting back on the extravagant hats.
The Communist dialectic presented without alternative
Masculine toxicity and patriarchy at its best
Start at the beginning: Occam’s Razor The greatest story ever sold: Vespasian and Titus Flavius, Josephus, the Herods and the Alexanders: Ordo ab chao; Omnes viae Romam ducunt

What about those kids though
16:20 Whaaaaaaaat !
I used to eat my boogies in front of the world
Buongiorno ~
Catholic Church loves kids.
Î ÅM THE THIRD in line to rule Mother Earth having the powers of my two brothers Lord Lucifer-Leuzidarious (Ruler of Mother Earth) and Lord Christ (The High Priest of Mother Earth). A power source becoming ONE in me. A power source that one god after another and God Almighty approved. No in advance that already I’m making world changes without anyone knowing it is Î that implements my NWO of laws and policies through my spiritual powers. * Lord Lucifer represents all governments. * Lord Christ represents The Catholic Church Gods ancient church. My NWO of laws and policies will allow President Joe Biden to become the first setting president which will tie up America to how it’s been done in other countries for centuries. Laws our four fathers changed without Gods approval. This will be the first NWO of laws and policies the human race will first witness around the world. Trump assume it would be him that would change the world as the first setting President but not so. For only Î The Third your Supreme World KÎNG Leader can make this change and implement a first setting president in America. Trump Î compare to King Saul going ahead of what God order him to do. Trumps mission was to become a setting king president but not the case for Trump took his leadership in his own hands vs letting God Almighty guide him ignoring all signs from God and both parties. At the end we all witness Trumps true colors. Even the First Lady in secret reminded him that his radical behavior would be his worse failure and she was correct. He will never lead America The Great again. But one day in the future Î may consider opening the doors to his youngest son to lead as a setting President at the age of 50 years of age. Second NWO of laws and policies will be the unison of America, China, Russia and the Middle East and selective countries becoming the most powerful countries around the world all having setting President to respond to my leadership of Gods NWO of his laws and policies which Î his third in line will implement around the world through these countries of great power. My coming fourth is at hand. Soon every world leader will meet with me and move forward with my NWO of laws and policies that will become the goodness of my light to mankind and of the wild kingdom. (Every animal represents a human type of race away from Mother Earth). Ps: Î urge Nancy Pelosi to stay in office for one more term so that she can train her new arrival that will become in the future Pelosi legendary speaker of the house. Warmest regards, ALBIZIAN VASTICO Supreme World Leader
Pope is Sangoma
Be a muslim. It’s liberating.
The nuns are just as quility keeping silent and profiting fro other hard word let’s see you do hard labor and hard labor
wolves in sheep’s clothing. roma went amor.
1:52 All Nippon Airlines 787-9
Money and god lol the demon on the earth are broke
Russia donates most of its income to the vatican
Nope. They’re broke.
the cardinal looks like carlos ghosn
Someday someone is going to steal all their money and give it to the poor
midnight mass vibe
Post Scarcity is the solition
Can the Catholic Church reform its finances? Wrong question…rather than worrying about its financial bankruptcy. How about working on its moral bankruptcy…at least then it would have a purpose.
Sell a chalice and they will recoup their money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All you have to do is read one page of the bible to see that these people, the vatican are not Christians at all. The kind of anger and words Jesus had for people such as this in the bible is clear, the future of the church depends on Jesus not these wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Pope investing in MEN IN BLACK

Godfather III
Lovely religion Christianity innit
This music is really annoying.
pope stands on mercedes
Sacrificial lamp
MONEY MONEY MONEY – Has nothing to do with Christ – What a waste of space and time!!!
There has never throughout the whole of history been a better time to search for The Almighty Father God for it says in the Holy Bible Seek and you shalt find him.
Iudex ergo cum sedebit, / Quidquid latet apparebit, / Nil inultum remanebit.
RESTART seyed mohammad Hosseini حکم امسال صورتی دگر است!
So God sacrificed his own son to himself to save unborn souls from himself? And all these guys dressed as wizards are his emissaries. Got it.
Mafia church.
Jesus said that a rich man cannot enter heaven anymore than a camel can pass through a needle’s eye. Maybe the Vatican should sell their swag and give the money to the poor.
They absolutely can. Give it all away, and dissolve the institution.
The key to solve these problem is to release MARCOS GOLD’s interests, it is not only for fiipinoes but for the humanity
What are you doing with that money? Buying prime properties?? This is why you are loosing membership. You should be giving the money to charity
Why the effing music, why? Annoying, irritating, unnecessary and ridiculous. Music, the curse of You Tube.
Give all gems to poor people. Problem solved
And this children, is why you should never donate money to the church.
New Generation that doesn’t need religion.
They can try the Islamic finance model. Which is not a threat to the current global economic order, at the same time has successfully trouble shot enough to merge the modern means with ancient principles
It is all about MONEY and POWER behind that veil of religion. The very antithesis of Christian doctrine
church: (does anything) me: As a gay person that’s been called sinner and abomination all I can say is… I don’t care. no one: me: My advice, maybe some taxes.

The evil emperor and the evil empire is the Catholic church.
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