I am reminded of a quote that says, “Money flows to those who manage it well.”
” You keep buying things you dont need, you’ll eventually be selling things you do need” – Warren Buffett
“The one thing money cannot buy … is taste.”
Here’s the secret, folks…. “absolutely nothing truly worth having in life can be bought. Nothing. Everything that is of genuine worth is a gift” Nietszche. The joyful science. Think about it. He is absolutely right. Stuff without taste is ghastly beyond words. As perfectly demonstrated in this documentary
It seems like such a lonely life
.. not sure why so many idolize the super wealthy, when so many of their lives are shallow and lonely.

I know money can’t buy happiness but I would rather cry in a Buggati rather then a bus
I have a friend who has 27 residences, each one makes money for him. He has estates that are farms, horse farms and other’s are used fro weddings and other activities. Each residence makes money for him. His home is located in Sardegna and it is not over the top and is located in a small village. He is extremely humble and very kind to everyone.
What I don’t understand is how these properties maintain their value when only a very limited number of buyers could afford them. And what keeps those limited number of buyers from building their own custom home? Houses in my neighborhood that go for over 2mil stay on the market for over 100 days. Meanwhile, homes between 400-600k are flying off the shelf like hotcakes.
Considering this is more on the „lifestyle“ side of documentaries, them also being at least partially critical of class separation is pretty amazing.
A 2020 documentary uploaded in 2018, incredible.
This is a wonderfully insightful documentary.
Nothing is wrong with being very rich…it is the LOVE of money which is the root of evil. There are very wealthy ppl who live easy going lives & have very humble simplistic personalities…they ensure their staff/emoloyees are well taken care of.
I absolutely love and feel the luckiest in the world to live in my $117,000 house !!!
I watched this video several times. Thanks for making it. It is enlightening. Bravo !
If these wealthy people who love to show off so much, really knew how other people don’t give a shit about their super-homes and cars and toys – they’d probably be very disappointed. I can’t think of anything lonelier than rattling around by myself in a 30,000 sq. ft. “home”. The amount of greed and self-love that is needed to maintain that image is very unappealing to be around. I am much more impressed by someone living in a one-room 500 sq. ft. apartment and donating their money to charities. There is only so much money one person can spend on themselves, and they certainly can’t take it with them.
I wouldn’t mind being a maid in a home no one lives in. How do I get a job like that
“I have houses in five countries — and lots of cars to play with — but I’m certainly not super-rich.” Okay, then.
This whole video is awesome, thank you all for making this video, it really helped me have a wonderful day and time, thank you again, Billionaires and all there employees, film crew and all.
I’m one of the lucky ones, I have learned a very important lesson in my 57 years. You can have everything that money can buy. But if you don’t have someone who truly loves you, and wants to spend time with you. It’s just glittery, empty toys, and your home is cold and lonely!
I remember seeing this when it first aired… and you have so many emotions as a mere plebeian, on one hand I would absolutely love to be rich… (wealthy is another class) but i mean what they scoff at you know like have 8-10 million dollars, would be enough to change the life of my family forever especially since I would be flipping real estate on a much smaller scale of course.. and then the other hand you realize.. what a waste and what sad and meaningless existence it is to simply be collecting things you can’t take with you into the grave.. cars homes yachts.. they all mean nothing when your dirt… so i guess what are you actually doing other than being self absorbed, increasingly unaware, and completely driven by trying to impress someone else????? With all the poverty, hell with just regular people struggling to make ends meet who aren’t classified as poor, it seems like my soul would be more into actually helping people who have less than I do if I were to ever reach that status. I don’t think i can hate on the wealthy, although some of them are truly evil (Koch Brothers etc) but i also don’t admire or put them on a pedestal, they sacrifice things most people could not all in the name of “luxury” or “success” and i personally cannot hate on someone who takes that path even if most of them do it off of the backs of the poor. I guess i’m just not pyschologically capable of living in a 25,000 sq ft mansion and not being able to act as if im special or better than someone else.. i guess id be a philanthropist helping single parents, abused kids, feeding the homeless retraining people who have left prison, helping veterans, fighting for the demeaned and belittled in our society… holy shit.. i just realized why ill never be “elite” lol
May we all feel a little better for our lives than the aged, poor and homeless
A cousin bought a house on a lake from a rich family. After the sale, they handed the key to our cousins When they went to the house, they had left dishes, clothes, etc, a pontoon boat and I think 2 jet skis. They did not expect all that but of course they did not turn it down either.
“Obviously everyone has to have an art store” 

When capital is fetishized to the extent that it is used as the means of production we are truly in late state capitalism. Love the look at wealth!
This is incredible, all of this is really going on, wow!
In the end, the money comes back to the public as houses have to be build, maintained and serviced. This means employing people who make their living and pay taxes. Money doesn’t dissapear.
I’d love a billionaire’s ridiculous empty life for myself. Wouldn’t mind it a bit!
Okay the “Own entrance to the district line platform was funny.”

3:25 The cinema room is used to simulate “going to the movies”, with the comfort and privacy that one doesn’t experience when going to a real cinema. All the family get together, including extended members and very close friends. It’s usually a designated night, “cinema night”, perhaps a Friday night. Depending on the style of seating and size of room, it can also be used for the whole family to participate in “active” video games – tennis, snowboarding, ski racing etc.
P.S. Media/Cinema rooms are not the sole preserve of billionaires!

If I had money, I would have 1 home because that would be all I would want to keep up with. Anywhere else I wanted to go, you can always find places to stay in for visits. And I would never want something so big that I had to hire a full time staff to keep it up. Less is better and travel would be what I would do.
“I have five homes in four countries. I’m certainly not super rich but I have this little collection of homes” gags What a joke.
I feel sorry for the neighbors who have to listen to all that construction for a few years then the one lady had cracks in her walls
The truly wealthy don’t spend money. They exchange cash and non-cash assets. In reality, they can be quite cheap when it comes to actually spending money that doesn’t produce a return.
Multi millionaire: “i’m certainly not super rich”
I love this show so much.. Yes, Real Estate is important…
This is inspiration but I wouldn’t want to be lonely living like this, it’s beautiful
When I was a kid, my folks took me to Monaco, we were stationed at Aviano from ’69-’73. The ocean there was not what I expected. No sand, just gravel, water was clear, I saw a big turd floating by me with an air bubble in it. I could see a deflated beach ball on the bottom of the ocean. I was not real impressed with the place.
they still face the same issues of finding a for “filling life.” After a certain amount of years doing what they do, it must get boring.

I cannot wait for my Financial Wealth to manifest 

How sad that there are so many people wasting resources to fill something within that can never be satisfied by material accumulation. Instead, try actually doing something directly for people in need or sharing your talents directly with others. Certainly, that would be much more authentically satisfying….. helping to spread happiness and security to many more people than just you and your closest relatives.
I wish I could see the “family” townhouse all completed.
Love the estate agents comments, London will be expanding ghetto of millionaires and one place had more butterflies than people around it because of the budleia growing around it! . The old Philanthropist if any still around should teach new money what philanthropy is about. If they all got together in UK and supported the NHS all problems would be solved as their servants need healthcare to which they do not always contribute. Ultimately inequality breeds contempt and does any government question where the money comes from like they do to me if I want to withdraw 1k from my account! These crazy lifestyles should be reviewed by people with intelligence rather than just money. Most property in London is financed from money stolen from counteries full of corruption. They come to London knowing our legal system is equally corrupt to protect them in their exile here where they set up bogus banks and everyone knows the history of UK banks. Which billionare wants someone elses 20 year anything as they change wives and partners at a drop of a hat and have not respect for antiquity. Great video thanks for sharing.
Stately homes. Beautiful. Anyone would love to live as such.
“I like to call them Embassy’s” Drake: Damn Right.
Money isn’t evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
The irony is that everyone’s graves will be the same size, and each of us will be judged by our deeds, not the size of our homes – but the size of the belief in our hearts.
I lived in a huge mansion with a girlfriend for about ten years. We only used the master bedroom, the kitchen, dining living room area and a bath. The rest of the house was basically closed off, collected dust.
I’d like to be that real estate agent, he seems to have the best life of all ha!
As the saying goes “If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people who have it” – money surely doesn’t mean taste or class as is clearly seen in this documentary.
Ultra high quality homes and an ultra low quality video. I thought my reading glasses were dirty
Bob Marley said ‘Some people are so poor all they have is money’.
“as fine a house as you’ll ever see any where in this town” SPLENDID.
Speaking as a homeowner and an investor, I doubt if these buildings are going to appreciate.
26 people own more, than 3.8 billion people on Earth. For those, living creatures, not much has changed since one man acquired wealth by selling another, for 30 pieces of silver.
The cinema is for when you get the finished movie that you financed before it hits theaters, then you can invite your slightly less rich friends over to see how well connected you are.
Multi millionaire: “i’m certainly not super rich”
To put it simply and succinctly, what goes up, must come down.
Fresh flowers is an Elton John “thing” which is why he was put on a budget of $10 million per month about a decade ago in order to curb overspending… on fresh flowers for all of his estates and homes! Sir Elton’s net worth in 2019 is valued at US$450 Million which is a laff because, all things considered, apart from his pop music catalogue with Bernie Taupin (lyricist), Elton has other productions in collaboration with Tim Rice such as The Lion King franchise (film/theater), AIDA and Billy Elliot, in addition to revenues from his residency in Las Vegas which recently ended. Currently, Elton is on a Farewell Tour, one would suppose, because he has vowed never to perform in large arena venues again after age 72 haha (Elton just turned 72 on 25 March 2019)… “so goodbye, Yellow Brick Road…”
Yes, most of these places are garish as hell, and yes, the whole program of manic mansion building is incredibly selfish and wasteful, but the thing that I’m most struck by is the almost desperate pursuit of a thing never attained. The hunger that these people feel will never, ever stop gnawing away at them. It’s all very sad.
If they paid me, I would make a great addition to their intellectual life. I would be a great tutor in casual conversation to the extent they are curious to be informed of a lot of stuff and do not feel inadequate for living in a small echo chamber. From history to religion to all the fascinating morsel of knowledge, it would all be there. A person is incomplete so long as he carries an empty head and an empty heart. Obviously, these people have done have done well with their time.
Once I win the powerball, I’m going to Monaco! But in all seriousness, all the rich kids I knew are dreadful adults. The kids from nothing make good and work themselves to death or disability by 45 to 50.
Very interesting. I wonder if all of these luxury homes, have Mortgages or do they use their own funds?
being the “new guy “ is exciting I can see the appeal of wanting to keep being the mysterious one

Collecting and hoarding all the best places and not using them is just wasteful.
Having a house where people just waste putting out flowers and getting your cars ready just in case you may one day show up, really is a waste. But guess it keeps people employed though? At least the employees get to enjoy the flowers and clean home? They might as well own it.
So glad to see good old London topping the popularity pole.. Have an attitude of wealth and it will flow to you..
Interestingly enough this hit piece on the uber wealthy failed to mention the vast sums of money spent on architects, designers, project managers, craftsmen, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, plasterers, labourers and all the others who contribute to the project. To say nothing of the suppliers, VAT contributions, and the myriad of other economic activity that goes along with it. Great PR piece by the ‘not in my backyard’ crowd of horrible London lefties and their ilk who should be more mindful of the increase in their property values.
Beautiful. One day I’ll have a nice estate like these.
Hilarious! @ 10:15 we see The Venetian Palace which resembles absolutely nothing in Venice. But I do see some modest paintings of Venice in the front hall. By 2018, the date of this video, and 2 years into the Trump presidency it became obvious that it takes neither brains nor sophistication to become a billionaire.
Everyone seems totally disgusted by great displays of the filthy rich and how that reflects on the masses of human beings. But what is even worse to me is the destruction other beautiful creatures that we are suppose to be sharing this planet with. I’d like to hear if these mega wealthy people do anything at all towards honoring and valuing plant and animal life.
The most incredible house in the world can’t make you happy. The loneliest people live in palaces.
Thanks for this great higres content. I could hardly detect a pixel. Picture perfect.
Thank you for making this video.
People with employees.
that is aweful for thee victims of iceberg housing.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
How can you relate to people like that? Their lifestyle is completely unreal
I wonder if all that wealth can keep you safe from this horrifying virus going around?
Alexander needs to exercise some humility, but then again, he’s a real estate agent
That’s exactly the way it is, its all tradable!! So much free cash in this world today.
This video misses the point: there is only one (1) ‘Billionaire’s Row’, it is just behind Kensington Palace in London.
The quality of this video is brilliant 

“you can’t buy life” Bob Marley’s last words,
Sad to buy a home and cause damage to another’s property then disappear. That just got right.
The narrator has such a smooth voice. Could listen all day.
OMG 33,000 sq feet of living space? Geez us I have 33,000 sq feet total but my front and back yards are big but I only have 4,500 sq feet of living space 33,000 is just ridiculous! That’s not a house that’s a freaking mausoleum. 

For some reason, I see all of this business ending badly…
Don’t get me wrong.. amazing properties, as the old saying goes.. you can’t take it all to the grave
I was looking for some interior design inspiration. But this was the saddest thing to watch ever.
To be honest, I was never impressed by someone else’s money……and less so about these multi-billionaires that have so much money they don’t know how to spend it…I assume it never pass their minds that “sharing” some of their wealth could be a nice, rewarding way to do it, instead of a house with 2 or 3 swimming pools, or fresh flowers in all 10 houses they never visit…etc….most of what I saw in this video was frankly vulgar….and I do have money and 3 houses in different countries, but on a more “normal” level…..and yes, I do contribute to many organizations….I’m pretty sure that many of those extravagant billionaires deny a raise to their employees without thinking twice…
Money can buy happiness, it’s when you have to much money that it starts to become a source of sadness
yes education is a weapon.
London in particular is rapidly becoming a billionaire property ghetto. The buyers are all overseas investors of the type referred to in this video; they traverse the globe in their endeavours of tax avoidance never staying in one place long enough to pay any. The UK is exceptionally lenient and accepting of this behaviour.
At least the vacant properties mean less traffic. I like that.
This is mud in the eyes of the honest and hardworking who are wasting their lives working for food and shelter. It is important to be rich,vulgar and learn to ignore all humanity. Moral: Become a legal criminal to get on this gravy train
I mean obviously everyone needs to have an art store 

15 minute walk from any of these houses and there’s people begging for change sleeping ruff. Our society at it’s finest
Ah… lifestyles of the “way to wealthy, so I will just bribe Congressmen to lower my taxes at middle class expense.” Seriously, how can anyone be too rich to have a life? If you have never lived in one or your houses, you need to spend some cash helping others.
I don’t see how this is legal. Like, surely those that CAUSED damage to others homes is responsible for fixing their homes?! These poor people. I’d go insane!
I’m making myself into one of those entrepreneurs right now
Work before Glory. Respect the Hustle.
Also, one will not become embarrassingly without funds by wagering that a substantial amount of contractors invoices for payment will go without any remittance by the owners!
Is the way life must be for those who think differently from the media
I’ll gladly take their money, put half in the bank, give the other half away to charity, and stay here in my comfy, laid back, worn in all the right places, but clean two bedroom house with my wife and cat. I wonder if these people realize how empty they really are. I don’t envy them, I feel sorry for them.
All this while a housing crisis rages for the lower and middle classes.
Interesting that all the dealers, designers and brokers seem to disdain the super rich and their lifestyles and demands
Beautiful residences ! If you have the money why not have more comforts and healthy additions like swimming pools to keep healthy ,live, have fun. Good for them. All those neighbours were having their own comforts ,they were not living in a tent ! You did feel sorry for the neighbours who suffered from foreign cowboy builders. The issue of foreign cowboy builders is due to the social utter contempt shown to qualified trades men ! It use to take 6 to 7years to learn a trade and now the ideots in government cut the training and encourage Cowboy activity! The tragedy of Kensington towers is a classic example! Many other examples elsewhere in the UK exist.
Pity is what I feel for this people. Do they know that they can’t get his money when they die
Investing in crypto now is very cool especially with the current rise in the market now
How sad. All this wealth for a few super rich, and the poor get poorer.
Moral of the story, be born super rich and you will be ok.
Those poor neighbours who were left with a broken home and a $350,000 pound quote to rectify! I wonder where they’re at now. Hopefully it’s been sorted out since this video was created.
So pretty much it’s a racket where everything is over valued to avoid paying taxes?
The neighbors of those rich selfish A-holes, should file a class action lawsuit against the owner & his contractor, for damages. That would help create new laws protecting existing properties.
one has to consider that the actual price of a real estate property includes the care and repairing charges, not only the selling price; it comes to far more than double the price in certain cases, especially if there’s a park or a forest around. definitely out of reach.
I had a billionaire client once.. ($14 billion) When he left the room every member of his permanent staff talked about what a total Arsehole he was.
All I can say is we’re only here for a very short time and you can’t take any of it with you
Having loads of money has been the American dream forever. I would get so bored living this way. This is a luxury vacation to me, not a home.
“Very good art” – picture of a deformed beetle a 5 year old could’ve drawn
I like how these “agents” think they are good all you gotta do is show the most expensive properties to your super wealthy clients it’s pretty brainless work.
Very interesting reading this toxic comments section.Pathetic how many people rush to judge” the billionaires”based on a few incidents in one city, but have never even met a billionaire.My perspective is somewhat less jaded as I am friends with a couple of billionaires as well as a handful of multi-millionaires. Most are loving fathers and husbands, HUGE contributors to charities, and generally highly educated and very likable people.Very unlike the super-rich described in this video.I am quite sure these “financial aristocrats” do exist but that doesn’t exemplify the lifestyle of all of the ultra-wealthy.My hometown(Houston,Texas) was devastated by a hurricane in 2017 and we worked along side some of the wealthiest people in Houston loading trucks and handing out food and supplies,and yes,the rich people were doing the manual labor with us as well as providing much of the food, supplies and money that we distributed. Several of my ultra-wealthy friends volunteer at inner city homeless shelters (which they also bankroll) and are on a first name basis with many of the clients.Before passing judgement on a complete class of people, please be honest with yourself about what YOU do tho help those less fortunate.If you have a computer to read this on and electricity to run it then I can guarantee you there as some in your city with much less than you have.That being said, please note that I am not a multi-millionaire or even close to it…
Does anyone know where I can find this in better quality?
I worked in Belgrave Square, it is astonishingly grand and rich there
I live with my parents. We are all struggling. I do buy luxury items but not crazy stuff like in this video.
it is mind blowing, especially you came here right after watching documentaries about homeless people.
I feel bad for the “rich” people. Very pathetic and saddening to see them fill voids in their lives with inanimate objects.
“They have everything they could want ~ but they don’t actually have a life” ~ STUFF keeps you far too busy to have a life!
“Up here is more for the wives and the families, so I’ve probably given away that its Middle East” LOL
When investment capital out-earns a society’s growth in overall wealth — as measured by gross domestic product — it means democracy has failed and oligarchy has replaced it. Case in point: the USA.
Money doesn’t make you happy, either does being broke
Damn, I’m just happy to be planning to move somewhere with a garden this summer 

I’d love to be the driver or handyman for one of those unoccupied houses. In fact I’d do both.
Usually people that say money can’t buy happiness had never had to struggle day to day and have lived with wedge all their lives…
When you are ultra rich , all you want is ” the size matter “
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