His energy is beyond words. No matter the age; his energy and his outlook in life is an amazing thing to have. Well done 

So proud of Aneesh. He’s an inspiration to the world. At this young age he understands nature conservation. More Power to him and may God bless him

Such a charming, well mannered, intelligent young man delivering a sensible message. If everyone was like Aneeshwar, the world would be a better place.
Indians no matter where they live, how they speak… They always make us pride….
When this young man started to narrate his poem, I felt calmness and listened in every word that he said what a beautiful voice and message. Love this awesome kid

️. Wish him all the best in life

This is more than an audition. This is the voice every young generation year after year keeps crying.

This was a message we all needed to hear. This child was on the money..
For about 11 years I have believed I had no emotions, then this little fella made me cry my eyes out
Bless those parents who bring up their children with awareness right from the get-go.
Gives me chills. What a passionate and smart kid
This little man doesn’t realise how he inspires hope for the future just by him being himself ♡
omg he is so adorable and its amazing that he wrote such a meaningful essay at such a young age like that. We need more kids like him, inspirational.
You can see from all the audiences smiles how much light and positivity this young boy brought to us. And he’s so respectful too. Kudos to the parents.
His passion, his young maturity that he has inside him, his look on our planet and the heart it takes for someone to show so much confidence to go up on a stage in front of nearly 2,000 audience members and to deliver a message in the way he did was absolutely beautiful, we too need to be like him. A human being that cares for our 

Am I the only one balling my eyes out here? Haven’t been moved by anything like this for so long! And the fact he wrote it himself is amazing 🥹🥹
It’s the commitment of the ‘animals’ for me!!! We’re in good hands if children like Aneeshwar Kunchala are taking over. What a little force he is!!! That was inspiring and profound.
I love this smart boy..I love his energy. The essay is something we should all recite every day.
Beautifully performed! I wish that they introduced the other children too.
This kid and his friends did a great job. I wish governments and the megawealthy would listen to the millions of kids who just want a bright future.
His performance was like a mini theater production. Can’t wait to see more
would have been nice if the judges acknowledged the other children and their efforts. A judge should have gone up on stage and gathered all the children together and thanked them for doing a wonderful job.
He sounded like an angel, telling us all that messages. 

Young people need to watch this as this young kid is such an inspiration to send such an important message about our environment
He is a real bright beam of light and mankind’s hope
He is so passionate and true. I started to tear up as soon as he spoke. Really moving and he will change lives and benefit the environment 4 sure . Well done !
so beautiful, a truly remarkable performance by an old soul. let this world listen to our youth. it is a beautiful world and one we must save for future generations to come. well done Ashwar
David Attenborough would be so proud of this young man. It’s about time we start to listen.
This little David Attenborough deserves a great golden buzer !!! It’s just incredible to be so conscious to the marvel of life on Earth. Big Up Aneeshwar !!!
He is simply adorable. Wise and articulate beyond his years. I hope we all listen to this young man’s meaningful message and step up for the sake of our planet. Bless his little heart. I was in tears from the beginning. So sweet.

What an absolutely brilliant performance, listened to every word from beginning to end. The passion, maturity and understanding of our planet and its needs for conservation and preservation this boy speaks of is an inspiration to us all, which is more than can be said for some horrid little Swedish goblin ramming it down peoples throats with vile and abusive speeches.
I saw him live! It’s was so cute and special to see live!
Refreshingly different ! He is a messenger who will inspire through his mode of delivery. Other kids will listen to his words just as I did. The choreography certainly added to his presentation and I can’t wait to see what other wisdom he has to share with all of the world. He’s wise beyond his years .
Is it just me or does this kid have a calming effect.This is so amazing
A child gets it, why can’t adults? “There is no other PLANET like EARTH.” Very well said!
I find this young man’s voice soo soothing, I can just listen all day. Bravo my boy …
The best audition ever…..so relevant, authentic, adorable…….oh! geez, not enough room to note every word that describes this little guy and his message!
Tears are pouring down my face. We share a dream. Everyone should care about the environment A LOT. Excellent work of art. He’s so compassionate towards Gaia and respects her a we should. Bless this child.
An amazing young gentleman. So passionate about this Earth we live on. A tv documentary with him talking about climate change and how it affects the animals we saw would be just perfect. Well done to the other children too.

A fantastic storyteller is one who makes you feel, and gives you an experience. I wasn’t interested in the pop out animals (not that they don’t matter) but I was swept away in the boys words and choked up thinking how our world is suffering and that I must do something. That’s how good this 7 year old boy. Words. He didn’t need need to jump through hoops of fire or sing like Celine Dion. Simple, important words. Well done.
He just captured my heart , well done young man , well done 

Great Message from this little heart. We should all learn and follow this with immediate effect. Blessings and Love from Anand Bangalore.
Why did this baby boy make me cry
Great energy, well done Aneesh! 

He is great, his friends are great !!! what an important message, thank you for this young man, we all love you 🙂
For about 11 years I have believed I had no emotions, then this little fella made me cry my eyes out
Amazing!! His voice is so shootin, smooth and nice to listen too
How amazing would it be if sir David Attenborough saw this These two can make a perfect duo to help environment in uk
Amazing message this kid has put out 

Heart touching audition…Good message to the humans

Aw bless him, that was absolutely adorable

He’s so adorable. He did so great and plus he’s so respectful and innocent 


Absolutely Amazing Preformance and Just shows confidence and passion in the little man eyes. Congratulations Aneesh, we’re all routing for you 

He is so cute! And delivers an important message like someone much older than himself. So well poised. Well done!
He’s so adorable that I could cry looking at his awesomeness!!!! 

wow….this little boy and his team…..wonderful message to the whole world…and his passion and energy is second to none….Good luck to you !!!
Wonderful presentation by this wonderful and energetic young man.
This is absolutely incredible for such a youngster
His innocently brilliant with a great polite personality.

Honestly watching him live made me laugh. He was such a cutie and I loved how he loves animals and want to help out animals 🙂
He has scaled beyond perfection in the art of presentation.
Just love this kid
Let’s start listening to our children and take care of our 

wow this kids amazing with his speech, i wish more ppl were like him!!
Brilliant little boy. This is to remind adults to take care of our home, by loving the people, plants, and animals that live here. Whatever you love you will take care of. Great message little one!

Congratulations, Aneeshwar! I loved watching your performance and the listening to the very important message you are spreading. You are an inspiration and I hope you continue to educate the world and remind us all to do better at taking care of our “home”. You are so entertaining, smart, talented & brave. I hope to see more of you as you get older, following in the footsteps of the great David Attenborough!
This young guy is so sweet. He’ll defo go places
From watching other acts and bursting into tears this boy made me laught. Soo adorable and smart child!
Yes he did! He won my entire heart!!!
At the age of 6 , i couldn’t properly remember what came after G. This talent is purely amazing..
He did a brilliant job 🙂 he’s so brave too!
Fantástico menino maravilhoso
🇵🇹 uma criança a dar um grande exemplo, obrigado 

Such a beautiful boy with so much energy

I love it
An amazing presentation

This beautiful little boy is telling the World exactly how it is and if the adults don’t stop destroying this amazing planet our children and future children won’t have a beautiful earth 

Such a beautiful young boy! And I mean that both inside and out! His mind is someone I would love to sit with and talk with for awhile!! 

When he says thank you everyone when they where cheering Alisha’s facial expressions was like uhhhh he’s adorable 

Wow what a lovely boy his parents must be so proud of him! Wouldn’t it be a beautiful world if everyone thought the same
Aneeshwar is a voice from Heaven.
What a powerful message . well done aneesh 🫶

Well done young man! You are going to host one of the greatest program about this great planet!

Guys for me it’s the tiger boy on the floor very dedicated till the end at 4:04! But overall they did great! Very proud of this young boy he is very well articulated.
Wow! This is the best addition EVER! Children can teach us so much
Hope he inspires other people to get involved in the environmental movement, young or old, everyone is needed 

Rewild your garden or local community space, plant a tree and support conservation projects

Soooo much cuteness! What an incredible message. Aneeshwa, you rock!
After a very bad day I watched this and put a smile on my face, bless you
Oh my heart !!! Absolutely the sweetest boy. Congrats. Did a SUPER JOB !!!!! 

Why was I even crying 
️ So inspirational….I love it

He’s so cute and adorable, well done young man. 

What a smart sassy young man so well spoken and so in touch with the environment
Good to see the values instilled in the child
what a likeable kid, seems like a great personality and I’m sure a very proud moment for all his family.
He’s too endearing 

You had me the entire time young man, right in the palm of your hand. I didn’t know what to expect or what your talent was, and when you began to narrate, I was transfixed..fantastic…fantastic…fantastic!!!!! I can’t wait to see what you do next…Fantastic!!
I just loved it. Pure true spoken…
this dude is going to be Steve jobs of nature i can imagine him having his own show or even talking in ted
What a amazing presentation,absolutely amazing.
This young man will be a voice to be reckoned with and listened by world conservationists to in the near future. He speaks more sense than Greta Thurnberg
He will save the planet what a ball of energy, sending my love and prayers always. Your an inspiration for all. SJ
What an amazing little boy. He is so clever and his beautiful eyes told it all Knows more than a lot of adults.

Such a precious little voice.
I don’t know why i am crying with a big smile watching this.
This baby you can tell is going to go far in life!
He’s going to be the next David Attenborough. Also great idea to use my favourite John Barry’s Out Of Africa theme. I love that song.
Adorable. Wouldn’t it be great it all children had his mindset 

Aww how adorable!! Brilliant audition 

7 years old, an able to memorise a monologue. Amazing!
Bless his sweet little heart 
Parents take note… we need this for the future of this Earth 

OMGosh!!! I love this kid!!!! Thank you, BGT and his mummie!
Ohh how i always wish to speak like the Brits… The accent

Such a charming little prince!

The message is forthcoming. Love it. Listen to him. 

AGT is the best place to get his message across the world. Very proud of this young fellow!

My heart just exploded. He is tooooo adorable Omg please protect him at all cost

Such a powerful message from the tiniest person. Keep up the good work love you to are a treasure thank you
He’s speaking the words of my soul 

I love him

Wow I didn’t expect the audition to make me this emotional. But yeah, there is no other planet like Earth 

His positive energy is so radiating !
Kids are giving a real lesson and a crucial message for all of us# As an adults we may not always realize it cos we have become so hard deep inside
Omg this got me so emotional. Kids are just so pure and innocent and a lot of times if we look at things through their eyes it is very humbling

I mean, how could they not say yes to him. Too cute

Hes my favourite i just hope televisión
doesnt turn him into what they want hes a beautiful passionate soul 

Adults could learn a lot from kids who have the passion and love for animals 

. Good kid , many blessings to you in the future . 

A charming young man he is, with such intelligence. 

I would of hit that golden buzzer!!! Incredible younge man. The children are our future.
Very simply but this is the best audition I’ve ever seen in Got Talent around the world. Love from Thailand.
Awesome Show By Anweshswar
Thanks for being our role model in environment conservation for you (our kids generation) and future generations. You are brave, and excited with your sparkling eyes on the stage. God bless you little champ. Congrats to you and your parents 

Beautiful! May we take this to heart!!
I can’t wait to see him again and again and again

When these children are our futur, I get my faith back.
its voices like his, thar will make the world listen. let him stay till the end. the world has agt attention. they will hear him
That made me cry!.. what a great little boy. X
Should of been a golden buzzer.
I love his voice
Well done kid! 


a real eye opener, well done young man 

I love him. He is a great inspirational.If we have many person like him then we will get back our former green Planet
Outstanding!..Electric, talented kid. All good on him.

Ooh this young environmentalist. We love to see it. There’s indeed no other planet like earth. Your an inspiration. Love you all the wayy.
Honestly the fact that everyone in the arena gave him a standing ovation but 3 of the judges decided not to honestly just absolutely wrong
His voice ohh wow

Woow!!!this is really moving…Aneeshwa’s performance raises awareness and conscious on saving Mother Earth…very very important.
This young lad got the inspiration at 7 years old wee need lots more to follow as there is no other planet like earth.
Great video, we loved it!
️ Always interesting videos, full of new content and enjoyable to watch. In the end, you always learn something new. Thanks 

I see kindness on Simon Cowell’s face.
this young man has to be on environmental(biodiversity) day next month. please environmentalist in the UK make that happen
Well done Aneesh so cute, humble and confident 🙂

He is truly amazing, really talented and really passionate about all the wondrous life on this planet! How can anyone look that kid in the eyes and tell him that billionaires decided they wanted to have even more money so lobbied governments to keep burning fossil fuels is going to cause 95% of coral reefs to be wiped out in three years and the Amazon rainforest to be destroyed in 30-40 years if we continue on this path? How is that not the most depressing thing you have ever had to think about? Why do we let these greedy billionaires get away with it and ruin the futures of beautiful and passionate children like Aneeshwar?
he used the biggest stage to insist about conservation of our Earth. BRAVO
Little guy touched a lot of

thee message+presentation 

My heart just melted 

I like how the fake animals just sit there acting when it’s over on the ground LOL 

OMG this child is adorable! Big Hug!
Give this child a National Geographic role already!
Proud to see you in BGT 
may gob bless you with all the success and happiness keep reaching the heights like this !

And yet when I’m asked to give an essay that I already went through numerous times,in front of just 15 people my brain freezes
. I’m proud of you young man 

His message was powerful.
Smart and very brave young boy!
Such a fantastic young man, brilliant message thank you for a beautiful audition 


Aneesh, you’re helping us create a more sustainable future.
Applause for his parents too.
Very important message, we should all take more care of our planet 

Bless this child and his family Lord. May his dreams come true

An old soul in one so young. Champion this new world leader. Aneesh. .. And all those that follow. Bravo…I’ m 71 and I am with you. Canada 

They should let him meet David Attenborough
He’s too cute
well done.

Bless His Heart 

Do you remember the proverb: “Dynamite comes in small packages!” He’s the future of our planet 

This kid showed how valuable each YES’s from those judges are…
that young lad is going to go far in this world need more like it to make a difference and chance the world for the better we only have 1 planet lets save it
simple yet very strong message that everyone needs
He gives me hope for our future.
What a wonderful n confident boy 

When a child understands importance of planet more than adults.
What an example well done kid!

He is so sweeeeeeeetttttt! God bless the little young man.
Yo, this got me teared up. 

. My man is gonna be a great leader.

His so cute n adorable …I love his accent…God bless u little one ….(colleen)
Brilliant young man, that was great,

If I have that confidence in my life, I could win the world

Out of the mouth of babes…, We are blessed with the gift of Aneeshwah. Thank you
Adorable. I look forward to seeing his documentaries when he grows up 😀
The voice 

Such a lovely young man with a great message and a beautiful way with words. x
OMG this was so brilliant!!

You know, if he hasn’t yet, I would love to see Aneeshwar and David Attenborough meet.
Adorable audition. 

This is all i want to see in every audition or contest
He brought tears to my eyes ! All what many humans do to animals, marine animals and the environment
, it breaks my heart!

So beautiful The performance 

I fell in love,, what an amazing young man. Great job. Sweety, i was listening. Great Message..
What a brilliant boy
I want to see more of Aneeshwa.
Amazing gift from g-d he’s so gifted and well mannered bless this beautiful young

Future of earth is bright, if we have kids like “Aneeshwar”
This adorable little boy has his priorities straight. (and he winks 
️) Now if only the adults follow suit. Going vegan is the most impactful change a person can make to take personal responsibility as animal agriculture is the leading driver of climate change, and that is something everyone can do TODAY. Transitioning to a plant based food system is a moral imperative on every level.

Such an adorable being
Well done! “Children are the hope of the world” Jose Marti (Cuba)
For 7 years old, he’s a better speaker then I am!!
He did it so well! Makes me watery eyes
Such a cutie! With an awesome message to boot!!His big smile is contagious. 

As a Nature and Animal Lover, this was a great Message
A great message to the world
Supercool What a Maestro for Earth and environment
Clapping and saying well done, well done, a couple moments laturrr, each of the judges step in their own separate private jet about to drill holes of pollution through the atmosphere.
He needs his own programme on cbbc x
I love his energy OOOH YES 

Very special boy.. Put on earth for a very special purpose
Just wow. There are no words. He is a special young one. So special. Just wow.
I wanna see more of him
I love him a very powerful message 

Omg he’s so adorable an sweet. To care about the planet an to be 7. Love it, keep it up your awesome an so smart.
Precious Aneesh, very well said, yes kids have to be taught at five years onwards 


Made me cry… the adults need to hear him
Awesome. We could all learn from this kid. 

He could do some animation. He is brave and has a lovely little voice

How Wonderful. God bless him
Very touching message!
I feel so happy and blessed to see our youth who really really cares about our home our lovely beautiful Mother Nature EARTH

Wow I learned about David Attenborough in year 4 amazing!!!!
How do you not fall in love with this kid. He has the biggest heart, the brightest smile and he just wants to do good things to make the earth a better place…. AT AGE 7!
I think everyone does care about the environment. Obviously it’s just more powerful when a kid says it. Hence why they got Greta. F all can really be done about it but myself included, I agree with the message.
This kid is a good person in this world
A child is now teaching adults to fix the mess they have made in the world
they’ve come to meet. Let’s drop our greed, stupidity, carelessness and ignorance and save the world from us. Beautiful performance.

Hopefully sir David Attenborough see this, exceptional young man 

every few months i think what do i watch ? kids got talent singing that bring tears of Joy to us oldies – this nature boy was special
There’s no other planet like our Earth and, unfortunately, we are not taking care of it at all…Good job, little man..We, the adults, must be ashamed
Everyone claps… Standing ovation.. Everyone turns around & continues to destroy the world

Here is a message: Do something that superheroes must do. Protect the environment.
In a World starving for HOPE, there it is… right there, in Aneeshwar Kunchala! Hope for our Future EARTH.
How talented he is
He his so flipping adorable 

Lovely message for all of us
He’s my child. I am soooo sooo proud of you
Adorable message!!
I reckon National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC etc will use him for narration in the future… Hope I’m alive to witness it because I’m a fan!
This wee guy is a legend 

The little tree in the back still swaying after the performance is over 

“There is no other planet like earth” well technically we’re finding more and more earth like planets every where we look so I’m gonna a say you are probably extremely wrong
Oh my godi i felt in love with him ,so so smart and with a big heart
we adults don’t listen what kids see we have a wonderful earth let’s take care of it now.

Thank tou, Me. Kunchala for the amazing show!

Oo waooh… He ended before he began. I can’t wait to see his next performance
M sure he will win some prestigious award for his remarkable work in future…
That’s very inspirational.
That was amazing, he’s bright.
He is exceptional
He goes to my school! Well done Aneesh

it bought tears to my eyes


Very well done!
I am proud of you bud! Just remember if we do not take care of the children first then there is no future care givers. Let’s protect and care for you guys first so that there will be more Amazing young men and women like you!

Out of the mouths of babes the adults must listen

What makes me sad is that no child should have to worry about the future of their planet
That little boy gives me hope for the future of our planet!
I was just so moved after watching this. Wait why am I crying…
Top man! Keep up the good work 
we would love to meet you sometime in person

He is so adorable!
How cute! 

Omg he’s adorable

There’s no other planet like EARTH!!!!!

En que momento perdemos esa mirada? Bien hecho chicos.
The voices of children never heard, while we destroy their world.
And it is stated that: A child shall lead the way…!!!
He his such a nice smart little boy who wants to take care of earth I hope he has a great life and days
Aneeshwar is so adorable
Lovely to meet you Anneshwar 

I’m not a betting man but I might have £10 on him to win it 

His dad wrote the poem but nobody’s gonna be impressed by a 40 year old bloke.
The little man is very good indeed
This kid is awesome
You made me tears my friend.
Speechless. Bless you all dear
ahh that face that voice so adorable
The adult world is so different to the world of a child, there is so much he doesn’t understand at this time. I truly hope he carries this energy into his adult life and doesn’t allow cynicism to bring him down, as many will try. How can a child express such views, and the adults in charge wilfully ignore. We do need change
Amazing absolutely
Amazing what Wonderful young so young and talented on our Planet thank you for sharing

Bravo .Parmatma bless always 

Greetings from Barbados 🇧🇧, well done.
Well done well done 

love the Tasmanian tiger! he is the best actor in the world.
sometimes…we need children to open our eyes and take a step forward to save this beautiful planet——EARTH!!!
Wel done buddy congrats

I feel better about the future of this planet after seeing this.
You are doing amazing work, hopefully lot of ppl will inspire from you and try to save the beautiful EARTH
and NATURE. Good luck for future!

Fantastic indeed.Thankyou .
Angel is born the humbleness of him the gratitude that he shares with the world knowing well that we harm each other in this world for beauty lives in his heart
️ God bless the whole world 

God bless him…..
I would give that to western countries that they know to appreciate and encourage.
Amazing child
The message here is important but this is a talent show, i didn’t find this something that screams wow this person is so talented that i’d want to pay to go see them perform. It would’ve been a no for me personally. Great message and energy though
I feel bad for the kids who become the tiger, the elephant, and the tree after the boy finished his performance. It seemed they felt uncomfortable sticking to the stage and no one talked about them.
He’d be old by the time Sir David retires 

Oh I love this child
The future David Attenborough
I’m such a wimp, this brought tears to my eyes 

There are angels among us….
It is time to listen to a child wisdom comes from the strangest sources heed
Thank you mother earth. Indeed you are unique

Bravo young man
Love this 

I got goosebumps watching this
amazing a beautiful boy a cute boy amazing
A tear jerker happy audition.
Very smart and adorable….
Best young audition ever i wish he was my relation or friend
Very inspiring…
God bless him
An old Soul. He gets it:)
What a lovely kid
So beautiful.
I love this kid
Kinda felt like a school play

I just love him
He should have gotten the golden buzzer.
He’s so cute 

He has beautiful eyes 

He really need to see Sir David Attenborough
Saddly we all (inlcuding me) go after the show to buy a Big Mac and Happy Meal for the kids, and go home thinking on all the things we need to buy
He needs his own Ted talk
His voice is good for Disney cartoon character 

A huge bravo

Loved it
A much needed message
so adorable.
He needs to win
He also comes with extra woke points! He’ll go FAR.
Well done. 

I just wanna give him big hugs 

That kid been well raised
Love this!
Lion kid decided to camp out on the floor after everyone left. 

Bless him
The other children playing their part in the background should be praised too … Jury where are you ?
How adorable
So beautiful 

This is a little growing hero
Kids are the best 

Great passion. However someone should let him know that the last Tasmanian tiger known of existence died in captivity around 1936 and they are considered extinct. That caught my attention and wonder if he knows this.
This boy could be the next David Attenborough?
Why did this make me cry? :’)
So sad the judges don’t take Aneesh’s example personal and invite the audience to do the same! 

He reminds me of akash vukoti the spelling bee champion 

Well done kid, I hope it is not too late for our planet . Perhaps you will treat our mother earth better than we did. We obviously failed
He is just 7 and see what he is expressing. We all need to do something for our home our planet! 

He really look like my nephew 

May be it’s his generation that will save us, sadly I may not be around to live in a much safer and humane world.
MotherEarth Deserve you my little indian 

What a cutie. powerful.
Message that every adult forget, I hope our younger generation will enlighten the beauty of our planet again
#18+ yeah this should be rated as 18+ cause kids are well aware of our planet these days

That boy should have gotten a Golden buzzer
E for Energy 

Aged just 7, he made a mockery of stage fright.
This is the best 

I’m overcome. He was outstanding!
He can be an actor.
i am so proud to be a vegetariam!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!!!Aneeshwar
We so require him xxx
Our future leader of the world; we need to recruit like this bright intelligent young man at early age and prepare them for our Motherland Earth to take care for our future generations. Parents should give attention and do whatever it takes to guide the young generations. It starts from home. The message is loud and clear from the 7 year old young man. Let’s us follow him to do whatever it takes to save our planet EARTH. Congratulations!
Super intelligent

Out of the mouths of our beautiful, eloquent babies. Proctect them please, and take 8n his words

Well done Aneeshwar. You are the smartest kid with the most sweetest voice. Prayers to Mother Earth to protect all of us. Save soil and protect the forest.
Cute and polite!!!
It’s sad this planet won’t be the same by this time this lil dude is old. Generations have muffed it up and its sad when u think about the younger generations.
The Truth will come from the Children and the grownups that dream like them. His little buddies were sad ‘coz they got not recognition, poor things, bad judges, not informed well
2:00 the Tasmanian Tiger has been extinct for almost a century now. Whoever wrote the script for the kid should have noted that. The message this kid is delivering is great, but this show won’t take him any far, iys suited for such acts. He can probably start a youtube channel or something.
loving the music in the background – heard it before just can’t pin point it
That made me cry.
That cute, smart, personable boy is going places. What a fantastic youngster.
I’m speechless
We the adults need to save the planet for our kids sake
There is nothing better to see than the innocence of a child.
I did the same thing when I was 7 didn’t get to go on a talent show for it though did I?
I was crying before the animals came out. He is a genious & I hope he goes far
Truth hurts. He was good but not good enough to be in finals. Anyway he wax supercute and god bless him for his future
Thank you, you beautifull child
I’m going to give you a million YES !
Have you recognized the music? From the great movie “Out of Africa”, the part when Karen and Denys fly over Africa and the isle with fllamingos …
All the people cheering are going to have a steak burger after this audition and go back to home in their car covered in leather accessories. So funny!
Mr Putin should watch this, but I know he’d get angry. Well done lad.
He’s so cute
We are too vested in our ways. These young souls how do we empower them?
This kid is inspiring and so sweet, im crying watching his audition!!! To see how passionate he is about the environment and our planet earth is truly special! This kid is going far in life,no matter what his dreams are he will go beyond exceeding them ! Touching and emotional audition

As adults we fail at any climate change, conservation effort. So let’s hope a child saves us. woohoo! Let’s celebrate our intolerable failure!
Sooooooooooooooo cute

Another educational segment.
His Brilliant he’s really into so brilliant
Let’s all ignore how his supporting “cast” were girls and were laying on the floor like animals as this male greta collected his praise.
He missed the best truth and the real truth…God the CREATOR created everything including the people that were created to bring God all the glory He alone deserves. Yes God created a beautiful earth and everything in and around it.
YES. There is no other planet like earth!!
His generation will inherit this mess we’ve made and maybe have NO home planet for their future generations or the wondrous land, air and sea creatures. LISTEN to these precious children- they’ve been sent by the Creator. Check out Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish environmental activist .
I’m crying. His performance was very touching. 

We need to tell CHINA, RUSSIA, ITAN, IRAQ, NK, VENEZUELA – to ALL do their part. The US and Britain cannot carry the weight of the whole world in our shoulders and pocketbooks.
So lovely

Not sure exactly what I missed here but, you people would actually pay to go see this kind of an act? For your entertainment? I am pretty sure you can go to any elementary school and see a similar play. And they’re free. Lmfao. Seriously? I mean yes, this kid has a great message that everyone should follow. But this is a convention act, or something done at a school or festival where you’re trying to get your message across. It’s a great message for conservation and such. But I don’t see the entertainment value at all. Maybe for kids? Maybe this kid is good for a nicelodeon act? Lol. I have no idea. I’m lost though.


Talk about “I was a tree in the school play” try “I was the free on BGT!”

Him and Tom ball deserved the golden buzzer more than the comedian
so cute

Smart boy
Here the world have another NATURE 

Damn this kid got me cracking. Sheeesshh
I’m clapping to.Thank you.
This little boy is reminding us about Michael Jackson’s message from “Earth Song”.

I’m crying!! 

Very good my boy
Oh why not the buzzer, for such a tremendous minď 

I remember when David went to my school
Amanda failed to say Sir David Attenborough!
So important

This is simple message old folks should understand…
I would have pushed the gold he reminds me of myself at that age :3 well done
And a little child shall lead them
His parents need to stop pushing climate politics through children that know nothing about climate. And lying is bad
Such a cuttie! 

Literally left his friends on the stage. Lol
I’m in tears
I don’t know why I am crying ……!
Unfortunely kids forgett when they grown up.
OmG sO tAlEnTeD. Bruh he’s just reciting his parents speech
I’m not crying, just chopping onions
Look at that little wink!!
Should had golden buzzer
When I was about fu… six years old, I see you my boy 

8 dagen geleden