Although I appreciate the ‘high road’ approach to the Meghan and Harry interview because I value positivity, I can’t help but feel that both Harry and Meghan demonstrated very little compassion or empathy in the timing of this interview and it’s content. I despise racism and also treat suicide very seriously but I still feel that it was almost insensitive of them to put on such a public display considering the nature of Prince Philips health. Even worse than that is the nature of the current covid situation which has lead to many deaths, mental health decline, loss of income and many other struggles. It’s fair that their problems and experiences are probably real and possibly true and they are entitled to do what they want, but to suggest a sense of turmoil when so many people are suffering under far worse circumstances, just doesn’t sit well with me. Im personally not really into the idea of royals or VIPs etc, people are just people, so I feel that I am fairly impartial in my criticism. There is so much more to say, but this is just a brief comment thread, so I’ll leave it at that. Despite my criticisms, I appreciate the videos and your analysis.
She literally says in her interview with Oprah that she was commited to this (being in the Royal family) and then complains in the very same interview about learning the national anthem and the hymns for the church of England that she had to teach herself. She is contradicting herself.
Two millionaires being interviewed by a billionaire about how hard life is. 

When she says she never googled Harry, I am a few years younger than her. I remember it was a pretty big deal when his mom died, and I also remember alot of instances of him in pop culture entertainment news junk.
She was in her late 30s. Mature enough to take an informed decision unlike 19 yo lady Diana
If Harry found freedom, someone needs to tell his face. I’ve never seen anyone so free look so miserable.
As a subscriber, born in the U.K. but also with a home in the U.S.A. I was appalled at the outright lies that were told during this interview! First of all, the claim that Meghan knew almost nothing about the royals was nonsense. Our friends in the U.S.A. know almost more about “The Firm” than we do, to the point of obsession. Meghan admitted herself, in interviews when they became engaged that she had a picture of Harry above her bed. Meghan’s friend’s mother also said she watched the Wales’ wedding at her home & often watched the funeral of Diana, which she had recorded, with tears streaming down her face!! One can’t forget that they lived together for quite a while before the wedding also & she would have had a while to change her mind but this was the life she chose. Charles bank-rolled their life for a full year after they left, so, despite their actions, this was rather magnanimous act, imho. Harry also still had his untouched millions, left to him by his mother. As a nation, whether royalist or republican, we’ve all been blind-sided by the outright lies told during this interview. The only thing that one couldn’t openly prove as a lie was Meghan’s claim of not getting help for her “suicidal ideation”. However, Harry had the freedom to reach out in his wife’s behalf to an incredible panolpy of royal physicians, including psychiatrists but chose not to… As the mother of 2 children of colour, I’m particularly sensitive to claims of racism. We have not forgotten as a nation that Harry, as an adult, thought it hilarious that he attend a party dressed in an SS uniform & the nation was so enraged, the palace had to give public reassurance that he’d been given a stiff reprimand!! As for Meghan having to hand in her passport, she was certainly no prisoner having made many trips abroad on behalf of the crown. Even non-Brits had to know that the idea of her being kept as some kind of prisoner was laughable as she also made, at least, four private trips abroad (Spain, Italy, France & the famous trip to watch her friend, Serena Williams play tennis). I suppose none of us realised that she was bound & shackled on each occasion. The “secret wedding” was also a nonsense as British law demands that, apart from the officiant & the couple, there must also be 2 witnesses present, for a legal wedding to take place. It was just our equivalent of an American “rehearsal” (without the accompanying dinner). So the statement, echoed by Harry that it was, “Just the three of us”, showed it for the nonsense that it was. Finally, as for “Flower Girl Gate”, Meghan made Kate cry when she made a cruel comment about Charlotte (we mothers are touchy that way). Katherine set off for Meghan’s apartments, note & flowers in hand, to extend an apology & returned shortly thereafter, the door having been slammed in her face. Meghan was no innocent. She was a divorced woman in her ’30’s & went into this with her eyes wide open. Apologies for the long comment but this interview was a long list of statements that can be verified as lies which I loathe, no matter who tells them! One last note. Anne, The Princess Royal, is the hardest working royal next to the Queen, she has NO “royal detail” (security), nor do her children have any titles nor does Edward or his family. Indeed the list of “royals” who don’t have security is longer than the very few who do…
As someone born and educated in the UK and now nearly 70 (living in Ireland) it is strange to hear American takes on the British monarchy. In any high profile ‘job’ that carries a lot of weight, an employee suppresses emotion when actively in that role. Imagine, for example, an archaeologist who freaked and was spooked every time he/she unearthed a skull? Imagine a doctor crying with you when they deliver you a tough diagnosis. This may be why ‘outsiders’ (non Brits) believe the royals are robotic . They cry in private. When the queen attended the funeral of her own mother, her only sister had also recently died. We ‘hear’ that she had difficulty attending, such was her grief, but she is a public servant and duty demanded that she attend a public funeral. The royals are paid from the public purse for the jobs they do. On the subject of Harry being trapped and unhappy with his life, check out online photographs of hig huge grins and joy when among mates from his regiment. As a top class soldier, he served gladly and well. The problem Brits have, is that every military person swears an oath to serve and defend queen and country. We watched him break this oath on global television. On the subject of my age, and a very small ‘lie’ to most, was his joy that Archie can sit behind him on a bicycle, a thing he ‘could never do.’ Um, Harry, we witnessed you doing exactly that. Photos are on line. WHY would you say that? Very odd
If I had the opportunity to date a Prince from another country, believe me I would be on Google.
There are certain things one can do within a family that prove to be unforgiveable. Airing family grievances whether true or false on US national television with a ambulance chasing host will in my estimation prove to be one of those things.
oprah is the worst interviewer in history, not one probing question, this wasn’t an interview it was a lecture.
I haven’t even watched the Oprah interview , I thought to myself ‘Dr Grande will probably make a video about it, I’ll just watch that instead’ and here it is
The one thing Meghan seems to lack is empathy. I get the impression she wants people to empathise with her while she has almost zero empathy for anyone else (unless they remind her of herself). Not that she’s a narcissist or anything.
When you only have one side of the story it is easy to believe what is being said. Stepping away for a moment…. isn’t it a bit naive to give up your job without a job to go to and also expect to still get paid for doing nothing but at the same time speaking in a negative way about that. Never bite the hand that feeds you.
The most privileged people on the planet crying about their own victimhood to Oprah. Lol
“She made her cry over an incident involving flower girl dresses. Who hasn’t been there?” Dead. But it was such casual, subtle shade, I died a peaceful death in my sleep.
The narcissist is sincere when speaking from the his/her fantasy existence. To have her touted so publicly is a revisit to injury for those of us who have ever suffered at the hands of a narcissist. It is what it is. Their relationship is obviously codependent and unhealthy.
Does anyone remember all the partying Harry used to do? Meeting lots of people, going lots of places… Is their royal life really that restrictive?
H G Tudor did an analysis of the interview and titled it , “ Meghan Markle, a less than royal narcissist.” He does an analogy assume coated with indications of narcissism .
A Billionaire interviewing two multi millionaires about “hardship, struggle, and suppression….” and the masses lap it up no questions asked. You couldn’t make it up.
When someone is happy and well balanced, there is no room to want to criticize others.
FYI: H & M did not lose their titles. After this interview many in Britain are calling for them to be stripped of those titles because of the disparaging accusations. This analysis fails to address their blatant contractions and lack of discretion of even doing this interview if they want to rebuild relationships.
They left a job but still expected to get paid and keep the perks.
I may be wrong, but I think Dr Grande’s analysis missed big red flags for mental health issues suffered by the couple: narcissism (Meghan) and codependency (Harry).
Goodwill towards Harry’s family would have been to talk about their differences behind closed doors, as discrete adults without an agenda would do. The fact that accusations about racism were thrown out to the entire world with neither detail, perpetrator or, most crucially, context, has meant the entire RF and their employees have been tarred with that brush, indiscriminately, unfairly and pretty blatantly. They have all been made to feel guilty. This was no accident. Meghan knew full well what she was doing. They didn’t comply with all her demands; it’s narcissist’s revenge.
My daughter and I were just talking about the interview…. she said, and I quote, “I can’t wait to hear Dr. Todd analyzes it”. Here I are!
What bothered me most about this interview was Harry’s publically airing his family grievances. He only has one sibling and they have been through so much together. Family feuds are better kept private.
You missed a great popular culture reference there: “They wanted freedom, but they also wanted to play the Game of Thrones”
Diana’s entire life was 36 years. Megan married at 37. How can she be compared with Diana

Doctor G! You are such a hoot. “Flower girl induced acrimony?” Priceless. Actually I’ve been there in real life. My daughters had to be flower girls once and they hated the dresses and refused to wear them! (They were the ugliest dresses I’ve ever seen) but I told them too bad so sad! LOL
You lost me at M and H offering good will using discretion. Not agreeing to doing the interview defines discretion.
The devil works fast, but Dr. Grande works faster.
While millions are grieving the deaths of their loved ones through Covid or having lost their livelihoods, these two are whining over a storm in a teacup. No one even noticed her color until she went into victim mode about it. Great actress especially when it comes to self pity. She needs to grow up and make amends with her father for Archie’s sake.
I realize that this is an analysis of the interview, however, to analyze the topic of the interview one must consider information not included in Harry and Meghans version of what happened. Clearly the entire interview was one sided by design. Oprah failed to question or even point out obvious contradictions in their stories individually. We all need to consider this interview for what it was, individuals who wanted the system to conform to them and a spiteful vindictive retaliation for not getting what they wanted!
Whilst they were so depressed they started up a four hundred thousand online clothing business called HRH but the Queen did not allow them the title HRH making them even more depressed and vengeful lol
Your videos are form of ASMR for me , its the calm and reasoned demeanour could be reading out the phone book and straight away I go to a place of deep tranquility. THANK YOU DR. GRANDE
“We want privacy”do Oprah interview
“Don’t you see, Oprah Winfrey and CBS, I want a private life ?!?! That’s why I’m talking to you in front of these cameras and airing out enough of my husbands families dirty laundry to fuel tabloids for a year!”
The first big clue was when Meghan invited A List Hollywood celebrities (that were acquaintances or whom Meghan had never even met) to her wedding and her mother was her only family in attendance.
“Just another example of a flower girl dress inspired acrimony…” I am laughing so hard there are actually tears coming out of my eyes. You are so good at being humorous in the driest manner I have ever witnessed.
“Just another example of flower-girl-dress-inspired acrimony”
Immediate LIKE

The reason why it was difficult not to compare the interview with Diana’s life is because Meghan made it to look that way. So we can side with her. And put ideas in Harry’s head that the same thing can happen to her as it did Diana. She manipulated him. (Like how she scheduled an interview with Oprah while being pregnant to make sure she is the center of attention and gain sympathy from the public being a pregnant woman and all)
Went to watch the interview with a negative mindset against the royal but damn! After watching the interview I was wrong. Lost respect didn’t expected from Harry. How could they possibly lie.
Harry seemed surprised at being “cut off”.
The interview was done to obtain sympathy and financial gain . MMs doe eyed performance in this interview is laughable. She knew what she was getting into the whole world knew what she was getting into . I know Diana is a beloved person to many but she also manipulated the media at times . (In my opinion) MM will never be Diana as badly as she wants to be .
This was interesting and a great overview, I’m ex RAAF and was part of the Royal banner party so I have met many royals over 16 years of service. I’m not sure she really knew how hard the monarchy is, they are very disciplined, regimental and protocol driven. But I also found them to be very kind, sharing and Charitable. It’s a very hard life but Harry should have and probably did make this very clear to Meaghan, I personally think this was a way out. Thanks again, love the 

For once an interview that was balanced and reasonable —in the whole body of commentary out there. Most of them bake me angry. I wish more folks could be more fair.
She was expected to courtesy when she first met the Queen… Oh the HUMANITY!
We’ll DEFINITELY be seeing them soon on their upcoming reality TV show
Nicely done Dr. Well measured and reasoned. I learned a lot about the situation with them and about the interview. Worth watching again. Saved and liked.
I very much admire your style of analysis and delivery Mr Grande. Your videos are so informative, but easily understandable to those such as myself who have no psychology learning or background…
I think what you’ve heard in the US and what we heard in the UK have been different. Majority of people supported her at the beginning. The tabloids weren’t that nice to Kate either, dubbing her ‘Waity Katy’, as it took so long for her to get a ring on her finger, including a break up – which I’m still sure was a test. What we’ve seen have been various snubs to the Queen, which is a no no for most Brits. I’m not a royalist – can’t stand Charles, but love Queenie. I wish them the best, but now need to separate themselves from royal lives completely, including going on talk shows to discuss the royal family.
The way doctor Grande deadpanned the narrative was hysterical! I would love to hear him recap some old soap operas like The As the World Turned or Days of Our Lives.
the soft-spoken voice of reason and savage comments delivered with zero emotion. Thank you doc!
I can’t wait for the body language experts to do their take on the interview.
I question why Harry, who was told by “someone” that they wondered about the appearance of a mixed race child, would share this with his depressed suicidal, pregnant wife. It would of course be very upsetting for her to hear this statement. It takes 2 people to break your heart, the person that says something offensive about you & the person that tells you what was said. Jeanne
I’m a daughter of narcissistic mother. Been nc for 3 years. I know all the signs sadly. How they behave, react to the world and situations in life shows all the signs of narcissistic wife and enabling spouse.
Before Meghan was in the picture, Harry, William and Kate formed a foundation called Heads Together, focused on mental health awareness. So, I’m having a hard time thinking that Harry didn’t know how to get them the help they needed despite the Institution. 

Yep. Well stated. I can’t add anything to this discussion but I really appreciate this balanced and very fair analysis.
Dr. Grande, you have very solidly “planted” yourself on YT as a excellent mental analysis expert.
Love the bridesmaids dresses part!! (And the great insights particularly towards the end when projecing about the future). Thank you doc for your dry humor – much appreciated here across the Atlantic.
Beautiful analysis. I love the disclosure. Encouraging words. Bless you Dr. Grande!
I’ve mentioned elsewhere that I truly wanted to believe Meghan. But when it became apparent that her backyard wedding never actually happened, I feel disappointed. It reminded me of narcissists who lie about things that can easily be fact checked. Also around two hours of footage wasn’t included and I wonder why. I tend to believe Harry more, but he seemed to speak less during the interview. As with most conversations with possible narcissists, I’m left utterly confused.
I like this dude, He takes the lid off issues and questions the contents in a fair and precise manner.
“They did it for no good reason at all”… speechless. 

“Who hasn’t been there? Another example of flower girl dress acrimony.” You crack me up, Dr. Todd!
Thank you. Very reasonable and balanced. Just what is needed in these times!
Love your work. Don’t change a thing. This is gold
They showed “discretion… good will”? Wow.
Dr. Grande, you are usually so spot on in your analysis that it almost shocks me that you didn’t use the word “narcissist” one time when referring to MM. She is a classic narcissist using Harry’s vulnerabilities about his mother to her advantage and to climb her way all the way to where it’s ALL about her. He is completely under her thumb.
I think you take on the interview was spot on. Your analogy was very insightful and helpful. It was very refreshing because you understand the importance of fair and unbiased reporting. Thank you.
Megan wasn’t 18 yers old when she married Harry & she knew exactly with whom she is getting married and about royal life and traditions.. she knew!
Quality content as always, doc 🙂
Your analysis of this topic is INTERESTING and INSIGHTFUL! Thanks Dr. Todd Grande, you are a real genius.
Meghan was an “old divorcée” when she met Harry and was fully aware, what she was getting into. Diana was very, very young. One cannot compare the two.
Thank you for being so respectful in your analysis. So much hate is spreading on sm that it’s so refreshing to hear something other than the black and white narrative. We can only be assuming where the whole truth lies, but most likely, it is somewhere in the middle. As you say, there are always two sides to the story. In any case may they both be safe & well.
Tell us in a few years when she’s divorcing Harry how “well balanced” they are. She’s a fame hunting narcissist while Harry is naive and not intellectually impressive. Harry’s soldiering instincts (honor, courage, loyalty, etc.) have kicked in, resulting in a misguided commitment to protect her no matter how poor her behaviour. There is no evidence of “empathy” from Meghan, but plenty of evidence of entitled narcissism. You have failed to mention how apparently important it was for Meghan that Archie receive the title of “Prince” despite not being in direct line for the Throne as would be required to acquire this title. He would have received a title, just not that of “Prince”; and so for Meghan, it was either Prince or nothing.
Wow! Thanks for this, ” maybe she added empathy” don’t know why but that line made me tear up a little bit. I remember the look of some of the wedding guests during the gospel sermon at Megan and harrys wedding and thought if that was just a glimpse of how unforgiving/judgmental/smug the ” institution” is in public, I couldn’t imagine all the money in the world or title making me happy. They had no understanding of how culturally significant that was. Im glad they made the decision to leave
They’re living on their own terms

Very interesting and so clear. We as humans are the most complicated creatures in the animal kingdom and we spend lifetimes studying not only the psic aspect but also the way we act and the way diferent enviroments and circumstances have an influence in our decisions and acts. Love your chanal Dr Grande. 

I was hoping you’d cover this and you delivered as always. Thank you, Dr. Grande!
Well said, Mr. Grande! I think that you made some excellent insights. I hope that both sides of this family can heal and move forward in a positive way.
Wow. Something you never hear in the same sentence Meghan and well balanced.
Discretion!? Throwing about innuendo left and right and generally wearing a smug face that seemed to say: I could if I wanted, but I’d rather keep you guessing, and accusing enryone you can think of. That’s not discretion.
I’d like you to do an analysis on all of the lies and contradictions made in the video. For ex they were asked if they would go back to the RF and they said in a heartbeat. It was so terrible but they would return ?? The kid not getting the titles when legally they knew their child was not elig for the title. Is she a narcissist for going on international tv and lying through her teeth or what?
8:43 From what I understand, when they wanted to take a step back, it meant being a working royal similar to say Prince Andrew’s daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who held jobs while also doing royal duties. That way they could earn their own money and not be solely dependent on royal allowances. But they were disallowed from doing so, for reasons the general public do not know. They were only to do royal duties and to show up doing only that and not allowed to be doing work outside, even though it was allowed of other royals not in line for the throne. So if Harry’s not even in direct line for the throne, why should they not be allowed the same as say his cousins? That said the security detail issue seems valid (he didn’t ask to be born in his position that does put him at risk), although because Prince Charles is sensitive to public opinion about taxpayers shouldering their security, hence that debacle. But if theyre not going to be doing purely royal work anymore, using royal security is asking for too much IMO since his cousins supposedly pay for their own security.
So they don’t want to touch his inheritance but want the British taxpayers to fund their lifestyle on their terms.
I am watching this video 9 months on from your analysis Dr Grande – I’d love to hear an update on this pair noting how many lies were told in this interview as well as on other matters eg not being married 3 days before the public wedding, being cut off financially (timing), the “conversations” about skin colour actually being from Harry one conversation and BEFORE her pregnancy, helping with the Finding Freedom hagiography etc etc etc.
Dr. Grande appears to be oblivious to JH’s wife’s many faults, which are so glaring especially for someone in his profession. The comments below are some glaring examples.
If Harry was concerned about her mental health why oh why would he mention something so bound to upset her. Sorry don’t believe a word that she says
Hello dr.Grande – I just started watching the TV series “Suits”……. wow! To me it seems like most dysfunctional and/or toxic behaviors that I have learned about can be seen in the first season – lying, manipulation, coercion, gaslighting…. Would love if you would/could do a video about this TV series…. the psychology within the characters and their interactions.
If they were so happy why did they do this interview? I believe it was spiteful and they twisted actual events to suit their victimhood mentalities. They should have handed back their titles. They are either royal or not and they chose to use their positions on a get rich programme. They showed no concern for anyone other than themselves. They both need help.
They have no idea what ordinary people with no money go through.
If someone was trying to share and expand empathy within the family, then they talk about it privately, as a family, and do not shame them publicly. Making this claim to the public would make it incredibly difficult to come to an understanding within the family. When you go public, you are looking for blind, public empathy, not compassionate understanding from your loved ones.
I believe several things could be happening simultaneously. The situation feels far from simple.
He threw his family under the bus in the interview with Oprah and was riding the same bus in the interview with James! 

You are definitely a licensed professional counselor of mental health, a licensed chemical dependency professional, and have a Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision. Thank you, Dr. Grande. Well Done.
I’m curious Dr. Grande, what do you think of the much publicized relationship that Ms. Markle, had/has with her own family?
Dr. Grande you pick your words ever so carefully. Every little thing you say is deliberate and has purpose. And you play the role of devil’s advocate extremely well. This morning everyone on social media was either going on and on about how heartbreaking the interview was OR how awful Harry and Meghan are. And here you come with your gray area in a world of black and white, and its so amazing and refreshing to see/observe. You are really, REALLY talented. I’m so glad I’m subscribed to this channel, especially as a fellow mental health professional

Flower girl dress acrimony! Haha dude, you never fail to entertain with you dry humor and wit! 🙂 I love your videos!
I feel like Harry has always wanted to find a reason to escape and Meghan was his way out!
Perhaps they timed this to kick off their new Netflix multi million dollar deal for documentaries. They certainly got attention.
I love when he drops those jokes in there in the exact same tone as the rest of it
The only thing better than a Dr Grande video is reading the comments. Magical. 

FINALLY. A balanced and objective perspective. Thank you, Dr. Grande!
I do love your videos Dr Grande. You mention Megan’s empathy but am curious about your take on her empathy towards her biological family. Going to look now see if you’ve covered Megan in any other videos 🙂
while yes I have respect for anyone leaving a difficult situation and starting a new life, I have zero respect for those who air out their dirty laundry for everyone to know….. On another note, if megan was that clueless about what she was getting into it may have been harry’s fault for not informing her. Now all this drama because they are desperately clinging on to whatever cash they can make to maintain the standard of living they are used to
Best way to retreat from the public eye is to have a TV interview with the biggest and most famous talkshow host there has ever been.
. The British Royal family is one of the oldest and most conservative institutions there is. There’s nothing surprising about what they came out with in this interview, nothing surprising at all. Cake and eat it is what they are after.

Thank you for your balanced analysis.
She added empathy? I see her having no empathy at all in these stories in fact it seems her lack of empathy for her husband’s relationship with his family and his personal identity as the whole problem.
I keep asking myself what they really, really want. Dr. Grande said they want everything, lol.
“Everyone’s happy and everyone’s saved”lololololol hahaha. Love it
Your analysis is intriguing as always Dr. Grande. Thanks. As a human being, I have empathy for both of them. Beyond that, they’re wealthy people in need of attention who have no effect on my life. Just my opinion. Cheers.
There was ‘flower-girl-dress-inspired-acrimony’ in our family too!
How can Markel save the 50th most powerful Man in the World?
I would be interested to see a revisit in light of the false accusations being debunked now, 10 months on and her misbehaviour in Court here, in the UK.
Hey doc, loved your analysis. I noticed a few things that nobody seems to have caught. 1. Meghan said they left with no plan, and never planned to do it that they had no choice. But…. she later disclosed that they actually were married 3 days before the televised marriage. So they planned to have their own wedding as she said, not the “worlds wedding”. That show intent for independence already to do things their way. 2. She said sh knew nothing about royals before she met Harry. Uhh…not quite, she was already friends with Beatrice and Eugenie through her friends in tennis. Had partied with them, had lunch with them as she told Oprah later in the conversation when talking about being welcomed. She also spoke about racist comments, that she did not hear, but were told to her second hand, so that is just gossip as far as I’m concerned. Harry wouldn’t comment and looked put on the spot when she asked to confirm that, he blushed royally(excuse the pun) and looked embarrassed.
When oprah asked harry if megan saved him, he hasihated and it was obvious that the only reason he answered “yes” was because really he couldn’t say anything else in front of his wife. It was an obvious lie to make megan feel better
I think Megan knew his triggers and went for it and hooked him with those feelings feelings.
I like that your analysis seems quite unbiased – I’m struggling to decide how I feel about the interview. I think Harry should have spoken to Oprah on his own as Meghan did before they spoke to her together. Coincidentally, I watched The Matrix for the first time a couple of days ago (don’t judge me!)
That Harry & his wife couldn’t find help for their mental health issues is tripe. Can’t they consult private mental health professionals???. She can fly from the UK to the USA for a baby shower but can’t seek professional help !!! Welcome to the real world Harry, many of us are “trapped” in crappy jobs, broken families and so on. The racial card was well played and not naming who said it was a marvelous tactical move as it casts shadows on most of the family. As for not receiving “protection”, another manipulation load of tripe. Most Royals, for example, Princesses Euginie & Beatrice do NOT receive protection. As for the oh so lovely Markle… she can’t get on with her father, siblings and has come from a broken marriage and can’t get on with her in laws… a person who is the common denominator in a string of broken relationships needs to stop blaming everyone else and start to do some deep reflection.
I wonder how they could think that they had the right to try to destroy an institution that has been around for a very long time, and is very important to many people? Not just the royal family, but citizens in so many countries in the world.
As I was telling Jeeves(my butler) as he drove me around in the Aston Martin(the Bentley didnt suit my wardrobe that day) commoners just dont understand…mo money, mo problems.
Could edit, if they were so worried about security they should have stayed in England, no guns there.
This is a subject that I choose to remain very neutral on because I really do think both sides are at fault, and even as I watched the interview I found myself finding problems with Meghan. I was not surprised later to find that some of her statements were proven to be untruthful, and i think maybe she didn’t think fellow Americans would bother digging into certain things about British royalty; some of these things are more commonly known here. Problem is she has now been proven to be a liar and therefore everything else she says must be held to a certain level of scrutiny. I believe she was telling the truth about certain things but I also feel she’s not the most trustworthy of people.
I think she should stop comparing herself to Harry’s mother and start to compare herself to Walis Simpson
Harry lived a good life , so please cry me a river!!!! Try getting up at 5;00 am to go to work as a nurse and work shift work and raise 2 babies because my husband died, so NO , I don’t have any sympathy about these 2 ppl!!!
‘The tabloids never really liked Meghan’. I wonder if this is accurate. From my own perspective, and I’m not living in the UK, everything I read, watched & heard was positive. From the engagement to the wedding the Brits, the Royal family and the world seemed very happy about Meghan. In my opinion, it was after the decision to step away from The Firm that things started to turn against her. Up until that time I gained the impression that the British public had embraced her & just wanted her and Harry to be happy within the Royal Family.
In his interview Harry says : ” There are “other forces” at play, “when these things happened ,” “where the overlap is ” …..its hard to convince anyone regarding unseen forces … when you can convince someone of this unseen forces , you can control them and make them do whatever you want .He believes he was saved by her .
My father used to tell us to find a boyfriend that had the same educational, cultural and social level we had. And what I see in Megan is how right my father was. Megan is not a well educated woman, nor has the culture or is used to the social level that the Royals have. Diane did, Williams wife does. Megan is an ignorant woman and Harry didn´t realize how bad it would be. I believe Harry was attracted by Megan´s freedom and he wanted to experience it, but he didn´t realize that he needed to consider that freedom meant, go live your life freely and forget about the moneys, the titles, etc. If they wanted freedom, they are entitled to it, but freedom means to be responsible for your lives and they should have considered what getting striped of the Royals really meant.
Thank you for a very sensible analysis of the interview Dr. Grande.
Love all your comments during the end few minutes. Beautifully said. I don’t think either will ever go back to the “institution”. No one should live such a fake life as that.
Thank you, Dr. Grande, for doing all the research necessary to provide this excellent analysis. Especially for watching that long interview with Oprah….So we didn’t have to.
You deserve a round of applause just for that alone!! 

I would hate to be a royal–to live my life as a pet human, owned by the state, sometimes cosseted, sometimes mistreated, but always kept on a leash.
You can’t come into an institution going as far back as the monarchy, and expect in such a short period of time to get all you want, and if you don’t then be so indiscrete as to share it in such a cutthroat way as to divide public opinion so profoundly. William and Catherine have never discussed the difficulties they have faced, and I’m sure they would have had difficulties, everyone does. Even when they broke up for a period of time before they were married, Catherine never uttered at word, they be are the example of the way royalty act, they are to be admired, as it is possible they faced the same difficulties, and didn’t air the dirty laundry.
I love your soothing voice (contents are also amazing of course) and I listen to it when I sleep 

I really like your analysis, you are very kind and wise.
Hello Dr. Grande, I do appreciate your fair and balanced analysis of the people and situations you discuss in your videos. Concerning Harry and Meghan’s dissatisfaction with being Royals and all the duties and protocols that go with being in that position, they have decided to move on and live a ” freer” life here in the United States. If they don’t have an other agenda, why don’t they just get on with their new lives and allow the past to stay in the past. If they need theory, why can’t they just take care of that behind closed doors. I really feel there there is a method to their madness.
When you start a relationship, either you enter their reality, or they enter yours. This explains the stage managing of the interview with MM setting the tone first and then PH being brought in later as a guest.
Isn’t HR for the staff at the palace? Why should/would they help her? That just doesn’t make sense to me. She seems like a perpetual victim.
Finally some calm, considered analysis regarding Megan and Harry that was also pleasant to listen to. Thanks Dr Grande.
This is the first time I have not agreed with your analysis. My sense is that this interview was an attempt to get attention. How is it even possible that Megan did no research about being a royal? I found both Megan and Oprah to be disingenuous. Oprah made a big deal about all the questions being a total surprise to Megan. When Oprah brought up the story about Megan making Kate cry – Megan acted like she wasn’t going to bring out the truth and then did. She was pretending to be discreet but did a 180 in a matter of seconds. Why did they do this interview at all? What was the point? My guess is that Megan would have loved to have been the next Diana (The popularity part). I have no problem with them wanting to leave their royal duties but this interview made me lose respect for both of them – and I already don’t trust Oprah.
Gayle Gardiner
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