Afghan refugee children of brick factory – Blog

Rogério Penna
if you release that as a game, I bet there will be some kids in rich countries that will spend 14 hours a day on their cellphones playing hard to see who makes the most bricks.
Kamyar Kamyab
For those who think the parents are lazy! I have to say that, some of these children have lost their parents!… or the parents are handy caps!… These kids are little big adults…they feed their family. I’m proud of knowing these people…Afghans are very hard working and sophisticated people.
ali alajmi
Heart breaking 🙁
Joey Pennington
I love to watch masters of their work at their trade. You can tell these children are just that. It’s almost mesmerizing to watch them.
Roki Afghan
I also did the same thing when I was a kid I was proud of the time I was in a democratic state I was going to school in Afghanistan next to me The job is the best, Laziness makes people unemployed I worked I learned I’m a pilot today.
How about I take a lesson from this video and thank God for living in a modern country with corporations?
swetha Verma
god please help these children for their bright future
sorosh yaqubi
Hard to hear that instead going to school they’re making bricks
leaheys landscaping
They are awesome little workers!!!!!!!
André L. f de Sousa.
Essas crianças deveriam está na escola, e exercendo o direito de brincar. Nós estamos na idade moderna, e não na idade das trevas.
can you imagine having a house built with the blocks that were made with these kid’s sweat?
hassanwwx haeert
sin miedo a equivocarme seguro que sus padres estaran en sus masij o templo adorando a sus fanatismo y alavando a allat mientra estos chicos estan perdiendo su infancia y sus vidas trabajando por sobrevivir
que tristesa ver este video, que desproporcion de mundo, mientras los politicos se dan comodidades y los deportitas del real madrid solo compran carros para guardar y lujos que amontonar
Sounds like a typical labor job, just enough money is made to get back to work. No option to leave the job…this is how they keep you doing it.
J Dergezz
Turki Dossari
What people don’t know is that they are actually “slaves” bounded by a contract. They can’t quit because they are trapped by debt, this is literally modern day slavery. Most families often have to pay others to help them escape by van during the night.
Life is slavery, we are all born to it.
la cuccaracha
28 cents per hour.. that is some cheap labor!!
Unfortunately though, these children aren’t getting any intellectual stimulation either, and will never reach their full intellectual potential. That’s a big problem in societies such as this.
Summer Ermey
This is their school, everyone is important in this world. The little girl standing around looks as if she is ready to join in as soon as she gets big enough. What a great talent these children already have, and how well behaved and disiplined they are. Most children these days are spoiled. We as people of all shapes, sizes and ages want to contribute and be like someone. So at the end of the day how different is it then being a child actor. That is even worse!
They are super efficient at this!! The rest of the world could learn something from this, when kids have something to do they aren’t going out causing trouble or getting radicalised!! I feel sorry for these kids though as this is full on!!
Michael Gutter
Those of you with little to no pity for these children are wicked beyond belief. The ones who put these children in this situation and keep them there do not deserve to live.
republicans love this would low the kids up or spank them if they talk back
I completely agree but you just have to look at the “developed” countries and then ask the question what percentage of people really reach their full intellectual potential. Would it be beneficial to invest in machinery to make their jobs easier? People need a purpose, just look at the aboriginal people in Australia, when they lost their purpose they turned to alcohol and ended up as layabouts. I don’t know the answer, but wish I did for these poor little kids!!
mandy lahem
it looks immoral, but if they don’t work who will feed their families:(
richie rich
I would think there would be a way to automate this and tax money from businesses would be available for kids going to school.
Roboto 101
Don’t score the video negatively so they don’t erase it so that people know the truth of the hard lives of these poor children. I feel broken watching as kids work so hard but it is necessary to keep it so that everyone is aware of this problem. Please don’t like me, I just want to say what I think is reasonable.
laila Alhumide
Schpankme Verimuch
Take a lesson from this video; make your own bricks and build a simple house; raise your own food and Stop being a Corporate battery.
On what land do they build these houses and grow their wheat? The USand various insurgent groups have already destroyed the houses they had. Didn’t think it through, no? They are refugees in a foreign country.
Shivani Naidu
That’s exploitation. And its very very very sad. Doesn’t the government do anything about it??
Camilo Garcia Benitez
to bush house , that ordered the destruction of their lives
Yeah, what they need is a Pashtun Idol competition, a church on every street corner and 16 flavours of Doritos (which I believe are actually unavailable in the Southern marshes!) and then they can be like your average Brit or American and sit around arguing all day as to whether Wagner’s politics should be allowed to overshadow his music or whether the data from CERN really does point to a God particle. Do me a favour. Model themselves on ‘us’? Might as well just bomb them and have done with.
maximize profit minimize cost use power to eliminate any law that raises cost or reduces profit. no ethic is allowed here yes that is the very definition of evil if there is a corporate leader with conscious they were damn careful how they did it
Ida Quesada
It would be ol for them to work but the hours they have to work is horrible. Adults couldn’t stand these hours. How heartless the people who run these factories must be. They are like slave owners. I bet the boss wouldn’t and couldnt take this abuse.
Wade Dixon
this is an extrodinary abuse of children. why dont you find out who the owner is and where and how they are living….. probably in manhatton.
Jason Hugo
ITT: People blaming a 238 year old country for causing the results of a religion at war, for 1,400 years, on an unrelated YouTube video, because feelings…
The problem with keeping the children working with theirs hands and not with their brains, is the we stop science and invention development. This in fact are the true creators of economic wealth.
Kids in America go to school come home play video games and eat until they are fat and repeat.
joe biden
Well make like a million brick apartments in Pakistan.
Schpankme Verimuch
Refugees or child labor? Have you been educated to understand double talk?
Pete Crabtree
No benefit system, It puts food in their bellies.
Ben Smith
This is disgusting. I’ve worked in the brick making industry in the UK and it’s a hard job for a grown man, let alone a child in bear hands and feet. The brick industry in the west needs to make charitable contributions to these kids. Now.
At least ther working and not being brainwashed by Taliban madrassas
Kidsadakon Ruaikra
This world isn’t fair. I can’t change it but I believe we can change it. When human understand each other pains, the world will change.
Why aren’t the parents out there instead?
@tmomof6 .. unequal pay for a days works is EVIL. Children without play is EVIL. Children uneducated is EVIL. Adults that profit from a child’s labors is EVIL.
Rich Welsh
These poor children .one little girl looked to be about 4 .Why can’t the dads do this and let the kids go to school
ıʞsʍoqɯoM ɟʎZ
united states purchases the oil. they don’t steal it. they trade for it.
James Medina
smoke weed everyday. bricks of weed.
why was there an old man working there. why would they want to hire an old man when a child could make the bricks far quicker and for the same price, i mean look at that first boy go. he was making serious bricks out there, no nonsence bricks like that little girl.
I think you have to understand that any ideology or political or economic model can be taken to an extreme in a way that is detrimental to society. Corporations are not inherently bad any more than religion or communism is. Nor are they anymore inherently good. I never said corporations shouldn’t operate within the bounds of laws that are in place to prevent them from becoming essentially cancerous.
hello people, if someone can not read my comment, but the fact that watching this video cause me much grief, it is not fair to pass this life these children and assure them that we have to the divine sin to use their children to that still do not work they can, not what name to put to this, just carry you with this anguish of seeing their suffering, poor children, poor his little hands he arose, his poor, poor us we can not do anything, god forgive us bodies because we do not know the ….
Imagine doing this for the rest of your life. No wonder why afghan parent let their kids join the Taliban. 
June Yang
The little girl is supposed to work
@420Afgani you see the adults at the end, notice the old guy and the teenager? they just focused on the children in the area and ignored the adults.
I’m not a communist. I’m a social democrat. I understand this.
Anyway, no one is stopping you from moving to some isolated, undeveloped place and living off the land….but yourself.
What’s double talk?
hola gente, no se si alguien pueda leer mi comentario, pero la verdad que al  ver este video me causa mucha pena, no es justo que pasen esa vida esos niños y les aseguro que ante el divino ya hemos pecado por usar a sus niños para hacer labores que todavia no les compete, no se que nombre poner a todo esto, solo cargare con esta angustia de ver sus sufrimiento, pobres niños, pobre sus manitos partiendose, pobre sus cuerpos, pobre de nosotros que no podemos hacer nada, perdonanos dios porque no sabemos los que hacemos….
hello people, if someone can not read my comment, but the fact that watching this video cause me much grief, it is not fair to pass this life these children and assure them that we have to the divine sin to use their children to that still do not work they can, not what name to put to this, just carry you with this anguish of seeing their suffering, poor children, poor his little hands he arose, his poor, poor us we can not do anything, god forgive us bodies because we do not know the ….
Saud F.
Bet those kids are tougher then most American kids ther age
Johnny White
This is very hard word and long hours for little money.Poor kids
Dipu das 8016277294
Dewanu A,R,B brickworks
@MrSchpankme I agree
They do  it for their families, that’s whatsup. Child labor is not a good idea but these kids are already more mature than other kids in other countries with their age
This is not good , but the people who blaming employers or countries for this…let me tell u one story! , ONCE there was teacher , who told their students to write an easy on Poverty. …one rich student who didn’t know what is poverty. ..wrote something like that…! There was boy, who was very poor, he had old car, old big house,and in that old house there were some old cooling air conditions, some old television, n You guys expecting them to go to school…lol..and even written there up that refugees life…! U even know why they refugees this time? They are poor..don’t have the basic rights as refugees. …school not helping them but work…they be the future engineer..but not through legal channel ,,, what a pity…
Corporations are businesses based on a joint funding effort. They are not inherently malevolent. They are as ethical as the people who sit on their board. Some corporations are very ethical, some are not. Just like people. I’m not telling you to accept the evils in life. I’m just saying it’s irrational to throw out the good with the bad. If you are going to to that, you are going to have to disavow everything in life.
bricks to obama house?

henry mark

Wt* why their parents lazyyy. Just use their brains to get money or ask them to come town? Very poor.
These kids are probaly doing this by choice for the money but they should probaly get breaks alot of them way less hours and ore money same with the adults there I ean the person who owns that place is probaly rich
im sure is a way of life for them to help their families but its also slavery 14 hours per day no education … im sure the profit is enough to buy a blinblin life … pay them more let them take a break with teacher …reward them for their sacrifice not exploit them… child abuse an slavery
Zero Entropy
The horrible reality is this life will make for a better/happier person than an iPad and Happy Meal will. It’s sad to see but you’re foolish if you think American children have it any better and our education system is nothing more than an on ramp to $100,000 in student loans for a degree you can’t do anything with.
These people are so poor because their country did not have the capacity to modernize, due to corruption and inherent instability that was present from the beginning. That brick factory is probably not a corporation, by the way. It’s probably a sole proprietorship. If Pakistan can get it’s act together sufficiently, they might get lucky and some foreign corporation might invest in their economy. That’s what happened to India and that’s one reason poverty rates have declined significantly there.
Value Designbuild
This is horrible. Small kids working 14 hrs a day for 260 rps. At-least contractors should provide them gloves and other safety equipment. At VDB, we say strict No to child labour.And we request others to say no to Child labor.
Jeff W
I think this is good.  Not the age, extent and for a living but I think all peoples in communities need to start helping and producing essentials for the community.  Communities need to be more self sufficient and not depend on the system anymore…the system is crashing and inefficient for sustaining billions of people.  Depending on the system and public education do not teach life skills or how to be sufficient but only to depend on the system and this is very bad way of thinking and living. On the other hand…we do have brick molding machines…
just english comment passing by..
This is more like it. Our kids here in Australia are too busy whinging and whining and playing video games, useless
$4 a day is a perfectly good full-time wage for an unskilled / semi-skilled worker in that country. If a family has four children doing this job and two working parents those families are not even slightly poor. It’s literally the equivalent of a family of six bringing home £1200 a week in England. Not even close to poor. I’m all for child labour – look how industrious they are. And none of them look sick or particularly tired. That’s a very good life for them and I wish I could live it – making bricks for builders to build houses. I’ve been unemployed for a year.
Saint Barthélemy
I told you Muslims could be useful !