He looks so much like his mother. I am so happy that they found each other.
The way she says “my son” every time she is referring to him is so heart warming
she is so proud of him!

Absolutely horrible how a midwife could be involved in knowing she’s stealing a baby to be sold. Disgusting
Not surprising, we’ve known that many kids adopted abroad are actually stolen. That’s why I think all adoptions should be open and transparent.
breaks my heart. Pure evil in this world to steal people’s children from them.
Unfurtunaly , he wasn’t the only .. many of these children keep coming forward .

I’m so happy that he found his biological mother I want to thank his adopted parents for what they did now he’s hold bless you all
Well said Tyler! You are the richest man in the world surrounded by love and your family truly blessed .
This is utterly heartbreaking on so many levels. Tyler is a truly wonderful person and I’m thankful that he wasn’t abused or adopted by awful parents. But it’s just heartbreaking. And outrageous. The reporter asked if he thought this was kidnapping. What an odd question. Of course it was kidnapping.
He helped me find my mom in Chile after 33 years. Thank you Tyler!!!!

When you hear a story like this you realize how cruel/greedy the world can be. God Bless all those who have had this confusing life event.
So lovely to see them trying to make up for all the lost hugs and kisses every 5 seconds
im crying ..lm just glad that Tyler was raised well by his adopted parents. and im glad that he met his family.
I’m his younger Paraguayan adoptive sister and have to say that if he wasn’t around during my childhood I would’ve been so lonely. He taught me through his actions that being of service to others took the pain away and laughing often helped heal heartbreaks. Grateful to him. 

He was literally the missing piece to their family. I can see he’s exactly what they’ve been missing, and they are what he’s been missing. Makes me so sad that this happened Bc he and his mom feel’s robbed. Which they absolutely were! Pray God puts his hands all in this and serves them the justice they deserve!
This made me cry
she loved him forever that’s what a mother’s love is. Shame on the Chilean government

Sad what happened to him! But wow what a wonderfully young gentleman he turned into.
I can’t get over the level of corruption. It’s abhorrent and shameful and disgusting. The perpetrators should be held accountable.
I know this lady personally. We were friends for 5 years but lost contact. I know her story is true. Nothing makes me happier than the news that she met her son, finally! !
This video brought me chills. I was born in Chile during the Pinochet dictatorship. I just keep thinking that I would’ve been stolen if I had poor or leftists parents or if I was indigenous. It’s so upsetting and humane what many went through under Pinochet’s regime.
You can see how quickly he adapted. He starts referring to her his birth mom but it quickly becomes “mom”. I wish both sides of his parents and his immediate family peace and heeling.
Some adoptions were also coerced in the USA, primarily by churches, families, and agencies, not the government. Mostly earlier in the 20th century, 1950s, 60s, 70s. International adoption became more popular partially because fewer babies available in US: increased access to birth control/abortions, etc. Women were more able to get jobs and support selves as single parents too. Another example – adoptions were aggressively coerced in Ireland. See ‘Philomena’ book and movie.
He is Blessed to have two sets of parents. I hope there is acceptance with everyone involved. Very sad what happened to his biological mother and her family.
the way she eats up as many hugs as she can get just breaks my heart! What an awful thing to have stolen from you!
So sad she didn’t get to see him grow up but I’m glad she has him in her life now.
Absolutely heartbreaking for all involved. I can’t believe a government did this to its people.
I’m glad they are reunited. A mom’s love is unending.
Taking a child away from a mother is sick. Shame on them 

I need to see part 2. This is heartbreaking. Years they’ll never get back.
I’m a mother, to one son…I had him at 19yrs old..many times my parents told me I couldnt have him.i ran away with the father whom was very abusive..stripped me of my soul mentally and physically. I suffered tremendously for 4 yrs. I NEVER regretted my child. Never blamed my child for being here at the time, I loved him more than my own life, because my life at home wasnt a happy one. I wouldve given my life for my son only god knows, if someone wouldve taken him from me? I wouldve searched the world to find him. Today, hes 50 yrs old a grown man with 2 sons. I am so blessed and happy that I brought him to this world, because HE is my world, without him back then, wouldve been the end of my world.
This makes me so damn angry.. Heartless, absolutely heartless.. I’m so glad they found each other..
I’m adopted from Latin America and this hit hard. You’re told your whole life one thing and then find out it was all based on a lie. As an international adoptee you usually assume your biological family just couldn’t take care of you for some unknown reason. I rather dislike the “what a beautiful video” comments because it’s not beautiful to me. He called it an atrocity! It’s horrifying to think of my own daughter being kidnapped and the hospital telling me she’d died at birth. Sheesh, I wonder what his adopted mom felt seeing him call his bio mom his mother. Complex stuff! And hearing his cute broken Spanish also tugged at my heart, too.
this poor mom =( , nothing short of a miracle that they found each other after so many years
Unfurtunaly , he wasn’t the only .. many of these children keep coming forward .
I am so happy to see how his mother found happiness again, my mother used to say “the love of a mother for her child never dies”
This is a nightmare. Somebody has to pay for this.
Seee this goes deeper than we think… they stole his LIFE, identity, language, culture, & lineage!! This is completely awful!!
for everyone child stolen from THIER family I pray they are one SAFE… and secondly they deserve closure…

Wow I’m in tears
the love he missed being in her arms all these years. I’m so happy for them reuniting I’m so happy his mom is still here to see her baby boy that they took from her. The story was so heartbreaking
but the ending is Beautiful! Enjoy your familia in Chile 🇨🇱 His heart is broken
Mothers will always know their baby’s

A miracle and blessing to find his mother. They were cheated from his whole childhood
I’m so happy they got to see and hold each other. So loving. Imagine the pain his birth mother felt being told her son died. What a painful memory to have to carry on with.. Everyone involved should be held accountable! Finding out you’re adopted is hard enough, but to find out you were kidnapped for that adoption to take place is next level evil! I can’t imagine all of the mothers and children this happened too. 
Love and prayers to those in their searches.

Gosh, I’ve turned back to say…This young man is a spitting image of his Mom, he’s even walking like his Mom! Just look at it, that is exactly the same walk!!! Look at them from the back while holding each other’s hand, …look how the same and synchronized their walking is!!! Yeah, yeah… So true! Blood is no water! I am so glad they’ve found each other! A Mother and a Son!!!
The thought of losing your newborn baby to death and living with that lie for 40 years then finding out your government lied to you and your baby was alive. That is something this family will never get back watching this baby grow his first step his first words his achievements becoming a man. That is a lot to overcome but this man was blessed to get the adopted parents that he did and their truth always in the open. It is with God’s grace that they were brought together again they have so many years to make up for. The freedom we live in our country is taken for granted by all of us. May God bless this family and give them all the time in the world to become that family they should have been all the time. Wouldn’t it be nice if one of these airlines gave him an open ticket to go visit his mother whenever he wanted to make up for the 40 years without her.. we all know first responders do not make a lot of money and that trip cost a lot of money.

I am crying while watching this video. I am so happy for you both. God bless you both.
This is heartbreaking and extremely upsetting. I remember learning about this in high school but never saw a story on it in US news until now. I cant help but feel that he missed out on a lot of love, culture and expression.
I was adopted but through legal means. And as a mother myself, this tears me up inside!
This is incredible
️ Such a tragedy. So horrible, so sad and yet they made a beautiful ending from it. They did not deserve what happened to them, they did not choose it, but they turned it into something so beautiful, so amazing, and that no one could ever take away from them
️ Much love, thank you for sharing your story with us

How many mothers in Chile live with the doubt in their heart after being told their baby is dead and now wondering if that was true or if they have a child out in this world somewhere.
I don’t believe I could ever recover from something like this God bless these women and children.

The same thing had happened to my birth mother in Kazakhstan in 1998. I just found her last week and the hospital did the exact same thing to her.
I enjoyed watching this video. To see the happiness of his biological mom was priceless… what happened to them was pure Wickedness…
“I wondered if he was loved, if he was fed well, if he spent time cold.” That’s a mom for sure. 

That poor family, thank goodness they found one another again

This story has a happy ending and some aren’t so blessed to find their birth parents . I am so, glad that his Mother found comfort in knowing her Son is home . His adopted Mother is a wonderful loving and caring lady . God Bless both families
As an adoptee from a foreign country my heart goes out to Tyler and his birth family. Fortunately all of the pain they went through brought them back together again. I hope they are able to stay connected for life

They stole their children and they stole the life they should have had! It’s horrible!
Wow! Can’t imagine what the biological mother went through. The loss, the sadness, the shock, the excitement.
Unbelievable It painful to watch.
Time is stolen from them, so heartbreaking
I’m glad they found each other!!! Love will always conquer evil!!! 

They became closer than my mom and I are now. How tragic that they missed all that time. One of my worst nightmares is looking back at my son growing up and wondering if I squandered time, and this mom had no choice. Thinking your child is dead… just awful 

I understand this man’s story and it makes a lot of people such as myself who was adopted and didn’t find out till I was 15 years old I wonder too that I belong to another family are they looking for me I was told that I was born in Chicago and I’ve never been to Chicago ever I hope someone’s not missing a daughter tonight I was born in 1963 it’s sad…. I hope this man keeps his inner peace, keep the faith 

I am happy for him, and so sad for the mothers who suffered. His lovely wife probably could always sense some sadness in him, even though he had loving adoptive parents. Wishing you two much happiness in your married life and families now. And thank you for you community service. You are brave and strong.
The way she says “ mi niño” breaks my heart,she has unconditional love for him.

Wow. I have a friend who lives near Houston, originally from Chile, who was also adopted. I’m incredibly curious if this was a supposed common thing.. wow.
This was so heartbreaking it made me cry so much. I hope they get to spend a lot of time together.
This story was heartbreaking
and Brought me to tears to watch him talking thankfully the ending was beautiful can you find forever happiness you deserve it Tyler thankful you have a beautiful family

This is so despicable! So sad! The heartbrake that all parties have suffered is immeasurable! I’m sure many children probably lived better lives than they would have otherwise but that does not make it ok or justifiable! Hearing their story is probably one many can relate too, between loss and abandonment. So sad! I hope others find peace as well!
This is devastating!! It broke my heart seeing his birth mom, I can’t even imagine the pain she must of felt when she was told her son had died, then mixed feelings of joy and pain to find out he’s alive knowing she had missed out on raising him. His adopted mom is amazing by supporting him thru this journey. The only good thing coming out if this horrific story is that Tyler now has two loving moms!!

What a blessing
The love that his birth mother has for him is an amazingly beautiful blessing. I felt the love of this family

The way she wraps her arms around him. My god 

So sad. His childhood was taken away from his mom. And hes identity was taken away. He is more American then from Chile. I’m glad he went back to his roots and know where he actually came from. He missed out in his culture and family.
Heart breaking ! I am sitting here crying , I cannot imagine the pain 🙁 <3 God bless all involved !
INHUMANE!!! He said it BEST!!! Very sad. Hes lived with all this pain; the same pain his mother felt for the loss of her son! I hope you have MANY more meetings with your momma & family! Sending lots of love & prayers

I lived there during those years…took a few children in while their parents were in concentration camps or in hiding….protecting them put our lives at risk daily…but who couldn’t risk for the safety of babies
we were divinely protected until we all came out …with severe PTSD
️ nice to see them having a parrillada (BBQ) such an southern thing to do 

What an absolute atrocity that so many people were behind such a horrible scheme. It’s beautiful that he was able to be reunited with his mother…can only pray that the other children involved are okay and are able to find out who their real parents were.

He was kidnapped. His mom was robbed. They were both cheated

This is an amazing story. Praying some of the other children find their parents too. A mother’s love.
I’m sure BOTH of his mom’s are so proud of him.
I love that they have this love for each other that is just so pure. They aren’t awkward with one another. This is so upsetting that people can be so evil and mess with peoples lives like this
This made me cry I know he’s torn on the ppl whom raised him they were probably good to him Now he has a whole new family I know he feels robbed of that life
My mother afraid of her partner when young left 4 children behind and escaped from the Bronx to Puerto Rico. Later on when she realized her big mistake late 60’s she had no way to contact them. She has carried that grief all her life.
Look at how she holds him
that’s her baby boy

What a wonderful gift for a mother to find that her infant son was alive and well. I’m so happy for her joy. To know that he is alive tho she missed out on so much to have that opportunity to see and spend time.. and knowing Her son is alive and well.. what a gift from GOD..
Im adopted My birthfather is from Uruguay Luckily i speak spanish fluently But its a journey…..
Pretty incredible story. So happy they found each other.

What an amazing and sad story all together. I wish this never happened but I’m also glad that he found his mom. Hopefully whoever else this happened to will be able to find their families.
I am so sorry for this family but to Tyler: You have TWO families that love you… spend the rest of your life giving that love of both families to your children!!! I know it’s not so easy… but I had ONE FAMILY that didn’t want me because I was a girl… and now I am finding out that there may be more to it than that! This DNA stuff can be life changing!!!!
This was heartbreaking but I am soooo glad she lived to find him again.
“an atrocity that happened to so many” When someone is offering a large amount of money for a baby, someone else will find a way to provide one.
My grandfather was a Firefighter during the take over of the dictatorship. He told me they used drag out bodies from the river because they were killing people left and right for swatting out the “communists”. He told me the neighboring building had police come visit and some people never came back and disappeared. One day they knocked on my grandfather’s door and asked him about the people he was around or friendly with he managed to send them away. However they came back looking for him but by the time they did he and my family had left to come to the US. They had to travel from Chile to Mexico on foot and faced many hurdles and harsh natural conditions. Once they made it they came to VA were my family has lived. Now they are all citizens and retired workers. I’m proud and also very lucky to know about my Chilean origins and history. I’m also glad my grandfather was there to help people in need while facing the tragic take over. Since then he has always held a deep respect for the firefighters and volunteer squads both here and in Chile. I also had another relative who was one of the people who had pulled Allende body from La Moneda after it was blown up. Truly amazing history.
This is so sad. But amazing to know they found each other. I would be devastated knowing this happened to me. I wish him and his family the best of luck 

This is heartbreaking
what they did was wicked an cruel. I can’t imagine my child being take away for all of those years and then looking at your fully grown child, realizing you missed all of their milestones, not being able to comfort them, or guide them on their journey to adulthood, and so much more. This world is so cruel it’s disgusting 

His mother loves him dearly. This scenario is inhumane and in happens in every country. There is no accountability in the hospitals, they can do no wrong. That is the perception that they is placed on people and it is done on purpose. I hope he moves forward in a peaceful manner and creates another life with his mother, father and siblings. There are so many children that are stolen especially in usa and there is no accountability because everyone especially in the government is involved in the kidnapping and sex trafficking of children. I bless this wonderful man with love, peace and happiness. God loves you dearly and he knows of everything. Enjoy your family in Texas and your family in Chile

Well,… Don’t know what to say…what a story! A story with happy ending! This young man’s lucky that’s for sure!!! I am so happy that he’s happy and that he managed to close the circle with a help of two wonderful women who Both are his Mothers for good! He was lucky that he’s been raised and grew up in a wonderful, normal very warm family! It was a luck in a luck! And, I am so happy for this young man! I am from Serbia, now living in USA, and I have a son who’s of the same age as this man! The kidnappings like this were happening in my country right at the time when I was in the hospital where I gave a birth to my son. I hardly waited for me and my son to live the hospital cos I was concerned about them kidnapping my baby boy! This young man was lucky enough and still is cos his Both Mothers are wonderful carrying Mothers and human beings! I wish them All everything the Best from the bottom of my heart! May they All Be Blessed!!!
Got me In tears watching this right when I wake up. Now I gotta go hold my baby boy and hug my mom
That reminds me of the book “Cry No More” by Linda Howard almost 20 years ago about the baby-smuggling ring and the story of a mom trying to find her baby.
I can’t imagine what his mother went through
This makes me wonder about “Snooki” from Jersey Shore.. . If she was really given up for adoption or if she was stolen. She was born in Chile
Im so happy he was reunited with his mom. He missed out on so much. Now he will be blessed to experience time with his family and the wonderful country and culture of chile. It’s probably my most favorite place to be in the world. I was blessed to live there.
God bless your family 
not even death can separate the love of a parent.

I can’t stop crying omg this is by far the most heartbreaking thing ever
They have each other now. I hope the can find peace. The love is so beautiful between a mother and her son.
I’m in the same path as him. Though I wasn’t adopted. But I was taken from my homeland. Guatemala, I’m 30 years old now, and I am home now! With my own people.
On my God this is so sweet and sad
When my son was born I was so afraid to let him out of my sight at the hospital even in the USA because this is a mother’s greatest fear.
Fantastic work Univision for your help and efforts and uniting a Lost son after 38 years and finally giving joy to a mother’s broken heart. 

I can’t say I can relate to these parents but I do understand how these moms feel about losing their kids. My daughter was taken from me by her father but not by the courts. Yes her situation is worse because she haven’t seen her child in decades and she didn’t know who took him but there’s not much of a difference when you’ve done all the right things for your children and someone takes them without having a care in the world about your feelings or mental health I pray for healing for any parent that’s going through this 

I’m so happy her baby boy found his way back home. So bitter sweet. 

Just when you think you’ve seen the worst of humanity – POW
️- you find it CAN get worse. God bless & keep this family…and for all those others who still mourn the loss of a child…peace. 

This is such an amazing little documentary

Watching this, I was crying from the start til the end of the video. Thank God they (mom & son) found each other again. God bless you all 

There’s no telling how many “orphans” were really stolen from their parents 

Tears come for him and his mom for what they went through! So happy they are reunited and glad they still have time together! Hard to believe anyone could stoop this low to be involved in this……………………………………
Breaks my heart , what a beautiful family
Pinochet caused so much pain for so many. Remember class discussions about him. Typical dictator like Ortega and similar today……This story is a combination of sad and beautiful. Good wishes to the families.
This is so insane ! Snooki is also Chilean and also adopted ! They said the same reason ! That her mother had too many kids and couldn’t take care of another !!
Many of these babies were ilegally adopted to Sweden. They targeted poor but also leftist mothers. It was in the chilean press during the time of the dictatorship. I think it was profited by some in the establishment but not a contious choice. The economic gain of of the adoption/kidnapping agencies was the main motor.
This is insane and so so so sad. My heart breaks for them. 

I had a stillborn. If he suddenly was known to be alive, I would be able to let go of a lifetime of grief and questioning God. I can imagine how this mother feels.
To rob someone of their entire existence is absolutely cruel, he never knew the love of his mother as a young boy or got to enjoy his culture, that’s a big part of ones existence is know family and roots. May god bless all of them and heal their aching hearts

Thank God mother and son were able to reunite while she’s still alive. She’s never stopped loving him and he seems to be in peace. What a heartbreaking but happy loving ending of ABC’s piece. Thank You! God is Great!
I’m crying so happy they found each other.
When I was little, one of my friends’ family adopted a baby chilean girl. Now I wonder if she was kidnapped too.
Wowww hes his mother twin I’m so happy that Tyler got what he wanted his birth mother is so over joyed such a blessing our father god almighty always on time

I feel this to the core of my being! 

this is so horrifying. i’m so glad they’ve reunited
This has me in tears I feel for them that’s horrible but I’m happy that he got to find his real mom before it was to late.
Wow 30 seconds in I’m already crying. Thank God they found each other again
Heart warming…
This is killing me right now. I’m so sorry for all those families that lost their children because of such monsters

It’s sad that they can’t get back almost 40 years but I happy for them to meet each other, especially in person before his mother left this world.
Balling. Glad he grew up with a solid adoptive family, BUT, his Mommy, his Mommy was robbed and sobbed all her life! Que Dios la bendiga, Señora. Un fuerte abrazo!
This story got me crying.A mother never forgets!!!
As I certified Volunteer Fire and Medical rescue I have deep respect for those professionals. . Your story touched my heart. I don’t know my mother
It left me speechless. So sad.
Amazing story Tyler – tears just rolling down …
What is the name of the nonprofit that helped him? I was adopted from Chile in 1989.
It’s so heartbreaking where I’m from (Arizona) is a common issue as child kidnapping occurs here as I still can’t forget the incident when a couple officers driving late at night asking me if I seen a 15 year-old Hispanic girl went missing and still think about that girl to this day. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for Tyler as he didn’t had a healthy newborn childhood and wanting it best for his son as he’s an inspiration for all fathers out there and having a wonderful kindhearted wife to live his life with. Never knew Chile had such a dark history for child trafficking like this as they’re normally one of the most developed countries of South America. It really is heartwarming to see him interacting with his mother again after all these decades as it’s heartbreaking at the same time he can’t speak his mother tongue language but still doesn’t break the connection between them both.
Also, to be off topic, I can tell Tyler’s mother has that Italian accent when she speaks in Spanish as I’ve forgotten how most Chileans have Italian descent just like Argentines. 

Right off the bat, you feel the pain right away. Where is part 2. I’m excited to see the kid’s reaction meeting his Abuelo and Abuela.
This is so wonderful for Tyler and his mother and family .
I’m happy they reunited. Mankind can be so cruel , then so kind. It’s the kindness that is worth living for.
I’ve always felt the same I’m 27years old, and it wasn’t until after an Ex-boyfriend of my mother when I was 18years old that always made me wonder is this even my mother? Our relationship has been very weird from the start it’s like she never really cared? We basically raised ourselves.. and shockingly as it may sound I believe I’m a “Royal Princess” why do i believe that? Something keeps drawing me to Royal history, even changing my name to “HRH Princess Sahliyaah”. It’s like, I belong to someone who’s a Royal I’ve felt this very soooo long. I’ve always had an acquired taste for things that I haven’t even had growing up. Like high-end designer, taking trips very young, very into my hygiene tailored clothing, nice fabrics. But even with that taste my family wasn’t really the same, it’s almost like they’ve hid something from me for years and now I’m on the hunt to figuring this all out. I still don’t know the hospital I was born at, who my father is or even to believe this woman claiming to be my “mom” is actually even my mother…. it’s the weirdest thing!

This makes me sad and happy at the same time.
I would’ve never known about this if it wasn’t posted. It’s so sad to hear that the government was involved.
Precious family. I pray that they will all feel whole.
Tears! He seemed so happy playing the guitar with his cowboy hat relaxing at home in the mountains with his birth family in Chile.
There should not be foreign adoptions allowed because it is a money making scam. Each country has children that need adopting within it’s own borders. The court system needs to make the cost of adoption cheaper. There are lots of good hearted moralistic people who are deserving of adopting a child. In the USA alone there are thousands of children in foster care who could be adopted but aren’t because of the insanely high attorney fees. My heart goes out to this mother and son and all others in Chile that the crooked inhumane government harmed eternally.
I wonder if Snooki’s one of the kids that were illegally adopted. So many questions.
This is wrong on so many levels!, But ,I thank God they are United now and they have so much Love for each other. That type of Love is Beautiful. Shame on this government for doing such a bad thing to so many innocent people.
Aww. This is so heartwarming. 

My aunt in El Salvador lost her baby girl after birth, the midwife was involved on it, (stolen) during the war in the 80’s. My aunt was forced outside of the hospital to sign some documents and was forced to give the baby, also was threatened of death, and she had two other kids to save. Two months ago she received news from my mom’s uncle, saying her daughter is alive living in Connecticut US and was adopted by an American family, she did not know was stolen, she was adopted when was 4 months from an agency in El Salvador. After DNA test, etc they are trying to reunite, my aunt have been in pain for over 35 years, now she has peace in her heart. Actually two of her biological brothers are living in Maryland, hopefully they meet too.
I hope and Pray he can spend as much time with his Birth Mother because they’ve lost so many years. Time to Embrace his Long Lost Family.
So sad. As a adopted child myself. Never found my parents. Really wish I could
It’s so hard to be in situation but I’m glad at least he found his family
My uncle is out their too.. Same thing happened to my grama.. Sadly shes passed from covid and never got to meet him

Amazing journey to find his family.
My heart goes out to you! I was adopted out of Colombia in the ‘70’s and it was also most probably an illegal adoption. There a thousands of us who just want to be listened to. We want justice. We want to find all the pieces of the puzzle that is our life.
Juju Chang looks so beautiful in this story. She looks so fresh and “undone” in a wild and wholesome, outdoorsy kind of way. She looks stunning like this, far more beautiful than when they film her on set with the makeup and every hair in place, etc.
Always be wary of circumstances in international adoptions.. this type stuff is more common than many think.
It would be nice if both moms met with a translator so she can atleast learn abit of his childhood.
:’( this is horrific :’( I am heartbroken for him. It kinda reminds me of the triplets who were the “experiment of the government. I pray for everyone affected by this inhumane bullshit :’(
Glad they found each other! This should never have happened though. I believe for every wrong that has been done that person will stand before God on judgement day and be held accountable. In this world money and power are put first for some people, which is evil. May God help everyone who has gone through hell in this world to find peace and comfort.
I remember that Snooki from Jersey Shore shared a similar adoption story. I wonder if she was a victim of this as well. I feel bad for all of these families and the children that were separated from their families.
wow-he looks just like them! i consider him a very lucky citizen of the world to have had love growing up and love from his found family as well.
This also happened in Argentina, Spain, and if I’m not mistaken, in other Latin countries as well.
i am speechless.. the hospital, the Catholic church and the government???!!!!?!? fuqk i have seen everything now 

I am glad they found each other before its too late. Goodluck and blessings to mom and son
So happy for you Tyler! God bless you and your family
I told my daughter before I adopted her. Lol. We made her a book. And gave it to her and she ran around her foster family showing everyone her Mamá! Crazy. She had pictures of her birth mom and stepbrother and stepfather. She was only 2 1/2 yes old. Children are smarter than you think they are. I taught her Spanish. As her birth mom requested that I do so.
Wow what a beautiful story of Tyler finding his mother in chili Boy did he travel so far far and he is such a handsome man well taken care by his adoptive parents
It’s so hard to watch without crying justice should still come because there was a crime committed
Better known as: “family court”
In my mind, there is no crime worse than having your children stolen from you no matter who did the stealing! Ex Spouses, The Government, Random Strangers etc.! I know too well the despair of having a child ripped from you possibly forever!!! The mothers of stolen children have to endure silent screams and wailing EVERY SINGLE DAY ! The mind can’t turn off this particular horror that occurs every day! To carry a child in your body for 9 months only to have your child ripped from you is Hell on earth! My heart goes out to all of the victims (Mothers & Children). Real mothers never stop loving their children! I’m heartbroken for Tyler and his birth mom but ecstatic they reunited! I pray every day to be reunited with my son and daughter! I 

But he is back now, they never expected to meet. Make dreams from there.
Amazing journey to find his family.
He was created and born in Chile so he just don’t remember anything from the last time he was there. I hope all the rest of the children who were stolen from families are reunited and have the same happy ending.
This really hits me hard I’m a Chilean adoptee for 34 years I was told very very little just same old stuff “she loved you but couldn’t take care of you” I have a name but certain names are so common I doubt I will ever know buts it’s always caused a big void and has lead to alcoholism as I am fine now in life I still wonder.
Update: 9/30/21, Relatives aren’t always exactly who you think that they were/are, a lot of things were happening back before the 1940s that many won’t talk about. It’s good to dig in your family history, search for old photos, but keep your mouth shut like an detective, don’t let them know what you are thinking 
, noticing when you are investigating relatives and discovering secrets/things; sounds like secrets up in your family tree, you, your parents or grands and others could be orphans and they aren’t telling you beans, they are just keeping their mouths shut, keeping secrets and keeping their distance. Share with the congregation, or post on Facebook or send in messenger, somebody needs to research/dig in their Family History. Update: 6/12/21, over 35 years ago, upon two occasions, a neighborhood friend out of the Blue, I don’t know what prompted him to state this, “your relatives aren’t exactly who you think that they are, your grandmother could be an aunt or a cousin”; or instead your granddad could be the uncle or the cousin. I didn’t think that this concerned me at all because I believed what my parents told me that those were their parents and relatives, but they weren’t too happy with the relatives and often complained; me and my siblings complained too, these relatives weren’t treating us right. I found out 15 years ago that there were many unofficial adoptions from the beginning of time up until the 1940s for the United States and still continuing all over the world (I imagine in war torn countries where children were/are orphaned))when there were no paperwork, no attorney nor court, nothing legal. You just take the baby, infant, toddler, small child, and teen home with you and when the ‘census records takers’ comes around you just tell them that its your daughter/son if they will be too young to remember that they were separated from their biological parents; they are not never told about whatever happened to their parents, that they were/are not their children, and that they are not the parents. Not only did relatives take in the orphans but none relatives or friends of the parents and neighbors. Back then heads of households took in strangers when they didn’t have nobody to stay with; and the census records aren’t correct as to the ‘role’ of the infant, baby, toddler and small child to the head of households. In many cases if the infant, baby, toddler and small child is believed to be no kin, then they are mistreated badly, not talked to, nor cared about nor looked out for nor encouraged to do better or stay in school; this is the reasons that you may not be liked, respected, cared about, talked to, looked out for by who you thought was your parents, grandparents, greats, aunts/uncles, first cousins and other kin, because they believe that you are not related/kinfolks. This is why you can’t find ‘Midwives papers’ 1.)because who you were told and grew up believing is your parents and grandparents believe that you are not which isn’t always true because the men folks were stepping outside of their marriages and dropping babies 2.) because the babies, infants, toddlers and small children weren’t old enough to remember that they were separated from their parents for whatever reasons – one to a few out of one hundred reasons. There’s many reasons why babies, infants, toddlers, small children and teens are separated from their biological parents. Collect the Family history anyway, because you possibly could be 2nd to 10th cousins, you would have to get an Ancestry dna test or 23&me to find out for sure. Isaiah 53:4-6; James 1:25-27.

8:57 so sweet and heartbreaking
Sad story with a happy ending
I am so sorry you were stolen. Thankfully you ended up with a loving family
This is very likely what happened with Snooki from Jersey Shore. She’s in this gentleman’s same age range and was adopted from Chile as an infant
I am glad they found each other

Dios los bendiga se me partió el corazón cuando su mami dijo mi niño
️ el amor de una madre es el más puro muchas bendiciones 

Wow, just awful! I’m glad he found his natural family.
Damn this man wants justice
big time

Poor mom. Ugh. Poor son. I’m so glad they’ve been brought together. This has happened soo sooo much. Our own country.. Texas has the highest of black market adoptions

I found my self sighing and than crying for his mom, is like I felt her pain
Chilenos saludos desde Perú.. ojalá. Espero y deseo con todo de mi corazón que este cambio en gobierno que tienes va a traer un nuevo capítulo a tu pais.. tan daño ha hecho pinochet.. miles y miles de historias como este hombre.
So sad for mother and son. Happy they finally reunited.
You made me cry tears of love to happy ending.
I hope their relationship blossoms
very sad for this to happen

This is a good reunion story. I am happy for Tyler.
What a trategy is human trafficking. It leave.children vulnerable to other abuses. Some children may adopted to caring parents but many are not. The story this young been stolen from his parents is traumatizing especially for the parents who thought their son died in the hospital at birth. What a great reunion they had. God bless them. This one of the evl happening in many countries. I think adoption agent should make a policy to find out how children become ophans to trace perpetrators to be punished. This is a great crime against children as well as some good parents.
I never heard of this bobby trap before.It’s such a shame that you can’t enjoy your things you bought with your hard earned cash Good for him for taking care of his possession.


This may save your life, we don’t know our path, take what you gey, enjoy your moments and go be the best

INHUMANE!!! He said it BEST!!! Very sad. Hes lived with all this pain; the same pain his mother felt for the loss of her son! I hope you have MANY more meetings with your momma & family! Sending lots of love & prayers
THIS MAN has two Moms on the case! These people have got trouble! I’m really glad though that God reunited them
She reminded me of myself when she looked up at her son. I always think what a handsome boy I have when I look at my son, well not a boy, he’s 30 now. I don’t doubt that she thinks the same thing.
This is absolutly disgusting!!! Shame and, disgrace on everyone involved in these kidnapping and sale of minors they ruined alot of lives and tore familys apart and we’re very corrupt shameful
What a beautiful story!
Inhumane. He said it. What an atrocity. Glad he found his biological mother and family
I felt sad for the biological mother…. But, for what it’s worth. Despite what happened. It seems like he was adopted by a good, decent and established family. He seems like a good person with a good life. Still, u can’t deny who your biological parents are. They helped create you and brought u into this world.
He was fortunate to be adopted by a caring loving family, it could’ve been worse.
I am adopted, and was never shown my adoption papers. After I got married, my husband hired a private investigator to find my parents, and I was told that the agency I allegedly came from burned down and there were no records. Everyone is lying to me, and I have no way to go about finding out who I am and where I came from
This is a horrific, ugly injustice done to innocent children and their famines!
I’m a really hard man to make cry. This made me cry.
Gosh! Surely at the time they must have had true orphans, so to do this, its just evil. Lets not forget the nurses who went with it and lied in a mothers face …
This happens in many, many countries. People adopt with the best of intentions and under the impression these babies need homes. But US citizens need to stop adopting foreign kids, they are driving this market for kidnapped kids.
I grew up in Houston and I realize it’s meant for me to study culture and race unfortunately I went through racial teasing growing up in the South. I will get closure when I find out who my biological father is. I believe my biological mother lives in New Orleans but I really need help from the news I really admire news reporters.
Ok, this is super weird but if anyone is familiar with snooki Nicole polizzis adoption story she came from Chile and her parents were told that the birth parents had other kids and couldn’t afford another one. She said she never looked up any more info about her birth family because she never felt the need to and didn’t wanna hurt her mom and dad.
So special xo I’m happy for them 

Started from da Chile, now we Here! That’s dope brotha. If one was listening, now just imagine how many people are actually affected by this. You’re super lucky to be blessed with “Your Truth”.
The audacity to take a child just coz you can. Am glad she thought he was dead. Can’t imagine how she would have thought if she knew he was stolen.
There are A LOT of Korean Adoptees in Minnesota. I wouldn’t put it past the South Korean government to not do the same thing as the Chilean government. Adoption is a money maker.
Omg they ripped him of his life. They ripped his mom of what was suppose to be a life raising her son. Omg! This breaks my heart but there is A ALMIGHTY GOD! HE DOESNT SLEEP NOR SLUMBER. OMG!! HOW A PERSON COULD DO THAT? HOW YOU LIE TO A MOTHER AND TELL HER HER CHILD DIED? OMG!! GOD BOUGHT YOU BOTH BACK TOGETHER AND UNITED.

The Catholic church was involved? I’m shocked! NOT
*They Dance Alone” by Sting, this is what happened to those families: Why are there women here dancing on their own? Why is there this sadness in their eyes? Why are the soldiers here Their faces fixed like stone? I can’t see what it is that they despise They’re dancing with the missing They’re dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They’re dancing with their fathers They’re dancing with their sons They’re dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone It’s the only form of protest they’re allowed I’ve seen their silent faces scream so loud If they were to speak these words they’d go missing too Another woman on a torture table what else can they do They’re dancing with the missing They’re dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They’re dancing with their fathers They’re dancing with their sons They’re dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone One day we’ll dance on their graves One day we’ll sing our freedom One day we’ll laugh in our joy And we’ll dance One day we’ll dance on their graves One day we’ll sing our freedom One day we’ll laugh in our joy And we’ll dance Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos Ellas danzan con los muertos Ellas danzan con amores invisibles Ellas danzan con silenciosa angustia Danzan con sus padres Danzan con sus hijos Danzan con sus esposos Ellas danzan solas Danzan solas Hey Mr. Pinochet You’ve sown a bitter crop It’s foreign money that supports you One day the money’s going to stop No wages for your torturers No budget for your guns Can you think of your own mother Dancing with her invisible son They’re dancing with the missing They’re dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They’re dancing with their fathers They’re dancing with their sons They’re dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone
Beautiful gorgeous story it’s sad but beautiful may God bless you
️ and your beautiful family I’m crying now..

Often happens in Latin America. He’s not the only one…it is extremely common.
This is sooo special. I wanna find my birth mom as well but in Russia and I really wish I did earlier since NOW is not good time with everything going on! I feel like now it’s never going to happen! I am super nervous to go visit Russia now! Ugh what a mess!!
This happens in America no one will do anything two of my children was taken at birth and they target single parents and low income families someone needs to investigate like they did in Chile there is thousands and thousands of families in this situation the welfare system has to much power I miss my children so much
glad to hear that the catholic church was involved in this as well… (sarcasm)
Update: 8/18/21 6:02 PM; 5/26/21, I found out 16 years ago that there were many unofficial adoptions from the beginning of time up until the 1940s for the United States and still continuing all over the world where there were no paperwork, no attorney nor court, nothing legal. You just take the baby, infant, toddler, small child, and teen home with you and when the ‘census records takers’ comes around you just tell them that its your daughter/son if they will be too young to remember that they were separated from their biological parents; they are not never told about whatever happened to their parents, that they were/are not their children, and that they are not the parents. Not only did relatives take in the orphans but none relatives or friends of the parents and neighbors. Back then heads of households took in strangers when they didn’t have nobody to stay with; and the census records aren’t correct as to the ‘role’ of the infant, baby, toddler and small child to the head of households, in many cases if the infant, baby, toddler and small child isn’t no kin then they are mistreated badly, not talked to, nor cared about nor looked out for nor encouraged to do better or stay in school. This is the reasons that you may not be liked, respected, cared about, talked to, looked out for by who you think is your parents, grandparents, greats, aunts/uncles, first cousins and other kin. That’s why you can’t find midwives papers 1.) because who you think is your parents and grandparents are not 2.) because the baby, infant, toddler and small child wasn’t old enough to remember that they were separated from their parents for whatever reasons – one to a few of one hundred reasons. There’s many reasons why babies, infants, toddlers, small children and teens are separated from their biological parents. Collect the Family history anyway, because you could be possibly cousins, you would have to get an Ancestry dna test or 23&me to find out for sure..
he is very lucky that he was helped to find his mother
Yes I meant to send these messages to you. I am sending you these messages to help you and others who wonders why their relatives don’t care nothing about you which can make you feel lonely, share messages with others whose relatives doesnt care nothing about them; share these messages with others who complaint about not being liked nor cared about by Relatives. Since my mother at age 50 died in August, 1970 when I was 14, I didn’t get to know her, and my dad were drinking crown royal everyday faithfully, from age 54 up to three weeks before he died at 79 years old on sept 26, 1995. Me and my two younger brothers were on our on because we were never given instructions, rules, nobody checking upon us. So I had to be the parent to myself, my two brothers and my father too, he couldn’t read and write and who he thought were his father weren’t his dad and treated, him badly up until he left home at age 14 with no place to go; he had a hard time in Life and so did his children. It were very stressful growing up with these kind of parents..
Too bad he couldn’t grow up with no father in an impoverished situation. My heart aches.
I think its important that as bad as his capture was. Thankfully he was adopted into a loving home. So he didn’t go without love in his life. Not to mention, usually its not recommended to reconnect with a biological parent but in this case, i dont believe it was any coincidence that he was wanting to reconnect. Considering the real story. Then for his birth mom to be loving despite. I couldn’t imagine what his mom, the mom he grew knowing and even his dad… what they must feel. I imagine he loves his parents enough to know that they’ll forever remain his parents.
Of course the catholic church was involved
I love both your mothers they are sweet angles
️ be bless you have 2 most beautiful gorgeous mothers

What Russia is doing with Ukrainian orphans in their illegal invasion.
He’s so handsome …God bless their family and reunion

I wonder if Nicole Polizzi (Jersey Shore “Snooki”) was a victim of this; she was born in Chile and adopted by an Italian-American family.
So sad that they were all in on it an what a beautiful life an family
Imagine the things that we still don’t know about our own government.
This guy was stolen, sad. Yet, my son lives less than 10 minutes from me. And won’t bring my new grand baby to see, and meet her. She’s 5 months now. This guy was deprived, but loves his mom. Only child I have too. 

Beautiful place in Chile I love the family home reminds me of my back home

Snooki was adopted from Chile. She said her birth parents couldn’t afford to keep her. Did this happen to her too???
Update: 10/02/21 According to article in ‘PARADE’ in 2012, a psychologist study showed that children need to know (1) that things don’t always work out (2) and you need to know about your ‘Family History’! My comments: Find out how your parents and others were treated by who they thought were their parents, grandparents, uncles/aunts, cousins, great uncles/aunts? Who were their enemies and what happened: who got after them, tried to harm them or who tried to kill them or who killed them? Their dates, places of birth, death, marriages? Their children
? Did they go to school: where, when and how? Why didn’t they go to school or further their education? When did they leave home and why? Workplaces? A group member’s comments below: A foundation (family history) is so important … even if just stories about a parent’s life experiences. Agreed, we need to raise children to be resilient. The other part psychologists are saying, it is important that parents allow children to solve their own problems. Too often parents step in to fix, but we will not be here forever to solve their problems..

Get the
!! (see: th!ef video)

I don’t believe he was kidnapped. That’s the story his mother and others are trying to convey. Chile was not poor during the Pinochet era. I know, I lived there. Chile has people living in tents now, that was unheard of back then. Pinochet was only brutal against communism. I’m glad he found his family. I hope he is happy as he seems to be a nice guy. Hopefully the truth will prevail.
No one should go through this 

God bless them


Hope I find my brother as well he was stolen, it’s the same story for my brother, when my mom asked for the dead baby in the morning the security guard tell her he’s gonna shoot her if she doesn’t leave right now

What a beautiful story wish more beautiful stories like this 


This was so sad but yet beautiful
Stolen man*
Aquí, llorando! Tengo un hermano desaparecido….no más…solo un hueco infinito!
The Catholic church is guilty of this hundreds of thousands of times. Some of the babies were not so fortunate to have a loving home.
Update: 10/02/21 According to article in ‘PARADE’ in 2012, a psychologist study showed that children need to know (1) that things don’t always work out (2) and you need to know about your ‘Family History’! My comments: Find out how your parents and others were treated by who they thought were their parents, grandparents, uncles/aunts, cousins, great uncles/aunts? Who were their enemies and what happened: who got after them, tried to harm them or who tried to kill them or who killed them? Their dates, places of birth, death, marriages? Their children
? Did they go to school: where, when and how? Why didn’t they go to school or further their education? When did they leave home and why? Workplaces? A group member’s comments below: A foundation (family history) is so important … even if just stories about a parent’s life experiences. Agreed, we need to raise children to be resilient. The other part psychologists are saying, it is important that parents allow children to solve their own problems. Too often parents step in to fix, but we will not be here forever to solve their problems..

who would he have been if he wasn’t stolen? … he seems like he grew up well.
I hope the Russians would find a way like the people of Chile…

Isaiah 53:4-6; Romans 1:9 Update: 5/28/21, over 35 years ago, upon two occasions, a neighborhood friend stated “your relatives aren’t exactly who you think that they are, your grandmother could be an aunt or a cousin”. I didn’t think that this concerned me at all because I believed what my parents told me that those were their relatives, but they weren’t too happy with the relatives and often complained; me and my siblings complained too, these relatives weren’t treating us right. I found out 15 years ago that there were many unofficial adoptions from the beginning of time up until the 1940s for the United States and still continuing all over the world when there were no paperwork, no attorney nor court, nothing legal. You just take the baby, infant, toddler, small child, and teen home with you and when the ‘census records takers’ comes around you just tell them that its your daughter/son if they will be too young to remember that they were separated from their biological parents; they are not never told about whatever happened to their parents, that they were/are not their children, and that they are not the parents. Not only did relatives take in the orphans but none relatives or friends of the parents and neighbors. Back then heads of households took in strangers when they didn’t have nobody to stay with; and the census records aren’t correct as to the ‘role’ of the infant, baby, toddler and small child to the head of households. In many cases if the infant, baby, toddler and small child is believed to be no kin, then they are mistreated badly, not talked to, nor cared about nor looked out for nor encouraged to do better or stay in school; this is the reasons that you may not be liked, respected, cared about, talked to, looked out for by who you thought was your parents, grandparents, greats, aunts/uncles, first cousins and other kin, because they believe that you are not related/kinfolks. This is why you can’t find ‘Midwives papers’ 1.) because who you were told and grew up believing is your parents and grandparents believe that you are not which isn’t always true because the men folks were stepping outside of their marriages and dropping babies 2.) because the babies, infants, toddlers and small children weren’t old enough to remember that they were separated from their parents for whatever reasons – one to a few out of one hundred reasons. There’s many reasons why babies, infants, toddlers, small children and teens are separated from their biological parents. Collect the Family history anyway, because you possibly could be 2nd to 10th cousins, you would have to get an Ancestry dna test or 23&me to find out for sure.

So Happy he found his Biological Mother. I haven’t found mine. I don’t know if she ever looked for me.
US is very responsible for supporting Pinochet’s rise to power and his government, and in turn, this story.
I can’t believe a country would steal away their own people’s children. It’s beyond horrible
I’m intrigued! Gonna be following this story!
My ex was a Chilean child adopted under extremely similar circumstances. I now wonder if he’s one of the thousands of missing stolen babies.
amazing story

Update: 8/24/2021, trying to survive, “Life is tough if you don’t know how to live it”, a white lady told be this some 30 years ago. I wish I had better parents, they were orphans suffering with psychosis and had no support systems/networks. “Below is articles found in the Internet of things that happened in the past which leads to the FALL, brokenness, bitterness, no support networks in the Families”..
Most adopted kids are stolen
Damm , this made me tear up

Orphan Train The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest. The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating about 250,000 children. The co-founders of the Orphan Train movement claimed that these children were orphaned, abandoned, abused, or homeless, but this was not always true. They were mostly the children of new immigrants and the children of the poor and destitute families living in these cities. Orphan train Three charitable institutions, Children’s Village (founded 1851 by 24 philanthropists),[1] the Children’s Aid Society (established 1853 by Charles Loring Brace) and later, the New York Foundling Hospital, endeavored to help these children. The institutions were supported by wealthy donors and operated by professional staff. The three institutions developed a program that placed homeless, orphaned, and abandoned city children, who numbered an estimated 30,000 in New York City alone in the 1850s, in foster homes throughout the country. The children were transported to their new homes on trains that were labeled “orphan trains” or “baby trains”. This relocation of children ended in the 1920s with the beginning of organized foster care in America. Background Edit Charles Loring Brace The first orphanage in the United States was reportedly established in 1729 in Natchez, MS,[2] but institutional orphanages were uncommon before the early 19th century. [Relatives or neighbors usually raised children who had lost their parents. Arrangements were informal and rarely involved courts.[2]] Around 1830, the number of homeless children in large Eastern cities such as New York City exploded. In 1850, there were an estimated 10,000 to 30,000 homeless children in New York City. At the time, New York City’s population was only 500,000.[2] Some children were orphaned when their parents died in epidemics of typhoid, yellow fever or the flu.[2] Others were abandoned due to poverty, illness, or addiction.[2] Many children sold matches, rags, or newspapers to survive.[3] For protection against street violence, they banded together and formed gangs.[3] In 1853, a young minister named Charles Loring Brace became concerned with the plight of street children (often known as “street Arabs”).[3] He founded the Children’s Aid Society.[3] During its first year the Children’s Aid Society primarily offered boys religious guidance and vocational and academic instruction. Eventually, the society established the nation’s first runaway shelter, the Newsboys’ Lodging House, where vagrant boys received inexpensive room and board and basic education. Brace and his colleagues attempted to find jobs and homes for individual children, but they soon became overwhelmed by the numbers needing placement. Brace hit on the idea of sending groups of children to rural areas for adoption.[4] Brace believed that street children would have better lives if they left the poverty and debauchery of their lives in New York City and were instead raised by morally upright farm families.[5] Recognizing the need for labor in the expanding farm country, Brace believed that farmers would welcome homeless children, take them into their homes and treat them as their own. His program would turn out to be a forerunner of modern foster care.[3] After a year of dispatching children individually to farms in nearby Connecticut, Pennsylvania and rural New York, the Children’s Aid Society mounted its first large-scale expedition to the Midwest in September 1854.[6] New York Foundling Hospital “Mercy Trains” Edit Main article: New York Foundling The New York Foundling Hospital was established in 1869 by Sister Mary Irene Fitzgibbon of the Sisters of Charity of New York as a shelter for abandoned infants. The Sisters worked in conjunction with Priests throughout the Midwest and South in an effort to place these children in Catholic families. The Foundling Hospital sent infants and toddlers to prearranged Roman Catholic homes from 1875 to 1914.[2] Parishioners in the destination regions were asked to accept children, and parish priests provided applications to approved families. This practice was first known as the “Baby Train,” then later the “Mercy Train.” By the 1910s, 1,000 children a year were placed with new families.[13] The term “Orphan Train” The first Orphan Train Logistics of Orphan Trains Scope of the Orphan Train movement Challenges faced by Orphan Train passengers and families End of the Orphan Train movement Legacy of the program Organizations Forwarding institutions Edit In popular media Edit Orphan Train children Edit See also Edit Notes Edit Further reading Edit External links
As horrible as this sounds I feel like the hospital did the kid a favor. Now he lives in a first world country with parents who actually had the financial means to support him. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
Why is it people are still stealing others babies ? And why doesn’t the biological mom sue the ones (hospital staff) who are involved to the kidnapping?
It’s sad but I’m happy for them
I wish if i had a family.
I wanna see Id for his wife he’s 38 she’s gotta be 18 my god she looks young
Beautiful story

ALLAHU Akbar I’m crying this is absolutely heartbreaking and painful
this broke my heart in two
This is horrible, but I am happy he grew up to be an outstanding man.
Can’t believe this ,”adopted” mom didn’t tell him sooner!
I wonder if his adoptive mother was truly ignorant
This is a similar thing that happened to British women ( in their 60/70s now). The church and parents forcefully took their children away from them when they were teens mums, due to the shame of having children out of wedlock. This happened in the 50s and 60s.
I feel bad for him but I also feel bad for his adoptive parents, Its cool they’re supportive but they’re almost kind of loosing their child. It’s a fear alot of prospective adoptive parents have. Having this bond, having these kids like your own, then loosing them. Being happy they’re happy but sad you’re no longer really the mom or dad.
“Going to a foreign country I’ve never been to before” Tyler you had been there before it’s where you were born.
For somebody that was adopted into a white American family, his Spanish still seems to be very good
This happens to Etiopians too. Americans have to stop asking for adoption, so that poor govetments and hospital employee can stop Selling these Kids.
While sad, he should be extremely grateful for being raised in the US and not poverty & corrupt Chilean government.
Another sampling of what the U.S. could become if THE GOP’s fancying of men like Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump isn’t responded to. Operating above the law, and with absolute power, is the only thing such men care about.
He was given a better life in America.
His mom is so beautiful
amazing story!
This poor man
so many countries do this. It’s atrocious.

Love from Chile 🇨🇱 you all deserved better
I suspect this happened to my mom. I don’t even know how or where to start searching for my brother Michael born in 1984.

Lamentable eso era comun en Chile muchos años atras mi Padre nunca conocio su familia …. Siempre en Nuestra pequeña familia quedo la Duda.
She wondered “if he spent time cold”? Well I’m from MN and unfortunately that fear is confirmed.
I am in tears.
ALL governments do this. This gives me HOPE I will prove how this too happened to me- stolen and changed identity- in (Babylon) usa.

This is beautiful
I need part 2! 

Sad , but happy video. Happy for them.
His mom didn’t deserve that or any of the babies that were stolen
There are so many good people in the world, and unfortunately enough sick, bad people to make the wrong kind of difference.
Both beautiful families
Could someone please help me I’m in the same situation I do not know my biological father. My parents I believe are from third world countries. I never fitted in with my foster family and the adoption was illegal.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
I wish they didn’t have to end all their news programming with that awful noise.
Chile under Pinochet was not a poor country at all. The only persecutions the government did was against communist. As for his story, I’m glad he was reunited with his family. I’m just not buying they stole him.
The only good news is at least he wasn’t one of the ones trafficked.
It’s deep in our hearts we yearn for security, only God can provide this. God loves the world, He gave His Son Jesus (unto death for our sins), whoever believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life. John3:16 Please think about your eternal life, repent of your sin and believe today. Dont be left behind. Love Y’all
What an amazing man Tyler is. His adoptive parents raised a great man. And his birth family is amazing too. A sad but happy story.
According to an article in the Internet, there are about 600,000 switched at birth people among the earth’s population all around the world. Babies are switched at birth: are babies who because of other error or malice, are interchanged with each other at birth or very soon thereafter, leading to the babies being unknowingly raised by parents who are not their biological parents. After slavery ex-slaves were marrying their own cousins, and didn’t know it. Black people still marrying their own cousins and don’t know it. We have 100 thousand or more cousins that we don’t know about and never, couldn’t imagine it. You have cousins spreaded out all through the world because of the transatlantic slave trade and rape of slaves causing slaves to have many siblings that they never met. I received the Ancestry dna results may 14,2019 and was shocked to find out all of this. In Every state, country, continent, island, sea island even in the Soviet, Middle east, India you have forth (4th) to tenth (10th) or more cousins in which you would never have imagined..
I want the entire documentary
These kidnappings took place in Uruguay and Argentina as well.. 

Sad especially for the parents. They have lost 40 years. Unfortunately this happened also in other countries. East Germany back then did it for political reasons.
This is why democracy is so important. Governments will do evil if left unchecked. We’ve seen it tested before. If we were a weaker country, autocracy would have taken over. And NATO would have been cracked.
Beulah George “Georgia” Tann was an American child trafficker who operated the Tennessee Children’s Home Society, an adoption agency in Memphis, Tennessee. Wikipedia Born: July 18, 1891, Philadelphia, MS Died: September 15, 1950, Memphis, TN Organization: Tennessee Children’s Home Society Alma mater: Columbia University; Martha Washington College Parents: George Clark Tann, Beulah Isabella Tann Siblings: Rob Roy Tann.
I cried like a baby… 

Nicole Polizzi Snooki from jersey shore was adopted from Chile and was also told her parents had to many kids and were not able to afford her. Makes me wonder. 

This is an atrocity of epic proportions!
Pure love
That’s what they did to my little baby brother. It didn’t happen in another country; it happened here in United States : Miami Florida. They told my mom that my baby brother was born dead. They told her the only person that could see the baby was my dad. Because she Was in no condition to see the baby because the baby was born deformed. so they said. They convince my dad not to see the baby either. So no one actually saw the baby dead. They Kept my Mom Druged up for so many weeks. They knew my parents didn’t have any money to bury the baby. So they said they would bury the baby, For free. … They gave us a tomb number . We never found the number. Up to this day We never found his tombstone . He would be 48 years old.
I don’t really get why Americans do foreign adoptions anyway because a) there are plenty of children here that could be adopted and b) there are also some horror stories in American adoption agencies, so I know in other countries, the industry is even less regulated. They just see desperate Americans with money, but the adopters should also do their due diligence to make sure the adoption is legal.
Bless his heart
Que hermoso!
Now that former leftist student leader Gabriel Boric has been president of Chile for roughly one month, it can finally begin to rectify the years of political damage arising from the overthrow of then-President Salvador Allende at the behest of the United States government back in September 1973.
That happened in so many places including the u.s.
Beautiful story. Wow. So much love. So inhumane to steal her child, nothing more painful. 

It’s a global reality that has spanned decades…Poor women always taken advantaged of bc they have been/are now often seen as less-than and defenseless. So sad.
Is there a religion that has the right teachings that will lead us to heaven? James 1:26-27 [26]If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. [27]Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:25_27 A lot of things were happening before the 1940s especially in the United States of America; people born before the 1940s, could possibly be orphans and believed to be no kin/related to who they were told were/are their parents. Pay attention to how your parents, grands and other relatives were/are treating you, because they supposed to care something about you. Infants/babies, small children, teens, young adults, older adults and others had to be taken into the households of relatives, neighbors, strangers and friends of the parents and when no relatives could be found then friends of the parents, neighbors, or strangers took the orphans into their household. When the babies, infants, small children grows up they have no memory of what happened in the past, many cases they were treated badly and wondered why their parents care nothing about them or don’t want to be bothered, but they sees parents and relatives treating other relatives and friends better. The orphans feels outcasted, lonely, and not cared for and goes to their graves not knowing that they were orphans. I believe that’s what was wrong with my parents, they were looking for Love among the Relatives and couldn’t find it. The relatives thought they were no kin and we were not related, so that’s why they were treated badly, outcasted, had no support networks and were lone wolves. I found out that they were orphans some 16 years ago, so they went to their graves not knowing that they were orphans like so many others born sometimes before the 1940s..
OMG! ABC always leaves us on a “cliffhanger”! 

What a touching story.
Is that it? Where’s the rest of the story? She said “stay with us” then it ends.
This should be made into a movie so more people could learn of these kinds of stories
He is now double blessed by both families ! Look to the future !
This is so sad to me.. Took him fron hus Natural Culture and Heritage!!
Of course his adopted parents claim that they had no idea (since they would be in a lot of trouble if they did). Probably they didn’t want to know. They just wanted the baby THEY wanted and didn’t think or care about how that would effect anybody else.
It’s extremely sad…!!
As terrible as this was at least he was fortunate enough to go to a seemingly wealthy family that raised him well. Many other may of ended up only god knows where.
The Pinochet Coup of 1973 was ordered by President Richard Nixon at the instigation of Henry Kissinger, because the Allende government was a socialist one and was seen by Kissinger as “an insidious model” for the rest of South America. Prior to the coup Nixon waged an “economic war” on Chile which created economic instability and high inflation, used as justification for the coup. Kissinger was fully aware of the many atrocities committed by the Pinochet Govt, as was Margaret Thatcher, but they supported his government because he allowed opened the Chilean economy to American Capitalism. Currently Income disparity in Chile is the widest in the OECD
The Chile government isn’t the only one doing this. There’s stories from china, usa, etc. of babies being kidnapped and sold. Not all of them will be in loving homes
I’ve got one question…was that meat being grilled the horse meat?If it was,it is awful.
Oh, my stomach made me so sick. How is this possible!!
Although the thought of being stolen as a baby from your biological family is horrific, you have to see it as God’s plan for you. If it hadn’t happened you would not have your beautiful wife and child and career. So think of it as God’s plan.
I’m crying so hard
They took these kids from the slums and gave them to upscale families? They possibly saved these kids? They should be given a Nobel!
why does it defy imagination. it was done in the USA as well. Mothers being told their babies were dead. And it would have been done wherever there was a demand for babies.
That’s was so cruel…

This is still going on in parts of the world
That’s not fair to this man if his parents were originally from chilie south America he never got to see his real parents that man probably went 30 some years without his real parents.
Better stolen than aborted, may you love your birth mom forever
If your going to show part of the story, you need to dhow all of it!!!! So what happened to the perpetrators of the crime??!!!!
Anyone know where I can find part 2 please?
Snookie should look into her adoption from Chile. Scary.
I wish i was adopted and later realised
Makes me think of Snooki. I think her dna test came back saying she was Chilean along with a few other things.
Pinochet acted in collaboration with the US. Many people have gotten away with these atrocities
God bless 

I cried all through that
This was something needed by addressed illegal adoptions are more common than you think….
This is a different kind of evil 

Idk why but I think the people that buy these kids or adopt as they say, for sure know what’s going on I’m pretty sure they pay big money for the kids or you think the Gov and Doc’s are doing it because they’re the nicest people? 

Meh why bother!!! Not fair on the U.S mum. Let sleeping dogs lie. Shame this bloke went back
They’re poverty stricken. They could try & fleece him. Ridiculously shameful.

This is horrible! Glad he got to meet his family
This wud not fly in my culture where the dead body has to be handed over for cremation. Fail to do so n ppl wud rightfully revolt.
I wonder if this is what happened to Snooki from the jersey shore
she said that her biological mother had to many kids so she was given away 

Someone needs to pay for this.
Disgusting they stole that women’s life with constant heartbreak for money….only money the life she could of had with her baby watching him grow
God Bless Them
He looks exactly likes his mom.
This also happened in Spain during the Franco’s dictatorship…
Wow….so overwhelming.
I wanna adopt an Asian baby too. They are so cute.
So sad.. omg

Damn he had a super dope life though.. but still not ok on any level
It’s a horrible thing to happen to his mother but probably the best thing to happen to him…because his life in Chile would probably not have been as good.
There is a book called La Llorona about stories like this.
He would have had a dope life either way!!
there was a documentary (by nelufar hedayat) similar to this on netflix
Ilegitimate mother? She was the legitimate mother.
Jesus what worse punishment could you deal a mother than taking her wanted newborn. Heartless subhumans
Oh no
that poor women !!!!

Happens all around the world. Ex Yugoslavia, Spain etc…
Happened the same in Spain
Wow he got adopted into a wealthy family!! But still not ok! But damn..
They need to look at snooky from jersey shore she was born at that time an adopted she is also from chile
Bitter sweet story, awwww
It’s the saddest thing.
if you want to help adopted children from Chile 🇨🇱. Help bring down the people who run it. As an adopted child. Who was goven a good life. Let the thunder rumble and you will go.
Wait so the Chile government stole her son? Inhumane is the least
Ok so weird opinion it’s much less like kidnapping and more like murder. They effectively killed this child for 40 years. He ended up alive but who he could have been was murdered.
Where can we watch the 2nd part?
He wouldn’t have the kind a life if he were to stay in Chile
Did the adoptive parents knew it was an illegal adoption ?
So evil happened to do many babies everywhere for year’s
Yeah what this report doesn’t say, is that this isn’t about politics, it’s about money. You think you can just adopt a baby? It’s expensive! My parents tried. Clearly everyone was in on the money, the doctors, nurses, midwifes, hospital staff, and the international adoption agencies. It’s selling babies. No costs, just revenues. This is a big business for human trafficking organizations. Hopefully this video sheds light so governments audit hospitals to prevent this from happening because they are preying on vulnerable people who can’t get justice: poor, indigenous women, single mothers. You think this happens to rich mothers? Of course not! Truly we live among predators.
How Awful !but at least now he has 2 families. I don’t even have one, and never had one either.
Similar thing happened in Spain.
The shame is no one held responsible
there is a similar story unrevelling in Italy!
This happens in Armenia too and No one got punishment. Babies got adopted by Italian people.
Uhh where’s part two??? Don’t do this to us!
Is there a part 2?
This also happened in Argentina.
Is there another part to this story?
At first I was in chile girl what and I realized chile is a place 

wow bless your heart……….
They took his heritage from him
Going to a foreign country you never been to before… huh? You were born there… you’ve just been gone a long time.
The Catholic Church was always involved. They did the same thing in Ireland
at first I thought only this happened in Argentina. No surprise that would happen in Chile where the dictatorship copied Argentina.
What a tragedy
I’ve seen movies with this same plot
So sad 

I would call it stiddnaping it’s between stealing and kidnapping
Here is some reason for adopted kids to search for their biological parents.
It IS inhumane.
I don’t think he realized exactly what he told her

that was definitely NOT the early
gets the

that’s why his mom said she didn’t understand him 

Catholic church??? Hell should be extra hot for certain people….. 

I want to see the rest
Wasn’t snookie from jersey shore adopted from Chile?!
Wow, this is awful.
Why do y’all only ever put up the first half?
This is so sad
I know Snookie from Jersey Shore is one of those babies too.
It’s very sad 

Where’s the rest of the story?
All those crimes, supported from whom? Good people?
Adoption relies on a market of children for purchase
It’s so sad.
They knew he was stolen
Maybe the adopted parents knew
OMG don’t HTown and from CHILE!? wow! Wait, then what happened?
And we think they are the monsters!,,
10 to 20 THOUSAND kids …just keep that in mind
This was heavy
That’s terrible but what a great happen ending
Know some one like you same thingher mom abducted all her kids left the real moms sad!
Coercive adoptions and population control. Sounds familiar…
Snookie is from chile and was adopted 

Where’s the part 2?
That is so sad
these parents think they would do whatever
How do you watch the rest?

Where’s the second part ?
Why am I not surprised that the Catholic church was also involved?
Of course the Catholic church had their fingers in it. No surprise there
God only knows how many children now adults do not know the truth…
I hope she sued the Chile government for billions and wins that way then can move to America
Maaaaaan! That Catholic Church sure gets around don’t it?
I’m so sorry
Oh the Catholic Church was involved? GASP! What a huge surprise! 

Where is the second part?
Where’s the rest of the interview? Such a sad story.
Where the heck is the rest of the episode
Sad. Truly sad.
How sad.
but did he grow up good tho?
JESUS IS LORD AND KINGS OF KINGS Jesus loves you He die for you and arose to give you life. And still loves you even though you reject him. You beautiful, smart and important human being 

Jesus loves you and forgives you for your past choices and mistakes accept him as your Lord and savior before its to late start a relationship with him read your Holy bible, talk to him every day and pray, he is waiting on you with arms stretch wide open waiting for you he would not force himself on you his a gentleman, kind,loving and PATIENCE. Put your trust in Jesus because he is the only one that will never fail You, worship him day and night , be thankful every day despite of
Gospel songs Nobody – casting crowns Michael w Smith- love in his right hand COMMUNION- TRIBL I THANK GOD – TRIBL Voice of GOD – Dante Bowe CHAMPION – TRIBL There is much more but accept Jesus he loves you and he knows what’s best for you, trust his timing, his ways and thoughts are higher than ours

️ Everyone
️ Love Blessings

It’s the system fault
and the church was involved. Why are humans still committed to it?
Where is part 2?
This is crazy AF
Wheres the second part
How did she get him?
Is this a “Lifetime Movie”
Snooki was adopted from Chile 

Damn that meat looked good.
where’s the rest of the video!?
Where’s the end of the story????
Thats awful!
The Male snookie lol
Where is the follow up?
Why would a government do that to the families?
Of course the church was involved
not surprising that the catholic church was involved.
I heard they still doing that stilling babies and kids
And the American people did know about it
Didn’t he have a better life though in the US like more opportunities
So way I iknow your feelings
Why don’t you’ll finish the stories?
I think
I have stolen children. Frfr

Mi niño = my boy
Again the Catholic church mentioned!
If they told her her baby died why didn’t she demand to see his dead body? Why wouldn’t she be allowed to bury her dead child? I can’t make sense outta that.
On the American government know about it an supported that government
Where’s the next patt
But “socialism bad”, mkay…..?!
most kids taken to switzerland
part 2?
Where is the rest of the story?
probably sold.
Thee effing Catholic church. What sinister ish aren’t they involved in?
If he was adopted, he was wanted!!!!! His adoptive parents wanted him!
same with snooki
woooooooooow this is fucked
Houston Texas
Hmmm I say the adopted parents knew
So wrong
350th haha keep it up
Nopelero se crea europeo
Give me a break! Who cares right now?!
His childhood was not affected. He was spared.
Dineo Nyauza
1 dag geleden