Workers compensation under fire: shoddy and “unethical practices” exposed | Four Corners – Blog

Instant Noodles
This Victorian Obudsman, is a lone voice, in a pack of wovles. God bless her.
Adam Smith
It should be illegal for insurance agents to be incentivised to terminate claims.
Nancy Chivers
Well if it’s anything like Canada’s , they have their own doctors. That tells me everything that I need to know.
Alex Hope O'Connor
Privatisation! Its where you take tax dollars that were being spent on services and spend them on executive (legal scapegoats) salaries instead. Applies to toll roads as well…
Ross Rhodes
As someone who has been injured at work. I can wholeheartedly agree with the fact workers comp company’s will do as much as possible to pay as little as possible in the treatment of a worker. Even when the specialist says surgery will be the only likely option. They will still send you around to all these other people. To get out of it. I had 12 months of agony with steroid injections in the shoulder seeing different therapy specialists. Favouring the right shoulder so much I started suffering problems In my left shoulder. It was only after they started refusing to give more injections and I accumulated about 6 months off work in a 12 month period. That they approved my surgery. Then it’s a push to get you off the books as fast as possible. The whole system is made to make you feel like your not doing enough, your trying to pull a fast one. When your whole day is nothing but pain. Your best friends are pain killers and ice packs left on longer enough to cause numbness. You start to wonder yourself is it me. Then you meet a specialist who actually seems to care you realise its not you. You are injured and it’s not in your head. I may not of been as massively injured as those you interviewed I can understand how they feel. Even now 5 years down the track my shoulder still hurts me. I wish all the best to those you interviewed and those who have been and still are stuck in this system.
B Bodziak
This is the same in the US. I waited 7 months for my initial surgery and I had 3 fractures in my spine. I ended up paying for my own MRI ($5001). I will NEVER be the same — not ever. 33 years at the same company, and I feel like I’ve been forgotten about completely.
Major MoFo
my wife is a victim of this. Workers comp are criminals and disgusting ppl.
Janny downunder
“wage underpayment” just another way of saying theft of the workers they represent. Execs aren’t under payed. Money for jam.
Livio Vesnaver
WorkCover is there for the benefit of the employer. The employer pays the premium and purchases insurance which protects the employer financially and in all other respects from an injured worker. If a worker wants to insure themselves against workplace injury the worker needs to take out their own private insurance.
Janny downunder
“This is not about peoples lives, its about money” says it all. Isn’t this what we vote for? Capitalism? Until we recognize the system we vote for and investigate & demand an alternative system this type of corruption will continue. Where are the Unions in all this, they should be the ones leading the charge on these issues but Union leaders have been bought off and silenced.
Geoff Honky
A year and a half in the system currently… It is not designed to help workers at all, it is designed to give the insurance companies the ability to reject all claims regardless of situations then make the worker challenge it. I challenged and the panel agreed but there were 6 months of no income before that decision.
Good investigation, well done
royal commission needed
Muriel Stallworth
This is an example of the way humans are treated when it comes to money. There is no place for the injured worker to get help.
AG Sergio
Investigate the board, investigate past audits. Get rid of the board. Blacklist the board members from further government participation. Obtuse if not a absolute joke.
Linda Hockham
Keep track of all the Doctors names who worked for the insurance company. They not only betrayed their oath, but could be sued for personal liability.
Todd Childs
I’ve been an injured worker under EML for almost 2.5 years. The hell they have put me through, the lies they have told me, and they accidentally included my wife and I in a group email that had documents that they had created AFTER my injury occurred. People are corrupt to the core.
What a disgrace. Great reporting. Typical Government bureaucrats who get paid fortunes and deliver nothing. So satisfying to see the CEO squirm. I wish i could be a fly on the wall in the room that he watches this program in. Likewise for the Premier. Disgusting.
Read the 2016 report by the Australian Ombudsman, A Ms. Or Mrs. Glass, O.B.E. In it she mentions all the suicides of injured workers. They have been tortured to death with pain and poverty and stress. APPEALS ARE THE CRIME!
suzy klitgaard
” I’ll just say it. Here in the 🇺🇸 it SUCKS with work comp. Healthcare. Job security. “ Signed a citizen.
Erica Bassi
Great financial managers, these Libs. Both at the state and federal level.
dan scolaro
Doctors involved in these systematic reviews to close cases need their license revoked. I left this industry in the 90s and NOTHING has changed.
Michelle Kho
if australia becomes really cruel, i will bring all of my savings and enjoy my life in a developing country live happily. cause there is no difference in terms of well being. if developing country is cruel, well.. australia too. so yeah, why not getting all the dollars and bring them overseas to spend like a king. both are having corrupted system anyway.
treena m thompson thompson
Everything they experienced is what I experienced, greatful for my lawyers, and gp for showing how this worked. Everyone gets a piece of the pie, the last person to get what’s left over is the victim
Frances Lock
We’ve known about this for decades. You’re only just catching up with public knowledge. They want you to give up. I know someone who went through it 15 – 20 years ago in SA.
Daiana Carra
The truth is finally coming out. I am dealing with Gallagher Bassett and this is what theyre doing to me. Not only that the company you work for neglected your cry for help when you needed it that led to my mental illness and then you go through hell with the insurance. Thank you for speaking out 🙏
Tom Vernham
We need the following to occur, A Royal Commission Individual Torts against agent case managers and their managers Class actions against each of the Insurers and the Government’s Class action against Worksafe Class action against the Governments behind the system
The insurance industry has been hit with fires,floods I was clapping my hands that insurance company had to pay up
sheep herder
i was injured at work because the company hadn’t fixed a crane, so i was coerced to do the work without it, even though i refused. from there the company treated like a criminal. i was sent for alcohol testing. they changed my position. harassed why i wasn’t seeing the work doctor, which i was – i was seeing mone and theirs as i wanted to get better. i was forced to do work that i wasn’t meant to do. i was fit, now im not
dougie j
They call it a scheme need I say more
yes the workers compensation system in australia will make you despise the medical system, hate most people and loathe the country, basically.
Barry Kastner
Allianz. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you. Your still on my radar. Insurance Contracts Act, Section 13 (2A), Section 57, General insurance Code of Practice sections2, 3, 7 and 10.
we need a class action on icare
Deborah Glass, what a legend.
23:20 this approach of deamonisation of humans is based on feelings, not facts, folks!
Paul Tadday Photography
When they treat their own employees this way what hope have the rest of you got? Zilch!
Remember when we called the police for crimes like this?
Camelia Mansour
I have been living this nightmare for quite some time. They make you fight for support while already fighting to recover from injury. They play strategic games with people who have little to no knowledge of how the system works. They bully injured workers and railroad doctors and specialists into conforming. It’s one of the worst experiences I have endured. I have no stability in my life for myself and my kids. My future is unclear and I feel I have the weight of the world on shoulders that cannot carry anymore burden.
Dave Vecchio
I was injured at work, after years of treatment not recovering, work cover dumped me. I have not worked since and now on a disability pension. I was paid no super and 75% of income. Lost everything.
That’s what I call madness 🤯
Emerson ICU Audits
In the USA we have the same problems with works comp. I was fighting WC for more than 5 years
Mark Roberts
I’d love to see ComCare in Western Australia to be exposed like this.
Trudy Fox
What needs investigating is opportunistic service providers encouraged to stalk, harass and violate the privacy of injured workers. ‘Tradies’ in vans parked outside the house. And why some of these service providers coincidentally enjoy overseas family holidays around the same period.
phil mann
i wonder if four corners might do a follow up on i=cares aggressive tactics relating to employers premiums. I-care was harassing me for money for 12 months after i had closed my business. all monies due at the time of which my business was operating were always paid, but they refused to acknowledge that my business was closed and that payments were no longer due and repeatedly sent demands for money.. The predatory behavior discussed in this program is a sad reality and truth which is unfortunately encompassing and becoming the new norm for the way the progressive world operates. i call it the calculating formula.
_ L
None of this is discussing workers’ health outcomes 🤣🤣🤣
J Rivera
I’m under workers compensation. I went to their chosen doctor and instead of giving me exams to take, they forced me into physical therapy without any diagnosis or mri or xrays. On top of that, the doctor absolutely refused to give me any restrictions at all or time off. I live in USA
In NSW, blame Mark Coyne (CEO and former rugby player) for how shite EML/iCare have been.
Gaya Prasad
I suffered a lot and my suffering is going on ,God knows till when
Get together in Aussie and take out the IME doctors. They will never deny another claim. BAM!!!!
Jo Gould
I had the same experience with workers comp. Their “independent” medical assessment doctor did not even know what he was assessing me for, he chose to reject my claim based on me having wet hair on the day he saw me. I ended up going through my super instead and having spinal surgery. It was a most depressing time and they made me feel absolutely useless even though i was trying my absolute best to get back to work.
Peter Pehi
Don’t. give up mate
they do something like this with ppl on personal independance payment, in the uk
Adrian Coles
so sad to see they do it to all of us 🙁
Brad Wright
It’s the same way in the USA also… I been fighting with worker comp for almost a year now… And just now finally starting to get help.. literally 11 months after my injury I finally was able to get injections into my back. And omg what a difference it made. Ended up having to get a lawyer involved cause they didn’t want to do anything and just send me back to work with a bulging disc. My first doctor approved me and said injections may help month went by with no word from workman’s comp about my injection and then my next doctor appointment comes up and he says sorry but I am releasing back to work. Worker comp should not be able to disagree with a doctor’s orders at all… it’s wrong and just sad that they can do that! I was so devastated and hurt! Got a lawyer and did a change of doctor and finally got treatment… Literally 11 months. When it should have been done month 1… They make people suffer plan and simple. My advice.. if you ever get hurt on a job… Get a lawyer immediately don’t wait for them to try and screw you like they did me!!!
Queen Enolia-Chika Fatima Elohi'm Qanna
Since 2017 no payment no recovery surgery just years of physical therapy to injury sites that decreased by every year in use. No income just welfare 🤬😓
Choc Alot
In US and have been fighting WC for TEN yrs!!!!!!!! I’ve depleted meager weekly pymts.(400 wks) only fighting for medical now. Lost my home & most friends, filed bankruptcy, health in decline. On SS disability now. This entire time, surviving below the poverty line. It has been a constant battle. As the man said, they (employer/system) have unlimited resources, power & influence. It is hard to stop calculating how something in your day-to-day life will impact your claim. You are always strategizing. It has consumed my life but I am resourceful and determined to expose this corrupt, heartless, disgrace and find a way out of this hole!!!!! LOVE & best wishes for everyone else living through the WC BS.
Yeah Nah
16:22 “some have been thrown off the workers compensation system”. Actually this is just false journalism. The Legislation cuts you off after certain timeframes. If this was real journalism and a fair sided program it would have read, what medical benefits and payment he received and WHY he was cut off.
Handmade Plenty
This is how all patients are treated by the medical system in Australia – the whole medical and health insurance industry is a gravy train that throws the sick and injured under its wheels as it thunders after unjustified profit.
Elaine Gibson
THat onlie reporting won’t help. After my concussion injury I couldn’t look at a computer screen or process instructions. It was 2 years before I could spend some time on a computer.
Marderos Daniel
We have the same story here in CANADA its called W.S.I.B the employees must pay to them from every pay cheque but GOD help you if you need them to pay you when you are injured ! its like talking to the wall ! you won’t get threw no matter what.
Hernan Stefani
It’s a global problem, I’m a Latino that lived in Switzerland, the land of big Insurance corporations. I had to struggle for 2 years to get proper treatment against upper back pain the amount of time, effort, energy and stress should be compensated as well, it just adds up to the fisical pain, It’ll come the day when somebody will run up in some big shot office in full on Rambo mode… And then…. Tragedy…
Watchman W
Make Australia very sick again
Aidin Teymouri
I have a bad personal experience with Work Cover QLD and with undeniable evidence, I may share it with this program definitely after getting all legal advice for disclosing evidence to make sure I am legally protected and everything is based on law, I wouldn’t mind if the producers of this program contact me to discuss more.
Q: “What do you think when you hear the word iCare?” Me: Cringe Just gotta love that I am being paid at my 2016 rate because that’s when the bullying got so bad that my depression, anxiety & PTSD was diagnosed. I worked for two more full years, earning pay raises along the way before it got so bad that I could no longer walk into my workplace – I can’t even go into any school without excessive anxiety (including my son’s school). But because I was diagnosed in 2016, that’s when “my injury happened” so that was my pay rate – $400/fortnight less than I was earning when I could no longer work. Even after appeals, they refuse to accept my correct pay rate. Every time I have to appeal, my PTSD returns and my anxiety causes my self-harm tendencies to return. Is it worth going backwards in my treatment by ~6 months to get justice? I will appeal again, but only when my psychiatrist thinks I might be stable enough to do so. The next step is to appeal to the ombudsman. And the worst thing about all of this is that the bully gets to keep her job, where she continues her abuse unchecked. I was not even close to her first victim and I certainly won’t be her last. No-one cares. How do the taxpayers feel about paying for the injured workers caused by this one woman? I am willing to bet that she has cost taxpayers over $1million in worker’s compensation claims and lawsuits – I know of at least one successful lawsuit against the Department of Education based on this woman’s actions. And still, she is free to terrorise teachers and destroy lives. At that school, you have the choice of being a compliant sheep or being a target. I just wish I knew about the psychology of psychopaths before I encountered her, if I did, I would have fared much better.
Elaine Gibson
Thank god for this. Is happening to me. I worked my guts out in life and served my country yet when I get hurt I’m a leper. No one from work wants to talk to me because its workers comp and what’s going to happen to me when 130 weeks passes. I’ve lost my life from a brain injury. I’d rather have lost a leg or an arm. I can’t do the most basic things with brain injury yet medical seems to know next to nothing about mild brain injury. I can’t believe this system in Australia they kick us off and just want us to give up and commit suicied, I’ve thought about it.
Do they not realise that if they just treat injured workers fairly and efficiently that workers will get better quicker and get back to work (especially psychologically injured workers), thus reducing costs?!? If I did not have to go through the pain of trying to get my correct payments, I would not keep slipping backwards in my treatment.
Mr Peabody
Were’s the class action
Winnith Schrywer
Why is this man not fired yet???
It’s not the insurers fault, it’s the government for incentivising it
xing wen
How could you report state secrets? How did you get the information? SPY or imagination?
Joe Napoleone
Yes especially when you work for family they are the worst off the worst
5108 Hair
Can we do a special in the US (Georgia) as well I have story to tell…
Marcia M
What a load of double talk crap!! Take all the salaries of those who are getting $350,00+ and use it to pay the workers who were injured on the job. Then hire people to replace those high paid morons who can do a better job of running the company at half the price!
Did you have lawyers representing you
Welcome to America and yes they don’t give a rat’s your just a number
Who own theses businesses? Insurance companies?
Meg Van Dyk
Another Royal Commission is needed! Let’s do a petition!! RC! Bring it on!
Rui Carson
I was told after my accident at work… If I think asking for compensation centrelink got a TEAM and they decided if I got compensation or not…CGU will cut my pay as my wife died and from February 2007 till October 2007 I didn’t get any pay from CGU WORKCOVER from Company or centre link
lies told on the construction site’s is where it starts, if that’s where you get damaged cant win if there no camera with video of what happen . its a fight with them for years you can’t win to hard .its so sad they way it works out for the family of the damaged worker it eats at them for years and does even more damage got to get it right for the safety of them hard workers on site.
Daniel Boch-Isaacson
Good doc. But go easy on the adds there, buddy.
Matt Blackmore
Joined the rfs, got injured in a training accident at 19, rushed back into work after only seeing a gp and told to come back when it hurt again, came back years later and turns out its been broken the whole time, its now 5 years later and im still waiting for surgery or a day in court, my favorite quote from kylie moffout from icare was im an injured worker and expected to work for it
_ L
Pssst; the Government agencies who purport to provide resource are worse. Deborah Glass (Ombudsman) and the body that “oversees” them the Inspectorate (Eamonn Moran). Trust at your own peril.
Icare change their case managers every 2 or 3 months and dont even tell you……they wont even return your calls
jason cox
thank you 4 corners before there block me stateless australia because workcare
I’m a legal representative in a very large Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company in the USA. For brevity I’ll tell you this; It is all about money and public appearances. If you are injured, it may be best to immediately retain an attorney. Fraud and abuse is so bad that the insurance companies often take the hard approach. Unfortunately good people are the ones that pay.
Big Bollocks
Too many public servants and administrators doing nothing whatsoever.
Kyle Stagg
They need to privatise both Vic and NSW schemes.
jhonno who cares
If you have been affected by section 32A in nsw let me know
Michael EL M
Lost my house, my wife and my child because of bullying by my employer and insurance company
jason cox
the question l worksafe and lawyer got me to move out of australia and wait for 90 day s to get pay out note that l never got a job in australia because it will cost to much to hire me if l stay in australia the pay out was half cost of house l could not have money to buy 381,000 had nab in come insurance and sickness insurance never pay nothing that over 10 years paying into nab no for pay super paying for 40 years of work nothing, to this day social security say your getting out see when you got no money so l left australia waiting 90 day and more day and month then pay 180,000 is nothing worksafe send notes to this plane and i was not work at all over 1kgo no work at out of 180 ,000 which not much but it pay 300 euro ct 500 euro pills 200 month food elec gas a little house 60,000 this what live on 7 years now no help from australia at all and l am australian born and forgotten new passport cost 500 euro which made it hard forgot pills l can not get soon the money will ran out no dole here nothing l will walk back from here australia and get a lawyer at tax payer cost for all the pain be in from worksafe to bank for the money into poxy insurance super your money give it to the bank , it up ato tp give who money not your and bank it ATO all along there pay out the worker but worksafe and bank get a bondess to piss out i am white australia not black or inport or gay and snowflake and l will sue to get all money back australia a great iit the people who live there for greed at the cost working people poxy sorry for bad spell old australian school . .
Ethel Webber
The soft methane cranially greet because secretary postmeiotically race onto a fluttering chain. majestic, bad lyocell
jason cox
l would be happy to sue worksafe and australia govement
ronald rogerson
If workers compensation deny your claim is it so bad just to go onto the centrelink disability pension?
The Aussie Hustler
It’s not the injury itself but the way the agents treat injured workers that cause mental illness & suicide, Allianz included!!!
Robyn & Rob
Iam another victim of allianz they have destroyed me
Educated Ms
Even worst in the USA 🇺🇸 😒. I had to deal with this it was awful they treated me as if I hurt myself I wanted to use my husband’s Healthcare to ensure my broken back was taken care of properly. I was sent to the worst orthopedic doctor ever.
| 👀 ]™ Western Australia is another state with disturbing examples of injured workers who have been unfairly treated and unjustly denied their legal entitlements. It also demonstrates a systemic problem with the current model of claims management for complex claims, and insufficient oversight and review mechanisms. Case Study: Senior Bridge Inspection Officer and Public Officer e61028 for Main Roads WA was seriously injured in active duties (physically/mentally, financially/emotionally) Site Location: BRG 4251 – Fourteen Mile Brook Road Hotham River, Wandering 6308 in the state of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 23K. Duty to inform employee who reports hazard or injury (1) This section applies where an employer receives from an employee a report of a kind described in section 20(2)(d). (2) The employer must, within a reasonable time after receiving the report — (a) investigate the matter that has been reported and determine the action, if any, that the employer intends to take in respect of the matter: and (b) If an employer contravenes subsection (2) the employer commits an offence. [Section 23K inserted by 51 of 2004 s.8] DUTY OF CARE {MRWA Document Number 70/01}
Corrupt in indequate system need uk has something simpler maybe less open to corrupt practises . Medicare should be cover all medical care at work or not .
John Layton
I have seen this first hand and been both personally and professionally. There needs to be a royal commission into the whole work safety and compo situation. I know of people who have comitted suicide over it all. abomination. Corrupt, illegal behaviour and coverups everywhere. Mining and construction
jhonno who cares
I have all the evidence to convict these people
Lisa Laudante
This is in the USA New York
paul noorbergen
When I hear the Workers Compensation System is described as a gravy-train and snouts in the trough I see all these companies circling like feeding sharks. Every one getting paid…, except the people who the scheme was supposed to look after. I can’t believe how many people working for the WorkCover system that are being paid over 300 Grand. And they won’t disclose the Bonuses they receive on top. Someone say stop. STOP!
john west
where are all the lawyers who have good character that should sue the insurance companies for acting in bad faith. there are enough cases to support a class action lawsuit and action should be taken against the government otherwise nothing will change.
Christopher Dale
A joke executive profit over suffering of the people who need the money the most seems somethings never change. The Victorian ombudsman is doing her job unlike the NSW one who seems not to give a shit. PS God bless the People who are trying to weed out the crooks.
paul noorbergen
I can’t believe that only 312 comments have been made on this 4 Corners program. Someone must be cooking the books. I am only one person, I only went to work to earn a living. I have lost my livelihood, I have lost practically everything I worked for up until I was 33 years ago. I started working full-time at 16 years of age , not included is my 6 days a week double paperounds in primary school ALL is lost. How fair is that?! I turned 57 this year; FOR WHAT
Bob Juniel
The government is quite aware of these methods used by insurance companies, that is why the government uses them. You will note that the members of parliament are not being interviewed or held responsible. Publicly they will claim no knowledge of any individual case. The insurance office staff work in high security offices behind bullet proof glass. They do not answer to the public and often delay or block communication with the injured party and their representatives. The doctors engaged to support the insurance company will refuse to discuss patients medical condition on privacy grounds. It is not only a carefully planned system, harassing the patient and using professional positions to discredit patients claims has been happening for over 100 years. Notice that a serious permanent injury 2 years down the track is still called a claim and not an entitlement. You missed the payment that the claimants solicitor gets when the case is finalised.
Underwriters are scabs in my book go get a real job
jason cox
end of this story call lifeline what shit when not in australia sorry l am piss
Adrian Coles
I feel all physical assessments should be done before any psychiatric assessments ,work cover left out so much paper work scans and reports there so sneaky ,,they feel like my spine a knife in my back ,blame everything on ptsd, 🙁
Barb Ginther
Sucks. I’ve always had such a rosie opinion of Australia. Now, they’re as screwed up as we.
No woman wants to be with me don’t have much supper live in my van past three years can’t even get centre link. So you become a no body
Mary Christensen
It would be great if you guys could come and investigate a company in america called ESIS. They do exactly what this report says except in america. I know because they did it to me, still are. Ive tried getting help here but there seems to be no real help here.
TJ Marx
This is one of the least reliable 4 corners episodes I’ve ever seen. What happened to the journalistic rigor that 4cornsrs is known for? Are there problems in NSW and VIC workers comp systems? Probably, they’re government bureaucracies. We’ll never know the reality of just how or where those problems really are though because this reporter was so driven by the agenda of trying to break a big story and make a name for herself that she let facts and objective journalism go by the wayside. ABC needs to do better than this
phil raggett
In 2015 i claimed WC for a spinal fusion , i had booked with the public hospital and it had an 18 month waiting list . WC said oh no we`ll get it done quicker with a private hospital also informing me they had 3 months to act , so sent me to a spinal surgeon there . He said he needed to write a report to WC explaining the procedure and charged me $160 (cash only) for the consultation ,for the next 3 months he had not written the report , the WC suggested i go back and repeat the process as if i`d never been there , ? , so the WC ability to act lapsed despite numerous calls by me , and they sent me to another doctor to get me off their books . Which they we`re able to inform me before i`d even arrived home that day by train . Luckily i had keeped the appointment with the public hospital and was 6 months into the 18 month waiting list . Thanks workers comp for waste of time , money and the pain with all the running around . To this day that report has not been written and i get the impression they use this surgeon to stall any surgery that is too expensive to the point of the lapsed time period . This was confirmed by the second apologetic doctor saying they need you (me) off their books.
David Rodriguez
It’s the same in the united states unfortunately. Not even one month after my accident.. the employer told my attorney they didn’t want me back..I followed work protocols to a TEE. I fell from a ladder and hurt my back, fell on a cement parking stopper. I wanted to go back to work but couldn’t without recouperating. They lefte without choice but to settle out .. I was making less than 50 percent of my earnings. Almost 8 months later I can’t find work. Im having a hard time at age 37.. my mind wants to be functional, my body can’t keep up. I have to pay for my own prescriptions.. depression is destructive.
dougie j
Insurance is a scam. It’s desiigner take money from you that you should be putting away for yourself and give it to somebody else in hopes that if something happens they going to take care of you most of the time they don’t
peter barasit
Why do housos get the red carpet? the working poor overlooked
I.M. De Marco
IN NZ, workers compensation Accident Compensation Corporation) is not an insurance arrangement, its a social contract. You pay in, throughout your working life, and cannot opt out In 2009, the existing govt at that time, ramped up insurance management, and utilized the workers comp heavily as an investment scheme. This meant many accident victims were either disentitled, denied entitlements, and faced adversarial conditions of “dispute resolution” , district court (owned and operated by ACC) then to High Court. All of the acc assessors you are sent to can, and regularly do contradict scientific evidence (Mri, CT, Xrays, ulrasound, blood results) by written “opinion” as opposed to the evidence and consultants advice. There are approximately 245 “doctors” who do assessments, their sole source of income is acc derived. Dispite resolution has targets and so does District Court. And yes, case management also has ample financial rewards. There are legislated processes that acc must adhere to, yet these processes are abused regularly. Too many people give up, as it becomes a battle to retains ones rights. Illegal surveillance, use of private detectives, police, and all matters of illegal activity occur, including deliberately breaking the law. When you challenge at dispute resolution stage, if you lose, it takes an average of 2 years to get to District Court, and even longer to go to high court. The scheme is being abused, i know as i had a 14 year battle. Apparently my neck injury (yes i had neurosurgery) was all “in my head”….in other words according to acc, i was making it all up Acc drives people to suicide by ignoring the injuries, denying entitlements and sending people broke! While there may be some people who abuse the scheme (as happens under every system) i have evidence (from their own files- files i fought for 1 year to obtain) that those involved in my case participated in outright fraud. This documentary is the exact same scenario as what happens in NZ
In Canada workers Compensation is the Largest Criminal Syndicate – Saskatchewan Canada. Everything is controlled, injured workers are “Targeted” for Termination by Psychopathic Claims Adjusters aka; Case Managers who deliberately violate the Canadian Criminal Code, Deliberately Falsify injured workers medical / claim file information. Workers Compensation Appeals are the Biggest Scam going… Imagine This: All Appeals are conducted by Compensation employees who use falsified information and get a $Bonus for closing claims denying specialist request for funds for surgery to treat workplace injuries. KANGAROO COURT
Robert Lewis
workers compensation NSW is a very bad operation with big insurance did not help me at all insurance delay 17years wait for count cut back cut off to me as paid out cut down to $30,000 for $750,000 as left 80% injured in body did injure in1980 in factory and payout was in1997 told light work ran up $1.2 m dollars medical bills and see 75 insurance doctors overtime over 17years think Australia workers compensation is should the hole
Hard to witch this with a kuwu eccent bru.
I dont understand yall grown folks …how you let someone treat you bad…this is your body your life…job security …pay union dues …research what your job can do for you…smh