Unfair: Not treating people in an equal way, or not morally right
An unfair system
[ + to infinitive ] It’s unfair to blame Robert.
Cambridge Dictionary
Page Description
Explore Ricky Jackson’s story of wrongful conviction and 39 years in prison, highlighting the profound injustices faced by the wrongly accused.
We Really Do Live in an Unfair World: Ricky Jackson’s Story and Beyond
Ricky Jackson – Een ongekende rechterlijke dwaling
Betreed de aangrijpende wereld van onterechte veroordelingen via het verhaal van Ricky Jackson, een man die 39 jaar in de gevangenis doorbracht voor een misdaad die hij niet had begaan. Deze pagina werpt licht op de systemische fouten die tot zulke diepgaande onrechtvaardigheden leiden. Naast Jacksons reis ontdek je een schat aan video’s over soortgelijke zaken, waarin de veerkracht van degenen die vechten om hun leven terug te krijgen en de dringende noodzaak van hervormingen in het rechtssysteem worden belicht.
Justitie op Eén Been: De Gekantelde Weegschaal van Gerechtigheid
In een ideale wereld staat justitie onwrikbaar, gefundeerd in waarheid en integriteit. Maar wat gebeurt er wanneer justitie wankelt en onstabiel op één been balanceert? Ze wordt hol, neigt niet langer naar eerlijkheid, maar naar onbalans, verwaarlozing en onrecht. Voor Liam Allan, een criminologiestudent die onterecht beschuldigd werd, en talloze anderen zoals hij, laat dit scheve systeem een onuitwisbaar merkteken achter – een last van schuld die nooit had mogen bestaan.
Hier onderzoeken we die momenten waarop justitie faalt, wanneer ze rust op een fundament dat niets anders is dan vergissing en nalatigheid. Deze verhalen onthullen de werkelijke prijs van een ongebalanceerd rechtssysteem – een systeem dat, in plaats van eerlijkheid te brengen, vaak de onschuldigen belast met een schuld die nooit volledig kan worden weggenomen.
Ricky Jackson is an African-American man who was wrongly convicted of murder and spent 39 years in prison in Ohio, United States. Here are some key points about his case:
In 1975, Jackson and two other men were accused of killing a salesman in Cleveland, Ohio. Jackson maintained his innocence, but was convicted based on the testimony of a 12-year-old boy who claimed to have witnessed the murder.
The boy, Edward Vernon, later recanted his testimony and admitted that he had been coerced by the police to identify Jackson and the other two men as the killers. Vernon said he had never actually witnessed the murder.
Despite this new evidence, Jackson’s appeals were repeatedly denied, and he remained in prison for almost four decades.
In 2014, Jackson’s case was finally reviewed by the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office Conviction Integrity Unit, which found that there was no evidence linking Jackson or the other two men to the crime, and that Vernon’s testimony was the only basis for their conviction.
Jackson was released from prison in November 2014, after spending 39 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit.
In 2019, Jackson was awarded a $1 million settlement by the state of Ohio for his wrongful imprisonment.
Jackson’s case highlights the flaws in the criminal justice system, particularly with regards to the use of coerced testimony and the difficulty of overturning wrongful convictions.
1 How Man Wrongfully Imprisoned Forgave the Man Who Put Him behind Bars
15 mei 2017
2 Ricky Jackson freed from prison after 39 years for wrongful murder conviction
21 nov. 2014
At minute 3′ until the end: the key of the story
3 Wrongfully Convicted Former Death Row Inmate Presses Clinton On Death Penalty
4 A Wrongful Conviction ‘Destroyed’ This Man’s Life
5 Brothers exonerated from murder convictions after spending decades in jail
Back to menu
4 mei 2019
6 Ohio Innocence Project 2018
Back to menu
19 apr. 2018
This video is very emotional
7 Prison exoneree Ricky Jackson: Death row ‘is not a place fit for human beings’
8 – 3 Men Exonerated After Spending 36 Years In Jail For 14-Year-Old’s Baltimore Murder
More compelling videos about Ricky Jackson on the link below
“I Didn’t Know What the Sky Looked Like Any More”: Ricky Jackson Exonerated After 39 Years in Jail.
November 2019
9 Wrongly convicted trio freed after 36 years
10 – 30-Year Death Row Inmate Celebrates First Days of Freedom
Gepubliceerd op 24 apr. 2015

the worst thing about it all is his mom died without seeing her son was innocent all along
12 Exonerated death row inmate Anthony Ray Hinton
13 San Diego Innocence Project Calls For Clemency For “California 12”
14 California Innocence Project: Law Students Work to Free the Innocent
18 nov. 2011
15 Michael Hanline Released After 36 Years Wrongful Imprisonment
21 apr. 2015
16 Top 10 Reactions Of Innocent Prisoners Set Free
25 mei 2019
Murder charges dismisses against Michael Hanline
17 Ohio Innocence Project – University of Cincinnati College of Law – 10th Anniversary
27 okt. 2014
18 Moment judge recognised school friend in dock – BBC News
3 jul. 2015
The Perversion of Justice investigation
19 How Miami Herald’s investigation & Jeffrey Epstein survivors helped blow up a sweetheart deal
19 dec. 2019
PDF copy from the Miami Harald
20 Harvey Weinstein: The fall of the king of Hollywood
25 feb. 2019
He was above the law
21 WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Harvey Weinstein and his army of spies | 60 Minutes Australia
14 jan. 2020
22 Scary Alien Invaders Gag
11 apr. 2011