thank you, Shaun , for having the courage and cojones to put this documentary together and air it. thank you for all your efforts in bringing our planet the truth . please take good care. i will continue to follow where you lead. peace
Awesome job Shaun!!! I am sure there are many like him and will be many more, sadly. Love to all victims

I remember seeing my father reading an article on Saville in the Irish Times one Sunday. My mother came over and whispered to him “don’t let the children see that love”, which I heard. After lunch, I asked mom what Saville had done. He was alive and very popular then. My mother told me that she and dad didn’t like Saville, and thought he was a dangerous man. I knew what she meant, without her explaining. This was Ireland, so we were protected. When the truth of his depravity emerged, I was not at all surprised. I just wish the BBC was held accountable for Saville and Harris. They should have lost the right to charge a licence fee until they put their house in order. I still don’t believe it is safe. The world screamed at the Catholic abuse story, but is still covering for abuse in modern religions such as Mormonism, Jehovah’s witnesses and all the patriarchal fundamental Christian movements.
If I said “I am so shocked at the extent of…” this would be a massive understatement. The amount of pies this creature had his fingers in is truly beyond comprehension. This was very interesting to listen to. Thank you for creating 


Thanks Shaun for all the work you do for victims. I think there are more “Saville’s” all around the world who are protected, their victims not taken seriously, etc. Parents must be vigilant more than ever!
Thanks for this one Shaun! It’s great his crimes are being brought to light further.. I remember living in Leeds at the time of his death and how much everyone still loved him.. i think he even had his coffin marched through the streets like some kind of hero. I always had a feeling about him, i mean he does look an absolute creep! It’s crazy what power can do… savile was evil incarnate.
This will be better than the watered down Netflix series
A modern Aleister Crowley —- thank you, Shaun, for exposing. Incredibly well done by you and by bringing together all the people with their knowledge. The Truth is shocking.
I can listen to you speak ALL DAY LONG…amazing presenter that should have had a MASSIVE CRIME TIME TV SHOW! This Mommabear LOVES your work Shaun, you deserve a MASSIVE worldwide PRIME TIME television show. Haven’t caught a live in such a long time, you look happy & healthy Shaun
🇿🇦 sending much love!

Fantastic job Shaun Attwood. Well done man.Thumbs up.
Will people ever see thatcher for what she was and the royal family for having a relationship with this man?
It’s such ashame that one of his many victims didn’t take revenge on Saville an took him out but very slowly an all out of respect for his many other victims.
I remember when I was a kid my mother would not allow me to watch any of his shows she would just say there is something very wrong with that man and he is up to no good damn was she correct
‘Just being believed’ truly is a very important step. Great documentary
It’s sad how his horrific legacy lives on, until those who knew, from the bottom to the top, are brought to task, he’s still got away with it through them
Luckily This predator had to re-live the pain of each one of his victims during his life review. No one escapes that when they cross over.
I usually wouldn’t watch something this long but I could listen to you talk all day mate Shaun.
Listened whilst I’ve worked today.. Wow, interesting but extremely sad for the many victims. Thank you to all involved in exposing him. Love and Light to the victims 

Wowzer! Well done on this one Shaun. Half way through and I’m hooked.
Been waiting for this. Well done Shaun !
Now it makes more sense knowing his older brothers were sickos. Doesn’t seem to be much on Vincent on the web however and that could be a valuable piece to the puzzle.
Awesome job Shaun and the team well done everyone. A very hard watch but important to watch it , I remember all of this so very well my goodness he had a lot of us fooled
Absolutely brilliant to watch. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this possible for us to see just how evil this poor excuse for a human being was. I had heard so much about him and others but too see it all in one documentary was excellent. I only hope that rightly so as you say, people who knew what he was doing are held accountable. Thank you again Shaun and the amazing team who put this together.
Thank you for continuing to ensure that these FACTS are heard, and wake people up!
Amazing documentary Shaun, I was a little bit worried this would just be a rehash of earlier material. You have broken his life and criminality throughout his life, keep up the good work
God bless everyone…the truth is priceless…so sad money y status hide these predators…praying for the surviving victims


The royals knew exactly what he was, and they liked him for it. This is very difficult for a lot of people to even think about. But as I’m not British, perhaps that’s why I can dare to say such a thing.
It’s a tragedy how he could hide in plain sight for such a long period of time & how many lives he ruined during it, I don’t think we will ever get to the full story & who was protecting him, thanks Shaun for piecing this together & trying to get to the truth of this monster.

If you haven’t watched the documentary ‘was Jimmy Savile a Wizard’ its worth a watch, however crazy it may sound.
What a great piece of work,you’ve put together Shaun.
Shannon this is heart breaking and by far the best podcast I’ve ever herd ur right at the top ove ur game much love
️ m

I must say, what angers me the most about Savile is the fact that he never had to pay for his crimes. Over decades of abuse and hundreds of victims, at most, Savile only had a few stressful moments. Surely, some accusations/rumors caused him some stress, some thoughts that he may be busted but those situations were dismissed relatively quickly. For 99% of the time he was abusing he had no worries whatsoever and he died thinking he was going to be famous and loved forever. That deeply angers me and makes me want to add Pi@#ing on his grave to my bucket list.
Wow, this is riveting.. it’s middle of the early morning here in South Australia, and I’m wide awake listening in. Great job Shaun. Those who expose the Pedophilia pandemic are Hero’s in my view. Respect mate.
Watched the netflix documentary a few weeks back with the wife She had never watched anything apart from the news when all came out so watching it made my wife feel sick to the stomach and enraged that he blatantly told the world he was a monster in his little analogies and no one gave a shit Shaun you keep going m8 never back down never bow to the masses expose the lot of them and most of all keep the faith stay strong 

the victims’ stories here are important, but I want info on gov’t cover up, police cover up investigations, plus stories in depth of Thatcher and PC, and Mountbatten
Incredible how much power, fame, and connections this guy had. I wonder how many other individuals share the same secret shady lifestyle.
Thank you Shaun, for this incredible presentation… I’d heard of this guy, but had no idea the depths of his depravity. But the worst part is how all of these corrupt politicians, mainstream media, etc, protected him for all those years!
fantastic documentary! your sources are far superior to the ones Netflix dug out. really heavy material, but necessary to our knowledge & understanding. there’s a special place in hell for mr. jim’ll fix it! what a deplorable human being he was !
Thank you Mr Attwood. I’ve been waiting for this 

If I said “I am so shocked at the extent of…” this would be a massive understatement. The amount of pies this creature had his fingers in is truly beyond comprehension. This was very interesting to listen to. Thank you for creating 

My followup article on this show: Well done to Shaun and his team for producing such an insightful analysis of the evils of Jimmy Savile and those who enabled this rotten to his core monster.
This is a brilliant piece of work Shawn. I’ve never seen anything this detailed on Savile before. I still think that even this documentary (as good as it is) is still only touching the surface. It’s well known that Savile spent a lot of time in Northern Ireland, I don’t know if anyone from there has come forward (there is still a legacy of silence there because of “The Troubles”) – is there a connection to Kincora? If there is then it connects Savile to the very heart of the British establishment. Thank you for this great piece of work.
Excellent documentary
very informative and I really like your narrating style. Your hard work is much appreciated.

I’ve read a bit about Savile & watched the mainstream documentaries but I learned so much more from this docu! Incredible piece of work, really informative & well researched. Chilling & fascinating at the same time. I think this is the best work on Savile that I’ve seen. Congrats to Shaun & all involved 

Bloody hell, that put me right off my breakfast. Excellent coverage. Very well done. But what a sicko. The BBC, and those who covered for him will no doubt join him when they slide off the plate of life and join the guy in the red suit and I don’t mean father Christmas. Thanks Shawn and big shout out to James.

I started working as a zookeeper at 15 in 1982 in Australia and the behaviour of many adult males was predatory. Told not to make a fuss, etc etc. I don’t work in this industry now due to the predatory behaviour. Even being older doesn’t stop it.
Feeling very lucky that his creepy programs were not televised here in the US
Congratulations on producing a tremendous documentary on an absolutely abhorrent creature & his equally horrific cover up by others of the same ilk. Blessings ever from Belfast.
Finally all of what he did has been looked at. Every other documentary never mentioned the mortuary
Great work shaun keep exposing these rats for who they are the world’s a horrible place

I know I’m not alone in always having found him skin crawling. It was like watching an animated corpse.
This is an absolutely brilliant piece of work
. Well done Shaun and team 

Might have been worth getting a professional voice-over artist to narrate this Shaun, at times the old Widnes intonation made you sound a bit flippant, not the best considering the subject matter. Felt like more of a podcast compilation than a dedicated ‘new’ documentary at times, and let’s be fair, there wasn’t that much new info in there that Mark Williams Thomas hadn’t already released on TV. Don’t mean to piss on your chips bud, know you’re just trying to earn a crust, but those homemade ads were cringe AF & seemed somewhat inappropriate cross-sells in this context. Fair play for having a bash like, but i really don’t think doccos is your thing.
An absolutely brilliant documentary! Concise and descriptive enough without going out of bounds. It’s indescribable to Americans. Possibly Johnny Carson or Dick Clark would be an equal in stature here. I mourn the sadness and difficulties of his survivors.
Much more in depth and revealing than the family friendly Netflix version. Great value for money this one… 

Thank you Shaun, for your bravery in showcasing this evil Establishment coverup. Thames Valley Police should hang it’s head in shame for covering up for Saville with the trustees of Stoke Mandaville. How lucky that the CPS’ head office was also in Abingdon.
Savile, The English Resputen! The Royal Stooge?, No! The Royals Were The Stooges of Savile!
Amazing report. Knew some things but this is incredible. Great investigative reporting. The police committed malpractice.
He wasn’t all bad, ” Jim fixed it for me to milk a cow in a darkened barn while blind folded when i was 9 “
Thank you for always bringing light to the darkness.
Amazing film Shaun! Well done!

Amazing great job putting this all together!!
Wow! This documentary beats the Netflix doc hands down.
In my opinion Michael Barrymore was a higher standard entertainer. We all know how quick he was drop kicked into touch
Awesome job Shaun , keep up the great work
I cant remember the radio station but we were listening to the radio in my friends car. It was a day or two after Sav!le croaked it and the presenters on the radio got onto the topic of Saviles death and his career + charity raising. Without any irony the lady presenter stated ” Yes true true he did do a lot for people. Thats why his passing is so sad. Never has a nation been touched so much by a tv & radio celebrity”. Abv knew something we didnt.
I was a small kid when he was prime time tv. He, along with DLT and several others used to make my skin crawl every time I saw them but I didn’t think much of it as I was under 10. I only wish I had carried this sixth sense through to my ‘adult’ years.
Jimmy had the “do as thou wilt be the law”in & of life . He had people in the palm of his hand. Now he is gone. Alot of his enablers & his victims are still alive!. Look how these people have manipulated our lives, everyone with this mindset they now who they are
Well done Shaun great interviews and great way to collate all of them together.
why did all these powerful people in British society cover up for him? Did he have the goods on all of them?
Night clubs were big in Manchester in the early 60s and certainly did not include Savile . I remember him only at Belie Vue which was a big dance hall and then on Top of the pops
wow even after Prince Andrew they are still all claiming ignorance about who’s who in this nasty world
This is an excellent documentary
Excellent again! Keep making documentaries and keep shamping the mainstream
Thank you for the support Shaun
Great to see all these guests stories compiled like this. I hope to see more Documentaries in near future. It would brilliant to see an Andymaxstine version as in my opinion you were cut down in your prime whilst nailing them to the wall. Very well done 

I believe that Savile rose to power by providing children to people in power and blackmail.
Is Edwina Currie just going to walk around like nothing happened then?? I know she had no knowledge, but she was bloody Health Secretary! And she let Jimmy have a free run in the hospitals! It’s the pinnacle of unprofessionalism!!
Apparently, there is some contention as to whether he was actually a Bevin boy. He was notoriously vague about the dates he was employed and may have not actually worked there.
His story is unique only because his deeds were brought into the light. People forget that sexual deviants lurk in positions of power. Money and influence allow these individuals to purchase and defend their debauchery. Funny how if revealed, its only after they’re dead.
All the fecking Barstewards that helped him carry on fiddling all those poor children by saying nothing should be ashamed.
Brilliant documentary Shaun but sometimes it sounds as if you’re gonna start laughing when talking about something serious.Maybe it’s just me.

The white haired journalist is very obviously a gate keeper. “How did Saville get so high up in the ranks?” Oh his charm. Seriously!??
God bless you Shaun. Thank you for this
By and large its NOT a different story today, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. One thing is realizing there is a problem, the other is to DO something about it. We need to teach children tools of recognizing grooming, it’s not usually a stranger but a family member or a teacher (sports teacher in my experience, Simone Biles would back up the zero filtering of coaches)… all this talk about abusive bullying, but does anyone teach kids techniques and strategies of dealing with it? Adults are crap with bullies… look at Putin, Trump, etc…

Around 1955, when my mum was about 15, Jimmy Savile was a ‘DJ’ in a Dance Hall in Manchester. Mum and her friends went to the Dance Hall in their lunch hour from work. Whenever she saw him on the tele she would say ‘he was never a dj all he did was put an LP on, then go into a room along a corridor with some of the girls, only returning to turn the LP over. He was well known in the early 1960’s when I was baby, in High Town Manchester, he also had a flat in this area in the 1970’s and well was well known for his heavy drinking.
This puts the Netflix doc to shame ,sterling work
Shaun I like to joke with Americans about this issue. I always say all we had was one man they had an entire island! 🙂
Well done I’m doing this Shaun good work.. somebody had to do this difficult topic.
When asked about the Moors Murders, Savile said “that was all about me”
Savile stands out in every video like a freak, yet he sold his manic charisma with a vengeance. Good documentary, Shaun. I won’t be finishing Netflix.
It’s sickening I wonder who will be the next famous person or royal who will be exposed caught
Absolutely bizarre he was given keys to Broadmoor.
Excellent work well done 

It’s said he had dealing with the Yorkshire ripper.
No work tomorrow so gonna watch this with a nice beer bit later on. Quality uploads as always shaun
Saville was good at what he did – real good. He fooled my mother of all people, she worked voluntary every Friday at Leeds General Infirmary children’s wards mid 70’s – mid 80’s & literally had nothing but praise for Saville, his fund raising & the way he always cheered the kids up! She was shocked to say the very least when this all came out, you do NOT easily get much past or fool my mother !!!
Didn’t Saville say on the Theroux doc that the best week of his life was when his mum died and he spent a week with her in the home on her bed? It’s the bit where Theroux is offered her bed to sleep on… I may not have got the wording perfect, but it stuck out piercingly.
Just saw Boris for the first time on line,maybe this guy is his real father?kinda a lotta like in looks
Savile a reprehensible human being .
did PC ever make a public statement to the British press after Saville’s guilt was out?
He didn’t get away with in the end. Almighty God and Jesus judged him in the end!
Thanks to all for you persistent help through sharing the truth 

David Beckham will be so pleased to be mentioned in this context. Lets hope Victoria doesn’t explain it for him
I told my dad about him last year and he called me crazy! Hahaha who is crazy now dad! Read a book!
Had to watch it again! Way better than netflix! Such an awesome video!!
keep up your great work 

those who give lots away in so called generosity, have a guilty conscience about something !
Love the; things were different back then, not like they are today. Yeah, today is worse. We’ve got guys just waltzing into women’s bathrooms. Children are being shown pornography, and encouraged to think they’re the other sex. Jim would have loved it.
See that’s the whole problem no one has the balls. With this guy’s story might be a little different he was friends with the Queen and her family he spent a lot of time in The Palace
When someone is said to be “larger than life ” its a sign
No one has ever pointed this out…youtube search pans people spirit in the sky version 2 and watch him at the very beginning blatently give his finger a good sniff.He really didn’t care and played with us all
Vile …Evil man
great work Shawn 

Infuriating that he got to live the exact life he wanted, and that everything worked out pretty much exactly the way he wanted, and that he was a national treasure who was not exposed until well after his death – even though countless people knew what he was. If you could someday do an episode or series about PIE that would be interesting. Troubling, shocking, infuriating, chilling, but interesting.
Shaun, thank you for your hard work on this. Amazing. Lots of love 

Do Dan Schneider next.
Mark Williams Thomas is rather guarded in his revelations probably out of loyalty and self preservation. He doesn’t outwardly condemn all police inaction over Savile and doesn’t accept paedophile rings exist even though Shaun you have interviewed many alleged victims of abuse who insist they do. Was Savile the member of a well known secret society with a high number of police members I wonder. If so it would certainly explain how he got away with so much for so long. Kelly Gold’s contribution was enlightening as to how floor managers at TOTP got girls for DJs and how the Beeb enabled Savile and ignored complaints about him. Even Esther Ranzen with all the good work she’s done since isn’t squeaky clean.
He was the most powerful
the only thing that tells me, is you saying that shows the cover ups are still going on

As an eight year old his nephew one of my neighbours when looking after me with his girlfriend pushed me behind them when he barged into their kitchen and helped himself to a glass of water whilst jogging past. So I was always weary of him. Met him in an alley once as a child. He made it impossible to pass so I turned and ran in the opposite direction. This was about 1972. That adults did not speak up or were blind to it is incredible to me.
Did that ex copper expose Savile? I wouldn’t have known. He didn’t mention it.

great job. asking the questions and seeking the truth.
Cynthia Payne was the woman who had the brothel. She took luncheon vouchers as payment if I remember

I find Mark’s comments about no paedophile rings to be at serious odds with everyone else on your show,think its because they told him yeah expose Saville but that’s all,don’t implicate anyone else. Great video Shaun! Loved it!
Have we enough data points now from Epstein & Saville to make a profile of a fixer, and take a look who the new and current ones are?
Brilliant shaun, people need to be reminded what he was
What a shame. And got away with it all. I hope the silent who knew it all, know they’re 100% as guilty as this pos.
Well done shaun
The only good thing in the Netflix doc was seeing David Icke. Well, also seeing the letters from Prince Charles also… But really was a bit crappy overall.
They will have had the information, of course! It was a different time though. That doesn’t excuse it but it does give us an understanding of the times. I hate it but that’s the way it was.
Boy! That Jimmy Savile really got around eh!
Excellent documentary.
I got involved in the live chat it was very interesting bro you done good Shaun nice one mate


They all knew about Saville in the eighties at Stoke Mandeville hospital .Nobody came forward .
Ahhhh cant wait to watch this with the missus
been looking forward to this . Another absolute banger and a half

And people still pay the BBC license 

Is this the full doc and how long will it be up for?
Thankyou for this documentary.
He was that high in the bbc alot where either doing the same as him or some where fearful of the there good earing job way a big salary sad that the BBC knew and never exposed him
very important work! bravo
He was able to hang around the palace he must have had dirt on prince Charles and even prince Andrew
Wonderful video as always.
God will get him! 

Shaun PLEASE stop posting photos of this creep on your front page, as I do not want to see it at all when opening my YT page. Thank yoiu.
Elm guest house is a must watch..Carrie did room on the second floor..Kitty..Carrie was a boy..
he was only as powerful as the powerful people he knew surely ?
Sorry Shaun, but I hoped after 5.23 it would be just photos of witnesses, crime scenes n such, though I skimmed along and see that the vid is strewn with these random shots of sovile Jim. I’m done with looking at they rat eyes, so the phone will be turned upside down and it’s just audio for me. 
(I call for blanking out his eyes in this and all future him stuff, there’s no app for it so you’ll just need to sit for ages,editing black strips over they eyes. Cover whole dial if you want)
it would be the essential finishing touch to this great piece of work 

A must watch,excellent
Jim fixed it for me to milk a cow blindfolded
great post Shaun.
There is a lot more to this.
Great doc and content thanks!!!!

Can’t wait.. Thx you my friend

You wouldn’t have “a way out” simply by being an acquaintance. This is total bs. COMMON SENSE people 

Everyone is touchable with God and God hasn’t forgotten what this evil person has done to his children. And one day he will come before the judgment seat of God to be held accountable for what he did. No one is untouchable.

I get the impression that loads of famous people knew all along and they are playing dumb and pretending they werent aware of him…..the editors etc aren’t very convincing when interviewed
Very good and well documented.
I will watch again excellent
He’s in Hell. Not a good place to be. There is justice.
the establishment must hate shaun so much
Excited you put this out.
Much love and respect

I’m so glad you made this documentary. I don’t know why but the Netflix one has so much less information than others that were made around the time of his death. Whereas you have managed to tell the (as close as complete as we’ll probably get) story with tons more info, extra witness acounts and less money. We’ll done everyone!
this man also dumbed down any involvement with anything higher in his interview about jill Dando
But I have a hard time understanding is, if so many people knew why did nobody ever say anything? Why was he never charged or prosecuted and investigated? It makes me think of all of the people and kids that he took advantage of and I feel horrible for those poor kids.
Thank you Shaun. Can you please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Thanks. x
Just tuned in. I think this will be very interesting. My question. Why wasn’t he stopped earlier?
The only thing I might not agree with – when he said that people who are ‘bad’ arent bad ALL of the time… I only have two words… Hillary Clinton SHE IS BAD – ALL THE TIME. Great job Shaun. Excellent docufilm.
Even now people are afraid to talk , for the man in this who said the royals maybe didn’t investigate enough and compared it to David beckham maybe shoplifting in his youth …..
I was 7 when I was raped… I was NEVER quiet. The adults around me failed, my mother was raped all her childhood by her father. The whole village knew my mother was abused by her father… And I suspect same stuff happened to granny. It’s not so much speaking up, but the broken adults around the child. The message is very clear to the child, everyone backs the aggressor. That is worse than the abuse. Double kills the soul!!!
It’s not so much speaking up as a child, but the broken adults around the child. When a child is not believed, heard…the message is very clear to the child, everyone backs the aggressor. That is way worse than the abuse!!! Double kills the soul!!!
I don’t I understand how people were surprised. He wasn’t a thing in the US, but I find all children shows to a bit sus. Would you let Captain Kangeroo or Peewee Herman take you kids anywhere alone? No. Nothing against those guys, but it just seems like it would be a bad idea.
Hi guys. How on earth did this hand of darkness get the keys to perverts
This will be immense Shaun.
The guy has a look that screams “NUNCE”.
Friend of P Charles was Savile
I never liked him I ways switched over. The guy was pure evil.
Well his brother was with him I believe in the hospital when they would take the dead to the hospital’s M
Well done.
He’s revolting. Just looking at him disgusts me.
My evening sorted . 

Do me a favour Shaun. Contact Samaritan’s and refer to their guidelines on the reporting of suicide.
Sean do you ship to Canada i know you are using American dollars I would luv to sample this offer.
Jimmy Saville had Charlie Ward!
I totally get the fact there is many beasts out there who are 2 faced act all nice speak well help everybody and so people are easly fooled but this guy wasn’t nice everything that came out his mouth was wierd or vulgar. A dont that shyte people where fooled he was clear as day a horrible man.
copy cats everywhere.. jimmy was used for an example of one… copy cats were grown to everyone’s beyond imagination..
Guy was a real sicko
Love the Attwood
7:00 Saville was dtf whatever, old, young, male, female, able, disabled, dead or alive…….cant make this up…guy would have fkd a dry stone wall
I wonder what dirt Saville had on them. The same type of shit goes on today
In some photos Savile resembles Michael Parkinson quite a bit – weird.
Jill Dando hinted that she was about to Let the Cat Out of the Bag…………BANG!
Supplied 13 year boys to Phillip at Buckingham palace..Saville taxis..100% truth..
Matt Hancock… There’s another creep 

ones again darling ….wow 

this world
we live in .

I all ways though he was a creep, Thacher, was is best friend, she new wot was going off.
Great Video!
Why can I only see a picture of Jimmy but nothing else for 3hrs please?
He “knew so many people”. Mmhmm 

Pedophile rings do exist,are you choosing not to see it ?
Just look at THOSE CRAZY EYES!!
Great to see this here but isnt this a concatenation of previous material on this channel or new material?
what about dj tim westwood ?
Master full 

quality….this is fiya
Time stamps

Arm wrestle alcoholics that’s a bet low
I thought the thumbnail was jake Paul’s great grandpa
I paid cash to watch this why is it now free ?
Do a documentary on decca. That would be massive
He wasn’t charming. He was hideous and awkward. I’m glad Princess Di had at least a clue.
Goodness gracious EUHEUHEUH
Does anyone know which podcast had the bald gent with the goatee?
Was he not mossad spy ? Jimmy. His bloodline has something to do with it.
Untouchable….? Bad title

Bullshit dianna was a great friend of his who asked for his help loads of time with her marriage. She was a beast aswell shaun come on
Who was the pop star?
Who is this guy. Was he on bbc or what?
My babysitter was his nephew, he pushed me behind him and his girlfriend to shield me from
The tiptoeing around the British royal family is getting old…
I did armwrestle alcoholics in the off licence to get my wine before settling down to watch. Half way through, my nerves are shattered. I need another bottle.
Aww ffs
Too many sick people in England.
cross sytheS C
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