Unleashing Destruction to Undermine Justice

Page Description

Explore how destructive actions & flawed systems have undermined justice, derailing lives & disrupting society. Includes insights from Nick Wallis’s book.

When Justice Becomes Oppression: The Peril of a Distorted System

Sub-postmasters expose Post Office Horizon scandal in Select Committee

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1 You can't shoe a running horse
2 You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

This conveys the idea that you can offer someone an opportunity or help, but you cannot force them to take advantage of it or act on it.

Post Office Horizon IT Scandal | Two Decades | 2024

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10 jan 2024

Hudgell Solicitors are the legal firm at the forefront of the continuing fight for justice for former sub-postmasters who were victims of what is now recognised as the biggest miscarriage of justice in UK legal history.

Watch the real story of those affected by the Post Office Horizon IT Scandal and the fight for justice over the past two decades.

A Second Alleged Post Office Scandal

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3 Undermining the Fabric of Society

Post Office Inquiry: former lawyer who advised firm challenged over role in ‘derisory’ payouts

Important  Content

They’re LIARS and CRIMINALS | Post Office IT Horizon Scandal. Andrew Parsons – 14 June 2024

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14 jun 2024

Day 2 of solicitor Andrew Parsons’ evidence during which, questioned by barrister Christopher Jacobs on behalf of 156 subpostmaster clients, it is read out an correspondence in which he goes on to ask whether the Post Office could ‘start attacking the postmasters’ credibility by calling out [Noel] Thomas, [Seema] Misra and [Jo] Hamilton as the liars and criminals that they are.’ Jo Hamilton, incidentally, was sitting in the front row of the inquiry as this was read out.

He tells the inquiry ONLY that ‘on reflection that language is too strong’…

Canular – Décharge de canon – Exploding Canon Ball Prank

26 okt. 2012

Le touriste veut se faire prendre en photo à côté du beau canon. La victime le photographie pendant qu’il allume la mèche pour s’amuser. Mais le canon est encore chargé et le boulet part. Il fait un gros trou dans le mur de la jolie terrasse manquant de peu le serveur rendu sourd. Méchante décharge! 
Une présentation de la chaine vidéo YouTube officielle de Juste pour rire les gags. Bourrez-vous la face des meilleurs et plus drôls gags de caméra cachée jamais tournés.

Tourist wants to have some pictures of himself shooting a museum cannon, so he asks prank victims to take a photo. As it turns out, the cannon is still in good enough working condition to shoot off a huge cannon ball into the wall, leaving a huge hole in and totally wrecking a building. 

A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!