“Twisted Justice: How Certain Lawyers Harm Fairness”
Page Description
Discover how unethical lawyers
undermine fairness and justice
in the legal system.
Learn about the impact of poor legal representation
on true justice.
Synonyms for Bad lawyer
31 other terms for bad lawyer
- poor lawyer: slechte advocaat
- prejudicial lawyer: bevooroordeelde advocaat
- worst lawyer: slechtste advocaat
- corrupt lawyer: corrupte advocaat
- demonic lawyer: demonische advocaat
- immoral lawyer: immorele advocaat
- rotten lawyer: bedorven advocaat
- vicious lawyer: gemeen advocaat
- ill lawyer: zieke advocaat
- terrible lawyer: vreselijke advocaat
- black lawyer: zwarte advocaat
- worst attorney: slechtste advocaat
- unsuccessful lawyer: onsuccesvolle advocaat
- bad agent: slechte advocaat
- poor advocate: slechte pleitbezorger
- villainous lawyer: schurkachtige advocaat
- hapless lawyer: ongelukkige advocaat
- dreadful legal practitioner: verschrikkelijke juridisch beoefenaar
- inadequate counsel: ontoereikend advies
- inefficient solicitor: inefficiënte advocaat
- lousy legal representative: waardeloze juridisch vertegenwoordiger
- incompetent attorney: incompetent advocaat
- ineffective barrister: ineffectieve advocaat
- unskilled attorney: onervaren advocaat
- awful advocate: afschuwelijke pleitbezorger
The idea of a lawyer behaving in an extreme or unreasonable manner.
It clearly communicate the theme of lawyers behaving inappropriately.
“Justice or Psychopathy? When Lawyers Lose Their Way”
“The Dark Side of the Law: Lawyers Acting Like Psychopaths”
“Legal Lunacy: When Lawyers Go Off the Rails”
“Justice Unhinged: The Psychopathic Lawyer Phenomenon”
“When Justice Turns to Madness: Lawyers Behaving Badly”
The link between unbalanced legal behaviour and the risk of unsafe convictions.
“Justice Unhinged: The Psychopathic Lawyer Phenomenon and Unsafe Convictions”
“When Legal Madness Leads to Unsafe Convictions: The Psychopathic Lawyer”
“Unhinged Justice: How Psychopathic Lawyers Cause Unsafe Convictions”
“Unsafe Convictions: The Dark Reality of Psychopathic Lawyers”
“Justice or Psychopathy? Unsafe Convictions by Unhinged Lawyers”
The lawyer was a real disaster
Another person I wanted to talk to was Robert Jones‘s original defence attorney, Curklin Atkins, and as he never returned my calls I decided to visit his home.
After several minutes knocking on his front door, I noticed a movement in the car parked in the driveway. It appeared to be a head slowly being raised which disappeared again suddenly when I turned.
It was Atkins, so I walked over to talk to him through the car window.
“People can say whatever they want to say, they wasn’t in the heat of the battle,” he said, referring to people who have criticised his handling of the case.
The idea that it was his incompetence that led to Robert Jones spending 23 years in jail for crimes he did not commit, he dismissed as “impossible”.
“While people on the side are sitting back criticising and saying, ‘You could have did this, you could have did that, you could have investigated this, investigated that,’ they didn’t spend the time – they could have went down there and represented Robert Jones.”
Any other defence attorney might also have failed to find out that Lester Jones had already been convicted of Julie Stott’s murder, he said.

Robert Jones‘s original defence attorney, Curklin Atkins
How can someone be guilty of something they didn’t do?

A rush to justice sent 14-year-old George Stinney to death in 1944. It took 70 years to overturn his conviction in 2014.
It’s the pivotal question:
how can someone be guilty of something they didn’t do?
It’s incredibly strange that a false reality can be crafted, something that could be used as a basis to determine someone’s guilt.
In other words, something that appears so clear that it seems unquestionable, making it entirely believable. That is the key point and that is not always possible!
This resembles The Achilles’ heel of justice. The bag of tricks being played, the perversion of justice, comes to the surface in the following sections of the introduction, from A to P (These are 16 points).
Then 13 points in particular 1 The Liam Allan case to 13 Justice is a kind of modern-day slavery
The Achilles’ heel in its truest sense. In dozens of examples, the wrongfully convicted have been exonerated.
Het is de cruciale vraag:
hoe kan iemand schuldig zijn aan iets wat hij niet gedaan heeft?
Het is bijzonder vreemd dat het mogelijk is om een beeld te creëren dat niet overeenkomt met de werkelijkheid.
Dus iets wat gebruikt kan worden als basis om te bepalen of de persoon schuldig is.
Met andere woorden, iets dat zo duidelijk lijkt dat het op de een of andere manier niet kan worden weerlegd en daardoor volledig geloofwaardig is. Dat is het belangrijkste en dat is niet altijd mogelijk!
Dit lijkt op de achilleshiel van justitie. De trukendoos die men bespeelt, the perversion of justice, komt aan de oppervlakte in de volgende onderdelen van de inleiding, van A tot en met P (Dit zijn 16 punten).
Vervolgens 13 punten met name 1 The Liam Allan case tot en met 13 Justice is a kind of modern-day slavery
De achilleshiel in de volle betekenis van het woord. In tientallen voorbeelden zijn de onterecht veroordeelden geëxonereerd.
When a legal decision-maker or jury is manipulated by the prosecutor, leading to someone’s imprisonment through deceptive case presentation or withholding crucial evidence that could prove innocence, it reflects corruption within the legal system.
Individuals who engage in such practices are, themselves, criminals.
Consequently, this disruption of the legal system results in the wrongful imprisonment of innocent individuals, solely on deceptive grounds, devoid of any valid reason, cause, or basis.
- The Thin Veil of Justice: Cases That Expose Deception in the Legal System.
- People who allow themselves to be utilized for deceptive purposes!
Wanneer de persoon die een juridische beslissing neemt of een jury, bijvoorbeeld door de procureur in de val wordt gelokt om iemand in de gevangenis te krijgen door de zaak bedrieglijk voor te stellen of door hard ontlastend bewijs achter te houden, heb je te maken met een corrupt juridisch systeem als gevolg van individuen binnen het juridisch systeem die zelf misdadig zijn.
Je hebt dus te maken met het ontwrichten van het juridisch systeem door goede, onschuldige mensen die niets misdaan hebben, hun leven te verbrijzelen door hen puur op bedrieglijke basis, zonder reden, aanleiding of oorzaak in de gevangenis op te sluiten.
- De schone schijn: Zaken Die Bedrog in het Juridisch Systeem Blootleggen.
- Mensen die men kan gebruiken om bedrieglijk te werk te gaan!
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