The Truth Will Eventually Come Out

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Alan Bates fought for 23 years to expose the Post Office scandal. His stubbornness changed everything, proving that truth alone is never enough.

It Took One Man’s Stubbornness to Change Everything
The Long Road to Justice: Alan Bates’ Unwavering Fight for the Truth
Years of Evidence, Yet the Cover-Up Continues

Mr Bates vs The Post Office – The Real Story

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17 jan 2024

The Post Office was established in 1660 and had always used paper and pen to balance the books. In 1999, management introduced something completely new—a computer system called Horizon. It was the biggest IT rollout in Europe. The Post Office connected 40,000 terminals across the country to one central hub.

An engineer arrived, screwed it onto the desk, and I asked him what it was. He said, “That’s Horizon.”

Mr. Bates vs. the Post Office – The Real Story

  • At minute 4: “You are the only one.”

  • At minute 6: “Mr. Bates’ contract was ended without any reason.”

  • At minute 24: “The easiest prosecution—no theft at all.”

  • At minute 39: “We were having to build the case with one arm.”

    • Internet problems and network issues were causing the errors.

  • At minute 40: “Multiple smoking guns.”

  • At minute 45: “Cushy lives.”

It occurred to me that this amounts to the 21st-century equivalent of insisting that the Earth is flat.

Dutch translation:
“Het komt erop neer dat dit in de 21e eeuw het equivalent is van volhouden dat de aarde plat is.”

Trouble at Post Office – Panorama – 17th August 2015

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19 apr 2020

17th August 2015 

Part 1 – the second part, following the outcome of the trials, was due to air on March 23 2020 but was replaced by a Covid 19 programme. Will be shown later this year.

More secret tapes prove Post Office boss briefed on system backdoor

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How a TV drama threw a spotlight on U.K. post office scandal

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The Post Office Horizon Scandal: Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom on campaigning for justice | House of Lords

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8 jan 2024

James Arbuthnot – now Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom – was MP for Northeast Hampshire at the time of the Post Office Horizon Scandal. His constituent Jo Hamilton, was one of the subpostmasters affected and he has been campaigning, alongside others, ever since.

Hear more from Lord Arbuthnot on Horizon and its background, what has happened since and what he hopes will happen next in this clip from the House of Lords Podcast, recorded in June 2021.

James Arbuthnot—now Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom—was the MP for Northeast Hampshire at the time of the Post Office Horizon scandal. His constituent, Jo Hamilton, was one of the subpostmasters affected, and he has been campaigning alongside others ever since.

Hear more from Lord Arbuthnot about Horizon and its background, what has happened since, and what he hopes will happen next in this clip from the House of Lords Podcast, recorded in June 2021.

  • At minute 12: Monstrous injustice.”

  • At minute 14: “Perpetuated it.”

  • At minute 16: “Those who went to prison.”

  • At minute 16:30: “Justice is very important. It is part of the psyche of the British people—a sense of fairness.”

It was revealed in 2013, yet nothing was done about it.

Post Office scandal investigators accused of ‘Mafia-style’ bullying of subpostmasters

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At minute 2: Mafia tactics
At minute 2;50: 
At minute 5: There is no perfect way of doing that
At minute 6:30 Alan Bates went to court
At minute 7: Malevolence: the quality of causing or wanting to cause harm or evil
At minute: 8 More then Malevolence

Post Office scandal investigators accused of ‘Mafia-style’ bullying of subpostmasters

Webpagina: Post Office Scandal: Fetter Lane is where they used to hang people out to dry

MPs wipe floor with disgraceful Post Office in House of Commons

At minute 2: “Mafia tactics”
At minute 2:50: “Malevolence”
At minute 5: “There is no perfect way of doing that.”
At minute 6:30: “Alan Bates went to court.”
At minute 7: “Malevolence – the quality of causing or wanting to cause harm or evil.”
At minute 8: “More than malevolence.”

‘Anything to say to her?’ Post Office investigator Stephen Bradshaw challenged over Horizon scandal

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Causing or wanting to cause harm or evil:

The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.
I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away.

Alan Bates claims Keir Starmer is yet to respond to Horizon scandal settlements

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Post Office Horizon LIVE: Sir Alan Bates at Business and Trade Committee hearing on Horizon scandal

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Alan Bates reacts to ‘rehearsed testimony’ by Paula Vennells | LBC

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Educational: This video is essential viewing

Shocking Content

At minute 6: 1/3 of the Subpostmaster

Post Office scandal: former CEO admits evidence was false

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Hyacinth Causes Trouble at an Exclusive Kitchen Store | Keeping Up Appearances

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18 sep 2019

While shopping for a new exclusive range kitchen worktop, Hyacinth carries out a spillage test.