The Rights of the Child

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Learn about the fundamental rights of children,
their importance,
and international efforts to protect
and promote child welfare and development.

The Rights of the Child: A Call to Action

1 Peter R de Vries – Over de grens – 25 april 2014

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13 jul. 2021

Peter R. over de grens was een NPO-televisieserie van AVROTROS over schendingen van kinderrechten, gepresenteerd door Peter R. de Vries. De serie omvat zes afleveringen, die allen in 2014 zijn uitgezonden.
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Gepubliceerd op 2 jul. 2017

Peter R over de grens Nepal
39′ and 47′

Peter R. de Vries ‘koopt’ slaafje van 8 in Nepal

HILVERSUM – Peter R. de Vries heeft vorig jaar in Nepal een meisje van 8 jaar oud gekocht als slaafje. Na wat onderhandelen met de moeder kreeg de misdaadverslaggever het kind voor een bedrag van omgerekend 50 euro mee.

BuzzE 17-04-14, 12:28 Laatste update: 17-03-17, 09:25 Bron: destem

De Vries kwam tot de transactie voor zijn nieuwe tv-programma Peter R. over de grens, waarvoor hij voor de AvroTros de hele wereld over reist om schendingen van kinderrechten aan de kaak te stellen. Uiteindelijk zag de verslaggever toch van de aanschaf af. Tot zijn eigen opluchting.

Het emotioneert hem nog steeds als de programmamaker vertelt over het ogenschijnlijke gemak waarmee ouders in het Aziatische land, gedwongen door armoede, hun kinderen afstaan aan gefortuneerde vreemden. In Nepal wordt op grote schaal gehandeld in jonge meisjes die bij hun nieuwe ‘eigenaar’ als slaaf aan het werk moeten en vaak ook seksueel worden misbruikt.

“Toen ik voor het eerst van deze praktijken hoorde, kon ik het bijna niet geloven”, vertelt De Vries. “Ik wilde wel eens met eigen ogen zien hoe dat nou gaat.” Via een tussenpersoon belandde hij bij een gezin dat bereid was een 8-jarige dochter van de hand te doen. “Toen ik daar aankwam stond de moeder al klaar met het meisje. Zonder dat ze wist wie ik was, waar ik haar kind mee naartoe nam en wat ik met haar ging doen, kon ik haar zo meenemen. Dat vond ik zó schokkend.”

De doorgewinterde misdaadverslaggever voelde zich daar in dat Nepalese dorp, gewapend met een verborgen camera, bijzonder ongemakkelijk bij de hele situatie. “Ik probeerde er nog onderuit te komen met een smoes. Ik vertelde de moeder dat ik haar kind die dag niet kon meenemen, maar de volgende ochtend zou terugkomen.” Terwijl hij zijn tranen probeert weg te slikken: “Maar de moeder bleef erop aandringen dat ik haar kind meteen zou meenemen.”

‘’Dat raakte me enorm. Ik ben zelf vader en dacht: Hoe bestaat dit? Wat een triestheid dat je je kind verkoopt aan een wildvreemde man die haar meeneemt naar de andere kant van de wereld, en dan niet eens de kans grijpt om nog één nacht met haar door te brengen. Ik hoopte echt dat de moeder zich zou bedenken en zou zeggen: Lazer op, je krijgt mijn kind niet. Al bied je een miljoen. Maar de volgende dag stond het meisje klaar met een groezelig rugzakje met daarin alleen een afgedankt T-shirtje en een gescheurde broek. Dat was alles wat ze bezat.”

Uiteindelijk was het nooit de bedoeling van De Vries het kind daadwerkelijk mee te nemen, maar er was hem wel veel aangelegen de Nederlandse tv-kijker de harde werkelijkheid tonen. Het meisje en haar familie worden inmiddels ondersteund door Stichting KidsRights die zorgt voor geld en scholing, in de hoop dat de ouders zich niet meer gedwongen zien een van hun kinderen te verkopen aan een rijke slavendrijver.

“Ik realiseer me ook wel dat dit slechts één geval is dat wij hebben gered en dat er ondertussen misschien een dochter van de buurvrouw wordt verkocht. Maar voor dit gezin is de noodzaak nu weg. Het is allemaal op te lossen met geld. Ik hoop dat mensen hierdoor met andere ogen gaan kijken en zich niet laten leiden door dat Wilders-gebral van draai de geldkraan maar dicht. Stel nou eens dat het jou kind was?”

2 Peter R de Vries – Over de grens (23-5-2014)

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23 aug. 2021

Peter R. de Vries slaat de handen ineen met Interpol en volgt de internationale politieorganisatie op de voet bij een grootscheepse bevrijdingsactie. Kinderrechten zijn vastgelegd in internationale verdragen maar ze worden niet nageleefd. Sterker nog, overal ter wereld vinden de meest gruwelijke misstanden plaats onder de ogen van de autoriteiten, zonder dat er wordt ingegrepen. Dat is de trieste eindbalans van de zesdelige serie Peter R. over de grens. In de laatste aflevering slaat Peter R. de Vries daarom de handen ineen met Interpol en volgt hij de internationale politieorganisatie op de voet bij een grootscheepse bevrijdingsactie van kinderen in een Afrikaans land. Met een zeer verrassende afloop..
Esther Gunzel
wat mij opviel is dat alle zgn geredde kinderen die volgens hun op een goudmijn aan t werk waren aangetroffen …allemaal gewassen waren schone kleding aan hadden .Mn gevoel zegt dat de overheid daar gewoon een zooi kinderen uit t dorp opgetrommeld hadden om voor t idee en om de schijn op te houden ..kinderen gered had van kinderarbeid ..nou werken in de tunnels van goudmijnen blijft je haar en kleding echt niet schoon toch?
Dat gevoel had ik precies ook toen dit zag. Iets klopt er gewoon niet. Die kinderen zagen er inderdaad opvallend netjes gekleed uit voor kindarbeiders die in een goudmijn hebben gewerkt. Waarschijnlijk hebben de autoriteiten deze kinderen gebruikt om niet nog meer gezichtsverlies te lijden. Omdat ze weten dat er uiteraard meer van deze plekken zijn waar de kindarbeiders onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden moeten werken. Op zijn minst suspect🤔

3 Peter R de Vries Over de grens Burkina Faso

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11 aug. 2021

In Burkina Faso heerst maar één en dat is De Wet van de Armoede. Kinderen worden er massaal te werk gesteld in de goudmijnen. Peter R. de Vries reist naar Burkina Faso waar maar één wet heerst en dat is De Wet van de Armoede. De Vries duikt met behulp van de verborgen camera in de duistere wereld van de goudmijnen waar kinderen massaal te werk worden gesteld en stuit op schokkende praktijken. Dat ook het rijke Westen van deze kinderarbeid profiteert, maakt de problematiek alleen nog maar schrijnender.

4 Peter R De Vries Van Uit Malawi

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19 sep. 2018

Tanya Hoek
Ik denk dat Peter zelf de gulle gever is geweest. Hij is zo ontdaan en ik vind het te toevallig dat ze nu ineens een beter leven hebben gekregen. Hij is een engel!
Peter is een held van Nederland 🇳🇱

5 Peter R de Vries Over de grens Moldavië (9-5-2014)

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11 aug. 2021

Volgens diverse onderzoeksrapporten is het percentage kinderen dat in Moldavië wordt mishandeld onwaarschijnlijk hoog. Peter R. de Vries reist naar Moldavië, het armste land van Europa. Volgens diverse onderzoeksrapporten is het percentage kinderen dat daar wordt mishandeld onwaarschijnlijk hoog. Maar klopt dat wel? En zo ja, hoe kan dat?

6 Peter R. de Vries – Over de grens (16-5-2014)

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1 nov. 2021

Peter R. de Vries reist naar Malawi en stuit hij op een uiterst tragische misstand: kindbruidjes. Peter R. de Vries reist naar Malawi en stuit hij op een uiterst tragische misstand: kindbruidjes. In het Afrikaanse land worden meisjes al op zeer jonge leeftijd uitgehuwelijkt door hun ouders om hier in de vorm van een bruidschat wat geld mee te verdienen. De gevolgen zijn schrikbarend: extreme seksuele uitbuiting, levensgevaarlijke zwangerschappen en grof geweld. Peter R. de Vries:

7 Peter R de Vries in Malawi, Afrika

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27 jun. 2014

Reportage Peter R de Vries met Sevana van der Meer in Malawi over heksenkinderen. Voor meer informatie:

8 United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child

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4 mrt. 2016

This video explains what the United Nations on the Conventions of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is, where it came from and why it should matter to you.

9 Rights of the Child Segment 1 – What are Childrens Rights

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17 mrt. 2018

Global Education & Skills Forum Alliances are groups of experts brought together by The Varkey Foundation to think about how education can change the world. Their members include leaders from academia, government, business, civil society and teaching.

Each alliance convenes around a particular theme. Some alliances work on the key issues of our time, such as conflict and climate change. Others focus on the big questions in education, including what makes effective teachers, how data can be collected responsibly, and how universities can successfully partner with each other.

Discovery Learning Alliance (DLA) partners with schools and communities to transform education through teacher professional development, community engagement, educational media and other dynamic learning resources. Gender responsive pedagogy is an important element of DLA’s extensive teacher training.

Segment 1: What are Children’s Rights? (5:51) – An introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

10 Rights of the child Segment 2 – The Right to Non Discrimination

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17 mrt. 2018

Global Education & Skills Forum Alliances are groups of experts brought together by The Varkey Foundation to think about how education can change the world. Their members include leaders from academia, government, business, civil society and teaching.

Each alliance convenes around a particular theme. Some alliances work on the key issues of our time, such as conflict and climate change. Others focus on the big questions in education, including what makes effective teachers, how data can be collected responsibly, and how universities can successfully partner with each other.

Discovery Learning Alliance (DLA) partners with schools and communities to transform education through teacher professional development, community engagement, educational media and other dynamic learning resources. Gender responsive pedagogy is an important element of DLA’s extensive teacher training.

Segment 2: The Right to Non-Discrimination (8:35) – Non-discrimination means being treated differently because of who you are. Ebiste from Ethiopia is discriminated against because she is a girl and could be forced to leave school early to get married. With a clear understanding of her rights, Ebiste is able to overcome this discrimination and advocate for a better life while inspiring others to end child marriage.

11 Rights of the Child: Segment 3 – The Right to Life Survival and Development

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17 mrt. 2018

Global Education & Skills Forum Alliances are groups of experts brought together by The Varkey Foundation to think about how education can change the world. Their members include leaders from academia, government, business, civil society and teaching.

Each alliance convenes around a particular theme. Some alliances work on the key issues of our time, such as conflict and climate change. Others focus on the big questions in education, including what makes effective teachers, how data can be collected responsibly, and how universities can successfully partner with each other.

Discovery Learning Alliance (DLA) partners with schools and communities to transform education through teacher professional development, community engagement, educational media and other dynamic learning resources. Gender responsive pedagogy is an important element of DLA’s extensive teacher training.

Segment 3: The Right to Life, Survival and Development (7:26) – All children have the right to life, survival and development. Follow the story of Anna and Neema, two young women in Tanzania who were denied their right to education. With the help of some adults, they are able to find a healthy balance between helping their families at home and continuing to go to school.

12 The Importance of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for Canadian Children

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30 jan. 2013

The gap between promise and reality: 
Not Just Kidding 
Mount Saint Vincent University 
January 2013 
Katherine Covell
Green-Eyed Child
im so glad this problem is being made public….FIND THE 10,000+ mexican children WHERE ARE THEY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ontario Church Stories
This video is from six years ago. Has there been progress since then?

13 Migrant Kids In Crisis In Greece | Stacey Dooley Investigates

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19 apr. 2016

Stacey Dooley travels to Greece to follow children on the migrant trail, as they flee wars and seek new lives in Western Europe.
I felt so bad for them. It also tells me how fortunate I am to have a peaceful home and a peaceful place to live on. But the world will go on like this, as history repeats itself… God, have mercy on them!
Tata Apare
So heart breaking..
Sheyda Far
This could happen to anybody,I’m so sorry for what is going on …😖
ChristinaD Salcedo
Greece can barely survive right now, they need to assist their own people. Turkey received all the money from the EU and shipped these guys out to Greece. They took the money and said “to hell with these people”. Why aren’t the arab nations taking them in?!? would be a lot easier for them to assimilate.
lynwen renwick
men lying about their age , they say they are a child
Sad but even the Pope said that the EU cannot absorb the whole of the Middle East! There are not enough resources for such an unprecedented influx of migrants.
wicQy JT
Stacey please help them … It’s hurt when i see the imigrant like this . 😣😣😣😣
Horiboyable MGTOW
Divide and conquer, the Romans did it and the British has mastered it.
Naveed Abbas
We can’t blame Europe every time , rather we should blame Islamic countries for these crisis especially Saudi Arabia and Iran both of which are allies of America and Russia respectively, why don’t they play their role to stop the war. I urge Europe to play its role to stop the war. May God bless all the affected people around the globe.
Jayden Sanchez
Cross the border and then what? Greece can’t afford to give its own people free housing and food, how can they be expected to provide it for 100,000+ immigrants. They say they dont want hand outs, that they will work to earn a living and in their own countries im sure that was great but other countries have their own people struggling to find steady employment. They have a responsibility to their own people first.
Guy See
English man
I don’t know why Saudi Arabia can’t take these Syrians majority of Syrians are Sunnis just like them and Saudi Arabia have got thousands of air conditioned tents sitting empty.
Shaolin Style
16:07 is this the right soundtrack for this situation?
lena oreilly
This really makes you appreciate what you have in life.
holly mckenna
Literally so sad. I like Stacey so much for showing the worlds true colours
Ann-Marie Baker
As I said on another video, they’re entitled to a peaceful & safe life too. I feel so much for these people x
princess .natti
heartbreaking and very moving
Petra Someone
“Open borders, open borders” ….. Did you see her run in fear and move to safety away from the migrants?
Jack Margay
Look at me I’m so happy I’m from a rich country and can be photographed talking about how badly I feel for these poor brown people.
wow Stacey Dooley is so honest :)….
Gillian Walker
I am very glad these stories are available online. Thanks you.
The problem is religion, all religions, they divide people, same with countries, it creates this is idea of my country, my religion, my family and then once you claim to own something or be something you have to protect it creating wars, ect.
“Please don’t ask about that I don’t want to talk about it” “ok” three seconds later.. “what was the boat journey like?” what the hell Stacey lol
Porsha lee
this is so deeply sad!!!
Elizabeth Duckworth
Greece isn’t rich and to many ppl pouring in. How are Greek families going to take care of themselves and all these immigrants. The immigrants would’ve been better to stay where they came from its sad for everyone.
Jada Garrett
I wish this was longer. Does anyone know where I can find another one like this? Just a lot longer and indepth?
Anirudha Boruah
So sad powerful countries should come forward n work for peace’👍😭
Osian Smith
Im a simple person I see a Stacey Documentary I click
at 4:57 and I can’t watch anymore of this, its too depressing.
Rad Mum
Why are there so many men coming to Europe unaccompanied.i feel sorry for the children being dragged across the world.
Keith Sy
stacey i love your documentary…..
Cristina Cabia
heartbreaking for these children 🙁
Ace Leone Music
mmm… Stacey did not fill up her transport with children to help them get to the border!!!
We have the United Nations that should look into the reason for the people leaving their country because of conflict between the two factions of Islam, find a solution or support the one that is moderate and help them to fight their own war instead of people fleeing their country and going to other countries as refugees. Europe or other countries have their own problems in running their countries, you cannot expect them to solve this crisis even though it is very sad to see children suffering. Bold decisions and honest effort is required from the UN to deal with the current refugee situation.
Back here in the US people are freaking over Trumps anti immigrant executive order. Europe looks so screwed!
they all see a free for all..they figure they can blend in and gain mercy off of the backs of real Syrian refugees fleeing civil war and murder
Das Reich
If the Syrian people didn’t start the war then they wouldn’t be in their situation.
Marina Vucerakovic
Gaddafi foresaw all this and the leaders of the surrounding eastern states cynically laughed at him. All of this happened after his murder and was uncivilized in front of the public.
Agnieszka Sokołowska
We should do everything to stop a war in Syria!!!!! this is a reason of everything
Pump Kin
Why poor people have 2-3 children? Even with the 1 child is hard, but they have 2-3. I cried a lot watching this video, so sad about women and children.
Joe Ang
Lovely girl, I felt in love with her voice…
Jazzy Dunny
I love you stacey dooley!!! and all of your videos and you inspire me and I love everything you do you’re amazing!
Dewaldt Fourie
Haha pappa’s got a plan
dinesh bahadur
we can understand problem with Syrian people but why Pakistani are taking the advantages of it and entering in Europe
Ana Alfaro
Ahmet Harmankaya
I think the guy who couldn’t keep his story straight about his age — looks 25-30, claims to be 16 but has documents giving his age as 18 — says it all. I think there’s something intensely creepy about grown men posing as “children” like this. If you’re a grown man and need help, be honest! Do these guys in their 20s and 30s want to be treated as kids and forced to attend high school? I can’t imagine anything more degrading and humiliating, but this seems to be the preference for these men.
Got to watch this for my homework yay
ian england
Gotta say stacey my idel woman ,brave,literate an so much empathy .she too nice 4 this job.adorable lady .try watching some of her other docs always in some kind of danger to get her story out n tries to look at both sides of every story
Abdikadir Hassan Abdi
All I have greece is respect for helping suffering children though in financial crisis
Aimee Loftus
Yes how dare they want better lives for their families. What a selfish thing to do.
Alena Cusson
They should have safe zones in their own country and all this could be avoided.
zero 123
If BBC is finding it so scary and sad about it, why wouldn’t they ask England to take these refugees!!
Absolutely shocking
Stacey has not asked one where they are going!
Soon those that don’t understand will experience the same.
Zakia Mahmood
So sad we all have a duty to help theses people.
Jazzy Dunny
I love you stacey dooley!!! and all of your videos and you inspire me and I love everything you do you’re amazing!
Jero 7
Stacey you are everywhere on cbbc and BBC you are very criticised but is it possible if you can do anything to help Greece and the refugees
Mexican Beauty Queen
Then they come to Europe and join Isis… I have a 16-year-old boy and it doesn’t look that mature in his face like the Afghan young man.. This man or at least 19 or older couldn’t fool the authorities that’s why they put 18 on his paperwork.. the Syrian kid does look 15.. I feel bad for the man with the disabled kid.
Elizabeth Williamson
Most countries do not accept economic conditions for asylum. Including the USA, and Canadian. The U N caused this problem cause they told Greece had to take more migrants, mostly syrians, and afgrans. Stacey. Greece was already bankrupt or don’t you read the newspaper. Greece cannot support family of 3 wives and 10 kids. They already said they want to go back to where they came from.
See Lee UK
If that ‘kid’ is 16 then my father was Tutankhamun and my mother was Cleopatra… 16, as if… more like 20
stacey dooley behaves is good. also good woman
Madeleine Dodin
So what are we supposed to do with migrants and with what money?
David Lammy is bound to disapprove of this video.
Francesca Morrison
What are they using for a toilet?
Tracey Davenport
I didn’t realise Pakistani men were refugees
janna 777
There is NO HUMANITY in HUMANS anymore….somehow it IS LOST. RIP
Joel Young
Americans, how fortunate we are!
Looks more like an invasion to me. Does anyone ever ask why no country in Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East is required to take in “refugees?”
Ali Hassan
Hitler was caught as second world war culprit, now world must find the culprit of the crisis to get all odds even and according to me the culprit is USA and it’s friends
Francesca Morrison
So many kids,kids everywhere!!
Suraj Kumar
Keeping migrants in your home is very nice gesture but be ready when they will ask you to live in your home with their sharia rules… wait n watch for that instant when they will get their belly full.
Carrie Sims
Stacey,…that boy is not 16, he is 18, he gets alot better treatment for being 16…he is lying to you.
rupert sackville
If the ISIS are so bad why do they not join Assad s army? I am all for crowdfunding glocks and bazookas for syrians who wish to stay in Syria and fight
Only Me
Stacey singing a different song now go back to Luton
I think she really means well and wants to help people and especially the children. There are a lot of of children who suffer because of the war in Syria/Iraq. Absolutely no doubt about it! However, the picture which shows the majority of people who come to Europe looks a little different. It’s just not correct and dishonest to always show little children in Greece, Calais, Italy etc. It’s not the reality! Dear BBC, please take the risks regarding mass immigration into consideration and stop with the lying and the dishonesty.
Periklis Giannopoulos
Great forgery of the truth stacey,well done ,you can go on to the bank to take your salary now..
Roman Darius
when a white teenage Italian girl poured out of the suitcase of a Nigerian in Italy, the media ignored it. But when an Italian male, who was feed up watching Italy being handed over to the Africans and got a gun and shot 6 of them, there were marshes and demonstrations by the communist left and the media was all over it, accusing the Italians of being Racists, Fascists, Nazis, Xenophobes, and on and on and on.
christina tym
Things are more complecated and cant 30 min videos is not enough 3 years later things are a better for most of them but there are a lot still living in Hot spot areas…i live in Greece and i have seen people living in the square in Athens and it was so shocking to say the least…
just Saoirse
I used to love watching Stacey Dooley docs but this has turned me off her.and I have aload of reasons why I’m just not in the humor I writing them out.
Marie Renea Gonzalez
You have the right fro free speech and just be careful it may work out like me I make sure I’m heard
Brian Doran
Funny how the narrative on these videos is always the same, like Europe are the bad guys even though the EU are spending billions of euro housing and feeding citizens that don’t even belong to the continent of Europe… It’s the greedy African and Middle Eastern leaders you should be shaming, Europeans send MILLIONS of euro in aid to these countries every single year going back as far as I can even remember and where is it all going? Exactly.
William Alexakis
instead of fighting for your control your leaving cowards
David Phillips
Just go home and rebuild your house
Amber-Dawn Reid
This is heart breaking , yes the people of the country should get help but you can just turn these people away as well they don’t want to be there just as much as the others don’t want them to be there, but they don’t have a choice. Heart breaking
Every adult refugee have at least 5 children and a lot of them are new borns!! So maybe they are ok with war, isis murders etc.
Johnny English
Well done Stacey Dooley and BBC! You never experience, and you will never understand!
Moses Freitzberg
BBC three should disable comments on this sensitive issues, anything relating to Europe, mid-east, Africa war and politics should not allow people who have extremist views to populate on their channel, it’s about time news channels broadcasters on youtube got a grip on their channels.
Ban Ying Foo
Yes compassion we must have but it’s COMPASSION WITH WISDOM meaning if countries accept these refugees they will hv to feed[ n clothe them n these will drain their monies leaving little or nothing for their own citizens besides both cultures r different n will cause trouble in time to come BUDDHISM PHILOSOPHY IS COMPASSION WITH WISDOM Those young men fleeing from war they should stay back n fight for their country so compassion is not needed in this case as these young men neglect their responsibilities to their-own country
fluffy cats
24:40 why don’t they protest in the country they came from instead of expecting every other country to give them everything they want
Indian Pot
I am very disappointed by this woman. She swallows all the standard answers give to her. I worked at a refugee camp about 10 years ago and when I asked them about their route to Europe, they claimed they were too traumatised to talk about it. One Nigerian girl did not even know how she turned up in Oslo. Many of these people have traveled by public transport and some even come by plane but don’t say it. I hit hiked from Kabul to London once. I had all my visas and could travel without fear. The whole trip took me 3 weeks from Kabul. These people claim they were walking over about 30 mountain passes on foot and they use only about a week to Greece.
king polok
Please to the innocent people of the world.. get together and stop those powerful black hands….
Lady Joujou
Feel bad for the kids
Zlatko Jokic
Migrants manipulation with childreens
Vasudha Singh
why afghans running away? i think they have elected govt now
Marly Kayina
Why don’t you try reporting next time who are responsible( UK and US) selling bombs to these countries and their people left like this!
Hotpro breno
My hearts break when I see those lovely kid if I m a millionaire I would definitely help them particular to those kid may god pretext and help them
tristan gupta
I want to buy a Mercedes instead
Michael Smith
Convert them to Christianity or send them back!
Evelyn Fullerton
My Country Britain should help those Family’s ,… Scotland where I live would take them if government would let us, But they would have to be willing to work
Esme Smith
Disgusted by some of the comments below I am horrified I live in a world with people like that absolutely horrified and I’m glad the BBC shed some light on what’s happening
Aneek Makwana
hey if u are in a safe country stay there because alot of them came from turkey they only go to the place that showers them with benifits
16 yrs old? More like 25-30!
your welcome here in philippines its more fun
Big Jumbo
Where’s Phil Taylor when u need him,,
Keep it all the Way Funky
What else are they to do!?
Samson Delilah
if i were muslim ..i will find refuge in arab saudi or kuwait UEA since i have the same people langunge religiion…instead of heading to europe that called infidels for being not islamic
Only ones crying there is Stacey and the babies.
Tatrice Shipp
Now they know how the aboriginal black people feel in the USA.
Rabia Yucel
Goodwork BBC real face off europa, !!!!!
PST Tech
don’t have an issue helping those kids, but for the adults that flee countries and refuse to fight for them and want the other nations to take on that burden, no thanks
Dimitra Vintsou
Such an ignorant “reporter”. We Greeks are already suffering with major socio economic issues and she assumes that we do not care and are oblivious to their problems.. there are countless of people here that actually devote their lives into helping people in need, so it would be a good idea to check ” the other side the coin” as well dear @StaceyDooley .. immigrants here are so many that is going out of control, go and ask the locals in Mitilini.
I don’t know what’s worse, the refugee crisis or how INHUMANE people are becoming by the looks of this comments. It’s easy to feel self-righteous about one’s country as if being born there hasn’t been sheer luck. This sort of patriotism is just selfishness and lack of empathy in disguise. I wonder how they’d feel if they were on the other side of the fence. If one day you need help and people turn their backs, then you’ll know why.
Heidi W
Refugees should be sent to the country that caused the war and let them deal with it.
Jennafer and Jason Lapierre
I have no words, how can anyone see this and not be heartbroken. We need to change, there’s enough room on this planet for all of us .
joe haze
The islamization of europe…1 by 1….1 boat at a time…never forget 2015…just ask all the women in germany
They should have went to usa bcoz this prblm and distruction created by usa..
very unhappy Bi
ask these people if they want to go home and if they do send them home
Phoenix Mind
the syrian group have tp walk 15 miles also stacey is driving in a car
srinath k
They are going to make your country dirty.
Dooley Dooley
Me and the reporter have the same last name 🤔🤔💯
Lee Ab
Anti EU Mafia anti Islamic invasion why not got to a different Islamic republic
Erika s
This all is not the children’s fault
Stacey should stay home in her apartment in the UK, instead of all her crying in every situation. She’s continously being filled with lies from these people, and she believes everything. She’s so naive, that it’s embarrassing.
Jannette Lane
these comments did not pass the vibe check
Λογος Λογος
Anglosaxon hypocrisy : 1) Destroy country 2) cry rivers on refugees.
The next, and last, final solution will be on refugees. Only this time it won’t be a secret and millions will cheer it on.
george maguire
An Investigative Journalist does not take sides but stacy crossed that line so her programme is deemed worthless
cooper cooper
They need to stay home so the kids don’t get hurt or killed
Tulock the Werewolf
Typical BBC lets play on the heart strings and show children
Jonathan G
If where their coming from is all so bad, why do they have children their?.. THEN, migrate?… logic? An excuse for asylum? Id like to know please.
Why don’t you offer up your swish London pad up to them then Stacey!
Cradle of snuttefilt
If they had stayed in Turkey there wouldn´t be a cemetary full with children and they would be safe from the war. Why go all the way to europe if not for economic reasons
lynwen renwick
When a country cannot help the poor people born there ,they cannot support migrants .It is time they were sent back to their homeland and the billionaires in the world provide money to these people to -improve their life .
yusuf mustaf
GOD said Do not be against your leaders how ever he is pad or good. you disopey it this is what you get
subramanian kanjinkattu
Stacey is very brave and brilliant
Daniela Dugaro
Just looking for free hand outs. Their country doesnt want to support their own people . Stop having somany children and reduce your population
Robin Zelmer
I hope the reporter took in the family with 3 young kids.
David CZa
I understand that Stacey is inviting all the migrants into Europe. I am not sure how Europe can acomodate millions. Perhaps Stacey has a plan.
John Doe
Put them on cargo ships and send them somewhere else.
Game Time
Christian Is the most peaceful religion
Will K
Most of these refugees are in fact economic migrants. Europe is under no obligation to allow economic migrants to stay.
Karen Rogers
She needs to stop touching the ppl she’s interviewing. She may offend some of the middle eastern or get hurt. Just report
Stacey Dooley as you said “I was only here for a day” then wtf do you know? What decent parent, no matter what race you are would drag your child/children on a very dangerous journey risking their lives. Revisit your own city and document whats happening there.
Do you thing they want this to happened? Stop bombing their country.
Robin Stern
“Open borders!” Sorry, first denounce islam.
Angie Athanasopoulou
It would be smart of them to close their legs and not have children during war and famine.
Petra Someone
Lmfao…. They took pictures of their journey.


Lfc Blood
If you’re that concerned bring them into the UK
Peter Mike Dascolias
Why aren’t Muslim countries helping them. I only can see turkey helping out


American Patriot
They are all chasing the benefits system


sandy b
here’s stacey doing this filming and should be possibly walking around with water or food while she is filming..duh duh…common sense don’t you think…unless you have walked in these people shoes you have no idea what they have been thru…


Arsomoru Maitoyame
you guys remember her at alder right? that east indian chick with the afghan hoodie right
Petra Someone
What a joke…that’s not how you resuscitate, they tried their luck to get free accommodation at the hospital and 3meals.
Fight for your country! Don’t leave it to ruins! WTF.


Cruising Cazzy
Can’t help wondering where all these people are now.
isn’t she a ginger?


Afgan No3
i live in uk, uk born and bred. can i get health care i need? no…… merkal from germany, tony blair etc should be hung. why dont the muslim countries between the war zones and the eu border help these people?
Manuela Pérez Perez
Que pena, esto hace las guerras malditas, pobre niños, no valoran la vida de sus gentes.
Melinda Yates
Immigrants got this shit twisted
River Deep
I wish this woman would up and stop projecting her thoughts and let the people talk. She’s pushing her narrative. Crap reporting. BBB = joke.
Arya Stark
Syrians, Iraquis, and Afghans. Any commonality stick out? The countries the US have invaded and devastated!


Stoian Nitu
No war   no emigrants ,,,,  who disturbing that people ?  Who ?
16.28 He looks like French Montana
gary Walker
Stacy ure a lovely sweet gullible naive girl ,don’t ever take up politics


Janelle Ny
It’s so upsetting seeing these comments, how cruel people are.
Steven Williams
Who is paying for all the mobile phone connections?
There ideology not humans Afghans
4 GBR Split.
They took the clothes of this little chilld, in this cold, and wrote NO WATER NO FOOD on his body. ??? But non of them “heroes” didn’t take HIS clothes of, in this winter days, and wrote this on HIS body. Noooo, they have a CHILDREN to use for such things. What a scumbags. I have ZERO compassion for them.
al cam
kids on the streets nooooooo seriously
Poor poor Stacey. She hates what has happened to her hometown and yet can’t seem to draw the lines and connect the dots to the migrations to EU and beyond. Stacey, I’d suggest you check your wide eyed bleeding heart at the door and do some objective and honest reporting if you want to have any credibility and continue this line of work.
Ravi Nola
It is very hard to say that Muslims immigration in Europe would create a big problem for Europeans in near future. These people are exploiting soft human feeling of Europeans .
just Saoirse
I’m not messing people pls read the Koran and yous will see exactly what’s going on.they actually think that it is the word of that’s the frightening thing.the actually think Mohammed was givin the word of God by Gabriel.I’m not gonna go into it but if anybody wants to have a debate I would be so happy to have one.but honestly why on earth would God choose Mohammed to be the last prophet?, like we are talking about God here.Mohammed has done a lot more worse things than serial killers of today.A LOT WORSE.I’ll b here all night saying the things Mohammed has done as it is said in the come on pls.thats the first thing u would think wouldent it be? He has done the most evil things u could think off why on earth would he be chosen.could any Muslim person pls tell me why Mohammed was chosen to be the final prophet of God.pls because it really confuses me.I would be willing to debate any Muslim about Islam.I have so many questions.
Ron Taylor
Your human I felt same way watching this want to Spencer them here it broke my heart that much babys come on why aren’t they doing what the English did in ww2 give the kids babys passes let the babys children in we will all suffer the sins of this of we dont please I’ll take 4 kids ok who else
How can a rich caountry do this?????? May God help this migrants!!
Freda Sefia
You guys commenting here don’t have a heart you guys things like blast the boat turn them away and that’s not fair. Imagine if it was you in that situation and they treat you like that how will you feel
Bigbear Shen
Probably the most naive documentaries I have ever seen.
The Dark Citadel
Load of leftist tripe
Hanne Larsen
And they get more children
we in the west have our own homeless & poverty problems & we need to take care of our own before others!!!!!.
vaney almeida
That’s the saddest thing I’ve seen in my life. Why are they doing that to them? Why so much rutless and violence. Wish I could help those families, specially the kids.😢😢
Joel Motta
I can remember Stacey Dooley doing a doc on Islam and Muslim in Luton. They is no difference between the invaders there and the invaders in Luton.
Cat O regan
Sorry but that guy is no way 16, more like 20.. You can see it a mile off!
Bujang Jungan
just send them to islamic country…
This girl strikes me as very naive.
Lemon Grabloids
I smell gammon in this comment section
Random Vintage Film
The guys says, we didn’t risk our lives on ships and walk all this way to be stuck in a camp. Well did ya do any research before you left? These people just expect others to care for them not realizing that the people in these countries are barely making it themselves!
Don’t let them into the boats thus into Europe! Problem solved.
Alison Hilll
emotion not this ant the news
Steven Williams
Pakistan isn’t in awar? Why are they there?
Ad sca
Hate fashion and crying of the host in this kind of documental…so unrespectful
Mi-Mi Canterbury
So sick of BBC and Propaganda 🤬
Sean Fabien
We do not need Dooley in Greece reporting about what she sees. What difference did she make in her reports about Muslims threatening death and destruction on all infidels in Luton? BBC Licence money wasted on her “unbiased journalist reporting skills in India and now Greece??? She should stick to what little she understands, and that’s fashion and knitting. People of any sense should not pay the BBC licence fee. Cut back the waste on all these fools.
Megan Norbury
The way I look at is, I am British and if I was so desperate and had to flee to another country I would hope that they would let me I . So in my eyes anyone who is risking theirs and their families lives are welcome.
Muslims have to go back and to sort out their countries. They need to demand money from Saudi Arabia!!! Not from Europe!!!
Ron Taylor
Babys everyone loves babys small kids come on in jesus name I’ll take ok 6 babys nothing over 12 boys or girls or both I’ll take any kids jesus please save the babys children a whole race gone the future I come from a family of 6 girls give me 6 girls
Djjysbsjaj Babsbabaajs
You Not good Woman!! Look Many time.
Jade Gosling
Some of these comments are vile. We’re all human imagine if the roles were reversed and civil war broke out across the uk and you had no other options.
Olivia Watson
I am absolutely discusted about the comments please get educated before you write such horrible things
Cathy Demosthenous
Sorry Greece and all Europe have their own problem go to bigger countries not small !!!!
Mr. White
Sorry but most of these people need help but a lot of them not so much exemple at 12:53 the Afghan familie are running away from there country because the man did something wrong it doesn’t matter what he did but he must just face the fact he did something wrong what is not allowed in there country, that is not a good reason to let them inside Europe and live from the tax payers money.
is there not a way to help feed, shelter and care for them?? As if they haven’t gone through enough,…now this? If anything at least for the poor children and babies. My God, how my heart bleeds. If there is anything that can be done, can you send a link or advise how?
judy marshall
These are the people that needed to come at the start.  Instead the influx of migrants and immigrants were males of military ages.  They left the women and children in the camps.  Maybe send those men back and open up immigration, to the families.
Ghostrider GR
If you care about all this kida take them home… Greece is not hospital and hotel.. Go to hell
Great bring meningitis to spread to the Europeans.
Horiboyable MGTOW
Suicide when the cameras are there. I am tired of women reporters, instead of reporting the situation they start crying and displaying their emotions. On GMB they start talking about their shoes or how lovely the colour of their tops are. Pathetic
I am warning all sane people, do not read the comments. It will make you lose more faith in humanity.
Sarah bell
they should have stayed in Sand land . not our problem …..
that guy who said he was 16 was more like 26…and hows all the iphones…
Thank you BBC/Stacey for shedding the light on this heartbreaking crisis. I just don’t understand why would people unlike this video?
Why they come only europe or Christ country , they have big option rich islamic country , saudi,qatar,oman Jordan n lots of islamic country but they come in Europe , think about it europe seriously , your children future is danger
Zen Raf
Inshallah West Yorkshire needs 32,674
rushda parker
what about being a human being? thinking of us living our fabulous lives and these people not even having food or water . what about humanity , love for one another and freedom as a person with a heart i feel hurt by this and dissapointed in this selfish wold.
Elias Tsaltas
The Usa and Israel should take some refugees
carly smiles
migrants are so entitled. u r owed nothing by other countries.they dont bother to think about the money and resources they are taking away from the poor in the country they’re coming too, they only think of themselves.
Chloe Hopkins
The comments are so concerning, such a lack of compassion, especially for those looking for jobs and education, wouldn’t you want the best to support yourself and your family? So selfish. Religion and nationality doesn’t divide us as beings, sickening how disrespectful people are to those different to them. It takes a lot to help those when you have nothing yourself @ those talking of bankruptcy, selflessness is to be rewarded and not branded as naive.
CrAzY FiSh
I feel so sorry for these people, especially the children, but here in the UK we simply can’t take them all, and people would have much more sympathy if they didn’t bring all the Islamic extremist stuff like sharia law with them. So so sad.
wendy leighfield
we still don’t want them, go some where else the world is bigger than just europe end of.
Go back home! Europe for Europeans!
People here seem to think it’s ok for 3 month old babies to drown. Because they’re not British. Fucking brilliant that. What a fantastic future we’ll have.
Afaganistan till lots of minorities people stay in afganistan ,but in muslim country muslim are left the country think about it , n they telling story but how you check correct or fake
Mary Connors
Families especially Woman and Children should be priority. Why are most refugees men and strong young lads. Could be letting isis and other rebel groups into Europe. People have shit for brains. Love Stacey tho she has a kind heart ♥
Sosamma Thomas
Why these people putting this child in danger. fight back for your country.
shantelle thorpe
these poor people on their iPhones texting 😥 so sad
Ram Bo
This exactly what the Taliban want, the Islamization of Europe.
+willow key You haven’t got a clue have you!? Why do ppl like you always bring race into this. This is not about who these ppl are, its about ANYONE risking their child’s life when not all of the migrants are genuinely running from danger.
Hans Frederik
Zen Raf
Inshallah 150,000,000 more and belgium is taken out
Erika s
This woman is annoying as hell…this fake yapping..🙄🙄🙄
Zen Raf
London we need 25,000 only and its ours
Logan Bothwell
Disgusting that parents are so selfish they would risk the lives of their children. They don’t care…..just breed more they can’t look after…..and now taxpayers are.
Wendy Black
1 day there wont be a race, just a whole integrated 1
Raja sekhar E
Germany has 4 million Turkish refugees and Turkey has 4 million Arab refugees. It is time others to share the burden.
lyanna lyanna
well i like her documentary but her naivety is driving me crazy..she is acting like little naive girl who wants to save the world yes she should recall her Luton documentary….
It’s not worth the journey. Unfortunately 90% will just be deported back. It’s not worth the death toll. Stay in Turkey, Europe can’t handle all these people. It’s so sad. Parents are putting their children’s lives at risk hoping one will make it obtain citizenship then apply for every single one of their family members. It’s crazy. There must be closer countries that are not as risky. Stacy Dooley would save the world if she could but I think she’s very naive.
Najma Mohammed
So sad these people. Their homes were bombed by our country’s. First Afghanistan, then Iraq and Syria. Over 3 million people are in Turkey, Jordan and other countries. Whose going to rebuild their homes. Thanks to all who are helping all the refugees.
Dave Mann
If they can’t survive in their own countries due to their own abilities no one should ever accept them in their countries because they will destroy the countries they come in to.

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