The Perpetuation of Injustice: The Post Office Scandal

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Explore the Post Office scandal, where flawed technology and systemic failures led to wrongful convictions, exposing deep injustices and power imbalances.

Cruelty and Deceit in the British Post Office, Well-Known Worldwide
The road to hell is paved with good intentions

The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions
Meaning: Most sources interpret this expression as meaning that good intentions are worthless unless followed up with action.

Some offer an alternative interpretation: that actions that are taken with good intent can have unintended negative consequences.

The Horrific Scale of What happened
The Human Heart of Cruelty: Willful Blindness

UK Candid Camera Classics – Park Your Car, Sir?

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22 jul 2007

The latest “assistant” to help park people’s cars needs a few more driving lessons. People are not happy to accept her “help”.