De rechtvaardige rechters (The Just Judges) Painting by the brothers Hubert van Eyck en Jan van Eyck. The phrase “The Just Judges” is famously associated with the missing panel of the Ghent Altarpiece. The panel, titled “The Just Judges”, was stolen in 1934 and has never been recovered, adding a historical and symbolic depth to the term.
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Explore ‘The Just Judges’: Delve into perceptions
of the justice system,
systemic failures,
and the 2019 Subpostmaster case by Lord Peter Fraser.
Seeking Justice Amid Catastrophic Failures
Throughout history, the pursuit of justice has often been marked by moments of profound failure and resilience. From catastrophic corporate decisions to institutional negligence, the path toward fairness demands accountability, transparency, and integrity.
This page explores two striking examples where these principles were gravely tested:
The Boeing 737 Max Crisis: A tale of technical missteps, corporate greed, and tragic consequences that highlight the urgent need for rigorous oversight and ethical leadership in industry.
The Horizon IT System Failure: A scandal that destroyed lives through wrongful convictions, where Alan Bates emerged as a pivotal yet unheeded figure—a metaphorical “Deus ex machina” who could have changed the course of events had his warnings been taken seriously.
Both cases underscore a critical question: where were the “Just Judges” when humanity needed them most?
Through these comparisons, we examine not only what went wrong but also what it takes to uphold justice when systems fail and lives hang in the balance.
Rechtvaardigheid Zoeken te Midden van Rampzalige Falen
Door de geschiedenis heen is de zoektocht naar rechtvaardigheid vaak getekend door momenten van groot falen en veerkracht. Van catastrofale bedrijfsbeslissingen tot institutionele nalatigheid, vraagt het pad naar rechtvaardigheid om verantwoording, transparantie en integriteit.
Deze pagina onderzoekt twee sprekende voorbeelden waarin deze principes ernstig op de proef werden gesteld:
De Boeing 737 Max-crisis: Een verhaal van technische misstappen, bedrijfsgierigheid en tragische gevolgen die de dringende behoefte aan strenge controles en ethisch leiderschap in de industrie benadrukken.
Het Horizon IT-schandaal: Een schandaal dat levens verwoestte door onterechte veroordelingen, waarin Alan Bates optrad als een cruciale maar genegeerde figuur – een metaforische “Deus ex machina” die de loop van de gebeurtenissen had kunnen veranderen als zijn waarschuwingen serieus waren genomen.
Beide gevallen roepen een cruciale vraag op: waar waren de “Rechtvaardige Rechters” toen de mensheid hen het meest nodig had?
Door deze vergelijkingen te maken, onderzoeken we niet alleen wat er fout ging, maar ook wat er nodig is om rechtvaardigheid te waarborgen wanneer systemen falen en levens op het spel staan.
1 Comparing the Boeing 737 Max Crisis and the Horizon IT System Failure: What Went Wrong?
Former Employee: ‘This is What Went Wrong with the Boeing 737 Max’
“It was a rush job when the Boeing 737 Max was designed,” says someone who was a manager in the Boeing factory. The nose pushed down, making Boeing’s 737 Max planes life-threatening and unreliable. According to him, this is what went wrong at that time.
Ed Pierson was a senior manager in the factory where these planes were built. The Max was first introduced in January 2016, and it was a big event. It was the first new plane from Boeing’s second century. In 2017, the first plane was delivered to customers, and a year and a half later, the first fatal accident of the aircraft occurred. A Lion Air flight from Jakarta crashed into the sea shortly after takeoff. Boeing initially claimed it was a pilot error. A few months later, something similar happened with an Ethiopian Airlines flight. A total of 346 people had already died.
Boeing 737 Max
That couldn’t be a coincidence. It soon became clear that there was something wrong with the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, which caused the nose of the plane to be pulled down slightly. This was apparently a necessary application because this plane has heavier engines that are mounted higher and thus tend to push the nose up. On paper, a good solution, but in practice, the system was based on one sensor, and if it failed, the system could prevent the plane from going up.
The news surrounding the 737 Max accelerated after that second crash, and the planes were grounded. In an interview with Interesting Engineering, Pierson said: “There is a well-documented list of problems. It started with the preliminary design of the plane, all the way through design development, production, and now operation. There have been repeated examples of rushed work and shortcuts, all in an attempt to get the planes out the door as quickly as possible so the company could make money.” Especially because, in the meantime, Airbus and the Neo planes were doing well, so Boeing felt the pressure.
Technical Standards
Pierson: “They mounted the engines and modified the plane a few times. They got through that, even though it took years. If you talk to the people involved in the certification, they will say: ‘Well, it took five years.’ It took more than ten years to design and develop the engine, and it still does not meet technical standards.” In 2021, the planes were finally allowed to be used again.
Another problem Pierson points out is that in the United States, not every airline consistently reports on the performance of the planes. Smaller airlines like Alaska Airlines do, but Southwest Airlines, which has many more Max planes, does not. So there are significant differences in data. At the same time, there is Boeing’s side: it said in January to CNBC that it wants to ensure this never happens again: “We will look everywhere around the MAX, around the Spirit factories, our own factories, our inspection processes, and we will make sure we take steps to ensure it can never, ever happen again.” There have also been some changes with the authorities, namely that they are now monitoring more strictly to detect potential problems more quickly.

Former Employee: ‘This is What Went Wrong with the Boeing 737 Max Aircraft’
2 Alan Bates: The Unheeded Deus Ex Machina in the Horizon IT System Failure
Alan Bates might be seen as a metaphorical “Deus ex machina” because he was a crucial figure whose input and warnings had the potential to resolve the problems with the Horizon IT system. Despite his efforts and the significance of his role, he was not adequately listened to or engaged with by the authorities, including ministers.
While Bates may not fit the traditional definition of “Deus ex machina,” using the term metaphorically to describe his potential role in averting the crisis makes sense in the context. It conveys the idea that his involvement could have provided the necessary resolution to the unfolding issues if his concerns had been addressed.
Post Office scandal: Fujitsu staff knew about bugs, errors and defects in the system for years
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19 jan 2024
The European boss of Fujitsu has admitted the company “clearly let society down” as he apologised again to subpostmasters and postmistresses over its role in the Horizon scandal.
Giving evidence to the public inquiry, Paul Patterson said Fujitsu staff had known about bugs, errors and defects in the system for years – but claimed the firm only became aware “latterly” that faulty data was being used in prosecutions.
3 The Justice System’s Major Failures: A Serious Look at Its Blunders
Post Office Inquiry: Alan Bates delivers brutal assessment of bosses
9 apr 2024
Today was the moment for the real Alan Bates to stand up, as he was sworn in at the Horizon inquiry, delivering a brutal assessment of the Post Office bosses who hounded him and his colleagues, then tried to cover it up.
But perhaps the most damning thing to come out of today – the accusation from the inquiry’s chair that even now the Post Office seems to be attempting to obstruct the entire process.
At minute 7 Defending a case when there is no case and spending 100 miljoen pounds
Ed Davey confronted at Post Office Inquiry over refusal to meet with Alan Bates
Former postal affairs minister and current Lib Dem leader Ed Dagvey gave evidence to the Post Office inquiry.
Unlimited Suitcases Prank
26 mrt 2011
Old woman takes a cab and needs to load three suitcases, but as soon as three suitcases are loaded up three more appear at the back.
A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!