Judgement of Solomon: a judgement that is very hard to make
Oxford Dictionary
Page Description
Discover the biblical story of The Judgment of Solomon,
where King Solomon’s wisdom saved a baby
and revealed the true mother.
The Judgment of Solomon: A Timeless Metaphor for Justice
The story of King Solomon’s judgment has transcended time as a powerful metaphor for discerning truth and delivering justice. On this page, we delve into the meaning and relevance of this ancient parable, exploring how it sheds light on the complexities of justice in our modern world.
Through a combination of text and video, we unpack the metaphor and connect it to real-life cases of wrongful conviction. The included videos highlight stories where the pursuit of truth and fairness faced significant challenges, emphasizing the human cost of judicial failures.
Discover how this age-old wisdom resonates today, and join the conversation about the importance of justice, integrity, and accountability.
Het Oordeel van Salomon: Een Tijdloze Metafoor voor Rechtvaardigheid
Het verhaal van het oordeel van koning Salomon is door de tijd heen uitgegroeid tot een krachtige metafoor voor het onderscheiden van waarheid en het brengen van rechtvaardigheid. Op deze pagina duiken we dieper in de betekenis en relevantie van deze oude gelijkenis, en onderzoeken we hoe deze licht werpt op de complexiteit van rechtvaardigheid in de moderne wereld.
Door een combinatie van tekst en video ontrafelen we de metafoor en verbinden we deze met echte gevallen van onterechte veroordeling. De bijgevoegde video’s belichten verhalen waarin de zoektocht naar waarheid en eerlijkheid voor grote uitdagingen stond, waarbij de menselijke prijs van gerechtelijke misstanden wordt benadrukt.
Ontdek hoe deze eeuwenoude wijsheid ook vandaag de dag resoneert en sluit je aan bij het gesprek over het belang van rechtvaardigheid, integriteit en verantwoording.
One of the most famous biblical stories of the outstanding wisdom of King Solomon, which won the expression “The Judgment of Solomon” relates to the clever tactic by which Solomon resolved a literally unsolvable dispute. The story related in Kings 3:16-28, tells of two prostitutes who came before King Solomon, bringing with them a single baby boy.
Each mother told the same story: that they both lived together, that both had given birth to a child, that one child was dead in the morning and that the live child was hers. Each mother accused the other, that after having discovered that her child had died during the night, its mother had stolen the other mother’s live baby and replaced it with the dead child. Thus, each mother claimed, on waking up in the morning, she had discovered a dead child on her breast, which was not hers.
In a dispute such as this, where there is no evidence or witness, King Solomon’s solution is fascinating. After some deliberation, he called for a sword to be brought before him. He declared that there was only one fair solution, namely, that the live child should be split in two, each woman receiving half of the child. Upon hearing this terrible verdict, the baby’s true mother cried out in horror and anguish, “Please, My Lord, give her the live child – do not kill him!” However, the liar, in her bitter jealousy, exclaimed, “It shall be neither mine nor yours – divide it!” Realizing that a true mother’s instincts are to protect her child, Solomon instantly gave the baby to the real mother, who was willing to relinquish her baby in order to save its life.
King Solomon The story of Solomon’s audacious verdict, which flushed out the truth in the dispute and revealed who had spoken the truth and who had lied, has been often used metaphorically, to depict a decision, which may risk destroying the subject matter of the dispute itself, rather than allowing either disputing party to share in it. Ironically, of course, in the biblical story, Solomon in his wisdom indeed avoided the destruction of the subject matter of the dispute, namely the baby, and pronounced a true judgment, based on his profound knowledge of human nature.
Een van de beroemdste bijbelse verhalen over de voortreffelijke wijsheid van koning Salomo, die de uitdrukking “Het oordeel van Salomo” kreeg, heeft betrekking op de slimme tactiek waarmee Salomo een letterlijk onoplosbaar geschil oploste. Het verhaal in Koningen 3:16-28 gaat over twee prostituees die voor koning Salomo kwamen en een jongetje meebrachten.
Elke moeder vertelde hetzelfde verhaal: dat zij beiden samenwoonden, dat beiden een kind hadden gebaard, dat het ene kind ‘s morgens dood was en dat het levende kind van haar was. Elke moeder beschuldigde de andere, dat de moeder, nadat zij had ontdekt dat haar kind ‘s nachts was gestorven, de levende baby van de andere moeder had gestolen en vervangen door het dode kind. Zo beweerde elke moeder dat zij, toen zij ‘s morgens wakker werd, een dood kind aan haar borst had ontdekt dat niet van haar was.
In een geschil als dit, waar geen bewijzen of getuigen zijn, is de oplossing van koning Salomo fascinerend. Na enig beraad riep hij een zwaard voor zich. Hij verklaarde dat er maar één eerlijke oplossing was, namelijk dat het levende kind in tweeën moest worden gedeeld, waarbij elke vrouw de helft van het kind kreeg. Bij het horen van dit vreselijke vonnis riep de echte moeder van de baby vol afschuw en angst uit: “Alstublieft, Mijn Heer, geef haar het levende kind – dood het niet!” Maar de leugenaar riep in haar bittere jaloezie uit: “Het zal noch van mij noch van jou zijn – verdeel het!” Salomo besefte dat de instincten van een echte moeder zijn om haar kind te beschermen en gaf de baby onmiddellijk aan de echte moeder, die bereid was haar baby af te staan om het leven te redden.
Koning Salomo Het verhaal van Salomo’s stoutmoedige uitspraak, die de waarheid in het geschil aan het licht bracht en onthulde wie de waarheid had gesproken en wie had gelogen, is vaak metaforisch gebruikt, om een beslissing uit te beelden die het risico inhoudt dat het onderwerp van het geschil zelf wordt vernietigd, in plaats van dat een van de partijen in het geschil er deel aan heeft. Ironisch genoeg vermijdt Salomo in het bijbelverhaal in zijn wijsheid inderdaad de vernietiging van het voorwerp van het geschil, namelijk de baby, en spreekt hij een waar oordeel uit, gebaseerd op zijn diepgaande kennis van de menselijke natuur.
“The Judgment of Solomon” is a well-known biblical story from the Hebrew Bible, specifically found in 1 Kings 3:16-28. It is often cited as an example of wise and fair judgment. Here are the key points of the story:
The Dispute:
- Two women living in the same house came to King Solomon to resolve a dispute. Both women had recently given birth, but one of the babies had died.
- Each woman claimed to be the mother of the living baby and accused the other of switching the babies during the night.
The Claim:
- The first woman claimed that the other had rolled over her own baby while sleeping, killing it, and then swapped the babies.
- The second woman denied this, insisting the living baby was hers and the dead one belonged to the other woman.
Solomon’s Proposal:
- King Solomon proposed to resolve the dispute by cutting the living baby in two and giving each woman half.
- This shocking suggestion was intended to reveal the true feelings of the women.
Reactions of the Women:
- The true mother of the baby immediately pleaded with Solomon to give the living baby to the other woman instead, preferring to lose her child rather than see it killed.
- The other woman agreed to Solomon’s proposal, stating that if she couldn’t have the baby, then neither of them should.
Solomon’s Decision:
- Solomon declared that the woman who was willing to give up her baby to save its life was the true mother.
- He gave the living baby to her, demonstrating his wisdom in discerning the genuine maternal instinct and love.
- The people of Israel were awed by Solomon’s wisdom and judgment.
- This judgment enhanced Solomon’s reputation as a wise and fair ruler.
The story is often referenced as an illustration of Solomon’s profound wisdom and the use of cleverness in achieving justice.
2 33 Incredibly Wise Quotes from King Solomon | Quotes, aphorisms, wise thoughts
1 apr. 2016
3 Solomon and Sheba (1959) ORIGINAL TRAILER [HD 1080p]
6 apr. 2018
4 King Solomon’s Warnings (Everyone Should Know This Words!)
5 Derrick Williams released after 18 years
6 Man Wrongfully Imprisoned for 39 Years
15 mei 2017
7 – Jimmy Bain Released From Prison
31 okt. 2013
Plaese go to start at minute 3:00
A man who served 35 years in prison unjustly to receive $1.75 million in compensation.
A Florida man who was released in 2009 after 35 years in prison for a crime he did not commit will receive $1.75 million in compensation from the state, local media reported today.
James Bain, 55, was tried and sentenced in 1974 to life in prison for the kidnapping and rape of a nine-year-old boy, even though he claimed that on the day the crime was committed he was at home with his sister watching television, according to the Florida Innocence Project.

The released Jimmy, in video 5 above, after being addressed by the person in charge of the project, answered questions from the audience in an exceptionally gentle manner (from minute 3’15” in the video).
De vrijgelaten Jimmy, in bovenstaande video 5, beantwoordt na het woord tot het publiek door de verantwoordelijke van het project, op een uitzonderlijk zachtmoedige wijze vragen van het publiek (vanaf minuut 3’15” in de video).
8 Wrongful Convictions Statistics – The Stuff of Nightmares – Episode # 2
Think LegalEase
The United States criminal justice system is not perfect. There are a number of individuals who have been wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not commit. This video covers a few of their stories and examines the statistics of wrongful convictions and exonerations. From compensating an exoneree to the average number of years spent in prison, please enjoy this animated informational video. P.S. DNA is not the only means by which individuals have been exonerated.
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The law discussed in this video is general in nature. This video is purely intended for educational purposes. The video is not intended as a substitute for legal advice. You are highly encouraged to seek professional legal advice in your State should you find yourself dealing with the subject matter of this video. The subject matter is not specific to any individual or State law. The video is published for the sole use of education and it is solely based on the opinions and knowledge of the publisher.
Link to Innocence Protection Act 2004: http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/dpic-…
Link to The National Registry of Exonerations: https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exo…
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The law is not always fair and just. For this list, we’re looking at people put to death as a result of shoddy police work, false testimonies, and/or flawed forensic evidence. Our countdown includes Claude Jones, Carlos DeLuna, George Stinney, and more. Which of these wrongful executions upset you the most? Let us know in the comments.
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“The Judgment of Solomon” is a biblical story from the Old Testament that illustrates King Solomon’s wisdom in resolving a dispute between two women claiming to be the mother of a child. The key points of this story are:
The Dispute: Two women came before King Solomon, both claiming to be the mother of a baby. One woman said that the other had accidentally smothered her own child in her sleep and had switched the dead baby with the living baby. The other woman denied this, insisting that the living child was hers.
The Judgment: King Solomon’s solution to the dispute was to propose to cut the baby in half, with each woman receiving an equal portion. The real mother, horrified at the thought of harming her child, begged Solomon to give the baby to the other woman. The false mother, on the other hand, agreed to the plan. Based on the women’s reactions, King Solomon declared the first woman to be the true mother and gave her the baby.
The Wisdom: King Solomon’s judgment was based on his ability to see beyond the surface of the dispute and recognize the true nature of the women’s claims. By proposing a solution that would reveal the true mother’s love and protect the child’s life, he demonstrated his wisdom and discernment.
Overall, “The Judgment of Solomon” is a powerful story that highlights King Solomon’s reputation for wisdom and underscores the importance of discernment in resolving conflicts.
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