The parable of the blind: one blind person following another by touch with his stick and everyone ending up in the ditch.
Page Description
Explore the blind leading the blind,
which describes a situation where individuals lacking knowledge
or guidance lead others in the same state of ignorance.
The blind leading the blind
Used to describe a situation where a person who knows nothing is getting advice and help from another person who knows almost nothing.
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
The Blind Leading the Blind
History is filled with cases where those in positions of authority, entrusted with knowledge and responsibility, have led others astray—either through ignorance, incompetence, or sheer unwillingness to see the truth. The phrase “the blind leading the blind” perfectly captures this dynamic, where flawed systems, misguided beliefs, or institutional failures push innocent individuals into ruin.
This page explores three striking examples:
- Liam Allan, whose life was nearly destroyed due to the prosecution’s failure to disclose crucial evidence.
- Diederik Stapel, a once-respected scientist whose fabricated research misled the academic world.
- Robert Jones, a man wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for decades because authorities refused to acknowledge their mistakes.
These cases reveal a troubling reality—when those in power are blind to justice, it is the innocent who suffer.
De Blinden Leiden de Blinden
De geschiedenis staat bol van voorbeelden waarin mensen in machtsposities, belast met kennis en verantwoordelijkheid, anderen op een dwaalspoor hebben gebracht—of het nu door onwetendheid, incompetentie of pure onwil was om de waarheid onder ogen te zien. De uitdrukking “de blinden leiden de blinden” vat dit perfect samen: een situatie waarin gebrekkige systemen, misplaatste overtuigingen of institutioneel falen onschuldige mensen de afgrond in duwen.
Op deze pagina worden drie schrijnende voorbeelden belicht:
- Liam Allan, wiens leven bijna werd verwoest door het achterhouden van cruciaal bewijsmateriaal door de aanklager.
- Diederik Stapel, een eens gerespecteerd wetenschapper die de academische wereld misleidde met verzonnen onderzoek.
- Robert Jones, een man die decennialang onterecht vastzat omdat de autoriteiten weigerden hun fouten toe te geven.
Deze gevallen onthullen een verontrustende realiteit: wanneer degenen met macht blind zijn voor gerechtigheid, zijn het de onschuldigen die de prijs betalen.
The Parable of the Blind
is a painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder,
created around 1568
Pieter Bruegel’s 1568 oil painting, often called The Parable of the Blind, is what appears to be
a literal depiction of a line of blind people following each other and stumbling into a ditch, as forecast in Matthew 15:14.
“Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.“
In these words of Jesus, we see the guilt of those who are blind leaders of the blind.
We also see the responsibility of followers to make sure their leaders are not blind.
Uninformed and incompetent people leading others who are similarly incapable.
Abiding in the midst of ignorance, thinking themselves wise and learned,
fools go aimlessly hither and thither, like blind led by the blind.
Volharden in onwetendheid, denkend wijs en geleerd,
zoals gekken doelloos naar hier en daar, zoals de blinde de blinde leidt.
The meaning of ‘the parable of the blind’:
to disrupt the game, at that moment you change the reality.
De betekenis van ‘de parabel der blinden’:
het spel ontregelen
op dat moment verander je de realiteit
The Blind Leading the Blind – Pieter Bruegel the Elder
The world of Pieter Bruegel the Elder – BBC Newsnight
3 dec 2018
If the Flemish master Pieter Bruegel the Elder is an unfamiliar name, his work is instantly recognisable.
His sublime winter and nativity scenes will be appearing on mantelpieces everywhere in the coming weeks and, for the first time since he died 450 years ago, most of his greatest works are together under one roof in Vienna, for a once-in-lifetime show.
Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
Three examples
Liam Allan
Diederik Stapel
Robert Jones

Liam Allan, a 22-year-old criminology student, falsely accused, impossible to put into words.
“The blind lead the blind” is a proverb that conveys several key points:
Lack of knowledge or understanding: The proverb suggests that both the leader and the followers are ignorant or lacking in knowledge or understanding about a particular subject or situation. It implies that the leader is unable to provide proper guidance or direction because they themselves are unaware or uninformed.
Lack of competence: The proverb also highlights the idea that the leader and followers may lack the necessary skills or competence to effectively navigate a situation. They may not have the expertise or experience needed to lead or make informed decisions, resulting in potential negative outcomes.
Consequences of ignorance: The proverb implies that blindly following someone who is equally ignorant can result in disastrous consequences. It may lead to mistakes, errors, or misunderstandings that can further compound the problem or create confusion.
Caution against blind trust: The proverb serves as a cautionary warning against blindly trusting others without verifying their competence or knowledge. It suggests the importance of critically evaluating the abilities and qualifications of those in leadership roles before following them blindly.
Importance of seeking knowledge: The proverb underscores the significance of acquiring knowledge, gaining expertise, and being informed before attempting to lead or guide others. It highlights the need for leaders to be knowledgeable and competent in order to effectively guide their followers.
Overall, “The blind lead the blind” cautions against following leaders or advice blindly without questioning or verifying their competence and knowledge.
It emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, knowledge acquisition, and competency in leadership roles.
1 What is the website about?
Liam had no idea his world was going to be turned upside down.
As a criminology student, Liam became completely trapped in something that did not apply to him.
Nobody asked him if he did this! He is just not the person to do such things:
BBC video 1 makes this point clear from about minute 5 45″.
- The website is about something that one cannot imagine can happen.
A mistake is made and life goes from one extreme to the other.
The whole system blocks instead of seeing what is really going on. - People who make judgements allow themselves to be shamelessly abused by the context in which they operate.
- There is the contradiction between the image of how society is presented and how society actually functions.
Sometimes, simple honesty and humanity are enough to break through a crooked event – to stop the plaything that people make of it.
- The website is about people who get stuck in something that is structurally impossible, something that cannot happen.
The impossible becomes reality. This is the tragedy!
One can ask oneself: how can this happen?
- The website is about something that one cannot imagine can happen.
1 Waarover gaat de website?
- Liam had no idea his world was going to be turned upside down.
- Als criminologie student geraakt Liam compleet geblokkeerd in iets die niet op hem van toepassing is.
- Niemand heeft hem gevraagd of hij dit gedaan heeft! Hij is gewoon de persoon niet om zo’n dingen te doen:
BBC video 1 maakt dit punt vanaf minuut 5 45″ duidelijk.- De website gaat over iets waarvan men zich niet kan voorstellen dat het kan gebeuren.
Er wordt een fout gemaakt en het leven gaat van het ene uiterste naar het andere uiterste.
Het gehele systeem blokkeert i.p.v. dat men ziet wat er werkelijk aan de hand is. - Mensen die zich een oordeel vormen, laten zich schaamteloos misbruiken door de context waarin ze functioneren.
- Er is de tegenstelling tussen het beeld van hoe de samenleving wordt voorgesteld en hoe de samenleving werkelijk functioneert.
- Soms volstaan doodgewoon eerlijkheid en menselijkheid om een krom gebeuren te doorbreken – om het speeltuigje die men er van maakt te doen stoppen.
- De website gaat over mensen die vast geraken in iets die structureel niet kan, iets die niet kan gebeuren.
Het onmogelijke wordt werkelijkheid. Dit is het drama!
Men kan zich vragen stellen: hoe kan dit gebeuren?
- De website gaat over iets waarvan men zich niet kan voorstellen dat het kan gebeuren.
It’s very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room,
especially when there is no cat.
Het is moeilijk om een naald in een hooiberg vinden,
zeker als er geen naald is.
The phrase “It’s very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat” is often attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius, although its actual origin is unclear. It is a proverbial expression that conveys several key points:
Difficulty of the task: The phrase emphasizes that the task of finding a black cat in a dark room is inherently challenging. It highlights the level of difficulty and the potential obstacles one may face in trying to achieve a goal or find a solution to a problem.
Lack of clarity: The darkness of the room symbolizes a lack of clarity or knowledge about the situation at hand. It suggests that when there is limited information or understanding available, it becomes even more challenging to accomplish a task or reach a goal.
Futility of effort: The phrase “especially when there is no cat” points to the futility of searching for something that may not even exist. It highlights the possibility of investing time, effort, and resources into a pursuit that may have no tangible outcome.
Importance of awareness: The expression underscores the need for awareness and discernment in dealing with challenges or problems. It suggests that being mindful of the situation, gathering information, and having a clear understanding of the task at hand are crucial for success.
Humor and irony: The phrase also carries a humorous and ironic tone, as the idea of searching for a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat, is inherently absurd. It can be used to highlight the irrationality or impracticality of certain endeavors.
Overall, the key points of this expression highlight the difficulty of achieving a goal or solving a problem when there is a lack of clarity, awareness, or tangible existence of the object of pursuit. It underscores the importance of being mindful, informed, and discerning in tackling challenges.
2 Short table of contents
- Part 1:
Liam Allan: the perfect metaphor for the content in the bundle on paper.
It’s just sheer incompetence according to the prosecuting barrister Jerry Hayes.Het is gewoon pure onkunde (onvermogen, onzin).
C’est juste de l’incompétence pure et simple. - Part 2:
Diederik Stapel op de 6e plaats op de wereldranglijst voor wetenschapsfraude: compleet verzonnen onderzoek
werd jarenlang prominent gepubliceerd o.a. in Science en hij kreeg een wereldvermaard podium!Diederik Stapel in 6th place on the world ranking for science fraud: completely fabricated research
was prominently published for years, e.g. in Science, and he was given a world-famous podium!

Robert Jones: one of the worst racially inspired miscarriages of justice ever
Liam Allan
Diederik Stapel
Robert Jones
Three things that could not happen but became reality.
One would imagine such a thing cannot happen until it becomes reality anyway.
Four curious examples:
1 British Airways took off from London City Airport and landed in Edinburgh instead of Dusseldorf
Please enjoy the video: Wrong destination
2 F-16 pilot died due to faulty ejection seat.
3 Slovenian family discovers after cremation that their father is alive after all.
4 Simon Cowell & BGT Epically Pranked By Rapping Rabbi.
What could not happen and yet became reality is further made clear on the following web pages Wrongfully Imprisoned:
Micheal Morton
The blind leading the blind
Lack of knowledge or understanding:
The proverb suggests that both the leader and the followers are ignorant or lacking in knowledge
or understanding about a situation, which often leads to misguided decisions and actions.
3 Summary
The Blind Leading the Blind
This website begins with a question:
How can something that is impossible to imagine still become reality?
When systems fail, when people abandon critical thinking, and when those in power prioritize appearances over truth, the unimaginable happens. This is the essence of “The Blind Leading the Blind”: a reflection on the ignorance and systemic flaws that lead to unimaginable tragedies.
Three Examples
Liam Allan
Liam’s world was turned upside down.
As a criminology student, he became trapped in a situation that had no connection to him. Nobody asked if he was capable of the crime he was accused of. The BBC’s Video 1 (from minute 5:45) captures his ordeal: a perfect example of how the system failed to see the obvious.
“It’s just sheer incompetence.” – Jerry Hayes, prosecuting barrister
Diederik Stapel
Ranked 6th globally in science fraud, Stapel fabricated research that was published in prestigious journals like Science. For years, his completely false studies shaped opinions and secured him a global platform. His case highlights the systemic failure to verify truth in academia.
Robert Jones
Wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, Robert Jones suffered due to a system designed to protect the innocent but often fails to do so. His story is detailed in BBC Video 2, a stark reminder of how blind systems can destroy lives.
The Impossible Becomes Reality
Some events seem too absurd to happen, yet they do:
- A British Airways flight intended for Düsseldorf lands in Edinburgh. (Watch Video)
- An F-16 pilot loses their life because of a faulty ejection seat.
- A Slovenian family cremates their father – only to discover he is alive.
- Simon Cowell, a seasoned talent judge, is hilariously pranked by a rapping rabbi on Britain’s Got Talent.
These examples highlight a truth: What seems impossible becomes real when systems fail, or people turn a blind eye.
A Core Theme
The website asks one core question:
How do people get trapped in something structurally impossible – something that cannot happen yet does?
This tragedy arises when:
- Mistakes are made and magnified.
- Systems block the truth instead of recognizing and addressing errors.
- Judgements are clouded, with people allowing themselves to be misled by the context they operate within.
Sometimes, it takes simple honesty and humanity to break through a twisted situation.
A Final Reflection
As the Chinese proverb says:
“It’s very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat.”
The impossible becomes reality because people fail to ask the right questions or see what’s truly happening.
Explore these stories further and uncover the moments where humanity, integrity, and truth could have changed everything.
De Blinden die de Blinden Leiden
Deze website begint met een vraag:
Hoe kan iets dat onmogelijk lijkt toch werkelijkheid worden?
Wanneer systemen falen, wanneer mensen kritisch denken laten varen, en wanneer machtigen de schijn belangrijker vinden dan de waarheid, gebeurt het onvoorstelbare. Dit is de essentie van “De Blinden die de Blinden Leiden”: een reflectie op de onwetendheid en structurele fouten die tot ondenkbare tragedies leiden.
Drie Voorbeelden
Liam Allan
De wereld van Liam werd volledig op zijn kop gezet.
Als criminologiestudent raakte hij verstrikt in een situatie die niets met hem te maken had. Niemand vroeg of hij überhaupt in staat was tot het misdrijf waarvan hij werd beschuldigd. De BBC Video 1 (vanaf minuut 5:45) laat zijn strijd zien: een perfect voorbeeld van hoe het systeem faalde om het voor de hand liggende te zien.
“Het is gewoon pure onkunde.” – Jerry Hayes, aanklagend advocaat
Diederik Stapel
Op de 6e plaats wereldwijd voor wetenschapsfraude: Stapel fabriceerde jarenlang onderzoek dat werd gepubliceerd in gerenommeerde tijdschriften zoals Science. Zijn volledig verzonnen studies beïnvloedden opinies en gaven hem een wereldwijd podium. Zijn zaak toont aan hoe systemen falen om de waarheid te controleren.
Robert Jones
Ten onrechte veroordeeld en gevangen gezet, leed Robert Jones onder een systeem dat bedoeld is om onschuldigen te beschermen, maar vaak faalt. Zijn verhaal wordt verteld in BBC Video 2, een krachtige herinnering aan hoe blinde systemen levens kunnen verwoesten.
Het Onmogelijke Wordt Werkelijkheid
Sommige gebeurtenissen lijken te absurd om te gebeuren, en toch gebeuren ze:
- Een vlucht van British Airways bedoeld voor Düsseldorf landt in Edinburgh. (Bekijk Video)
- Een F-16-piloot verliest zijn leven door een defect in de schietstoel.
- Een Sloveense familie cremeert hun vader—om er vervolgens achter te komen dat hij nog leeft.
- Simon Cowell, een doorgewinterde talentenjacht-jurylid, wordt hilarisch geprankt door een rappend rabbijn op Britain’s Got Talent.
Deze voorbeelden benadrukken een waarheid: Wat onmogelijk lijkt, wordt werkelijkheid wanneer systemen falen of mensen wegkijken.
Een Kernvraag
De website draait om één kernvraag:
Hoe raken mensen verstrikt in iets dat structureel onmogelijk is—iets dat niet kan gebeuren en toch gebeurt?
Deze tragedie ontstaat wanneer:
- Fouten worden gemaakt en uitvergroot.
- Systemen de waarheid blokkeren in plaats van fouten te herkennen en te corrigeren.
- Oordelen vertroebeld zijn, waarbij mensen zich laten misleiden door de context waarin ze opereren.
Soms is eenvoudige eerlijkheid en menselijkheid genoeg om door een verwrongen situatie heen te breken.
Een Laatste Reflectie
Zoals het Chinese spreekwoord zegt:
“Het is heel moeilijk om een zwarte kat in een donkere kamer te vinden,
vooral als er geen kat is.”
Het onmogelijke wordt werkelijkheid omdat mensen de juiste vragen niet stellen of weigeren te zien wat er echt aan de hand is.
Ontdek deze verhalen verder en zie de momenten waarop menselijkheid, integriteit en waarheid alles hadden kunnen veranderen.
1 Drunk Baby Prank
17 okt. 2016
Please enjoy the video’s and televisie broadcastings fullscreen:
Fullscreen buttom right below in the window of the video after you start the video