Susan Boyle gives me goosebumps all over when she sings. What wonderful person & voice.
Susan you are “okay” and you are “capable”. And your journey is “bloody fantastic” and I believe in you. You have become the GREATEST SINGER in the world.
Susan is such a genuine human being and I love her spirit, her voice, her honesty, her whole persona. If she only knew how much love surrounds her from her audience and from her own aura, she would embrace her journey and not be afraid.
“you raise me up to more than I can be” Such beautiful, wonderful words. Brings tears to my eyes each time I hear it. You are fantastic Susan. You are my hero!
It is so wonderful how the world has loved and get concerned about this this lady Susan Boyle. I love her too. She has pure genuine fantastic voice
I am a former music education teacher and only wish I could sing as well as Susan Boyle. She is a wonderful, genuine person who puts her essence in every note she sings. I, too, am pleased that she is surrounded by caring people that not only care about the music genius that is her voice, but care immensely for her as an individual. A true world treasure.
Susan’s voice lifts me up every time I hear her sing! She is amazing- and how she handles her anxiety is remarkable. Bravo Susan!
She has such a wonderful support team. Amazing how far she has come. May she continue conquering the world and being an inspiration . Much respect and admiration.
December 2019 and I still get goosebumps whenever I hear her first appearance on Britain’s Got Talent. Since that day I have followed her career. The combination of talent and fragility makes Susan such a beautiful and loveable person.
Just found this and I find it so refreshing to see that Susan is surrounded by a loving, supportive group of people. She is amazing and her team genuinely love and protect her.
You’re a beautiful inspiration to many. I love how diverse your fan base is. Keep on going. I understand your anxiety and panic attacks. Prayers and well wishes always for you Susan. Love from Canada!
what an inspiration. Hats off to you Susan! I’m glad to see they didn’t pump her full of pills just to cope. she let her emotions flow when she needed them out. A great story about her journey!
I absolutely adore this precious lady. It breaks my heart when she has a meltdown and cries but i think her emotions and her heart are so huge that it gets overwhelming and she has to let it out. I could listen to her amazing beautiful voice all day.

Susan has one of the most incredible voices I’ve ever heard. I too was picked on and bullied by people that were supposed to be my friends, because I was different. I have suffered for 70 yrs from brain damage due to a difficult birth. Susan has shown me that we’re all of value and have a contribution to offer the world. You go girl !
Wow, she did it. She’s amazing. I wish I could see her live.
She’s such an inspiration. A dream can still come true, even when no one else believes in you, except yourself. Even when all hope is gone, if we can only learn to take that step…no matter what..
A beautiful soul with the voice of an angel and refreshingly human….much love and respect to a brave and inspirational woman
Im just so so happy for you Susan. Just so proud and happy. If anyone deserves a standing ovation its you. Most stars need a cast of thousands to surround them on stage. Snakes and elephants and dancers but its just you and your beautiful voice and we love you.
So glad I found this. Susan will always be a shining example of heart and spirit with the voice of an angel.
Her voice has so much heart in it.
“I’m nervous, but I can’t wait to get out there to show them what I can do,” says Susan. What a gal, what a powerful role model. Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice and spirit, Susan.
I love her.. The voice of an angel..
Nobody wants to say it, or maybe it’s been overlooked. The bullying she’s had to overcome throughout her life is a large part of her self-doubt. Bullying is a very serious issue for kids, never take it for granted.
What a voice. I could never tire of hearing that beautiful silky voice.
She has such a beautiful voice – absolutely golden and comforting and lovely
I just came upon Susan’s moments here yet, I never knew…she is a beautiful singer with a beautiful soul. I pray she is well and is able to grow self-esteem wise along with all other elements needed in order for her to live in peace regardless of her fame which I see never changed her. Beautiful to see this. Susan is a special angel sent to us so that we learn that even the hidden gems shine amongst us. It’s within them to teach us of their brilliance. Thanks for the share and thank you to Susan. 

Bless her heart, love her and I know she can do it! You ROCK
Simply lovely. So inspirational. So humble. So real. Love you Susan! You are a Hero…

performing Live is a challenge to anybody.she is Amazing…. I watched her live on Britain’s got talent on ITV back on 2009.
I lust love this very fine Lady.Her strength is amazing when she knows we are so Loving her amazing voice.Please stay courageous and let us all enjoy your singing.From Tigard,Oregon,USA.
Susan has the most incredibly melodic, smooth, sweet voice.
Love her, she is so precious!!
Never knew Susan had all this anxiety problems. Am so happy she had persisted and triumphed over herself. May you live in peace and happiness.
I love her, her story, her voice, huge fan!
Is it too big for Susan to be a star? She has the voice of an angel. She does not believe what she is worth, if she has a great talent. Her voice is prodigious.
No thank you, Susan! I do not feel you can comprehend what an inspiration you are to so many in our troubled world. You most certainly live the dream. Long may it continue !!
What a triumph! That’s how you get confidence and self-esteem, you work to master obstacles; face fears and conquer them. Well done, Susan. Well done! And kudos to her team who genuinely love and support her.

I love Susan, and can so relate to her in everything.
You changed my life Susan and made me braver than I ever thought I could be. You could never let me down love.

This is one of the most beautiful stories I have ever heard of one’s life.
She’s beautiful from the inside and out . God bless her . God bless US . HIS children. ! Amen 

You are a diamond Susan…… watching you sing gives me so much pleasure to hear you sing in my heart. I have suffered so may anxiety attacks because of stuff I couldn’t control in life…..I thank you x
She is incredible and she is ” The Shining Star” We love you Susan!!! A Huge fan from Canada <3 <3
I love this woman!!
Love the People Around Susan Thank you all of you for the support you give her and Susan Thank you for being what you are a very talented world class singer
If I had the time, I would watch Susan Boyle and listen to her wonderful voice for days and days and only stop to eat and forget the family. I watch everything about her. She is a gift to all of us. thank you Susan.
What a lovely voice!
Que humildad de mujer la admiro a Susan Boyle, me gustaría conocer la no me canso de ver el primer día que cantó y su humildad le cayó la boca a los jueces y el público que bueno
A very real lady and natural born singer. I love her I’m so glad she found her way
Fantastic she has overcome so much she is very strong and a brave woman.. She has a beautiful soul and voice…YHWH bless Susan Boyle
Such an encouraging story about an extraordinary lady! May God continue to shower her with Infinite Blessings!

What a beautiful report ! Susan is extraordinary and I love her so much ! LOVE is the word….. .. 

You are the best Susan Boyle! What an example of self determination! Please give the world the opportunity to enjoy your concerts!
Susan your voice is so beautiful and sweet ….

I love you Susan Boyle ! You came down as a Thunderbolt straight out of left field !
No one else like her!!! I wish her the best that life has to offer. Love you, Susan.
Susan every time I hear you sing I cry All the best to you for many years. Sing girl you are one of Gods Angles
I absolutely love Susan Boyle! I’m so proud of her! She is an inspiration to us all.
Who doesn’t love Susan Boyle! A most amazing beautiful woman with the voice of an angel…such a wonderful inspiration to us all! She cannot do wrong in our eyes because we all love her so much! 

Из России с любовью. Меня тоже потрясла эта женщина, её история и её чарующий голос. В мире много прекрасного- Сьюзан одна из этого. Всем любви и мира.
Susie never give up, you’ll make it. We all have problems in life just be strong ask God’s help and carry on. People love you and your lovely songs, it’s ok to cry I do, when I’m sad.
The part of Susan that I appreciate is her delicate soul and seeing it bloom into comfort and victory on stage. It is something that we don’t get to witness very often in this realm. She so represents that human struggle of humility and knowledge of the frailty within in the midst of what can be an army of judgment and presumption. A fear that many of us face in front of the public. I think of her as my Scottish gem and kindred soul and I pray for her to share that vulnerability unashamedly with the world. It is truly something strange nowadays and enchanting and pure. God bless this lady.
She moves me profoundly. Her past the release of her realiity incredible. to let it out. brave. She is a true maverick.x
Adoro vê vc cantar 

Goosebumps, that’s what I get hearing her sing
Extraordinária Susan Boyle!!… Que artista Fantástica Deus nos deu de presente para termos o privilégio de poder escutá-la!!
Просто душка..никакой надменности…сама простота с очаровательной улыбкой…как я люблю таких людей…
I love you susan dear. You are one of the bravest woman, made your dream come true. you have got a musical education, playing the piano is a great priviledge that helps you be connected to your heart and feelings. your voice is devine. when i first heard you, I felt as if I was standing beside you and want to give you a huge hug, and blessing you. your voice took out my heart of my body, and made it dancing. your are a great angel who came to this planet to revive aching souls. Your voice makes me happy. thanks God for giving you your voice and the good personality.
Susan Boyle, you are an inspiration, a blessing, and truly blessed 

What an amazing voice.The world needs to hear your voice.It’s a gift you can share!
What a star and a phenomenal person she is. So much courage as well, I wish her all the success she truly deserves. God bless her.
Wowza and wowza!! Her voice brings me to tears! I adore her!! God bless Susan!! 


She conquered the globe bcos of her personality spirit and voice
A truly amazing story of overcoming! I love it and I love her voice and her spirit. She is a person fulfilling her destiny!! a genuine inspiration to all who have suffered from bullying, from autism from anxiety disorder, and just the stresses of being human..
She is such a beautiful and lovely person with an amazing voice. I am so grateful she has kept singing hugs and prayers to her!

Congratulations Miss Boyle on your first solo concert. You are awesome. Such a wonderful person. Thank you for sharing your special talent with us all. I very much applaud you.
Lovely voice. We all have Achilles heels. Hers is anxiety and self doubt. She has such a beautiful voice. Wow God gave her such a blessed gift that has given her life such incredible experiences around the world. Wow!!!
An outstanding person with a wonderful voice!
… Ela é meu orgulho. Forte, corajosa e vence todos os dias um pouco. Deus é maravilhoso viu!
I’m adding this to a playlist so I can go back & watch when I need strength and inspiration. Life is so hard for some of us “delicate souls” and I’m glad I’m not alone. Thank you Susan Boyle for taking on the world! 

I LOVE THIS STORY!! Susan gives is all hope that we too can rise above our fears and achieve our dreams!! GOD BLESS YOU SUSAN!! YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO US ALL!! 

Susan, you are such an inspiration to us all. You touch our hearts and souls like no other. When I first heard your voice I was completely in awe. You have such a talent and I thank you for sharing it with us all. You have something no one else could even imagine. You bring this gift to us and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Wish they could make a movie about her it would be AWSOME!!!!!!!!
Susan, just remember to stand when you feel overwhelmed. Breathe deep and it will pass. If it is at all helpful know you are loved and we all want to hear you singing. Your voice is amazing. You have beautiful skin and you scrub up well. Draw your strength from Jesus. Remember Jesus is with you.
Susan, Thank you for showing the world your talent. You sing and look amazing! I know things can seem daunting but you are doing very well working through your anxieties and I applaud you for it. Keep up the good work and never take your gift away from all of us bc you have an amazing voice. You are just wonderful and I hope to hear you one day in concert. Much love to you. You got this! Hugs!
She’s Beautiful inside and out, love her 


I cannot believe the rush of love I feel every time I see this lady! And when I hear her voice my heart soars.
Susan Boyle una gran voz inigualable, se comporta muy bien , cuando comenzo su carrera no sabia que tenia la condicion de aspergen, ahora se controla mejor, amo su voz y la admiro
CHILLS!!!!!!! Dreams really do come true!!!! Thank you Susan for giving the world your song!!
Susan es una persona con un calma precioso,y su voz es fantástica! Deseo para ella , la más Grand Felicidad , del mundo !
le mando un cálido abrazo desde Formentera /Baleares/ España 

What a voice! So happy she’s living the dream she dreamed!!
SUSAN BOYLE”I DREAMED A DREAM” BRITAINS GOT TALENT 2009 (SINGER) (HD) I get goose bumps every times I watch.This performance still gets me in tears! Love your voice, Susan, thank you soo much! Love, hugs and highly respect!
She is a sweet woman. I love her voice. When she sings Wild Horses, I get goosebumps.
I admire her manager he’s kind gentle patient and Andy really cares
Gift from God…love her and her voice.
So down to earth & lovable …. gives one hope for mankind – so many false folks on planet – lack of fellow-feeling – she is such a true blue… wish you Godspeed in all yr endeavours… tks for sharing yr lovely voice with us… great Manager…
Por favor lo suplico, que no sufra, para mí es tan triste verla llorar, no lo merece, nos ha dado momentos tan hermosos, tan tranquilizantes, ha dado cosas tan bonitas, por FAVOR lo suplico, que no sufra.
I love everything about this wonderful LADY!!!!
Thank you Susan for being an icon to people who are autistic and to everyone else too.. you’ve helped prove that we are all worth something and to never quit believing in our dreams x God bless you always x
Susan is a fantastic singer. This documentary was so interesting and informative. Lots of lessons to be taken from to this story.
Susan boyle un ejemplo de mujer…
Bthis is a wonderful story of Susan’s life. She is an amazing person ,I remember the first time she sang on America’s got talent,I’m so proud of her.
There is just something about her voice, beautiful, and emotional.
So triumphant!!! Such a beautiful voice and person !!! You are an inspiration! !!! 

maravilhoso!lindo ela e um grande talento!
Dear Susan do not let anybody push you into a corner about singing the songs that you want to sing do it on your time so that you will not feel anxious love you from America
I remember her appearance on Britain’s Xfactor, she was incredible what a wonderful person she is, is she still still performing today I only she is, she’s amazing.
I loved Susan since I first seen her on BGT…singing “I Dreamed A Dream”….
What a fabulous singer and a wonderful human being, just love this woman.
I am Autistic, and know how hard social situations are. It’s admirable how well she is doing, well done Susan
This is one Amazing Lady and it brings tears to my eyes when l listen to her. Fantastic
I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks since I was 18 years old and I’ve never been able to sing like that!
It’s 2018, Susan … and I STILL can’t live A DAY without hearing your beautiful voice. It calms me, it inspires me, it helps me to focus on what I’m supposed to be doing … just listening to you makes me feel SO GOOD!! I can’t believe you suffer from nerves but I certainly understand anxiety … I can’t sing anything like you can, but I still work at it because I love it. If you only put only 1/4 as much into a live show I’d pay as much to come to see you perform. I love your work, girl … you’re more than good enough, just trust in yourself : ) I think you’re amazing, and you crack me up too. And you are more than perfectly capable. Self confidence is such a struggle, especially for live performers. I can’t wait for you to perform in Australia. Love and admire your work! You’re one lady I’d sincerely love to spend an hour with over a pot of tea. Good luck to you always, Susan Boyle : ) You are NEVER going to go back to an ordinary life or will never have anything ever again. NEVER!! Not even if you really wanted to XXXXX
Susan you have a beautiful voice and you are a special person to all of us! I pray you can overcome your anxiety and keep delivering your great talent and vocals to us! I love you and love listening to you, your a good soul and we support you!
I’m so happy for her success. Love and kisses from America. 

This guy working with her is a gem.
Hermosa voz. Fantastica
Miss Susan Boyle: child, woman, auntie, friend and beautiful soaring bird with an angel’s voice – all in ONE. Thank you for being YOU. Thank you for your courage, and thank you, for sharing your gift.
You have a beautiful voice Susan and from your Manager & all of those who are close & support you l salute you keep doing what your doing you have gone from strength to strength God bless you x
Beautifully gifted woman of God
Go Susan my favorite singer, good luck to you.
You go girl!
She is amazing and very courageous.she has an excellent talent

she is beautiful, inspirational, I LOVE SUSAN!!
you go girl im so glad to have aspergers and glad you went on bgt i was in the audience and i was so pleased i was in tears and cheering like mad you have inspired me soo much your an amazing star and im glad you come from my hometown the lothians well im from edinburgh you are a fab person very down to earth and special you deserve all this and you can do it it totally believe in you xxx
What a superbly put together documentary!!!!!! It really tells a beautiful and very worthwhile story.
Well done Susan and well done your team.
What a great performance of Susan Boyle wins a Golden Buzzer on The Champions AGT!! 

Love her voice.
What a special lady, God has put his hand on you, for such a time as this

Susan became an inspiration for so many because of her willingness to share her journey over the obstacles she was handed as a child. Thank you Susan. A loving nature attracts loving peoples. THAT, is the true wealth and the long lasting blessing.
What a great soul, what a great woman!
Susan you are an incredible lady. You have and perhaps still are overcoming such hurdles. You are and inspiration for all who have eyes to see. May God continue to Bless you. Stay Golden Susan Boyle.
I love Susan! It takes a lot of courage to go on a huge stage, in front of millions of people and amaze them! My heart goes out to her. I pray, that Susan will continue to share her beautiful voice. She touches my soul, as she beautifully conveys her songs.
We love you just like you are, Susan! Don’t ever change! My grandson is on the spectrum. He’s emotional and needs his sleep, too. You rest & take care of you! You’re our role model! You’ve given us hope and we admire you! You’re an Angel.
Voice of an angel

I think this Susan is so cute and blessed with that beautiful voice me and my grandchildren listen to her I’m from America I remember hearing her the first time sing she has got an angelic voice God bless her
What a strong brave woman. I was in tears all the way.
I love you, Susan. You have a God-given talent. He will hold you up when you get scared. Trust Him! I’m behind you all the way!
Why can’t they just equip her with a monitor to look at that has all the words to the songs? That would alleviate a major source of her anxiety. Blessings to you, Susan!
I am being motivated to work towards my dream of becoming an abstract painter, and a poet, she is really an INSPIRATION!!!

Simon Cowel you are a genius! I know your behind not giving up on her! love it! And all u do to inspire people to be themselves and inspire! I am a Nurse and teacher and I sing…I appreciate every second. Autism is just becoming renewed and recognized as a state of mind to help them understand emotions …., that needs tools to help them thru it … simple for one to recognize their special values …thanks Susan for being courageous thru it all! You have Inspired and lit the world on fire!
Many with anxiety disorders do best when left alone and not too prodded by others. As a person with an anxiety disorder all my life, I always do best when people aren’t pushing me or overly protective, whether in a crowd or on one to one. Leave me pretty much alone and that’s when my talents come out. Why,? because I don’t feel pressure or too many expectations or worries from others. That’s when the talent let’s go.
I really hope she continues to do well she is amazing she has so much natural talent I wish you all the best Susan God bless you x
I saw her on the talent show when she started singing I loved her voice and so proud of her achievement hope she will have along career
Susan my favourite. I’m suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. Susan doing her thing. With a voice like an angel.
What an amazing lady. So courageous and a great example.
She’s wonderful she’s the best in the wold I love her so much

Susan thank you for stepping out to do it that first time. We are happy just to hear you sing and we love love and appreciate you. God bless you.
Pretty ?No ! Beautiful ? Yes ! I hope all those who bullied her are standing in long lines waiting for an autograph and a ticket to her show!!!
Excellent documentary!!! I love Susan Boyle herself for her beautiful personality and strength as much as I love her beautiful powerful voice and beautiful story. When you persevere you can still live your dreams and Susan Boyle has finally taken her place among the greats in the music industry. If you listen to her great catalogue of music, every song on every album is masterfully sung by her and backed by an equally masterful production that is perfect for showcasing that wonderful velvet voice. It is so refreshing to hear an artist, old or young , become famous simply because of her singing voice! Never stop singing Susan Boyle, because I want to see you sing live too!!
When I first heard Susan sing on BGT, I was blown away. She is gifted with the voice of an Angel. Learning about her life story & following her rise to success has been such a wonderful adventure. She’s a beautiful lady in every way with a lovely soul & I’m so very proud of all of her accomplishments. She has inspired so many people with her determination & I’m so grateful to all of the individuals who have supported her along the journey. Susan your brilliant talent of singing fills the hearts of your fans with true passion & emotional delight. You are absolutely magnificent! I wish you every blessing, much love & a long successful career! BRAVO!
Susan, Thank you for the beautiful music you created, it will be with the world forever and we wouldn’t have it without YOU! Thank you, thank you!!!
Susan you have a gift, I pray you never stop singing, you make me so happy listening to you sing, I don’t know any other singer that sings like you, your amazing and what a beautiful soul you are . Never give up Susan , please never give up singing. All our love from Ireland 

Susan voice is like an Angel
from Heaven ! You can do this Susan! Everyone loves you!

What a inspiration !!!! Love her so much
Her talent is amazing. She wanted to be a star and it happened. The saying becareful what you ask for is so true for anxiety sufferers.
She is a gift from God. Bless her

I love you Susan Boyle and your angelic voice.. God Bless you more….

A beautiful documentary of struggle and success. When life presents a challenge I find and watch Susan’s first performance to a skeptical audience who fell in love with her with the first note of her song. It still brings a few tears and always gives me strength. Susan is a beautiful and talented woman who is an inspiration to all. She is a gift. 

Amazing, inspiring lady. Good on you Susan xoxo
Having worked with people who have disabilities, I am so amazed at every aspect and level of people who work with Susan to give her the support she needs to be on the medium where she can bring the best of her stellar talents to us. The whole process is inspiring to the max on so many levels. It makes me so happy that she is fulfilling the dream she dreamt. Thank every one of youfrom her personal assistant, coach, all the way to Simon Cowell. It restores your faith in human nature.
Beautiful, beautiful voice!
I feel so bad when she cries she has a great voice and she is special the best
Just let her keep the damn sheet with the lyrics in her hand. I don’t see the big deal, here. It’s obvious her main problem is remembering the words due to her anxiety. God bless her for sharing her angelic voice with the world. Her mum would be so proud of her. <3
She has a beautiful voice
Her voice is ethereal. I love the man working with her. He also has a beautiful voice and a beautiful spirit. They make a great team. Susan just doesn’t personally believe it, but that’s Aspberger’s. It robs her of the ability to see reality as it presents itself.
Miss Boyle…you belong where you are !!! You have the voice of an Angel !!!

I love you Susan! Thank God for your gift you share with us!
Susan, você é tudo de Lindo!!Obrigada pelo fato de nos fazer tão felizes .!!
Te amo muito!!

I am so excited to see her in concert, she was amazing, I want to see her in concert badly, I hope she comes to America for a tour.
She deserves nothing but admiration and respect!!! Her talent is out of this world, as well as her heart!! And her entire team is just amazing with that love they gave her to accomplish!! God is beside her!!! 

keep up the great work. I was moved with this. thank you
Oh what a lady, so much respect for such person, wish we all could share a tiny bit of her humility.
i like the part when she says “ i did couple of mistake though” and he says “ ah that’s fine that’s part of fun!”
She’s amazing!


Susan can have the words with her when she performs: as long as we see her sing!
Susan is amazing.She is so strong now and she has now a great life.I wish her all the best and I want to give her a big hug because Susan has a beautiful soul too. SUSAN I WISH YOU LUCK,LOVE,POWER&AWESOME MOMENTS

Just keep steady Susan, you are Blessed with a Lovely Voice! God’s Gift to share! from Singapore!
I totally enjoy hearing her sing.
Susan you are a wonderful lady with a sweet and precious spirit. Your voice is like the voice of an angel. I pray you gain confidence in who you are and how your gift has inspired many.
Andrew Panton deserves a medal for his patience, professionalism, and knowledge of how to bring the best out of Susan Boyle in the nicest way. Guy is a real pro!
Well for someone who has anxiety in facing and speaking to an audience, she did incredibly great . What an awesome personality.
What an amazing voice and beautiful lady. You are loved so much Susan!
me encanta ver como la maquillan, como la atienden, tanto tiempo sola, ahora con tantas bendiciones
Love her humility and her voice is beautiful as she is..
Susan, when you sing , it is like gold and diamonds start flying out of your throat.
Susan Boyle what a beautiful story and what a beautiful voice you have! Wonderful, your voice makes me cry it is so gorgeous!
I like her voice tsb 07 bgt 

You’re a shining light to all of us who suffer from anxiety and all the other baggage that comes with it. Not to mention I’m a big fan and supporter.
Susan Boyle, God bless you!
Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. You are an inspiration to me and the whole world
Susan es fantastica Me encanta … lastima que soy argentino y no la podre ir a conocer en persona …La verdad
The best singer of all time , is my my openion of this beautifull lady. May God bless her more.
What an accomplishment. Love her. God bless.
She brings memories of Kate Smith ..marvelous voice that you never tire of .
Susan Boyle, you are such an amazing inspiration. You move me on so many levels. I used to say Barbra Streisand was my inspiration as a singer… now I say it is you. Your voice is like velvet. And you are such a gem. Now my dream would be to sing a duet with you. You are lovely.
Amazing voice and woman. Thank you for yours songs.
I could listen to you every day
A gift like that doesn’t let you go until you honor it. And YOU my dear are a woman of honor…humble, authentic, powerful and beautiful.
Awesome !!!! Awesome voice and soul! Love you
we love you as you are, Susan..bless you for your beautiful heart and voice like an angel that lifts so many hearts
susan you are very talented I love your voice you are amazing
She a beautiful soul, I just hope someone is looking out for her finances too! The music industry has a lot of sharks in the water when it comes to true talent and especially those with innocence as she has! Look what happened to Michael Jackson!
What a voice, beautiful.
Such a beautiful heart – brilliant mind – clear soul – I and so many others are grateful to share this wonderful world with you!
I can barely remember my name let alone 25 songs….. You are wonderful SB….actually your bloody fantastic.
A beautiful supper star Susan is going to go down in history well done Susan you are amazing very strong women voice of angel 

Susan Boyle is amazing, keep living the dream xx
I feel so bad for Susan. Her Anxiety
I know how she feels! God Bless her. She’s so Gifted and talented! Blessings to her.

I admire her musical director. He is very patient and compassionate. Susan’s success is greatly influenced by this man.
Love this girl, her struggle

I love singing too. Not as lucky as Susan who is lucky with so much support but my heart’s well wishes to her. Keep going Girl.
Susan you are loved by so many. You have touched so many lives. Let your voice be free, let it soar. You are enough!
Love from America

I have always said Never!!! Give up on your dreams, Susan has showed the world dreams come true
Her friend her manager and Andy are wonderful for her. I’ve seen Susan in concert it is the best moving show I have ever been to. Well done Susan you are my inspiration. Xxx
Thank you Susan Boyles for having tenacity, and overcoming obstacles to make this wonderful journey in touring. The staff, band, and team were lucky to have you on board. See you in Asia!
Such a strong woman to start her singing at her age we can learn many things from her she is a marvelous being such a beautiful voice
Susan, I adore your voice! Will purchase all ur songs!!!

Une belle voix et une belle âme…
She’s such a beautiful person
Smart ,intelligent woman. Pleasant to look at. And singing ability is fantastic.
Susan, you are the dream, and you lift us up. We love you.
Susan you had said before that you are the voice for others whom have found themselves afraid to sing. Maybe lack of confidence or misunderstood. But when you sing you give us all hope. Please never quit. We need you.
There is something really beautiful about Susan.
Susan never, never doubt yourself, you are not only extremely talented, but a good, kind beautiful person with a huge heart. Believe in yourself because we do.
Susan you have such a sweet speaking voice, and absolutely beautiful singing voice. I love listening to you! Please understand that you are good enough. You are so very good! You have a very pretty face and your personality is just adorable.
Beautiful what an amazing woman and sings like an angel. Love you.
She is a true inspiration
You Go Susan! Bless Your Heart!
Susan you are still so humble , precious, funny, lovely and so inspiring!
Susan Boyle is a very very great singer. Does she have any problems, yes, but she is working on it as she grows in her talent. God bless Miss Susan. Sweetheart you can do this.
Respect to you sweet Lady
Such a beautiful voice
what a wonderful manager! amazing
A stunning person full of love and surprise 

I know very well what it means to be bullied and take care of yourself, keep singing

Such a strong woman to start her singing at her age we can learn many things from her she is a marvelous being such a beautiful voice
Susan i believe in you ….you are a amazing person with a amazing voice ….you are real and a superstar but humble ….you have people that love and care for you and you have faced your fears…went after your dreams and accomplished superstardom overnight … got this and you will be fine …just be yourself beautiful lady and go out there and own it ….
I have an anxiety disorder and I can relate to some of what she is going through. She is just so courageous, love you Susan.
Susan, never change YOU are perfect the way YOU are. Please YOURSELF and YOU will be pleasing to the audiences. Bless YOU and have many glorious years of singing.
Beautiful person and lovely voice

I am floored with the Susan Boyle story. Such an amazing woman. The only person she needs to prove anything to is herself. I applaud her friend and co-workers for the patience they have with her. One of my preschool children had Asperger and his parents and I are still friends. He is now 21 years old and he loves to sing, as well. Susan is an inspiration to all. God Bless her even more.
She seems to have conquered her problems.Susan you are wonderful
great video! how could anyone give this beautiful story a thumbs-down?!?!
God Bless her. She has a God given talent. So glad her diagnosis has opened new doors for her.
Such wonderful lady you are Susan. Love you

Watched it many times but still brought me in tears…i love her so much

she’s a living proof that nothing is impossilble in this world…age is just a big dream is to meet her in person
You’re my inspiration and thank you for sharing your dreams

I love you Susan Boyle

Absolutely stunning!! Such courage. And overcoming her obstacles is a real testament to her personal strength. Maybe that courage and strength is an even greater accomplishment, tenacity a real gift, than her phenomenal voice. Anxiety attacks are crippling, paralysing and so often self-defeating. But Susan is a brilliant example of what can be achieved. She is living to her potential and giving so much of herself to inspiring, as well as entertaining, all of us. Bravo Susan. And kudos to all those who surround, support and believe in her.
Susan’s audition for BGT was the reason I started becoming interested in talent shows. Being an aussie I had never heard of the judges or any of the hosts. I have watched her story unfold & find it incredibly frustrating trying to think of something original to compliment her so I won’t, except for a resounding YOU GO GIRL!! This is what can happen when God gives us a gift & we choose to share it with love starting with a solid foundation of doing it for yourself; heart & Soul.
Oh our Beautiful natured Susan, an amazing person and voice , I cried all through watching this, happy tears , you,ve come along way, there will never be another Susan like you, Your a STAR , such a inspiration, Beautiful lady, I wish I could meet you and give you a warm hug love Gill Massey xxxxxxx
Susan, un gusto enorme de haberla conocido através de lo videos Es ud una excelente persona, buena desde adentro, con su familia, amigos y con todos w ud conoce Qué voz mi querida!!! Mis respetos Se merece cada dólar q ganó y sigue ganando No pierda nunca su ser interior Que no la maree el éxito Porque así como va Siga siendo esa persona sencilla que toda su vida fue Todo su público la ama x si humildad y sencillez Alejarse de esa gente tóxica que se aserca a ud para sacarle algo Confíe en sus instintos Dios la cuide en cada paso de su vida Bendiciones 

susan q dios la bendiga es la mujer q tiene la vos mas hermosa. del mundo sus canciones m purifican el alma te amo susam
She is an angel and a diamond
Susan, I love you to Scotland and Back. Your story and life is so moving and I was so touched by your strength and courage. I am so proud of you. I just want to tell you that I too was bullied all through school. I was so humiliated when two girls packed me into the trash can during lunch, butt first. I was stuck. Everyone laughed and no one helped me. Somehow, I over came that childhood trauma and grew strong and confident with the help of my dog and horse.
Hermosa, te amamos!
You are wonderful. Bravo. Never give up. 


Susan Boyle is the best. I didn’t know her back story. Congrats to you Sweet Pea !! Best smooth voice and delivery. Thank you.
Beautiful Susan Boyle!!!!
It’s fine. She is such an amazing Voice, One song to hear is good enough for me. Her Voice is from God and heaven. She can crack up and I will hug her up!!! One note is plenty from that angel voice! Never heard any thing like it. Suzie you are amazing . I don’t care if,you go home, cause I still come back !! You are tremendous. You don’t need,to do much! I’d take the risk, and I’d still come back. If you have panick, I want to run up to hug you up, just to walk you out. You could try 20 times, and I’d still scream yay,..all day…You are so rare !!! I’m sorry you had to have so much magic from heaven above. I don’t know how that happened within you. It’s wooooowww. Just cry sweetie…i loved you !! I can’t wait,to hug you. I’m sorry, you are so magical…i just love your anxiety too. I love it all. Susan, I love it all. The greats have the most anxiety. All the greats have it, cause they are way ahead of most. Hun I ciphered a bible code from anxiety. It is because there is such concern for others. It shows God seriously brought you. It’s the hard part of it. Heaven isn’t like earth. It’s tough here. You know. Nothing’s wrong. The world’s wars, etc., are far overwhelming. They can call it whatever. But love is difficult for others, they term, those who love, so much. Asburgers.?..Ok. Susan, this world is broken, and angels sent you. Yes, it’s difficult. They don’t know. They can’t, they have 1/3, of the brain and 1 billionth of the senses. It’s very sad. You are way ahead, they cannot know. Your voice, hints at, the heart,…the way it should sound inside of all. Your voice isn’t a commercial product it’s just a heavenly thing. Commerce, and money can never comprehend such….its not of the world Susan. But then few comprehend scripture. You go girl. We are surely blessed, with you. God uses, the most humble, to do his bring his realm, through. Why? He want them to know love, not money. He wants their heart to hear, not their wallets. You will be the sweet angel that brought a gift, freely, all will throw money for one note. They will comprehend the message, have patience. You have nothing to do. You already brought what he gave, through you. Wooooooooowwww ! No your not alone !!!! I hear your heart and love your heart !!!! They are melting !!! You just do that. Toooo Much !!!!!!! Unreal ! Who does that ?????? You , only you !!! What a, story !! You are freeing many, blessing many. What a woman !!! So loved, are you. Susan our teacher !!!!!!!!! Inspiration !!!!!! Inspiration !!!!!
She seemed so natural on stage during those “Britain’s Got Talent” shows, I never would’ve thought she felt so much anxiety and stage fright. Her sudden rise to fame and complete change in lifestyle must have been very stressful. I would love to see and hear more of her! Her voice is so clear. I hope, for her sake, her agent doesn’t overdo it and treat her the way Colonel Tom Parker treated his only commodity, Elvis Presley…who was the only money maker for the Colonel!
Bless you I love your honesty your a real person I know anxiety and it crippling you are so brave.
In 2009 she sang with a live orchestra on Americas got talent final
She is an inspiration….
Credit should also go to the management and mentor/coach of Susan. Without these experts, reaching for our dreams would be a tough road to take alone.
So generous and amazing of her to let the world see how stressful and difficult reality behind the stage is for her, instead of like most showing the glamour and ” perfection”, a life of pretence and illusion because behind doors it is based on drug abuse and dysfunctional relationships to be able to cope.
I never saw this. she a very inspirational person.
I can only imagine her voice singing Whitney Houston’s I will always love you
We love her because she is a genuine humble ordinary non proud woman. She’s lovely and a great singer
I truly believe that Susan is a “hero” for overcoming her anxiety BY HERSELF!! She has been beaten down all her life but SHE KNOWS HERSELF and knows she is strong enough to cope. Not sure her medical team have done what’s best for her – but sooo glad SHE is strong enough to do it for HERSELF. Stay strong Susan. Millions love you and your voice. If you need to take a break, take it – we will be here for you when YOU are ready.
Shes got such a pure voice and she looked SOOOO pretty in that green dress!
Me gustaria que pusieran aunque sea subtitulos en español,la admiro mucho ,pero no se ingles,gracias.
I can’t stop crying dear Suzan! God bless you!!!!
i love your voice susan ..i could sit and listen to you all day …beautiful 🙂 love from CANADA
A.Maze.zing!!! Unbelievable ! Love love Susan !
I love her voice I may be late but I’m in 2020 for this covid-19
She, has, an angelic voice Overcome it Her anxieties
What a lovely voice dont cry Susan your gifted
I wouldn’t say ANYTHING kills her dreams, not EVEN life.
I love you Susan Boyle!!!
Good luck Susan always enjoy your singing what ever the song you can make them lively.GOD BLESS you always keep your head up be strong you have a fabulous future.
I love her so much such a sweethearts person 

The damage from bullies run deeper than any ocean. Yet the voice of the angels come through Susan as if to say, fear not, for I am with thee
Poor thing. I’ve suffered crippling anxiety all my life. It’s horrible. I’m so glad she overcame it!
This is a picture in courage. She is a story of struggle and overcoming tragic events in her life. Endless bravos to this fine lady. It is also a story of what you see is not necessarily what you get. AGT judges rolled their eyes when when she came onstage and within 3 bars of her song, she proved what I just said. She should have won AGT that season. She was robbed for what.. a group of so so dancers or whatever!
Che tenerezza!Bravissima,meravigliosa,autentica,super!

Susan is such a strong lady she’s definitely much stronger than she knows or gives herself credit for. I sang in lots of talent shows in pubs and clubs in the 90’s and I won all but two I was asked to sing for people that were in the business with Louis Walsh but I couldn’t I was too nervous and it was bad nerves. I ofter wonder if I could of done it would anything of ever came out of it, but I’ll never know. That’s why I admire Susan having the nerve to do exactly what she always wanted to do,, she is an amazing woman and I wish her all the best. She is an inspiration to so many people 

What a lady. This is an awesome woman. Despite her self described challenges she bloody shines. God doesn’t give us many of these world legends, rarely more than a handful per generation. Please keep her safe, happy and loved.
And this is an incredible woman, Susan make songs sound better than the song writers and original singers Come on Susan get down to Melbourne
Susan Boyle you are a shining star!
To more than I can be, u raise me up and up. Inspirational through and through. I
What a lovely , uplifting look into a lovely woman’s life. Her laugh is so beautiful! I think she should enjoy some comedy and fun . And not focus so much on the hardships! And those around should be a little less serious. Have fun and enjoy the adventure. God bless Susan Boyle and her amazing friends and fans!! And her singing knocks me out! 

sweet sweet girl may the magic always be with ya!!!!!
You are my favoriter,Susan, I love your singing.”….You have a wonderful Voice and have much to give us….HOLD ON, GOD BLESS YOU !!
what a great song susan boyle does a wonderfull job with it
Bless her she gets so upset if she gets a minor fault in singing but to my ears it’s all great
10 лет назад я плакала, слушая этого Ангела. И до сих пор не могу без слез Ее слушать и смотреть, хотя понимаю на английском уже мало (учила давно в школе). Она Золушка всего мира, ставшая Принцессой. Дай ей Бог больше радости в жизни и успехов.
Its freakin scary singing in front of a bunch of people. My god I know how she feels. Poor thing. Shes got more talent than most people have in their little finger. She has another thing I wish I had- Courage! Lots of courage! 

This video of Susan is brilliant. Thank you
God Bless Susan, this is Fakt. God is good. I am so Happy for her

It is a great performance thanks for sharing.

Susan you are an amazing lady be proud of your self
What amazin soul. She amazing
Her vulnerability is what makes her voice so tenderly angelic.
Love ya susan. Wish i could meet u. Beautiful voice. A child of our most high Father. You are so good on stage and off. Proud of you. You are going far. You may not know it. But u are a beakon in the light.
Thank-you Susan for being you lots of blessings
Not good enough you say? Susan , you are the best in this world!
Loved you singing “Wild Horses”
Susan Boyle, we sing in a choir in Fife, WE

Her manager did a wonderful job of reducing her anxiety while under such pressure.
Susan eres brillante
Hi Susan, oh my; I love to hear you sing. Sing on, girl. Don’t be afraid. Be brave. God will be there with you.
Inspirational! From Grand Rapids Michigan USA 🇺🇸
The first time i watch Susan in audition … I can see something will be rise ! From darkness to light and this real ! Now, she have a super star from zero to hero! Love my inspiration ! Every one burn to star !
I believe in you. I know you can do whatever you want. I love how you have remained yourself throughout your meteoric rise to fame. And don’t you just think it’s poetic justice that the person who was bullied and mistreated as a child goes on to be a SuperStar?!?!!! Sending you love and light in the hours of the evening when you feel most alone.

[I am okay!] Will, Dear Susan, you are far, far greater than okay… We love your voice and we are praying for you….
May God protect you, sweet Susan.
God bless you,Best Sctotish singer ever we are all so blessed to have you & you’re music ,

You worry on letting others down, you have lifted others up. There is no one out there, that won’t hit nerves. You have shown the world how to overcome life’s hurdles. Different to all. None on the level your dealing with in performing. Scotland, your family, the world salutes you girl x We believe in you


Eine einzigartige Persönlichkeit. Wie so viele Genies mit einzigartigen Schwächen. Schwierig und gerade deswegen sehr liebenswert. Alles Gute Susan.
I love susan 

Dear Suzan, you have proved it and you are an inspiration. Do what you enjoy & we’ll enjoy it too!
Susan can sing the songs with the words in a concert. As long as she sings the songs with her lovely voice.
Why not discover at her early age? Amazing voice you are great susan boyle
A touching tribute – for sure!
She is from God bless woman with her voice and her heart.
I think wea should look up to this lady who is also a honest soul in all matters
Merveilleuse et courageuse Susan ! Heureusement qu’elle était bien entourée avec cet homme si gentil et patient qui a su lui donner confiance en elle et l’aider à se détendre afin de ne pas craquer complètement. Reportage très émouvant Acceptez les autres et surtout vos enfants tels qu’ils sont sans vouloir les changer car ils ont en eux des valeurs insoupçonnées. * Etre compris, c’est être pris pour ce que l’on est et accepté ainsi Natalia Ginzburz *
You are awesome, Susan!
Parents: Please never, ever limit your child’s possibilities due to “diagnoses” . Too often the child is condemned to a life created by others.
What a voice
Awwwww I love you Susan. What a beautiful human being. 

Every song is perfect for.your beautiful voice
Te amo Susan boyle ..Bobby Lima Peru
You are a big inspiration Susan Boyle I love you God Bless You. Susan your voice is a DIAMOND 

I love you so much. Whit love from Amsterdam The Netherlands Esther . Thanks for posting

I love Susan Boyle singing that wee lady went though hard times God had a plan for her and we all know the plan A SINGER SUSAN KEEP SINGING GOD BLESS U AND ALL THE BEST XX
I love you Susan God bless you You are the best


Susan has nothing to be anxious about. She has a beautiful voice in a beautiful person. People love her and will support her. The only thing she needs help with is her hair.
I liked the green dress.

Traducción al español latino por favor!!!
We love you Susan just as you are you are beautiful inside and out xxx
Susie my friend it will get easier u r making me cry. I know how hard it is to do that. To remember all the words. So scary. But u Susan are accepted and loved already. It doesn’t have to be perfect the 1st time. God is with u and so am I my friend u will rock that stage that I know. U r loved.
She is so unassuming , she shops for her dresses at a regular store we would shop at . She is an adorable lady, just down to earth and has the voice of an angel , and uses it to inspire us , especially when we are down, her songs lift you up and makes you feel so much better I pray Heavenly Father continues to bless her . Her voice is magical
I would love to have a voice like yours, the world loves you give it heaps.
She is so beautiful
Susan, your life did not kill your dream, your dream became your life!!!! I know you couldn’t appreciate more the people who believed in you and helped it come true!!…Makes me love you more!!
I think that what she needs is to have at least one of bullies from her past apologize to her so she can move on. She needs that closure in her life so she can overcome her fears n be able to see her mom presence in every concert.
I have been blown away with Susan Boyle , she is special ,
Susan, when you stand in front of an audience think about you are singing to the God who gave that beautiful voice to share it with others. You are a special person and God loves you so very much. We think you have a voice that can expire so many. We watch Christmas Candle at church Sunday.we all loved it . Continue to give others happiness through your singing. Love you.Chrystal Ellerbee in OH
Ive always been like this, all my life, but it got alot worse when I gained all this weight. I blew off my Show time to sing at Americas Got Talent November 19th, 2019 in Kentucky, please if anyone see’s this please Pray for me. I use to sing in our Family Band The Country Sunshine Band I wrote Copyrighted, arranged, & sang 2 songs in Nashville, TN I hope to one day meet Susan Boyal, maybe we could help each other … just a thought…my first name is Debbie…
One thing about having an anxiety disorder, as I have too all my life, is that we’re extra hard on ourselves.
Her story just brings me to tears.
Susan, YOU are one of me heroes! My best!~L <3
she is strong…….its not an easy emotional collapse for her to tear.herself frm… her anxiety caused by cruel ppl who kept on pressing her to inferiority four decades she has been pressed to d bottom…..many r like her……
Simply…inspiring. and bloody Fantastic!
She is BRILLIANT and UNBELIEVABLE…. Susan always stay who you are and surround yourself with loving people and you will be just fine… dont’t forget to enjoy the ride and every moment 

Susan you are amazing I love you so much.
I think it would help her to rely more on prayer and quiet time with The Lord. Maybe people who would pray with her when she feels weak. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and her talent needs to be used to glorify her creator
One word .. inspirational
Incredible, fabulous, remarkable, don’t come close in fact there isn’t a word for it ALL I can sayis thankyou
What a gift.
Susan is AWESOME
What is said behind your back does not concern you. Before judging they should look at themselves in the mirror. You are beautiful inside and out. Susan I know you can do it; whatever it is you want to do. You are worth a lot because you were meant to sing and sing you will. The world needs you to make it a better place by your singing. Love ya, with all my heart.
I love you Susan, you are the best, from Canada.
Totally amazing just and beautiful love from Glasgow xo
She’s so down to earth hasn’t let fame and money change her
‘ I don’t think that’s a fair appraisal of Susan’s emotional state ‘ I feel it’s more about a childhood without positive input …and reinforcement … It’s normal to have anxiety when you feel that your full of self doubt … Clearly Susan has amazing talent and as time goes by and with positive self talk and belief these behaviours will become a far distant memory … Blessings to you sweet lady … You bring so much to so many 

Susan you have to believe in yourself.,..your a champion ..proven.
let her have the words! Her fans will fully support her!
At 9:25 I just wanted to jump through the screen and Hug Susan…it was clear she needed a hug. Wish he would have hugged her. Such an Amazing woman and such an Inspiration!
Susan Boyle ist einfach unbeschreiblich sympathisch und ihre Stimme bringt Gläser zum klirren.Und vor allem ist sie trotz ihres Ruhm’s bescheiden geblieben und ihr Humor ist einfach wunderbar.Danke Susan !
My God ,big up yourself for even stepping on stage with such a massive crowd , if i did manage to step out there my bowel muscles would go loose and I’d shit my pants right there
Susan is and always will be tremendously awe-inspiring; the embodiment of the Word… Matthew 20:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 “So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many shall be called, but few chosen.” And she achieved it in just 9 seconds into her song during her audition on Britain’s Got Talent. A furiously faithfull follower of Christ, undefiled, (pure; a virgin), she walked out on that stage at the extreme bottom of the barrel and exited it at the very top. She was introduced to the world as an overweight, extremely homely (of a person) unattractive in appearance, middle-aged spinster who understandably had “never been kissed”, but by the time she exited that stage, she had somehow morphed into a new vision. Our petty eyes were opened and we felt ashamed for pre-judging this painfully shy, gentle lady with a kind heart and the voice of an angel. Her BGT audition video remains my favorite video of all time, not only for the aforementioned, but for the amazing show of strength she demonstrated while making the audition itself. Leaving her little village, she packed a lunch and began her journey, via public transportation. However, she mistakenly transferred onto a bus heading in the wrong direction. If that were me, I’d have packed up my Aspergers Syndrome and returned home, content on having at least tried. Susan, on the other hand, corrected the mistake and went on to becoming a heroine for people across the globe. Susan made her first journey to the BGT auditions alone and in secret. Now, she lives and, if she chooses, travels with the love of millions throughout the world. How dare it be said that she is in a position of a needed comeback! One needs to remember that Susan’s stardom came later in life. It’s unrealistic to expect a 20 or 30 year career. But one had best believe that, while every song or album may not shatter the charts, Susan can show up anywhere at any time and still command a sold out stadium of fans. She has achieved that which she said she wanted to acheive. And even if she never makes another album, she will always be the only person in the history of mankind to acheive what she has, how she has. I am so fortunate, along with millions of others, to have been alive to witness her historical and, indeed, phenomenal rise to the top. Absolutely insane…. We love you, dear Susan. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving soul. 

Susan Boyle ist einfach wundervoll..ich werde nie ihren ersten Auftritt vergessen Sie wurde nicht ernstgenommen Aber sie ist stark und mutig Die Beste von Allen …
Happy for her and glad she has the support of many…..especially her best friend , Lorraine. 🙂 ! !!!!!!!!!!!
Susan,The world loves you.Even if you had to walk off stage for any reason you audience would still love you.It would be forgotten.Just be happy with your life!! And try real hard not to be hard on yourself.My family are real proud of you I know this does not mean much but we can relate to some of the same things in our family.
Yes Susan ..You are the professional singer in the world..
This doco…,You Susan have moved me to tears.
Susan you could sing the phone book and it would sound beautiful. You are amazing kind humble genuine You have no idea how beautiful you are in every way All you have to do is be exactly who you are!!!!!
Susan listening your first audition has become my ritual I love you my angel.
2018 Hello,Susan SoTalentefit must have been hell for you before you did BGT…..knowing you had a good singing. voice and watching others who couldn’t sing out of a tea cup become successful I’m so glad some1 pushed you to do Britain’s got talent ….Susan there is no rush in meeting other peoples expectations .
God is always watching you Susan Boyle
If ever I am blessed to visit the UK, the person I would absolutely love to meet is the UK’s most royal person- who is Susan Boyle. I live in the Caribbean.
The dress with the white collar looks very nice on Susan
Ae fond kiss, my favourite Burns song. Go for it, Susan, you are beautiful inside and out.

Susan, I want you to know that I understand cus I have Asperger’s, too, and I’m a singer, too. I never had enough courage though, as you have to go in front of audiences in talent shows or anything. You don’t have to worry. You’ve got this. And for times when you self-doubt, you can come into groups for autism to gain that needed support, online, on Facebook or elsewhere, to be able to contine onward, better.

Susan and Sam Baily are my favorite.
I cry when i watch her audition, and I hope the money doesn’t harm her silly charm.
Read her book… lovely peep….Godspeed lady…you are such a kind & down-to-earth human being… your Two Agent/Managers are marvelous… truly angelic voice…
Ein großes Talent versteckt hinter einem normalen Menschen. Wow…
Eres genial
Oh,Icould listen to this beautiful voice and even more gorgeous woman.Believe in your self,you courageous,honest,truly a delight.
I admire Susan for facing her fears she is such a role model. It breaks my heart to hear her cry. I wish the best for her. I have followed her fabulous career since BGT. I have all her albums and listen to them everyday and am so joyful hearing her Angelic voice. Please stay safe during this unprecedented pandemic of 2020. God Bless. Lots of love from the USA.

God bless her.
d habitude j aime les chansons francaises , mais la voix angelique de Susan Boyle m a seduite , je l ecoute les yeux fermes , elle me transporte
Susan you do not have to prove anything, anymore, just be yourself
She is so human, the world need people like her.everything has to be unatural perfect.we need a reminder that its not necessery to be perfect to be good enough..she has a wonderful voice, down to earth and innocent like a child.
I love you Susan. Ich wünsche Dir alles Glück dieser Welt und Gottes Segen. 

What is Susan doing now?She is a nice lady with a beautiful voice. I pray God will heal her of the anxiety.
Well done Susan are a STAR xx
Susan ist ein Schatz, hat eine Engelsstimme, ist so natürlich und eine schöne Frau. Sie hat sich so toll entwickelt.

Inferior! Please don’t ever use that word again. Susan, you are a shining star in this crazy world! An inspiration to so many who feel inferior because of bullying. Carry on bright star – shine your light on the world and know you are so loved.


Susan you have a voice of an Angel. Jesus loves you and you should use your voice to sing His beautiful music too. God bless you
Susan, I think your voice is a gift from God… smile and picture every one in the audience in their underwear…
Amazing Susan Boyle
just love her i have a problem somewhat like her the little things makes me cry don’t no if it is feeling or what sad things and music to movies a lot of things do it to me God bless her and everyone all over the world
Love you Susan
I love you Susan
Susan, let the audience welcome u and allow them to calm u before u begin singing. Remember u r the star and cry a bit allow it out then as u would say get on with it. U just have to show up. The rest will happen. Love u
Miss Sue, your humbleness makes you so much more beautiful !! Put on a beautiful sparkling dress and blow their minds !!
I’m so happy to have listened to ur success and challenges. So I’m not alone. Luv u
I totally understand what you are going through. I have suffered anxiety & panic attacks & not feeling good enough. When I started taking medication my family made it out to be something bad & tried to shame me onto not taking meds. Well I am happy to say I still take my meds plus I have learned to handle it with natural methods. God has given me,me & I don’t want to be anyone else. I am 99.90/0, better than I have ever been. God gave you a beautiful gift, & you are great! Hang in there, you’re fantastic & so funny!!! Love you lady!! Vickie Jones from Arkansas, USA!
Sei fantastica Susan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Jesus, for Susan’s everything !

She is God’s gift to the world
woawww she’s amazing
Iloveyou Susan youre incredible one of a kind , one and only!!!!!
Gives me chill when see sings
I live in Houston….. I didn’t know she was here. But I have Susan in concert with me often when I get in my vehicle and turn up the volume on her CDs.
God bless u Susan love from Guyana
she is very wise.
God bless you.

What a wonderful person, Hope peoples not taking advantage of her.
Susan you’re a dream! God gifted you with such a voice that there is no comparison,,, You are what a true star is ,,,you don’t care about the money you don’t care about the fame,,,you did this for you,,,,,,YOU could be my best friend,,,,,,,,,,just sitting chatting playing with the cats and sipping tea,,,,,You showed your heart when u set in your kitchen doing hair makeup just like “us” no need for artists just a sink and a towel, God love and keep you safe within his hands,,,you definitely have a place in the angels choir!
A’mari “DJ Mona-Lisa”
Why not use a teleprompter? Susan, just talk to your audience between songs, relax and you will feel our love.
just amazing
She came to Charleston, SC and was terrific! New hairstyle, nrw wardrobe, strong voice..we stomped and cheered but she had to go. Come baaack!
They should hire her girl friends to be professional friends and hang out with her. Or even several ladies her age to tour with her. Wow what a missed opportunity. Professionals to teach and support her. Vitamin regimen, exercising and food management within reason. She’s a beautiful spirit! Not such young people who don’t have the compassion she needs. She CAN do it!
Dear Susan You are an angel from heaven. Keep the faith. Maybe one day you can record songs of faith. That would be very lovely. God bless you.
God bless her
I Love Susan so much my God BLESS Susan always. Let her just make records i the stain is too much live.
Grace has found a jewel I’m proud to have met a part of u through this video. Wow.
je dois dire bravo Susan vous avais beaucoup de courage je vous envoie gros bisous Mag
Jesus, just. Give her a hug!!! She looks like she needs one ! How many hugs has she had in her life. The problem is people with anxiety issues, can use all kinds of tactics, verbal or physical to hide their anxiety!
Dear Suzan! You Amazing People!!
I dont think u can do this, u can do this.
My mother was a singer and convinced me that I “couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.” I grew up and became a DJ and supported the new singers as I found them. I found my place, in that I knew how to talk to and interview them on the air. I loved my job and my job seemed to love me. On Mother’s Day I did a tribute to mothers while my Mother was live on the phone. The phone crashed and my Dad picked it up to hear me give a Mother’s Day Tribute and he heard me give a thumbs up to all the Dad’s who had to step in once in a while to fill Mother’s shoes. When the station break came, I thanked Dad for standing in, again. I promised we would finish our talk tomorrow when I was not on the air. Then I heard the truth. Mom just simply dropped the phone and walked away. Her actions convinced me what I always seemed to know, that she did not want my brother or I to be more successful than she was. She could not see it as a plus or be happy for our success. So, In my own life, I always made my children believe in themselves and they could do anything in life as long as they were willing to pay the price; but in the time that it takes to see success. My six children all became successful in their adulthood in the field they chose. Well adjusted, happy, and setting a good example for their children. You just can’t beat that kind of success!
And God reached down and said, I choose you
The queen might request a private audience for the royal family with Susan
Susan, so many people suffer from anxiety and panic : Including me!! I’d love to share some techniques for you to try – cost free. Although you’ve manage success without public performance….imagine if it never had to be a question!! I promise, it’s never gone entirely, but feeling you have some control will help!
Susan You are a beatiful person with Angel. I admire You.
I love you so much ♡ I love your heart
and your soul

Her and Celine Dion should team up…Celine could help her so much!!!
Personally, I have an acquired brain injury because I was hit by a car when I was eleven. Far too many people assume since it damaged my brain that I’m stupid and start talking to me as if I were a three year old. I get emotional quite easy because of the damage so I can relate in some ways but I literally have no idea what she’s going through. I burst into tears when I’m embarrassed. And again, I have no idea what it’s like for her. Not to mention how many years she’s kept to herself and then thrust into the world where all focus is on her.
Bravo, Susan bravo
Very Inspiring Story and Journey
l love her susa boyle
Close your eyes and transport yourself to a beautiful place , blue sky’s with a lot of angel holding you . Because it’s true. You are a daughter of God with a voice that takes people to a beautiful place.

Susan i am your personal cheerleader. WAY TO GO. . SUSAN … COLOUR THE WORLD WITH HOPE… YAAAAAAAY!!!!!
Performing Live is quite nice, (and stress), but not necessary. I prefer to hear much more cover songs: she’s able to beat the original!
.. I’m breathless if she’s doing this. It’s like understanding an old song for the first time!
Nearly nobody is able to do this.

Susan and Loraine… BFF Best Friend Forever.. Love for both of you

Susan, I hear you, I think you have a beautiful voice. Imagine the suport you have around helping you to succssede. But you have a special blessing Heavinly Father bestowed upon you: you voice. It’s like a sound of a river of cristal. Please, try new challenges, you are wonderful . You have to believe you can. I really had my challenges too, but not special gifts like you. Nobody is perfect, nobody. Everybody have their fears.. Just close your eyes when you start
Why this poor lady is suffering and a dog would help her. I was injured in the Toronto SARS outbreak and could not venture outside for more than two years because I had to live in a closet from the crippling anxiety and PTSD. From the moment, I started working with a dog I gain some weight because I was just bones and now I am in university doing a masters degree with my dog.
Thankyou for sharing with us all the weaknesses and the final results thankyou again, it helps our journeys.
I am smiling ear to ear! She’s such a Beautiful Soul! I to have very bad panic attack’s! God bless you Susan!
ce que je vois c’est une femme au grand cœur et très seule avec beaucoup de vautours
Excellent watch! Perseverance!
She needs to do daily yoga and meditation, it helps with anxiety.
Merci Madame,vous m accompagnez chaque jour de ma vie. Aicha En Gironde France
Great documentary.
i am a shut in, and you make my life bearable
love u Susan all happiness be yours
I always thought that everybod was more inteligent than me. I suffered a lot. But I started you feel better since I came to America. And learned that women have a place in the society society and you don’t have to be the best. You are you !!!!!!
susan, i understand and i love you ,, you are blessed to have your friend and all the caring people i get like that, i understand , love you dearly, peace to you,
Why would they not start her practising with a live band months before a tour, instead of two days.
susan, we love you
She should really join small concerts first to make herself use to it. She is shock.
DUDE, she needed you to hug her, not come at her with fuckin LOGIC. An arm around her shoulder would have done wonders. Susan dear you need to surround yourself with people who get this about you. “Big Star” means PRESSURE, so you need balance to that. Your voice is so beautiful, made me cry when you san Les Miserables that first time. I’m a singer too, and it’s a song I now have as a new goal. Used to sing rock, and probably still will, but beauty is something I’ve been afraid of…and you make it accessible. You are something to behold when you align with your gift.
This is a real man
Lorraine is wonderful and such a good friend.
I love her hair up.
Susan does Not need a come back. SHE NEVER left. Her ethics her true gentle soul are all she needs to be Susan.. Leave her alone… She is a bright star forever.. She is smart and Real.
I feel so many of the people working with her are uncomfortable with her breakdowns. As if they’s only being semi patient because they’re being filmed. I hope that’s not the case, I hope she really does have friends who have her back.

I know you must get tons of compliments l just don’t now if you read them all. I watched you right from the first time you sang I have a dream. Everytime I watch you I get such butterflies you are an inspiration to so many people. This is one story that will be made into a movie it is so beautiful to see what you have achieved its brilliant and so heart warming Susan I pray that one day I would be honored to meet such a beautiful woman as you. It’s the best story of all time and you should be so proud for such great accomplishment congratulations its a honor to watch you this is all the way from Cape Town South Africa
You are an absolute success, your singing isn’t even the tip. My son(25) has Asperger’s Syndrome,too. Just the fact that you are capable of speech, self care & have some connection to other’s is a Huge success. Your gift of song shows all you have depth of character and passion and beauty. My son to has a high IQ as well. When leaving high school, he went straight into University he wanted to be a History Professor. However, he couldn’t preform in that environment. He like your father works a job that’s physically demanding but still has a thirst for history. He looked up all the elite college’s and took their syllables and supportive books and videos. Using an audio books with one earbud as he toils away with such physically demanding mindless work he listens. He left school at 18; he could receive his Master’s degree in history, based on tests he found and taken. Asperger’s Syndrome,is a challenge but it’s a gift too. You are beautiful inside and out, thank you for sharing your gift with the world. Peace be with you.

We are all with you and a hundred times over and a hundred times again are with you on the other side the veil … all your families …
The one video is either when she was a child or she got made up the best. I love your new look girl……
Susan your brilliant be not afraid, he goes before you always just follow him he will give you strenth the Father Son Holy Spirit
I love you Suzan. I am praying for God to give me a chance to invite you for dinner someday. My wish is to meet you someday.
I like you susan
How lovely is her support manager.
I’d love to meet her.
Cindy Trethewey
3 jaar geleden